I don't have a teacher. This is great to hear a teacher read a simple story and explain it in Latin, and with visuals too. That makes it pretty "comprehensible" THANK YOU 🙂
Heri hoc spatium colendae latinitatis interretiale cognovi et id iam amo! Quotidie res illius audio et mihi valde bene faciunt! Gratias ago maximas! Vale!
Latin is still the coolest sounding language. I switched to French, because I had it in college, and there are so many ways to learn it on my own, but, I should try learning Latin again too, and there's so much worth reading in Latin. the ancients were much wiser than the somnambulating fools were surrounded by today.
Learning Latin is really the most interesting thing I can think of: just think of being able to read comedy and love poetry from antiquity, miraculous stories from the middle ages, descriptions of new discoveries and lands from the 16th century all in one and the same language. It’s a never ending source of fascination and learning. Nowadays it’s easier that its been to learn latin well: here on yt and elsewhere. Check out our Latin learning app Legentibus with lots of beginner friendly stories (always based on historical sources), textbooks and literature: legentibus.app.
The way you structured this video is extremely helpful: comparing similar constructions, giving a plethora of synonyms, sharing background for context. Thank you!
Quam iucunda schola, gratias dico tibi! Numquam exspectaveram unicam causam postestatis gloriaeque Romanorum tam exiguam esse. Sed ut Indi bene noverunt vaccas comites deorum esse...
Ante verbum quod "well, etc" anglice dictum in verbum latinum converterat anquirebam sed id non inveni. Sed verbo "bene" sic te uti animadverto. Utrum hic usus huius verbi tempore Caesaris et Ciceronis esset non scio. Sed te auctoritate ego hoc significatione verbi utar. Sed pro dictata et usu verbi "bene", modo duplici tibi gratiam ago.
Parvula vocabula tamquam transitoria et sermonis propria (discursive markers etc) huius generis cum difficultate e litteris quae nobis extant erui possunt. Illud "bene" non apud scriptores invenias, eo sensu (quantum scio). Hoc unum est incommodum ex pluribus quod nobis qui latine loqui studemus ferendum est: quaedam sciri non posse.
I don't have a teacher. This is great to hear a teacher read a simple story and explain it in Latin, and with visuals too. That makes it pretty "comprehensible" THANK YOU 🙂
Glad it was helpful!
Bene explicavisti! Pelliculae huius modi vero utiles sunt ad linguam discendam. 👌
Gaudeo istuc legere! Benigne fecisti quod scripsisti!
Heri hoc spatium colendae latinitatis interretiale cognovi et id iam amo! Quotidie res illius audio et mihi valde bene faciunt! Gratias ago maximas! Vale!
Latin is still the coolest sounding language. I switched to French, because I had it in college, and there are so many ways to learn it on my own, but, I should try learning Latin again too, and there's so much worth reading in Latin. the ancients were much wiser than the somnambulating fools were surrounded by today.
Learning Latin is really the most interesting thing I can think of: just think of being able to read comedy and love poetry from antiquity, miraculous stories from the middle ages, descriptions of new discoveries and lands from the 16th century all in one and the same language. It’s a never ending source of fascination and learning.
Nowadays it’s easier that its been to learn latin well: here on yt and elsewhere. Check out our Latin learning app Legentibus with lots of beginner friendly stories (always based on historical sources), textbooks and literature: legentibus.app.
The way you structured this video is extremely helpful: comparing similar constructions, giving a plethora of synonyms, sharing background for context. Thank you!
Thank you! I’m glad to hear that!
There's nothing better to watch this video after a tiring day. Grātiām tibī ago!
That’s great to hear! Thank you!
This is marvelous. Great choice of story. Wonderful parsing into completely comprehesible Latin. Thanks, a ton
Glad you enjoyed it!
5:49 That "muuu" caught me off guard 🤣
Thank you!
Primō lectō sensum latum intellegī, sed post explicatiōnem tuam OMNIA perspicua sunt. Grātiās agō, magister! 😃
Optime hercle nuntias! Valde gaudeo!
Minime credo huic fabulae, sed tamen ad discendam linguam Latinam idonea est. Gratias, Daniel!
Pelliculam hanc in numerum praedilectarum protuli.
Nec fortasse immerito in dubium hanc fabellam vocas. :) gaudeo hercle pelliculam tibi placuisse!
Multum jam intellego! Bona practica!
Pulcherrime latine legis loquerisque, magister optime! Pelliculae tuae me iuvant. Multa vocabula propter eas disco. Gratias tibi ago!
Gratias tibi ago! Gaudeo eas tibi utiles esse!
Just descovered your channel, I love the way you express yourself :)
Thank you!
This is a good approach - mentioning the abl. abs. Or this was the dative. Gives it a dynamic flavour
Thank you! Glad to hear that.
Mactē! Valde mihi placet!
Aha! 💡 Bene video. Rōmānī optimī erant quia verō occāsiōnem nānctī sunt, et persevērāvērunt.
Haec fabula ostendit Romanos per fas et nefas quaesivisse imperium. Similiter Jacob filius Isaac surripuit primogenituram Esau fratri suo.
Ita sane, sed antistes ille tamen aliquid laudis meretur qui tam fuerit ad agendum promptus :).
Quam iucunda schola, gratias dico tibi! Numquam exspectaveram unicam causam postestatis gloriaeque Romanorum tam exiguam esse. Sed ut Indi bene noverunt vaccas comites deorum esse...
Ita vero! Quis crederet Romanos uni vaccae mactatae totum imperium suum acceptum referre debere?
@@Latinitium :D Risum movuit. Nunc autem reapse scire volo quem locum vaccas bovesque habuerint in cultu Romanorum.
Fabula Mirabilis ⚔️
Maxime! Ea mihi valde placet.
Ante verbum quod "well, etc" anglice dictum in verbum latinum converterat anquirebam sed id non inveni. Sed verbo "bene" sic te uti animadverto. Utrum hic usus huius verbi tempore Caesaris et Ciceronis esset non scio. Sed te auctoritate ego hoc significatione verbi utar. Sed pro dictata et usu verbi "bene", modo duplici tibi gratiam ago.
Parvula vocabula tamquam transitoria et sermonis propria (discursive markers etc) huius generis cum difficultate e litteris quae nobis extant erui possunt. Illud "bene" non apud scriptores invenias, eo sensu (quantum scio). Hoc unum est incommodum ex pluribus quod nobis qui latine loqui studemus ferendum est: quaedam sciri non posse.
Multum mihi placet.
Vocem tuam ex Imperio et maximam latinam linguam tuam auscultare res est re vera exterordinaria; valde mihi placet.
Gratias tibi ago, Petre! Utinam tantis laudibus par esse possim!
Hunc canalem invenire gaudeo.
Utinam tibi placeat!