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ความคิดเห็น • 11

  • @radiomanroud1559
    @radiomanroud1559 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Merci pour cette vidéo. Un plaisir d'entendre Pierre Carier.

    • @IdeasinScience
      @IdeasinScience  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Radioman Roud Merci pour votre message !

  • @jeandetalois7832
    @jeandetalois7832 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Merveilleux entretien avec M. P. Cartier. Beaucoup de choses à méditer. A commencer par cette remarque si simple sur l'utilisation et l'utilité des matrices. Je ne m'en étais pas encore rendu compte, moi qui calcule constamment de Jacobiens (associés à des singularités lagrangiennes) et qui, après traitement informatique, produisent des dessins de surfaces singulières (caustiques) d'une beauté fascinante...
    Encore merci M. Cartier

  • @abinadvd
    @abinadvd 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    C'est vraiment tres impressionnant a écouter. Cette modestie face a des concepts qui demandent tant de travail à comprendre meme pour ces grands professionnels.

  • @mrbenson63
    @mrbenson63 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Absolument génial !

  • @AlOne-xg6dv
    @AlOne-xg6dv 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Passionnant, et passionné, CQFD. Celui qui sourit a entrevu la lumière et l'entretien soigneusement.
    Même si je ne fais plus de mathématiques depuis des lustres, je reste accroché à ce conteur inspiré.

  • @robertklein4931
    @robertklein4931 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Merci Pierre Cartier , un si bon conteur .

  • @marcpremium7442
    @marcpremium7442 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Quand on voit JP Serre et P.Cartier, on se dit que les maths conservent bien l’esprit et le corps.

  • @thomasnaret1306
    @thomasnaret1306 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Sans les catégories, il n'y aurait plus de logos dans le monde mathématique.

  • @bris1tol
    @bris1tol 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The overall structure of our top-down Platonic universe, where monads are quanta
    by Roger B. Clough (10/26/14)
    Here we briefly describe the universe as being simultaneously mental (as monads
    or quanta) and physical (as bodies or particles of matter). These particles
    or bodies also have a range of what Leibniz calls perfection, and they indirectly
    interact such that a more perfect body makes a less perfect body more
    perfect, the more perfect evolving toward the supreme perfection of the One.
    The mental sphere (Mind) contains not only monads in the form of quanta
    but a pre-established harmony (PEH) as well as forces (which are ideas),
    which can act on them, of which there are two kinds: a) physical forces,
    which act on mass (as linear momentum) and on spin (angular momentum)
    and b) electrical forces, which act on the charge of a particle. Mind also
    contains the powers of creation, reasoning, experiencing, and perception ,
    and control. Mind controls matter just as mind controls the brain.
    Introduction and discussion
    The platonic universe consists of two halves of a single entity
    which we might call the Absolute : comprising the One and the Many,
    or Self (subject) and Other (object) , as in Fichte.
    The structure is completely cybernetic, by which we mean
    that all causation is mental and top-down.. The purely mental or subjective One
    or singular ruling creator and governor, is a purely mental subject
    (first person singular) . The Many, its monadic objects, consist of a
    network of an infinity of mental monads, all alive and conscious to various
    extents, as well as the physical bodies in spacetime described by them.
    These bodies. while we call them physical, are actually phenomenal.
    They move in spacetime only according to the pre-established
    harmony (PEH), The PEH is not entirely deterministic. Higher
    order living entities move in various degrees purposefully,
    by what Aristotle called "final causation".
    Life is a property of all of the universe of particles,
    where by life we mean autonomous intelligence,
    freely able to make its own selections at least according
    to the PEH. This intelligence is that of Mind, and since
    Mind causes all and creates all, it is Mind out of
    which the Big Bang exploded.
    Time and space are phenomenal, not actual entities, but instead are
    simply the four dimensions of spacetime , x, y, z and t. These are
    mathematical or phenomenal variables, not real entities.
    At the same time, spacetime and the objects in it appear
    as real when experienced, either by perception or measurement.
    Thus Leibniz does not consider the everyday world as an illusion,
    you can still stub your toe in it and perform experiments.
    Leibniz thus calls this phenomenal world "well-founded".
    We close by summarizing Plato-Leibniz's conception of the universe,
    which Bertrand Russell dismissed in passing as a fairy tale-- a vain remark,
    since Russell never proposed an alternate working model. Plato's
    universe is cybernetic (top-down), which makes it largely analytic, except
    for the fact that in the case of life, Aristotle's final causation
    (purposeful action ) is invoked.
    In contrast, Panpsychism seems, to this author at least, to be mob rule.
    There is also Whitehead's metaphysics, but I prefer the computer-like
    rationality of Plato-Leibniz.
    So, to summarize Plato-Leibniz's universe:
    1. The universe is governed on the large scale mentally and necessarily
    (if we are to avoid conflict) by a single monarch (the One). This creates all,
    perceives all, and causes all action mentally, not physically, through Plato's cybernetic,
    top-down administration.
    2. Here space and time only exist as spacetime, which is an artifact
    (like a map) created locally by the presence of mass in particles or bodies.
    Spacetime is not a reality, it is simply the mathematical path as
    curved by the mass.
    3. On the small scale, the rules of Leibniz's Monadology come into effect.
    The universe is made up completely of physical matter in the
    form of distinct and completely independent bodies moving
    in spacetime according to the PEH , which is the practical form of the One's
    4. Each particle or physical body has two simultaneous versions:
    in spacetime the body is a conventional physical body
    but it also has a mental mirror version in mental space called a monad.
    Monads are simply the quantum or mental forms of the particles.
    5. Thus we have the One, which controls the Many (the particles
    or physical bodies with corresponding simultaneous mental monads
    6. The particles are behaviorally characterized through
    through three indexes of force- spin, charge and mass.
    Charge is a single pole of electromagnetic force.
    7. Mass and spin are mechanical , with mass corresponding
    to linear momentum and spin corresponding to angular
    momentum of the particle about an axis. Thus each particle
    is moved either by charge or by momentum.
    8. This PEH is simply a top-down cybernetic (mathematical) structure based at the lowest
    level largely on Einstein's relativity theories, as well as other deterministic theories
    such as electromagnetic theory, and the broader, nonlocal (entangled)
    and less deterministic theories of statistical mechanics and thermodynamics.
    Physics has yet to recognize the nonlocal character of thermodynamics,
    especially evident in its conservation laws.
    Dr. Roger B Clough NIST (retired, 2000).
    See my Leibniz site:
    For personal messages use