Hi Jack, time to think about buying rather than renting. You can still get the tenants or your friend to share the house with you. That way can help paying off the mortgage. You have stable job and descent income, sure no problem to get the loan from the bank. Suggest buy a house as you own the land too. For unit, have to pay strata every quarter…Talking about few interest rate cut next year, it maybe good chance to buy. Choose carefully which suburb has the potential. Good luck !
澳洲這幾年加租實在太令人吃不消,屋企人之前租屋價錢: Kensington unit 3B2B1P ($750 pre 9/2022, propose $850) St Leonard’s apt 3B2B1P ($950 pre 9/2023, propose $1200) Waverton unit 2B1B1P ($700 now)
Excellent vlog to end the year! The food at the Japanese restaurant looks so delicious. Btw, your rent is so cheap for Australia. You got an excellent deal even though it’s increased.
Had tried one omasaki restaurant in surry hill, book thru open table app, very good quality and interesting, $190 pp but quite worth, only open Fri till Sun, each turn only serve 6 persons max
Rent in Sydney goes up terribly, my agent told me there are now a proposal to frozen the rent rate throughout the whole Sydney or even NSW but don’t know how’s it going? My one B/R apartment in Bondi Junction rent for $850 pw and no negotiation as an extremely high demand in that area. Not sure where is your suburb but a 3 BR rent for 860pw is quite reasonable
Sydney (NSW ) 係最好天氣㗎啦!I think .
相比起 Queensland ,佢哋不只是熱D,仲有風打,又有水浸。(尤其是夏天,雨季,特別多)
又相比 VIC ,佢哋熱又熱D,凍又凍D.....今朝新聞都有講,佢哋尋日由熱浪40+,之後落冰苞,吹超大(怪)風,吹倒不少大樹及電塔......約50萬户停電,今朝都仲有最少20萬户未有電力供應,可能要幾日才能恢復正常。而另一邊的V l C,有幾個山火.....,有居民及消防員受傷......。
所以 Sydney 的樓/屋係貴得有道理㗎。😁😁😁
Thank you Jack sharing .
之前在電視已經睇咗,Like 咗,而家有D時間才留言。
多謝你支持啊 😊
我在離Parramatta五分車程附近的地區放租了一間四房兩厠雙車房的平房。去年10月起租$680。今年10月我加了他們$60亦差不多10%。住客亦接受了。本來不想加那麼多的,是想他們因貴租而搬走。如果是好租客我亦想留住他們,但因為一條Drive way, 四間平房。其他住客有投訴他們時常佔用訪客車位。因為他們有三架車,雙車房用了一邊愛嚟儲物。即只拍了一輛車。其他兩架車泊在訪客車位。做業主有時都好難。
我亦有朋友四年前搬來澳洲要租appointment。我提議他們找Lidcombe近火車站新樓,剛落成兩房兩厠加一個study 一車位。租$600一星期。疫情時期還減了$50。住得好好。六個月前開始想買樓。我叫他們在那附近買,因為實在非常方便。食肆及百貨商場就在樓下。離火車站不用5分鐘到,Lidcombe是大站,火車非常密。他們不用買車。車位還$50一星期租了給人家。四年前他們如果買是全新,叫價$600,000。現在叫價850,000業主有意賣給他們,我叫他們快些去銀行借錢因為這是一個不錯的價錢。
Jack, 所以如果考慮買,試睇下Lidcombe 吧,比Burdwood 或Ashfield 平好多。另一朋友剛在Burwood 買了一房的Apartment 900,000成交。
祝Jack及家人+同屋住 聖誕快樂、新年進步、收視節節上升! 🎉😄🎊 搬屋真係超煩,上屋搬下屋,唔見一籮穀,而家能夠安定下來,可以專心做工拍片咪好囉,個業主算係咁,有啲會寧願丟空,都唔肯減租,而家起碼 佢繼續有錢收, “一家便宜兩家著”,你哋今次 還價嘅做法,實在值仿傚;建議你下次可以拍一啲風光片做罐頭片,然後用voice over形式分享澳洲嘅資訊,可能會冇咁悶.
多謝Cecil! 聖誕快樂啊🧑🎄
無法啦,銀行加息加得好勁,我自己做業主都食息食得好辛苦, 講真無必要都唔想加租,搵好租客難, 但唔加租就要業主自己硬食,而家又有市場,加租都好正路,你仲後生,不如考慮下係大西北個邊上樓啦,銀行見你後生又專業人士,一定會好易借多啲錢比你,你仲有首次置業優惠呢,最緊要唔好買大陸地產商起嘅樓,好多咸水樓都係大陸同中東地產商起, 自己做多點功課小心揀,同埋唔建議買樓花,太大風險,之前已經本地好多新聞報過
多謝你嘅建議啊👍🏻👍🏻😎 暫時仲係觀望緊,得閒睇下咁
非常同意cancan講, 唔好買大陸同中東嘅地產商樓。他們的樓花我現在已見到有爛尾的。最好買現成的,人哋已經住了幾年,什麼毛病也應叫建築商修補了。
@lorettacheung3905 不買中東同大陸,你已無什麼選擇。
多谢分享, 原来房东要涨10%,隔壁楼正好空出一套房,视野景观好了很多,房租小涨了30元一周,觉得还是值得, 就是搬家过程也挺折腾!
Jack你好啊👋,我黎趕月尾都要過澳洲啦!女兒租屋就到期,七月中應該是要搬了,現在是在布里斯本,Milton 車站附近的一房公寓,一周560,也是好貴,(原本是480/周,租了一年)但我估計都是會再往上加租,你們的做法不錯,但女兒想住近公司一些...
多謝你啊Flora! 希望你嚟澳洲都開心愉快😁
Hi Jack, time to think about buying rather than renting. You can still get the tenants or your friend to share the house with you. That way can help paying off the mortgage. You have stable job and descent income, sure no problem to get the loan from the bank. Suggest buy a house as you own the land too. For unit, have to pay strata every quarter…Talking about few interest rate cut next year, it maybe good chance to buy. Choose carefully which suburb has the potential. Good luck !
Thanks for the advice!! :D
聖誕快樂!期待Jack有機會可以再錄個有關OT geh Q&A, 明年入學OT, 有些少焦慮...
聖誕快樂啊! 睇下遲啲有冇時間 😊 你有咩關於 OT 嘅問題啊
No worries, 因爲我系跨專業入讀, 驚跟不上, 所以想瞭解學科入邊具體geh内容例如Core課程難易度 大概内容... Anyway, happy new year!@@JackLCP
我住緊近Strathfield 火車站的2房apartment,2022年1月時起租weekly $620,2023年1月加租至$690 (原本agent話加到$700,講價$680都唔肯,只能$690,加幅11.3%)。
明年1月加租至$790 (原本話加到$800,還價後$790,加幅14.5%)。
嘩每次都加超過10%.....Strathfield 和 Burwood 這些地方的租都比較貴....
多謝你啊 Peggy! 聖誕快樂同埋新年快樂!😄
Fantastic you guys went to one of best Japanese restaurants around....
The food was so good!
Thank you Dora!! Merry Christmas 😊
找個financial planner with taxation qualifications. 設計好個框架,才去買樓。
另外想問下你, strathfield 食韓國嘢嗰度, 二十幾蚊係一人份量定係兩人份量? Thanks
Yeh, recently was 730 pw but go up to 850 during the lease renewal this October
你絕對值得多啲人訂閱 。加油🙌🏻
多謝你啊 Lok!
仲有更抵死的玩法,買自住房,把某些空間出租,eg租俾同學,老友,要交税的,不可犯法。找個合資格的測量公司,幫你出文件,証明出租部分(=投資房)佔自住房多少比例。日后收了租,要按此地積比例,和出租時期的比例,如實報税的。anyway,又可自住又可租俾d friend。找個會計去報ATO.
玩到好複雜🤣🤣🤣 我都有聽講過,得閒搵個信得過嘅會計師了解下
Kensington unit 3B2B1P ($750 pre 9/2022, propose $850)
St Leonard’s apt 3B2B1P ($950 pre 9/2023, propose $1200)
Waverton unit 2B1B1P
($700 now)
多謝你分享啊 Anita! :D
Merry Xmas 🎉 all the best with house hunt
Btw 可唔可以介紹下個phone clip 好似都夾得好穩😂
Merry Christmas!! 個phone clip都穩陣啊,我之前有條片介紹過,我一陣搵番條link先
拿到PR,可能已夠資格,用2%,5%首置方案了。仲有款Equity share 政府佔4成業權你佔6成。上車啦。去問吓❤❤❤
Merry christmas,see you in a new year!✌
Merry Christmas!!
係啊今日竟然落大雨☔️ 聖誕快樂啊!
午後落大雨正啊!立刻開部車出 driveway 洗車。
Jack 聖誕快樂!
聖誕快樂 Charles!!
好耐冇見gigi 。這條片
Merry Christmas 🎄
Merry Christmas!! 🎄
Excellent vlog to end the year! The food at the Japanese restaurant looks so delicious. Btw, your rent is so cheap for Australia. You got an excellent deal even though it’s increased.
Thank you very much Sue!! The Japanese food tasted so good!! Regarding the rent, yea I think we have a good deal too hehehe
Had tried one omasaki restaurant in surry hill, book thru open table app, very good quality and interesting, $190 pp but quite worth, only open Fri till Sun, each turn only serve 6 persons max
Sounds nice!! May I ask for the name of the restaurant pleaseeee
$860 你果區差唔多啦。有啲位會平啲,但離火車站步行要十五分鐘以上。我住南區,我個complex 3/2/2離車站廿幾分鐘都要800+!Good Decision 👍👍
世界好細喎,你哋去我公司樓下食飯🤣🤣, 你無去對面影Japanese garden?其實兩間同一個老細,你哋去果边食過一次,朋友請既,貴到呢😱😱。對面japanese garden 果間經濟好多。
係啊,所以我地都係決定留低 👍
@@JackLCP 對面係izakaya, 所以平啲。
香港人对日料真係好捨得,不過你哋幾位搵到駛到又好正常既。你話book唔到係咪star 果間?
JackMerry Christmas.加租實在對租客很大壓力,如果衹有自己獨租,希望日後你們能夠找到又平租約長D的地方。有D業主每六月就review 新約。
聖誕快樂 Miranda!! 多謝你啊
Jack merry Christmas and happy new year
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
之前住Rockdale火车站旁$460一房带study area,方便到无法形容。后来业主卖房,市场租金暴涨..唔想帮业主供楼就搬返去同老爷奶奶住😢哎!
👍👍 $460 是一房單位嗎?
Hello! 我有用 Open Table,或者就咁喺 Google Map search :)
我都是當日下午預約,不算太難book,city泊車的話我通常都是在網上wilson parking 預約,找一個便宜的停車場👍
Rent in Sydney goes up terribly, my agent told me there are now a proposal to frozen the rent rate throughout the whole Sydney or even NSW but don’t know how’s it going? My one B/R apartment in Bondi Junction rent for $850 pw and no negotiation as an extremely high demand in that area. Not sure where is your suburb but a 3 BR rent for 860pw is quite reasonable
Waaaa one bedroom rent for $850....that's crazy, but yea I think Bondi area is much more expensive than the western side of Sydney
$860 weekly rent for 3 BR is honestly cheap in Sydney, I’m living with my flatmate in a 2BR in Strathfield and the weekly rent is $750
Yea coz rent in Strathfield is relatively more expensive too
Hi Jack 我有一個舊電視機Panasonic TH-L50ET60A 太約10年了想捐出去,不知道你有冇朋友或來Sydney讀書的同學有興趣接收?
Hello! 我可以幫你問問 😊
請問係咩 size 同埋可以喺邊度攞?
如果滿意現在, 同業主傾埋2025年租金, 最起碼唔洗擔心被迫搬遷
Thank you Miranda!
ok啦...加唔夠10%唔貴啦...我隔離間Villa兩房唔夠90metre square都收$650.... Wolli Creek兩房都成$800租...
聖誕 玩得開心D同休息下
多謝你Bright! 聖誕快樂!
Wolli creek 啲租一向都好貴,相比之下其實Strathfield、Eastwood 呢啲都幾抵
Zushi Surry Hill at crown street
Thank you very much!
@@JackLCP no worries! Enjoy
For 3 bedroom is so cheap
yea crazy market nowadays.... rent in other suburbs could be much higher for 3 bedrooms