🇩🇪 Markus Beckedah l Staying on top in the swamp of disinformation: What skills do we need today

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ธ.ค. 2024
  • Disinformation, propaganda, shitstorms and fake news. It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep track in the swamp of online communication. Many actors are trying to influence public opinion. Who are they and how do they work? Above all, how can we become more confident and what skills do we need today and tomorrow to arm ourselves against them? And who teaches them where and to whom? This session will take you on a brief tour of the digital skills of today and tomorrow.
    For more info visit: lp.sosafe.de/Hu...
    #cybersecurity #cybersecurityawareness #conference #infosec #HufiCon24

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