just a note, you were running the class 14 with the train behind it. The long bonnet is the front of the loco. Saying that though, it doesn't make that much difference. Fun vid
You get the most traction when the wheels are spinning 25 to 35 percent. Modern locomotives are equipped to take advantage of this for maximum traction. ♡ T.E.N.
really ? thats what may be happening for me as the attic was a while ago cleaned out but im not starting to collect yet as the loft(Attic) needs checking for any things left over & i wish you the best of luck
...but - you have TH-cam and a good imagination. My first train models were made of cereal boxes and tape and poster paint (yuk). But they were MINE. I'm 72 and I still play with those trains (now just in my head as I wore them out/lost them years ago). I too am a Yank and live on the same side of "the pond" (Atlantic Ocean) as you. Now go get some stiff paper and a bit of tape and tear your way to a new train.
When are the vids coming out on the main layout? When is the premium 395 javlen being filmed? And when is the rest of the options on the website coming?
nice I loved your video and how you tell the names of the locomotives. I like Percy. I saw Thomas and thought you could have a race between Thomas and Percy with two mega boxes
InterCity82, there is some affect by the application of speed too soon, but that's wheel slip, does not affect whether or not the loco will pull the trucks.
tip for using both nem and the big Hornby coupling, i removed to hook arm that is used to couple and then that allows the nem couple to slide in with no problem, its what i did for Blue Diamond
Great video, winner should be decided over all the tests together. Your screaming Jinty, try cleaning the commutator as if it is the same disk type commutator as is in my Hornby B17 "Liverpool" (tender drive) which started to scream last weekend, a jewellers screwdriver small to clean between the sections and a medium one to clean the face of the sections and that cured it completely.
Seeing as most were able to haul the five megaboxes maybe we should try for 6, 7 or even 8. However it should be a power to weight ratio to decide winner
Push the wagons couplings close together so there's slack between the couplings and slowly start the engine. My class D could haul a kilogram of train with a little bit of wheel-slip on a dirty track if I leave slack between the couplings. It allows it to slowly take the weight of the wagons one by one so it won't stop cause of the weight of its train.
Hi will I think u should have all of thee shutters that pass and keep going so it eliminate a couple loco every round till the last round the are a small number left
Probably the serco class 08 because they cost a good price of about 55 to about 85 pounds at the very most. That is a good price seeing as she is a realistic performer, has good weight and of course the haulage capibility is excellent for its size.
While the Hornby 0-4-0's managed to haul the rake they all had masses of wheel spin. On balance I'd say the Bachmann 03 came out on top given its relative size and weight with the Sentinel a close second.
Do you think that DCC makes a difference? Can you test each loco with a decoder and with a blanking plate, to see if the effect is consistent? Regards, Tom
I think the old class 11 did really well to say that you think it is older than you! I personally think that the age of a model should be a factor in this contest, as older models may struggle more than new ones. That said, I remember buying a small lima American-outline BR 0-4-0 tank and it pulled 8 mk1s! Not a bad loco for a fiver!
Great start to the competition! I'll leave it to the mathematicians to decide fairly which shunter is to win that round but the Sentinel was amazing for its size! I would love to see how the pug does...
Hey Will, Bachmann just unveiled their new line-up of OO9, (narrow gauge) locos and wagons. Will you bother with these at all? They run on N scale track.
Can other people do their own Battle Of The Shunters with different shunting locomotives and do the tests in different order? Just wondering if they can?
Out of all the ready to run diesel shunters ever made in 00 scale, the weakest would be the Jouef / Playcraft North British 0-4-0 which would struggle to pull one of those test gondola wagons. Strongest would be the Hornby Dublo / Triang Wrenn Class 08 0-6-0.
Yes! I've been waiting for round one! Can't wait for round two! I thought that Jinty would fall right apart or something, and in my opinion I think the pannier won this round!
I'd like to see a revisit to this test running US prototype shunters. NW2s, SW1200/1500s, GP7s, USRA 0-6-0, 0-8-0, that sort of thing. I'm genuinely curious if they'll pull better or worse. Logic would dictate that the diesels at least would laugh at that rake, seeing as they're all B-B wheel arrangements and as such will be heavier with 8 wheels driving. But one never knows.
Only 88F here overnight. 110F this afternoon. I bet it's hotter here. Can we assume that there were no traction tires on any of the locos? Usually, they put them on the cheaper and lighter-weight locos to help them pull more, but they are awful, in my opinion.
Being a western man I am biased in saying that I think the 57xx should win as I liked the way it did it, but the 03 is probably the cheapest one which could possibly have hauled slightly more than you tested with plus it did the run smoothly.
i have the princess Elizabeth royal train set it will take it self around the line but when i put it tender on it will not go and i have the east coast pull man train set there is a loud squeaking noise help thanks come up with more tests
Another brilliant Video InterCity82 . in the brand new IC82 Battle of the Shunters Series. I really enjoyed IC82 Battle of the Shunters Round 1: Haulage Capacity Video to your new IC82 Battle of the Shunters Series. I think the Winner should be all the Locomotives that pulled all 5 Meagboxes and completed 100% of Proportion of Loop you set up, otherwise the Winner will be picked about what the Locomotive is and the Performance which I think will be unfair. I am now looking forward to watching IC82 Battle of the Shunters - Round 2: Slow Speed Performance, IC82 Battle of the Shunters - Round 3: Heritage Train Test and all the other Videos you Upload in your other Series.
Another great, very fun, and interesting video Will. Can't wait for round two! :)) By the way, I've looked all over the internet and I can't seem to find that red peco wheel cleaner you use. Any suggestions on where I can find one for purchase. Please let me know. Kind regards, Dylan.
I'd have to say that the 0F (Collector's Club Model) won that due to it being cheap, lightweight and having the smallest wheel configuration you can get but the Sentinal had I believe a shorter wheelbase but it was much better made and expensive.
LateNeverEarlyR You are incorrect my good sir! = wikipedia.org/wiki/Caledonian_Railway_264_Class As for the winner, I'm going to nominate the old man (class 11) purely because he shows them young`uns that he's still got he dancing shoes.
Surely the hypothesis of this experiment would have been "The heavier the locomotive the larger load it may haul" - therefore the heaviest should have been the start, working your way down until you cannot go any further with 5 box wagons, at this point calling it a day with small engines such as 0-4-0's..?
just a note, you were running the class 14 with the train behind it. The long bonnet is the front of the loco. Saying that though, it doesn't make that much difference. Fun vid
Jinty sounded like it was screaming in pain
I know right
The 3F jinty sounded like it was about to blow up which I found weird because no other train did that.
IC82: no way the sentinel pulls 5 megaboxes
Sentinel: hold my diesel oil
I love how he talks to them like real people it's sooo cute
Yeah XD
I do that with my models lol
It is soooo nice that you're doing this. It is entertaining. Informational. Fun. And you are a very "natural" presenter.
Thanks for sharing...
It’s been too long since I’ve watched IC82 videos, and it’s so so soooo nice to be back.
Little Engines can Do Big Things indeed
*Stares in GP15*
So very true
Haha, been waiting for this for a while now! After seeing this, I'm pleased to own Bachmann's 03. :)
You get the most traction when the wheels are spinning 25 to 35 percent. Modern locomotives are equipped to take advantage of this for maximum traction. ♡ T.E.N.
The Pannier tank should be the winner because it took it the furthest and it took it back
As someone who’s in the market for a new shunter this is rather informative.
The slight movement in the first few locos was the coupling tentioning
My family and I are gonna hollow out a space in the attic for my layout!
really ? thats what may be happening for me as the attic was a while ago cleaned out but im not starting to collect yet as the loft(Attic) needs checking for any things left over & i wish you the best of luck
+Abbey Maddox thanks!
Great! I wish I had space for a layout, but my family uses every square inch of my house.
LtWölfe that’s nice
My layout is currently in boxes because there is no space in my house
...but - you have TH-cam and a good imagination. My first train models were made of cereal boxes and tape and poster paint (yuk). But they were MINE. I'm 72 and I still play with those trains (now just in my head as I wore them out/lost them years ago). I too am a Yank and live on the same side of "the pond" (Atlantic Ocean) as you. Now go get some stiff paper and a bit of tape and tear your way to a new train.
the loco up 1st is so adorable she gave a big bump
The class o6's piston went so fast it started spazzing out
When are the vids coming out on the main layout? When is the premium 395 javlen being filmed? And when is the rest of the options on the website coming?
nice I loved your video and how you tell the names of the locomotives. I like Percy. I saw Thomas and thought you could have a race between Thomas and Percy with two mega boxes
InterCity82, there is some affect by the application of speed too soon, but that's wheel slip, does not affect whether or not the loco will pull the trucks.
Wonderful video! The way to figure out the strongest shunter is to get more mega-boxes!
A fantastic idea! Really enjoyed. looking forward to round 2!!!
I think the pannier should be crowned the winner. It just strolled away like it qasn't pulling anything.
What about the Hornby class 08 premium? That pulled away beautifully as well
I agree about the pannier
I know it's on strength but I've got to admit the pannier with it sounds absolutely amazing I think it wins second place after Percy
When's your next part of the railway village will!!!!
Fred is here 😂
(Fred the youtuber)
hi there my vote goes for the Bachmann 08 as it pulled well and looked good in it's weathered livery
tip for using both nem and the big Hornby coupling, i removed to hook arm that is used to couple and then that allows the nem couple to slide in with no problem, its what i did for Blue Diamond
InterCity82, You Rock
Very cool! Just out of curiosity, have you got any French types of locomotives?
Great vid and great fun to watch.... thanks Will
The amount if weight a locomotive can pull depends on how heavy the locomotive is. The more heavy a locomotive is allows it to have more traction
Great video, winner should be decided over all the tests together. Your screaming Jinty, try cleaning the commutator as if it is the same disk type commutator as is in my Hornby B17 "Liverpool" (tender drive) which started to scream last weekend, a jewellers screwdriver small to clean between the sections and a medium one to clean the face of the sections and that cured it completely.
Seeing as most were able to haul the five megaboxes maybe we should try for 6, 7 or even 8. However it should be a power to weight ratio to decide winner
The great western painnier the best one I love that model
Push the wagons couplings close together so there's slack between the couplings and slowly start the engine. My class D could haul a kilogram of train with a little bit of wheel-slip on a dirty track if I leave slack between the couplings. It allows it to slowly take the weight of the wagons one by one so it won't stop cause of the weight of its train.
Hi will I think u should have all of thee shutters that pass and keep going so it eliminate a couple loco every round till the last round the are a small number left
I was looking forward to seeing what the pug could do. Still a great start though. How many rounds are there?
Probably the serco class 08 because they cost a good price of about 55 to about 85 pounds at the very most. That is a good price seeing as she is a realistic performer, has good weight and of course the haulage capibility is excellent for its size.
Keep them coming. Brilliant
While the Hornby 0-4-0's managed to haul the rake they all had masses of wheel spin.
On balance I'd say the Bachmann 03 came out on top given its relative size and weight with the Sentinel a close second.
Its funny how side-rod deisel switchers never took off in the US, except for mining, logging, specific industrial and branch-line operations
Do you think that DCC makes a difference?
Can you test each loco with a decoder and with a blanking plate, to see if the effect is consistent?
Regards, Tom
We in the UK have lots more diesels the only Steams are either in museums or heritage railways such as minehead
Well technically not, considering I've seen many railtour a recently along the mainline
The Class 14 at the end. InterCity82 looks full of wonder to it.
I think the old class 11 did really well to say that you think it is older than you! I personally think that the age of a model should be a factor in this contest, as older models may struggle more than new ones. That said, I remember buying a small lima American-outline BR 0-4-0 tank and it pulled 8 mk1s! Not a bad loco for a fiver!
oh my god at 28:20 there was a typo...
the typo was TYPO.
I think the Pannier tank won. Looking forward to part 2. Fantastic video well done.
hey will great vid well I think if u had to choose either the class 03 or class 08 premium Hornby or the Bachmann class 08 and the class 14
Hi will are u going to any shows soon as it would be great to meet u
What's the class 11 made by? I didn't hear very well.
Great start to the competition! I'll leave it to the mathematicians to decide fairly which shunter is to win that round but the Sentinel was amazing for its size! I would love to see how the pug does...
When Will said Stop for the Collectors Club loco, my video stopped and started to buffer. Does this mean Will has the power?
Hey Will, Bachmann just unveiled their new line-up of OO9, (narrow gauge) locos and wagons. Will you bother with these at all? They run on N scale track.
Hey will what about the jinty by hornby that came with the horby cheap class 08
Can other people do their own Battle Of The Shunters with different shunting locomotives and do the tests in different order? Just wondering if they can?
now you should do race of the 4-4-0's or a strength test of the afore mentioned
I'm probably sure you didn't know but Percy is a GWR Avonside Saddle Tank
You should put any that fail out of the running and keep running mire intensive tests until one is an outright winner
Can you please do a video on laying down your track with bluetak
And will, does the class 158 come dcc chipped, or dcc ready?
Out of all the ready to run diesel shunters ever made in 00 scale, the weakest would be the Jouef / Playcraft North British 0-4-0 which would struggle to pull one of those test gondola wagons.
Strongest would be the Hornby Dublo / Triang Wrenn Class 08 0-6-0.
Nice, in round 2 how will you keep it fair, with some models being DCC rather than DC? Slow speed performance of DCC models is much better....
Great round 1 mate! Think the Pannier is the winner there ;) Cheers, Jack
Yes! I've been waiting for round one! Can't wait for round two! I thought that Jinty would fall right apart or something, and in my opinion I think the pannier won this round!
You've got to have Percy in a shunting challenge. No matter what
Silver Eevee I wonder why he didn't include Thomas.
cb00raiser // Rage_TNT Thomas isn't considered a shunter.
Well I would consider Thomas as a hunter as E2s were used for shunting and short distances.
The E2 was a Shunter. They tried normal rail service, but it didn't have a big enough bunker and water tank.
Should of did a hill start one test my mate has a steep hill where a loco that can pull 20 odd cars on the flat can only pull 4 on the hill
I'd like to see a revisit to this test running US prototype shunters. NW2s, SW1200/1500s, GP7s, USRA 0-6-0, 0-8-0, that sort of thing. I'm genuinely curious if they'll pull better or worse.
Logic would dictate that the diesels at least would laugh at that rake, seeing as they're all B-B wheel arrangements and as such will be heavier with 8 wheels driving. But one never knows.
When is part 2 going to be up, is percy out of the contest and can thomas take the Jintys place?
Another fantastic video!
Only 88F here overnight. 110F this afternoon. I bet it's hotter here. Can we assume that there were no traction tires on any of the locos? Usually, they put them on the cheaper and lighter-weight locos to help them pull more, but they are awful, in my opinion.
InterCity82 awsome video well done do u have a review of a class 55
Where do you get trains??
Being a western man I am biased in saying that I think the 57xx should win as I liked the way it did it, but the 03 is probably the cheapest one which could possibly have hauled slightly more than you tested with plus it did the run smoothly.
i have the princess Elizabeth royal train set it will take it self around the line but when i put it tender on it will not go and i have the east coast pull man train set there is a loud squeaking noise help thanks come up with more tests
When is part two coming out
Another brilliant Video InterCity82 . in the brand new IC82 Battle of the Shunters Series. I really enjoyed IC82 Battle of the Shunters Round 1: Haulage Capacity Video to your new IC82 Battle of the Shunters Series. I think the Winner should be all the Locomotives that pulled all 5 Meagboxes and completed 100% of Proportion of Loop you set up, otherwise the Winner will be picked about what the Locomotive is and the Performance which I think will be unfair. I am now looking forward to watching IC82 Battle of the Shunters - Round 2: Slow Speed Performance, IC82 Battle of the Shunters - Round 3: Heritage Train Test and all the other Videos you Upload in your other Series.
With your red Jinty, I have the same problem with my Somerset Belle. If you find the problem can you please tell me? :)
Please can you review the st blazey haulier train set by bachmann
Another great, very fun, and interesting video Will. Can't wait for round two! :)) By the way, I've looked all over the internet and I can't seem to find that red peco wheel cleaner you use. Any suggestions on where I can find one for purchase. Please let me know. Kind regards, Dylan.
Make a vid where some DMU's stop at the station and make it a bit longer so it can hold a few more trains as its good
Am I the only person who was really excited for this?
I'd have to say that the 0F (Collector's Club Model) won that due to it being cheap, lightweight and having the smallest wheel configuration you can get but the Sentinal had I believe a shorter wheelbase but it was much better made and expensive.
LateNeverEarlyR True, but it doesn't look half bad. Although I do believe these were real at some point on the Caledonian Railway.
You are incorrect my good sir! = wikipedia.org/wiki/Caledonian_Railway_264_Class
As for the winner, I'm going to nominate the old man (class 11) purely because he shows them young`uns that he's still got he dancing shoes.
I've finally watched it Will looking forward to part two now I enjoyed watching..
I think that the pannier tank won as it pulled the rake with style (the sound)
were do you live?
The jinty sound like someone screaming xD
I still Like Percy’s Shunting Strength And He did Not struggle!
I feel bad for the Class 3f "Jinty". it was my favorite
It's so sad
Wait a minute I can hear something
Oh it's the 3F
Agree it wasn't fair and needs a part 2 and the pug
Hey ic82 before the wagons fell over you said you would try the strong engine with 4
Did you forget?
Have you done a tug of war video with trains before, if not you should try it?
Don’t you have a Class E2 or Thomas, Hornby or Bachmann
Whats the train closest to you at 16:50?
Class 450
Why don,t you get a terrier will even the hornby ones are quite nifty
Great to see episode 1 up finally, is this meant to be a comedy program as I pissed myself when the Jinty was tested
Surely the hypothesis of this experiment would have been "The heavier the locomotive the larger load it may haul" - therefore the heaviest should have been the start, working your way down until you cannot go any further with 5 box wagons, at this point calling it a day with small engines such as 0-4-0's..?
I the the Hornby premium class 08 should be crowned winner becuase it was smooth and had good gearing!
have you tried eurotruck simulator 2
A lot of cool rolling stock! RT
What you should do is have it like a knockout over all the rounds and find the best that way
29:39 POV when girls see each other
if you uncouple the one in the back its not futher enough for the class D to pull them.it will couple back with 2 pushes.