Sheikh Uthman, i have just started learning about you and your story. I just wanted to say you are an absolute inspiration. You are the epitome of what a human being should strive to be. May Allah grant you a mansion in the highest levels of jannah inshallah. Thank you sir.
@@mzmalik9445 ooops I have just checked .. she said she is still married to you !!!. So sorry for taking your wife off you . I have asked her if she wants to go back to you and she said " hell NO " !!!!. She said she wants a man and not a boy 😂😂😂😂. So sorry , I did try but she would not listen . She said life is fun and spicy with a kafir !!!! I guess I will have to just keep her ???. She does a really good polish and shine !!!!.
@goldenbrown3283 That is imagination of neutrals, but in reality, wife gives birth and husband joins in celebration after returning from long business trip.
@@osc31131 you guys wont ask about Khadija ra? thinking this hadeeth would prove Islam wrong?! listen she was enough to look like a women and mature person when they had relation okay! before that Muhammad saw treated her as a kid and let her enjoy her childhood!
This podacst gave me goosebumps. I am speechless. What a transformation. Whoever is reading this may Allah SWT keep all of us steadfast on deen & make us successful on the day of judgement. Aameen 🤲
I’m not gonna lie, when I first heard a snippet of this story I was calling cap so bad because to be honest Sheikh Uthman doesn’t seem the type at all. But after learning more about him and hearing the whole story. He sounds like an OG from my city 😂. Alhamdulilah. A lot of young knuckleheads could use you ya Sheikh.
Passively confessing to any crime is not good. Criminal law does not have any limitation, so, a case may be filed against an individual years after the incident.
Mashallah taba ra kallah ... amazing brothers keep spreading the message and love you frok occupied Kashmir ❤ Would like to point out correct the proportion of the person in camera ..Learn more about head space and interview cinematics ...and yes the proportion needs to be mended
Masha Allah watching this &listening to shaykh uthman telling his stories.... Reminds me last night i watched a movie, the killing mission..such life is not cool.. it's dangerous... like what the shaykh had said.. you mess up, ypu'll end up being the one who get killed 😮😮😮..... &You may put the lives of your loved ones at isk too.... Yet alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar, with Allah'smercy&help &guidance, shaykh is now in Sllah's team of soldier... Allah chose him to be in His chosen oneswho are guided by Him.. subhanAllah.. in deed Allah guides whoever He wishes to guide.. and none coukd influence His decisions
Although I see nothing wrong with this episode, it makes me think, if there was a shikhad who spoke about her past as a stripper, b4 she became a shikhad, what would happen. May Allah guide us all.
Lets take d two as an example, am sure u rada tell ur children wen giving dem a moral lessons ur story as a gangster and why d lifestyle shouldn't be appealing to dem, than telling them u are once a stripper
@@tucoinzali7023 Do you think that a gangster drug dealer is having kids with a woman with morals and values? If he’s a gangster, his baby mommah is probably the stripper ur condemning. My brothers in Islam don’t hold men accountable.
Can a muslim who understands Arabic, translate to English for me: أيهما أفضل 3 في 1 (الآب والابن والروح القدس) أم 360 (آلهة) في 1 (الله)؟ سورة ص آيات 5 (38:5 القرآن) مع التفسير سورة ص الآيات 5 بالنص العربي أجََلَ الۡأٓلِهَةَ إِلَهٗا وَحَدًاۖ إِنَّ هَذَا لَشَيۡءٌ عُجَابٞ أجال عليها إلاهانو وحيدان إنا هازا لاشيعون عجب الترجمة إلى الإنجليزية هنا يمكنك قراءة ترجمات مختلفة للآية 5 صحيح الدولية هل جعل الآلهة إلهًا واحدًا؟ في الواقع، هذا أمر مثير للفضول." يوسف علي «أجعل الآلهة إلهًا واحدًا؟» حقا هذا شيء رائع! أبو العلاء المودودي هل جعل الآلهة إلهاً واحداً؟ وهذا أمر مذهل حقًا." محسن خان «هل جعل الآلهة (الكل) إلهًا واحدًا (الله - الله). حقا إن هذا لأمر عجيب!» بيكثال فهل يجعل الآلهة إلهاً واحداً؟ لو! هذا شيء مذهل. دكتور. غالي هل جعل الآلهة إلهاً واحداً؟ ومن المؤكد أن هذا هو في الواقع شيء عجيب ". عبد الحليم فكيف يمكن أن يدعي أن جميع الآلهة ما هم إلا إله واحد؟ يا له من شيء عجيب [الادعاء]! محمد جوناغاري لقد كانت هذه بداية معادلة رائعة حقًا أو رائعة جدًا القرآن 38 الآية 5 تفسير لأولئك الذين يبحثون عن تعليق للمساعدة في فهم سورة ص الآية 5، قدمنا عملين من التفسير أدناه. الأول هو تفسير أبي العلاء المودودي، والثاني هو تفسير ابن كثير. على الموديبن كثير علاء مودودي (38:5) هل جعل الآلهة إلهًا واحدًا؟ وهذا أمر مذهل حقًا." 1 لماذا ينكر المسلمون وثنيتهم؟ وكان الله أحد الـ 360 صنما في وثنية قوم محمد 2 محمد لم يقدم آلهة جديدة. لقد أخذ صنمًا وثنيًا واحدًا فقط من بين أكثر من 360 صنمًا وثنيًا كان عنده الناس في عصره. واستمرت العبادة بطريقتهم المعتادة بأشياءهم المعتادة مثل الكعبة. 3. محمد لم يقدم دينا جديدا. لقد حول أتباعه إلى عبادة صنم واحد فقط هو الله. 4. لم يقدم إلا فكرة "الإله الواحد" التي نقلها عن النصارى وعن اليهود، الإله الواحد. وذلك لأنه أراد أن يكون دينه على مستوى المسيحية واليهودية. وحتى الآن ظل المسلمون يسعون إلى رفع مستواهم إلى مستوى المسيحية. 5. ولذلك أبقى قومه على نفس الدين الوثني الوثني ولكن مع صنم واحد، إله وثني واحد يعبدونه، وهو الله. 6. هذا نسخ خاطئ للفكرة. 7. ومن هنا ظل محمد وأتباعه وثنيين في الوثنية العربية. 8. إذن المسلمون وثنيون. 9. ولد محمد وثنيا. عاش وثنيا. ومات وثنيا. ولذلك فإن جميع أتباعه حتى الآن هم وثنيون.
Bro nice video first Second Just so evryone also enjoy and have hidayat from such videos Your microphone have some issue there is a noise. Do check that
Listening to this I should change our channel name to Shaykh Uthman😉 😆 Just kidding. May the almighty increase your reach beyond your wildest comprehension, and reward you for all your efforts.
these young "islamic" youtubers should be more careful. Dwelling into someone's past knowing he has abandoned it is disgusting for clickbait. The interviewer seemed to be enjoying the horrific things he was saying.
I don’t think that’s a fair analysis of the video. Assume better of your Muslim brothers. May Allah bless you Muhammad, at the end of the day you’re my Muslim brother! ❤
The companions of the Prophet Muhammad sullallahu alaihi wa sallama said have anyone of us not done wrong (before Islam). But they became Muslim for shirk and kufr are wrong.
Abu Hurayrah said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: “All of my ummah will be forgiven except those who sin openly. It is a part of sinning openly when a man does something at night, then the following morning when Allaah has concealed his sin, he says, ‘O So and so, I did such and such last night,’ when all night his Lord has concealed him and the next morning he uncovers what Allaah had concealed.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5721; Muslim, 2990).
Like he said he didn't talk about his sins to glorify it. He talked about it to show that there is a way out for people in the same shoes as he was. So others could also get inspiration that every sinner has a future. And no one is sin free.
i am pretty sure this apply for sins only while someone is a religious muslim, not before that as after converting yur sins are cleared and multiple revert stories include their past sins, would you say all of that is sinful, i am not really sure about that
أيهما أفضل 3 في 1 (الآب والابن والروح القدس) أم 360 (آلهة) في 1 (الله)؟ سورة ص آيات 5 (38:5 القرآن) مع التفسير سورة ص الآيات 5 بالنص العربي أجََلَ الۡأٓلِهَةَ إِلَهٗا وَحَدًاۖ إِنَّ هَذَا لَشَيۡءٌ عُجَابٞ أجال عليها إلاهانو وحيدان إنا هازا لاشيعون عجب الترجمة إلى الإنجليزية هنا يمكنك قراءة ترجمات مختلفة للآية 5 صحيح الدولية هل جعل الآلهة إلهًا واحدًا؟ في الواقع، هذا أمر مثير للفضول." يوسف علي «أجعل الآلهة إلهًا واحدًا؟» حقا هذا شيء رائع! أبو العلاء المودودي هل جعل الآلهة إلهاً واحداً؟ وهذا أمر مذهل حقًا." محسن خان «هل جعل الآلهة (الكل) إلهًا واحدًا (الله - الله). حقا إن هذا لأمر عجيب!» بيكثال فهل يجعل الآلهة إلهاً واحداً؟ لو! هذا شيء مذهل. دكتور. غالي هل جعل الآلهة إلهاً واحداً؟ ومن المؤكد أن هذا هو في الواقع شيء عجيب ". عبد الحليم فكيف يمكن أن يدعي أن جميع الآلهة ما هم إلا إله واحد؟ يا له من شيء عجيب [الادعاء]! محمد جوناغاري لقد كانت هذه بداية معادلة رائعة حقًا أو رائعة جدًا القرآن 38 الآية 5 تفسير لأولئك الذين يبحثون عن تعليق للمساعدة في فهم سورة ص الآية 5، قدمنا عملين من التفسير أدناه. الأول هو تفسير أبي العلاء المودودي، والثاني هو تفسير ابن كثير. على الموديبن كثير علاء مودودي (38:5) هل جعل الآلهة إلهًا واحدًا؟ وهذا أمر مذهل حقًا." 1 لماذا ينكر المسلمون وثنيتهم؟ وكان الله أحد الـ 360 صنما في وثنية قوم محمد 2 محمد لم يقدم آلهة جديدة. لقد أخذ صنمًا وثنيًا واحدًا فقط من بين أكثر من 360 صنمًا وثنيًا كان عنده الناس في عصره. واستمرت العبادة بطريقتهم المعتادة بأشياءهم المعتادة مثل الكعبة. 3. محمد لم يقدم دينا جديدا. لقد حول أتباعه إلى عبادة صنم واحد فقط هو الله. 4. لم يقدم إلا فكرة "الإله الواحد" التي نقلها عن النصارى وعن اليهود، الإله الواحد. وذلك لأنه أراد أن يكون دينه على مستوى المسيحية واليهودية. وحتى الآن ظل المسلمون يسعون إلى رفع مستواهم إلى مستوى المسيحية. 5. ولذلك أبقى قومه على نفس الدين الوثني الوثني ولكن مع صنم واحد، إله وثني واحد يعبدونه، وهو الله. 6. هذا نسخ خاطئ للفكرة. 7. ومن هنا ظل محمد وأتباعه وثنيين في الوثنية العربية. 8. إذن المسلمون وثنيون. 9. ولد محمد وثنيا. عاش وثنيا. ومات وثنيا. ولذلك فإن جميع أتباعه حتى الآن هم وثنيون.
It is so ugly to hijack your channel and please send a complaint if those people did not ask ur permission. It is ur right and your deed so they don't keep doing that to other channels too. Shameless people! If thet asked you oke if not put them down and take your right deserved views. ❤
Looool some people do that, they want others to perceive them to having a struggle lifestyle that they create false realities for themselve I don't believe this nonsense one bit ... Only a gullible fool would 😂😂😂
Rest of the podcast? It's not a very good look when the 1st thing u you say when sitting down to do a podcast with someone interesting is oh sorry we don't have much time..I mean do the podcast when you do have time then
Then what Different between Wannabe Gang Members and High Rank Gank Member? Fame? Money? Woman? At The End of times You are Gonna Be Dead that The Fact He See Friend Dead and People Mostly Come For your Money Rather than Yourself he is alone in Front of Abyss and He Chose to Back up then end up find happy in his own way
You worship the creation while we worship the creator. You are doing idol worship while praying to a human being that was sent from God. On the day of judgment Jesus will be asked if he told people to worship him and he will say no, I only said to people to worship ONE GOD. Sincere advice to you, read the islamic view on Jesus, this is not a gotcha thing, im trying to help you and to worship the one creator. Ask yourself: Can a man that was in need of food and water create everything in the universe or is he a man of miracle sent by the one who created everything.@@DionaldysSalcedo
Gang life wasnt a big enough lie. Now he was in the CARTEL. Why wouldn't you start by saying that you was in the cartel? Thats like telling people you played college football for a long time, then years later " oh yeah, i forgot to mention that i played in the NFL. Yeah, i think you would start by saying you played football in the NFL. WHY ON EARTH CANT YOU STOP LYING?
Full episode:
Every Saint has a past ...Every Sinner has a future...
Nice to hear
Depends on your sin and if you live under sharia.
J Cole
@@loridenise5639 depends where u live cus america might bomb it
Whats your past lol
Sheikh Uthman, i have just started learning about you and your story. I just wanted to say you are an absolute inspiration. You are the epitome of what a human being should strive to be. May Allah grant you a mansion in the highest levels of jannah inshallah. Thank you sir.
He will steal your wife if you give her number to him .
@@goldenbrown3283 & I’ll make your wife a hoe. I’ll make you my bish
@@goldenbrown3283You should check your wife, whether she is yours.
@@mzmalik9445 ooops I have just checked .. she said she is still married to you !!!. So sorry for taking your wife off you . I have asked her if she wants to go back to you and she said " hell NO " !!!!. She said she wants a man and not a boy 😂😂😂😂. So sorry , I did try but she would not listen . She said life is fun and spicy with a kafir !!!! I guess I will have to just keep her ???. She does a really good polish and shine !!!!.
@goldenbrown3283 That is imagination of neutrals, but in reality, wife gives birth and husband joins in celebration after returning from long business trip.
Br Abdullah from Houston, TX, was also a gang member; now, he has helped many Latinos to revert back to Islam.
Our hearts are between the fingers of Allah...
Whomever he wishes good for, is indeed blessed.😊😊😊
This brother is as real as they come. Mashallah all love and respect
He’s like this in private too!
May Allah grant Sheikh Uthman Ibn Farooq long life and taqwa... ameen
I never kmew about his past but watching him at work I could feel the toughness in him.❤
Sheikh utman we love you.. Man you great person.. Thanks what you doing for Islam.. Thank Islam that what done to you...
17 sahih hadiths on muhammad consummating marriage w Aisha at 9. Thoughts?
@@osc31131 you guys wont ask about Khadija ra? thinking this hadeeth would prove Islam wrong?! listen she was enough to look like a women and mature person when they had relation okay! before that Muhammad saw treated her as a kid and let her enjoy her childhood!
@@osc31131the age for marriage consummation was 9-10 during the prophets time. He had two other wives before that
remember no matter what youve done in this Dunya as long as your alive its never to late in the eyes of Allah SWT
Masha Allah ❤ one of the biggest daee on the scene 💯
Habibi brother, always enjoy your videos
ALLAH (swt) guides those who he wills, SubhanAllah! ALLAH HU AKBAR!
This is the beauty of islam
Alhamdulillah I like to watch him debate and dawah, and now he's got more attention I'm happy for him, so people can learn mroe.
This podacst gave me goosebumps. I am speechless. What a transformation. Whoever is reading this may Allah SWT keep all of us steadfast on deen & make us successful on the day of judgement. Aameen 🤲
What a beautiful comment. Ameen!
Wow what a turn 180 degree…it is good to hear this because you can see if you want there is a way! Look him now may Allah protrct him
Got 2mins in and im subconsciously counting the praise 'alhamdulillah'
Allahu akbar,alhamdulillah All
lah blessing all of us❤❤❤❤
May Allah protect Sheikh Uthman at all cost!
His story reminds me a quote from anime series Avatar "When we hit our lowest point , We are open to the greatest change".
I’m not gonna lie, when I first heard a snippet of this story I was calling cap so bad because to be honest Sheikh Uthman doesn’t seem the type at all. But after learning more about him and hearing the whole story. He sounds like an OG from my city 😂. Alhamdulilah.
A lot of young knuckleheads could use you ya Sheikh.
bro it is cap. this guy is a liar, he doesn't even sound believable lmao
Your mom is cap. @@Getsumsimm
@@warnpeace3900 pakis aint like that in LA lmao you are a clown for believing him zmh
@@Getsumsimm There’s even photos. It’s real
بارك الله فيك يا شيخ عثمان ...و جعلك هاديا مهديا بإذن الله...و جمعنا و إياك علي تقوي الله عز و جل ...و جمعنا في صحبة المصطفي صلي الله عليه وسلم.
May Allah continue to preserve you upon goodness. Really eye opening
Great podcast...maasha Allah.
❤️❤️❤️ habibi thank you!
MashaAllah..may Allah bless u Seikh Uthman......thanx for the podcast..
So, Islam the ‘religion’ of peace… what an inspired, intelligent person you are, I’m sure your ‘followers’ are inspired by your profound wisdom!
He was NEVER a cartel member, but an associate of Mexican Street gang that were known to have ties to the Mexican Cartel!
That's why I was thinking lol how did the cartel let him go they are the most brutal
Allah grant everybody hidayath - Guidance.... Aameen.😢🤲🤲🤲
he forgot to mention he also recieved dawah which brought him
Shyekh uthman is really a main character☠️
Always knew Sheik had a dark past. The natural way he spoke to people in the hood made it obvious that he's been around town.
I thought Uthman was Pakistani I had no idea he was Mexican and was a member of the cartels
He is Pashtun not Mexican. But he raised with Mexican in US.
Me too!
Yes, he is Pakistan
I'm watching this in Pakistan where shiekh uthman supposed to be lived in the past... Peshawar
He is Pakistani who lived with Mexicans
What a great man he is 💯
Sheikh Ottoman ibn farooq ❤
@@sabar2453in english
الحمد لله حاضر جزاكم الله خيرا
Passively confessing to any crime is not good. Criminal law does not have any limitation, so, a case may be filed against an individual years after the incident.
For things like murder there aren't but for smaller crimes there are absolutely statutes of limitations.
@@LordxCurryCarefully listen to what he said. Because of him, some people are not alive.
@@AdvKhaled I know.
He's not confessing he's making it all up, no one who is actually in that life talks about "I did this and that".
Bro you really believe him? He’s 100% bullshitting you can see it.
No idea why he put up this act though
People in comments talking shit bcs he muslim but if it was an unbeliever or a hindu or christian you guys would believe it 😂
What non sense you're talking about...
For example tell us 3 hes lies ?
Mashallah taba ra kallah ... amazing brothers keep spreading the message and love you frok occupied Kashmir ❤
Would like to point out correct the proportion of the person in camera ..Learn more about head space and interview cinematics ...and yes the proportion needs to be mended
El Hamdo li ALLAH . Islam is the solution of all the problems of humanity.
TH-cam can run ads on your content even if you don't allow ads and they take all the profits
Masha Allah watching this &listening to shaykh uthman telling his stories.... Reminds me last night i watched a movie, the killing mission..such life is not cool.. it's dangerous... like what the shaykh had said.. you mess up, ypu'll end up being the one who get killed 😮😮😮..... &You may put the lives of your loved ones at isk too.... Yet alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar, with Allah'smercy&help &guidance, shaykh is now in Sllah's team of soldier... Allah chose him to be in His chosen oneswho are guided by Him.. subhanAllah.. in deed Allah guides whoever He wishes to guide.. and none coukd influence His decisions
الله يحفظك ياشيخ عثمان
Although I see nothing wrong with this episode, it makes me think, if there was a shikhad who spoke about her past as a stripper, b4 she became a shikhad, what would happen. May Allah guide us all.
U can't compare the two kind of lifestyle
@@tucoinzali7023Why not? Both are degenerate lifestyles.
Lets take d two as an example, am sure u rada tell ur children wen giving dem a moral lessons ur story as a gangster and why d lifestyle shouldn't be appealing to dem, than telling them u are once a stripper
@@tucoinzali7023 Do you think that a gangster drug dealer is having kids with a woman with morals and values? If he’s a gangster, his baby mommah is probably the stripper ur condemning. My brothers in Islam don’t hold men accountable.
There are famous folk stories of former prostitutes becoming pious women.
It happens subhan Allah
Allah Hu Akbar 🙏🙏
Allahu Akbar
Just 1 question.. isn't exposing sins haram?
And what about the hadith of those who allah forgive except those who expose their sins publicly???
Not haram if you are telling the past in order to educate those who are still in the same shoes.
Ese Uthman, the vato loco from the Barrio! Que ondas homie?
?Lo conoces¿
@@Maher-yd6xx quien no lo conose?
@@JuanHunna100 No, quiero decir, lo conoces personalmente.
Dhikr! (Wont take more than 1min)
ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلّٰهِ 🌸 (5times)
أَسْتَغْفِرُ ٱللَّٰهَ 🖤 (5times)
الله أكبر✨ (5times)
Sheyk uthman sometime switching to cartel mode during dawah 😂
bro CAPPIN"!!!!!! lmfao
I hope we can do a movie or a documentary about him
Main character energy right there 😅
Sheikh Uthman has no fear when dealing with hecklers. May Allah swt rewards him
Careful Sheikh, don't get in trouble with the stories. Don't have to go in detail,
He shouldnt lie
The guy asking questions should be more smart that first question shouldn’t be asked on camera
@name-vx1od ur mom sucked it real good for a second
@name-vx1od you are not mohammad hijab!!!😂
True talk
I didn't know that S.Uthman was a gang member...I am just shocked
Can a muslim who understands Arabic, translate to English for me:
أيهما أفضل 3 في 1 (الآب والابن والروح القدس)
أم 360 (آلهة) في 1 (الله)؟
سورة ص آيات 5 (38:5 القرآن) مع التفسير
سورة ص الآيات 5 بالنص العربي
أجََلَ الۡأٓلِهَةَ إِلَهٗا وَحَدًاۖ إِنَّ هَذَا لَشَيۡءٌ عُجَابٞ
أجال عليها إلاهانو وحيدان إنا هازا لاشيعون عجب
الترجمة إلى الإنجليزية
هنا يمكنك قراءة ترجمات مختلفة للآية 5
صحيح الدولية
هل جعل الآلهة إلهًا واحدًا؟ في الواقع، هذا أمر مثير للفضول."
يوسف علي
«أجعل الآلهة إلهًا واحدًا؟» حقا هذا شيء رائع!
أبو العلاء المودودي
هل جعل الآلهة إلهاً واحداً؟ وهذا أمر مذهل حقًا."
محسن خان
«هل جعل الآلهة (الكل) إلهًا واحدًا (الله - الله). حقا إن هذا لأمر عجيب!»
فهل يجعل الآلهة إلهاً واحداً؟ لو! هذا شيء مذهل.
دكتور. غالي
هل جعل الآلهة إلهاً واحداً؟ ومن المؤكد أن هذا هو في الواقع شيء عجيب ".
عبد الحليم
فكيف يمكن أن يدعي أن جميع الآلهة ما هم إلا إله واحد؟ يا له من شيء عجيب [الادعاء]!
محمد جوناغاري
لقد كانت هذه بداية معادلة رائعة حقًا أو رائعة جدًا
القرآن 38 الآية 5 تفسير
لأولئك الذين يبحثون عن تعليق للمساعدة في فهم سورة ص الآية 5، قدمنا عملين من التفسير أدناه. الأول هو تفسير أبي العلاء المودودي، والثاني هو تفسير ابن كثير.
على الموديبن كثير
علاء مودودي
(38:5) هل جعل الآلهة إلهًا واحدًا؟ وهذا أمر مذهل حقًا."
1 لماذا ينكر المسلمون وثنيتهم؟ وكان الله أحد الـ 360 صنما في وثنية قوم محمد
2 محمد لم يقدم آلهة جديدة. لقد أخذ صنمًا وثنيًا واحدًا فقط من بين أكثر من 360 صنمًا وثنيًا كان عنده الناس في عصره. واستمرت العبادة بطريقتهم المعتادة بأشياءهم المعتادة مثل الكعبة.
3. محمد لم يقدم دينا جديدا. لقد حول أتباعه إلى عبادة صنم واحد فقط هو الله.
4. لم يقدم إلا فكرة "الإله الواحد" التي نقلها عن النصارى وعن اليهود، الإله الواحد. وذلك لأنه أراد أن يكون دينه على مستوى المسيحية واليهودية. وحتى الآن ظل المسلمون يسعون إلى رفع مستواهم إلى مستوى المسيحية.
5. ولذلك أبقى قومه على نفس الدين الوثني الوثني ولكن مع صنم واحد، إله وثني واحد يعبدونه، وهو الله.
6. هذا نسخ خاطئ للفكرة.
7. ومن هنا ظل محمد وأتباعه وثنيين في الوثنية العربية.
8. إذن المسلمون وثنيون.
9. ولد محمد وثنيا. عاش وثنيا. ومات وثنيا. ولذلك فإن جميع أتباعه حتى الآن هم وثنيون.
it’s just some BS about Muslims being idol worshippers. You can Google translate if you want.
Yes sheikh Uthman of course you were the Pashtun el Chapo back in the 80s and 90s. Just like that time when you were stabbed, and the guy was arrested
Bro nice video first
Just so evryone also enjoy and have hidayat from such videos
Your microphone have some issue there is a noise. Do check that
Listening to this I should change our channel name to Shaykh Uthman😉 😆
Just kidding.
May the almighty increase your reach beyond your wildest comprehension, and reward you for all your efforts.
Top G
these young "islamic" youtubers should be more careful. Dwelling into someone's past knowing he has abandoned it is disgusting for clickbait. The interviewer seemed to be enjoying the horrific things he was saying.
You think Shaik Uthman is young ?😂
He is much older and well studied in Islamic creeds. Try to become like him if you can 😅
I don’t think that’s a fair analysis of the video. Assume better of your Muslim brothers. May Allah bless you Muhammad, at the end of the day you’re my Muslim brother! ❤
All your sins will be washed away once your Muslim
We need more
wait, is this a fake channel since it's got ads?
I believe it was the CJNJ he was talking about. Them lot are ruthless.
The companions of the Prophet Muhammad sullallahu alaihi wa sallama said have anyone of us not done wrong (before Islam). But they became Muslim for shirk and kufr are wrong.
damm i never knew about sheikh's past, may Allah bless him
its all cap
No way they put a picture of pablo Escobar next to our sheikh XD
Abu Hurayrah said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: “All of my ummah will be forgiven except those who sin openly. It is a part of sinning openly when a man does something at night, then the following morning when Allaah has concealed his sin, he says, ‘O So and so, I did such and such last night,’ when all night his Lord has concealed him and the next morning he uncovers what Allaah had concealed.”
(Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5721; Muslim, 2990).
Like he said he didn't talk about his sins to glorify it. He talked about it to show that there is a way out for people in the same shoes as he was. So others could also get inspiration that every sinner has a future. And no one is sin free.
i am pretty sure this apply for sins only while someone is a religious muslim, not before that as after converting yur sins are cleared and multiple revert stories include their past sins, would you say all of that is sinful, i am not really sure about that
أيهما أفضل 3 في 1 (الآب والابن والروح القدس) أم 360 (آلهة) في 1 (الله)؟
سورة ص آيات 5 (38:5 القرآن) مع التفسير
سورة ص الآيات 5 بالنص العربي
أجََلَ الۡأٓلِهَةَ إِلَهٗا وَحَدًاۖ إِنَّ هَذَا لَشَيۡءٌ عُجَابٞ
أجال عليها إلاهانو وحيدان إنا هازا لاشيعون عجب
الترجمة إلى الإنجليزية
هنا يمكنك قراءة ترجمات مختلفة للآية 5
صحيح الدولية
هل جعل الآلهة إلهًا واحدًا؟ في الواقع، هذا أمر مثير للفضول."
يوسف علي
«أجعل الآلهة إلهًا واحدًا؟» حقا هذا شيء رائع!
أبو العلاء المودودي
هل جعل الآلهة إلهاً واحداً؟ وهذا أمر مذهل حقًا."
محسن خان
«هل جعل الآلهة (الكل) إلهًا واحدًا (الله - الله). حقا إن هذا لأمر عجيب!»
فهل يجعل الآلهة إلهاً واحداً؟ لو! هذا شيء مذهل.
دكتور. غالي
هل جعل الآلهة إلهاً واحداً؟ ومن المؤكد أن هذا هو في الواقع شيء عجيب ".
عبد الحليم
فكيف يمكن أن يدعي أن جميع الآلهة ما هم إلا إله واحد؟ يا له من شيء عجيب [الادعاء]!
محمد جوناغاري
لقد كانت هذه بداية معادلة رائعة حقًا أو رائعة جدًا
القرآن 38 الآية 5 تفسير
لأولئك الذين يبحثون عن تعليق للمساعدة في فهم سورة ص الآية 5، قدمنا عملين من التفسير أدناه. الأول هو تفسير أبي العلاء المودودي، والثاني هو تفسير ابن كثير.
على الموديبن كثير
علاء مودودي
(38:5) هل جعل الآلهة إلهًا واحدًا؟ وهذا أمر مذهل حقًا."
1 لماذا ينكر المسلمون وثنيتهم؟ وكان الله أحد الـ 360 صنما في وثنية قوم محمد
2 محمد لم يقدم آلهة جديدة. لقد أخذ صنمًا وثنيًا واحدًا فقط من بين أكثر من 360 صنمًا وثنيًا كان عنده الناس في عصره. واستمرت العبادة بطريقتهم المعتادة بأشياءهم المعتادة مثل الكعبة.
3. محمد لم يقدم دينا جديدا. لقد حول أتباعه إلى عبادة صنم واحد فقط هو الله.
4. لم يقدم إلا فكرة "الإله الواحد" التي نقلها عن النصارى وعن اليهود، الإله الواحد. وذلك لأنه أراد أن يكون دينه على مستوى المسيحية واليهودية. وحتى الآن ظل المسلمون يسعون إلى رفع مستواهم إلى مستوى المسيحية.
5. ولذلك أبقى قومه على نفس الدين الوثني الوثني ولكن مع صنم واحد، إله وثني واحد يعبدونه، وهو الله.
6. هذا نسخ خاطئ للفكرة.
7. ومن هنا ظل محمد وأتباعه وثنيين في الوثنية العربية.
8. إذن المسلمون وثنيون.
9. ولد محمد وثنيا. عاش وثنيا. ومات وثنيا. ولذلك فإن جميع أتباعه حتى الآن هم وثنيون.
Looool this guy wants to sound like he had the hardest life so bad 😂😂
And you're jealous even to that
It is so ugly to hijack your channel and please send a complaint if those people did not ask ur permission. It is ur right and your deed so they don't keep doing that to other channels too. Shameless people! If thet asked you oke if not put them down and take your right deserved views. ❤
It's promoting sheikh videos to masses
@@adnan3441 Still you need to ask permission.
He & Steven Seagal similar dark past:), cut the crap, he is just trying to persuade kids with his story.Its so obvious for those who detect lies
Lmao i said the same thing too. I am sorry but for any body who listened a legit stories from Former Cartel members it sounds so fake😂
Oooh man...this was soo painful to whatch
Because you guys gangster knowledge is from the tv not the streets like him. 😂 pathetic NPC’s
Also, it’s obvious your hate against the shaik.
Sheikh is speaking facts. You just proving your ignorance
Steven seagal 🤣 but it's a fair point..there's no way proving he was in a cartel.
Is he really a Shaykh?
В одном из подкастов он сам говорил что он бывший член банды. Что он конкретно делал в ней не сказал. Но вопрос? Почему его руки на месте .
no soul leave or enters this world without the permission of allah
Love sheikh ❤
Vattos loco forever sheikh 🙏
This podcast is getting deeeeep man....stoooop thissss😂
lmao all cap
Is he telling the truth?
I honestly have a hard time believing it..
@@John-mf6kywhat would he gain from lying, while potentially incriminating himself
@@John-mf6kyI honestly have a hard time believing you have a dad.
Looool some people do that, they want others to perceive them to having a struggle lifestyle that they create false realities for themselve
I don't believe this nonsense one bit ... Only a gullible fool would 😂😂😂
Sheik gone be on the next rico😮
Should he reveal his past like that. Isn't that revealing his past sins?
عمل جميل
Rest of the podcast? It's not a very good look when the 1st thing u you say when sitting down to do a podcast with someone interesting is oh sorry we don't have much time..I mean do the podcast when you do have time then
Literally look on my channel.
@@TheAnsariPodcast I recommend including "Pt.1 & 2" in the title, some people don't use common sense unfortunately.
@@naimahmed3720 hahaha good advise will do!
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂the only thing he's been through is the burger shop gansta 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂comedy gold
These fools in the comments actually believe this 'Story' 😂😂😂
@@TopskimpChee-fc6zi Why shouldn’t we
Then what Different between Wannabe Gang Members and High Rank Gank Member? Fame? Money? Woman? At The End of times You are Gonna Be Dead that The Fact
He See Friend Dead and People Mostly Come For your Money Rather than Yourself he is alone in Front of Abyss and He Chose to Back up then end up find happy in his own way
I was believing it until the best friend died and a smile after not feeling guilty. I thought not genuine reaction at all.
i guess it bacause it just normal thing ?
Why should he feel guilt? It wasn't his fault, he didn't know he was gonna get shot, and neither would anyone with reason want to be that person.
Normal TH-cam idiots who lurk behind keyboards to talk trash they know nothing about.
Such a pathetic way to live. Get well soon.
I thought that was the most genuine part of the story tbh
He still has his low rider
Is Sheikh Uthman also Mexican?
no, he is from Pakistan
American of Pakistani origins
He is from laghman afghanistan yousufzai tribe that went to pakistan bc there are 20 mill afghans there. Then they moved to america
🔴Taqiyya🔴 Taqiyya 🔴Taqiyya 🔴Taqiyya 🔴Taqiyya🔴
Is old picture looks like "fernando Alonso"
He was an LA gang member, not a cartel member.
Why are all your video titles inaccurate clickbait??
He’s from San Diego not LA
Are you setting him up to snitch on himself!? What is going on here!
Blud prolly met Walter White
You dont even think about cartel what they do with live human😮😮 allahu akbar
this guy was more gangster than me, I was like nothing
11:43 what does he mean by "..well.. other .. treats 😏" ? Women ?
Islamic life is getting harder nowadays.
In the western world and The fake news. yes.
That means more reward from Allah
@@FOTBOLL50Jesus Christ is Lord repent your allah is nothing compared to the true King of kings
You worship the creation while we worship the creator. You are doing idol worship while praying to a human being that was sent from God. On the day of judgment Jesus will be asked if he told people to worship him and he will say no, I only said to people to worship ONE GOD. Sincere advice to you, read the islamic view on Jesus, this is not a gotcha thing, im trying to help you and to worship the one creator. Ask yourself: Can a man that was in need of food and water create everything in the universe or is he a man of miracle sent by the one who created everything.@@DionaldysSalcedo
-Jesus -peace be upon him' is a prophet. Means he is human . ALLAH is the only GOD worthy of worship. Wake up my brother and submit to ALLAH
What a miserable life in cartel
abdul mas someone took their name but not mad he took someones wife
He’s mexican? I thought he was indian
He's Pakistani. You don't have to be Mexican to get involved with the cartel
Gang life wasnt a big enough lie. Now he was in the CARTEL. Why wouldn't you start by saying that you was in the cartel? Thats like telling people you played college football for a long time, then years later " oh yeah, i forgot to mention that i played in the NFL. Yeah, i think you would start by saying you played football in the NFL. WHY ON EARTH CANT YOU STOP LYING?
A lie is when your god told you In mark 16:17-18 that if you believe in his name poison will not hurt and it's a blatant lie right!
I dead thought dude was British lmao
Lmaoooooo same.