Download King Arthur: Legends Rise now using my link: @PlayKingArthur #KingArthurLegendsRise Thanks for watching! Sub for more MMO Content
Just gonna leave this here for any interested not on the list, Final Fantasy 14 is Free to play up to level 70, with a few caveats that are easily overlooked if you want a JRPG with an MMO at the end. I know it's not everyones cup of tea but it is an option
I will always remember fondly my time with Swtor. Man those were the days.. I watched every preview video before it came out and played nonstop on release. The supposed "Wow-killer". Unfortunately, like many MMO's it lacked in depth endgame content, the PVP was also pretty bland though huttball was a refreshing sporty pvp game mode.
Every year this video... Every year you get a like! It's always good with fresh suggestions for F2P MMOs and what to look out for in those. Btw just a note; in your LOTRO section there was a brief video of WoW gameplay.
I'm happy you finally brought up Dungeons and Dragons Online. I remember bringing it up to you years ago :) I'm sure you seen it but didn't consider it at the time. Used to be my favorite game and was my first MMO.
Ex EVE Online player here. One thing no one talks about with eve that they should as it’s the most obvious is skills are trained in real time and while you can get into upgrades ship fast ish, you will not be able to take advantage of the craft without training skills like subsystems, engineering systems and many other things. You can buy skill point injectors to make it go faster but ultimately to be viable in EVE online you are going to need about a years worth of playing every day to even just get to some of the T2 ships in the game.
I haven't played in like 10 years but they had an offline leveling app you could use to queue up your skills so you didn't have to run the game to update. Most of my friends ran a ship building union and they made real money playing the game. I think they got on maybe once a week but were constantly maxing their characters.
Actually, in LoTRO you can get basically everything for free, as completing deeds reward you with store coins. Ofc you would have to play many different characters and grind a LOT, but yeah, it's possible (PS: I have a friend that bought all xp packs and a few QoL stuff doing just that while he was unemployed lol)
I've put a sad amount of hours into Once Human since it emerged from beta, but I suppose it's technically not an MMO. It is a weird creature, this one.
RuneScape is still the greatest mmorpg game of all time. Next year would be my 20th year and ready to claim my 20 year veteran cape milestone. My most favorite content in the game is the Quest feature where you can't ever see in other games. It's not only kill and collect but puzzles and logics and deep lore that make it quite little twist of challenge and complexity. I still played both RS3 and OSRS can be multiplayed both on PC and Mobile.
I just wish more recent MMOs can innovate with the classic class-based party roles (healers, buffers, debuffers, tanks, etc.) and not just the typical one-man army endgame boring stuff. Its so boring and defeats the purpose of it being Multiplayer if everyones is just another DPS turret
Old school top tier MMORPGs were always grindfest and Pay to Win but as someone who in his childhood was server rank 2 on both Perfect world online and Battle of immortals as a NON PAYING User (since I was too young to have a credit card), I can tell you that the satisfaction of doing all that without spending a money, being a scalper, hustler etc was and always will feel like real fucking life. Anyways, none of us have that kind of time anymore but I still prefer pay 2 win over any 1 time payment game. Time and again I login my old fiesta online account on gamigo and drop 200usd and buy some random crap and then logout. But the sunday that I do it on once every 5-6 months, happens to be the most nostalgic sunday for me.
@Lucky Ghost Oh typo in time stamps - thank you for the listings 17:31 BLADE AND SOULD ( B&S) wishing you a Safe, Peaceful and Joyous Thanksgiving 🙏🏘 💞
Ive seen all of mmorpg video lists and i cant seem to find one that charms me ive tried albion and guild wars 2. Problem with albion is that its main focus are guilds and i dont wanna lose all my stuff if i randomly get killed then for guildwars im almost max lvl but the skills really doesnt appeal to me its all just aoe circles and png flames. Both seems very fun but i guess its not for me..
albion needs a different mindset. being a sandbox, gear are a means to an end, not the goal. also, there are some content for solo or small group like Mists and the Roads of Avalon
@fu1bu7c4r4çuc4r as a albion player since launch its not as bad as it seems. Theres zones where you can't get attacked, and those you can (being full loot pvp). The glory of albion is that the full loot pvp zones also offer an immense amount more silver, fame (whats needed to progress your character) and loot. You can spend all day in the safe zones farming and make x amount. You can spend a fraction of the time in the dangerous zones and make more. It's high risk high reward. Yet albion implemented a lot of systems that alert you of potential gankers. Big red circles on the map showing a guild clump moving together, where a player was killed on the map etc. I've played albion awhile and once I learned the game I get ganked or caught off guard maybe a few times a week but make so much silver off the other content it doesn't even matter. If you have map awareness you're fine. You can also catch geared players fighting pve mobs in the red and black zones (full loot zones) and jump them and make millions off a single kill. Some days you do dungeons all day and do meh loot and silver wise. Then 1 day you land a chest worth a few mill of loot, it's all randomized, that's why it's fun. There's also non full loot pvp avenues to help you learn the game and its pvp aspects, how to counter what builds etc. Albion is all about your spec in certain gear not how badass your gear is. Don't wear what you can't afford to lose, and I've smashed players that drastically outgear me because I'm just better than them. People make a mistake of buying the most expensive gear they can afford and then take it to full loot zones and get caught. I have a set worth over 50mill I wear in pve Content in safe zones, but I also buy like 20 of the same setup just lower tier and way less expensive when I wanna pvp. Plus you can fast travel back to a safe area. Get some loot? Land a kill? Tp home and bank it, it's yours now. 1 item found can sometimes can be worth more than your entire set. Tp to a safe zone sell it. Now you can die two or 3 times losing your loot and you break even. Albion is truly a kick ass game and it's not as scary as it seems. Plus a lot of guilds will pay for your regearing if you play a build they need in guild vs guild content
If you're going to include DCUO as a 'free' 2p mmo, then you also must mention City of Heroes legally re-licensed on Homecoming - truly and completely F2P and a hundred times better than that other console crap! ;) I would also recommend GW2, SWTOR & LOTRO from this list. Subbing for a month in the last 2 gives you premium status which makes most of what you need to enjoy them to endgame free 'forever'. Secret World Legends is also unique for its setting and incredible story/quests/atmosfear - can be solo'ed which may be your only option given the pop is dead, which is a shame. Once Human is a great mmo-lite which is set in a similar modern-day setting, but suffers for other reasons (server wipes every 6 weeks is killing the pops), but it's a helluva lot of fun for a action-looter-shooter-mmolite-survival mashup. I tried T&L but found it very repetitive and boring with absolutely nothing new or innovative in mmos - I gave up at level 20, eh.
@@JohnloidMarjes the only ones I would recommend that I've played from last year and aren't complete crap...maybe Throne and Liberty, def Once Human (although not a mmo strictly speaking). That's all I got - I mostly play older games, for all the obvious reasons, ahem. Also, I don't do mobile gamesxor consoles.
i think ddo was the best experience, you can get all the pay content by doing favor and quests. you dont have to spend 1 dime to get all the content you want.
@@thaleyumd1219 you are aware that the rest of p2w feature are coming late jan or early feb, which means f2p will be left behind, right now they are able to keep up but soon they gotta open the wallets if they wanna keep up with content n not gatekeep.
I tried it with a friend, beautiful graphics, animations seemed clunky sometimes but still decent, gameplay wise... not my cup of tea, there was like only 3 players running around when you finish the prologue, after some quest progress there was no player to be seen and then I got stuck in a main quest where the NPC I had to interact to bugged out underground, I called it from there and just uninstalled, I had high hopes for that game.
I will never play a pay to win or gacha games ever in my life it's disgusting I'd rather pay full price and enjoy a skill based game amd build my character
Agreed, however iv hit 2500power and i only play when i can. Only purchase iv ever made was the 9$ 1-50 level pack. Its very much still F2P if your willing to not be S tier on day 1.
@@mnolan942 Ya but there were players over 3k within the first couple weeks. Some are probably close to 4k now. But like you said there's still quite a bit to do and have fun with if you're not trying to be ultra competitive. I just think it could be so much better without the real money AH.
MapleStory!!! Back in COVID a friend invited me to play I thought the 2D/art-style didn’t really appeal to me, but I gave it a decent shot Now Steam says I’m 7954 hours in :thisisfine:
I have to protest against DCUO. Its little story arcs going completely free IS a good thing, but unless you purchase a monthly sub or spend money in its HORRIBLELY scummy cash shop, you're screwed in every other way. Not to mention unless you do the above, you also only have access to like... Six powersets total? DCUO would be an amazing free game if you could at least grind to eventually unlock some of them, but, as it is, and with the prices in the shop for unlocking said powers + being able to use real money to buy actual in game powerups... Nah. DCUO is a game that shouldn't be included in any list for good F2P games.
@@LuckyGhost lol, the lvl boost comes with exotic gear, wich has lower stats than ascended gear(wich can only be crafted). Exotic gear costs you like 2 gold to buy a full set aaaand if you crwate a lvl 1 char and go into the pvp grounds your char will be lvl 80 with full gear and runes meant for pvp. And you can change everything to your playstyle for free or you play the game to lvl80 craft your gear and have better gear than the one who paid for the lvl 80 boost. So tell me. Where is that pay 2 win?
Speaking as someone who put in 2k+ hours into Lost Ark in the first year of release. I would highly suggest NOBODY play that one. You will have to do daily grind on 6 characters, to support your main one. Its basically a job, not a game. It will suck away 12 hours of every day...very very easily. And it does not respect your time at all, stay far away from that life sucking chore machine of a game.
i tried guild wars 2 recently . after i leveled to 80 in free-to-play. i decided to put forth some cash for some DLCs. but i was underwhelmed by the content. they very much repeat the same formula over and over, its an intellectual disappointment.
Let's be honest, a majority of these free to play games have already been out for years and they are plagued by pay to win microtransactions. Not sure what was needed to be updated, as the entire genre is dry and dying out. No hate though.
Many factors made it the way it is, the worst thing is that devs instead of being creative push extra money sinks, only worsen the problem and scare away new players.
OSRS probably your best bet, might as well forget the rest if playing on a school PC. It ran on them back then about 2004 even after it transitioned to 3D, see no issue doing it with whatever junk they have now.
@Ysill88 thanks for replying. I really didn't expect anyone to see this comment. The thing is the school is lending us Laptops to use in school but also at home. I have a gaming PC but my friend doesn't so we found a rpg on Roblox lol. Thanks again for ur time. Take care
When did FF14 become F2P? it has a trial im aware of but soon u reach max of certain time u gotta pay, so its not really f2p, although would be lovely it haivng same model of gw2.
@@RedDev1l757 that is they make you believe, i had an account i tried it a bit up to lv14 i think and week later tried to return to continue the trial i was faced with sign saying you reached the time limit of the trial, to continue purchase sub.
Yes, but it is kinda old already so most will be at end game content already.. so it tyria can be a little more empty than the rest. But once you reach the end game u will see a lot of people! Meta Events are open world events that people farm together up to 50 players squad. They all go together farming around. You have those events , world bosses , fractals (its like dungeons) that u do daily, raids which are harder need to join a guild. But its actually a very good mmo if not the best rn. You can play free until 70 lvl. Then I would say buy Hearth of thorns + path of fire expansions theyre cheap and come together, you will start doing those called meta events and see a lot more of people! From those metas you can farm materials and sell , convert into gems in shop and buy new "expansions" to farm new maps! Or buy cosmetics 😂 give it a try for sure !
Damn not a single new mmo that looks interesting, I'm one of those players who waited a bunch of years for Lost Ark release just to be plagued with bots, I guess It's time to give a real try to GW2 now 👀
LOLI know this isn't the right video, but I'm having some trouble with final fantasy 14 online about the first contact. main stereo mission. It says I need to perform a dance, but none of them that I'm doing is working. And I tried looking up and seeing but nobody's saying the name of the dance that needs to be done or anything. If you could message me back and tell me the name of the dance or where to find it in a video, I would appreciate it. Thank you.
LOL I love how everyone says Throne and Liberty is a PVP focused game. There is Triple the PVE content than PVP. Outside of night fights in Open World Dungeons, Castle Siege, Boonstones, Conflict bosses, and the occasional conflict style world event the rest of the game is purely PVE. You can literally play and never be put into a PVP fight ever and still keep up with even the top pvp player as far as gear. For a PVP focused game it is very lacking in content for that. There is more PVP content in World PVP in Classic WoW.
Download King Arthur: Legends Rise now using my link: @PlayKingArthur #KingArthurLegendsRise
Thanks for watching! Sub for more MMO Content
Just gonna leave this here for any interested not on the list, Final Fantasy 14 is Free to play up to level 70, with a few caveats that are easily overlooked if you want a JRPG with an MMO at the end. I know it's not everyones cup of tea but it is an option
Ff14 has an amazing free trial
Too many cutscenes, it got extremely boring cause of it
@@justmeok2 it’s because it is an rpg first, mmo second. The story after a certain point is emmaculate
@justmeok2 that's why I say it's a JRPG FIRST with an MMO at the end...
what if I can't afford the subscription, would it still be good to continue while playing only using the free trial?
Gosh I need to go back to GW2, just the music in this video got me going XD
I will always remember fondly my time with Swtor. Man those were the days.. I watched every preview video before it came out and played nonstop on release. The supposed "Wow-killer". Unfortunately, like many MMO's it lacked in depth endgame content, the PVP was also pretty bland though huttball was a refreshing sporty pvp game mode.
Guild wars 2 is great! Just bought all the expansions i was missing aith the autumn sale. Sure feels like ill be playing for a very bery long time
I would start playing I think this is the one from the list!
amazing quality video! these looks so fun! the DC Universe one cracks me up
Every year this video... Every year you get a like!
It's always good with fresh suggestions for F2P MMOs and what to look out for in those.
Btw just a note; in your LOTRO section there was a brief video of WoW gameplay.
ah thanks for the heads up!
The WOW gameplay during the GW2 section caught me off guard. xD
Wow i didnt even notice it hahahahah! its like he is trying to convince us to play it within our subconscious :D
I'm happy you finally brought up Dungeons and Dragons Online. I remember bringing it up to you years ago :) I'm sure you seen it but didn't consider it at the time. Used to be my favorite game and was my first MMO.
Ex EVE Online player here. One thing no one talks about with eve that they should as it’s the most obvious is skills are trained in real time and while you can get into upgrades ship fast ish, you will not be able to take advantage of the craft without training skills like subsystems, engineering systems and many other things. You can buy skill point injectors to make it go faster but ultimately to be viable in EVE online you are going to need about a years worth of playing every day to even just get to some of the T2 ships in the game.
I haven't played in like 10 years but they had an offline leveling app you could use to queue up your skills so you didn't have to run the game to update. Most of my friends ran a ship building union and they made real money playing the game. I think they got on maybe once a week but were constantly maxing their characters.
Actually, in LoTRO you can get basically everything for free, as completing deeds reward you with store coins. Ofc you would have to play many different characters and grind a LOT, but yeah, it's possible (PS: I have a friend that bought all xp packs and a few QoL stuff doing just that while he was unemployed lol)
I remember playing with my guild day 1 for swotr and gw2, beautiful time ❤
I've put a sad amount of hours into Once Human since it emerged from beta, but I suppose it's technically not an MMO. It is a weird creature, this one.
RuneScape is still the greatest mmorpg game of all time. Next year would be my 20th year and ready to claim my 20 year veteran cape milestone.
My most favorite content in the game is the Quest feature where you can't ever see in other games. It's not only kill and collect but puzzles and logics and deep lore that make it quite little twist of challenge and complexity.
I still played both RS3 and OSRS can be multiplayed both on PC and Mobile.
I still enjoy Rift! Thanks for the great list!
I just wish more recent MMOs can innovate with the classic class-based party roles (healers, buffers, debuffers, tanks, etc.) and not just the typical one-man army endgame boring stuff. Its so boring and defeats the purpose of it being Multiplayer if everyones is just another DPS turret
Old school top tier MMORPGs were always grindfest and Pay to Win but as someone who in his childhood was server rank 2 on both Perfect world online and Battle of immortals as a NON PAYING User (since I was too young to have a credit card), I can tell you that the satisfaction of doing all that without spending a money, being a scalper, hustler etc was and always will feel like real fucking life. Anyways, none of us have that kind of time anymore but I still prefer pay 2 win over any 1 time payment game. Time and again I login my old fiesta online account on gamigo and drop 200usd and buy some random crap and then logout. But the sunday that I do it on once every 5-6 months, happens to be the most nostalgic sunday for me.
You said DCUO launched on PC in 2011 and PlayStation in 2024. Um, DCUO launched on PS3 in 2011
i think he meant to say that it launched on PS5 in 2024
9Dragons and Dragon's Nest used to be my go to, sadly they did not age well 😮💨
You did not mention Last Epoch that I believe to be better in some ways better than , Diablo 4 and Lost Ark. great video
Theres a huge in sale for GW2 you can get 2 expandions under $7
PoF and HoT
@Lucky Ghost Oh typo in time stamps - thank you for the listings 17:31 BLADE AND SOULD ( B&S) wishing you a Safe, Peaceful and Joyous Thanksgiving 🙏🏘 💞
Ive seen all of mmorpg video lists and i cant seem to find one that charms me ive tried albion and guild wars 2. Problem with albion is that its main focus are guilds and i dont wanna lose all my stuff if i randomly get killed then for guildwars im almost max lvl but the skills really doesnt appeal to me its all just aoe circles and png flames. Both seems very fun but i guess its not for me..
albion needs a different mindset. being a sandbox, gear are a means to an end, not the goal. also, there are some content for solo or small group like Mists and the Roads of Avalon
@fu1bu7c4r4çuc4r as a albion player since launch its not as bad as it seems. Theres zones where you can't get attacked, and those you can (being full loot pvp). The glory of albion is that the full loot pvp zones also offer an immense amount more silver, fame (whats needed to progress your character) and loot. You can spend all day in the safe zones farming and make x amount. You can spend a fraction of the time in the dangerous zones and make more.
It's high risk high reward. Yet albion implemented a lot of systems that alert you of potential gankers. Big red circles on the map showing a guild clump moving together, where a player was killed on the map etc. I've played albion awhile and once I learned the game I get ganked or caught off guard maybe a few times a week but make so much silver off the other content it doesn't even matter. If you have map awareness you're fine. You can also catch geared players fighting pve mobs in the red and black zones (full loot zones) and jump them and make millions off a single kill.
Some days you do dungeons all day and do meh loot and silver wise. Then 1 day you land a chest worth a few mill of loot, it's all randomized, that's why it's fun.
There's also non full loot pvp avenues to help you learn the game and its pvp aspects, how to counter what builds etc. Albion is all about your spec in certain gear not how badass your gear is. Don't wear what you can't afford to lose, and I've smashed players that drastically outgear me because I'm just better than them.
People make a mistake of buying the most expensive gear they can afford and then take it to full loot zones and get caught. I have a set worth over 50mill I wear in pve Content in safe zones, but I also buy like 20 of the same setup just lower tier and way less expensive when I wanna pvp. Plus you can fast travel back to a safe area. Get some loot? Land a kill? Tp home and bank it, it's yours now. 1 item found can sometimes can be worth more than your entire set. Tp to a safe zone sell it. Now you can die two or 3 times losing your loot and you break even. Albion is truly a kick ass game and it's not as scary as it seems. Plus a lot of guilds will pay for your regearing if you play a build they need in guild vs guild content
@gapperss YESS😂 it's borderline too much for me but it rlly does remind of the the runescape grind
If you're going to include DCUO as a 'free' 2p mmo, then you also must mention City of Heroes legally re-licensed on Homecoming - truly and completely F2P and a hundred times better than that other console crap! ;)
I would also recommend GW2, SWTOR & LOTRO from this list. Subbing for a month in the last 2 gives you premium status which makes most of what you need to enjoy them to endgame free 'forever'. Secret World Legends is also unique for its setting and incredible story/quests/atmosfear - can be solo'ed which may be your only option given the pop is dead, which is a shame. Once Human is a great mmo-lite which is set in a similar modern-day setting, but suffers for other reasons (server wipes every 6 weeks is killing the pops), but it's a helluva lot of fun for a action-looter-shooter-mmolite-survival mashup.
I tried T&L but found it very repetitive and boring with absolutely nothing new or innovative in mmos - I gave up at level 20, eh.
suggest new f2p or upcoming
@@JohnloidMarjes the only ones I would recommend that I've played from last year and aren't complete crap...maybe Throne and Liberty, def Once Human (although not a mmo strictly speaking). That's all I got - I mostly play older games, for all the obvious reasons, ahem. Also, I don't do mobile gamesxor consoles.
i think ddo was the best experience, you can get all the pay content by doing favor and quests. you dont have to spend 1 dime to get all the content you want.
Throne and liberty has been my go to. Its very good the changes make it a lot less pay to win.
But it's still very pay to win, predictions for TNL will only favor those who pay and they won't bother with the free to play players sadly
@scarletsky5292 Not true we have multiple free 2 play players in guild. The only thing paying gets you is a headstart.
@@thaleyumd1219 you are aware that the rest of p2w feature are coming late jan or early feb, which means f2p will be left behind, right now they are able to keep up but soon they gotta open the wallets if they wanna keep up with content n not gatekeep.
I tried it with a friend, beautiful graphics, animations seemed clunky sometimes but still decent, gameplay wise... not my cup of tea, there was like only 3 players running around when you finish the prologue, after some quest progress there was no player to be seen and then I got stuck in a main quest where the NPC I had to interact to bugged out underground, I called it from there and just uninstalled, I had high hopes for that game.
i was doing a bruiser build with the aug that buffs them i cant remember the name and got golemify that thing carried almost the whole game tbh lmao
DC Universe Online is on Xbox, too.
I wish i could find a game like Free Realms, but I just can't find one that feels the same. 😢
I will never play a pay to win or gacha games ever in my life it's disgusting
I'd rather pay full price and enjoy a skill based game amd build my character
IMO TNL could be a contender for top MMO if they got rid of the PTW.
Agreed, however iv hit 2500power and i only play when i can. Only purchase iv ever made was the 9$ 1-50 level pack. Its very much still F2P if your willing to not be S tier on day 1.
@@mnolan942 Ya but there were players over 3k within the first couple weeks. Some are probably close to 4k now. But like you said there's still quite a bit to do and have fun with if you're not trying to be ultra competitive. I just think it could be so much better without the real money AH.
Back in COVID a friend invited me to play
I thought the 2D/art-style didn’t really appeal to me, but I gave it a decent shot
Now Steam says I’m 7954 hours in
So content now is random game listing, then ChatGPT three paragraphs about the games on the list?
Blade and soul over black desert is crazy work 😊
You forgot to mention Adventure Quest Online on PC and soon to be on mobile as Adventure Quest Infinity
another year has gone by yet the available mmos stay the same i get they are hard to make but damn
I mean 2 of them are brand new but I get what ya mean
EVE is 20 a month? Damn, it used to be cheaper I swear when I last played, wtf.
Best free mmorpg is a private server of WoW. TESO, GW2 and FF14 its top tier but..WoW is GOD and always has been
Can you make a list like this for PlayStation
I have to protest against DCUO. Its little story arcs going completely free IS a good thing, but unless you purchase a monthly sub or spend money in its HORRIBLELY scummy cash shop, you're screwed in every other way. Not to mention unless you do the above, you also only have access to like... Six powersets total? DCUO would be an amazing free game if you could at least grind to eventually unlock some of them, but, as it is, and with the prices in the shop for unlocking said powers + being able to use real money to buy actual in game powerups... Nah. DCUO is a game that shouldn't be included in any list for good F2P games.
every mmo are p2w these days, even the one that are not designed to
yeah far too many are far too p2w tragically
Gw2 has no p2w
@EcclesiarchNevsky does gw2 sell level boosts that come with gear? Cus that's p2w bb :) its a sad time for mmos
@@LuckyGhost lol, the lvl boost comes with exotic gear, wich has lower stats than ascended gear(wich can only be crafted). Exotic gear costs you like 2 gold to buy a full set aaaand if you crwate a lvl 1 char and go into the pvp grounds your char will be lvl 80 with full gear and runes meant for pvp. And you can change everything to your playstyle for free or you play the game to lvl80 craft your gear and have better gear than the one who paid for the lvl 80 boost.
So tell me.
Where is that pay 2 win?
@@LuckyGhost and YOU said in YOUR video GW2 is NOT p2w. The hell is going on in your brain?
I like the random WoW B-roll
Speaking as someone who put in 2k+ hours into Lost Ark in the first year of release. I would highly suggest NOBODY play that one. You will have to do daily grind on 6 characters, to support your main one. Its basically a job, not a game. It will suck away 12 hours of every day...very very easily. And it does not respect your time at all, stay far away from that life sucking chore machine of a game.
F2p runescape is like playing 10% of what the game have to offer so it's not accually f2p
i tried guild wars 2 recently . after i leveled to 80 in free-to-play. i decided to put forth some cash for some DLCs. but i was underwhelmed by the content. they very much repeat the same formula over and over, its an intellectual disappointment.
I stared king arthur about 5days ago free to play and already have all but one lego
You should update all your builds for eso
there will be mmo that you can complete in solo everything?
Guild Wars 2, simply top drawer...
Swtor yeah oh yeah.
Been playing it 10 years now
Let's be honest, a majority of these free to play games have already been out for years and they are plagued by pay to win microtransactions. Not sure what was needed to be updated, as the entire genre is dry and dying out. No hate though.
Many factors made it the way it is, the worst thing is that devs instead of being creative push extra money sinks, only worsen the problem and scare away new players.
maplestory has a reboot server that is a lot more f2p.
17:10 why put a clip of world of warcraft in there lmao
Wasn't DC available on ps3
Josh Strife Hayes cameo!
11:49 bruh thats Westfall in WoW not GW2😂
why not once human, its quite fun?
why cabal online is not on the list ? :D
dislike for AI thumbnail
If you want a Free to play Superhero MMO... play City of Heroes: Homecoming. DCO is not it.
And now the question which games run on school PC's (and doesn't have bad or low poly graphics)?
This is not a joke i would like to have an answer
OSRS probably your best bet, might as well forget the rest if playing on a school PC. It ran on them back then about 2004 even after it transitioned to 3D, see no issue doing it with whatever junk they have now.
@Ysill88 thanks for replying. I really didn't expect anyone to see this comment. The thing is the school is lending us Laptops to use in school but also at home. I have a gaming PC but my friend doesn't so we found a rpg on Roblox lol.
Thanks again for ur time.
Take care
Where's final fantasy 14? How could you miss that. It's the best one. Also tera is fun
When did FF14 become F2P? it has a trial im aware of but soon u reach max of certain time u gotta pay, so its not really f2p, although would be lovely it haivng same model of gw2.
@ whole base game and first expansion is free to play. No timer
@@RedDev1l757 that is they make you believe, i had an account i tried it a bit up to lv14 i think and week later tried to return to continue the trial i was faced with sign saying you reached the time limit of the trial, to continue purchase sub.
does GW2 have a high player count?
Yes, but it is kinda old already so most will be at end game content already.. so it tyria can be a little more empty than the rest. But once you reach the end game u will see a lot of people! Meta Events are open world events that people farm together up to 50 players squad. They all go together farming around.
You have those events , world bosses , fractals (its like dungeons) that u do daily, raids which are harder need to join a guild. But its actually a very good mmo if not the best rn. You can play free until 70 lvl. Then I would say buy Hearth of thorns + path of fire expansions theyre cheap and come together, you will start doing those called meta events and see a lot more of people! From those metas you can farm materials and sell , convert into gems in shop and buy new "expansions" to farm new maps! Or buy cosmetics 😂 give it a try for sure !
@ Ty bro will do !!
We need a PSU 2
PSU was one of my first MMOs and I’d drop everything in a heartbeat if it was actually good!
@realcobwrestling PSO 2 was a let down compared to PSU
DCUO is not worth playing.
Pokemmo is very popular and free and left out of this list
mate it cant be on a top since its not an official ip, although u are right its very popular.
Isn't Neverwinter one word?
Blade & Soul.. or Blade & Sould..
Damn not a single new mmo that looks interesting, I'm one of those players who waited a bunch of years for Lost Ark release just to be plagued with bots, I guess It's time to give a real try to GW2 now 👀
anyone know good MMO like tera?
LOLI know this isn't the right video, but I'm having some trouble with final fantasy 14 online about the first contact. main stereo mission. It says I need to perform a dance, but none of them that I'm doing is working. And I tried looking up and seeing but nobody's saying the name of the dance that needs to be done or anything. If you could message me back and tell me the name of the dance or where to find it in a video, I would appreciate it. Thank you.
once human
LOL I love how everyone says Throne and Liberty is a PVP focused game. There is Triple the PVE content than PVP. Outside of night fights in Open World Dungeons, Castle Siege, Boonstones, Conflict bosses, and the occasional conflict style world event the rest of the game is purely PVE. You can literally play and never be put into a PVP fight ever and still keep up with even the top pvp player as far as gear. For a PVP focused game it is very lacking in content for that. There is more PVP content in World PVP in Classic WoW.
Always Lag NeverWinter
LOTR is dead
eso isn't free though is it?
@@jkwon005 half the people here dont read the title, i saw one saying FF14 which is not f2p.
Character based sub in Albion is so scummy.