Beautiful Nguni culture. Both Zulus and Swati have Reed dance, both have a kingdom, their traditional dances are very similar. Its the beauty of being a Nguni.
31 You see? What are these ministries that they call parish priest, reverend, president, cardinal, pope? And in the religioussense, the word reverend means: he who is venerated or worshipped. Catholics say that they venerate Mary and you do see that it means: worship. With the pagans, that means: the honourable or the respected one. What the sculptor makes with wood, it is what Satan has made with you, graving images, gods, and empowering them to speak in his name as those church presidents. And the Ivorian reverend Dion Robert, that stocky man, who is no more than a Yacouba mask, he is a passionate of the tribes of Dan and Ephraim whose names were removed from the list of the twelve tribes because of their zeal for idolatry, since Jeroboam in 1 Kings 12:28-30 and Hosea 4:17 ... 32 Demons have not lost anything of what they had before the Gospel reached Africa. They simply left the rivers, groves and sacred forests, creeks, high places, mountains, customs and pagan celebrations to go to churches. And the pigs and the impure, hateful and execrable birds, those whose names were not written in the book of Life of the Lamb before the foundation of the world worship them according to Revelation 13:8. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. 33 Andin Isaiah 14:13-14, these church presidents, these fallen angels had wanted to rise upon the throne of God to be worshipped as God. I am going to read that: " And thou that didst say in thy heart, I will ascend into the heavens, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit upon the mount of assembly, in the recesses of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High”. And then there was a war in the Heaven and they were cast on the earth according to Revelation 12:7-9. Then at the end of times, having taken human forms, they came to establish themselves over churches as gods, instead of repenting. And we see again that they will be cast into the abyss: them, their churches and their prophets. 34 I that speak to you, I was pagan and in 1993, the year of the death of President Houphouet, I received a call then a commission. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. I therefore do not preach what I think to be the truth or an imagination but I speak on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have not been to any pastoral school, nor have I ever read a book of theology. It is different from someone who feels the zeal or who sees spiritual death in the church and who starts to do something. It is an error and even a sin to do that because that does not mean that you have a ministry or that it is you who must do it! It is not because a supporter sees that his team is playing badly that he will throw himself on the pitch. No! Regardless of what you will do, the miracles that you will perform, the souls that you will save according to you, you are disqualified. Download the free application PROPHÈTE KACOU PHILIPPE (Officiel) on playstore for Android or App store for iPhone prophète kacou Philippe Contact : Apostle Yanick Aka +2250757585000
5 Outside what God is doing here, there is no Holy Spirit elsewhere. And you cannot claim to have the Holy Spirit and stay in a Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or Branhamist church. If you are in those churches and you feel a sensation or an anointing, know that these are sensations and anointings of demons. Outside the Message that I, prophet Kacou Philippe, I preach, there is no Salvation anywhere, there is no Truth anywhere and there is no Holy Spirit anywhere else. [Ed: The congregation says: "Amen!"]. 6 Well, if you were in a church until this Message reached you and you had spoken in tongues, prophesied… and you thought that you were in the truth in one of those churches, then know that it was not the Holy Spirit. When the doctrine of your church is false, do not wait for someone to come and tell you that the holy spirit you have is not the true Holy Spirit. 7 Well, what does Daniel 12:10 say? "Purified, and be made white, and be refined ", you cannot be made white unless you are justified, that is to say proved innocent. The word "purified" in Daniel 12:10 means: "separated in order to be justified" because in Daniel 12:10, it is a question of the evil spirits that acted through you. Thus, "purified" means “justified”, for it was not you but a demon, a spirit of divination that accomplished those things through you. To the point that you see dreams almost every night and you thought that it was the Holy Spirit while they are spirits of demons, spirits of divination acting through you. Download the free application PROPHÈTE KACOU PHILIPPE (Officiel) on playstore for Android or App store for iPhone prophète kacou Philippe Contact : Apostle Yanick Aka +2250757585000
31 You see? What are these ministries that they call parish priest, reverend, president, cardinal, pope? And in the religioussense, the word reverend means: he who is venerated or worshipped. Catholics say that they venerate Mary and you do see that it means: worship. With the pagans, that means: the honourable or the respected one. What the sculptor makes with wood, it is what Satan has made with you, graving images, gods, and empowering them to speak in his name as those church presidents. And the Ivorian reverend Dion Robert, that stocky man, who is no more than a Yacouba mask, he is a passionate of the tribes of Dan and Ephraim whose names were removed from the list of the twelve tribes because of their zeal for idolatry, since Jeroboam in 1 Kings 12:28-30 and Hosea 4:17 ... 32 Demons have not lost anything of what they had before the Gospel reached Africa. They simply left the rivers, groves and sacred forests, creeks, high places, mountains, customs and pagan celebrations to go to churches. And the pigs and the impure, hateful and execrable birds, those whose names were not written in the book of Life of the Lamb before the foundation of the world worship them according to Revelation 13:8. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. 33 Andin Isaiah 14:13-14, these church presidents, these fallen angels had wanted to rise upon the throne of God to be worshipped as God. I am going to read that: " And thou that didst say in thy heart, I will ascend into the heavens, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit upon the mount of assembly, in the recesses of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High”. And then there was a war in the Heaven and they were cast on the earth according to Revelation 12:7-9. Then at the end of times, having taken human forms, they came to establish themselves over churches as gods, instead of repenting. And we see again that they will be cast into the abyss: them, their churches and their prophets. 34 I that speak to you, I was pagan and in 1993, the year of the death of President Houphouet, I received a call then a commission. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. I therefore do not preach what I think to be the truth or an imagination but I speak on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have not been to any pastoral school, nor have I ever read a book of theology. It is different from someone who feels the zeal or who sees spiritual death in the church and who starts to do something. It is an error and even a sin to do that because that does not mean that you have a ministry or that it is you who must do it! It is not because a supporter sees that his team is playing badly that he will throw himself on the pitch. No! Regardless of what you will do, the miracles that you will perform, the souls that you will save according to you, you are disqualified. Download the free application PROPHÈTE KACOU PHILIPPE (Officiel) on playstore for Android or App store for iPhone prophète kacou Philippe Contact : Apostle Yanick Aka +2250757585000
31 You see? What are these ministries that they call parish priest, reverend, president, cardinal, pope? And in the religioussense, the word reverend means: he who is venerated or worshipped. Catholics say that they venerate Mary and you do see that it means: worship. With the pagans, that means: the honourable or the respected one. What the sculptor makes with wood, it is what Satan has made with you, graving images, gods, and empowering them to speak in his name as those church presidents. And the Ivorian reverend Dion Robert, that stocky man, who is no more than a Yacouba mask, he is a passionate of the tribes of Dan and Ephraim whose names were removed from the list of the twelve tribes because of their zeal for idolatry, since Jeroboam in 1 Kings 12:28-30 and Hosea 4:17 ... 32 Demons have not lost anything of what they had before the Gospel reached Africa. They simply left the rivers, groves and sacred forests, creeks, high places, mountains, customs and pagan celebrations to go to churches. And the pigs and the impure, hateful and execrable birds, those whose names were not written in the book of Life of the Lamb before the foundation of the world worship them according to Revelation 13:8. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. 33 Andin Isaiah 14:13-14, these church presidents, these fallen angels had wanted to rise upon the throne of God to be worshipped as God. I am going to read that: " And thou that didst say in thy heart, I will ascend into the heavens, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit upon the mount of assembly, in the recesses of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High”. And then there was a war in the Heaven and they were cast on the earth according to Revelation 12:7-9. Then at the end of times, having taken human forms, they came to establish themselves over churches as gods, instead of repenting. And we see again that they will be cast into the abyss: them, their churches and their prophets. 34 I that speak to you, I was pagan and in 1993, the year of the death of President Houphouet, I received a call then a commission. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. I therefore do not preach what I think to be the truth or an imagination but I speak on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have not been to any pastoral school, nor have I ever read a book of theology. It is different from someone who feels the zeal or who sees spiritual death in the church and who starts to do something. It is an error and even a sin to do that because that does not mean that you have a ministry or that it is you who must do it! It is not because a supporter sees that his team is playing badly that he will throw himself on the pitch. No! Regardless of what you will do, the miracles that you will perform, the souls that you will save according to you, you are disqualified. Download the free application PROPHÈTE KACOU PHILIPPE (Officiel) on playstore for Android or App store for iPhone prophète kacou Philippe Contact : Apostle Yanick Aka +2250757585000
31 You see? What are these ministries that they call parish priest, reverend, president, cardinal, pope? And in the religioussense, the word reverend means: he who is venerated or worshipped. Catholics say that they venerate Mary and you do see that it means: worship. With the pagans, that means: the honourable or the respected one. What the sculptor makes with wood, it is what Satan has made with you, graving images, gods, and empowering them to speak in his name as those church presidents. And the Ivorian reverend Dion Robert, that stocky man, who is no more than a Yacouba mask, he is a passionate of the tribes of Dan and Ephraim whose names were removed from the list of the twelve tribes because of their zeal for idolatry, since Jeroboam in 1 Kings 12:28-30 and Hosea 4:17 ... 32 Demons have not lost anything of what they had before the Gospel reached Africa. They simply left the rivers, groves and sacred forests, creeks, high places, mountains, customs and pagan celebrations to go to churches. And the pigs and the impure, hateful and execrable birds, those whose names were not written in the book of Life of the Lamb before the foundation of the world worship them according to Revelation 13:8. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. 33 Andin Isaiah 14:13-14, these church presidents, these fallen angels had wanted to rise upon the throne of God to be worshipped as God. I am going to read that: " And thou that didst say in thy heart, I will ascend into the heavens, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit upon the mount of assembly, in the recesses of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High”. And then there was a war in the Heaven and they were cast on the earth according to Revelation 12:7-9. Then at the end of times, having taken human forms, they came to establish themselves over churches as gods, instead of repenting. And we see again that they will be cast into the abyss: them, their churches and their prophets. 34 I that speak to you, I was pagan and in 1993, the year of the death of President Houphouet, I received a call then a commission. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. I therefore do not preach what I think to be the truth or an imagination but I speak on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have not been to any pastoral school, nor have I ever read a book of theology. It is different from someone who feels the zeal or who sees spiritual death in the church and who starts to do something. It is an error and even a sin to do that because that does not mean that you have a ministry or that it is you who must do it! It is not because a supporter sees that his team is playing badly that he will throw himself on the pitch. No! Regardless of what you will do, the miracles that you will perform, the souls that you will save according to you, you are disqualified. Download the free application PROPHÈTE KACOU PHILIPPE (Officiel) on playstore for Android or App store for iPhone prophète kacou Philippe Contact : Apostle Yanick Aka +2250757585000
31 You see? What are these ministries that they call parish priest, reverend, president, cardinal, pope? And in the religioussense, the word reverend means: he who is venerated or worshipped. Catholics say that they venerate Mary and you do see that it means: worship. With the pagans, that means: the honourable or the respected one. What the sculptor makes with wood, it is what Satan has made with you, graving images, gods, and empowering them to speak in his name as those church presidents. And the Ivorian reverend Dion Robert, that stocky man, who is no more than a Yacouba mask, he is a passionate of the tribes of Dan and Ephraim whose names were removed from the list of the twelve tribes because of their zeal for idolatry, since Jeroboam in 1 Kings 12:28-30 and Hosea 4:17 ... 32 Demons have not lost anything of what they had before the Gospel reached Africa. They simply left the rivers, groves and sacred forests, creeks, high places, mountains, customs and pagan celebrations to go to churches. And the pigs and the impure, hateful and execrable birds, those whose names were not written in the book of Life of the Lamb before the foundation of the world worship them according to Revelation 13:8. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. 33 Andin Isaiah 14:13-14, these church presidents, these fallen angels had wanted to rise upon the throne of God to be worshipped as God. I am going to read that: " And thou that didst say in thy heart, I will ascend into the heavens, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit upon the mount of assembly, in the recesses of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High”. And then there was a war in the Heaven and they were cast on the earth according to Revelation 12:7-9. Then at the end of times, having taken human forms, they came to establish themselves over churches as gods, instead of repenting. And we see again that they will be cast into the abyss: them, their churches and their prophets. 34 I that speak to you, I was pagan and in 1993, the year of the death of President Houphouet, I received a call then a commission. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. I therefore do not preach what I think to be the truth or an imagination but I speak on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have not been to any pastoral school, nor have I ever read a book of theology. It is different from someone who feels the zeal or who sees spiritual death in the church and who starts to do something. It is an error and even a sin to do that because that does not mean that you have a ministry or that it is you who must do it! It is not because a supporter sees that his team is playing badly that he will throw himself on the pitch. No! Regardless of what you will do, the miracles that you will perform, the souls that you will save according to you, you are disqualified. Download the free application PROPHÈTE KACOU PHILIPPE (Officiel) on playstore for Android or App store for iPhone prophète kacou Philippe Contact : Apostle Yanick Aka +2250757585000
31 You see? What are these ministries that they call parish priest, reverend, president, cardinal, pope? And in the religioussense, the word reverend means: he who is venerated or worshipped. Catholics say that they venerate Mary and you do see that it means: worship. With the pagans, that means: the honourable or the respected one. What the sculptor makes with wood, it is what Satan has made with you, graving images, gods, and empowering them to speak in his name as those church presidents. And the Ivorian reverend Dion Robert, that stocky man, who is no more than a Yacouba mask, he is a passionate of the tribes of Dan and Ephraim whose names were removed from the list of the twelve tribes because of their zeal for idolatry, since Jeroboam in 1 Kings 12:28-30 and Hosea 4:17 ... 32 Demons have not lost anything of what they had before the Gospel reached Africa. They simply left the rivers, groves and sacred forests, creeks, high places, mountains, customs and pagan celebrations to go to churches. And the pigs and the impure, hateful and execrable birds, those whose names were not written in the book of Life of the Lamb before the foundation of the world worship them according to Revelation 13:8. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. 33 Andin Isaiah 14:13-14, these church presidents, these fallen angels had wanted to rise upon the throne of God to be worshipped as God. I am going to read that: " And thou that didst say in thy heart, I will ascend into the heavens, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit upon the mount of assembly, in the recesses of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High”. And then there was a war in the Heaven and they were cast on the earth according to Revelation 12:7-9. Then at the end of times, having taken human forms, they came to establish themselves over churches as gods, instead of repenting. And we see again that they will be cast into the abyss: them, their churches and their prophets. 34 I that speak to you, I was pagan and in 1993, the year of the death of President Houphouet, I received a call then a commission. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. I therefore do not preach what I think to be the truth or an imagination but I speak on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have not been to any pastoral school, nor have I ever read a book of theology. It is different from someone who feels the zeal or who sees spiritual death in the church and who starts to do something. It is an error and even a sin to do that because that does not mean that you have a ministry or that it is you who must do it! It is not because a supporter sees that his team is playing badly that he will throw himself on the pitch. No! Regardless of what you will do, the miracles that you will perform, the souls that you will save according to you, you are disqualified. Download the free application PROPHÈTE KACOU PHILIPPE (Officiel) on playstore for Android or App store for iPhone prophète kacou Philippe Contact : Apostle Yanick Aka +2250757585000
31 You see? What are these ministries that they call parish priest, reverend, president, cardinal, pope? And in the religioussense, the word reverend means: he who is venerated or worshipped. Catholics say that they venerate Mary and you do see that it means: worship. With the pagans, that means: the honourable or the respected one. What the sculptor makes with wood, it is what Satan has made with you, graving images, gods, and empowering them to speak in his name as those church presidents. And the Ivorian reverend Dion Robert, that stocky man, who is no more than a Yacouba mask, he is a passionate of the tribes of Dan and Ephraim whose names were removed from the list of the twelve tribes because of their zeal for idolatry, since Jeroboam in 1 Kings 12:28-30 and Hosea 4:17 ... 32 Demons have not lost anything of what they had before the Gospel reached Africa. They simply left the rivers, groves and sacred forests, creeks, high places, mountains, customs and pagan celebrations to go to churches. And the pigs and the impure, hateful and execrable birds, those whose names were not written in the book of Life of the Lamb before the foundation of the world worship them according to Revelation 13:8. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. 33 Andin Isaiah 14:13-14, these church presidents, these fallen angels had wanted to rise upon the throne of God to be worshipped as God. I am going to read that: " And thou that didst say in thy heart, I will ascend into the heavens, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit upon the mount of assembly, in the recesses of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High”. And then there was a war in the Heaven and they were cast on the earth according to Revelation 12:7-9. Then at the end of times, having taken human forms, they came to establish themselves over churches as gods, instead of repenting. And we see again that they will be cast into the abyss: them, their churches and their prophets. 34 I that speak to you, I was pagan and in 1993, the year of the death of President Houphouet, I received a call then a commission. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. I therefore do not preach what I think to be the truth or an imagination but I speak on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have not been to any pastoral school, nor have I ever read a book of theology. It is different from someone who feels the zeal or who sees spiritual death in the church and who starts to do something. It is an error and even a sin to do that because that does not mean that you have a ministry or that it is you who must do it! It is not because a supporter sees that his team is playing badly that he will throw himself on the pitch. No! Regardless of what you will do, the miracles that you will perform, the souls that you will save according to you, you are disqualified. Download the free application PROPHÈTE KACOU PHILIPPE (Officiel) on playstore for Android or App store for iPhone prophète kacou Philippe Contact : Apostle Yanick Aka +2250757585000
Beautiful Nguni culture. Both Zulus and Swati have Reed dance, both have a kingdom, their traditional dances are very similar. Its the beauty of being a Nguni.
They're basically siblings
exactly like long lost cousin or something
We are from one ancestor,we are the same thing even ama Xhosa
They are all beautifulv. Thank you makosazana African treasure
Swazi always known of beautiful culture bt here is the beauty of AFRICA thnks Mazulu for bringing African cultures together.
Zulu and Swati women are top tier, go argue with your keyboard.
it has never been said better
The pride of ZULU...the pride of AFRICA
Beautiful ladies. Bayedeeee
Beautiful Sobhuza girls ❤️
It is the guards for me kkkkkk, they are seriously attentive
Goodness me… so beautiful Zulu lady’s
What a beautiful attire, great manner 😳🤯💯
Woo thank you Angles of Africa
Beautiful 🔥 😍 😘
They r all beautiful 🤞❤❤❤
Zinhle izintomb eswatini ...
@@sduduzilelambrance1600 hlukana nomhobholo wena🙄. Vele sibahle tsine maSwati 😍
@@lee-angel4610 hhayi nonke
@@lee-angel4610 hhayi nonke
@@sduduzilelambrance1600 🤣🤣
31 You see? What are these ministries that they call parish priest, reverend, president, cardinal, pope? And in the religioussense, the word reverend means: he who is venerated or worshipped. Catholics say that they venerate Mary and you do see that it means: worship. With the pagans, that means: the honourable or the respected one. What the sculptor makes with wood, it is what Satan has made with you, graving images, gods, and empowering them to speak in his name as those church presidents. And the Ivorian reverend Dion Robert, that stocky man, who is no more than a Yacouba mask, he is a passionate of the tribes of Dan and Ephraim whose names were removed from the list of the twelve tribes because of their zeal for idolatry, since Jeroboam in 1 Kings 12:28-30 and Hosea 4:17 ...
32 Demons have not lost anything of what they had before the Gospel reached Africa. They simply left the rivers, groves and sacred forests, creeks, high places, mountains, customs and pagan celebrations to go to churches. And the pigs and the impure, hateful and execrable birds, those whose names were not written in the book of Life of the Lamb before the foundation of the world worship them according to Revelation 13:8. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
33 Andin Isaiah 14:13-14, these church presidents, these fallen angels had wanted to rise upon the throne of God to be worshipped as God. I am going to read that: " And thou that didst say in thy heart, I will ascend into the heavens, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit upon the mount of assembly, in the recesses of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High”. And then there was a war in the Heaven and they were cast on the earth according to Revelation 12:7-9. Then at the end of times, having taken human forms, they came to establish themselves over churches as gods, instead of repenting. And we see again that they will be cast into the abyss: them, their churches and their prophets.
34 I that speak to you, I was pagan and in 1993, the year of the death of President Houphouet, I received a call then a commission. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. I therefore do not preach what I think to be the truth or an imagination but I speak on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have not been to any pastoral school, nor have I ever read a book of theology. It is different from someone who feels the zeal or who sees spiritual death in the church and who starts to do something. It is an error and even a sin to do that because that does not mean that you have a ministry or that it is you who must do it! It is not because a supporter sees that his team is playing badly that he will throw himself on the pitch. No! Regardless of what you will do, the miracles that you will perform, the souls that you will save according to you, you are disqualified.
Download the free application PROPHÈTE KACOU PHILIPPE (Officiel) on playstore for Android or App store for iPhone prophète kacou Philippe
Contact :
Apostle Yanick Aka
Esikuphelezelayo asiwona Amaphela, sidla Inyama, kaNgwane la kwaZulu.
Abenguni 2geda
Kuhle kwazulu
Uba lophaphaya kuculwa -
5 Outside what God is doing here, there is no Holy Spirit elsewhere. And you cannot claim to have the Holy Spirit and stay in a Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or Branhamist church. If you are in those churches and you feel a sensation or an anointing, know that these are sensations and anointings of demons. Outside the Message that I, prophet Kacou Philippe, I preach, there is no Salvation anywhere, there is no Truth anywhere and there is no Holy Spirit anywhere else. [Ed: The congregation says: "Amen!"].
6 Well, if you were in a church until this Message reached you and you had spoken in tongues, prophesied… and you thought that you were in the truth in one of those churches, then know that it was not the Holy Spirit. When the doctrine of your church is false, do not wait for someone to come and tell you that the holy spirit you have is not the true Holy Spirit.
7 Well, what does Daniel 12:10 say? "Purified, and be made white, and be refined ", you cannot be made white unless you are justified, that is to say proved innocent. The word "purified" in Daniel 12:10 means: "separated in order to be justified" because in Daniel 12:10, it is a question of the evil spirits that acted through you. Thus, "purified" means “justified”, for it was not you but a demon, a spirit of divination that accomplished those things through you. To the point that you see dreams almost every night and you thought that it was the Holy Spirit while they are spirits of demons, spirits of divination acting through you.
Download the free application PROPHÈTE KACOU PHILIPPE (Officiel) on playstore for Android or App store for iPhone prophète kacou Philippe
Contact :
Apostle Yanick Aka
31 You see? What are these ministries that they call parish priest, reverend, president, cardinal, pope? And in the religioussense, the word reverend means: he who is venerated or worshipped. Catholics say that they venerate Mary and you do see that it means: worship. With the pagans, that means: the honourable or the respected one. What the sculptor makes with wood, it is what Satan has made with you, graving images, gods, and empowering them to speak in his name as those church presidents. And the Ivorian reverend Dion Robert, that stocky man, who is no more than a Yacouba mask, he is a passionate of the tribes of Dan and Ephraim whose names were removed from the list of the twelve tribes because of their zeal for idolatry, since Jeroboam in 1 Kings 12:28-30 and Hosea 4:17 ...
32 Demons have not lost anything of what they had before the Gospel reached Africa. They simply left the rivers, groves and sacred forests, creeks, high places, mountains, customs and pagan celebrations to go to churches. And the pigs and the impure, hateful and execrable birds, those whose names were not written in the book of Life of the Lamb before the foundation of the world worship them according to Revelation 13:8. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
33 Andin Isaiah 14:13-14, these church presidents, these fallen angels had wanted to rise upon the throne of God to be worshipped as God. I am going to read that: " And thou that didst say in thy heart, I will ascend into the heavens, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit upon the mount of assembly, in the recesses of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High”. And then there was a war in the Heaven and they were cast on the earth according to Revelation 12:7-9. Then at the end of times, having taken human forms, they came to establish themselves over churches as gods, instead of repenting. And we see again that they will be cast into the abyss: them, their churches and their prophets.
34 I that speak to you, I was pagan and in 1993, the year of the death of President Houphouet, I received a call then a commission. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. I therefore do not preach what I think to be the truth or an imagination but I speak on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have not been to any pastoral school, nor have I ever read a book of theology. It is different from someone who feels the zeal or who sees spiritual death in the church and who starts to do something. It is an error and even a sin to do that because that does not mean that you have a ministry or that it is you who must do it! It is not because a supporter sees that his team is playing badly that he will throw himself on the pitch. No! Regardless of what you will do, the miracles that you will perform, the souls that you will save according to you, you are disqualified.
Download the free application PROPHÈTE KACOU PHILIPPE (Officiel) on playstore for Android or App store for iPhone prophète kacou Philippe
Contact :
Apostle Yanick Aka
31 You see? What are these ministries that they call parish priest, reverend, president, cardinal, pope? And in the religioussense, the word reverend means: he who is venerated or worshipped. Catholics say that they venerate Mary and you do see that it means: worship. With the pagans, that means: the honourable or the respected one. What the sculptor makes with wood, it is what Satan has made with you, graving images, gods, and empowering them to speak in his name as those church presidents. And the Ivorian reverend Dion Robert, that stocky man, who is no more than a Yacouba mask, he is a passionate of the tribes of Dan and Ephraim whose names were removed from the list of the twelve tribes because of their zeal for idolatry, since Jeroboam in 1 Kings 12:28-30 and Hosea 4:17 ...
32 Demons have not lost anything of what they had before the Gospel reached Africa. They simply left the rivers, groves and sacred forests, creeks, high places, mountains, customs and pagan celebrations to go to churches. And the pigs and the impure, hateful and execrable birds, those whose names were not written in the book of Life of the Lamb before the foundation of the world worship them according to Revelation 13:8. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
33 Andin Isaiah 14:13-14, these church presidents, these fallen angels had wanted to rise upon the throne of God to be worshipped as God. I am going to read that: " And thou that didst say in thy heart, I will ascend into the heavens, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit upon the mount of assembly, in the recesses of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High”. And then there was a war in the Heaven and they were cast on the earth according to Revelation 12:7-9. Then at the end of times, having taken human forms, they came to establish themselves over churches as gods, instead of repenting. And we see again that they will be cast into the abyss: them, their churches and their prophets.
34 I that speak to you, I was pagan and in 1993, the year of the death of President Houphouet, I received a call then a commission. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. I therefore do not preach what I think to be the truth or an imagination but I speak on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have not been to any pastoral school, nor have I ever read a book of theology. It is different from someone who feels the zeal or who sees spiritual death in the church and who starts to do something. It is an error and even a sin to do that because that does not mean that you have a ministry or that it is you who must do it! It is not because a supporter sees that his team is playing badly that he will throw himself on the pitch. No! Regardless of what you will do, the miracles that you will perform, the souls that you will save according to you, you are disqualified.
Download the free application PROPHÈTE KACOU PHILIPPE (Officiel) on playstore for Android or App store for iPhone prophète kacou Philippe
Contact :
Apostle Yanick Aka
31 You see? What are these ministries that they call parish priest, reverend, president, cardinal, pope? And in the religioussense, the word reverend means: he who is venerated or worshipped. Catholics say that they venerate Mary and you do see that it means: worship. With the pagans, that means: the honourable or the respected one. What the sculptor makes with wood, it is what Satan has made with you, graving images, gods, and empowering them to speak in his name as those church presidents. And the Ivorian reverend Dion Robert, that stocky man, who is no more than a Yacouba mask, he is a passionate of the tribes of Dan and Ephraim whose names were removed from the list of the twelve tribes because of their zeal for idolatry, since Jeroboam in 1 Kings 12:28-30 and Hosea 4:17 ...
32 Demons have not lost anything of what they had before the Gospel reached Africa. They simply left the rivers, groves and sacred forests, creeks, high places, mountains, customs and pagan celebrations to go to churches. And the pigs and the impure, hateful and execrable birds, those whose names were not written in the book of Life of the Lamb before the foundation of the world worship them according to Revelation 13:8. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
33 Andin Isaiah 14:13-14, these church presidents, these fallen angels had wanted to rise upon the throne of God to be worshipped as God. I am going to read that: " And thou that didst say in thy heart, I will ascend into the heavens, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit upon the mount of assembly, in the recesses of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High”. And then there was a war in the Heaven and they were cast on the earth according to Revelation 12:7-9. Then at the end of times, having taken human forms, they came to establish themselves over churches as gods, instead of repenting. And we see again that they will be cast into the abyss: them, their churches and their prophets.
34 I that speak to you, I was pagan and in 1993, the year of the death of President Houphouet, I received a call then a commission. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. I therefore do not preach what I think to be the truth or an imagination but I speak on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have not been to any pastoral school, nor have I ever read a book of theology. It is different from someone who feels the zeal or who sees spiritual death in the church and who starts to do something. It is an error and even a sin to do that because that does not mean that you have a ministry or that it is you who must do it! It is not because a supporter sees that his team is playing badly that he will throw himself on the pitch. No! Regardless of what you will do, the miracles that you will perform, the souls that you will save according to you, you are disqualified.
Download the free application PROPHÈTE KACOU PHILIPPE (Officiel) on playstore for Android or App store for iPhone prophète kacou Philippe
Contact :
Apostle Yanick Aka
31 You see? What are these ministries that they call parish priest, reverend, president, cardinal, pope? And in the religioussense, the word reverend means: he who is venerated or worshipped. Catholics say that they venerate Mary and you do see that it means: worship. With the pagans, that means: the honourable or the respected one. What the sculptor makes with wood, it is what Satan has made with you, graving images, gods, and empowering them to speak in his name as those church presidents. And the Ivorian reverend Dion Robert, that stocky man, who is no more than a Yacouba mask, he is a passionate of the tribes of Dan and Ephraim whose names were removed from the list of the twelve tribes because of their zeal for idolatry, since Jeroboam in 1 Kings 12:28-30 and Hosea 4:17 ...
32 Demons have not lost anything of what they had before the Gospel reached Africa. They simply left the rivers, groves and sacred forests, creeks, high places, mountains, customs and pagan celebrations to go to churches. And the pigs and the impure, hateful and execrable birds, those whose names were not written in the book of Life of the Lamb before the foundation of the world worship them according to Revelation 13:8. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
33 Andin Isaiah 14:13-14, these church presidents, these fallen angels had wanted to rise upon the throne of God to be worshipped as God. I am going to read that: " And thou that didst say in thy heart, I will ascend into the heavens, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit upon the mount of assembly, in the recesses of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High”. And then there was a war in the Heaven and they were cast on the earth according to Revelation 12:7-9. Then at the end of times, having taken human forms, they came to establish themselves over churches as gods, instead of repenting. And we see again that they will be cast into the abyss: them, their churches and their prophets.
34 I that speak to you, I was pagan and in 1993, the year of the death of President Houphouet, I received a call then a commission. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. I therefore do not preach what I think to be the truth or an imagination but I speak on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have not been to any pastoral school, nor have I ever read a book of theology. It is different from someone who feels the zeal or who sees spiritual death in the church and who starts to do something. It is an error and even a sin to do that because that does not mean that you have a ministry or that it is you who must do it! It is not because a supporter sees that his team is playing badly that he will throw himself on the pitch. No! Regardless of what you will do, the miracles that you will perform, the souls that you will save according to you, you are disqualified.
Download the free application PROPHÈTE KACOU PHILIPPE (Officiel) on playstore for Android or App store for iPhone prophète kacou Philippe
Contact :
Apostle Yanick Aka
31 You see? What are these ministries that they call parish priest, reverend, president, cardinal, pope? And in the religioussense, the word reverend means: he who is venerated or worshipped. Catholics say that they venerate Mary and you do see that it means: worship. With the pagans, that means: the honourable or the respected one. What the sculptor makes with wood, it is what Satan has made with you, graving images, gods, and empowering them to speak in his name as those church presidents. And the Ivorian reverend Dion Robert, that stocky man, who is no more than a Yacouba mask, he is a passionate of the tribes of Dan and Ephraim whose names were removed from the list of the twelve tribes because of their zeal for idolatry, since Jeroboam in 1 Kings 12:28-30 and Hosea 4:17 ...
32 Demons have not lost anything of what they had before the Gospel reached Africa. They simply left the rivers, groves and sacred forests, creeks, high places, mountains, customs and pagan celebrations to go to churches. And the pigs and the impure, hateful and execrable birds, those whose names were not written in the book of Life of the Lamb before the foundation of the world worship them according to Revelation 13:8. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
33 Andin Isaiah 14:13-14, these church presidents, these fallen angels had wanted to rise upon the throne of God to be worshipped as God. I am going to read that: " And thou that didst say in thy heart, I will ascend into the heavens, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit upon the mount of assembly, in the recesses of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High”. And then there was a war in the Heaven and they were cast on the earth according to Revelation 12:7-9. Then at the end of times, having taken human forms, they came to establish themselves over churches as gods, instead of repenting. And we see again that they will be cast into the abyss: them, their churches and their prophets.
34 I that speak to you, I was pagan and in 1993, the year of the death of President Houphouet, I received a call then a commission. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. I therefore do not preach what I think to be the truth or an imagination but I speak on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have not been to any pastoral school, nor have I ever read a book of theology. It is different from someone who feels the zeal or who sees spiritual death in the church and who starts to do something. It is an error and even a sin to do that because that does not mean that you have a ministry or that it is you who must do it! It is not because a supporter sees that his team is playing badly that he will throw himself on the pitch. No! Regardless of what you will do, the miracles that you will perform, the souls that you will save according to you, you are disqualified.
Download the free application PROPHÈTE KACOU PHILIPPE (Officiel) on playstore for Android or App store for iPhone prophète kacou Philippe
Contact :
Apostle Yanick Aka
31 You see? What are these ministries that they call parish priest, reverend, president, cardinal, pope? And in the religioussense, the word reverend means: he who is venerated or worshipped. Catholics say that they venerate Mary and you do see that it means: worship. With the pagans, that means: the honourable or the respected one. What the sculptor makes with wood, it is what Satan has made with you, graving images, gods, and empowering them to speak in his name as those church presidents. And the Ivorian reverend Dion Robert, that stocky man, who is no more than a Yacouba mask, he is a passionate of the tribes of Dan and Ephraim whose names were removed from the list of the twelve tribes because of their zeal for idolatry, since Jeroboam in 1 Kings 12:28-30 and Hosea 4:17 ...
32 Demons have not lost anything of what they had before the Gospel reached Africa. They simply left the rivers, groves and sacred forests, creeks, high places, mountains, customs and pagan celebrations to go to churches. And the pigs and the impure, hateful and execrable birds, those whose names were not written in the book of Life of the Lamb before the foundation of the world worship them according to Revelation 13:8. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
33 Andin Isaiah 14:13-14, these church presidents, these fallen angels had wanted to rise upon the throne of God to be worshipped as God. I am going to read that: " And thou that didst say in thy heart, I will ascend into the heavens, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit upon the mount of assembly, in the recesses of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High”. And then there was a war in the Heaven and they were cast on the earth according to Revelation 12:7-9. Then at the end of times, having taken human forms, they came to establish themselves over churches as gods, instead of repenting. And we see again that they will be cast into the abyss: them, their churches and their prophets.
34 I that speak to you, I was pagan and in 1993, the year of the death of President Houphouet, I received a call then a commission. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. I therefore do not preach what I think to be the truth or an imagination but I speak on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have not been to any pastoral school, nor have I ever read a book of theology. It is different from someone who feels the zeal or who sees spiritual death in the church and who starts to do something. It is an error and even a sin to do that because that does not mean that you have a ministry or that it is you who must do it! It is not because a supporter sees that his team is playing badly that he will throw himself on the pitch. No! Regardless of what you will do, the miracles that you will perform, the souls that you will save according to you, you are disqualified.
Download the free application PROPHÈTE KACOU PHILIPPE (Officiel) on playstore for Android or App store for iPhone prophète kacou Philippe
Contact :
Apostle Yanick Aka