I’ve been following the game since 0.3 and I’ve been excited to play it ever since. Something that doesn’t get talked about as much is just how mechanically different each class feels, each spellcaster can push their spells further in different ways, each martial regains stamina points in different ways, the Druid with their domain and wild shape features is a whole different beast altogether. Also recently the DC20 team prioritized reducing the amount of resources players need to track, for example the sorcerers use their rest points(the equivalent to hit dice in 5e) for metamagic instead of sorcery points. I could keep talking but you get the point lol
This feels like the best of worlds between 5e and Pathfinder 2e. Very tempting... Okay I went and backed. Between 5e 2024, ToV, MCDM RPG, and now this. I have a lot to read.
Okay, I *really* dig this. I loved almost all the design philosophies of this system. I love that you're able to use any Attribute of your choice as your main Attribute, allowing for a wide variety of character concepts. The action economy is also awesome: It's similar to Pf2e in the way you can spend additional amounts of AP to enhance spell effects, which adds tactical depth to combat. I also prefer mana systems over spell slot systems, as they are simpler, more intuitive and more flexible, and being able to also customize spell effects with MP makes it even better! It's like they took all the design decisions I like and made a very tactical D&D alternative. Looking forward to this system.
You have an awesome, clear and concise way of explaining the system. I will be using this video to send to my players as an introduction to the system!
Thank you so much! That really means a lot :) It was really important to me to not just list features but provide relevant context so it makes sense! I’m glad you found it helpful!
Having followed the development of the Alpha through the videos & one shot, I have to praise how _elegantly_ designed this game is! Lovely symmetry between Martial & Caster, between core stats, etc. The players in the one shots really seemed to pick it up quickly. A clear sign of a strong foundation given we're just arriving to beta stage. 👍
@@dlsisson1970 multiple initiatives checks (checking and approving with everyone what they are doing), multiple degrees of success, dividing stuffs by 4, and others. Cant remember everything now
It's got a lot of really cool concepts in it that I am looking forward to exploring. Prime modifier feels very freeing, and just 4 ability scores is probably a perfect number. Lots of cool concepts in DC20, thanks for making the video and congratulations on the sponsor
Personally, I'm actually very skeptical of the Prime Modifier mechanic, as I think it's going to be a double edged sword. Sure, it's simple and offers a lot more variety, but it also creates a lot of potential for weird cases where your Class feels off when you use a Mental Stat for a Physical Class or vice-versa. Sure, it can work, but there's also going to be some weirdness where the normally academic Wizard is actually an idiot who's just a strong dude, it's funny, but ultimately doesn't feel right.
@@halozoo2436 that's fair. It goes beyond the normal D&D ideas, but you can really think of real reasons for these different Prime Modifiers, like the wizard is a blood mage that uses their own physical essence to fuel their magic, so getting physically stronger helps them. I'm sure you can think of interesting ones for all choices. Really, as long as the Abilities are well balanced in terms of their benefits, it just opens a lot of narrative and build options. In D&D if you could choose, everyone would just choose Dex because it's just better than other stats.
Not sure how I feel about the rest of it, but from what I'm seeing, DC20 has a much better system for spells than D&D. Unless you play D&D spellcasters like you do barbarians, you're slowing every round down picking from too many spells with too long of descriptions and none of them really doing exactly what you want anyway. I much prefer picking from a few spells and just adapting it for the combat situation with Mana. I'm not totally familiar with the spells he's created, but targeting three creatures instead of one, extending the range, and then maybe adding a pull effect to pull them off the castle walls seems much quicker than trying to dig through my list trying to find the best way to deal with 3 creatures on a far-away castle wall targeting me with longbows. There's a reason everyone just resorts to Fireball: long distance, large AOE, lots of damage. Wouldn't it be fun to be a little more imaginative. I think I'm gonna wait until it's actually done though considering how often things are changing month after month.
I'm hopeful and excited! (But I wish he'd given the game another name. I don't like the rules or the name of Dagger-heart, but that's still a much better name for the casual, mass audiences than an abbreviated name like GURPS or DC20.)
Yesss a IC video on my new vavorite system I love how you describe dc20 you gave a better Pitch than coach did (dont tell him) genunaly though thank you for your insight and opinion 💖
An issue I have with every four stat spread is "what do you do with senses vs reason?" Most games tend to want to roll your senses in with your intelligence attribute, since that represents awareness and ability to notice details and make connections... but then what do you do with every animal that has senses superior to humans? They MUST have a much lower Intelligence attribute than a human, but then it also makes them much much worse at detecting their surroundings? A reasonable fix for this is to attach senses to agility or its equivalent, since hand-eye coordination implies strong eyes and therefore strong perception, but that still leaves things like bears out in the cold. There's a similar issue with will and charisma, and in fact talking in general being rolled into any attribute. The ability to be liked/respected/feared is far removed from the ability to persist or endure hardships, mental fatigue, temptation, etc. But furthermore, the ability to be liked, respected, and feared are really three completely separate arenas. They may indeed overlap, but they're in no way inherently linked. Some systems are tempted to roll talking into Intelligence, but that replaces one problem with another: making socializing and nerdery rely on the same base attribute is very clearly not thematic in most stories. Four attributes is fine, it's perfectly playable (my current favorite TTRPG Fabula Ultima uses essentially the same spread), but it does break down when you look at it too hard.
Ok, This is the first I'm really taking a look at DC20. Seems like at a glance, it's taking all the cool bits from Pathfinder 2 and going with the simpler 5E system. I'm sold to be honest. You had me at 'stats give boosts' and then when 'rolling well affected damage'? Yup, I'm in.
Hey, they don’t charge until the end! You might want to just give a low amount now for the early supporter freebies and if you can prior to July 2 up to your comfort/interest level. Even the $30 level gets you the electronic version of the game!
@@GlenFinney Yeah, the thing is I'm unemployed and I don't receive in dollars, so even 30 bucks is still a lot for me. I'm sharing the Kickstarter to everyone I know, so at least I'm helping with that.
@@ThomasBD thanks for spreading the word! And remember that the sample rules in the Kickstarter are free and pretty close to the whole game at the present time so have fun with those and I’ll hope that your finances start looking up!
I've played a charisma fighter, was able to excel at social challenges but not be great at athletic tasks but still do well in combat, I imagined that it was using confidence, ego, and/or distracting or getting enemies off their mental balance to make hits in combat
Well - you use your prime for those attacks so you’re just as viable for the most part (armor may be a different matter) but you’ll attack as well as any as you charm your way through the game!
If you are talking about as a roleplay type of situation, might be a character who excels at leadership or that throws his enemies off with trash talking, or he just has that presence, that certain aura of confidence that only a few people have. Well there's certainly more ways to go about it, but I just tried to highlight a few.
Idk man. I like casters not having to be tied to a specific mental stat, but having intelligence barbarians with -2 might seems reaaally off. I think the system would be better if you choose added a magic stat. So, pick might, agility or magic as your primary damage stat, then you pick a main “mental” stat as your primary “social/exploration” stat. Win-win. Make your smart barbarian, but he also actually can throw down with a greataxe
If Gandhi wasn't a monk or a shaman you might be able to picture him as having been a very strategic Barbarian. Genghis' sons were sometimes described as being pretty much butterballs... Warriors of history which didn't fight normally but had exception techniques... I think the difference is in the order of conceptualization. If you start with your character idea and then fit classes and skills to suit the idea before character classes are even considered it seems like a better process
I am very excited regarding dc20. The game feels really nice and you have just so much customization options to make your perfect fit. Regarding the concerns about prime modifier: 1. You dont have to build an intelligence barbarian or a might wizard.. but you can if u want 2. Making builds like bruce banner(intelligence) for roleplay turning to hulk (barbarian) in combat possible. ...and not on the extreme side.. a charisma rogue or an intelligence fighter(adjusting and finding weaknesses in the defence of an enemy) are really not that far fetched. Its a game if you love customization and i think that is awesome.
Uhhhh, don't know about that. Pathfinder 2nd still seems a lot more solid than DC20 in its design, rather than a haphazard collection of rules ripped from different sources.
@astranger934 in fairness, DC20 is still in an Alpha state and is not “out”. The game is still very much in active development and will be for at least another year. PF2e has been out for nearly 5 years. I took “upgraded” to be “an evolution of” as in it took the good and is trying ti make it better and incorporate new ideas.
@@astranger934 that’s my fear with DC20 too. I really hope DC and his team can nail the landing, but balancing (both with the game maths and in terms of making a new coherent rpg out of its various parts) is even harder when you’re pulling in all these ‘best ideas’ from different games, rather than building your own thing from the ground up. No doubt it will be better than what WOTC give us later this year though lol.
This looks great and I threw in a pretty big pledge. I do have some concerns that all these extra modifiers (such as multiple advantage/disadvantage or the degree of success bonus on attack rolls) are going to make it so that there are just more rules that are easy to forget, mirroring my experience with Pathfinder 1 and 3.5. Half of what has made 5e so successful is how streamlined these aspects of the game are.
I just don't like the Prime Modifier rule. It dilutes what it means to be whatever your class is. Same thing for the scores. And that bleeds over to lore. If magic isn't hard to learn (because you don't need Intelligence), then why isn't it everywhere? Same thing for martial characters. If shrimpy characters can just start swinging weapons as well as the buff guy, why should anyone work out?
Maybe in this universe magic isn't hard to learn? Sorcerers never had to learn anything to cast magic, neither did Bards. The flavor is that, if you're an Agility wizard for instance, your effectiveness comes from the fact that you cast your spells really quickly, surprising your opponents and therefore being more capable of fighting them. Or maybe you're a Might wizard that flexes so hard he alters reality ( with magic. This one is just LOLs, tho )
Is there a sample of the type of monsters for the game? I’m curious because everything I’ve seen is all about game mechanics. You need monsters to pit against the characters and I’ve not seen anyone mention them. It’s like we are only being shown half a game. Is it going to be left to the GM to create their own monsters?
I'll try it as written. But it feels odd to use advantage/disadvantage when there's already a system built in where you have better/worse effects when you roll 5,10,15, etc above or below. Seems like a -5 for each attack past the first is more congruent with the system in place. Wondering if they did disadvantage so it didn't feel like they took too much from Pathfinder 2e.
Hmm. So basically all starting characters get the maximum bonus to the major things they do (attack/cast spells). Why bother tying that to a stat/attribute ? Just say PCs are "special" and get the bonus. Also, every one can grant advantage to themselves. Twice. Do enemies do this as well ? Do the PCs all come with superhero capes ? Not looking like a system an old guy like me would enjoy much.
Well I just turned 53, been playing ttrpgs since around 1980, and I’m enjoying the heck out of DC20. You’re definitely well-developed and capable even at level one, but having said that your enemies can still be quite deadly (many a DC20 adventurer has succumbed in the Grand Menagerie). You can grant advantage to yourself but if it’s for the same type of action it’s going to just cancel out disadvantage on the second one, and you may have better uses for the action point like using a maneuver if you’re a martial. I personally like using the prime = cap variant which accomplishes the ‘special’ vibe, but there’s other reasons to choose what to buff and dump in attributes as there’s secondary features that key off them that impact play and combat.
This is exactly the same in 5e. You literally put your best score, assuming standard array, point buy or average rolls, a 17 in whichever stat you use for your main features.
It makes it more flexible, not being tied to specific stats or min-maxing anymore. If you still wish to tie things down, you can homebrew it or stick to PF2e, 5e, etc
The “Prime Modifier” system seems like a potentially boring feature. Some attributes end up being more important due to secondary benefits. For instance, if this was in 5e then everyone would always build around Dexterity due to AC and initiative bonuses. And why so impressed with “fire bolt”? It’s just “produce flame” from 5e.
All of the attributes have thier own benefits. Some of the benefits of each" Might boosts your HP DEX boosts your AC CHA gives you grit points to reduce damage or boost your will. INT boosts your skills
@@androlgenhald476 Yeah and not all of those are as valuable as each other. It looks like HP is always the best benefit as there isn’t a time when you don’t need it.
You are probably right that the weights of the benefits aren't perfectly balanced yet. But thats to be expected in an unfinished system. And it should be close by the time it's released. (Wouldn't want them exactly the same, as that's boring) But we have to make sure we are not looking at this through the lens of 5e and thinking that some things are more powerful than others. HP and AC are weighted very different in this system. A higher AC will actually reduce incoming damage, as, even if you are hit, it can bring a hit from heavy down to a regular hit, thereby lessening the damage taken.
if what you say about attributes is all there is, i don't see a reason why a melee fighter would choose anything but agility, since it also gives you more defense, compared to might that (as far as I undestand) gives you nothing if it's not your main attribute. Overall, seems like agility is a great pick for casters as well, with both charisma and intelligence being nice if you want more magical defense.
The only thing I did not like about this whole system is the fact that you can use inteligence to weild an axe and might to cast a spell. It kinda feels stupid (to me at least) bc it strips the prupose of having different attributes. Wizards should have high inteligence, if you want to put stuff into might as well is fine, but it shouldn't help casting spells. I think that I would homebrew that out if I ever play it Other than that the system is what I always dreamed of: The spell duels, the proficiency levels, the multiple actions, and the deathmechanics! Everything is inmacculate! (Sidenote, ever since reading the "blaze of glory" death mechanic for daggerheart I think that every ttrpg should have something like that) Excelent video mate, I'll support this
I suppose decoupling the attributes from classes lets you explore different fantasties. People who know martial combat can tell you that swinging a weapon is more technique over strength, letting you play a smart martial character! Similarly, "might" is in with constitution. You can imagine magic that would wreck the body of someone less trained. Stuff like that sounds pretty fun to play around with :D
@@nicolaspereyra420 there are things like that. The highest attribute only applies to attacks and spells. There are skill based actions like grappling (might), analyzes creatures behavior (cha), learning a creatures weaknesses (int) and feinting(dex), which use a specific attribute. Also your other stats still effect other things might determine hp, agility determines your ac, and int determines concentration checks for example.
@@RedsByrd it still bothers me that they are for attacks and spells. Maybe you could change it witha feature/spell/feat/action, but spells should use int and attacks might
@@nicolaspereyra420 i understand what you’re saying it could break immersion for some. Technically you’re not casting spells with int or might, you’re casting with your prime which is equal to your highest ability score (pedantic decision). There’s an alternate rule that just makes your prime a set number which is what i use, so your spell casting would be irrelevant of your stats. You could also just house rule that your prime for wizards has to be int. However you do it, the Overall math works out the same, it’s just a trade off of character building flexibility and realism.
Thank you for making a video to explain this game. I don't think its for me, the "prime modifier" is counter-intuitive to all games and just doesn't make any sense to me. It just seems like a way that makes all characters feel the same.
Great video but why the heck is it called „everything you need to know“ if it literally ends on „there is so much more cool core stuff I haven’t even talked about“ 😂
The bland, generic digital art set my expectations very low, but I'm pleasantly surprised at the actual ruleset, seems like a solid distillation of many popular ideas.
This is. Lot of praise... even for questionable things. Seems fishy, since the system has some weird and post test analysis parts, but we'll have to wait and see, I guess.
lol I mean if Coach wanted to buy some press there are a lot more influential people than me he could have enlisted :P But actually, this video isn’t a review video. It’s a first impressions discussing the highlights of the system and what’s new and exciting and things people may not have seen before. I will be releasing much more DC20 content which will have critiques and feedback. I can tell you right now, for example, I don’t like the way Initiative works right now but I can go over that in more detail at another time.
@@InsightCheck Sorry, the message was fumbled by my haste and phone, which kept correcting me. What I meant is that it seems fishy to have so many content creators like yourself give so much praise with so little testing. I didn't mean you specifically, but the army of youtubers who came out with dc content like clockwork on the week (or even day) of the launch. I meant no disrespect. I will watch you upcoming video, like I watch all of your videos. Keep it up!
@eoris12 all good :) that’s just because we all had videos timed to coincide with the launch of the Kickstarter so it was quite literally like clockwork haha!
Maybe because I have come from a more complex system the 4 ability score makes it a no-deal for me. I already think d&d oversimplify it, I don't want more oversimplification. A few other things are nice, but that one ain't.
I'm not sure I understand DC20's combat system, so forgive me if I'm mistaken but... From what I understand, Action Points are a system meant to add more flexibility on a turn by removing the restriction of action categories. (eg. Action, Bonus Action, Reaction, etc.) Why is it then that DC20 adds a NEW restriction that gives disadvantage for choosing to take multiples of the same action???? To me that seems so counterintuitive to the entire point of using an Action Point based system. At the end of the day, DC20 still only wants you using one attack per turn, purposefully undermining a portion of that freedom and flexibility. I'd much rather it state outright "you can only make one attack per turn" then hamstring your ability to do so like this.
I hear what you’re saying. I think it’s just a bit more nuanced than that though. The point isn’t so much that you should take 4 attacks every single turn but rather that it is in option if you had nothing else to do or maybe you’ve got a feat that lets you take advantage of the multiple attacks. Or an ally spent their Help action to give you a bonus d8 to the roll making the attack more likely to hit. It gives greater flexibility versus the Action/BA system in that what you do isn’t tied to a specific key phrase but rather you can just do them as you wish. Maybe you just wanna run really far or cast a spell and attack. It’s just creating different scenarios that may or may not be beneficial at different times.
The disadvantage has to be there for game balance. That said, I believe there are some class features that will negate the disadvantage, essentially allowing for multiple attacks without the disadvantage. And also, if you didn't have the disadvantage system, everyone would probably just attack 4 times every round and that's all combat would be. Sounds pretty boring to me.
If you’re a monk you can go to town on 4 unarmed strikes without disadvantage. I played an archer fighter who would often get called upon by the commander (warlord) to take a shot without using AP off turn, and when my turn came around it if I didn’t have to move I’d often use 2 AP to have advantage on the first shot and my second 2 AP to cancel out the multiple check penalty to take a second shot with no disadvantage. Or I’d sometimes put those AP into my volley technique to target multiple targets on a line or in a group. And once I hit the third round had advantage on all attacks so I’d use 1 AP to fire an arrow with advantage on the first shot, 1 AP to fire normally a second time, and 2 AP to fire normally a 3rd time. Just a few examples.
there are already great eamples why it is still there and why you can still make multiple attacks. There are features, spells, conditions etc. that offset those disadvantages and makes it then possible to still attack 3 or more times if you wish
DC20 is learning from Pathfinder 2e here. It has a 3 action system (+ reaction, which DC20 Is just folding in as a 4th action) but to balance things out, 2nd and 3rd attacks suffer a ‘multi attack penalty’ to the attack roll. As well as math balancing, this is primarily to discourage boring ‘I stand there and attack 3 (4) times’ play, which any experienced 5e player will appreciate.
Personally it feels like some ideas are solid and some are plain poor for example the rule around multiple uses of the same action. Second being disadvantage then double disadvantage plays into situations that once used will frustrate the players
Sure, that’s fair. In its defence though, the game (as presented in this video) was an Alpha and has only recently come to a beta stage. It’s not being officially released any time soon.
Not really a fan of Prime as written. All it does is prevent you from doing mixed builds where you want to do 1-1-1-1 or any other fun combination. You must always have 1 ability at the cap, which is annoying. I feel like I’d rather Prime = the ability score cap.
It’s an official rule variant and I’ve used Prime = cap for some very flavorful generalist builds, but even with the default it’s not as penalizing taking all spread out attributes in DC20 as it would be in 5e.
And you gain bonus attribute points before the cap increases at Level 5, which means you can invest points into other attributes, shoring up your weaknesses, or capitalizing on your secondary stat. You could start investing in another attribute entirely and make that your new Prime attribute and you won't be punished for branching out like that
I mean this seems like a sponsored puff piece, not really what I come to this channel for. Hope you can be more critical of DC20 in future videos, all the best
The purpose of the video was to show what’s new or interesting and what people might not know. It’s why I titled it as an “everything you need to know” video. Feedback just wasn’t the purpose of this one. There will be more videos in the future which provide more of a commentary :)
Thanks for the reply, really enjoy your channel. I just found this video didn't play like the rest of your videos, so to futily try and milk your attention, maybe an interesting video somewhere down the might be about about who might enjoy dc20, if you like D&D 5e but aren't particularly fond of Pathfinder 2e is this gonna be the game for you? @@InsightCheck
I really don't like the Prime Modifier thing. This game might not be for me. I don't find a INT based Barbarian appealing at all. Yes you can't be dumb dumb to be a great warrior in real life but you certainly can't be weak. It's really too imersion breaking for me sadly :/ I'll probably read the rules when the game comes out. I'm bumbed that this singular core rule is such a miss for me. Same for spellcasters using strength. I've seem multiple videos now where I ear people really exited about this but I myself can't wrap my head around it. Why have stats in the first place then and not just go skill based system ?
And it's a shame because there is so much I love about the game. Unifying the "to hit role" with damage works like in Cypher and I love it. The skills and action points work like Pathfinder and are great
I think it needed another revision or 2 before physical prints actually happen. I can totally see Prime Modifier being easily metagamed to hell and back by having a strong tanky character via high hp and grit do anything they want is lacking foresight and missing the point of stat governance. Multiple of the same qction incurring disadvantage is an absolute HELL NO for me as that doesn't deliver the promise of freedom of choice rather forces dynamics. You're punish for being big dumb muscle barb who just wants to go SMASHY. You're punished for wanting to spam several firebolts like a magic machinegun. You're punished for wanting to try and million stab like dante. The multiple checks if they do apply to combat actions like this as was how i interpreted the explanation is an immediate giant turn off and won't be looking into the game further if it's choosing this wishy washy implementation of freedom of choice. Has potential but it reeks of lack of testing. Far more testing and a few more dozen revisions please.
The idea of a wizard using might for casting or a barbarian using intelligence for attacking is an inmediate NO for me. I don't like when games sacrifice realism and character depth in favor of simplicity. Also, being written by the Dungeon Coach almost alone is also concerning, specially being the same guy who became Best Gold Seller at the DM's Guild and then uploaded a video saying how he was disappointing of not making enough money to try it again.
Coach as a small but talented design team and he also has a very active community of players who’ve been playing and giving feedback every step of the way. I agree that I don’t like the idea of casting with your strength but some people do. If you don’t however it’s just as easy to flavor your prime as representing your adventuring ability rather than one of your attributes and that has worked for me. Still easier to design different character concepts this way than in more rigid systems.
*I've been following this project for a while and the man is simply not a game designer.* He clearly has absolutely no idea what he's doing again rhe system is entirely just a collection of random slapped together 5e homebrew that should have stayed at the house of those DMs that show up on the D&D horror stories reddit
@ClassicThermite for context, this is a completely normal part of game design and is nothing to be concerned about. The game is still an “Alpha” and won’t be out for at least another year (or longer). It certainly seems jarring but that’s because we typically don’t see this part of the game design process. Even for One D&D where we were seeing a lot, those are like Beta or later ideas.
Hello IC. I want to become one of your sponsors. How should I contact you?
@lostinparadice you can message me on Discord @jeremyic or email at InsightCheckDND@gmail.com
I’ve been following the game since 0.3 and I’ve been excited to play it ever since. Something that doesn’t get talked about as much is just how mechanically different each class feels, each spellcaster can push their spells further in different ways, each martial regains stamina points in different ways, the Druid with their domain and wild shape features is a whole different beast altogether.
Also recently the DC20 team prioritized reducing the amount of resources players need to track, for example the sorcerers use their rest points(the equivalent to hit dice in 5e) for metamagic instead of sorcery points. I could keep talking but you get the point lol
Been reading the alpha and I'm really excited about DC20. Also congrats on the sponsorship.
Thanks! And yeah super excited for the game! So so many promising and awesome ideas. Can’t wait to see how it continues to grow!
Thanks for the DC20 Shout-out!
This feels like the best of worlds between 5e and Pathfinder 2e. Very tempting...
Okay I went and backed. Between 5e 2024, ToV, MCDM RPG, and now this. I have a lot to read.
I feel you. I thought the same thing with PF2. As far as reading, I have this and Tales of the Valiant.
Bleh. Stop supporting WotC. They don't care about you and they don't deserve our money
@@rayzerot stop telling people how to spend their money, just because you have a grudge against wotc doesn't mean everyone does
Okay, I *really* dig this.
I loved almost all the design philosophies of this system. I love that you're able to use any Attribute of your choice as your main Attribute, allowing for a wide variety of character concepts. The action economy is also awesome: It's similar to Pf2e in the way you can spend additional amounts of AP to enhance spell effects, which adds tactical depth to combat. I also prefer mana systems over spell slot systems, as they are simpler, more intuitive and more flexible, and being able to also customize spell effects with MP makes it even better!
It's like they took all the design decisions I like and made a very tactical D&D alternative. Looking forward to this system.
You have an awesome, clear and concise way of explaining the system. I will be using this video to send to my players as an introduction to the system!
Thank you so much! That really means a lot :)
It was really important to me to not just list features but provide relevant context so it makes sense! I’m glad you found it helpful!
Already backed. Really happy to see you covering it.
Having followed the development of the Alpha through the videos & one shot, I have to praise how _elegantly_ designed this game is!
Lovely symmetry between Martial & Caster, between core stats, etc.
The players in the one shots really seemed to pick it up quickly.
A clear sign of a strong foundation given we're just arriving to beta stage. 👍
I love seeing more DC20 content.
You definitely touched on all of the things that are great about DC20 imo!
I am seeing quite a few mechanics from PF2e , but streamlined and less crunchy.
Witch is nice
That’s what I’m picking up too. If it can land that niche, I can see it becoming very popular.
U sure? Seems more crunchy
@@thiagoheringer101Seems more crunchy than pf2e? In what way?
@@dlsisson1970 multiple initiatives checks (checking and approving with everyone what they are doing), multiple degrees of success, dividing stuffs by 4, and others. Cant remember everything now
It's got a lot of really cool concepts in it that I am looking forward to exploring. Prime modifier feels very freeing, and just 4 ability scores is probably a perfect number. Lots of cool concepts in DC20, thanks for making the video and congratulations on the sponsor
There's so many cool ideas. I'm super hyped to test them out and explore everything. Prime Modifier feels like such a simple and great idea.
Personally, I'm actually very skeptical of the Prime Modifier mechanic, as I think it's going to be a double edged sword. Sure, it's simple and offers a lot more variety, but it also creates a lot of potential for weird cases where your Class feels off when you use a Mental Stat for a Physical Class or vice-versa. Sure, it can work, but there's also going to be some weirdness where the normally academic Wizard is actually an idiot who's just a strong dude, it's funny, but ultimately doesn't feel right.
@@halozoo2436 that's fair. It goes beyond the normal D&D ideas, but you can really think of real reasons for these different Prime Modifiers, like the wizard is a blood mage that uses their own physical essence to fuel their magic, so getting physically stronger helps them. I'm sure you can think of interesting ones for all choices. Really, as long as the Abilities are well balanced in terms of their benefits, it just opens a lot of narrative and build options. In D&D if you could choose, everyone would just choose Dex because it's just better than other stats.
@@DndUnoptimized Yeah, I can see that happening, it's just a potential point of concern to keep an eye on.
_"Prime modifier feels very freeing"_
Yes, in an *"everyone gets a trophy"* kind of way.
Not sure how I feel about the rest of it, but from what I'm seeing, DC20 has a much better system for spells than D&D. Unless you play D&D spellcasters like you do barbarians, you're slowing every round down picking from too many spells with too long of descriptions and none of them really doing exactly what you want anyway. I much prefer picking from a few spells and just adapting it for the combat situation with Mana. I'm not totally familiar with the spells he's created, but targeting three creatures instead of one, extending the range, and then maybe adding a pull effect to pull them off the castle walls seems much quicker than trying to dig through my list trying to find the best way to deal with 3 creatures on a far-away castle wall targeting me with longbows. There's a reason everyone just resorts to Fireball: long distance, large AOE, lots of damage. Wouldn't it be fun to be a little more imaginative. I think I'm gonna wait until it's actually done though considering how often things are changing month after month.
Great job explaining DC20! So excited for this system, the creativity and teamwork it unleashes in players is phenomenal.
I'm hopeful and excited! (But I wish he'd given the game another name. I don't like the rules or the name of Dagger-heart, but that's still a much better name for the casual, mass audiences than an abbreviated name like GURPS or DC20.)
Personally I love DC20 as a name though others feel like you!
Regardless of the name, it'll be reduced to an abbreviation, like D&D.
Yesss a IC video on my new vavorite system
I love how you describe dc20 you gave a better Pitch than coach did (dont tell him) genunaly though thank you for your insight and opinion 💖
Thank you SO much!
This video was definitely a Success (10) Insight Check
An issue I have with every four stat spread is "what do you do with senses vs reason?" Most games tend to want to roll your senses in with your intelligence attribute, since that represents awareness and ability to notice details and make connections... but then what do you do with every animal that has senses superior to humans? They MUST have a much lower Intelligence attribute than a human, but then it also makes them much much worse at detecting their surroundings? A reasonable fix for this is to attach senses to agility or its equivalent, since hand-eye coordination implies strong eyes and therefore strong perception, but that still leaves things like bears out in the cold.
There's a similar issue with will and charisma, and in fact talking in general being rolled into any attribute. The ability to be liked/respected/feared is far removed from the ability to persist or endure hardships, mental fatigue, temptation, etc. But furthermore, the ability to be liked, respected, and feared are really three completely separate arenas. They may indeed overlap, but they're in no way inherently linked. Some systems are tempted to roll talking into Intelligence, but that replaces one problem with another: making socializing and nerdery rely on the same base attribute is very clearly not thematic in most stories.
Four attributes is fine, it's perfectly playable (my current favorite TTRPG Fabula Ultima uses essentially the same spread), but it does break down when you look at it too hard.
Awareness is not tied to intelligence. So that's not an issue here.
It would indeed break down if your senses were tied to intelligence, which is not the case in DC20 :)
Looks great!! When will this be available to the public to purchase online or in a store without being apart of the kickstarter?
My understanding is that the game will be in active development until at least mid to late 2025 which is the expected shipping date.
@@InsightCheck Thanks for the feedback. Looks like a year+ wait. Well D&D's new PHB comes out 17 Sept this year.
DC20 looks amazing so far. I would totally play it.
Ok, This is the first I'm really taking a look at DC20. Seems like at a glance, it's taking all the cool bits from Pathfinder 2 and going with the simpler 5E system. I'm sold to be honest. You had me at 'stats give boosts' and then when 'rolling well affected damage'? Yup, I'm in.
Keep that DC20 content coming! Love what this system does. It is just what I was searching for in a ttrpg.
So cool your channel is being sponsored!
I contributed to the alpha, vut unfortunately I won't be able to be part of the Kickstarter 😭
Hey, they don’t charge until the end! You might want to just give a low amount now for the early supporter freebies and if you can prior to July 2 up to your comfort/interest level. Even the $30 level gets you the electronic version of the game!
@@GlenFinney Yeah, the thing is I'm unemployed and I don't receive in dollars, so even 30 bucks is still a lot for me.
I'm sharing the Kickstarter to everyone I know, so at least I'm helping with that.
@@ThomasBD thanks for spreading the word! And remember that the sample rules in the Kickstarter are free and pretty close to the whole game at the present time so have fun with those and I’ll hope that your finances start looking up!
Seems super good! Just one little conniption is how would a charisma based sword swinger or archer play out?
I've played a charisma fighter, was able to excel at social challenges but not be great at athletic tasks but still do well in combat, I imagined that it was using confidence, ego, and/or distracting or getting enemies off their mental balance to make hits in combat
Well - you use your prime for those attacks so you’re just as viable for the most part (armor may be a different matter) but you’ll attack as well as any as you charm your way through the game!
If you are talking about as a roleplay type of situation, might be a character who excels at leadership or that throws his enemies off with trash talking, or he just has that presence, that certain aura of confidence that only a few people have.
Well there's certainly more ways to go about it, but I just tried to highlight a few.
Along with the rest of the stuff other people said, Charisma also affects your Force of Will, so maybe you are Just really determined to attack well
Oh boy, that is so great, especially the magic part. I immediately backed it - I am a convinced believer, for sure...
Idk man. I like casters not having to be tied to a specific mental stat, but having intelligence barbarians with -2 might seems reaaally off. I think the system would be better if you choose added a magic stat. So, pick might, agility or magic as your primary damage stat, then you pick a main “mental” stat as your primary “social/exploration” stat. Win-win. Make your smart barbarian, but he also actually can throw down with a greataxe
If Gandhi wasn't a monk or a shaman you might be able to picture him as having been a very strategic Barbarian. Genghis' sons were sometimes described as being pretty much butterballs... Warriors of history which didn't fight normally but had exception techniques... I think the difference is in the order of conceptualization. If you start with your character idea and then fit classes and skills to suit the idea before character classes are even considered it seems like a better process
Seems like a introductory version to PF2E.
I am very excited regarding dc20. The game feels really nice and you have just so much customization options to make your perfect fit.
Regarding the concerns about prime modifier:
1. You dont have to build an intelligence barbarian or a might wizard.. but you can if u want
2. Making builds like bruce banner(intelligence) for roleplay turning to hulk (barbarian) in combat possible.
...and not on the extreme side.. a charisma rogue or an intelligence fighter(adjusting and finding weaknesses in the defence of an enemy) are really not that far fetched.
Its a game if you love customization and i think that is awesome.
Isn't that like upgraded version of Pathfinder?
Yeah in a lot of ways. It's been described as the "love child between 5e and Pathfinder" haha.
Uhhhh, don't know about that.
Pathfinder 2nd still seems a lot more solid than DC20 in its design, rather than a haphazard collection of rules ripped from different sources.
@astranger934 in fairness, DC20 is still in an Alpha state and is not “out”. The game is still very much in active development and will be for at least another year. PF2e has been out for nearly 5 years.
I took “upgraded” to be “an evolution of” as in it took the good and is trying ti make it better and incorporate new ideas.
@@astranger934 that’s my fear with DC20 too. I really hope DC and his team can nail the landing, but balancing (both with the game maths and in terms of making a new coherent rpg out of its various parts) is even harder when you’re pulling in all these ‘best ideas’ from different games, rather than building your own thing from the ground up. No doubt it will be better than what WOTC give us later this year though lol.
there should be a language mastery level 3 where you studied the language so much you can be an academic snob about it wherever you go
sounds like it is just 4e Psionics updated.
Awesome. 👍🏻 Looking forward for more. 🙂
This looks great and I threw in a pretty big pledge. I do have some concerns that all these extra modifiers (such as multiple advantage/disadvantage or the degree of success bonus on attack rolls) are going to make it so that there are just more rules that are easy to forget, mirroring my experience with Pathfinder 1 and 3.5. Half of what has made 5e so successful is how streamlined these aspects of the game are.
I just don't like the Prime Modifier rule. It dilutes what it means to be whatever your class is. Same thing for the scores. And that bleeds over to lore. If magic isn't hard to learn (because you don't need Intelligence), then why isn't it everywhere? Same thing for martial characters. If shrimpy characters can just start swinging weapons as well as the buff guy, why should anyone work out?
Maybe in this universe magic isn't hard to learn? Sorcerers never had to learn anything to cast magic, neither did Bards. The flavor is that, if you're an Agility wizard for instance, your effectiveness comes from the fact that you cast your spells really quickly, surprising your opponents and therefore being more capable of fighting them.
Or maybe you're a Might wizard that flexes so hard he alters reality ( with magic. This one is just LOLs, tho )
With the spell duel rules of DC20, I don't want to hear anyone try to play Dragonball with D&D ever again!
Is there a sample of the type of monsters for the game? I’m curious because everything I’ve seen is all about game mechanics. You need monsters to pit against the characters and I’ve not seen anyone mention them. It’s like we are only being shown half a game. Is it going to be left to the GM to create their own monsters?
I’m super excited for DC 20!
Please do a lot more videos on DC20. I’m subscribing in good faith that you will
I fully plan to :)
@@InsightCheck You have made me very happy 😊
0 hp rule makes me think of Gensys, and I like it
Where did you find the art for the thumbnail?
I'll try it as written. But it feels odd to use advantage/disadvantage when there's already a system built in where you have better/worse effects when you roll 5,10,15, etc above or below. Seems like a -5 for each attack past the first is more congruent with the system in place.
Wondering if they did disadvantage so it didn't feel like they took too much from Pathfinder 2e.
5e house rules
Hmm. So basically all starting characters get the maximum bonus to the major things they do (attack/cast spells). Why bother tying that to a stat/attribute ? Just say PCs are "special" and get the bonus. Also, every one can grant advantage to themselves. Twice. Do enemies do this as well ? Do the PCs all come with superhero capes ? Not looking like a system an old guy like me would enjoy much.
Well I just turned 53, been playing ttrpgs since around 1980, and I’m enjoying the heck out of DC20. You’re definitely well-developed and capable even at level one, but having said that your enemies can still be quite deadly (many a DC20 adventurer has succumbed in the Grand Menagerie). You can grant advantage to yourself but if it’s for the same type of action it’s going to just cancel out disadvantage on the second one, and you may have better uses for the action point like using a maneuver if you’re a martial. I personally like using the prime = cap variant which accomplishes the ‘special’ vibe, but there’s other reasons to choose what to buff and dump in attributes as there’s secondary features that key off them that impact play and combat.
This is exactly the same in 5e. You literally put your best score, assuming standard array, point buy or average rolls, a 17 in whichever stat you use for your main features.
It makes it more flexible, not being tied to specific stats or min-maxing anymore. If you still wish to tie things down, you can homebrew it or stick to PF2e, 5e, etc
@@hopefulmayhem5744 personally why I prefer the prime = cap variant but it’s often the same for most peoples’ builds unless going for a generalist.
That Just represents the action economy, you could attack twice, but instead you are just making one, more thought-out and strong attack
Gogo DC20 💜
The “Prime Modifier” system seems like a potentially boring feature.
Some attributes end up being more important due to secondary benefits.
For instance, if this was in 5e then everyone would always build around Dexterity due to AC and initiative bonuses.
And why so impressed with “fire bolt”? It’s just “produce flame” from 5e.
All of the attributes have thier own benefits.
Some of the benefits of each"
Might boosts your HP
DEX boosts your AC
CHA gives you grit points to reduce damage or boost your will.
INT boosts your skills
@androlgenhald476 correct
I should have touched on this more but I was trying to get through a lot in a reasonable time. Thanks for bringing this up!
@@androlgenhald476 Yeah and not all of those are as valuable as each other.
It looks like HP is always the best benefit as there isn’t a time when you don’t need it.
You are probably right that the weights of the benefits aren't perfectly balanced yet.
But thats to be expected in an unfinished system. And it should be close by the time it's released. (Wouldn't want them exactly the same, as that's boring)
But we have to make sure we are not looking at this through the lens of 5e and thinking that some things are more powerful than others.
HP and AC are weighted very different in this system.
A higher AC will actually reduce incoming damage, as, even if you are hit, it can bring a hit from heavy down to a regular hit, thereby lessening the damage taken.
But it’s not 5e and they’re worked hard to give each ability good secondary advantages so it’s more balanced.
Backer#109 here
Will you be making content for DC20?
I will be, yes :)
if what you say about attributes is all there is, i don't see a reason why a melee fighter would choose anything but agility, since it also gives you more defense, compared to might that (as far as I undestand) gives you nothing if it's not your main attribute. Overall, seems like agility is a great pick for casters as well, with both charisma and intelligence being nice if you want more magical defense.
The only thing I did not like about this whole system is the fact that you can use inteligence to weild an axe and might to cast a spell. It kinda feels stupid (to me at least) bc it strips the prupose of having different attributes. Wizards should have high inteligence, if you want to put stuff into might as well is fine, but it shouldn't help casting spells. I think that I would homebrew that out if I ever play it
Other than that the system is what I always dreamed of: The spell duels, the proficiency levels, the multiple actions, and the deathmechanics! Everything is inmacculate! (Sidenote, ever since reading the "blaze of glory" death mechanic for daggerheart I think that every ttrpg should have something like that) Excelent video mate, I'll support this
I suppose decoupling the attributes from classes lets you explore different fantasties. People who know martial combat can tell you that swinging a weapon is more technique over strength, letting you play a smart martial character! Similarly, "might" is in with constitution. You can imagine magic that would wreck the body of someone less trained. Stuff like that sounds pretty fun to play around with :D
@@pippastrelle They could add an action like "analyze opponent" that gives you a bonus/advantage based on int, I'd be cool with that
@@nicolaspereyra420 there are things like that. The highest attribute only applies to attacks and spells. There are skill based actions like grappling (might), analyzes creatures behavior (cha), learning a creatures weaknesses (int) and feinting(dex), which use a specific attribute.
Also your other stats still effect other things might determine hp, agility determines your ac, and int determines concentration checks for example.
@@RedsByrd it still bothers me that they are for attacks and spells. Maybe you could change it witha feature/spell/feat/action, but spells should use int and attacks might
@@nicolaspereyra420 i understand what you’re saying it could break immersion for some. Technically you’re not casting spells with int or might, you’re casting with your prime which is equal to your highest ability score (pedantic decision). There’s an alternate rule that just makes your prime a set number which is what i use, so your spell casting would be irrelevant of your stats.
You could also just house rule that your prime for wizards has to be int. However you do it, the Overall math works out the same, it’s just a trade off of character building flexibility and realism.
Thank you for making a video to explain this game. I don't think its for me, the "prime modifier" is counter-intuitive to all games and just doesn't make any sense to me. It just seems like a way that makes all characters feel the same.
So it's a mix of Tormenta and Pathfinder.
Muscle wizards, ehhhh...
I can see some decent ideas here like every martial getting stamina points but some that are also off-putting
What’s off putting?
Honestly, I don't think this system is remotely faster than playing normal DnD 5e
I honestly am not a fan of multiple ADV and DisADV, after the first the others are statistically more and more irrelevant.
Fun though
Great video but why the heck is it called „everything you need to know“ if it literally ends on „there is so much more cool core stuff I haven’t even talked about“ 😂
The bland, generic digital art set my expectations very low, but I'm pleasantly surprised at the actual ruleset, seems like a solid distillation of many popular ideas.
More dc 20 !!
This is. Lot of praise... even for questionable things. Seems fishy, since the system has some weird and post test analysis parts, but we'll have to wait and see, I guess.
lol I mean if Coach wanted to buy some press there are a lot more influential people than me he could have enlisted :P
But actually, this video isn’t a review video. It’s a first impressions discussing the highlights of the system and what’s new and exciting and things people may not have seen before. I will be releasing much more DC20 content which will have critiques and feedback. I can tell you right now, for example, I don’t like the way Initiative works right now but I can go over that in more detail at another time.
@@InsightCheck Sorry, the message was fumbled by my haste and phone, which kept correcting me. What I meant is that it seems fishy to have so many content creators like yourself give so much praise with so little testing. I didn't mean you specifically, but the army of youtubers who came out with dc content like clockwork on the week (or even day) of the launch. I meant no disrespect. I will watch you upcoming video, like I watch all of your videos. Keep it up!
@eoris12 all good :) that’s just because we all had videos timed to coincide with the launch of the Kickstarter so it was quite literally like clockwork haha!
Maybe because I have come from a more complex system the 4 ability score makes it a no-deal for me. I already think d&d oversimplify it, I don't want more oversimplification. A few other things are nice, but that one ain't.
Thank you very much for this video - it is clear that DC20 is DND with a ton of new complexity added in. Not for me. Thanks again for the video.
My muscle mage can now be reality 🥲
I'm not sure I understand DC20's combat system, so forgive me if I'm mistaken but... From what I understand, Action Points are a system meant to add more flexibility on a turn by removing the restriction of action categories. (eg. Action, Bonus Action, Reaction, etc.) Why is it then that DC20 adds a NEW restriction that gives disadvantage for choosing to take multiples of the same action????
To me that seems so counterintuitive to the entire point of using an Action Point based system. At the end of the day, DC20 still only wants you using one attack per turn, purposefully undermining a portion of that freedom and flexibility. I'd much rather it state outright "you can only make one attack per turn" then hamstring your ability to do so like this.
I hear what you’re saying. I think it’s just a bit more nuanced than that though. The point isn’t so much that you should take 4 attacks every single turn but rather that it is in option if you had nothing else to do or maybe you’ve got a feat that lets you take advantage of the multiple attacks. Or an ally spent their Help action to give you a bonus d8 to the roll making the attack more likely to hit. It gives greater flexibility versus the Action/BA system in that what you do isn’t tied to a specific key phrase but rather you can just do them as you wish. Maybe you just wanna run really far or cast a spell and attack. It’s just creating different scenarios that may or may not be beneficial at different times.
The disadvantage has to be there for game balance.
That said, I believe there are some class features that will negate the disadvantage, essentially allowing for multiple attacks without the disadvantage.
And also, if you didn't have the disadvantage system, everyone would probably just attack 4 times every round and that's all combat would be.
Sounds pretty boring to me.
If you’re a monk you can go to town on 4 unarmed strikes without disadvantage. I played an archer fighter who would often get called upon by the commander (warlord) to take a shot without using AP off turn, and when my turn came around it if I didn’t have to move I’d often use 2 AP to have advantage on the first shot and my second 2 AP to cancel out the multiple check penalty to take a second shot with no disadvantage. Or I’d sometimes put those AP into my volley technique to target multiple targets on a line or in a group. And once I hit the third round had advantage on all attacks so I’d use 1 AP to fire an arrow with advantage on the first shot, 1 AP to fire normally a second time, and 2 AP to fire normally a 3rd time. Just a few examples.
there are already great eamples why it is still there and why you can still make multiple attacks. There are features, spells, conditions etc. that offset those disadvantages and makes it then possible to still attack 3 or more times if you wish
DC20 is learning from Pathfinder 2e here. It has a 3 action system (+ reaction, which DC20 Is just folding in as a 4th action) but to balance things out, 2nd and 3rd attacks suffer a ‘multi attack penalty’ to the attack roll. As well as math balancing, this is primarily to discourage boring ‘I stand there and attack 3 (4) times’ play, which any experienced 5e player will appreciate.
Personally it feels like some ideas are solid and some are plain poor for example the rule around multiple uses of the same action. Second being disadvantage then double disadvantage plays into situations that once used will frustrate the players
Sure, that’s fair. In its defence though, the game (as presented in this video) was an Alpha and has only recently come to a beta stage. It’s not being officially released any time soon.
Not really a fan of Prime as written. All it does is prevent you from doing mixed builds where you want to do 1-1-1-1 or any other fun combination. You must always have 1 ability at the cap, which is annoying. I feel like I’d rather Prime = the ability score cap.
I agree, if it’s any consolation that is listed as an rule variant in the alpha/beta for dms to choose
@@RedsByrd I’m aware it’s a variant rule. However, a small sidebar doesn’t really console much.
It’s an official rule variant and I’ve used Prime = cap for some very flavorful generalist builds, but even with the default it’s not as penalizing taking all spread out attributes in DC20 as it would be in 5e.
And you gain bonus attribute points before the cap increases at Level 5, which means you can invest points into other attributes, shoring up your weaknesses, or capitalizing on your secondary stat. You could start investing in another attribute entirely and make that your new Prime attribute and you won't be punished for branching out like that
So basically its pf2e but simplified xd
I mean this seems like a sponsored puff piece, not really what I come to this channel for. Hope you can be more critical of DC20 in future videos, all the best
The purpose of the video was to show what’s new or interesting and what people might not know. It’s why I titled it as an “everything you need to know” video.
Feedback just wasn’t the purpose of this one.
There will be more videos in the future which provide more of a commentary :)
Thanks for the reply, really enjoy your channel.
I just found this video didn't play like the rest of your videos, so to futily try and milk your attention, maybe an interesting video somewhere down the might be about about who might enjoy dc20, if you like D&D 5e but aren't particularly fond of Pathfinder 2e is this gonna be the game for you?
@admizr5416 that’s a totally fair comment :)
You’ll probably enjoy today’s video more then!
I really don't like the Prime Modifier thing. This game might not be for me. I don't find a INT based Barbarian appealing at all. Yes you can't be dumb dumb to be a great warrior in real life but you certainly can't be weak. It's really too imersion breaking for me sadly :/
I'll probably read the rules when the game comes out. I'm bumbed that this singular core rule is such a miss for me.
Same for spellcasters using strength. I've seem multiple videos now where I ear people really exited about this but I myself can't wrap my head around it. Why have stats in the first place then and not just go skill based system ?
And it's a shame because there is so much I love about the game. Unifying the "to hit role" with damage works like in Cypher and I love it. The skills and action points work like Pathfinder and are great
Ok but does DC stand for in this? Ah Dungeon Coach I guess
Everything you need to know? Made by the people that damaged DND
I think it needed another revision or 2 before physical prints actually happen.
I can totally see Prime Modifier being easily metagamed to hell and back by having a strong tanky character via high hp and grit do anything they want is lacking foresight and missing the point of stat governance.
Multiple of the same qction incurring disadvantage is an absolute HELL NO for me as that doesn't deliver the promise of freedom of choice rather forces dynamics. You're punish for being big dumb muscle barb who just wants to go SMASHY. You're punished for wanting to spam several firebolts like a magic machinegun. You're punished for wanting to try and million stab like dante. The multiple checks if they do apply to combat actions like this as was how i interpreted the explanation is an immediate giant turn off and won't be looking into the game further if it's choosing this wishy washy implementation of freedom of choice.
Has potential but it reeks of lack of testing. Far more testing and a few more dozen revisions please.
Dude, the game will be in development for at least another year, calm your ass down.
Too many complicated rules, same fault as DnD.
The idea of a wizard using might for casting or a barbarian using intelligence for attacking is an inmediate NO for me. I don't like when games sacrifice realism and character depth in favor of simplicity. Also, being written by the Dungeon Coach almost alone is also concerning, specially being the same guy who became Best Gold Seller at the DM's Guild and then uploaded a video saying how he was disappointing of not making enough money to try it again.
Coach as a small but talented design team and he also has a very active community of players who’ve been playing and giving feedback every step of the way. I agree that I don’t like the idea of casting with your strength but some people do. If you don’t however it’s just as easy to flavor your prime as representing your adventuring ability rather than one of your attributes and that has worked for me. Still easier to design different character concepts this way than in more rigid systems.
Looks like pf2, but blank and unoriginal
Yeah this system is dumb.
Severely overrated...
*I've been following this project for a while and the man is simply not a game designer.* He clearly has absolutely no idea what he's doing again rhe system is entirely just a collection of random slapped together 5e homebrew that should have stayed at the house of those DMs that show up on the D&D horror stories reddit
Why did you bold the first part of the text?
Well that game is clearly not for you then. I think it looks great and very much appreciate the flexibility and the freedom of the system
I really hope the game succeeds but the consant remaking of rules is a worrying sign
@ClassicThermite for context, this is a completely normal part of game design and is nothing to be concerned about. The game is still an “Alpha” and won’t be out for at least another year (or longer). It certainly seems jarring but that’s because we typically don’t see this part of the game design process. Even for One D&D where we were seeing a lot, those are like Beta or later ideas.
I think he’s got great ideas! But everyone is free to have their opinion!