John 14:6 - “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.” All of man's questions of life are answered in this verse.
That's what's going on in today's world Muslims are very angry because they don't have the right word more proof that God really did blind people's minds God bless everybody eventually the world will come together and there will be no more division with color and other pointless arguments are who's right and who's wrong and find out that God the Almighty created us all together to be together the devil created division
Today I was baptized as a born-again Christian and I dedicate my life now to Christ Amen. I'm so so happy just want to share this good news with the world and also to pastor David for inspiring me on this journey to redemption hallelujah
Congratulations brother! Here’s a few channels that preach sound doctrine ❤️ Search for: - Robert Breaker - Dr Gene Kim - Onorato Diamante. God bless you ! Angels rejoicing in Heaven for sure :)
@@keithp8357Isaiah saldivar I used to get his name wrong too lol. He's great to listen to and I love his energy. He's really on fire for Christ. Plus makes entertaining content in a way that keeps you engaged. His interview style is fun as well. He's like the ultimate hype man for Jesus. I can hear Isaiah saying "COMMOOOOOON" Lol
Welcome brother. It's incredible isn't it? You just wanna share it with everyone. Not everyone in your life is going to want to hear it though. Don't let that get you down or deter you, the Walk isn't always easy but I can promise it's always rewarding and fulfilling.
That's my step dad smh follows the false prophet mohommad, respects all religions and rejects CHRIST JESUS as LORD and Saviour. Super sad he's full of the antichrist spirit.
that's right. I live in Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world. Muslims are very easy to get angry when their religion is offended. but they will be happy if they attack other people's faith.. that's how Muslims work..
@@yuzisansama6333 Guide him back to what? You have ZERO assurance of salvation as a Muslim (unless you die in Jihad) according to your Holy books. This is a fact. You could have one foot in paradise and be thrown into hell according to Islam? This is what you want to place the faith of your ETERNITY on? Friend, come to Messiah Jesus. He PROMISES everlasting life as a FREE gift to those who place their faith in him. You will receive the Holy Spirit. All sin past, present & future washed clean. This is the only way we can stand before the presence of our PERFECT, HOLY GOD. And the Bible says NOBODY can pluck you out of God's hand once you're placed in it. Salvation is a free gift, but your daily discipleship will be costly in this life until the day we pass on and rejoice before our Lord in heaven. John 15:17-20 17This is My command to you: Love one another. 18 If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me first. 19 If you were of the world, it would love you as its own. Instead, the world hates you, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.…
I used to be a Muslim and I thank God for bringing me out of darkness and he brought me into the amazing light of his son Jesus Christ. Praise the Father Son and Holy Spirit ♥️✝️🙌
If you find a motivation in watching lynns' videos to grow in your believe, then use it as this but remember, after drinking the milk you need to start with eating proper food. Don't ever forget the foundation of the whole bible and cut the human made separation between "old and new testament" out. God never changes and so he would never teach to forsake his commandments and statues. Don't be led into Christianity but be led into Being an Israelite.
Jesus is a prophet of Islam, also known as Esa, he is alive and was not crucified and will return. they are clear contradictions in your own bible, clear as day contradictions where its made clear that the bible is edited by humans. Jesus did have a book, but Allah, the one and only god, the god jesus worshipped, the god that abraham, David, Joseph and every prophet worshipped, took the 3 books known as tawrat, injeel and zabur back and the only word of god is now the Quran.
took the books back?tell us a contradiction in the bible,but don'T rip verses just out of context.How can you even say there is contradictions in the bible,if the Qur'an clearly approves what was with the jews and christians at the time of Muhammad.The books that they had at that time are identical to our holy Bible we have today.@@CeoScarlett
Me too ex muslim, I strongly believe in Lord Jesus. Muslims have spirit of hate and anger. Which is from demons, not from God. All thanks to Jesus, he opened my eyes and saved me.
You liar if you war a moslem you will know that moslem love Jesus at least they dont say that he was saying dogs and killing children, woman, old man in your bible
You can keep on crying about how Muslims are evil but even you can’t deny if you are an ‘ex-Muslim’ that we are told to avoid backbiting we are told to have morals in war. Your a liar.
I’ve gotta speak on this. I’m a Christian who loves Christ dearly. I often pray for god to give me the ability to do more for him. To reach more people for him. But this guy right here and others like him who grab their microphone and hit the streets anywhere to preach are some of the bravest most dedicated Christians in the world. I pray for the strength to do what these men do one day!!
@@ManhwaInfinite jesus is gonna destroy that cross when he comes back and all non believers must repent .If Jesus died on an electric chair would u weare an electric chair symbol?
all muslims in this world must go to hell, it is written in the Qur'an, surah maryam 19 verses 66 to 71, and muhammad (qathem) was an illegitimate child, he was born after 4 years his father died, it is written in the book of Al -Maghazi, claiming to be a prophet and claiming to be a descendant of Ismail, during his life he behaved in a sadistic, obscene manner, killed, raped, stole other people's wives, had sex with aisyah's little child (pedhopil), had sex with the wife of his adopted son zaid, had sex with having sex with his maid mariyah and being caught by one of his wives hafsah, slaughtering and robbing christians and jews, and many other shames, until he was poisoned to death by a jewish woman named shaffiyah whose husband and family were slaughtered by muhammad and the others. his followers for 1400 years were covered up by muslims and exposed by the internet.
Proverbs 29:5-6 A person who flatters his neighbour is spreading a net for him to step into. To an evil person sin is bait in a trap, but a righteous person runs away from it and is glad.
Peace and Blessings to Armenia,the first country in the world to adopt Christianity in the 4th century. I pray for the safety of your traditions and peoples🇦🇲✝️☦️
I like how Dorre Love puts it, "If your father wants you to come home and he has a beautiful place prepared for you, if he loved you, he would tell you how to get there. He would give you the directions. If he says all of this and doesn't tell you how to get there, he doesn't really love you.
But he keeps hiding my comment? Has he no respect for one's effort nor truth? God sees all. He are the only one erasing messages. This says a lot. I wrote: *Jesus could not say to them "Believe that I died for you", because He wasn't sacrificed yet. *Jesus told the rich boy to follow Him, why? Because doing all that, was not enough to be saved, you need to follow Jesus to be saved; this He did tell them, and his disciples also told them of. *When Jesus said he that believes in me and is baptized will be saved, he was in other words saying: believe I died for you and make it yours through faith at baptism! His words mean: he that believes that I am the Son of God sent by the Father, and will be baptized into my death and raised in my resurrection, will be saved. In other words, baptism entails the Gospel of salvation through us dying with Jesus, in Jesus, so to be saved from death and enter Jesus' new life. Baptism requires a person that accepts Jesus' death for him, otherwise it's not baptism in Christ. *We are not to follow only Jesus' teachings as muslims think, but of His apostles as well. If they deny the teachings of the apostles, they deny Jesus' ongoing relationship with Him and the guidance they kept receiving through His Holy Spirit! We are not to play the muslim game, but stick in faith to God's plan in using the apostles. Anyone saying I accept only what Jesus said, is lying, when he does not accept what He said to His apostles to teach. *Luke was not a stranger to Jesus (just like we aren't!), he received the Holy Spirit of Jesus and that's why he served God through writing His Gospel of Him and the book of Acts. Receiving the Holy Spirit is a real life changing supernatural experience and it's more than enough to witness to people about the reality of Jesus!! You don't have to see Jesus with your eyes, to be in a relationship with with Him and be considered trustworthy for ministry to His glory. *While one can find legit reason why there are two genealogies of Jesus, we don't claim there are no contradictions in the Bible and that is why God provided 4 Gospels to begin with... The writers wrote many times out of memory; one's memory was better than the other, so there is not problem. Those that claim there are no reasonable human mistakes in Scripture are either unread or stupid or liars. If there were two demon possessed people in Gadara or one person, doesn't change the fact that the miracle happened! As to if the quran was only for Arabs, yes it was. Read in the site: answeringislam the text with the title: MOHAMMED CLAIMED TO BE A WARNER ONLY FOR ARABIA By ABU SALAM
all muslims in this world must go to hell, it is written in the Qur'an, surah maryam 19 verses 66 to 71, and muhammad (qathem) was an illegitimate child, he was born after 4 years his father died, it is written in the book of Al -Maghazi, claiming to be a prophet and claiming to be a descendant of Ismail, during his life he behaved in a sadistic, obscene manner, killed, raped, stole other people's wives, had sex with aisyah's little child (pedhopil), had sex with the wife of his adopted son zaid, had sex with having sex with his maid mariyah and being caught by one of his wives hafsah, slaughtering and robbing christians and jews, and many other shames, until he was poisoned to death by a jewish woman named shaffiyah whose husband and family were slaughtered by muhammad and the others. his followers for 1400 years were covered up by muslims and exposed by the internet.
Dear child. Wise men don't baptize in H20. There is only ONE baptism and only one water(the living water). H20 cannot make thee wise, however we shall point you in the direction of wisdom. Go and be baptized child as it is written: "And that from a child thou hast known the holy SCRIPTURES, which are ABLE TO MAKE THEE WISE UNTO SALVATION through faith which is in Christ Jesus."
Really, he does? He’s preaching something that Jesus never preached. You’ve turned a prophet, a man into God. The level of blasphemy is unbelievable. Babies being born in sins really, so if that baby dies before being baptised they’re going to hell? Killing an innocent person/God/son of God for the sins of the wicked, really? Makes sense? There’s no self accountabilities, once you believe that’s it, you can do whatever you like and you’re sins are already forgiven? I’m sure Hitler believed that too.
all muslims in this world must go to hell, it is written in the Qur'an, Surah Maryam 19 verses 66 to 71, and muhammad (qathem) was an illegitimate child, he was born after 4 years his father died, it is written in the book of Al -Maghazi, claiming to be a prophet and claiming to be a descendant of Ismail, during his life he behaved in a sadistic, obscene manner, killed, raped, stole other people's wives, had sex with aisyah's little child (pedhopil), had sex with the wife of his adopted son zaid, had sex with having sex with his maid mariyah and being caught by one of his wives hafsah, slaughtering and robbing christians and jews, and many other shames, until he was poisoned to death by a jewish woman named shaffiyah whose husband and family were slaughtered by muhammad and the others. his followers for 1400 years were covered up by muslims and exposed by the internet.
@mohamedshiekh635 that is not Christianity sir. The Bible says the wages of sin is death Romans 6:23. Jesus said Go and sin no more John 8:11. If we sin wilfully (purposely) there remains no sacrifice for us. Heb 10:26. As a Christian we turn from our old, sinful ways and live a new life in Christ. This is the gospel.
Everyone that came before Jesus believed in the promise of the messiah. Everyone who came after believed that Jesus was the fulfillment of the promise.
Belief was never intended to be the resting place. Those that "KNOW" do not use the word "believe" to describe that which they profess is TRUTH. That's what happens when one does not live by EVERY WORD of God. As it is written: "The simple BELIEVETH every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going."
I'm an ex Muslim and i believe and proclaim Jesus Christ is the Lord and savoir of humanity. I gave my life to Jesus Christ. I belong to Jesus Christ I proclaim, declare and decree to the whole world. Jesus Christ the Living God saved me from Islam. ❤❤❤❤❤ 👇 I declare that there's NO God except the Only One True and the Living God Elohim (Yahweh, Yeshua, Holy Spirit). Praise the Living God! HalleluYah!✝️🔥✝️ ☝️
Praise God✝️you should share your testimony on how Jesus saves you to other Muslims. That may Jesus open their blindness to see the truth in Jesus. Amen ✝️
lier you don't follow your own bible Jezus prayed like muslims Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” Mattheuw 26:39
@@cfayfa273 ********Why are you arguing against a Fake Christianity that doesn't exist? According to the Bible, a part of YHWH became human and then that part was human! What Allah doesn't know according to KOran!!**************************
*what a mistake in the Qur'an!* Allah himself testifies that he has a son and he is the son as Christians understand it! Only the Koran writer was too ignorant to know what Son of God means! Allah's word which created everything is Allah himself too! *The Word Allahs which created everything is the Son of God according to Christianity!*
Yes that is true but it’s also actually really sad. So let’s not hope for them to have an awakening and see that they were wrong but instead pray for them. May they experience Gods love and be guided by him ❤
You have all accused your own selves. This day is the day of judgement. What day are you all waiting for? Those waiting for the day are still in darkness. "Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you? the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light."
Yes, he is Lord and Savior because his God made him that (Acts 2:36). Never came with those titles inherently. He was exalted into those positions because of God/YHWH, his God , who has authority over him to do that.
@@PP_DerrickYahweh is Yeshua and Yeshua is Yahweh, it's very simple. John 10:30 I and the Father are one.” John 8:58 Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.” We know that God died for our sins because Yeshua is God (Yahweh). Isaiah 9:6 For a Child will be born to us, a Son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Titus 2:13 looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus, 2 Peter 1:1 Simon Peter, a bond-servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have received a faith of the same kind as ours, by the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ: John 20:28 Thomas answered and said to Him, “My Lord and my God!” Revelation 22:13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” Revelation 1:8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
It's amazing how God has given David the patients and humbleness to answer the questions of the confused minded people. Let us rejoice because we belong to Jesus Christ 🙏 🙌 ❤️
ALL CHRISTIANS WILL ENTER HELL FOREVER🔥🔥 -Matthew 7:21-23 Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.' -John 20:17 Jesus said, "I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God." -Quran 5:72 Those who say, “God is Jesus the Messiah, son of Mary,” have certainly fallen into disbelief. Jesus the Messiah ˹himself˺ said, “O Children of Israel! Worship Allah-my God and your God.” Whoever associates others with Allah ˹in worship˺ will surely be forbidden Paradise by God. Their home will be the Fire. And the wrongdoers will have no helpers. -Quran 19:36 Jesus said, "Indeed, Allah is my God and your God, so worship Him. This is a straight path."
Similar to how Without lies, the Trinity dies. Let's all believe Jesus who point blank tells us who God is, the Father, and the Apostles who are in lockstep with him and say , "but there is one God, the Father... and one Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corin 8:6), and Peter saying Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:3).
@@PP_Derrick You wouldn’t even use this verse to disprove Jesus as God because because if it says only God to the Father, how many Lords do we have? Because in Matthew 11:25 the Father is called Lord of heaven when Jesus is called the one Lord in 1 Corinthians 8:6. The Father is called Lord also in Acts 4:24. You need to be consistent because then Jesus is called God Titus 2:13 and 2 Peter 1:1 and others. Read this verse in context from 1 Corinthians 8:4-6 you will see if further proves Jesus as God as in verse 4 Paul says an idol is nothing at all and there is only one God. Then in verse 5 it says many lords and many gods (Paul was calling out the idols who were being worshiped) and then goes on to say the only God in verse 6.
@@PP_Derrick More context for the verse you gave in Greek one God means “heis theos” or one Lord and if you read Mark 12:29 where Jesus said the Shema( which is a prayer which shows how God is one) “The Lord our God, the Lord is one.” We mustn’t forget Paul was Jewish and the main point of Jews was that they believed in one God. Paul in the verse you gave is applying the Shema in the verse 1 Corinthians 8-6. He puts Jesus name in this verse which would be blasphemy and against your belief if you believe Jesus is not equal to the Father in their essence or God in general.
@@purposedriven8156 Lord does not mean strictly imply God. In the Greek, kourios, is also referring to someone of respect other than God. And it was God who made Jesus Lord (Acts 2:36) Jesus quotes Deut 6:4 which correctly states, Hear, O Israel! YHWH is our God, YHWH alone. Jesus tells the Jewish scholar what he believed that only YHWH is God, and this Jesus says is the first of all Commandments. No Trinity, no 3 persons in 1 God essence. Just YHWH.
@@PP_Derrickbro just sit down and take notes. Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life. If you want true knowledge fear God for that's the beginning of wisdom, repent and come to Jesus Christ and all will be revealed to you. Just know that He died on the cross for you all you have to do is believe in what He did for you pick up your cross and walk with him.
I dated a Muslim for 2 years. Complete hell! I have broken free from the shackles, I love him but to GOD be the glory I am saved by my Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST AMEN HALLELUYAH
Didn’t know you liked this type of content or that you even believed in God but God bless you and your grandma. Hopefully she gave her life to Christ because if she did she big chillin in heaven right now.
He keeps erasing my comment? Has he no respect for one's effort nor truth? God sees all. He are the only one erasing messages. This says a lot. I wrote: *Jesus could not say to them "Believe that I died for you", because He wasn't sacrificed yet. *Jesus told the rich boy to follow Him, why? Because doing all that, was not enough to be saved, you need to follow Jesus to be saved; this He did tell them, and his disciples also told them of. *When Jesus said he that believes in me and is baptized will be saved, he was in other words saying: believe I died for you and make it yours through faith at baptism! His words mean: he that believes that I am the Son of God sent by the Father, and will be baptized into my death and raised in my resurrection, will be saved. In other words, baptism entails the Gospel of salvation through us dying with Jesus, in Jesus, so to be saved from death and enter Jesus' new life. Baptism requires a person that accepts Jesus' death for him, otherwise it's not baptism in Christ. *We are not to follow only Jesus' teachings as muslims think, but of His apostles as well. If they deny the teachings of the apostles, they deny Jesus' ongoing relationship with Him and the guidance they kept receiving through His Holy Spirit! We are not to play the muslim game, but stick in faith to God's plan in using the apostles. Anyone saying I accept only what Jesus said, is lying, when he does not accept what He said to His apostles to teach. *Luke was not a stranger to Jesus (just like we aren't!), he received the Holy Spirit of Jesus and that's why he served God through writing His Gospel of Him and the book of Acts. Receiving the Holy Spirit is a real life changing supernatural experience and it's more than enough to witness to people about the reality of Jesus!! You don't have to see Jesus with your eyes, to be in a relationship with with Him and be considered trustworthy for ministry to His glory. *While one can find legit reason why there are two genealogies of Jesus, we don't claim there are no contradictions in the Bible and that is why God provided 4 Gospels to begin with... The writers wrote many times out of memory; one's memory was better than the other, so there is not problem. Those that claim there are no reasonable human mistakes in Scripture are either unread or stupid or liars. If there were two demon possessed people in Gadara or one person, doesn't change the fact that the miracle happened! As to if the quran was only for Arabs, yes it was. Read in the site: answeringislam the text with the title: MOHAMMED CLAIMED TO BE A WARNER ONLY FOR ARABIA By ABU SALAM
They were raised up to argue. They would rather “win arguments” than to pay attention to what the meaning of the Old Testament and the New Testament clearly put out to people. It’s sad. Works based salvation; the belief that Mohammed is more credible than Christ, the belief that God isn’t a God with emotions… all of the Muslim teachings go against the Bible and that’s more than enough evidence to me that it’s blatantly satanic in nature
The Genealogy of Jesus Christ With the background of these two Old Testament requirements for kingship and what is stated in the two genealogies, the question of Messiah’s right to the throne of David can be resolved. Matthew’s genealogy traces the line of Joseph, the step-father of Yeshua. The line is traced from Abraham (verse 2) to David and Solomon (verse 6) and then to King Jeconiah (verse 11), one of the last kings before the Babylonian Captivity. It is the person of Jeconiah, also called Coniah, or Jehoiachin, that is significant in dealing with the genealogy of Matthew because of the special curse pronounced on him in: Jeremiah 22:24:30 Jer 22:24 As I live, saith Jehovah, though Coniah the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah were the signet upon my right hand, yet would I pluck thee thence; Jer 22:25 and I will give thee into the hand of them that seek thy life, and into the hand of them of whom thou art afraid, even into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, and into the hand of the Chaldeans. Jer 22:26 And I will cast thee out, and thy mother that bare thee, into another country, where ye were not born; and there shall ye die. Jer 22:27 But to the land whereunto their soul longeth to return, thither shall they not return. Jer 22:28 Is this man Coniah a despised broken vessel? is he a vessel wherein none delighteth? wherefore are they cast out, he and his seed, and are cast into the land which they know not? Jer 22:29 O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of Jehovah. Jer 22:30 Thus saith Jehovah, Write ye this man childless, a man that shall not prosper in his days; for no more shall a man of his seed prosper, sitting upon the throne of David, and ruling in Judah. Matthew 1:1-17 Because of the kind of man Jeconiah was, God pronounced a curse upon him. The content of this curse was that no descendant of his would have any rights to the throne of David. According to the genealogy in Matthew, Joseph was a direct descendant of Jeconiah (verse 16). This means that Joseph, having the blood of Jeconiah in his veins, was not qualified to sit on David’s throne. It also means that no son of Joseph would have the right to claim the throne of David. If Yeshua really was the son of Joseph, this would have disqualified Him from sitting upon David’s throne. Luke 3:23-38 Luke begins his genealogy in the reverse order of Matthew, going back from the present into the past. As the line is traced, it returns to the family of David (verses 31-32). However, the son of David involved in this genealogy is not Solomon, but Nathan. The important point here is that Mary was a member of the House of David, totally apart from Jeconiah. Since Yeshua was Mary’s son, He too was a member of the House of David, apart from the curse of Jeconiah. Because Luke does not have to deal with the Jeconiah problem, he can begin his account of the life of Yeshua with the virgin birth. Only later does he record the genealogy. As previously mentioned, one Old Testament requirement for kingship was that of being a member of the House of David apart from Jeconiah. In the case of Yeshua, through Mary, He was a member of the House of David, totally apart from Jeconiah. In this manner, He fulfilled the first requirement of the Old Testament kingship. However, Yeshua was not the only member of the House of David apart from Jeconiah. There were several other descendants who could claim equality with Yeshua to the throne of David, for they, too, did not have Jeconiah’s blood in their veins. At this point, it is important to note the second Old Testament requirement for kingship: divine appointment. Of all the members of the House of David apart from Jeconiah, only one received divine appointment. We read in Luke 1:30-33: 30 And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; for you have found favor with God. 31 “And behold, you will conceive in your womb, and bear a son, and you shall name Him Yeshua. 32 “He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; 33 and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever; and His kingdom will have no end.” (NASB) These verses show that Yeshua was divinely appointed to the throne of David. He therefore fulfilled both Old Testament prerequisites to be the legitimate heir to David´s throne: He was a member of the House of David, apart from Jeconiah, and He alone received divine appointment to David´s throne. (Extract from Arnold G Fruchtenbaum)
all muslims in this world must go to hell, it is written in the Qur'an, surah maryam 19 verses 66 to 71, and muhammad (qathem) was an illegitimate child, he was born after 4 years his father died, it is written in the book of Al -Maghazi, claiming to be a prophet and claiming to be a descendant of Ismail, during his life he behaved in a sadistic, obscene manner, killed, raped, stole other people's wives, had sex with aisyah's little child (pedhopil), had sex with the wife of his adopted son zaid, had sex with having sex with his maid mariyah and being caught by one of his wives hafsah, slaughtering and robbing christians and jews, and many other shames, until he was poisoned to death by a jewish woman named shaffiyah whose husband and family were slaughtered by muhammad and the others. his followers for 1400 years were covered up by muslims and exposed by the internet.
If you find a motivation then to grow in your believe, then use it as this but remember, after drinking the milk you need to start with eating proper food. Don't ever forget the foundation of the whole bible and cut the human made separation between "old and new testament" out. God never changes and so he would never teach to forsake his commandments and statues. Don't be led into Christianity but be led into Being an Israelite.
@@AaAa-sw7uzJesus died for our sins to give us an opportunity to ask forgiveness for OUR SINS. When Jesus died for our sins that doesn't mean sin is ever gonna go away it will still be there and again when Jesus died for us we finally got the opportunity to ask for forgiveness
@@AaAa-sw7uzhuh? The wage of sin is death, so God so love the world that he sent his only son to die for us, because we couldn’t go in heaven by ourselves. You keep talking about “that’s what The Devil want to know” but you’re following satan without even noticing it. If you read the gospel satan was trying to kill Jesus so many times, and if he knew the purpose and the mission of Jesus would be dying on the cross for saving humanity from hellfire he wouldn’t do nothing. Satan want you to believe that Jesus is not the savior, and you can reach heaven by yourself. You eating up his lies and you are another deceived lost sheep’s. Pray to God tonight to shows you the truth about the world and the truth about his purpose for humanity
The Devil actually wants you to think Jesus didn't die for your sins, so you'll have nothing going for you on the Day of Judgement, and you won't be forgiven. That's why the Devil has a religion. It's called Islam. And it's very deceptive. At first glance, Muslims are following all the commandments of God (circumcision, not eating pork, not getting drunk etc.). However, as much as these are important, they won't determine whether you go to Heaven or Hell. The ACTUAL important stuff and the ACTUAL ritual that gets you to Heaven, is baptism by water and spirit (Belief in Christ). And Baptism is one of the rituals that is MISSING in Islam, for a reason. You're stuck on the superficial, unimportant things, but the one thing that gets you to Heaven, is missing in Islam. The Devil tricked all of you. Come to Christ or burn, that's all I can tell you.@@AaAa-sw7uz
Maasha' Allah I agree that Muslim brother was real patient.. This is the result of following God's True Religion Islam, whereas the Paul following pagan pastor was behaving beligerantly and started to run away in desperation!
Son of God does not mean that God has a child in Christianity! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!* Son of God are 2 titles one referring to the Word of God and one referring to creation (humans, angels, demons)
*what a mistake in the Qur'an!* Allah himself testifies that he has a son and he is the son as Christians understand it! Only the Koran writer was too ignorant to know what Son of God means! Allah's word which created everything is Allah himself too! *The Word Allahs which created everything is the Son of God according to Christianity!*
@@hannawurst6064 What on God's Earth are you on about!? ..God has prohibited us from calling God Father or saying we are His sons.. as look at what the crime Paul followers have done.. they exaggerated and started saying God literally has as begotten son!? BLASPHEMY!! God's Word is NOT GOD it is His Word!!
Absolutely they are !!! Muslims preach "peace" but practise hate, anger, murder, rape, idolatry, adultery, racism, hypocrisy, confusion, lies, mutah - everything their father of all lies teaches them. Submission = bow down to Momo + al lahlah + black rock = Satan.
He is dishonest. He keeps hiding my comment? Has he no respect for one's effort nor truth? God sees all. He is the only one erasing messages. This says a lot. I wrote: *Jesus could not say to them "Believe that I died for you", because He wasn't sacrificed yet. *Jesus told the rich boy to follow Him, why? Because doing all that, was not enough to be saved, you need to follow Jesus to be saved; this He did tell them, and his disciples also told them of. *When Jesus said he that believes in me and is baptized will be saved, he was in other words saying: believe I died for you and make it yours through faith at baptism! His words mean: he that believes that I am the Son of God sent by the Father, and will be baptized into my death and raised in my resurrection, will be saved. In other words, baptism entails the Gospel of salvation through us dying with Jesus, in Jesus, so to be saved from death and enter Jesus' new life. Baptism requires a person that accepts Jesus' death for him, otherwise it's not baptism in Christ. *We are not to follow only Jesus' teachings as muslims think, but of His apostles as well. If they deny the teachings of the apostles, they deny Jesus' ongoing relationship with Him and the guidance they kept receiving through His Holy Spirit! We are not to play the muslim game, but stick in faith to God's plan in using the apostles. Anyone saying I accept only what Jesus said, is lying, when he does not accept what He said to His apostles to teach. *Luke was not a stranger to Jesus (just like we aren't!), he received the Holy Spirit of Jesus and that's why he served God through writing His Gospel of Him and the book of Acts. Receiving the Holy Spirit is a real life changing supernatural experience and it's more than enough to witness to people about the reality of Jesus!! You don't have to see Jesus with your eyes, to be in a relationship with with Him and be considered trustworthy for ministry to His glory. *While one can find legit reason why there are two genealogies of Jesus, we don't claim there are no contradictions in the Bible and that is why God provided 4 Gospels to begin with... The writers wrote many times out of memory; one's memory was better than the other, so there is not problem. Those that claim there are no reasonable human mistakes in Scripture are either unread or stupid or liars. If there were two demon possessed people in Gadara or one person, doesn't change the fact that the miracle happened! As to if the quran was only for Arabs, yes it was. Read in the site: answeringislam the text with the title: MOHAMMED CLAIMED TO BE A WARNER ONLY FOR ARABIA By ABU SALAM
all muslims in this world must go to hell, it is written in the Qur'an, surah maryam 19 verses 66 to 71, and muhammad (qathem) was an illegitimate child, he was born after 4 years his father died, it is written in the book of Al -Maghazi, claiming to be a prophet and claiming to be a descendant of Ismail, during his life he behaved in a sadistic, obscene manner, killed, raped, stole other people's wives, had sex with aisyah's little child (pedhopil), had sex with the wife of his adopted son zaid, had sex with having sex with his maid mariyah and being caught by one of his wives hafsah, slaughtering and robbing christians and jews, and many other shames, until he was poisoned to death by a jewish woman named shaffiyah whose husband and family were slaughtered by muhammad and the others. his followers for 1400 years were covered up by muslims and exposed by the internet.
This man of God amazes me ! Sometime he risk his life sharing the gospel he is anointed brave doing the will of God. I pray sighns and wonders much fruit from his labores
If you find a motivation then to grow in your believe, then use it as this but remember, after drinking the milk you need to start with eating proper food. Don't ever forget the foundation of the whole bible and cut the human made separation between "old and new testament" out. God never changes and so he would never teach to forsake his commandments and statues. Don't be led into Christianity but be led into Being an Israelite.
@@MyArnettelistening to this man will safe no-one as his doctrine is of the devil. As long as he does not teach you to walk in the footsteps of Jesus wholely (not only preaching and doing miracles but also keeping the Torah, that's what Jesus did!) he is a false teacher. But I pray that he might turn and truly repent and lead all people the narrow way
And ˹on Judgment Day˺ Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever ask the people to worship you and your mother as gods besides Allah?” He will answer, “Glory be to You! How could I ever say what I had no right to say? If I had said such a thing, you would have certainly known it. You know what is ˹hidden˺ within me, but I do not know what is within You. Indeed, You ˹alone˺ are the Knower of all unseen.
That man reminds me of my friend from school. Very blind and angry. But after falling so so far down in deep depression he has started his journey to Christ. Slowly but he is getting there.
all muslims in this world must go to hell, it is written in the Qur'an, surah maryam 19 verses 66 to 71, and muhammad (qathem) was an illegitimate child, he was born after 4 years his father died, it is written in the book of Al -Maghazi, claiming to be a prophet and claiming to be a descendant of Ismail, during his life he behaved in a sadistic, obscene manner, killed, raped, stole other people's wives, had sex with aisyah's little child (pedhopil), had sex with the wife of his adopted son zaid, had sex with having sex with his maid mariyah and being caught by one of his wives hafsah, slaughtering and robbing christians and jews, and many other shames, until he was poisoned to death by a jewish woman named shaffiyah whose husband and family were slaughtered by muhammad and the others. his followers for 1400 years were covered up by muslims and exposed by the internet.
But he keeps hiding my comment? Has he no respect for one's effort nor truth? God sees all. He are the only one erasing messages. This says a lot. I wrote: *Jesus could not say to them "Believe that I died for you", because He wasn't sacrificed yet. *Jesus told the rich boy to follow Him, why? Because doing all that, was not enough to be saved, you need to follow Jesus to be saved; this He did tell them, and his disciples also told them of. *When Jesus said he that believes in me and is baptized will be saved, he was in other words saying: believe I died for you and make it yours through faith at baptism! His words mean: he that believes that I am the Son of God sent by the Father, and will be baptized into my death and raised in my resurrection, will be saved. In other words, baptism entails the Gospel of salvation through us dying with Jesus, in Jesus, so to be saved from death and enter Jesus' new life. Baptism requires a person that accepts Jesus' death for him, otherwise it's not baptism in Christ. *We are not to follow only Jesus' teachings as muslims think, but of His apostles as well. If they deny the teachings of the apostles, they deny Jesus' ongoing relationship with Him and the guidance they kept receiving through His Holy Spirit! We are not to play the muslim game, but stick in faith to God's plan in using the apostles. Anyone saying I accept only what Jesus said, is lying, when he does not accept what He said to His apostles to teach. *Luke was not a stranger to Jesus (just like we aren't!), he received the Holy Spirit of Jesus and that's why he served God through writing His Gospel of Him and the book of Acts. Receiving the Holy Spirit is a real life changing supernatural experience and it's more than enough to witness to people about the reality of Jesus!! You don't have to see Jesus with your eyes, to be in a relationship with with Him and be considered trustworthy for ministry to His glory. *While one can find legit reason why there are two genealogies of Jesus, we don't claim there are no contradictions in the Bible and that is why God provided 4 Gospels to begin with... The writers wrote many times out of memory; one's memory was better than the other, so there is not problem. Those that claim there are no reasonable human mistakes in Scripture are either unread or stupid or liars. If there were two demon possessed people in Gadara or one person, doesn't change the fact that the miracle happened! As to if the quran was only for Arabs, yes it was. Read in the site: answeringislam the text with the title: MOHAMMED CLAIMED TO BE A WARNER ONLY FOR ARABIA By ABU SALAM
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12 NKJV
@@raphaelfeneje486 "We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. He appointed them to be saved in keeping with his purpose. God planned that those he had chosen would become like his Son. In that way, Christ will be the first and most honored among many brothers and sisters" (Romans 8:28-29). "The one who sent me doesn’t want me to lose anyone he has given me. He wants me to raise them up on the last day" (John 6:39). "And those God has planned for, he has also appointed to be saved. Those he has appointed, he has made right with himself. To those he has made right with himself, he has given his glory" (Romans 8:30).
PHILIPPIANS 2 :10-11 the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father
@freepalestine3383 …This is why, we need to make sure that no one has added or taken away from it during printing. It’s a serious task, I guess islam doesn’t care about its book when reprinting it. Deuteronomy 4:2 “You shall not add to the word that I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God that I command you.”
@freepalestine3383 why are u muselim when u dont even have 1 single piece of witness for the socalled revelations and that it ever took place in a cave. U really need to re-examine brain at mental hospital
Jesus denied he was God when directly being accused by the Pharisees in John 10. He said he was Son of God. Jesus is Lord and Christ because God made him that (Acts 2:36). Jesus tells us directly and clearly who God is, as do his Apostles. Paul says, but there is one God, the Father and one Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 8:6), and Peter says Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:3). Let's all listen to Jesus and his Apostles instead of men Centuries later who concocted a heresy of the Devil not at all taught by Jesus nor the Apostles themselves.
@@PP_Derrick jesus said he will answer prayers: read from verse 13 to verse 14 john 14:12-14 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. jesus told his disciples to pray to the father in his name (jesus) john 16:23 Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. 24 Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. john 15:16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit-fruit that will last-and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. 17 This is my command: Love each other.
@@PP_Derrick jesus is worshiped in the new testamznt by his followers and apostles: luke 24:50-53 When he had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, he lifted up his hands and blessed them. 51 While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven. 52 Then they WORSHIPED him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. 53 And they stayed continually at the temple, praising God. matthew 28:16-20 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they WORSHIPED him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:9 And behold, Jesus met them and said, “Greetings!” And they came up and took hold of his feet and WORSHIPED him. john 28:5-10 The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. 7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.” 8 So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. 9 Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and WORSHIPED HIM . Matthew 14:33 And those in the boat WORSHIPED him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”
@@PP_Derrick jesus claim to be our salvation and to give eternal life himself: John 10:7 Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. 8 All who have come before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep have not listened to them. 9 I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. (read verse 28) john 10:25-29 Jesus answered, “I did tell you, but you do not believe. The works I do in my Father’s name testify about me, 26 but you do not believe because you are not my sheep. 27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.
@@Jesus-Yeshua-saves Are you going to Address what Jesus said to the Jews or not? Either you believe Jesus or you don't. So you that deny the Son denies the Father. No one worshipped Jesus as the GOD.
Galatians 5:22-23 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and SELF-CONTROL . Against such things there is no law. This preacher is clearly living what he preaches, He shows loves and lots of calmness when I myself would be fighting surely. It’s a blessing from God to have him, I’ll be praying for him and for all the muslins that God may change their heart of war for a heart of discernment. 🙏🏾🙏🏾
When people in the comments say how calm or patient Pastor David is, it's because this is what happens when you are fact base. The other man is so emotional because he has too much "pride" to admit that he's wrong. And because he knows that he doesn't have verifiable facts he's angry, aggressive, deflects, etc... I'm new to Christianity (4 months) after being an atheist most of my life. I'm embarrassed to say that I dismissed Christianity without understanding or knowing anything about it. I have been so humbled by this. My ultimate goal is be able to preach like this (I'm local Pastor David), and share the good news of the Gospels to everyone and to open up people's minds and soften their hearts to the word of God 🙏🏻✝️ . Agree or disagree, God bless to anyone who reads this 🙏🏻.
This man is struggling with his spirit It's clear God is speaking to him and his flesh is struggling with truth he wants so bad to prove he is right but deep down he knows That Jesus is the only way .I appreciate the patience of Pastor David Lynn .May God Reveal himself to these Rebellious men.
But he keeps hiding my comment? Has he no respect for one's effort nor truth? God sees all. He is the only one erasing messages. This says a lot. I wrote: *Jesus could not say to them "Believe that I died for you", because He wasn't sacrificed yet. *Jesus told the rich boy to follow Him, why? Because doing all that, was not enough to be saved, you need to follow Jesus to be saved; this He did tell them, and his disciples also told them of. *When Jesus said he that believes in me and is baptized will be saved, he was in other words saying: believe I died for you and make it yours through faith at baptism! His words mean: he that believes that I am the Son of God sent by the Father, and will be baptized into my death and raised in my resurrection, will be saved. In other words, baptism entails the Gospel of salvation through us dying with Jesus, in Jesus, so to be saved from death and enter Jesus' new life. Baptism requires a person that accepts Jesus' death for him, otherwise it's not baptism in Christ. *We are not to follow only Jesus' teachings as muslims think, but of His apostles as well. If they deny the teachings of the apostles, they deny Jesus' ongoing relationship with Him and the guidance they kept receiving through His Holy Spirit! We are not to play the muslim game, but stick in faith to God's plan in using the apostles. Anyone saying I accept only what Jesus said, is lying, when he does not accept what He said to His apostles to teach. *Luke was not a stranger to Jesus (just like we aren't!), he received the Holy Spirit of Jesus and that's why he served God through writing His Gospel of Him and the book of Acts. Receiving the Holy Spirit is a real life changing supernatural experience and it's more than enough to witness to people about the reality of Jesus!! You don't have to see Jesus with your eyes, to be in a relationship with with Him and be considered trustworthy for ministry to His glory. *While one can find legit reason why there are two genealogies of Jesus, we don't claim there are no contradictions in the Bible and that is why God provided 4 Gospels to begin with... The writers wrote many times out of memory; one's memory was better than the other, so there is not problem. Those that claim there are no reasonable human mistakes in Scripture are either unread or stupid or liars. If there were two demon possessed people in Gadara or one person, doesn't change the fact that the miracle happened! As to if the quran was only for Arabs, yes it was. Read in the site: answeringislam the text with the title: MOHAMMED CLAIMED TO BE A WARNER ONLY FOR ARABIA By ABU SALAM
I am a Christian. An at Church a Muslim girl said I am switching to become a Christian because of our church and be saved not only was it lovely ❤ but since I don’t get to go to church that much I was so grateful it just shows how happy I was to bring more Christian’s to our church before the bad things occur and focus on the triangles center core which is the Lord Amen
all muslims in this world must go to hell, it is written in the Qur'an, surah maryam 19 verses 66 to 71, and muhammad (qathem) was an illegitimate child, he was born after 4 years his father died, it is written in the book of Al -Maghazi, claiming to be a prophet and claiming to be a descendant of Ismail, during his life he behaved in a sadistic, obscene manner, killed, raped, stole other people's wives, had sex with aisyah's little child (pedhopil), had sex with the wife of his adopted son zaid, had sex with having sex with his maid mariyah and being caught by one of his wives hafsah, slaughtering and robbing christians and jews, and many other shames, until he was poisoned to death by a jewish woman named shaffiyah whose husband and family were slaughtered by muhammad and the others. his followers for 1400 years were covered up by muslims and exposed by the internet.
If you find a motivation in watching lynns' videos to grow in your believe, then use it as this but remember, after drinking the milk you need to start with eating proper food. Don't ever forget the foundation of the whole bible and cut the human made separation between "old and new testament" out. God never changes and so he would never teach to forsake his commandments and statues. Don't be led into Christianity but be led into Being an Israelite.
They say, “The Most Compassionate has offspring.” You have certainly made an outrageous claim by which the heavens are about to burst, the earth to split apart, and the mountains to crumble to pieces in protest of attributing children to the Most Compassionate. It does not befit ˹the majesty of˺ the Most Compassionate to have children. There is none in the heavens or the earth who will not return to the Most Compassionate except in full submission. Maryam: verses- 88-93
But he keeps hiding my comment? Has he no respect for one's effort nor truth? God sees all. He are the only one erasing messages. This says a lot. I wrote: *Jesus could not say to them "Believe that I died for you", because He wasn't sacrificed yet. *Jesus told the rich boy to follow Him, why? Because doing all that, was not enough to be saved, you need to follow Jesus to be saved; this He did tell them, and his disciples also told them of. *When Jesus said he that believes in me and is baptized will be saved, he was in other words saying: believe I died for you and make it yours through faith at baptism! His words mean: he that believes that I am the Son of God sent by the Father, and will be baptized into my death and raised in my resurrection, will be saved. In other words, baptism entails the Gospel of salvation through us dying with Jesus, in Jesus, so to be saved from death and enter Jesus' new life. Baptism requires a person that accepts Jesus' death for him, otherwise it's not baptism in Christ. *We are not to follow only Jesus' teachings as muslims think, but of His apostles as well. If they deny the teachings of the apostles, they deny Jesus' ongoing relationship with Him and the guidance they kept receiving through His Holy Spirit! We are not to play the muslim game, but stick in faith to God's plan in using the apostles. Anyone saying I accept only what Jesus said, is lying, when he does not accept what He said to His apostles to teach. *Luke was not a stranger to Jesus (just like we aren't!), he received the Holy Spirit of Jesus and that's why he served God through writing His Gospel of Him and the book of Acts. Receiving the Holy Spirit is a real life changing supernatural experience and it's more than enough to witness to people about the reality of Jesus!! You don't have to see Jesus with your eyes, to be in a relationship with with Him and be considered trustworthy for ministry to His glory. *While one can find legit reason why there are two genealogies of Jesus, we don't claim there are no contradictions in the Bible and that is why God provided 4 Gospels to begin with... The writers wrote many times out of memory; one's memory was better than the other, so there is not problem. Those that claim there are no reasonable human mistakes in Scripture are either unread or stupid or liars. If there were two demon possessed people in Gadara or one person, doesn't change the fact that the miracle happened! As to if the quran was only for Arabs, yes it was. Read in the site: answeringislam the text with the title: MOHAMMED CLAIMED TO BE A WARNER ONLY FOR ARABIA By ABU SALAM
all muslims in this world must go to hell, it is written in the Qur'an, surah maryam 19 verses 66 to 71, and muhammad (qathem) was an illegitimate child, he was born after 4 years his father died, it is written in the book of Al -Maghazi, claiming to be a prophet and claiming to be a descendant of Ismail, during his life he behaved in a sadistic, obscene manner, killed, raped, stole other people's wives, had sex with aisyah's little child (pedhopil), had sex with the wife of his adopted son zaid, had sex with having sex with his maid mariyah and being caught by one of his wives hafsah, slaughtering and robbing christians and jews, and many other shames, until he was poisoned to death by a jewish woman named shaffiyah whose husband and family were slaughtered by muhammad and the others. his followers for 1400 years were covered up by muslims and exposed by the internet.
So as stated above "who are BEING saved..." Parrots also repeat words but don't understand the implications of what they say. "BEING SAVED" Is not equivalent to "ARE SAVED". Thus your own admission is you are still and darkness and are blind trying to lead those who too are blind. "Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you? the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light."
I thank Jesus Christ for Pastor David Lynn, The word of God is being spoken, and I pray that he will accept Jesus Christ before it’s too late on the day of judgment he will be judged by wether or not he accepted Jesus or not. Ann-Marie United Kingdom bless you, David Lynn, angels are all around you All around you blessings 😊 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾😊
I say every day, God bless you, Pastor Lynn! Because you have the most ultimate patience. This guy was clearly argumentative, and he’s full of demonic negativity, and he has a spiritual veil over his eyes. God bless you again Pastor David!💞
@jzbu2534 I get that Allah is one send many prophets peace upon them like Jesus it's so simple but your God is complicated h3 killed or his son idk only Christian understands but they can not explain and each Christian explain differently
@ktx93 I think we Christians and Muslims differ in 2 things the Trinity and Jesus you guys believe in one God who dosnt have any form ok I will explain trinity
And ˹on Judgment Day˺ Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever ask the people to worship you and your mother as gods besides Allah?” He will answer, “Glory be to You! How could I ever say what I had no right to say? If I had said such a thing, you would have certainly known it. You know what is ˹hidden˺ within me, but I do not know what is within You. Indeed, You ˹alone˺ are the Knower of all unseen.
@@faras244 That verse is not valid. We don't recognize the Quran as coming from God. It is written in our scripture that a false prophet will teach a different Gospel and that even Satan can appear as an angel of light. Do you know what this means? Did muhammad not say he was under Satan after he saw an angel?
Yes well said. Let us pray for the man in the video that he may recognize that baptizing in H20 is idolatry. There is only ONE water that is HOLY(whole). Come when you are all ready to learn and understand. H20 cannot give thee wisdom. "And that from a child thou hast known the holy SCRIPTURES, which are able to MAKE THEE WISE UNTO SALVATION through faith which is in Christ Jesus."
@@yannsouaga8432yes I have Muslim friends and acquaintances and they are very polite, but politeness does not mean they aren’t surrendered to their flesh. They still need Jesus, amen!
If you find a motivation in watching lynns' videos to grow in your believe, then use it as this but remember, after drinking the milk you need to start with eating proper food. Don't ever forget the foundation of the whole bible and cut the human made separation between "old and new testament" out. God never changes and so he would never teach to forsake his commandments and statues. Don't be led into Christianity but be led into Being an Israelite.
this guy has no idea about Jesus. He is parroting some bs. What I'm recognizing in the last days is, that interviewed muslims often get very angry and aggressive.
Wow😮 this man is great .....that's a mighty corner in Toronto Dorre Love is the king of this corner praise be to Jesus . Watching these videos make me feel good 😊
David's Mic control is years of experience. Its truly a gift. Hallelujah🔥🔥🔥 I love and respect my brother, David. Hes been a HUGE inspiration to me and a reason i have grown in my faith in Christ. Its awesome to see him on this corner as he has been here for years. And STILL holding it down in the face of Canadian government persecution towards him. My fondest memory of him is when he baptized in front the LGBTQ community as they cursed him and spit/splashed and cursed him while baptizing people in the face of the devil. Anothrt memory is when David organized the "Christian equal rights march" in the face of the LGBTQ/government. I hope oneday, i get the chance to see David preach on oneday especially on this street corner❤
Great job Pastor David in keeping your calm and speaking truth about our ONLY God in heaven!! AMEN! May the holy spirit continue to guide you God bless you!!
Quran 3:45 Quran 4:157 and 172 Quran 5:72 and 9:30 Quran 3:55-58 Quran 9:29,5 Quran 3:45 Quran 3:39-47 Jesus is the only way 🙏💕 John 8:48-59 Surah 19:19 al-Kahf 18:74 So whatever he said is true He's the one without any sin❤
If you find a motivation in watching lynns' videos to grow in your believe, then use it as this but remember, after drinking the milk you need to start with eating proper food. Don't ever forget the foundation of the whole bible and cut the human made separation between "old and new testament" out. God never changes and so he would never teach to forsake his commandments and statues. Don't be led into Christianity but be led into Being an Israelite.
I don’t know how you stood to keep answering that man. He doesn’t seem to want any truth, but he did hear the gospel. Praise God for people like you, David. Love the family behind you with all the shirts alike!
David, David, David...I love to watch you work. You're so calm, yet like a pitbull when it comes to holding your opponents accountable. You can see the arrogance and inability of this man to answer your questions. The guy is shaking when he is answering you. Keep doing the Lord's work my friend, you make us all proud 🙏
@34:10 the Muslim brings a important scripture to the discussion about eternal life: Marc 10:17-31, one that I as a chrsitian also struggle with. Thank you David for your answer! The gospel of Jesus Love-Sacrifice on the cross.
If you find a motivation then to grow in your believe, then use it as this but remember, after drinking the milk you need to start with eating proper food. Don't ever forget the foundation of the whole bible and cut the human made separation between "old and new testament" out. God never changes and so he would never teach to forsake his commandments and statues. Don't be led into Christianity but be led into Being an Israelite.
I appreciate you man i know it aint easy to deal with scoffers and people yelling in your face yet you stayed humble and just kept trying to speak truth.... respect 100%
Greetings from me, a former Indonesian Muslim, my brother David 😇 my name when Islam was given a name by my Muslim parents was Muhammad Khalif because my parents wanted me to become a caliph which means as a leader for the religion of Islam 😁 but after I was touched by the Lord Jesus Christ in my life to become a child of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I asked to be baptized and I was given the baptismal name Christopher/Chris: A true follower of Christ Hallelujah..Thanks Jesus🙏😇 Lord Jesus always bless your every ministry my brother David to continue preaching the gospel of the living Truth my brother 🙏Jesus Christ the Lord always be with your life my brother david🙏
But he keeps hiding my comment? Has he no respect for one's effort nor truth? God sees all. He are the only one erasing messages. This says a lot. I wrote: *Jesus could not say to them "Believe that I died for you", because He wasn't sacrificed yet. *Jesus told the rich boy to follow Him, why? Because doing all that, was not enough to be saved, you need to follow Jesus to be saved; this He did tell them, and his disciples also told them of. *When Jesus said he that believes in me and is baptized will be saved, he was in other words saying: believe I died for you and make it yours through faith at baptism! His words mean: he that believes that I am the Son of God sent by the Father, and will be baptized into my death and raised in my resurrection, will be saved. In other words, baptism entails the Gospel of salvation through us dying with Jesus, in Jesus, so to be saved from death and enter Jesus' new life. Baptism requires a person that accepts Jesus' death for him, otherwise it's not baptism in Christ. *We are not to follow only Jesus' teachings as muslims think, but of His apostles as well. If they deny the teachings of the apostles, they deny Jesus' ongoing relationship with Him and the guidance they kept receiving through His Holy Spirit! We are not to play the muslim game, but stick in faith to God's plan in using the apostles. Anyone saying I accept only what Jesus said, is lying, when he does not accept what He said to His apostles to teach. *Luke was not a stranger to Jesus (just like we aren't!), he received the Holy Spirit of Jesus and that's why he served God through writing His Gospel of Him and the book of Acts. Receiving the Holy Spirit is a real life changing supernatural experience and it's more than enough to witness to people about the reality of Jesus!! You don't have to see Jesus with your eyes, to be in a relationship with with Him and be considered trustworthy for ministry to His glory. *While one can find legit reason why there are two genealogies of Jesus, we don't claim there are no contradictions in the Bible and that is why God provided 4 Gospels to begin with... The writers wrote many times out of memory; one's memory was better than the other, so there is not problem. Those that claim there are no reasonable human mistakes in Scripture are either unread or stupid or liars. If there were two demon possessed people in Gadara or one person, doesn't change the fact that the miracle happened! As to if the quran was only for Arabs, yes it was. Read in the site: answeringislam the text with the title: MOHAMMED CLAIMED TO BE A WARNER ONLY FOR ARABIA By ABU SALAM
I love you brother David, as a fellow Christian please continue to preach the word of God the Almighty! Many people are ignorant and just can't accept the fact that they're wrong about their belief. There is only one true religion and that is Christianity.
May God bless Pastor David in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth . They have eyes but they cannot see , they have ears but they cannot hear , their hearts are hard and they refuse to understand . Jesus Christ is the King of kings and the Lord of lords . Amen .
Praying for anyone who has lost a child and even more those with cancer. Yes because of Adam we are all born into sin. I think that we have to fight the damage of that sin though by His stripes all is healed it is a done deal must pray believe God’s word to get what we have been redeemed from
The Muslim was there to win an argument, David was there to win a soul.
John 14:6 - “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.” All of man's questions of life are answered in this verse.
It's always like that
That's what's going on in today's world Muslims are very angry because they don't have the right word more proof that God really did blind people's minds God bless everybody eventually the world will come together and there will be no more division with color and other pointless arguments are who's right and who's wrong and find out that God the Almighty created us all together to be together the devil created division
David was there to gaslight a conversation 😅
That’s the truth
I have been Hindu, born in Hindu family but now I am a follower of Jesus Christ.
Welcome to the family brother! Glad to see you are saved by Jesus!
Best news of 2023, may the lord bless and shine his light upon yourself and your family all the days of your life.🙏😇
You have fell prey to a cult. All religion of book are a cult and are a spin off from the original truth.
Yeah with the help of rice bag
GOD bless you bro
Im ex buddhist but now i believe jesus from my heart ...❤
U need any explanations or something you dont understand or cant grasp in the bible?
Amen welcome to the kingdom of God!
My advice is that you should also study Islam with an open heart ,,, Muslims also believe that Jesus is the son of Mary
@@arissa4353 muslims dont accept Sura mariam 19: 33
Ex Muslim and now Christian ❤❤❤❤
Gloria a Yahweh
Amen ❤
Stop lying. There isn't a thing called 'Ex Muslim'
Amen !I Pray the lord blesses you
Today I was baptized as a born-again Christian and I dedicate my life now to Christ Amen. I'm so so happy just want to share this good news with the world and also to pastor David for inspiring me on this journey to redemption hallelujah
Welcomein the family ❤️ God Bless you my brother in Christ ❤️
Congratulations brother! Here’s a few channels that preach sound doctrine ❤️ Search for: - Robert Breaker - Dr Gene Kim - Onorato Diamante. God bless you ! Angels rejoicing in Heaven for sure :)
Vlad savchuk, Isaiah Salvador and David Diga Hernandez are men of Christ who can help guide you through your sanctification.
@@keithp8357Isaiah saldivar
I used to get his name wrong too lol.
He's great to listen to and I love his energy. He's really on fire for Christ. Plus makes entertaining content in a way that keeps you engaged. His interview style is fun as well. He's like the ultimate hype man for Jesus.
I can hear Isaiah saying "COMMOOOOOON"
Welcome brother. It's incredible isn't it? You just wanna share it with everyone.
Not everyone in your life is going to want to hear it though. Don't let that get you down or deter you, the Walk isn't always easy but I can promise it's always rewarding and fulfilling.
Do not correct a fool, or he will hate you; correct a wise man, and he will appreciate you. Proverbs 9:8
Tight but it's right
Can Pastor Lynn be corrected? Lol
@Beena__ yes and he has before by people.
@@coolme241 Then the right person didn’t correct him or else he would be Muslim,
That's my step dad smh follows the false prophet mohommad, respects all religions and rejects CHRIST JESUS as LORD and Saviour. Super sad he's full of the antichrist spirit.
I live in a Muslim country and trust me almost ALL muslims have this spirit of anger and hostility.
Definitely I've seen it so much
Agree! They can't keep it together.
Religious demons keep them arrogant and not willing to listen with their hearts just like the Pharisees
that's right. I live in Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world. Muslims are very easy to get angry when their religion is offended. but they will be happy if they attack other people's faith.. that's how Muslims work..
Islam seems to attract the same personality types.
Hostile and closed minded.
Ex muslim now im a Christian
Im happy and glad god found me ❤ to✝️🛐🙏🏾
Bless you ✝️
God bless you !from china❤
Stop rage baiting ...
@@nimatibrahim1494 if that is rage bait for you then you might have anger issues 😅
I am too! God bless you sister! ✝️
I'm a proud ex-muslim and I've been that way for over 10 years glory to our God in Jesus name amen 🙏🏼
Mashallah brother, may Allah guide your heart to the right place
Don't listen to the deceived Muslim's. Those people will go to hell. You have found true peace with Jesus Christ and an eternity of happiness.
@@yuzisansama6333 Did you watch the video? How could you still be Muslim after watching this...
@@yuzisansama6333 Guide him back to what? You have ZERO assurance of salvation as a Muslim (unless you die in Jihad) according to your Holy books. This is a fact. You could have one foot in paradise and be thrown into hell according to Islam? This is what you want to place the faith of your ETERNITY on?
Friend, come to Messiah Jesus. He PROMISES everlasting life as a FREE gift to those who place their faith in him. You will receive the Holy Spirit. All sin past, present & future washed clean. This is the only way we can stand before the presence of our PERFECT, HOLY GOD. And the Bible says NOBODY can pluck you out of God's hand once you're placed in it. Salvation is a free gift, but your daily discipleship will be costly in this life until the day we pass on and rejoice before our Lord in heaven.
John 15:17-20
17This is My command to you: Love one another. 18 If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me first. 19 If you were of the world, it would love you as its own. Instead, the world hates you, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.…
I used to be a Muslim and I thank God for bringing me out of darkness and he brought me into the amazing light of his son Jesus Christ.
Praise the Father Son and Holy Spirit ♥️✝️🙌
If you find a motivation in watching lynns' videos to grow in your believe, then use it as this but remember, after drinking the milk you need to start with eating proper food. Don't ever forget the foundation of the whole bible and cut the human made separation between "old and new testament" out. God never changes and so he would never teach to forsake his commandments and statues. Don't be led into Christianity but be led into Being an Israelite.
Jesus is a prophet of Islam, also known as Esa, he is alive and was not crucified and will return. they are clear contradictions in your own bible, clear as day contradictions where its made clear that the bible is edited by humans. Jesus did have a book, but Allah, the one and only god, the god jesus worshipped, the god that abraham, David, Joseph and every prophet worshipped, took the 3 books known as tawrat, injeel and zabur back and the only word of god is now the Quran.
@@CeoScarlett Jesus is God
@@CeoScarlett now tell me why a husband is allowed to beat his wife and tell me why prophet Muhammed married and had sex with a 6 year old
took the books back?tell us a contradiction in the bible,but don'T rip verses just out of context.How can you even say there is contradictions in the bible,if the Qur'an clearly approves what was with the jews and christians at the time of Muhammad.The books that they had at that time are identical to our holy Bible we have today.@@CeoScarlett
Me too ex muslim, I strongly believe in Lord Jesus. Muslims have spirit of hate and anger. Which is from demons, not from God. All thanks to Jesus, he opened my eyes and saved me.
Jesus will NOT save you...he is a MUSLIM
You liar if you war a moslem you will know that moslem love Jesus at least they dont say that he was saying dogs and killing children, woman, old man in your bible
You can keep on crying about how Muslims are evil but even you can’t deny if you are an ‘ex-Muslim’ that we are told to avoid backbiting we are told to have morals in war. Your a liar.
U were never muslim liar 😂😂😂
@@TheTruth75175just proved his point, full of anger and hate i pray god take those demons out of you
Brother don’t stop preaching the word of God you have all my support 🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦
He doesn't know how to give dawah his pastor
@@chalumbalutanya5718 Because David and the followers of The Messiah do not worship a false god !!! 😊
I’ve gotta speak on this. I’m a Christian who loves Christ dearly. I often pray for god to give me the ability to do more for him. To reach more people for him. But this guy right here and others like him who grab their microphone and hit the streets anywhere to preach are some of the bravest most dedicated Christians in the world. I pray for the strength to do what these men do one day!!
Amen. May God help you.
God is capital G. noun
MaY you be guided
@@TheTruth75175 ✝️
@@ManhwaInfinite jesus is gonna destroy that cross when he comes back and all non believers must repent .If Jesus died on an electric chair would u weare an electric chair symbol?
He´s a very brave pastor, pray for him.
all muslims in this world must go to hell, it is written in the Qur'an, surah maryam 19 verses 66 to 71, and muhammad (qathem) was an illegitimate child, he was born after 4 years his father died, it is written in the book of Al -Maghazi, claiming to be a prophet and claiming to be a descendant of Ismail, during his life he behaved in a sadistic, obscene manner, killed, raped, stole other people's wives, had sex with aisyah's little child (pedhopil), had sex with the wife of his adopted son zaid, had sex with having sex with his maid mariyah and being caught by one of his wives hafsah, slaughtering and robbing christians and jews, and many other shames, until he was poisoned to death by a jewish woman named shaffiyah whose husband and family were slaughtered by muhammad and the others. his followers for 1400 years were covered up by muslims and exposed by the internet.
Nothing can ever compare to Jesus correcting the Pharisees, but this is close to it. God bless you Pastor David 🙏🏽
Proverbs 29:5-6 A person who flatters his neighbour is spreading a net for him to step into. To an evil person sin is bait in a trap, but a righteous person runs away from it and is glad.
@@bobproctor-ne9tgno 😂
David debate Sheikh Uthman if you're not scared.
The funny thing is David could never debate an educated Muslim lile Sheikh Uthman.
@@Wild_Animalss Utman gay has run away and lost the debate with David
I'm apostolic orthodox christian person from Armenia 🇦🇲 and i say only Lord this is Jesus Christ 🙏☦️❤️
Peace and Blessings to Armenia,the first country in the world to adopt Christianity in the 4th century. I pray for the safety of your traditions and peoples🇦🇲✝️☦️
Pastor david went from 0 to 100 real quick with facts on islam, i feel sorry for black people and women of all races that are following islam ...
He really did though.
@immanuelismael1106 Girls bleed at 9 so it was OK at that time.
@freepalestine3383 you sound triggered. Maybe you should get counseling?
@rev2_17 I know what both are, and you still sound like a salty lunatic. Case closed.
I like how Dorre Love puts it, "If your father wants you to come home and he has a beautiful place prepared for you, if he loved you, he would tell you how to get there. He would give you the directions. If he says all of this and doesn't tell you how to get there, he doesn't really love you.
He is so exhausting.. he wasted much time. But through the conversation TRUTH WAS REVEALED. I pray this man finds Jesus. 🙏🏾❤️🙏🏾
He is. At least those listening got the truth during the dialogue.
But he keeps hiding my comment? Has he no respect for one's effort nor truth? God sees all. He are the only one erasing messages. This says a lot.
I wrote:
*Jesus could not say to them "Believe that I died for you", because He wasn't sacrificed yet.
*Jesus told the rich boy to follow Him, why? Because doing all that, was not enough to be saved, you need to follow Jesus to be saved; this He did tell them, and his disciples also told them of.
*When Jesus said he that believes in me and is baptized will be saved, he was in other words saying: believe I died for you and make it yours through faith at baptism! His words mean:
he that believes that I am the Son of God sent by the Father, and will be baptized into my death and raised in my resurrection, will be saved.
In other words, baptism entails the Gospel of salvation through us dying with Jesus, in Jesus, so to be saved from death and enter Jesus' new life. Baptism requires a person that accepts Jesus' death for him, otherwise it's not baptism in Christ.
*We are not to follow only Jesus' teachings as muslims think, but of His apostles as well. If they deny the teachings of the apostles, they deny Jesus' ongoing relationship with Him and the guidance they kept receiving through His Holy Spirit! We are not to play the muslim game, but stick in faith to God's plan in using the apostles. Anyone saying I accept only what Jesus said, is lying, when he does not accept what He said to His apostles to teach.
*Luke was not a stranger to Jesus (just like we aren't!), he received the Holy Spirit of Jesus and that's why he served God through writing His Gospel of Him and the book of Acts. Receiving the Holy Spirit is a real life changing supernatural experience and it's more than enough to witness to people about the reality of Jesus!! You don't have to see Jesus with your eyes, to be in a relationship with with Him and be considered trustworthy for ministry to His glory.
*While one can find legit reason why there are two genealogies of Jesus, we don't claim there are no contradictions in the Bible and that is why God provided 4 Gospels to begin with... The writers wrote many times out of memory; one's memory was better than the other, so there is not problem. Those that claim there are no reasonable human mistakes in Scripture are either unread or stupid or liars. If there were two demon possessed people in Gadara or one person, doesn't change the fact that the miracle happened!
As to if the quran was only for Arabs, yes it was. Read in the site: answeringislam the text with the title: MOHAMMED CLAIMED TO BE A WARNER ONLY FOR ARABIA
all muslims in this world must go to hell, it is written in the Qur'an, surah maryam 19 verses 66 to 71, and muhammad (qathem) was an illegitimate child, he was born after 4 years his father died, it is written in the book of Al -Maghazi, claiming to be a prophet and claiming to be a descendant of Ismail, during his life he behaved in a sadistic, obscene manner, killed, raped, stole other people's wives, had sex with aisyah's little child (pedhopil), had sex with the wife of his adopted son zaid, had sex with having sex with his maid mariyah and being caught by one of his wives hafsah, slaughtering and robbing christians and jews, and many other shames, until he was poisoned to death by a jewish woman named shaffiyah whose husband and family were slaughtered by muhammad and the others. his followers for 1400 years were covered up by muslims and exposed by the internet.
But the sun will rise from the west idk what religion to believe in I believe in Catholic
@@LucienMontano-e3n Protestant born again, fast.
David Lynn is an extremely wise, patient and brilliant young man of God.
Dear child. Wise men don't baptize in H20. There is only ONE baptism and only one water(the living water). H20 cannot make thee wise, however we shall point you in the direction of wisdom. Go and be baptized child as it is written:
"And that from a child thou hast known the holy SCRIPTURES, which are ABLE TO MAKE THEE WISE UNTO SALVATION through faith which is in Christ Jesus."
If only this man knew how much the preacher cares for his soul ❤
Really, he does? He’s preaching something that Jesus never preached. You’ve turned a prophet, a man into God. The level of blasphemy is unbelievable. Babies being born in sins really, so if that baby dies before being baptised they’re going to hell? Killing an innocent person/God/son of God for the sins of the wicked, really? Makes sense? There’s no self accountabilities, once you believe that’s it, you can do whatever you like and you’re sins are already forgiven? I’m sure Hitler believed that too.
Evangelical Female Preachers Vs Sheikh Uthman Ibn Farooq
If only he can tell us why most Christians and the Vatican and pastors are the ones touching kids why won’t they answer this
all muslims in this world must go to hell, it is written in the Qur'an, Surah Maryam 19 verses 66 to 71, and muhammad (qathem) was an illegitimate child, he was born after 4 years his father died, it is written in the book of Al -Maghazi, claiming to be a prophet and claiming to be a descendant of Ismail, during his life he behaved in a sadistic, obscene manner, killed, raped, stole other people's wives, had sex with aisyah's little child (pedhopil), had sex with the wife of his adopted son zaid, had sex with having sex with his maid mariyah and being caught by one of his wives hafsah, slaughtering and robbing christians and jews, and many other shames, until he was poisoned to death by a jewish woman named shaffiyah whose husband and family were slaughtered by muhammad and the others. his followers for 1400 years were covered up by muslims and exposed by the internet.
@mohamedshiekh635 that is not Christianity sir. The Bible says the wages of sin is death Romans 6:23. Jesus said Go and sin no more John 8:11. If we sin wilfully (purposely) there remains no sacrifice for us. Heb 10:26. As a Christian we turn from our old, sinful ways and live a new life in Christ. This is the gospel.
Everyone that came before Jesus believed in the promise of the messiah. Everyone who came after believed that Jesus was the fulfillment of the promise.
Well said. God bless.
@@darnellpistachio2991 Even Jesus said "many will come after me claiming, 'I am he!' do not listen to them!"
Belief was never intended to be the resting place. Those that "KNOW" do not use the word "believe" to describe that which they profess is TRUTH. That's what happens when one does not live by EVERY WORD of God. As it is written:
"The simple BELIEVETH every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going."
I'm an ex Muslim and i believe and proclaim Jesus Christ is the Lord and savoir of humanity.
I gave my life to Jesus Christ.
I belong to Jesus Christ I proclaim, declare and decree to the whole world.
Jesus Christ the Living God saved me from Islam.
I declare that there's NO God except the Only One True and the Living God Elohim (Yahweh, Yeshua, Holy Spirit).
Praise the Living God!
Praise God✝️you should share your testimony on how Jesus saves you to other Muslims. That may Jesus open their blindness to see the truth in Jesus. Amen ✝️
Welcome brother ✝️❤️
lier you don't follow your own bible Jezus prayed like muslims Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” Mattheuw 26:39
@@cfayfa273 ********Why are you arguing against a Fake Christianity that doesn't exist? According to the Bible, a part of YHWH became human and then that part was human! What Allah doesn't know according to KOran!!**************************
*what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
Allah himself testifies that he has a son and he is the son as Christians understand it! Only the Koran writer was too ignorant to know what Son of God means! Allah's word which created everything is Allah himself too! *The Word Allahs which created everything is the Son of God according to Christianity!*
This dude is going to have a BIG awakening on the day of judgement
Yes that is true but it’s also actually really sad. So let’s not hope for them to have an awakening and see that they were wrong but instead pray for them. May they experience Gods love and be guided by him ❤
You have all accused your own selves. This day is the day of judgement. What day are you all waiting for? Those waiting for the day are still in darkness.
"Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you? the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light."
Such inspiring dialogue, they always tap dance when they know they've been cornered. Truth wins eventually! Praise JESUS our Lord and saviour!!
Amen.. The truth always wins!
@@John-dd8kh AMEN!!!
Yes, he is Lord and Savior because his God made him that (Acts 2:36). Never came with those titles inherently. He was exalted into those positions because of God/YHWH, his God , who has authority over him to do that.
@@PP_DerrickYahweh is Yeshua and Yeshua is Yahweh, it's very simple.
John 10:30
I and the Father are one.”
John 8:58
Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.”
We know that God died for our sins because Yeshua is God (Yahweh).
Isaiah 9:6
For a Child will be born to us, a Son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Titus 2:13
looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus,
2 Peter 1:1
Simon Peter, a bond-servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have received a faith of the same kind as ours, by the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ:
John 20:28
Thomas answered and said to Him, “My Lord and my God!”
Revelation 22:13
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.”
Revelation 1:8
“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
The tap dance truly always = they know they've been defeated. But all their pride as them do is laugh and dance.
It's amazing how God has given David the patients and humbleness to answer the questions of the confused minded people.
Let us rejoice because we belong to Jesus Christ 🙏 🙌 ❤️
@@darnellpistachio2991 Also the patients, 'cause they are sick and need to be healed.
-Matthew 7:21-23
Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.'
-John 20:17
Jesus said, "I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God."
-Quran 5:72
Those who say, “God is Jesus the Messiah, son of Mary,” have certainly fallen into disbelief. Jesus the Messiah ˹himself˺ said, “O Children of Israel! Worship Allah-my God and your God.” Whoever associates others with Allah ˹in worship˺ will surely be forbidden Paradise by God. Their home will be the Fire. And the wrongdoers will have no helpers.
-Quran 19:36
Jesus said, "Indeed, Allah is my God and your God, so worship Him. This is a straight path."
Matthew 7:21-23
Reading helps! It's not about everyone! You can't even read!
Without lies Islam dies! Keep swinging that sword brother and Spread the good news ✝️✝️✝️
Similar to how Without lies, the Trinity dies. Let's all believe Jesus who point blank tells us who God is, the Father, and the Apostles who are in lockstep with him and say , "but there is one God, the Father... and one Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corin 8:6), and Peter saying Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:3).
You wouldn’t even use this verse to disprove Jesus as God because because if it says only God to the Father, how many Lords do we have? Because in Matthew 11:25 the Father is called Lord of heaven when Jesus is called the one Lord in 1 Corinthians 8:6. The Father is called Lord also in Acts 4:24. You need to be consistent because then Jesus is called God Titus 2:13 and 2 Peter 1:1 and others.
Read this verse in context from 1 Corinthians 8:4-6 you will see if further proves Jesus as God as in verse 4 Paul says an idol is nothing at all and there is only one God. Then in verse 5 it says many lords and many gods (Paul was calling out the idols who were being worshiped) and then goes on to say the only God in verse 6.
@@PP_Derrick More context for the verse you gave in Greek one God means “heis theos” or one Lord and if you read Mark 12:29 where Jesus said the Shema( which is a prayer which shows how God is one) “The Lord our God, the Lord is one.” We mustn’t forget Paul was Jewish and the main point of Jews was that they believed in one God. Paul in the verse you gave is applying the Shema in the verse 1 Corinthians 8-6. He puts Jesus name in this verse which would be blasphemy and against your belief if you believe Jesus is not equal to the Father in their essence or God in general.
@@purposedriven8156 Lord does not mean strictly imply God. In the Greek, kourios, is also referring to someone of respect other than God.
And it was God who made Jesus Lord (Acts 2:36)
Jesus quotes Deut 6:4 which correctly states, Hear, O Israel! YHWH is our God, YHWH alone. Jesus tells the Jewish scholar what he believed that only YHWH is God, and this Jesus says is the first of all Commandments. No Trinity, no 3 persons in 1 God essence. Just YHWH.
@@PP_Derrickbro just sit down and take notes. Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life. If you want true knowledge fear God for that's the beginning of wisdom, repent and come to Jesus Christ and all will be revealed to you. Just know that He died on the cross for you all you have to do is believe in what He did for you pick up your cross and walk with him.
I dated a Muslim for 2 years. Complete hell! I have broken free from the shackles, I love him but to GOD be the glory I am saved by my Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST
Both of u committed a sin because dating is not allowed in both religions
@@KD400_ I know that now! To God be the glory! I am free from sin!!
They don't feel love like we do, they never experienced it. Glad you are free now🙏
@@KD400_ i bet she still dates dudes
I just recently found this channel and I love it! ❤
Didn’t know you liked this type of content or that you even believed in God but God bless you and your grandma. Hopefully she gave her life to Christ because if she did she big chillin in heaven right now.
welcome brother
He keeps erasing my comment? Has he no respect for one's effort nor truth? God sees all. He are the only one erasing messages. This says a lot.
I wrote:
*Jesus could not say to them "Believe that I died for you", because He wasn't sacrificed yet.
*Jesus told the rich boy to follow Him, why? Because doing all that, was not enough to be saved, you need to follow Jesus to be saved; this He did tell them, and his disciples also told them of.
*When Jesus said he that believes in me and is baptized will be saved, he was in other words saying: believe I died for you and make it yours through faith at baptism! His words mean:
he that believes that I am the Son of God sent by the Father, and will be baptized into my death and raised in my resurrection, will be saved.
In other words, baptism entails the Gospel of salvation through us dying with Jesus, in Jesus, so to be saved from death and enter Jesus' new life. Baptism requires a person that accepts Jesus' death for him, otherwise it's not baptism in Christ.
*We are not to follow only Jesus' teachings as muslims think, but of His apostles as well. If they deny the teachings of the apostles, they deny Jesus' ongoing relationship with Him and the guidance they kept receiving through His Holy Spirit! We are not to play the muslim game, but stick in faith to God's plan in using the apostles. Anyone saying I accept only what Jesus said, is lying, when he does not accept what He said to His apostles to teach.
*Luke was not a stranger to Jesus (just like we aren't!), he received the Holy Spirit of Jesus and that's why he served God through writing His Gospel of Him and the book of Acts. Receiving the Holy Spirit is a real life changing supernatural experience and it's more than enough to witness to people about the reality of Jesus!! You don't have to see Jesus with your eyes, to be in a relationship with with Him and be considered trustworthy for ministry to His glory.
*While one can find legit reason why there are two genealogies of Jesus, we don't claim there are no contradictions in the Bible and that is why God provided 4 Gospels to begin with... The writers wrote many times out of memory; one's memory was better than the other, so there is not problem. Those that claim there are no reasonable human mistakes in Scripture are either unread or stupid or liars. If there were two demon possessed people in Gadara or one person, doesn't change the fact that the miracle happened!
As to if the quran was only for Arabs, yes it was. Read in the site: answeringislam the text with the title: MOHAMMED CLAIMED TO BE A WARNER ONLY FOR ARABIA
I don't love this channel, but it is good, but he argues with the word of God. Instead of preaching the Words of God.
All they know is to argue. May the Lord Jesus Christ open their eyes 👀. Bless you Pastor David Lynn
They were raised up to argue. They would rather “win arguments” than to pay attention to what the meaning of the Old Testament and the New Testament clearly put out to people. It’s sad. Works based salvation; the belief that Mohammed is more credible than Christ, the belief that God isn’t a God with emotions… all of the Muslim teachings go against the Bible and that’s more than enough evidence to me that it’s blatantly satanic in nature
What’s the matter with these mixed up people. All they do is argue, what are they trying to defend, I don’t think they know.
Spirit of Muhammad
What was his whole point with the joseph thing😂. Like why does it matter
I absolutely LOVE pastor David Lynn. The patience and knowledge this man has is completely mind blowing!!
If God's word speak all the truth the devil is shaking and crumble!
I am a believer of Jesus❤️
Lord drop the scales off their eyes, in Jesus name!! Pastor David, thank you for all you do! You’re amazing and we love you
Evangelical Female Preachers Vs Sheikh Uthman Ibn Farooq
The Genealogy of Jesus Christ
With the background of these two Old Testament requirements for kingship and what is stated in the two genealogies, the question of Messiah’s right to the throne of David can be resolved. Matthew’s genealogy traces the line of Joseph, the step-father of Yeshua. The line is traced from Abraham (verse 2) to David and Solomon (verse 6) and then to King Jeconiah (verse 11), one of the last kings before the Babylonian Captivity. It is the person of Jeconiah, also called Coniah, or Jehoiachin, that is significant in dealing with the genealogy of Matthew because of the special curse pronounced on him in:
Jeremiah 22:24:30
Jer 22:24 As I live, saith Jehovah, though Coniah the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah were the signet upon my right hand, yet would I pluck thee thence;
Jer 22:25 and I will give thee into the hand of them that seek thy life, and into the hand of them of whom thou art afraid, even into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, and into the hand of the Chaldeans.
Jer 22:26 And I will cast thee out, and thy mother that bare thee, into another country, where ye were not born; and there shall ye die.
Jer 22:27 But to the land whereunto their soul longeth to return, thither shall they not return.
Jer 22:28 Is this man Coniah a despised broken vessel? is he a vessel wherein none delighteth? wherefore are they cast out, he and his seed, and are cast into the land which they know not?
Jer 22:29 O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of Jehovah.
Jer 22:30 Thus saith Jehovah, Write ye this man childless, a man that shall not prosper in his days; for no more shall a man of his seed prosper, sitting upon the throne of David, and ruling in Judah.
Matthew 1:1-17
Because of the kind of man Jeconiah was, God pronounced a curse upon him. The content of this curse was that no descendant of his would have any rights to the throne of David. According to the genealogy in Matthew, Joseph was a direct descendant of Jeconiah (verse 16). This means that Joseph, having the blood of Jeconiah in his veins, was not qualified to sit on David’s throne. It also means that no son of Joseph would have the right to claim the throne of David. If Yeshua really was the son of Joseph, this would have disqualified Him from sitting upon David’s throne.
Luke 3:23-38
Luke begins his genealogy in the reverse order of Matthew, going back from the present into the past. As the line is traced, it returns to the family of David (verses 31-32). However, the son of David involved in this genealogy is not Solomon, but Nathan. The important point here is that Mary was a member of the House of David, totally apart from Jeconiah. Since Yeshua was Mary’s son, He too was a member of the House of David, apart from the curse of Jeconiah. Because Luke does not have to deal with the Jeconiah problem, he can begin his account of the life of Yeshua with the virgin birth. Only later does he record the genealogy.
As previously mentioned, one Old Testament requirement for kingship was that of being a member of the House of David apart from Jeconiah. In the case of Yeshua, through Mary, He was a member of the House of David, totally apart from Jeconiah. In this manner, He fulfilled the first requirement of the Old Testament kingship. However, Yeshua was not the only member of the House of David apart from Jeconiah. There were several other descendants who could claim equality with Yeshua to the throne of David, for they, too, did not have Jeconiah’s blood in their veins. At this point, it is important to note the second Old Testament requirement for kingship: divine appointment. Of all the members of the House of David apart from Jeconiah, only one received divine appointment. We read in Luke 1:30-33:
30 And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; for you have found favor with God. 31 “And behold, you will conceive in your womb, and bear a son, and you shall name Him Yeshua. 32 “He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; 33 and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever; and His kingdom will have no end.” (NASB)
These verses show that Yeshua was divinely appointed to the throne of David. He therefore fulfilled both Old Testament prerequisites to be the legitimate heir to David´s throne: He was a member of the House of David, apart from Jeconiah, and He alone received divine appointment to David´s throne.
(Extract from Arnold G Fruchtenbaum)
all muslims in this world must go to hell, it is written in the Qur'an, surah maryam 19 verses 66 to 71, and muhammad (qathem) was an illegitimate child, he was born after 4 years his father died, it is written in the book of Al -Maghazi, claiming to be a prophet and claiming to be a descendant of Ismail, during his life he behaved in a sadistic, obscene manner, killed, raped, stole other people's wives, had sex with aisyah's little child (pedhopil), had sex with the wife of his adopted son zaid, had sex with having sex with his maid mariyah and being caught by one of his wives hafsah, slaughtering and robbing christians and jews, and many other shames, until he was poisoned to death by a jewish woman named shaffiyah whose husband and family were slaughtered by muhammad and the others. his followers for 1400 years were covered up by muslims and exposed by the internet.
If you find a motivation then to grow in your believe, then use it as this but remember, after drinking the milk you need to start with eating proper food. Don't ever forget the foundation of the whole bible and cut the human made separation between "old and new testament" out. God never changes and so he would never teach to forsake his commandments and statues. Don't be led into Christianity but be led into Being an Israelite.
I accepted Jesus Christ died for my sin. Thank you for explaining to us clear bro. Wish I was there, spreading the gospel.
@@AaAa-sw7uzJesus died for our sins to give us an opportunity to ask forgiveness for OUR SINS. When Jesus died for our sins that doesn't mean sin is ever gonna go away it will still be there and again when Jesus died for us we finally got the opportunity to ask for forgiveness
@@AaAa-sw7uzhuh? The wage of sin is death, so God so love the world that he sent his only son to die for us, because we couldn’t go in heaven by ourselves. You keep talking about “that’s what The Devil want to know” but you’re following satan without even noticing it. If you read the gospel satan was trying to kill Jesus so many times, and if he knew the purpose and the mission of Jesus would be dying on the cross for saving humanity from hellfire he wouldn’t do nothing.
Satan want you to believe that Jesus is not the savior, and you can reach heaven by yourself. You eating up his lies and you are another deceived lost sheep’s. Pray to God tonight to shows you the truth about the world and the truth about his purpose for humanity
The Devil actually wants you to think Jesus didn't die for your sins, so you'll have nothing going for you on the Day of Judgement, and you won't be forgiven. That's why the Devil has a religion. It's called Islam. And it's very deceptive. At first glance, Muslims are following all the commandments of God (circumcision, not eating pork, not getting drunk etc.). However, as much as these are important, they won't determine whether you go to Heaven or Hell. The ACTUAL important stuff and the ACTUAL ritual that gets you to Heaven, is baptism by water and spirit (Belief in Christ). And Baptism is one of the rituals that is MISSING in Islam, for a reason. You're stuck on the superficial, unimportant things, but the one thing that gets you to Heaven, is missing in Islam. The Devil tricked all of you. Come to Christ or burn, that's all I can tell you.@@AaAa-sw7uz
His patience is a record breaker. ❤
Maasha' Allah I agree that Muslim brother was real patient.. This is the result of following God's True Religion Islam, whereas the Paul following pagan pastor was behaving beligerantly and started to run away in desperation!
@@abunusaybah1058She meant David not that other man 😂
Son of God does not mean that God has a child in Christianity!
*what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
Son of God are 2 titles one referring to the Word of God and one referring to creation (humans, angels, demons)
*what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
Allah himself testifies that he has a son and he is the son as Christians understand it! Only the Koran writer was too ignorant to know what Son of God means! Allah's word which created everything is Allah himself too! *The Word Allahs which created everything is the Son of God according to Christianity!*
@@hannawurst6064 What on God's Earth are you on about!? ..God has prohibited us from calling God Father or saying we are His sons.. as look at what the crime Paul followers have done.. they exaggerated and started saying God literally has as begotten son!? BLASPHEMY!! God's Word is NOT GOD it is His Word!!
I am a Christian from the Philippines, i love this channel so much.
Demons are agitated when hearing the truths of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To God be the Glory.
Absolutely they are !!! Muslims preach "peace" but practise hate, anger, murder, rape, idolatry, adultery, racism, hypocrisy, confusion, lies, mutah - everything their father of all lies teaches them. Submission = bow down to Momo + al lahlah + black rock = Satan.
Pray for Pastor David! There are not enough people doing God's work of spreading the message of truth.
He is dishonest. He keeps hiding my comment? Has he no respect for one's effort nor truth? God sees all. He is the only one erasing messages. This says a lot.
I wrote:
*Jesus could not say to them "Believe that I died for you", because He wasn't sacrificed yet.
*Jesus told the rich boy to follow Him, why? Because doing all that, was not enough to be saved, you need to follow Jesus to be saved; this He did tell them, and his disciples also told them of.
*When Jesus said he that believes in me and is baptized will be saved, he was in other words saying: believe I died for you and make it yours through faith at baptism! His words mean:
he that believes that I am the Son of God sent by the Father, and will be baptized into my death and raised in my resurrection, will be saved.
In other words, baptism entails the Gospel of salvation through us dying with Jesus, in Jesus, so to be saved from death and enter Jesus' new life. Baptism requires a person that accepts Jesus' death for him, otherwise it's not baptism in Christ.
*We are not to follow only Jesus' teachings as muslims think, but of His apostles as well. If they deny the teachings of the apostles, they deny Jesus' ongoing relationship with Him and the guidance they kept receiving through His Holy Spirit! We are not to play the muslim game, but stick in faith to God's plan in using the apostles. Anyone saying I accept only what Jesus said, is lying, when he does not accept what He said to His apostles to teach.
*Luke was not a stranger to Jesus (just like we aren't!), he received the Holy Spirit of Jesus and that's why he served God through writing His Gospel of Him and the book of Acts. Receiving the Holy Spirit is a real life changing supernatural experience and it's more than enough to witness to people about the reality of Jesus!! You don't have to see Jesus with your eyes, to be in a relationship with with Him and be considered trustworthy for ministry to His glory.
*While one can find legit reason why there are two genealogies of Jesus, we don't claim there are no contradictions in the Bible and that is why God provided 4 Gospels to begin with... The writers wrote many times out of memory; one's memory was better than the other, so there is not problem. Those that claim there are no reasonable human mistakes in Scripture are either unread or stupid or liars. If there were two demon possessed people in Gadara or one person, doesn't change the fact that the miracle happened!
As to if the quran was only for Arabs, yes it was. Read in the site: answeringislam the text with the title: MOHAMMED CLAIMED TO BE A WARNER ONLY FOR ARABIA
all muslims in this world must go to hell, it is written in the Qur'an, surah maryam 19 verses 66 to 71, and muhammad (qathem) was an illegitimate child, he was born after 4 years his father died, it is written in the book of Al -Maghazi, claiming to be a prophet and claiming to be a descendant of Ismail, during his life he behaved in a sadistic, obscene manner, killed, raped, stole other people's wives, had sex with aisyah's little child (pedhopil), had sex with the wife of his adopted son zaid, had sex with having sex with his maid mariyah and being caught by one of his wives hafsah, slaughtering and robbing christians and jews, and many other shames, until he was poisoned to death by a jewish woman named shaffiyah whose husband and family were slaughtered by muhammad and the others. his followers for 1400 years were covered up by muslims and exposed by the internet.
This man of God amazes me ! Sometime he risk his life sharing the gospel he is anointed brave doing the will of God. I pray sighns and wonders much fruit from his labores
If you find a motivation then to grow in your believe, then use it as this but remember, after drinking the milk you need to start with eating proper food. Don't ever forget the foundation of the whole bible and cut the human made separation between "old and new testament" out. God never changes and so he would never teach to forsake his commandments and statues. Don't be led into Christianity but be led into Being an Israelite.
@@MyArnettelistening to this man will safe no-one as his doctrine is of the devil. As long as he does not teach you to walk in the footsteps of Jesus wholely (not only preaching and doing miracles but also keeping the Torah, that's what Jesus did!) he is a false teacher. But I pray that he might turn and truly repent and lead all people the narrow way
Well done Pastor David Lynn. Counter Islam with facts...
the pastor only debates randoms walking in the street. too scared to debate a Uthman ibn farooq or muhammad hijab
And ˹on Judgment Day˺ Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever ask the people to worship you and your mother as gods besides Allah?” He will answer, “Glory be to You! How could I ever say what I had no right to say? If I had said such a thing, you would have certainly known it. You know what is ˹hidden˺ within me, but I do not know what is within You. Indeed, You ˹alone˺ are the Knower of all unseen.
I love you Pastor David! Keep proclaiming the good news of Jesus! You have all my support
That man reminds me of my friend from school. Very blind and angry. But after falling so so far down in deep depression he has started his journey to Christ. Slowly but he is getting there.
Evangelical Female Preachers Vs Sheikh Uthman Ibn Farooq
all muslims in this world must go to hell, it is written in the Qur'an, surah maryam 19 verses 66 to 71, and muhammad (qathem) was an illegitimate child, he was born after 4 years his father died, it is written in the book of Al -Maghazi, claiming to be a prophet and claiming to be a descendant of Ismail, during his life he behaved in a sadistic, obscene manner, killed, raped, stole other people's wives, had sex with aisyah's little child (pedhopil), had sex with the wife of his adopted son zaid, had sex with having sex with his maid mariyah and being caught by one of his wives hafsah, slaughtering and robbing christians and jews, and many other shames, until he was poisoned to death by a jewish woman named shaffiyah whose husband and family were slaughtered by muhammad and the others. his followers for 1400 years were covered up by muslims and exposed by the internet.
I think he has mental problem
Indeed he does. yup@@CriticalSanchez
David Lynn, I am always speechless when I watch you walk with Christ in boldness. Surely your treasures in heaven will be great. Just mind blowing.
This is Both Fascinating and Compelling ... Pastor David Lynn is a Gift from God. Pray for Him Saints .
But he keeps hiding my comment? Has he no respect for one's effort nor truth? God sees all. He are the only one erasing messages. This says a lot.
I wrote:
*Jesus could not say to them "Believe that I died for you", because He wasn't sacrificed yet.
*Jesus told the rich boy to follow Him, why? Because doing all that, was not enough to be saved, you need to follow Jesus to be saved; this He did tell them, and his disciples also told them of.
*When Jesus said he that believes in me and is baptized will be saved, he was in other words saying: believe I died for you and make it yours through faith at baptism! His words mean:
he that believes that I am the Son of God sent by the Father, and will be baptized into my death and raised in my resurrection, will be saved.
In other words, baptism entails the Gospel of salvation through us dying with Jesus, in Jesus, so to be saved from death and enter Jesus' new life. Baptism requires a person that accepts Jesus' death for him, otherwise it's not baptism in Christ.
*We are not to follow only Jesus' teachings as muslims think, but of His apostles as well. If they deny the teachings of the apostles, they deny Jesus' ongoing relationship with Him and the guidance they kept receiving through His Holy Spirit! We are not to play the muslim game, but stick in faith to God's plan in using the apostles. Anyone saying I accept only what Jesus said, is lying, when he does not accept what He said to His apostles to teach.
*Luke was not a stranger to Jesus (just like we aren't!), he received the Holy Spirit of Jesus and that's why he served God through writing His Gospel of Him and the book of Acts. Receiving the Holy Spirit is a real life changing supernatural experience and it's more than enough to witness to people about the reality of Jesus!! You don't have to see Jesus with your eyes, to be in a relationship with with Him and be considered trustworthy for ministry to His glory.
*While one can find legit reason why there are two genealogies of Jesus, we don't claim there are no contradictions in the Bible and that is why God provided 4 Gospels to begin with... The writers wrote many times out of memory; one's memory was better than the other, so there is not problem. Those that claim there are no reasonable human mistakes in Scripture are either unread or stupid or liars. If there were two demon possessed people in Gadara or one person, doesn't change the fact that the miracle happened!
As to if the quran was only for Arabs, yes it was. Read in the site: answeringislam the text with the title: MOHAMMED CLAIMED TO BE A WARNER ONLY FOR ARABIA
@@loveandtruth8149Who deleted your msg?
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”
Ephesians 6:12 NKJV
Pastor you're a true servant of God, i know this man will be saved
We hope - not know.
@@rosahacketts1668 You hope?? Is that a statement?? By their fruits we shall know them. What's their fruits?
@@raphaelfeneje486 only God knows who will be saved.
@@OlssonMathias I am saved. The Bible tells us who is saved. That's a lie from the pit of hell
"We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. He appointed them to be saved in keeping with his purpose. God planned that those he had chosen would become like his Son. In that way, Christ will be the first and most honored among many brothers and sisters" (Romans 8:28-29).
"The one who sent me doesn’t want me to lose anyone he has given me. He wants me to raise them up on the last day" (John 6:39).
"And those God has planned for, he has also appointed to be saved. Those he has appointed, he has made right with himself. To those he has made right with himself, he has given his glory" (Romans 8:30).
the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father
…sadly, the muslims love just taking small verses out of context all the time, because if they don’t then their lies would be exposed.
@freepalestine3383your religion didnt believe blood sacrifice. Your religion different than our Christian and jew.
@freepalestine3383check the writer of Philippians is mentioned in your Quran
@freepalestine3383 …This is why, we need to make sure that no one has added or taken away from it during printing. It’s a serious task, I guess islam doesn’t care about its book when reprinting it.
Deuteronomy 4:2
“You shall not add to the word that I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God that I command you.”
@freepalestine3383 why are u muselim when u dont even have 1 single piece of witness for the socalled revelations and that it ever took place in a cave. U really need to re-examine brain at mental hospital
When he said “ don’t cut me off “ I would of stopped talking to him right there, but great video and help you’re doing!! Saving souls!!!
I would’ve gave him the deuces and kept preaching ✌🏾🙄
David thank you for trying to help this man. He wanted to argue and argue. God bless you!✝️❤️
Thank you for educating this Muslim 🙏🏼☝🏼
Maybe after some thought he will see beyond his pride and truly know Jesus.
He's highly arrogant uneducated christian. Grabbing a muslim from side walk. Muslim scholar will make him look like a fool
Praying for Muslims to come to the The LORD And GOD Jesus Christ 🙏 Amen
Jesus denied he was God when directly being accused by the Pharisees in John 10. He said he was Son of God. Jesus is Lord and Christ because God made him that (Acts 2:36). Jesus tells us directly and clearly who God is, as do his Apostles. Paul says, but there is one God, the Father and one Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 8:6), and Peter says Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:3). Let's all listen to Jesus and his Apostles instead of men Centuries later who concocted a heresy of the Devil not at all taught by Jesus nor the Apostles themselves.
@@PP_Derrick jesus said he will answer prayers: read from verse 13 to verse 14
john 14:12-14 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.
jesus told his disciples to pray to the father in his name (jesus) john 16:23 Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. 24 Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.
john 15:16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit-fruit that will last-and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. 17 This is my command: Love each other.
@@PP_Derrick jesus is worshiped in the new testamznt by his followers and apostles:
luke 24:50-53 When he had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, he lifted up his hands and blessed them. 51 While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven. 52 Then they WORSHIPED him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. 53 And they stayed continually at the temple, praising God.
matthew 28:16-20 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they WORSHIPED him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:9
And behold, Jesus met them and said, “Greetings!” And they came up and took hold of his feet and WORSHIPED him.
john 28:5-10 The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. 7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.”
8 So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. 9 Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and WORSHIPED HIM .
Matthew 14:33
And those in the boat WORSHIPED him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”
@@PP_Derrick jesus claim to be our salvation and to give eternal life himself:
John 10:7 Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. 8 All who have come before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep have not listened to them. 9 I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.
(read verse 28)
john 10:25-29 Jesus answered, “I did tell you, but you do not believe. The works I do in my Father’s name testify about me, 26 but you do not believe because you are not my sheep. 27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.
@@Jesus-Yeshua-saves Are you going to Address what Jesus said to the Jews or not? Either you believe Jesus or you don't. So you that deny the Son denies the Father.
No one worshipped Jesus as the GOD.
David Lynn you were clear as crystal do not let anyone fool you
God is with you let them know our savior and his salvation
Truly clear as day
I love watching David Lynn videos he is so wise and that wisdom is definitely coming from God
Galatians 5:22-23
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and SELF-CONTROL . Against such things there is no law.
This preacher is clearly living what he preaches, He shows loves and lots of calmness when I myself would be fighting surely.
It’s a blessing from God to have him, I’ll be praying for him and for all the muslins that God may change their heart of war for a heart of discernment. 🙏🏾🙏🏾
I love how David always has so much patience. God bless from Vancouver✝️🇨🇦
When people in the comments say how calm or patient Pastor David is, it's because this is what happens when you are fact base. The other man is so emotional because he has too much "pride" to admit that he's wrong. And because he knows that he doesn't have verifiable facts he's angry, aggressive, deflects, etc... I'm new to Christianity (4 months) after being an atheist most of my life. I'm embarrassed to say that I dismissed Christianity without understanding or knowing anything about it. I have been so humbled by this. My ultimate goal is be able to preach like this (I'm local Pastor David), and share the good news of the Gospels to everyone and to open up people's minds and soften their hearts to the word of God 🙏🏻✝️ . Agree or disagree, God bless to anyone who reads this 🙏🏻.
Bless him with the truth of the Holy spirit Lord.
Pastor David you are doing a good job! very systematic and knowledged with God's wisdom!! Praise the Lord!!!
This man is struggling with his spirit It's clear God is speaking to him and his flesh is struggling with truth he wants so bad to prove he is right but deep down he knows That Jesus is the only way .I appreciate the patience of Pastor David Lynn .May God Reveal himself to these Rebellious men.
But he keeps hiding my comment? Has he no respect for one's effort nor truth? God sees all. He is the only one erasing messages. This says a lot.
I wrote:
*Jesus could not say to them "Believe that I died for you", because He wasn't sacrificed yet.
*Jesus told the rich boy to follow Him, why? Because doing all that, was not enough to be saved, you need to follow Jesus to be saved; this He did tell them, and his disciples also told them of.
*When Jesus said he that believes in me and is baptized will be saved, he was in other words saying: believe I died for you and make it yours through faith at baptism! His words mean:
he that believes that I am the Son of God sent by the Father, and will be baptized into my death and raised in my resurrection, will be saved.
In other words, baptism entails the Gospel of salvation through us dying with Jesus, in Jesus, so to be saved from death and enter Jesus' new life. Baptism requires a person that accepts Jesus' death for him, otherwise it's not baptism in Christ.
*We are not to follow only Jesus' teachings as muslims think, but of His apostles as well. If they deny the teachings of the apostles, they deny Jesus' ongoing relationship with Him and the guidance they kept receiving through His Holy Spirit! We are not to play the muslim game, but stick in faith to God's plan in using the apostles. Anyone saying I accept only what Jesus said, is lying, when he does not accept what He said to His apostles to teach.
*Luke was not a stranger to Jesus (just like we aren't!), he received the Holy Spirit of Jesus and that's why he served God through writing His Gospel of Him and the book of Acts. Receiving the Holy Spirit is a real life changing supernatural experience and it's more than enough to witness to people about the reality of Jesus!! You don't have to see Jesus with your eyes, to be in a relationship with with Him and be considered trustworthy for ministry to His glory.
*While one can find legit reason why there are two genealogies of Jesus, we don't claim there are no contradictions in the Bible and that is why God provided 4 Gospels to begin with... The writers wrote many times out of memory; one's memory was better than the other, so there is not problem. Those that claim there are no reasonable human mistakes in Scripture are either unread or stupid or liars. If there were two demon possessed people in Gadara or one person, doesn't change the fact that the miracle happened!
As to if the quran was only for Arabs, yes it was. Read in the site: answeringislam the text with the title: MOHAMMED CLAIMED TO BE A WARNER ONLY FOR ARABIA
love is patient - 1 Corinthians 13 💯
Good job Pastor D, all glory to the Lamb of God!
I am a Christian. An at Church a Muslim girl said I am switching to become a Christian because of our church and be saved not only was it lovely ❤ but since I don’t get to go to church that much I was so grateful it just shows how happy I was to bring more Christian’s to our church before the bad things occur and focus on the triangles center core which is the Lord Amen
Brother Lynn, you made my day, I am really blessed as a motivated child of God serving God through our LORD Jesus Christ
Evangelical Female Preachers Vs Sheikh Uthman Ibn Farooq
all muslims in this world must go to hell, it is written in the Qur'an, surah maryam 19 verses 66 to 71, and muhammad (qathem) was an illegitimate child, he was born after 4 years his father died, it is written in the book of Al -Maghazi, claiming to be a prophet and claiming to be a descendant of Ismail, during his life he behaved in a sadistic, obscene manner, killed, raped, stole other people's wives, had sex with aisyah's little child (pedhopil), had sex with the wife of his adopted son zaid, had sex with having sex with his maid mariyah and being caught by one of his wives hafsah, slaughtering and robbing christians and jews, and many other shames, until he was poisoned to death by a jewish woman named shaffiyah whose husband and family were slaughtered by muhammad and the others. his followers for 1400 years were covered up by muslims and exposed by the internet.
If you find a motivation in watching lynns' videos to grow in your believe, then use it as this but remember, after drinking the milk you need to start with eating proper food. Don't ever forget the foundation of the whole bible and cut the human made separation between "old and new testament" out. God never changes and so he would never teach to forsake his commandments and statues. Don't be led into Christianity but be led into Being an Israelite.
“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. “ 1 Corinthians 1:18
They say, “The Most Compassionate has offspring.”
You have certainly made an outrageous claim
by which the heavens are about to burst, the earth to split apart, and the mountains to crumble to pieces
in protest of attributing children to the Most Compassionate.
It does not befit ˹the majesty of˺ the Most Compassionate to have children.
There is none in the heavens or the earth who will not return to the Most Compassionate except in full submission.
Maryam: verses- 88-93
But he keeps hiding my comment? Has he no respect for one's effort nor truth? God sees all. He are the only one erasing messages. This says a lot.
I wrote:
*Jesus could not say to them "Believe that I died for you", because He wasn't sacrificed yet.
*Jesus told the rich boy to follow Him, why? Because doing all that, was not enough to be saved, you need to follow Jesus to be saved; this He did tell them, and his disciples also told them of.
*When Jesus said he that believes in me and is baptized will be saved, he was in other words saying: believe I died for you and make it yours through faith at baptism! His words mean:
he that believes that I am the Son of God sent by the Father, and will be baptized into my death and raised in my resurrection, will be saved.
In other words, baptism entails the Gospel of salvation through us dying with Jesus, in Jesus, so to be saved from death and enter Jesus' new life. Baptism requires a person that accepts Jesus' death for him, otherwise it's not baptism in Christ.
*We are not to follow only Jesus' teachings as muslims think, but of His apostles as well. If they deny the teachings of the apostles, they deny Jesus' ongoing relationship with Him and the guidance they kept receiving through His Holy Spirit! We are not to play the muslim game, but stick in faith to God's plan in using the apostles. Anyone saying I accept only what Jesus said, is lying, when he does not accept what He said to His apostles to teach.
*Luke was not a stranger to Jesus (just like we aren't!), he received the Holy Spirit of Jesus and that's why he served God through writing His Gospel of Him and the book of Acts. Receiving the Holy Spirit is a real life changing supernatural experience and it's more than enough to witness to people about the reality of Jesus!! You don't have to see Jesus with your eyes, to be in a relationship with with Him and be considered trustworthy for ministry to His glory.
*While one can find legit reason why there are two genealogies of Jesus, we don't claim there are no contradictions in the Bible and that is why God provided 4 Gospels to begin with... The writers wrote many times out of memory; one's memory was better than the other, so there is not problem. Those that claim there are no reasonable human mistakes in Scripture are either unread or stupid or liars. If there were two demon possessed people in Gadara or one person, doesn't change the fact that the miracle happened!
As to if the quran was only for Arabs, yes it was. Read in the site: answeringislam the text with the title: MOHAMMED CLAIMED TO BE A WARNER ONLY FOR ARABIA
all muslims in this world must go to hell, it is written in the Qur'an, surah maryam 19 verses 66 to 71, and muhammad (qathem) was an illegitimate child, he was born after 4 years his father died, it is written in the book of Al -Maghazi, claiming to be a prophet and claiming to be a descendant of Ismail, during his life he behaved in a sadistic, obscene manner, killed, raped, stole other people's wives, had sex with aisyah's little child (pedhopil), had sex with the wife of his adopted son zaid, had sex with having sex with his maid mariyah and being caught by one of his wives hafsah, slaughtering and robbing christians and jews, and many other shames, until he was poisoned to death by a jewish woman named shaffiyah whose husband and family were slaughtered by muhammad and the others. his followers for 1400 years were covered up by muslims and exposed by the internet.
So as stated above "who are BEING saved..."
Parrots also repeat words but don't understand the implications of what they say. "BEING SAVED" Is not equivalent to "ARE SAVED". Thus your own admission is you are still and darkness and are blind trying to lead those who too are blind.
"Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you? the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light."
I thank Jesus Christ for Pastor David Lynn, The word of God is being spoken, and I pray that he will accept Jesus Christ before it’s too late on the day of judgment he will be judged by wether or not he accepted Jesus or not. Ann-Marie United Kingdom bless you, David Lynn, angels are all around you All around you blessings 😊 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾😊
I will pray for Pastor David's patience. Praise God .
The patient of Pastor David is on another level
David is strong by the grace of God. May the Lord continue to bless and protect you 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿
I say every day, God bless you, Pastor Lynn! Because you have the most ultimate patience. This guy was clearly argumentative, and he’s full of demonic negativity, and he has a spiritual veil over his eyes. God bless you again Pastor David!💞
Every knee shall bow to the Lord of Glory!
Which one? Jesus or the father or the holy spirt , say Lords with s so it mean more than 1
@@ktx93they are one Jesus is the human form of God he is a part and the holy spirit is God's presence you will not get it
@jzbu2534 I get that Allah is one send many prophets peace upon them like Jesus it's so simple but your God is complicated h3 killed or his son idk only Christian understands but they can not explain and each Christian explain differently
@ktx93 if you want an explanation don't ask a regular Chris guy go ask a priest or I can explain you
@ktx93 I think we Christians and Muslims differ in 2 things the Trinity and Jesus you guys believe in one God who dosnt have any form ok I will explain trinity
Everyone let's pray for this man in the video. May the truth be revealed to him. May our lord and Savior Jesus Christ save him.
And ˹on Judgment Day˺ Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever ask the people to worship you and your mother as gods besides Allah?” He will answer, “Glory be to You! How could I ever say what I had no right to say? If I had said such a thing, you would have certainly known it. You know what is ˹hidden˺ within me, but I do not know what is within You. Indeed, You ˹alone˺ are the Knower of all unseen.
@@faras244 That verse is not valid. We don't recognize the Quran as coming from God. It is written in our scripture that a false prophet will teach a different Gospel and that even Satan can appear as an angel of light. Do you know what this means? Did muhammad not say he was under Satan after he saw an angel?
Yes well said. Let us pray for the man in the video that he may recognize that baptizing in H20 is idolatry. There is only ONE water that is HOLY(whole). Come when you are all ready to learn and understand. H20 cannot give thee wisdom.
"And that from a child thou hast known the holy SCRIPTURES, which are able to MAKE THEE WISE UNTO SALVATION through faith which is in Christ Jesus."
It is miraculous that Pastor David doesn’t get angry when people are insulting and interrupting him.
Its also very miraculous when he💩 himself in speakerscorner uk 🇬🇧 🤣🤣🤣🤡🤫
@@johnieamca Are you sure you are smelling yourself? Maybe you ate some bad falafel and hummus. Check your pants.
Keep deleting my comments david you coward
@@robertdelisle7309 are u busy wit ur midget boyfriend? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I Praise God for you David. Let’s continue to pray for the people who are still blinded
Amen and amen bc that used to be me. I had no idea! Prayer work 🙌🏾
Are u praising god or Jesus?Cause according to Jesus the father only is god
@@TheTruth75175 where does Jesus say in the Bible I AM NOT GOD DO NOT WORSHIP ME IN THOSE EXACT WORDS ?
@@jsol1987 🤦♂️oh man if your Basis of argumentation is that low idk what to say
@@jsol1987 according to Jesus only the father is the true god
It's amazing how David is blessed and guided by the Holy spirit.
Jesus is Lord
God bless you, pastor.
Proverbs 15:18 A hot-tempered person stirs up conflict, but the one who is patient calms a quarrel. I LOVE YOU
Wonderful pastor David, The TRUTH shall prevail always 🙏
I hope and pray for this guy that he will see the Light
Never seen any muslim who are not aggressive.
Some of them aren’t
@@yannsouaga8432yes I have Muslim friends and acquaintances and they are very polite, but politeness does not mean they aren’t surrendered to their flesh. They still need Jesus, amen!
Some are agresiva because they know they speaking facts and the only way to react is aggressiveness to intimidate lol
I feel so grateful and lucky that I am a follower in Christ I am truly blessed haven’t felt down at all since I started putting God first
If you find a motivation in watching lynns' videos to grow in your believe, then use it as this but remember, after drinking the milk you need to start with eating proper food. Don't ever forget the foundation of the whole bible and cut the human made separation between "old and new testament" out. God never changes and so he would never teach to forsake his commandments and statues. Don't be led into Christianity but be led into Being an Israelite.
this guy has no idea about Jesus. He is parroting some bs. What I'm recognizing in the last days is, that interviewed muslims often get very angry and aggressive.
Wow😮 this man is great .....that's a mighty corner in Toronto Dorre Love is the king of this corner praise be to Jesus . Watching these videos make me feel good 😊
I believe and pray this man will know the truth one day and come to salvation and many that are hearing them glory to God. ❤🎉
David's Mic control is years of experience. Its truly a gift. Hallelujah🔥🔥🔥
I love and respect my brother, David. Hes been a HUGE inspiration to me and a reason i have grown in my faith in Christ.
Its awesome to see him on this corner as he has been here for years. And STILL holding it down in the face of Canadian government persecution towards him.
My fondest memory of him is when he baptized in front the LGBTQ community as they cursed him and spit/splashed and cursed him while baptizing people in the face of the devil.
Anothrt memory is when David organized the "Christian equal rights march" in the face of the LGBTQ/government.
I hope oneday, i get the chance to see David preach on oneday especially on this street corner❤
Thank you Jesus for this man boldness to proclaim Jesus as Lord
Great job Pastor David in keeping your calm and speaking truth about our ONLY God in heaven!! AMEN! May the holy spirit continue to guide you God bless you!!
Quran 3:45
Quran 4:157 and 172
Quran 5:72 and 9:30
Quran 3:55-58
Quran 9:29,5
Quran 3:45
Quran 3:39-47
Jesus is the only way 🙏💕
John 8:48-59
Surah 19:19
al-Kahf 18:74
So whatever he said is true
He's the one without any sin❤
All the verses you copied and pasted just go against what christians believe in so what point do you want to prove?
If you find a motivation in watching lynns' videos to grow in your believe, then use it as this but remember, after drinking the milk you need to start with eating proper food. Don't ever forget the foundation of the whole bible and cut the human made separation between "old and new testament" out. God never changes and so he would never teach to forsake his commandments and statues. Don't be led into Christianity but be led into Being an Israelite.
Nahh...but in our quran..we never say Jesus as a god
@@ahmadmuzakkir6792 Sahih Muslim 155 a
@@hyperboreuh Sahih Muslim 155 a
I don’t know how you stood to keep answering that man. He doesn’t seem to want any truth, but he did hear the gospel. Praise God for people like you, David. Love the family behind you with all the shirts alike!
David, David, David...I love to watch you work. You're so calm, yet like a pitbull when it comes to holding your opponents accountable. You can see the arrogance and inability of this man to answer your questions. The guy is shaking when he is answering you. Keep doing the Lord's work my friend, you make us all proud 🙏
What a cool and calm preacher! Showing love from Amsterdam, God bless!🙏🏽💯
@34:10 the Muslim brings a important scripture to the discussion about eternal life: Marc 10:17-31, one that I as a chrsitian also struggle with. Thank you David for your answer! The gospel of Jesus Love-Sacrifice on the cross.
Keep preaching brother! God bless you!
Your words that God gave you are so pure, touching and real. New follower here. God bless you. This really touched my heart!! ❤❤
If you find a motivation then to grow in your believe, then use it as this but remember, after drinking the milk you need to start with eating proper food. Don't ever forget the foundation of the whole bible and cut the human made separation between "old and new testament" out. God never changes and so he would never teach to forsake his commandments and statues. Don't be led into Christianity but be led into Being an Israelite.
Awesome ! Way to stay calm and focused on the Truth David.
10:08 Hes okay with calling his prophet Jesus a sinner but is afraid to say Muhammad is a sinner. 😮
I appreciate you man i know it aint easy to deal with scoffers and people yelling in your face yet you stayed humble and just kept trying to speak truth.... respect 100%
Greetings from me, a former Indonesian Muslim, my brother David 😇 my name when Islam was given a name by my Muslim parents was Muhammad Khalif because my parents wanted me to become a caliph which means as a leader for the religion of Islam 😁 but after I was touched by the Lord Jesus Christ in my life to become a child of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I asked to be baptized and I was given the baptismal name Christopher/Chris: A true follower of Christ Hallelujah..Thanks Jesus🙏😇 Lord Jesus always bless your every ministry my brother David to continue preaching the gospel of the living Truth my brother 🙏Jesus Christ the Lord always be with your life my brother david🙏
Amazing Testimony 🙏
Nobody asked to hear your sob story
But he keeps hiding my comment? Has he no respect for one's effort nor truth? God sees all. He are the only one erasing messages. This says a lot.
I wrote:
*Jesus could not say to them "Believe that I died for you", because He wasn't sacrificed yet.
*Jesus told the rich boy to follow Him, why? Because doing all that, was not enough to be saved, you need to follow Jesus to be saved; this He did tell them, and his disciples also told them of.
*When Jesus said he that believes in me and is baptized will be saved, he was in other words saying: believe I died for you and make it yours through faith at baptism! His words mean:
he that believes that I am the Son of God sent by the Father, and will be baptized into my death and raised in my resurrection, will be saved.
In other words, baptism entails the Gospel of salvation through us dying with Jesus, in Jesus, so to be saved from death and enter Jesus' new life. Baptism requires a person that accepts Jesus' death for him, otherwise it's not baptism in Christ.
*We are not to follow only Jesus' teachings as muslims think, but of His apostles as well. If they deny the teachings of the apostles, they deny Jesus' ongoing relationship with Him and the guidance they kept receiving through His Holy Spirit! We are not to play the muslim game, but stick in faith to God's plan in using the apostles. Anyone saying I accept only what Jesus said, is lying, when he does not accept what He said to His apostles to teach.
*Luke was not a stranger to Jesus (just like we aren't!), he received the Holy Spirit of Jesus and that's why he served God through writing His Gospel of Him and the book of Acts. Receiving the Holy Spirit is a real life changing supernatural experience and it's more than enough to witness to people about the reality of Jesus!! You don't have to see Jesus with your eyes, to be in a relationship with with Him and be considered trustworthy for ministry to His glory.
*While one can find legit reason why there are two genealogies of Jesus, we don't claim there are no contradictions in the Bible and that is why God provided 4 Gospels to begin with... The writers wrote many times out of memory; one's memory was better than the other, so there is not problem. Those that claim there are no reasonable human mistakes in Scripture are either unread or stupid or liars. If there were two demon possessed people in Gadara or one person, doesn't change the fact that the miracle happened!
As to if the quran was only for Arabs, yes it was. Read in the site: answeringislam the text with the title: MOHAMMED CLAIMED TO BE A WARNER ONLY FOR ARABIA
@@loveandtruth8149 So why is he called a mercy for all of mankind.
I love you brother David, as a fellow Christian please continue to preach the word of God the Almighty! Many people are ignorant and just can't accept the fact that they're wrong about their belief. There is only one true religion and that is Christianity.
May God bless Pastor David in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth . They have eyes but they cannot see , they have ears but they cannot hear , their hearts are hard and they refuse to understand . Jesus Christ is the King of kings and the Lord of lords . Amen .
Praying for anyone who has lost a child and even more those with cancer. Yes because of Adam we are all born into sin. I think that we have to fight the damage of that sin though by His stripes all is healed it is a done deal must pray believe God’s word to get what we have been redeemed from
I thought you were praying for the child brides 😅
Brother David 😢Jesus has realy transformed you soo long with this spirit
I respect your awesome pastor ❤