I did that in game once with this doom jumping around. Like “damn this guy takes forever to kill” … then I realized “maybe instead of shooting his ‘easy to hit body’ … I should shoot his head” … we won after that. It’s so compelling to just unload into body shots that I’ll just default to doing it and then snap out of it and start shooting at heads - it’s super effective.
Technically you don’t shoot the head, you just have to aim for the upper torso and shoot, this will maximize her dmg by a lot. Going for headshots is good but it’s very inconsistent and the spread is much larger than the head hitboxes except for some tanks like Orisa or Mauga whose head is ginormous
Wanted: "I hope they don't nerf Junker Queen."
Also Wanted:
dude stop making such overdramatic titles, blizzard gon nerf the only fun tank cause of you ong
They already nerfed her I think she’s fine
no fr
Doom is fun Bro, also trash but watever
Quit whining
@liquidsword601 lmao
4:40 that shot in the hanzo body xD
Watching wanteds jq made me realize that I’ve been shooting bodies instead of heads then I ranked up from plat 4 to diamond 3😭😭
I did that in game once with this doom jumping around. Like “damn this guy takes forever to kill” … then I realized “maybe instead of shooting his ‘easy to hit body’ … I should shoot his head” … we won after that. It’s so compelling to just unload into body shots that I’ll just default to doing it and then snap out of it and start shooting at heads - it’s super effective.
@@button9literally same
Technically you don’t shoot the head, you just have to aim for the upper torso and shoot, this will maximize her dmg by a lot. Going for headshots is good but it’s very inconsistent and the spread is much larger than the head hitboxes except for some tanks like Orisa or Mauga whose head is ginormous
A well played Junker Queen is a straight up menace.
u are actually the first ow creator i can watch day to day
Let's go johnker queen gaming ❤
JQ is to Tanks what Zen is to Supports. Both have their strengths, but some people just don't know how to play with them on their team.
thats what cass needs, instead of nade, give him a lasso to yoink people closer
That’s genuinely a good idea
Huge W for the right-click warriors if the lasso gets made
@@nikkle1337problem is almost every character has a shield of some sort or a mobility option to instantly escape
The problem is that shes so punishable
W Queen play
Raidboss video
I support this message
For the love of god stop with these titles, blizz is gonna ruin her once they realize she’s both fun AND playable
jq is so fun but i think her voice is annoying lmfao
No your not balanced not everybody has virgin aim like this