The actor who played SReid wanted this recurring character dead in season 8, and the actress who is this actor friend, acted in another series. He himself created the character for to be discarded. If this character had a future in the serie, it would had a much better and more developed plot than the one presented and would have an available actress selected.
This is TOO sad. Sperncer is the best and he deserves everything...
They truly deserved better!!
This is gorgeous. Your colouring is beautiful.
So beautiful...and touching...and sad.
I love your vids about CM! ♥
Thank you so much! ♥
Never getting over them😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
This makes me so emotional Omg... This is so well done and... I need to cry right now bye
This is so good
I understand, I cried my eyes out while doing this.
Thank you!
The actor who played SReid wanted this recurring character dead in season 8, and the actress who is this actor friend, acted in another series. He himself created the character for to be discarded. If this character had a future in the serie, it would had a much better and more developed plot than the one presented and would have an available actress selected.
This is way too short ah... so amazingly edited.
I wish they had more time and scenes ;(
Where do you download your episodes?