Just a little more than 2K views. This seems to be quite minimal compared to the views they get from viral joke videos or the popular videos of pop stars like Taylor Swift or Bruno Mars which may even go as high as millions and billions. We're in the middle of the PCNE 5 and I just managed to check out articles and videos related to the New Evangelization while waiting for tel. inquiries here at RCAM. Just like the proverbial mustard seed - good things start from minute things. God bless, Cardinal Chito and JESCOM as well. More power and may God be praised !
Just a little more than 2K views. This seems to be quite minimal compared to the views they get from viral joke videos or the popular videos of pop stars like Taylor Swift or Bruno Mars which may even go as high as millions and billions. We're in the middle of the PCNE 5 and I just managed to check out articles and videos related to the New Evangelization while waiting for tel. inquiries here at RCAM. Just like the proverbial mustard seed - good things start from minute things. God bless, Cardinal Chito and JESCOM as well. More power and may God be praised !