Only ever done a 69 beetle chassis which required a bit of constructive welding, which I then painted with POR15 and rust never came back. I did the floors in that as well as it’s very hard wearing and consumes any moisture in the metal to cure, I beefed up the gear box with an anti tramping strap. To get my engine out from scratch took 30 minutes as it was a kit car with a clip on rear end
Hey, thank you for your comment. Yes it is pretty different. The last owner has made quite a few modifications to the van but unfortunately didn’t look after it very well hence why it now needs a lot of work. I would like to try and keep the sunken lights when I replace the rear corners. 🤘😊
Only ever done a 69 beetle chassis which required a bit of constructive welding, which I then painted with POR15 and rust never came back. I did the floors in that as well as it’s very hard wearing and consumes any moisture in the metal to cure, I beefed up the gear box with an anti tramping strap.
To get my engine out from scratch took 30 minutes as it was a kit car with a clip on rear end
Just noticed the rear lights. They’ve been sunken into the bodywork somehow… never seen that before.
Hey, thank you for your comment. Yes it is pretty different. The last owner has made quite a few modifications to the van but unfortunately didn’t look after it very well hence why it now needs a lot of work. I would like to try and keep the sunken lights when I replace the rear corners. 🤘😊