這是免費嗎不能問 “Is this free?” 免費續杯英文怎麽説? | IELTS 9分 + DSE 7科5**狀元 | Melody Tam
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.พ. 2025
- 🌟雅思課程熱賣中 - 第一章節免費試讀!🌟
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Melody Tam資歷:
17歲時第一次應考雅思 ( IELTS ) 便取得滿分9分成績
HKDSE 7科5**狀元,包括中英文科均4卷5**,選修科 (Biology, Chemistry, Economics) 分數大幅度拋離5**的最低要求
一級榮譽畢業於香港中文大學修讀環球商業學 (Global Business),總GPA達3.9/4.0,曾獲得多個獎學金及入選院長嘉許名單
曾於多家金融機構及投資銀行實習,尚未畢業已獲大型美資投行聘請為全職投資銀行分析師 (Investment Banking Analyst)
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#IELTS #DSE #英文學習
Complimentary (贈送的)指東西是有成本的。
Free (免費的)指東西是零成本的,例如開水。
Free of charge (免收費)和 complimentary 大致相同。
On the house (奉送的,收費由店方支付) 例如店方送給顧客的免費生日蛋糕,因顧客投訴後餐館補做的一份菜式。
When you talk to people we just use slangs and people are totally fine with that. Is it for free is good enough. That’s my opinion only
Complimentary = mostly used in kind of high end hospitality setting. Hotels, aeroplanes, cruises etc.
On the house, included (in the price), part of package - usually in restaurants, shops etc
Free - conversation among friends about (non)cost of something. While a bit direct and abrupt, it is nevertheless commonly used; specially in haggling situation (will you throw an extra one in for free ...)
While Melody has explained the usage of different terms, nuance is sadly missing.
Free唔一定係零成本,或者呢位老師所講低價值。例如一些酒店贈送一晚都可以用free,餐廳優惠送個頭盤亦可以用free,甚至好常見既BOGO (buy one get one free),呢d好容易可以在網上搜到,大公司亦會用,無話禮唔禮貌得唔得體。所以不論係free,complimentary,on the house,或者書面d既gratis,gratitious,honorary,courtesy,或者日常口語d既 freebie, no charge, "we'll take care of it",好多場合都可以交替使用。英國文化我唔係好清楚,但以我在美國長大同生活三十幾年既認知黎講,呢d用詞之間無乜硬性規定對象同場合,而好多時候大企業會特意用比較口語既表達,作為一種親切既專業性。
When you say "Is it free?" in a restaurant, you generally mean "Is it free of charge?". It is perfectly acceptable.
Thank you for teaching the word ‘ complimentary’ which I don’t know the meaning.
Thank you ,Melody 😊
Thank you for sharing this video. It's practical .
Thanks for sharing 🙏 很實用
Melody, what about 'Is it free of charge?' 會否沒有禮貌?
Thank you 🙏🙏
perfect melody👍👍👍
Thanks 🫶🏻🫶🏻
Thank you ❤️
Thank you very much for your videos 👍 🎉❤
Glad you like them!
Welcome 🙌🏻🙌🏻
我在美國用Is it free of charge ? or Is it free ?完全沒有問題,以後用complimentary多謝女神melody😘
唔作狀嘅人人都識講,點拍片 😂
Is it for free. 係完全冇問題
still have room to imporve
Are you free Ms Tam, means somthing else.
Melody女神 7科5**狀元 真的才貌雙全👍
I get worried when they said "It is all free" as I know nothing is truly free.
請問「試用價」的英文是否「trial price」?
Trial price is correct. You can also use Trial offer, introductory offer, introductory price.
敢成日見buy two get one free, 唔通又無價值?
其實戴眼鏡幾好睇 。。。
講咁多嘢, 為咗考試冇問題.
日常口語, 唔使咁多顧忌, 唔好害啲香港人, 去到英語地方口窒窒!
真是奇葩,香港人在这种场合讲礼貌?你先拍个视频,看看白皮是怎么这种场合问的好吗?我觉得,白皮说什么,我们就说什么就好了。我觉得中国人绝对是礼貌讲过头了。要说有什么不礼貌,前面加个excuse me, 就足够礼貌了。
唔知搵Ms Tam學英文點收費😂