Every single person is a somebody to God. Although we have no salvation without him. We don’t know if DJT has accepted his salvation nor do we know if the good Bishop has.
You are forgetting what St John the Baptist said,” I must decrease and he must increase.” I must be reduced to nothing so that God can become everything. All glory to God and none to my self.
Le principe de Trump est d'être le plus fort quoiqu'il en coûte pour écraser les faibles... Pourtant aujourd'hui jésus nous dit que la bonne nouvelle est annoncée aux pauvres aux captifs la délivrance aux affligés la joie... Le royaume de Dieu est déjà là mettons le en pratique devant les menaces d'aujourd'hui..
We are all nothing and God is everything! The Blessed Mother had so much humility and lowered herself to nothing. It's so true..we are only saved by grace . I can do nothing good without God's grace and all glory to God,for I am nothing.
Note quite true, he didn't specifically say Trump was a nobody. I have been enjoying your channel but you seem to b e getting a bit "click-baity" I would rather listen to Bishop Barron to hear the whole story. He is saying that no matter who you are you are still as lowly as any of us. This was only one part of his homily.
I agree with the first two comments. Why focus on Trump. How does anyone know what is in his heart, except God. To the owner: Don't you think that professionals such as surgeons, lawyers, etc think they are somebody? Why focus on Trump? This is not a platform for the owner's personal opinions. Yes, we are all nobodies until we come to Christ. More of Bishop Baron and less of the site owner's views, please, or risk losing viewers.
Ok, I cannot find a Bishop Barron video that includes a clip of the president. The clip you have attached is a news media clip of Trumps talk to the UN. What the bishop is saying here is that our earthly titles are nothing. "In the spiritual order until Jesus calls you". Very misleading title. It was not specific to Trump.
The only thing Mr.Trump loves is Satan & himself. Look at the other Satan followers he is putting in his cabinet. He follows Mr. Putan's lead with Satan. May God bless us all and save us from the next 4 years.
Same.. I’m a worm. Not even close to holiness. But I still strive for it. Just when I think I’m righteous God reveals something hidden deep in my heart that I didn’t realize and I’m brought back down in humiliation.
Trump was addressing the UN when he made that statement. The world leaders laughed at him. He was surprised? I always believed America was great! Bishop Barron thank you.
Are you trying to get bishop Barron in trouble??? No. He did not talk about Trump in specific . He is referring as being the president of the United States is the highest prestige you could possibly mount, but it means nothing when Jesus chooses you.
Bishop Barron didn't say that Trump is a nobody - he said that no one, however important in the eyes of the world, knows who he is and what his life is for, without Christ.
Of course, we are all nothing compared to God! King Charles, Donald Trump and the rest of us! Bishop Barron is referring to the Spiritual Order, not according to our worldly standings. We need to discover Gods purpose for each of us by turning to Him in prayer and submission.
Totally agree. Considering how often the church promotes the intrinsic value of human life from conception till death, I don’t see how one can take the “nobody“ statement literally.
The promoter of this channel has put his own spin on Bishop Barrons message, and he ought to know that we dont need " interpretation " of his message.......we can hear it for ourselves
God created every human being out of love. Each one is unique and uniquely gifted for a purpose. Even the hairs on each head is counted. The reason we are told not to judge is because we have no idea what God is actually doing. He chooses the right instrument to achieve His purposes. "My ways are not your ways, My thoughts not your thoughts." God does not make junk. Everybody is somebody to God.
Reverend Bishop Barron is not specifically speaking of President Trump, but rather our human condition in the spiritual order. Interlacing Trump's picture into this beautiful sermon doesn't do justice to President Trump or Bishop Barron. I think this particular video is misleading. We already have enough trouble with the likes of Taylor Marshal who among others is an expert in creating discord and misery among people of our Catholic faith.
The Catholic church has been 50% rogue since Christ walked the face of this Earth but that in itself will never stop me from going to mass on a weekly basis including confession once a month, at least to listen to the word and to receive the Eucharist the true body and blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
All very true. However, you are indeed speculating about Trump. Don’t confuse the mission of Christ with the mission of Trump. Trump must demonstrate confidence to be an effective leader, particularly on the heels of the last cognitively and physically impaired and demoralizing president.
I like the work you are doing keep up the good work. Americans need to be reconverted to Christ through His Catholic Church. I feel like there is a sort of messianic qualities attributed to trump by many, especially among the evangelicals.
You should be ashamed and possibly held liable for implying that Bishop Barron is attacking our current president. I’m not a fan of our current president but that is beside the point. You are twisting Bishop Barron’s meaning to draw attention to your video. This truly disappoints me in you. you MUST do better! How bout restating that? Correct yourself.
We are All Nothing without Jesus Christ. However, I take issue with your attack on Pres Trump. Apparently, you have not listened to Biden speak lie after lie about his Non accomplishments. This was not necessary.
LOL! PRES.BIDEN DOES & TRIED TO ALWAY TELL THE TRUTH AND FOLLOW GOD'S LEAD WHILE MR.TRUMP ONLY FOLLOWS SATAN & HIMSELF. He don't remember his lies so he tells on himself by saying the other side of the coin next. Everyone needs to listen to what he really says and stop making excuses for him.
Roe V Wade, freeing 23 people imprisoned for preaching pro-life doctrine. There are many other events that might surprise us if we knew about Trump's life. It is sad to see TDR being expressed this way and using Bishop Barron for this.
Thank You Bishop Barron there are comments here that shows they do not understand the statement that "without Christ we ar nothing which is true indeed". If one does not have Jesus in one's heart nor have a person relationship with Jesus and accepted Jesus as one's savior yes we are nothing without out Christ! I pray that this newly elected administration n his cabinet will have Jesus in their hearts n save us from them dear Jesus Amen.
Thank you so much I have seen such comments too. But it's seems they obviously don't understand what he meant by that statement. But if everyone can understand that everything will have or whoever will think we are be you the most popular or powerful you are still nothing without knowing and doing his will that's all
What he means is, for all the self important's a person gives them selves in this life, it will not mean a thing at their judgement. Our position in this world will not help a bit. What is man Lord that you should remember him. The only value we have is what God wishes to give us. Mans ego today is terrifying. Listen to the whole thing. When we get any thing right, it's God leading us, it' not us who is so clever.
So true and Jesus paid dearly for the sin of pride, through the crowning of thorns, and his entire holy, sacred and sorrowful Passion. I learn much from the holy rosary
@@maureen348 Bishop Barron Specifically mentioned President Trump. Even had a video clip of him speaking to the United Nations. Trump said “My Administration” not “I”
@@doriscimino6247 That was not the Bishops site but a private bloger who chose the clip and I think he mentioned President Trump as many Americans see him as a chosen prophet or demi saviour instead of giving God thanks for his policies. Its not Trump that is doing this but the people
I usually enjoy your videos, and those of Bishop Barron even way more! But I believe you are employing click bait when you present the video with the implication that Bishop Barron called president Trump specifically “a nobody”. The bishop made the comment about “the President” as an example of someone who is seen by the world as important. If on top of this you use the Bishop’s words to criticize President Trump for being boastful, you are really not doing your channel a favor. Stay away from party politics and keep on informing your followers on doctrine.
@@tjseaney_ LOL!That's really laughable!Sorry,but Trump is no FDR!Franklin Delano Roosevelt was probably the most successful President because he successfully brought America out of the Great Deprsssion,and guided it also successfully during WWII.Trump,god knows is very far from being as successful as FDR was!
Bishop Robert Barron is an internet somebody, and has been for a long time. It is long past time you can start putting his name and title in your TH-cam title card.
Well Trump is talking about his administration not himself. He is trying to do this for the good of all Americans not just some conservatives. I think Trump gets a bad wrap for the way he phrases some statements. I don’t know if God is talking to him or saved his life but I do know he is trying to do things that benefit people not hurt them. We are all nobody’s no matter what our status in life. But those who do the will of God have better attention by God. My conversion story happened in late 2018 when I walked away from a sinful life. Metanoia 🙏
Let’s pray for Trump to walk away from sins to do things for the people and country and not for himself and the millionaires. May the Lord grant him and his cabinet wisdom.
he has benefitted convicted violent felons,,himself, a drug kingpin, allowing raids on churches,see the announcement, blatantly fired independent inspector generals of states who he says power should be in, muzzled communications of many agencies, fired people in positions for the very word of 'accessible' in their job description, disparaged people with disabilities, encouraged followers to just punch any who descent from him, seems like he has wrapped himself in bad things,,,watch the videos,,,don't need further narratives....
@@annalaferla3044 that’s the whole point with Trump. He can’t be bought. He doesn’t need their money. He spent his career building things and growing things. Unlike these politicians who have sit in office for decades, who have no real world experience.
Gods permissive will allowed Trump to be saved. Trump wasn t exactly predestined by God to be saved no more than he was to shot at. Trump doesnt know the differnece.
This is an unfortunate take on Bp. Barron's narrative. Why didn't you us Biden's photo? or George Washington's photo. This makes it look like a political statement that Bp. Barron never made. You are doing no one any favors here.
Trump is a follower of Christ, he knows he is a nobody, no reason to bash him. BTW I am a fervent follower of bishop Baron, please don’t distort his words.
Bóg podaje to czego dusza pragnie gdy duma pycha I komfort życia 'przechodzi ludzkie pojęcie'..... Wprowadzając dobrą Nowinę Jezusa Chrystusa "come with me if you're ready" is (John 14:3) ty wybierasz nową drogę życia..... Jezu Ufamy Tylko Tobie Chwała Tobie Boże Żywy I Wszechmogący ❤Jezusa
TJ I am perplexed here again today, as to why you are insisting on taking spiritual religious dogma (specifically Barron’s interpretation) and applying it to the politics of our world specifically in this case Donald Trump. My guess is you’re trying to build your following, likes, and comments. My Husband is an executive. And there is no way that he can speak to customers and to his employees from a Christian perspective. He can model that behavior and he does. But he’d be fired if he did any kind of preaching or teaching of the word of God. What Trump believes about himself in regards to God is again between him and God. And we can’t know his heart. What do you want him to do get up there and say I’m a nothing world leaders. I’m a nothing, I’ve accomplished nothing in my life. No it’s ridiculous to think that. So, I don’t know how long I’m gonna hang on here and keep watching your videos because I get more irritated than anything else. And by reading the comments, I don’t think I’m alone. I pray that God’s will will be clear to you in your life.
I'm Catholic and I Support Trump! I'm not concerned about how he speaks, I approve his policies. Other politicians are too concerned with words but they are dishonesty and their policies are detrimental to our societies, the so called love some religious or non religious people have been demanding have caused more harm than good.
Because of God’s Resurrection you became a child of God no matter what religion. Yes Baptism makes us sons and daughters but we belong to him because he saved us all that doesn’t mean we will all go to Heaven but we are not “a nobody”
You are going of track judging Trump get the plank out of your own eye first! Trump is a full on Christian and loves the Lord and loves life and he protects life! May God continue to bless him as he !
I sense an interesting comment section. There was no reason to put the Presedent in the thumbnail except get clicks. I get it. Clicks drives the algorthm.
I'm concerned so many Christians are following and praising President Trump. Maybe I'm in the wrong for being critical of him? Here you are giving one of many examples of why I'm skeptical to support him. But I guess I can't read his heart. I just think he is inconspicuously turning people against each other.
I think you are right. There is a fine line..he is so popular right now and should not be worshipped. That is only for God. It's frightening. I won't judge him, I'll leave it to Jesus. I truly hope he is a changedGod loving man.
With or without Jesus we all hopefully know from teachings what is right & what is wrong. We should instinctively know how to respect our fellow human beings. To be kind & help those less fortunate than ourselves . Many good people are all that & more but not essentially Christians. It’s just about being a decent human being that cares.
Harden not you heart if you here the word of the lord , There s a time he s going to stop calling us if we turn our back to him this is God your talking about not a folk hero .
Donald Trump: "More than 2,000 years ago, an angel of the Lord appeared to humble shepherds and proclaimed the reason for our Christmas joy. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. "Our country needs a Savior right now. And our country has a Savior - and it's not me. "That's somebody else much higher up than me. Much higher." Seems to me like Trump understands that he's no big deal compared to Christ. Doesn't mean he isn't a sinner like the rest of us or that he won't ever do wrong, of course. But choosing Trump's address to the UN to illustrate Bishops Barron's point without mentioning Trump's acknowledgement of God's importance could well be misleading, so I encourage you to add to your explanations how even someone as "mighty in the world" like the POTUS needs to rely on Christ, yes, and how he acknowledges it. You could then go on to ask if he always acts on this or if there's areas where there's room for improvement. It could be a powerful video without the potential to be misleading.
Great! Did Jesus call all the gay bishops and priests we have? Did Jesus call the Synod in Germany whose ultimate plan was for lesbian priests? And hopefully one on the Chair of Peter. Barron always avoids the hard questions.
I believe priests can't call out other priests but brings directly to Jesus. The same goes for us. I believe the only time we can do something if abuse is happening and we know about it.
It's a tricky business to assume that Trump doesn't believe he is a nobody in his relationship to God/Jesus. He has been quite clear that but for God's grace he would not be alive to serve as president again. Putting on the face of strength and fearlessness as president is essential in governing effectively. King David, who had God's whole heart, acted in faith and fearlessness and strength throughout his youth and conquered Goliath. I see the compassion Trump has for the poor and afflicted and his desire to help them. It seems genuinely heartfelt...but only God knows what is in his heart. His boasting is but a tool, not one I necessarily like, but it sometimes is useful in keeping enemies at bay and thinking twice before doing something that would not be beneficial to the country.
If I were a gambler, I would make a bet that Trump is or has converted to Catholic. I know Melania is Catholic, and Trump has posted Catholic prayers and Happy Birthday to our Mother Mary back in September. There is also a picture of him praying in what looks like it may be a Catholic church. Maybe not, but thank God Trump has become a Christian.😊 😊😊
Why claim your pope's as infallible in morals and doctrine. Read jesus of psalm 82. Moses judges were called elohim or god's. Psalm 110 is very revelent
Guessing Trump would be the first to say he is nothing without God as evidenced by his multiple speeches about he believes God has saved his life. The religious need to butt out. No politician is telling you how to run your business. Look to your own. I’m an active Catholic and could talk about our church’s weaknesses. We all need God and would be lost without him.
where were you when Bishop Strickland was Fired for not reason! I heard nothing from you to support him. I do not believe we are a nobody. I think you are took stuck on Bishop Barron. Please explain why he was silent when one of the Bishops was being abused by the Vatican. Silent that was where he was. He is no perfect Bishop or person he has too much Pride for me!!
Please be careful about tying into Trump. Bishop says everyone is a nobody - no matter who you are or what your station in life is. This appears to be a pretty blatant attempt to attract attention from folks who are distressed and upset with what DT is doing. You are better than that.
The nobody freed 1200 innocent Americans out of prison, many had been in solitary confinement for four years without a trial, and if Biden or Harris had won, they would be in there 4 more years. If you listen to their stories, it is difficult not to cry. So for me,…thank you Donald Trump, and to 1200 + their families and friends +1…., you are a special somebody. ❤
This is why I won’t subscribe to your account! I may watch from time to time but to me you are took stuck connected to Bishop Barron. when he comes out and speaks up for Bishop Strickland and all the cancelled Priest. Thousands of Priests have been canceled by people Bishops and he stays silent!!
God represents all that is good, pure, noble, decent, etc. And Trump, in my opinion,is trying to do those things that help people and would be seen as good and decent and therefore, God-like --- in a sense. That spirit of good I believe is in Trump when it comes to our country. That is what is meant here. I believe he has Godly intentions God is working in his life to help the country.
We are all called to do great things for Lord in this world here and now.... Those whom God granted the gift of wisdom Cary a cross of their mind which with God's Grace allows for rebirth of many headed our way..... Jezus Our Faith is in YOU ❤Jezusa
Dear Bishop, I fear your ego is too big for your pulpit. Can you please desist from political commentary? Catholics are falling into hell like the leaves from the trees in winter (Our Lady of Fatima) for lack of any acceptable level of catechising. I doubt this brand of flowery, intellectual preaching will achieve much in our troubled world, while its seeming lack of sensitivity and humility will irk many - inside and outside the Church. I am an Irish Catholic living in the UK who happens to have great admiration for Mr Trump and I believe he is a man of God, even if not a Catholic. But that American bishops had been as vocal during the previous presidency which set the US and the world back a very long way. I haven’t been a follower of yours in the past and propose to be even less so in the future. Nevertheless,May God bless you in all you try to do, and May He give you better direction
Our faith is not confined to church service...it affects all areas of life , and the way we conduct ourselves in the political realm,,,its all connected. if you want to look at ego..how about 'buying Greenland',,,,making Canada a state, wiping out people in positions that should be independent of him....talk about control and fear
You can not call a nobody someone for whom Jesús died in the cross.
Unless you're a MODERIST Bishop with a bigger ego than those you criticize.
Every single person is a somebody to God. Although we have no salvation without him. We don’t know if DJT has accepted his salvation nor do we know if the good Bishop has.
He said you’re a nobody until Jesus calls on you and accepts Him. Does not matter who you are.
You are forgetting what St John the Baptist said,” I must decrease and he must increase.”
I must be reduced to nothing so that God can become everything.
All glory to God and none to my self.
Le principe de Trump est d'être le plus fort quoiqu'il en coûte pour écraser les faibles... Pourtant aujourd'hui jésus nous dit que la bonne nouvelle est annoncée aux pauvres aux captifs la délivrance aux affligés la joie... Le royaume de Dieu est déjà là mettons le en pratique devant les menaces d'aujourd'hui..
I am nothing, have nothing apart from my sins, and cannot do anything without God
And I give credit that trump understand that. He’s trying to raise our spirits after a dismal 4 years.
Thank you Bishop Baron…I am always anxious to hear your sermon on Sundays. I learn many things from you because you explain things so well. Thank You❤
We are all nothing and God is everything! The Blessed Mother had so much humility and lowered herself to nothing. It's so true..we are only saved by grace . I can do nothing good without God's grace and all glory to God,for I am nothing.
Note quite true, he didn't specifically say Trump was a nobody. I have been enjoying your channel but you seem to b e getting a bit "click-baity" I would rather listen to Bishop Barron to hear the whole story. He is saying that no matter who you are you are still as lowly as any of us. This was only one part of his homily.
@@nisbeam me too. This is not the first time the owner of this page has done this. Not sure if I’m gonna continue on here.
I agree with the first two comments. Why focus on Trump. How does anyone know what is in his heart, except God. To the owner: Don't you think that professionals such as surgeons, lawyers, etc think they are somebody? Why focus on Trump? This is not a platform for the owner's personal opinions. Yes, we are all nobodies until we come to Christ. More of Bishop Baron and less of the site owner's views, please, or risk losing viewers.
Ok, I cannot find a Bishop Barron video that includes a clip of the president. The clip you have attached is a news media clip of Trumps talk to the UN. What the bishop is saying here is that our earthly titles are nothing. "In the spiritual order until Jesus calls you". Very misleading title. It was not specific to Trump.
Yes, we are children of God. Made in his image. But, without intimacy with God, we are nothing. Ultimately, everything good comes from God .
After you die the words you do not want to hear from Jesus: I don't know you". Accept Jesus NOW and start doing what HE told you to do! God Bless You!
That would break me..I'm following our Lord and I pray for the conversion of sinners. Jesus wants all of us.
rcc will hear those words
The only thing Mr.Trump loves is Satan & himself. Look at the other Satan followers he is putting in his cabinet. He follows Mr. Putan's lead with Satan. May God bless us all and save us from the next 4 years.
The Bishop refered to all people including a presedent of a country.
Yes, that’s it. This is misunderstood.
Thank you. We all need to show our humility. We only have a short span of life on this earth.
I myself think of myself as a pathetic sinner and I have been granted special graces via Our Mother, Saint Mary.
Think of yourself as a pathetic idolater sinner.
The Blessed Mother teaches us so much..I love the Holy Rosary
Same.. I’m a worm. Not even close to holiness. But I still strive for it.
Just when I think I’m righteous God reveals something hidden deep in my heart that I didn’t realize and I’m brought back down in humiliation.
@xuxito so true, I feel the same about myself. It's truly a grace that God is revealing our past or forgotten sins so we can repent.
@@ACURA-x6wit’s a purgation he wants us to go thru so that way when we die our judgement isn’t so bad as to spend a long time in purgatory.
💙 Bravo Bishop R.Barron! 💙
Thank you Bishop Baron for this truth. We seek by faith through grace.
Trump was addressing the UN when he made that statement. The world leaders laughed at him. He was surprised? I always believed America was great! Bishop Barron thank you.
Are you trying to get bishop Barron in trouble??? No. He did not talk about Trump in specific . He is referring as being the president of the United States is the highest prestige you could possibly mount, but it means nothing when Jesus chooses you.
Bishop Barron is full of wisdom. His homilies are uplifting and inspirational.
He talks a lot but doesn't say anything.
Barron told the Jew Ben Shapiro that there are MANY WAYS to get to Heaven but Jesus is the preferred way
Bishop Barron didn't say that Trump is a nobody - he said that no one, however important in the eyes of the world, knows who he is and what his life is for, without Christ.
I love my Bishop Barron ❤
your problem
@@donhaddix3770I'm sorry for you
Thank you Bishop Barron....
Love your show and a big fan of Bishop Barron’
Of course, we are all nothing compared to God! King Charles, Donald Trump and the rest of us! Bishop Barron is referring to the Spiritual Order, not according to our worldly standings. We need to discover Gods purpose for each of us by turning to Him in prayer and submission.
Totally agree. Considering how often the church promotes the intrinsic value of human life from conception till death, I don’t see how one can take the “nobody“ statement literally.
The promoter of this channel has put his own spin on Bishop Barrons message, and he ought to know that we dont need " interpretation " of his message.......we can hear it for ourselves
God created every human being out of love. Each one is unique and uniquely gifted for a purpose. Even the hairs on each head is counted. The reason we are told not to judge is because we have no idea what God is actually doing. He chooses the right instrument to achieve His purposes. "My ways are not your ways, My thoughts not your thoughts." God does not make junk. Everybody is somebody to God.
Reverend Bishop Barron is not specifically speaking of President Trump, but rather our human condition in the spiritual order. Interlacing Trump's picture into this beautiful sermon doesn't do justice to President Trump or Bishop Barron. I think this particular video is misleading. We already have enough trouble with the likes of Taylor Marshal who among others is an expert in creating discord and misery among people of our Catholic faith.
I agree. I don't believe Bishop Barron was specifically referring to president Trump but to all of us sinners.
Thank you Father.
The Catholic church has been 50% rogue since Christ walked the face of this Earth but that in itself will never stop me from going to mass on a weekly basis including confession once a month, at least to listen to the word and to receive the Eucharist the true body and blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
All very true. However, you are indeed speculating about Trump. Don’t confuse the mission of Christ with the mission of Trump. Trump must demonstrate confidence to be an effective leader, particularly on the heels of the last cognitively and physically impaired and demoralizing president.
I like the work you are doing keep up the good work. Americans need to be reconverted to Christ through His Catholic Church. I feel like there is a sort of messianic qualities attributed to trump by many, especially among the evangelicals.
You should be ashamed and possibly held liable for implying that Bishop Barron is attacking our current president. I’m not a fan of our current president but that is beside the point. You are twisting Bishop Barron’s meaning to draw attention to your video. This truly disappoints me in you. you MUST do better! How bout restating that? Correct yourself.
We are All Nothing without Jesus Christ. However, I take issue with your attack on Pres Trump. Apparently, you have not listened to Biden speak lie after lie about his Non accomplishments. This was not necessary.
LOL! PRES.BIDEN DOES & TRIED TO ALWAY TELL THE TRUTH AND FOLLOW GOD'S LEAD WHILE MR.TRUMP ONLY FOLLOWS SATAN & HIMSELF. He don't remember his lies so he tells on himself by saying the other side of the coin next. Everyone needs to listen to what he really says and stop making excuses for him.
🙏🙏🙏. Only jesus Christ is king of kings.
Bishop Barron! As long as you are happy too👍🙏
Roe V Wade, freeing 23 people imprisoned for preaching pro-life doctrine. There are many other events that might surprise us if we knew about Trump's life. It is sad to see TDR being expressed this way and using Bishop Barron for this.
Excelente! Lindo Domingo!
It’s Bartimaeus, not Barnabus
Yes, that’s right, they are two different people.
Please Trump n his only wealthy people are care about. Money, he doesn’t care anyone with less money.
Thank You Bishop Barron there are comments here that shows they do not understand the statement that "without Christ we ar nothing which is true indeed". If one does not have Jesus in one's heart nor have a person relationship with Jesus and accepted Jesus as one's savior yes we are nothing without out Christ! I pray that this newly elected administration n his cabinet will have Jesus in their hearts n save us from them dear Jesus Amen.
Thank you so much I have seen such comments too. But it's seems they obviously don't understand what he meant by that statement. But if everyone can understand that everything will have or whoever will think we are be you the most popular or powerful you are still nothing without knowing and doing his will that's all
@@EmmanuelGloria-s6n Well said!
Donald Jay Trump has referred to and pointed up to the boss a number of times. Do your research before trying to post
He is a filthy lying democrat who hates Trump.
Yes he has
His boss Putin 😂
I'm happy for Mr. Nobody. Thank you.
I agreed with bishop Barron The man scares me really scares me if we survive the next 4 years
What he means is, for all the self important's a person gives them selves in this life, it will not mean a thing at their judgement. Our position in this world will not help a bit. What is man Lord that you should remember him. The only value we have is what God wishes to give us. Mans ego today is terrifying. Listen to the whole thing. When we get any thing right, it's God leading us, it' not us who is so clever.
So true and Jesus paid dearly for the sin of pride, through the crowning of thorns, and his entire holy, sacred and sorrowful Passion. I learn much from the holy rosary
@@maureen348 Bishop Barron Specifically mentioned President Trump. Even had a video clip of him speaking to the United Nations. Trump said “My Administration” not “I”
@@maureen348 Bishops words speak for themselves.
@@doriscimino6247 That was not the Bishops site but a private bloger who chose the clip and I think he mentioned President Trump as many Americans see him as a chosen prophet or demi saviour instead of giving God thanks for his policies. Its not Trump that is doing this but the people
YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!
I usually enjoy your videos, and those of Bishop Barron even way more! But I believe you are employing click bait when you present the video with the implication that Bishop Barron called president Trump specifically “a nobody”. The bishop made the comment about “the President” as an example of someone who is seen by the world as important. If on top of this you use the Bishop’s words to criticize President Trump for being boastful, you are really not doing your channel a favor. Stay away from party politics and keep on informing your followers on doctrine.
What did trump say about America that made the crowd react in laughter?
I didn’t catch it nor did the caption.
That he has been the most successful American president.
@@tjseaney_ LOL!That's really laughable!Sorry,but Trump is no FDR!Franklin Delano Roosevelt was probably the most successful President because he successfully brought America out of the Great Deprsssion,and guided it also successfully during WWII.Trump,god knows is very far from being as successful as FDR was!
Bishop Robert Barron is an internet somebody, and has been for a long time. It is long past time you can start putting his name and title in your TH-cam title card.
Please speak truth to power. They will know they are Christians by their love.
Viva Cristo Rey🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Well Trump is talking about his administration not himself. He is trying to do this for the good of all Americans not just some conservatives. I think Trump gets a bad wrap for the way he phrases some statements. I don’t know if God is talking to him or saved his life but I do know he is trying to do things that benefit people not hurt them. We are all nobody’s no matter what our status in life. But those who do the will of God have better attention by God. My conversion story happened in late 2018 when I walked away from a sinful life. Metanoia 🙏
Let’s pray for Trump to walk away from sins to do things for the people and country and not for himself and the millionaires. May the Lord grant him and his cabinet wisdom.
he has benefitted convicted violent felons,,himself, a drug kingpin, allowing raids on churches,see the announcement, blatantly fired independent inspector generals of states who he says power should be in, muzzled communications of many agencies, fired people in positions for the very word of 'accessible' in their job description, disparaged people with disabilities, encouraged followers to just punch any who descent from him, seems like he has wrapped himself in bad things,,,watch the videos,,,don't need further narratives....
@@annalaferla3044 that’s the whole point with Trump. He can’t be bought. He doesn’t need their money. He spent his career building things and growing things. Unlike these politicians who have sit in office for decades, who have no real world experience.
Amazing... nothing of what you just said, is true
Gods permissive will allowed Trump to be saved. Trump wasn t exactly predestined by God to be saved no more than he was to shot at. Trump doesnt know the differnece.
This is an unfortunate take on Bp. Barron's narrative. Why didn't you us Biden's photo? or George Washington's photo. This makes it look like a political statement that Bp. Barron never made. You are doing no one any favors here.
Please how ?
Am a born Christian and sometimes I feel so down 😭 of myself because of low finance but I still believe God😞
It's Elizabeth Ann Hanson doing she's changed my life. A BROKER- like her is what you need.
$356K monthly is something you should feel differently about....
Lovely! I enjoyed it like I enjoy a $100k monthly around the turn!!!
All are back after 4 year slumber. Decimated Europe and now this landscape.
Trump is a follower of Christ, he knows he is a nobody, no reason to bash him. BTW I am a fervent follower of bishop Baron, please don’t distort his words.
Bóg podaje to czego dusza pragnie gdy duma pycha I komfort życia 'przechodzi ludzkie pojęcie'..... Wprowadzając dobrą Nowinę Jezusa Chrystusa "come with me if you're ready" is (John 14:3) ty wybierasz nową drogę życia.....
Jezu Ufamy Tylko Tobie
Chwała Tobie Boże Żywy I Wszechmogący
Bartimaeus and Barnabus are two different people.
I know. I flubbed.
TJ I am perplexed here again today, as to why you are insisting on taking spiritual religious dogma (specifically Barron’s interpretation) and applying it to the politics of our world specifically in this case Donald Trump. My guess is you’re trying to build your following, likes, and comments. My Husband is an executive. And there is no way that he can speak to customers and to his employees from a Christian perspective. He can model that behavior and he does. But he’d be fired if he did any kind of preaching or teaching of the word of God. What Trump believes about himself in regards to God is again between him and God. And we can’t know his heart. What do you want him to do get up there and say I’m a nothing world leaders. I’m a nothing, I’ve accomplished nothing in my life. No it’s ridiculous to think that. So, I don’t know how long I’m gonna hang on here and keep watching your videos because I get more irritated than anything else. And by reading the comments, I don’t think I’m alone. I pray that God’s will will be clear to you in your life.
I'm Catholic and I Support Trump! I'm not concerned about how he speaks, I approve his policies. Other politicians are too concerned with words but they are dishonesty and their policies are detrimental to our societies, the so called love some religious or non religious people have been demanding have caused more harm than good.
Agreed. Love your videos
Because of God’s Resurrection you became a child of God no matter what religion. Yes Baptism makes us sons and daughters but we belong to him because he saved us all that doesn’t mean we will all go to Heaven but we are not “a nobody”
God doesn't send people to hell, people choose to go there by not choosing God (or Christ.)
O Sacramentum sanctissimum; O Sacramentum divinum, omnis laus et gratia, sit semper tibi.
eVery One Is precious. In Gods Eyes because We Are All Gods Children Think about That Their Are no Perfect Human Beings
You are going of track judging Trump get the plank out of your own eye first! Trump is a full on Christian and loves the Lord and loves life and he protects life! May God continue to bless him as he !
I sense an interesting comment section. There was no reason to put the Presedent in the thumbnail except get clicks. I get it. Clicks drives the algorthm.
I'm concerned so many Christians are following and praising President Trump. Maybe I'm in the wrong for being critical of him? Here you are giving one of many examples of why I'm skeptical to support him. But I guess I can't read his heart. I just think he is inconspicuously turning people against each other.
I think you are right. There is a fine line..he is so popular right now and should not be worshipped. That is only for God. It's frightening. I won't judge him, I'll leave it to Jesus. I truly hope he is a changedGod loving man.
Many examples
Up next. State secession. The apostasy prophesied by St Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2 so that the antichrist may get revealed.
With or without Jesus we all hopefully know from teachings what is right & what is wrong. We should instinctively know how to respect our fellow human beings. To be kind & help those less fortunate than ourselves . Many good people are all that & more but not essentially Christians. It’s just about being a decent human being that cares.
Not Christ like to use a real person and his picture as an example of a nobody. Not nice.
There are many of us who believe President Trump may have been called ???
we are all called but what is our answer...yes to God ,,or yes to ME
Yes to God! No to me, Trump included!!! Especially
@@donnaivy9506 oh brother how stupid
Harden not you heart if you here the word of the lord , There s a time he s going to stop calling us if we turn our back to him this is God your talking about not a folk hero .
Amen 🙏
Donald Trump: "More than 2,000 years ago, an angel of the Lord appeared to humble shepherds and proclaimed the reason for our Christmas joy. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.
"Our country needs a Savior right now. And our country has a Savior - and it's not me.
"That's somebody else much higher up than me. Much higher."
Seems to me like Trump understands that he's no big deal compared to Christ. Doesn't mean he isn't a sinner like the rest of us or that he won't ever do wrong, of course.
But choosing Trump's address to the UN to illustrate Bishops Barron's point without mentioning Trump's acknowledgement of God's importance could well be misleading, so I encourage you to add to your explanations how even someone as "mighty in the world" like the POTUS needs to rely on Christ, yes, and how he acknowledges it. You could then go on to ask if he always acts on this or if there's areas where there's room for improvement. It could be a powerful video without the potential to be misleading.
Great! Did Jesus call all the gay bishops and priests we have? Did Jesus call the Synod in Germany whose ultimate plan was for lesbian priests? And hopefully one on the Chair of Peter.
Barron always avoids the hard questions.
I believe priests can't call out other priests but brings directly to Jesus. The same goes for us. I believe the only time we can do something if abuse is happening and we know about it.
Barron is part of them. A wolf in sheep clothing, child of darkness
BUT...........remember...............Trump is the SECOND COMING OF JESUS.
you were better as a Priest than a Bishop! When will you stand up like Bishop Strickland
It's a tricky business to assume that Trump doesn't believe he is a nobody in his relationship to God/Jesus. He has been quite clear that but for God's grace he would not be alive to serve as president again. Putting on the face of strength and fearlessness as president is essential in governing effectively. King David, who had God's whole heart, acted in faith and fearlessness and strength throughout his youth and conquered Goliath. I see the compassion Trump has for the poor and afflicted and his desire to help them. It seems genuinely heartfelt...but only God knows what is in his heart. His boasting is but a tool, not one I necessarily like, but it sometimes is useful in keeping enemies at bay and thinking twice before doing something that would not be beneficial to the country.
Barron did not call Trump a nobody The liar who posted this video did.
People pray for Trump to humble
If I were a gambler, I would make a bet that Trump is or has converted to Catholic. I know Melania is Catholic, and Trump has posted Catholic prayers and Happy Birthday to our Mother Mary back in September. There is also a picture of him praying in what looks like it may be a Catholic church. Maybe not, but thank God Trump has become a Christian.😊 😊😊
Thank you ! so clear .
You are welcome!
Why claim your pope's as infallible in morals and doctrine. Read jesus of psalm 82. Moses judges were called elohim or god's. Psalm 110 is very revelent
Instead of judging Trump, why don't you just ask him? The problem w modern religion...politics.
God is not a respecter of persons. Meaning, your statis in the world means nothing to God. He judges us by our heart !
Trump is a lot of things people despise, but he is not a liar or a hypocrite. Many people who appear to be righteous are both. .
The bishop is wrong and yes, I do pray for him as well as Trump.
Guessing Trump would be the first to say he is nothing without God as evidenced by his multiple speeches about he believes God has saved his life. The religious need to butt out. No politician is telling you how to run your business. Look to your own. I’m an active Catholic and could talk about our church’s weaknesses. We all need God and would be lost without him.
No, He didn’t!
Right the Barron groupie is a liar
where were you when Bishop Strickland was Fired for not reason! I heard nothing from you to support him. I do not believe we are a nobody. I think you are took stuck on Bishop Barron. Please explain why he was silent when one of the Bishops was being abused by the Vatican. Silent that was where he was. He is no perfect Bishop or person he has too much Pride for me!!
You can't self claim you were the best at something and makes it correct.
Only suckers buy that.
Then again Trump supporters did just that so...
Please be careful about tying into Trump. Bishop says everyone is a nobody - no matter who you are or what your station in life is. This appears to be a pretty blatant attempt to attract attention from folks who are distressed and upset with what DT is doing. You are better than that.
The nobody freed 1200 innocent Americans out of prison, many had been in solitary confinement for four years without a trial, and if Biden or Harris had won, they would be in there 4 more years. If you listen to their stories, it is difficult not to cry.
So for me,…thank you Donald Trump, and to 1200 + their families and friends +1…., you are a special somebody. ❤
Too political.
This is why I won’t subscribe to your account! I may watch from time to time but to me you are took stuck connected to Bishop Barron. when he comes out and speaks up for Bishop Strickland and all the cancelled Priest. Thousands of Priests have been canceled by people Bishops and he stays silent!!
God represents all that is good, pure, noble, decent, etc. And Trump, in my opinion,is trying to do those things that help people and would be seen as good and decent and therefore, God-like --- in a sense. That spirit of good I believe is in Trump when it comes to our country. That is what is meant here. I believe he has Godly intentions God is working in his life to help the country.
DJT is somebody to ME THY GOD. Be careful & REPENT of your pride.
We are all called to do great things for Lord in this world here and now.... Those whom God granted the gift of wisdom Cary a cross of their mind which with God's Grace allows for rebirth of many headed our way.....
Jezus Our Faith is in YOU
@@creativeminds3220 no we are not all created to do good get your head out of your fantasy bullshit
How can you say they are nobody, not in the eyes of the Lord. As a priest you are wrong.
We are not sinners we are the children of God .
Wrong we are sinners by original sin from adam and eve.
@ absolutely miss guided that’s why I don’t practice Catholic.
Amen !
What a deeply stupid comment to call the greatest president of the greatest country ever a nobody.
Dear Bishop,
I fear your ego is too big for your pulpit.
Can you please desist from political commentary?
Catholics are falling into hell like the leaves from the trees in winter (Our Lady of Fatima) for lack of any acceptable level of catechising.
I doubt this brand of flowery, intellectual preaching will achieve much in our troubled world, while its seeming lack of sensitivity and humility will irk many - inside and outside the Church.
I am an Irish Catholic living in the UK who happens to have great admiration for Mr Trump and I believe he is a man of God, even if not a Catholic.
But that American bishops had been as vocal during the previous presidency which set the US and the world back a very long way.
I haven’t been a follower of yours in the past and propose to be even less so in the future.
Nevertheless,May God bless you in all you try to do, and May He give you better direction
Our faith is not confined to church service...it affects all areas of life , and the way we conduct ourselves in the political realm,,,its all connected. if you want to look at ego..how about 'buying Greenland',,,,making Canada a state, wiping out people in positions that should be independent of him....talk about control and fear
Years ago I noticed father Barron's ego,