My goodness. I had to review the trigonometry functions and radiant / degree conversions. I found that incrementing the sin and cos with 1/10 of a radiant gave a nice plotted sin and cos wave. Made a counter for the radiant from 1 to 628 (2*pi = 6,28 which compares to 360 degrees) * 100 so its incrementing in 1/100 of a radiant. Printing the upper and lower sin/cos values (1 , -1 ) then gave the right range. Excellent homework lesson. thanks!
I am 78yrs young and have put several of your 8 Led Sketches to gather to make one display using a While loop with the SN74HC595N Shift Register and it works great.
i was able to do it, and also i added a temperature and humidity sensor to improve the distance measurement, i can not believe im almost done with these series of videos. Thank you for everything that you teach me.
Thank you Paul. Over the last 57 lessons you have encouraged me to truly understand(and drink a lot of coffee). In that spirit I have been forced to revisit the basics of math. So I can comprehend the essence of being an engineer. My initial knowledge of mathematics was equivalent to 7th grade math.A half a year or so later(with some breaks) I am now working on Algebra 2 and Trig because I refuse to move on until I understand the math you did in this video. Because of you not only is my mathematical foundation much more solid, I also love math now that I have a reason to know it. I am more of a "Doer" than I have ever been in my life. Thank you for impacting my life in a positive way.
Sir Your debbuging style I guess one of the best technique to learn programming. It helps lot to understand everything. Thank you very much. God bless you.
I was able to do it. At first I assumed that the values of the angle would be in degrees. That didn't work so then I assumed that the angle would be in radians and that worked. Great series of lessons by the way. I am really enjoying them.. Thanks.
You can set the limits if you precede your code with the following. I used this to set my limits for the sin/cos graph to 2 and -2. Serial.print(2.); // max = 2 Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(-2.); // min= -2
Yes I was successful. Have not seen your solution yet. I used the sin/cos functions and converted to radians. Also Goggled some basics on using the plotter for 2 variables.
I finally got it, this has been one of the more difficult homework assignments...not so much getting the serial plotter to plot two traces but to get a usable formula for the sine wave and cosine wave forms. I had to dig up some old dead gray matter to work through this...but it was a lot of fun
Hello 👋 Mr Paul. Your Arduino lessons has developed me into a little expert, with the knowledge I got from you, I can now create the axial flux motor with a crazy efficient. I don that by simply energizing electromagnetic coil accordingly with the help of Arduino and 6 channels relay module.
Home Work completed. I had a good saw tooth wave at one stage. I had a lot of trouble printing both waves, I achieved this through trial and error rather than good programming.
Done. My Program is as follows: float yofsin; float yofcos; int x=0; int accuracy=36; //to increase accuracy increase the integer void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: yofsin=sin(PI*x/accuracy); yofcos=cos(PI*x/accuracy); Serial.println(yofsin); Serial.print(","); Serial.println(yofcos); x++; }
I was successful in figuring this out before watching . I had to refresh my memory on how to graph sine waves and compute radians by reading some background stuff. I didn't use a "for" statement. Once again, another great video. I see we are getting to the end of the Arduino videos and I see the last one you did was 3 years ago. Let me encourage you to add more past #68 as I think there is so much to learn, A lot of IDE code looks like gobbledegook to me when I look at what others have written, so further enlightenment from you would be great. Hardly anyone else slows down enough to explain code and why they did it that way. It seems to be a real need for lessons at the "intermediate level". Lots of stuff for people opening the box for the first time.
I am starting a new set of arduino lessons on the R4, which will go all the way back to the basics. But in that class we will get to intermediate and advanced stuff soon enough. In that class I will go into more in depth projects.
I did the homework and it was what you did. However, the plotter was blank. I went back and went through everything. It still wouldn't work. Then, to my horror, I realized I typed Serial.print(9600) instead of Serial.begin(9600). I had a good laugh because the hard part was correct and the easy part was completely wrong. This was a great lesson Paul. It is really easy to make little mistakes that make it past the verify process. Another great lesson to pass on to my students!!!!!!
I figured it out by myself I also used the cos and sin which I guessed and then googled it. i think you should not use commands that we have not used yet but it was still fun. I did it in a slighty diffrent way: float sine; float Angle=0; float cosine; void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(19200); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: cosine=cos(Angle); sine=sin(Angle); Serial.print(0); Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(sine); Serial.print(", "); Serial.println(cosine); Angle=Angle+0.05; } I printed 0 so I could see the middle of both. I did floats the first time anyways though.
Yes I had success. Some really interesting plots. Homework should prove interesting. Looking forward to where these past few lessons are leading. Have a great week.
Hey Paul. Thanks for this amazing Arduino Series. After a couple days i ended up folding like a cheap lawn chair and was not able to complete the assignment. Thanks for the explanation!
I did some web research to understand and familiarize myself with the trigonometric functions in arduino. Yes, it is an extra help, but generally speaking - I did my homework.
Hi Paul, i managed to do the homework. I used floats for my variables as the numbers were not whole numbers. I also used PI as apposed to a number. My problems were the speed of the plotter, I found that I had to run the baud rate at 4800 to slow it down enough to give a decent waveform and further I used j=j+0.1. With your settings, it was flying across the screen really fast and was really jagged. Interestingly if i put it into Tinkercad, your settings ran normally and mine worked but just slowly. Cheers
I have done the homework using the function millis(). I defined a period and generated the waves with that period. Then I played with the period and also tried sine and cosine functions with different periods.
I got my homework done before this lesson. We are in my area of expertise although I can't remember the last time I used sine and cosine for my work. Lots of linear algebra but not that much basic geometry. ... good to remember this stuff. Thanks for the lesson!
I stopped learning here from the last few months cuz I got busy from online school work. Missed these tutorials knowing the playlist is now complete hehe 🤧🤧
Think I got it, had a bit of trial and error (which can be seen in the commented code), but nevertheless got it to work. Here's what I had for my code: int tpin=12; int epin=11; float pingTime; int del=100; int sos=767; float d; float r; float pi=3.1415; float x; float y; void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(tpin,OUTPUT); pinMode(epin,INPUT); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
digitalWrite(tpin,LOW); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(tpin,HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(tpin,LOW); pingTime=pulseIn(epin,HIGH); d= (767.*pingTime*5280.*12.)/(60.*60.*1000000); r=d/2; for(x==0;x>=0*pi;x=(x)+(pi/64.)){ Serial.print("Sine: "); Serial.print(sin(x)); Serial.print(","); // Serial.print("This is the sine value: "); Serial.print("Cosine: "); Serial.println(cos(x)); // Serial.print(" This is the cosine value: "); // Serial.println(cos(x)); // Serial.print(","); //Serial.println(1);
Eagerly waiting for next 11 videos Paul. At a point, I also thought last 11 videos are available under subscription :D From the comments section, I came to know they are released one per week. Thanks again,Paul.
i could probly figure out how to do the homework but i would just be learning it from someone else. its easier to just watch you i learn a lot. I usually dont know where to start.
Sir thankyou for this tutorial. I have been watching your tutorials. I needed to plot the data of 5sensors which i need to measure the vital parameters of patients.
I did the EXACT same mistakes with you and with the same order. Only you did it on purpose, I did it from ignorance :) Oh, btw it works fine with 360 also instead of 2*pi
Hey Mr.McWhorter, I did this on my own by guessing that there is a cos and sin command in arduino and there was! Although my graph was a bit cubic at the end haha, but I still got a rough representation of it. int sineVal=360; int cosineVal=360; int sineDir=0; int cosineDir=0; int dt=100; void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: Serial.print(sin(sineVal)); Serial.print(","); Serial.println(cos(cosineVal)); if(sineVal>=-360&&sineDir==0){ sineVal=sineVal-1; if(sineVal==-360&&sineDir==0){ sineDir==1; } } if(cosineVal>=-360&&cosineDir==0){ cosineVal=cosineVal-1; if(cosineVal==-360&&cosineDir==0){ cosineDir==1; } } if(sineVal
I went to the Internet to research how to depict sine, and cosine in the C-Language. In wiki I found and example of how a circle is used to generate Sines and Cosines. Wrote a For statement and Walla a working Sine/ Cosine generator. An inverse Sine statement was added to draw the angle at 180-degrees out of phase.
thanks so much Paul, if you could also do a video on designing our own PCBs in order to consolidate the Arduino setup. I am aware that you have discussed the topic in old video's How about refreshing a lesson or two on the two in the same New Arduino Tutorials. This is my request. Also, I am not a Electronic's guys but your videos have engraved a deep interest in the subject for me to learn and these days I watch more of your Videos than any garbage out there on youtube.. Thanks a zillion...
Not something I have done before. We really need a simple solution. The software that I have played with in the past was way too complicated with way too many options that I did not understand.
I got a better looking graph by factoring up the sine/cosine to give a bigger amplitude. For example: in your code instead of sinVal = sin(j); sinVal=2*sin(j);
Didn't quite understand what was required of the homework. It's a looooong time since I did any of that sort of maths. I think I'll concentrate on the hardware side of things for Arduino. However, I do like a challenge and found that although there don't appear to be any settings for the Serial Plotter, all I did to stop the autoranging was to add two more channels and print -16 and 16, and that kept the range between those two values.
Once I got the homework working, I was surprised to see that cos and sine were not 180 degrees out of phase, at first I thought it was another mistake from not holding my breath... I'm also kind of curious how Paul programmed a keystroke to say "Patience grasshopper...."
I didn't have a problem with this, went really well as far as the sine and cosine were concerned. I couldn't get a response anywhere, I changed up everything and after two days found I had typed Serial.print instead of begin. A lot of cussing and cursing before I finally figured that out. Pretty silly.
I overcomolicated my silution... wanted to print the sine of time and I needed to tune it with the delay I used for plotting. Also I needed to define amplitude and frequency
Present. Unfortunately, I didn't finish high school so the only thing i knew how to use cos and sin was for solving for sides and angles of a triangle. Soo... I kind of had to cheat on this one.
I was able to do the HW on my own! Yay! BUT! Having a strange glitch... Printing sin then cos, or cos then sin, the 2nd entry/wave stays at zero for a bit, giving me a straight horizontal blip on every period. Can't seem to make that 2nd line smooth... So odd.
You are doing a phenomenal job with the videos Paul. Thank you! I was reviewing this series and notice that on the main scree there are 68 videos but the last 10 are private. Are those by subscription? Did I miss something?
QUESTION: Arduino can calculate a perfect sine wave, but due to the PWM 8bit output pin it couldn't write good quality of music, right??? Thx for any answer
• 8:27 - You can put in a feature-request at the GitHub page to let you control the scale. • 9:35 - Careful there, don't increase the frequency too much or it'll give you Covid-19 somehow (there's so many absurd conspiracy-theories about the connection that I can't be arsed to add more details to the joke ¬_¬).
The squiggly bracket should close after the if statement. Unfortunately my serial plotter worked once in lesson 56 and then never again. It just comes up blank When you said we have to kill the serial monitor I removed the Serial.begin (9600); and it would not load. I put it back in and the serial plotter never worked again. I understood kill meant remove the view of the serial plotter, not the ststement. I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong.
No, didn't manage it. What I did end up with, wasn't the same as yours initially either. However, did manage to label functions on plotter, ("plot_name:") this labels each line by colour, and if you set up a simple constant, on mine i just added Serial.print ("Constant_Limit:"); Serial.print(1.5); Serial.print(","); my graph then settled on +/- 6, a line at a constant value of 1.5, obviously, this could be adjusted to help with measuring the values. Silly typos have been the bane of this one. didn't manage to work out everything myself, but happy with what I did manage.
I completely failed my homework for this lesson. I didn't have the slightest idea where to begin. I guess my mediocre public school education never touched on Sin, Cos, or any other such mathematical functions. 😐
I have a question professor. I want to see pos-pos graph on arduino on live. In other word, I want to see parallel plotter. Is it possible only using arduino? I search on google but I can't find appropriate answer. I wait your help professor!
I am using the latest version of IDE (IDE 2.0.0) and when I start the serial plotter I just can see the first channel. I had the same problem with the previous lesson. I have written the code of sine and cosine exactly the same as you have done but just the first channel shows up and it seems like it is plotting the last points and I do not have the same representation as yours. I am sure I am making a stupid mistake but I would appreciate it if anyone could help me in the matter.
I'm having a similar issue with (IDE 2.03) . The first and second channel are flat lined at Zero (0) and One(1) . All three declarations are set as "floats" ... Seems like it might be something with the new IDE.
My goodness. I had to review the trigonometry functions and radiant / degree conversions. I found that incrementing the sin and cos with 1/10 of a radiant gave a nice plotted sin and cos wave. Made a counter for the radiant from 1 to 628 (2*pi = 6,28 which compares to 360 degrees) * 100 so its incrementing in 1/100 of a radiant. Printing the upper and lower sin/cos values (1 , -1 ) then gave the right range. Excellent homework lesson. thanks!
I am 78yrs young and have put several of your 8 Led Sketches to gather to make one display using a While loop with the SN74HC595N Shift Register and it works great.
i was able to do it, and also i added a temperature and humidity sensor to improve the distance measurement, i can not believe im almost done with these series of videos. Thank you for everything that you teach me.
You've got pretty much everything you need there with that graphing component to build an oscilloscope. That sounds like a great project
Thank you Paul. Over the last 57 lessons you have encouraged me to truly understand(and drink a lot of coffee). In that spirit I have been forced to revisit the basics of math. So I can comprehend the essence of being an engineer. My initial knowledge of mathematics was equivalent to 7th grade math.A half a year or so later(with some breaks) I am now working on Algebra 2 and Trig because I refuse to move on until I understand the math you did in this video. Because of you not only is my mathematical foundation much more solid, I also love math now that I have a reason to know it. I am more of a "Doer" than I have ever been in my life. Thank you for impacting my life in a positive way.
Sir Your debbuging style I guess one of the best technique to learn programming. It helps lot to understand everything. Thank you very much. God bless you.
God bless!
I was able to do it. At first I assumed that the values of the angle would be in degrees. That didn't work so then I assumed that
the angle would be in radians and that worked. Great series of lessons by the way. I am really enjoying them.. Thanks.
I wish to see Sir Paul holding his breath while compiling and uploading code to a NodeMCU.. :)
It was the funniest dialog with Siri. 😂😂
Thank you for this lesson ^^
Thanks for the lovely moments we spend watching your videos
You can set the limits if you precede your code with the following. I used this to set my limits for the sin/cos graph to 2 and -2.
Serial.print(2.); // max = 2
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(-2.); // min= -2
Yes I was successful. Have not seen your solution yet. I used the sin/cos functions and converted to radians. Also Goggled some basics on using the plotter for 2 variables.
I finally got it, this has been one of the more difficult homework assignments...not so much getting the serial plotter to plot two traces but to get a usable formula for the sine wave and cosine wave forms. I had to dig up some old dead gray matter to work through this...but it was a lot of fun
Hello 👋 Mr Paul. Your Arduino lessons has developed me into a little expert, with the knowledge I got from you, I can now create the axial flux motor with a crazy efficient.
I don that by simply energizing electromagnetic coil accordingly with the help of Arduino and 6 channels relay module.
Home Work completed. I had a good saw tooth wave at one stage. I had a lot of trouble printing both waves, I achieved this through trial and error rather than good programming.
Done. My Program is as follows:
float yofsin;
float yofcos;
int x=0;
int accuracy=36; //to increase accuracy increase the integer
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
I was successful in figuring this out before watching . I had to refresh my memory on how to graph sine waves and compute radians by reading some background stuff. I didn't use a "for" statement.
Once again, another great video.
I see we are getting to the end of the Arduino videos and I see the last one you did was 3 years ago. Let me encourage you to add more past #68 as I think there is so much to learn, A lot of IDE code looks like gobbledegook to me when I look at what others have written, so further enlightenment from you would be great. Hardly anyone else slows down enough to explain code and why they did it that way. It seems to be a real need for lessons at the "intermediate level". Lots of stuff for people opening the box for the first time.
I am starting a new set of arduino lessons on the R4, which will go all the way back to the basics. But in that class we will get to intermediate and advanced stuff soon enough. In that class I will go into more in depth projects.
this video went above my head lol 🤣 probably because I study middle school
deliberate variable declaration faults are great learning. Thanks
I did the homework and it was what you did. However, the plotter was blank. I went back and went through everything. It still wouldn't work. Then, to my horror, I realized I typed Serial.print(9600) instead of Serial.begin(9600). I had a good laugh because the hard part was correct and the easy part was completely wrong. This was a great lesson Paul. It is really easy to make little mistakes that make it past the verify process. Another great lesson to pass on to my students!!!!!!
Excellent lesson please keep doing what you're doing I'm learning more and more.thank you
Well awesome tutorial! But i hope that the next video would be nrf24L01 module tutorial.
loved playing with both waves with different values
I figured it out by myself I also used the cos and sin which I guessed and then googled it. i think you should not use commands that we have not used yet but it was still fun. I did it in a slighty diffrent way:
float sine;
float Angle=0;
float cosine;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.print(", ");
I printed 0 so I could see the middle of both. I did floats the first time anyways though.
Yes, did it. Would like to show angle in degree rather than radians on horiz axis. Maybe you'll be covering that.
Yes I had success. Some really interesting plots. Homework should prove interesting. Looking forward to where these past few lessons are leading. Have a great week.
Did the homework. Very nice lessons and I appreciate all you do.
Hey Paul. Thanks for this amazing Arduino Series. After a couple days i ended up folding like a cheap lawn chair and was not able to complete the assignment. Thanks for the explanation!
I did some web research to understand and familiarize myself with the trigonometric functions in arduino. Yes, it is an extra help, but generally speaking - I did my homework.
Hi Paul, i managed to do the homework. I used floats for my variables as the numbers were not whole numbers. I also used PI as apposed to a number. My problems were the speed of the plotter, I found that I had to run the baud rate at 4800 to slow it down enough to give a decent waveform and further I used j=j+0.1. With your settings, it was flying across the screen really fast and was really jagged. Interestingly if i put it into Tinkercad, your settings ran normally and mine worked but just slowly. Cheers
I have done the homework using the function millis(). I defined a period and generated the waves with that period. Then I played with the period and also tried sine and cosine functions with different periods.
Nailed the sin() and Cos() functions. Excellent assignment.
I got my homework done before this lesson. We are in my area of expertise although I can't remember the last time I used sine and cosine for my work. Lots of linear algebra but not that much basic geometry. ... good to remember this stuff. Thanks for the lesson!
Great job!
I stopped learning here from the last few months cuz I got busy from online school work.
Missed these tutorials knowing the playlist is now complete hehe 🤧🤧
Think I got it, had a bit of trial and error (which can be seen in the commented code), but nevertheless got it to work. Here's what I had for my code:
int tpin=12;
int epin=11;
float pingTime;
int del=100;
int sos=767;
float d;
float r;
float pi=3.1415;
float x;
float y;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
d= (767.*pingTime*5280.*12.)/(60.*60.*1000000);
Serial.print("Sine: ");
// Serial.print("This is the sine value: ");
Serial.print("Cosine: ");
// Serial.print(" This is the cosine value: ");
// Serial.println(cos(x));
// Serial.print(",");
Eagerly waiting for next 11 videos Paul.
At a point, I also thought last 11 videos are available under subscription :D
From the comments section, I came to know they are released one per week.
Thanks again,Paul.
Hi Paul ,
Thanks for all these wonderful lessons .
It is possible to scale the graph by printing a top and bottom value in the loop .
This was cool, I will admit I had to go and do some brushing up on how radians work.
did the homework. both sine and cosine wave on the plotter.:)
i could probly figure out how to do the homework but i would just be learning it from someone else. its easier to just watch you i learn a lot. I usually dont know where to start.
Hello Mr.McWhorter
Thanks a lot for the great lessons. I would be appreciated if you could create a course on IOT.
Best wishes.
Sir thankyou for this tutorial. I have been watching your tutorials. I needed to plot the data of 5sensors which i need to measure the vital parameters of patients.
I did the EXACT same mistakes with you and with the same order. Only you did it on purpose, I did it from ignorance :) Oh, btw it works fine with 360 also instead of 2*pi
very good ans did the homework. Paul thank you
I did it! I'm starting to become a DOER.
Hey Mr.McWhorter, I did this on my own by guessing that there is a cos and sin command in arduino and there was! Although my graph was a bit cubic at the end haha, but I still got a rough representation of it.
int sineVal=360;
int cosineVal=360;
int sineDir=0;
int cosineDir=0;
int dt=100;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
I used a for loop, for (angle=0; angle
Excellent tutorial as usual. Thanks
I went to the Internet to research how to depict sine, and cosine in the C-Language. In wiki I found and example of how a circle is used to generate Sines and Cosines. Wrote a For statement and Walla a working Sine/ Cosine generator. An inverse Sine statement was added to draw the angle at 180-degrees out of phase.
thank you sir for all thing , you put it in this tutorial.
So nice of you
thanks so much Paul, if you could also do a video on designing our own PCBs in order to consolidate the Arduino setup. I am aware that you have discussed the topic in old video's How about refreshing a lesson or two on the two in the same New Arduino Tutorials. This is my request. Also, I am not a Electronic's guys but your videos have engraved a deep interest in the subject for me to learn and these days I watch more of your Videos than any garbage out there on youtube..
Thanks a zillion...
Not something I have done before. We really need a simple solution. The software that I have played with in the past was way too complicated with way too many options that I did not understand.
I got a better looking graph by factoring up the sine/cosine to give a bigger amplitude. For example: in your code instead of sinVal = sin(j); sinVal=2*sin(j);
Can you make a video on wireless communication (with nrf24l01 module)with arduino
Yeah, i'm thinking the same like you.
we have to declare the sinval and cosval as float instead of int
Thanks Paul.
Interesting diversion from electronics for this C/S Major, Math Minor with a pre-engineering (EE) background.
Didn't quite understand what was required of the homework. It's a looooong time since I did any of that sort of maths. I think I'll concentrate on the hardware side of things for Arduino.
However, I do like a challenge and found that although there don't appear to be any settings for the Serial Plotter, all I did to stop the autoranging was to add two more channels and print -16 and 16, and that kept the range between those two values.
Excellent 👍
Giday Paul... Serial and Siri sound pretty well the same and I think when you say Serial it is triggering Siri on your cell phone...
Thank you for this Sir Paul!
Once I got the homework working, I was surprised to see that cos and sine were not 180 degrees out of phase, at first I thought it was another mistake from not holding my breath... I'm also kind of curious how Paul programmed a keystroke to say "Patience grasshopper...."
Siri is tracking us!!!! I don't know how many times I've asked Siri to shut up and go away!! 🤣
Oh, and j needs to also be a float cause it's definitely gonna be real numbers!!
You should be able to avoid autoscaling by providing constant min/max values as y axis constraints.
Mr. Paul, please do a live stream on trigonometry and slopes this week.....
I didn't have a problem with this, went really well as far as the sine and cosine were concerned. I couldn't get a response anywhere, I changed up everything and after two days found I had typed Serial.print instead of begin. A lot of cussing and cursing before I finally figured that out. Pretty silly.
Good work sir
I overcomolicated my silution... wanted to print the sine of time and I needed to tune it with the delay I used for plotting. Also I needed to define amplitude and frequency
Folded up on the homework. The sin and cos traces were shifted somehow, they didn't cross at zero.
I completed the homework.
this was an easy assignment
I think I managed to hugely oversimplify this homework assignment by just doing: j=j+0.1, and then print sin(j) and cos(j).
Thanks mr paul
Floats on top
At 7:22 I think the problem is we declared j as an integer then we are incrementing j by 0.01 that's why it's not working.
It all looks nice, but what can i do with all these ?
Present. Unfortunately, I didn't finish high school so the only thing i knew how to use cos and sin was for solving for sides and angles of a triangle. Soo... I kind of had to cheat on this one.
value of j should be float, so add a dot on the end of each number.
I was able to do the HW on my own! Yay!
Having a strange glitch... Printing sin then cos, or cos then sin, the 2nd entry/wave stays at zero for a bit, giving me a straight horizontal blip on every period. Can't seem to make that 2nd line smooth... So odd.
You are doing a phenomenal job with the videos Paul. Thank you! I was reviewing this series and notice that on the main scree there are 68 videos but the last 10 are private. Are those by subscription? Did I miss something?
Patience grasshopper . . . videos are released one per week.
@@paulmcwhorter - "grasshopper rolling on floor laughing" Thank you Sensei!
hey paul are u planning to make a series on esp32🤔
QUESTION: Arduino can calculate a perfect sine wave, but due to the PWM 8bit output pin it couldn't write good quality of music, right???
Thx for any answer
• 8:27 - You can put in a feature-request at the GitHub page to let you control the scale.
• 9:35 - Careful there, don't increase the frequency too much or it'll give you Covid-19 somehow (there's so many absurd conspiracy-theories about the connection that I can't be arsed to add more details to the joke ¬_¬).
The squiggly bracket should close after the if statement.
Unfortunately my serial plotter worked once in lesson 56 and then never again. It just comes up blank
When you said we have to kill the serial monitor I removed the Serial.begin (9600); and it would not load. I put it back in and the serial plotter never worked again. I understood kill meant remove the view of the serial plotter, not the ststement.
I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong.
I am requesting to you sir please upload a videos of arduino by controlling any devices via internet or GSM by using NodeMCU and SIM900a
I did it
No, didn't manage it. What I did end up with, wasn't the same as yours initially either.
However, did manage to label functions on plotter, ("plot_name:") this labels each line by colour, and if you set up a simple constant, on mine i just added
Serial.print ("Constant_Limit:");
my graph then settled on +/- 6, a line at a constant value of 1.5, obviously, this could be adjusted to help with measuring the values.
Silly typos have been the bane of this one. didn't manage to work out everything myself, but happy with what I did manage.
I completely failed my homework for this lesson. I didn't have the slightest idea where to begin. I guess my mediocre public school education never touched on Sin, Cos, or any other such mathematical functions. 😐
Dont consider it failing, consider it an opportunity to learn something new you have never been exposed to before
can you do serial plotter on the Arduino web editor? I only ask because I only have a chromebook.
There is an Interface Scale option in settings
I have a question professor. I want to see pos-pos graph on arduino on live. In other word, I want to see parallel plotter. Is it possible only using arduino? I search on google but I can't find appropriate answer. I wait your help professor!
I believe it should have been a float in order to get the wave instead of the int's.
2 parallel lines...............
found my own mistake i said in the last j=0.1 instead of adding 0.1.
Where is the "parab" function?? is it hidden in the functions? Are their others?
how to input multiple sensors and out put on same sketch
my serial plotter doesnt show a graph, any suggestions?
Try to finish but stuck with INT and Float.... anyhow Thanks a lot. Still in LOCKDOWN in MALDIVES
we have to declare j as float instead of int
Can u do a video on flags and boolean pls
Please Sir..... Do a tutorial on using the keypad.... With arduino
I am using the latest version of IDE (IDE 2.0.0) and when I start the serial plotter I just can see the first channel. I had the same problem with the previous lesson. I have written the code of sine and cosine exactly the same as you have done but just the first channel shows up and it seems like it is plotting the last points and I do not have the same representation as yours.
I am sure I am making a stupid mistake but I would appreciate it if anyone could help me in the matter.
I'm having a similar issue with (IDE 2.03) . The first and second channel are flat lined at Zero (0) and One(1) . All three declarations are set as "floats" ... Seems like it might be something with the new IDE.