Introducing the AI Arabic Intensive: Ten weeks of handcrafted then AI-optimized lessons, quizzes and tests teaching you the essentials of Arabic grammar, morphology, and vocabulary-the first of its kind. Starting January 2025. Learn more at Promo: Be among the first ten students to register for the intensive and receive 15% off. Invite five students to join you, and you won't pay a thing!
I completely agree the points raised on the onset of the talk by the British asheikh speaker in that these topics aren't for the layman...rather as his teachers professed, should only be studied in the Halaqat of knowledge and thier likes.
Languages as a genus are from Allahs eternal knowledge, hence they are not created,they are abstract, and kalaam is a attribute Allah uses to communicate his eternal knowledge. So the instances of him speaking to creation are haqeeqi not through created means.
What evidence do you need, everything that changes is hadith. It then goes back in a universal cycle, for God to God and free of the cycle would require him to be independent of the cycle. If that happens then, you wouldn't exist.
I cant wait next friday for jumu'a. The imam will speak the audience in his nafs because according to these two "kalam" is not only sound and letters but also when you speak in yourself. Can u imagine it ? 25 minutes watching to the imam on the minbar while he only is turning with his head not opening his mouth?
Salam, I appreciate this subject. Scientists took a bird and separated it before it was born so it had never heard other birds sing. When the bird hatched and grew then it sang the same song as the other birds in its species. Why? So if the speech was not learned then how? So I question the idea of speech being developed. What if there was a child born and it actually had the language programmed into its soul. Reminds me of the story of Jesus talking as a child. What if the child had a specific “song”. You could make a leap and say that potentially Moses had this “song” imprinted in him. That he is the tablet the commandments were written within. It makes sense. How were the first compassionate ones viewed? The “song” would have been considered weak and worthless. Just like turn the other cheek. Not looking to cause trouble here. Just want to bring some perspective that begins to unravel this puzzle. If he was the most compassionate and merciful then it would be a foreign idea to a kill or be killed society.
What did Mossa alihi as salaam hear? Was it kalaam nafsi or kalaam lafdhi. If it was the later, which is created, did Allah tell Moosa alihi to worship His created speech by saying أعبدني.i.e. worship something created. Also can the shukooh name a single sahabi who said kalaam of Allah is nafsi and lafdhi.
They think they are very intellectual and have discovered something that will bring Muslims closer to Allah. We should remember that these are the same people against whom Ahmad bin Hanbal (رحمه الله) defended Islam, i.e., the Mutazillah. There is no doubt that the Qur'an is the uncreated speech of Allah. They are discussing matters that the Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and his companions (رضى الله عنهم) were not aware of. The person on the left seems so excited to share his misguidance with other Muslims. I doubt he possesses even a single brain cell to understand that engaging in discussions on topics the Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) did not address can only lead to misguidance. He believes that the opinions of some misguided scholars are binding upon us, not realizing that only the Qur'an and Sunnah are binding upon us. May Allah protect us from these misguided individuals! The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "Whoever innovates something in this matter of ours (i.e. Islam) that is not part of it, will have it rejected." - Sunan Ibn Majah 14
What are you talking about! The Asharis destroyed the Mutazillah (and all other deviant groups) ... Remember, there were no Salafis around at that time to defend Ahle Sunnah! As for engaging in discussions on topics that the Prophet SAW did not address, can you show us where the Prophet SAW engaged in discussions on the sciences of Hadiths ie. Which Hadith are Sahih, which are daeef etc, the science pertaining to jarh wa tadeel etc etc??? The Quran and Sunnah are binding upon us but how do you understand the Quran and Sunnah without the scholars?
@@abyrahman6610 So, according to you Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him should have graded his Hadith when he was the direct source of Hadith? 😂You don't even know what you are talking about, with all due respect. Regarding Al-Jarh Wa al-Ta'dil, If there was no need of grading the Hadith, then there was no need of it. You are speaking gibberish. You should think before speaking. Educate yourself before speaking on anything related to Islam.
@@sarfarazmir8550 what I'm implying brother is that at the time of the Sahaba (RA) there was no need to have detailed discussions around aqeeda because it hadn't been corrupted. They understood the true meaning of 'laytha-kamithlihee-shey'.. They did not compare Allah SWT with the creation. This became a fitnah later in the ummah, so the ulema had to deal with it and so went into detail about Aqeeda. Go and learn the history of the Deen and then maybe you might understand.
@@abyrahman6610 I'm well aware of the history of different creeds like Athari, Mutazillah, Ashari, and Maturudis. So, I don't need a history lesson on them. You are running away from what you said earlier which was that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) didn't tell us about the sciences of Hadith. It is obvious that the sciences of Hadith (علوم الحديث) isn't related to Aqeedah. Now, you are saying that you were implying the companions of Prophet (PBHU) had no need of discussing Aqeedah in detail, which is really hypocritical. If you were honest enough to accept that what you said earlier was related to the sciences of Hadith rather than Aqeedah, it would have been great, but it seems you are not honest enough to accept that. I would like to give you a brief history lesson of the Ashari creed because it seems you are unaware of this misguided creed. Speaking of Ashari creed, it emerged from Abu Hasan al-Ashari who was raised in Mu'tazilli household (i.e. the household of Abu Alee al-Jubaa'ee). Later on he reverted from that and started following ‘Abdullah ibn Sa‘eed ibn Kullaab, and refuting the creed while having some of their principles in common. At last, he left all of their principles, and started following the Salaf without having anything in common with the Mu'tazillah. To say that the companions of the Prophet (PBUH) had no need of going in detail in Aqeedah because there was no corrupted creeds at that time, you are just affirming that Mu'tazillah and Asharis are corrupted. These creeds came after the companions of the Prophet (PBUH). So, what I'm saying is that we should only follow what the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions believed. There is no need to ask no sense questions related Allah's attributes because we can't understand everything about Allah. Our mind is limited just as our eyesight is limited. Even the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon, forbade asking too many questions in Islam. I hope you will reflect on what I told you.
@@sarfarazmir8550 the point about the Hadeeth is that the sciences of Hadeeth were developed later, not taught by the Prophet SAW yet you depend heavily on such sciences to understand Hadeeth. Similarly, the sciences of creed were developed later to understand creed. As a Salafi, you make the same mistake of over simplifying matters, you can't just go back to the Salaf without the scholars of the Deen. Brother, let's leave it at that as in my experience with Salafis, you end up going around in circles!
Imam ahlul sunnah Ahmad bin hamble Imam darrul hijra (Malik bin anas) Imam shafi Imam Bukhari Imam safyan al thowri Imam tirmidi The razi Brothers And the list goes on They was not ashari Ashari creed was invented later in time. The salaf of this ummah are the people of Hadith ahlul Hadith All upon the athari creed
@@abyrahman6610 No. the Wahhabis and the Taymis are juhhaal for following stupid tajseem aqeedah and lying about the Atharis. the atharis are free from your sicknesses.
@@abyrahman6610 Well you’ve responded. Go through the comment and check what is so jahil go learn about these imams as mentioned above to know there beliefs
Shaykh Yasir is of the Deobandi movement to my understanding. It's important for those watching to understand his perspective being from that perspective.
Deoband doesn't have a unique creed, especially regarding the speech of Allah. The sheikh is Ash'ari and is speaking as an Ash'ari here, which is in line with the majority of scholars.
I actually find the Deobandi movement the most reasonable when it comes to sectarian differences. They are in between Salafi and Sufi ideologies. But that’s just my view.
The ummah is not considered stupid but trying to teach one topic medicine subjects to public who have not studied it from the beginning is dumb. Trying to teach a child medicine when he has not done his GCSE or Metrics or higher school curriculam is daft. Similarly teaching the public subjects that not in their field is daft unless necessary in time if confusion. Similarly Islamic subjects has levels and stages and whole curriculam. You cannot teach that in one day or one session. The masses are experts in their own fields but does not mean they will be automatically are experts in all islamic subjects. If I was to teach this topic to my mum who comes from a village in rural pakistan, it's daft. She would be looking at me, why I am wasting my and her time...those who want to go further into Islamic topics they free to do so but not everyone will do as they have not the time or the will to. In the meantime we do not confuse them with our flawed explanations.
These guys literally said speech is created SubhanAllah, the Quran you read is not really what Allah spoke. Alhamdulillah for recognizing the deviance they are upon
Dont take knowledge of these fake shayks. lets see what Ibn Hajar says in his Fath Al-Bārī 15/465-467. He writes; والرابع قول الكرامية انه محدث لا مخلوق وسيأتي بسط القول فيه في الباب الذي بعده والخامس انه كلام الله غير مخلوق انه لم يزل يتكلم إذا شاء نص على ذلك أحمد في كتاب الرد على الجهمية وافترق أصحابه فرقتين منهم من قال هو لازم لذاته والحروف والأصوات مقترنة لا متعاقبة ويسمع كلامه من شاء وأكثرهم قالوا انه متكلم بما شاء متى شاء وانه نادى موسى عليه السلام حين كلمه ولم يكن ناداه من قبل والذي Translation: The fourth: is the view of the Karrāmiyya that it is newly uttered (muhdath), not created (makhlūq)… And the fifth: is that it (the Qur’ān) is the speech of Allah, uncreated, and that He has been - since before creation - speaking whenever He pleases. Ahmad expressed that in Kitāb al-Radd ‘ala Al-Jahmiyya. But his disciples have split into two factions: One of them says: that it is inseparable from His being while the letters and sounds are on an even plain (muqtarina), not following one another in a sequence (muta’āqiba). And he allows whomever He pleases to hear His speech. However, MOST of them said: ‘Verily He is one who speaks (mutakallim) with what He pleases and when He pleases. And when he summoned Musa (صلى الله عليه وسلم) when He spoke to him He had not summoned him prior to that time [in pre-eternity].” (end translation) Here we see that Ibn Hajar acknowledges that the Hanbalis have split into two groups, and that actually Ahmad and the MOST of them are at the same view as the Karaamiyyah and the Taymiyyan/Salafi view. The minority Hanbali view is semi-kalaami stance, which was refuted by the most of the Hanbalis. So it is one BIG LIE, claiming that Taymiyyah/Salafi view is not the same as the Hanbali view, whereby it is exactly the same as what the view most of the Hanbalis is. Note: The view of Karaamiyyah is the same as the view as Ahmad and the most of the Hanbalis except that the Karaamiyyah were upon the view that Allah was not ever been like that, and that He aquired the ability to speak after not having it, then became the one who speaks whenever He wills.
The karramiyah view is not similar to Ahmad but rather it is based on the false premise of the ahle kalaam that Hawadith cannot exist pre eternally and they must begin to exist at some point of time. Unlike them, Ahmad held that the actions of Allah though are tied to his will and power have been occuring pre eternally without a beginning just as his essence is pre eternal without a beginning.
@reflection5057 thats the only difference, for the rest it is the same that it is with sound and letter and uncreated, and that it is realy Allaah who talks with His Dhaat. It is just that they said that it had a first start by His Will. If you think about it, God must had a first instance of speech (by his will), else you will be face a infinite refress which is impossible. Hence the view of the Karraamiyyah is the correct one.
@@reflection5057 For your info, Ahmad believed that God was alone and then started creating. He mentioned this in Radd alaa Jahmiyyah. This means he didnt believe in hawaadith awwalu lahu as Ibn Taymiyyah believes.
وَأَمَّا تَحْرِيفُهُمْ: {مِنْ ذِكْرٍ مِنْ رَبِّهِمْ مُحْدَثٍ} [الأنبياء: ٢] ، فَإِنَّمَا حَدَثَ عِنْدَ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ وَأَصْحَابِهِ لَمَّا عَلَّمَهُ اللَّهُ مَا لَمْ يَكُنْ يَعْلَمُ خلق أفعال العباد للبخاريّ As for their distortion of the verse: {A new reminder from their Lord comes to them} [Al-Anbiya: 2], it [the revelation] only occurred during the time of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and his companions when Allah taught him what he did not previously know. If you’re using this ayah as evidence, then it appears that Imam Bukharis speech here applies to you also. Ask yourself, how similar are your views to the Jahmiyyah?
I don't like uluma who say things should only be discussed in a class room. They are controlling the religion. Do they think we are stupid. I will never listen to a person like this.
You don't understand what they mean. They are not 'controlling' the religion! They simply mean that such topics are intricate and require a certain level of pre-requisite knowledge in order to understand, otherwise a person risks committing blasphemy etc. Nobody is stopping you from learning these subjects, it's not hidden. Rather, such subjects should be studied in context in an academic manner.
Every type of field has expertise to it. If you don’t have the background knowledge, yes, indeed you will not understand most of it. You may understand the used words but not the composite meaning.
Will you explain calculus to a 3rd grader? No! Understanding calculus requires you to understand a lot lot more before. First you teach the 3rd grader, algebra and how equations work. Then you slowly teach them more and more, so they don't get confused.
So if arabic and languages asa a genus are created than the very word الله ، is created😂 so in pre eternity how did Allah describe himself? The ashari creed has so many flaws in it, their intent was good though, but in the end they are just an off shoot of the Mutazilites (Arab Platonians/aristotlians)
"Describe(or description)" is an explanation of some quality/attribute isn't it? So the Quality is there and was always there. The description in our time came in the form of words in various languages or manners of expression etc. in that time we don't know and don't need to know as the description/manner of expression can change in whichever way or language you want to
Wallahi, listening to these two speakers I felt like vomiting. Pure misguidance and deviation The extent that they will defend their Greek philosophical foundation is unreal
@@ReturningRuh'Allah is free from change inside his entity' what is your evidence? This is the same principle used by greek philosophers like Aristotle. This is one proof of his misguidance
@@muhammedtrawally1798 because He’s Eternal. It’s not even Greek philosophy at that point. Eternal Attributes and Eternal Dhatt don’t go through changes
@@ReturningRuh the attributes of god are of two types, the attribute of the self(sifat zat) and attribute of actions. For example god's speech, he has the attributes of speak which is eternal and he can also speak any time he wants. Saying that if god speaks it undergoes changes, and changes necessitate dependency and so in is just a mere claim with no proofs.
@@muhammedtrawally1798 You don’t understand the position being made and how it’s explained hence why your response doesn’t follow. The claim wasn’t “if God speaks it undergoes changes and changes necessitates dependency” Quote verbatim what was said
Introducing the AI Arabic Intensive: Ten weeks of handcrafted then AI-optimized lessons, quizzes and tests teaching you the essentials of Arabic grammar, morphology, and vocabulary-the first of its kind. Starting January 2025. Learn more at
Promo: Be among the first ten students to register for the intensive and receive 15% off. Invite five students to join you, and you won't pay a thing!
Shaykh Yasir Al Hanfi is a great Scholar MashaAllah ❤. May Allah preserve him.
@@muhammadhaazim he ain’t no scholar!!!
@@rehanriaz620 and why so ?
@@rehanriaz620 Alhamdolillah Sheikh Yasir Al-Hanafi is a great scholar who has refuted Ghairmuqallids/pseudosalafis
Yasir Hanafi is a takfiri
@@SalmaiChicken really and who he declared as kafir ?
Jazak Allahu khairan for this clear refutation of all the gross accusations made against the Ashari creed on Kalam Allah.
this was exactly the need of the hour. jazakallah,may allah bless both the shayks.
I used to play football with Maulana Yasir. He never used to pass the ball to anyone. 😂
He only passed it to good players! 😂
We used to have such a player too. We called him Stinge-dano
Alhamdulilah, this was a rational way to refute jake brancatella.
Was jake brancatella not a student of dr Shadee ?.
@MuhammadAli-vp7qt I'm not fully sure to be honest
جزاك الله خير for putting this up Sayyidi
1:17:09 I liked particularly br Umar's argument of "Qur'an being protected", how can an attribute be protected, good point IMO. Jazakumullah Khair.👍
Are you trying to say that Quran is not the word of god?
@@muhammedtrawally1798 No one said that, please watch the actual video.
@@africandawahrevival alhamdulillah no one said so
Can be easily refuted .
Very poor argument, IMO .
The Quran is uncreated word of Allah .
I completely agree the points raised on the onset of the talk by the British asheikh speaker in that these topics aren't for the layman...rather as his teachers professed, should only be studied in the Halaqat of knowledge and thier likes.
Shaykh Yasir al Hanafi.
Excellent presentation
جزاك اللهُ خيراً
ماشاء الله واللهم بارك في امتنا وبارك في شيوخنا ويسرنا لما تحب وترضى
Languages as a genus are from Allahs eternal knowledge, hence they are not created,they are abstract, and kalaam is a attribute Allah uses to communicate his eternal knowledge. So the instances of him speaking to creation are haqeeqi not through created means.
Uncreatedness for other than Allâh SWT ?? Do you even think about what you're saying?
What on earth 😂
Check minute 14:56 bro The sheikh talks about the languange
GOD S KALAM is ever flowing. Non stop
Dont talk nonsese. Is your God still saying to Musa: Take of your shoes?
'Allah is free from change inside his entity' what is your evidence?
This is the same principle used by greek philosophers like Aristotle.
Are you serious?
Salams are you Omar Abbasi from DU Buffalo
@@omarabbasi2682 just go and study the unmovable mover by Aristotle, you will realized what am saying
@@ibnawesome No but i help Dr Shadee
What evidence do you need, everything that changes is hadith. It then goes back in a universal cycle, for God to God and free of the cycle would require him to be independent of the cycle. If that happens then, you wouldn't exist.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
Is the quran we read كلام الله Allah's speech?
Is الم حم عسق are the speech of Allaha?
Please give me clear answer.
intro audio please
I cant wait next friday for jumu'a.
The imam will speak the audience in his nafs because according to these two "kalam" is not only sound and letters but also when you speak in yourself.
Can u imagine it ? 25 minutes watching to the imam on the minbar while he only is turning with his head not opening his mouth?
Dont listen two these 2 clows
Salam, I appreciate this subject. Scientists took a bird and separated it before it was born so it had never heard other birds sing. When the bird hatched and grew then it sang the same song as the other birds in its species. Why? So if the speech was not learned then how? So I question the idea of speech being developed. What if there was a child born and it actually had the language programmed into its soul. Reminds me of the story of Jesus talking as a child. What if the child had a specific “song”. You could make a leap and say that potentially Moses had this “song” imprinted in him. That he is the tablet the commandments were written within. It makes sense. How were the first compassionate ones viewed? The “song” would have been considered weak and worthless. Just like turn the other cheek. Not looking to cause trouble here. Just want to bring some perspective that begins to unravel this puzzle. If he was the most compassionate and merciful then it would be a foreign idea to a kill or be killed society.
This comment section is wild.
الله المستعان
What did Mossa alihi as salaam hear? Was it kalaam nafsi or kalaam lafdhi. If it was the later, which is created, did Allah tell Moosa alihi to worship His created speech by saying أعبدني.i.e. worship something created.
Also can the shukooh name a single sahabi who said kalaam of Allah is nafsi and lafdhi.
What about asking them whether God in his inner speech is eternally adressing a non-existant Musa ?
@@oeshkoer كن فيكون
What your response about allah teaching the Adam the names of angels..?
That language of the teaching are transmitted to children
Is Allah mutakalim? Is the quran qe read from Fatiha to Alnas, not speech of Allah?
What is the speech of Allah.
Did you not watch the video?
They think they are very intellectual and have discovered something that will bring Muslims closer to Allah. We should remember that these are the same people against whom Ahmad bin Hanbal (رحمه الله) defended Islam, i.e., the Mutazillah. There is no doubt that the Qur'an is the uncreated speech of Allah. They are discussing matters that the Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and his companions (رضى الله عنهم) were not aware of. The person on the left seems so excited to share his misguidance with other Muslims. I doubt he possesses even a single brain cell to understand that engaging in discussions on topics the Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) did not address can only lead to misguidance. He believes that the opinions of some misguided scholars are binding upon us, not realizing that only the Qur'an and Sunnah are binding upon us. May Allah protect us from these misguided individuals!
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "Whoever innovates something in this matter of ours (i.e. Islam) that is not part of it, will have it rejected." - Sunan Ibn Majah 14
What are you talking about! The Asharis destroyed the Mutazillah (and all other deviant groups) ... Remember, there were no Salafis around at that time to defend Ahle Sunnah!
As for engaging in discussions on topics that the Prophet SAW did not address, can you show us where the Prophet SAW engaged in discussions on the sciences of Hadiths ie. Which Hadith are Sahih, which are daeef etc, the science pertaining to jarh wa tadeel etc etc???
The Quran and Sunnah are binding upon us but how do you understand the Quran and Sunnah without the scholars?
@@abyrahman6610 So, according to you Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him should have graded his Hadith when he was the direct source of Hadith? 😂You don't even know what you are talking about, with all due respect. Regarding Al-Jarh Wa al-Ta'dil, If there was no need of grading the Hadith, then there was no need of it. You are speaking gibberish. You should think before speaking. Educate yourself before speaking on anything related to Islam.
@@sarfarazmir8550 what I'm implying brother is that at the time of the Sahaba (RA) there was no need to have detailed discussions around aqeeda because it hadn't been corrupted. They understood the true meaning of 'laytha-kamithlihee-shey'.. They did not compare Allah SWT with the creation. This became a fitnah later in the ummah, so the ulema had to deal with it and so went into detail about Aqeeda.
Go and learn the history of the Deen and then maybe you might understand.
@@abyrahman6610 I'm well aware of the history of different creeds like Athari, Mutazillah, Ashari, and Maturudis. So, I don't need a history lesson on them. You are running away from what you said earlier which was that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) didn't tell us about the sciences of Hadith. It is obvious that the sciences of Hadith (علوم الحديث) isn't related to Aqeedah. Now, you are saying that you were implying the companions of Prophet (PBHU) had no need of discussing Aqeedah in detail, which is really hypocritical. If you were honest enough to accept that what you said earlier was related to the sciences of Hadith rather than Aqeedah, it would have been great, but it seems you are not honest enough to accept that. I would like to give you a brief history lesson of the Ashari creed because it seems you are unaware of this misguided creed. Speaking of Ashari creed, it emerged from Abu Hasan al-Ashari who was raised in Mu'tazilli household (i.e. the household of Abu Alee al-Jubaa'ee). Later on he reverted from that and started following ‘Abdullah ibn Sa‘eed ibn Kullaab, and refuting the creed while having some of their principles in common. At last, he left all of their principles, and started following the Salaf without having anything in common with the Mu'tazillah. To say that the companions of the Prophet (PBUH) had no need of going in detail in Aqeedah because there was no corrupted creeds at that time, you are just affirming that Mu'tazillah and Asharis are corrupted. These creeds came after the companions of the Prophet (PBUH). So, what I'm saying is that we should only follow what the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions believed. There is no need to ask no sense questions related Allah's attributes because we can't understand everything about Allah. Our mind is limited just as our eyesight is limited. Even the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon, forbade asking too many questions in Islam. I hope you will reflect on what I told you.
@@sarfarazmir8550 the point about the Hadeeth is that the sciences of Hadeeth were developed later, not taught by the Prophet SAW yet you depend heavily on such sciences to understand Hadeeth. Similarly, the sciences of creed were developed later to understand creed. As a Salafi, you make the same mistake of over simplifying matters, you can't just go back to the Salaf without the scholars of the Deen. Brother, let's leave it at that as in my experience with Salafis, you end up going around in circles!
Imam ahlul sunnah Ahmad bin hamble
Imam darrul hijra (Malik bin anas)
Imam shafi
Imam Bukhari
Imam safyan al thowri
Imam tirmidi
The razi Brothers
And the list goes on
They was not ashari
Ashari creed was invented later in time.
The salaf of this ummah are the people of Hadith ahlul Hadith
All upon the athari creed
The Athari Creed is Tafweed brother. This is also a system within the Ashari Aqeedah.
You've made such a jahil comment that it's not worth a response!
@@abyrahman6610 No. the Wahhabis and the Taymis are juhhaal for following stupid tajseem aqeedah and lying about the Atharis. the atharis are free from your sicknesses.
@@abyrahman6610 Well you’ve responded.
Go through the comment and check what is so jahil go learn about these imams as mentioned above to know there beliefs
Shaykh Yasir is of the Deobandi movement to my understanding. It's important for those watching to understand his perspective being from that perspective.
Deoband doesn't have a unique creed, especially regarding the speech of Allah. The sheikh is Ash'ari and is speaking as an Ash'ari here, which is in line with the majority of scholars.
@@MuhammadA34777 They do for various other aspects.
I actually find the Deobandi movement the most reasonable when it comes to sectarian differences. They are in between Salafi and Sufi ideologies. But that’s just my view.
@@hayderia110 nope. Read Qari Muhammad Tayyab's Sharh on Tahawiyyah. Exactly in line with the Maturidi creed.
@@MuhammadA34777 They have varied creed on other aspects.
Damn Dr Shady got dominated. Sh Yasir was DEEP!
Its an interview not a debate
Allah talks whenever he wants , with words that are audible
Words of GOD are not created
This is the aqeedah of salaf
وكلم الله موسى تكليكما
Shadee the barelwi
Please do not bring any uluma on your channel who think the ummah are stupid.
The ummah is not considered stupid but trying to teach one topic medicine subjects to public who have not studied it from the beginning is dumb. Trying to teach a child medicine when he has not done his GCSE or Metrics or higher school curriculam is daft. Similarly teaching the public subjects that not in their field is daft unless necessary in time if confusion.
Similarly Islamic subjects has levels and stages and whole curriculam. You cannot teach that in one day or one session. The masses are experts in their own fields but does not mean they will be automatically are experts in all islamic subjects.
If I was to teach this topic to my mum who comes from a village in rural pakistan, it's daft. She would be looking at me, why I am wasting my and her time...those who want to go further into Islamic topics they free to do so but not everyone will do as they have not the time or the will to. In the meantime we do not confuse them with our flawed explanations.
Alhumdulliah for salafia!!!
The first 3 generations? YES!
Today's group? NOOOOO!
These guys literally said speech is created SubhanAllah, the Quran you read is not really what Allah spoke. Alhamdulillah for recognizing the deviance they are upon
Zandaqa jahmia
Dont take knowledge of these fake shayks. lets see what Ibn Hajar says in his Fath Al-Bārī 15/465-467.
He writes;
والرابع قول الكرامية انه محدث لا مخلوق وسيأتي بسط القول فيه في الباب الذي بعده
والخامس انه كلام الله غير مخلوق انه لم يزل يتكلم إذا شاء نص على ذلك أحمد في كتاب الرد على الجهمية وافترق أصحابه فرقتين منهم من قال هو لازم لذاته والحروف والأصوات مقترنة لا متعاقبة ويسمع كلامه من شاء
وأكثرهم قالوا انه متكلم بما شاء متى شاء وانه نادى موسى عليه السلام حين كلمه ولم يكن ناداه من قبل والذي
The fourth: is the view of the Karrāmiyya that it is newly uttered (muhdath), not created (makhlūq)…
And the fifth: is that it (the Qur’ān) is the speech of Allah, uncreated, and that He has been - since before creation - speaking whenever He pleases.
Ahmad expressed that in Kitāb al-Radd ‘ala Al-Jahmiyya. But his disciples have split into two factions:
One of them says: that it is inseparable from His being while the letters and sounds are on an even plain (muqtarina), not following one another in a sequence (muta’āqiba). And he allows whomever He pleases to hear His speech.
However, MOST of them said: ‘Verily He is one who speaks (mutakallim) with what He pleases and when He pleases. And when he summoned Musa (صلى الله عليه وسلم) when He spoke to him He had not summoned him prior to that time [in pre-eternity].”
(end translation)
Here we see that Ibn Hajar acknowledges that the Hanbalis have split into two groups, and that actually Ahmad and the MOST of them are at the same view as the Karaamiyyah and the Taymiyyan/Salafi view.
The minority Hanbali view is semi-kalaami stance, which was refuted by the most of the Hanbalis.
So it is one BIG LIE, claiming that Taymiyyah/Salafi view is not the same as the Hanbali view, whereby it is exactly the same as what the view most of the Hanbalis is.
Note: The view of Karaamiyyah is the same as the view as Ahmad and the most of the Hanbalis except that the Karaamiyyah were upon the view that Allah was not ever been like that, and that He aquired the ability to speak after not having it, then became the one who speaks whenever He wills.
You are the Clown here ,you are a arrogant ignorant Wahhabi /Salafi Takfiri Jihadie Mentality Ideology propagandist figure.
The karramiyah view is not similar to Ahmad but rather it is based on the false premise of the ahle kalaam that Hawadith cannot exist pre eternally and they must begin to exist at some point of time. Unlike them, Ahmad held that the actions of Allah though are tied to his will and power have been occuring pre eternally without a beginning just as his essence is pre eternal without a beginning.
@reflection5057 thats the only difference, for the rest it is the same that it is with sound and letter and uncreated, and that it is realy Allaah who talks with His Dhaat. It is just that they said that it had a first start by His Will.
If you think about it, God must had a first instance of speech (by his will), else you will be face a infinite refress which is impossible. Hence the view of the Karraamiyyah is the correct one.
@@reflection5057 For your info, Ahmad believed that God was alone and then started creating. He mentioned this in Radd alaa Jahmiyyah. This means he didnt believe in hawaadith awwalu lahu as Ibn Taymiyyah believes.
How about do a podcast with this Devbandi about whether Allah can lie or not?
If you’re not for unity tawheed then you’re riding with the devil and helping him. Plain and simple.
This is a barelvi issue, they're the ones that keep bringing it up. I've never seen any deobandi discussing this in private or public
Why don't we have a podcast with you and ask you if your father is really your father? @shahshareef
Shareef Sir, don’t peddle your misinformation
Barelvis ignorance is just epic. A'LA Hazrat did definitely distort the facts. His works destroyed the unity of the Ummah of Rasullullah SAW
وَأَمَّا تَحْرِيفُهُمْ: {مِنْ ذِكْرٍ مِنْ رَبِّهِمْ مُحْدَثٍ} [الأنبياء: ٢] ، فَإِنَّمَا حَدَثَ عِنْدَ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ وَأَصْحَابِهِ لَمَّا عَلَّمَهُ اللَّهُ مَا لَمْ يَكُنْ يَعْلَمُ
خلق أفعال العباد للبخاريّ
As for their distortion of the verse: {A new reminder from their Lord comes to them} [Al-Anbiya: 2], it [the revelation] only occurred during the time of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and his companions when Allah taught him what he did not previously know.
If you’re using this ayah as evidence, then it appears that Imam Bukharis speech here applies to you also. Ask yourself, how similar are your views to the Jahmiyyah?
The point is that it was محدث for the Prophet ﷺ and the Sahabah who had never heard it before
I don't like uluma who say things should only be discussed in a class room. They are controlling the religion. Do they think we are stupid. I will never listen to a person like this.
You don't understand what they mean. They are not 'controlling' the religion! They simply mean that such topics are intricate and require a certain level of pre-requisite knowledge in order to understand, otherwise a person risks committing blasphemy etc. Nobody is stopping you from learning these subjects, it's not hidden. Rather, such subjects should be studied in context in an academic manner.
Every type of field has expertise to it. If you don’t have the background knowledge, yes, indeed you will not understand most of it. You may understand the used words but not the composite meaning.
Will you explain calculus to a 3rd grader? No! Understanding calculus requires you to understand a lot lot more before. First you teach the 3rd grader, algebra and how equations work. Then you slowly teach them more and more, so they don't get confused.
So if arabic and languages asa a genus are created than the very word الله ، is created😂 so in pre eternity how did Allah describe himself? The ashari creed has so many flaws in it, their intent was good though, but in the end they are just an off shoot of the Mutazilites (Arab Platonians/aristotlians)
"Describe(or description)" is an explanation of some quality/attribute isn't it? So the Quality is there and was always there. The description in our time came in the form of words in various languages or manners of expression etc. in that time we don't know and don't need to know as the description/manner of expression can change in whichever way or language you want to
Leave it to the scholars. Or maybe go and sit with these scholars and read the texts with them as they proposed in the video
@@LUQMAAN308 so the word Allah is created or it was his name eternally
@@mohammedumar147 so Allah gained the name Allah after creating arabic?
@@fadan950 are you suggesting the Creator depends on His name for existence? Is an arabic name what makes God who He is?
Ashaa'irah 💀💀
Wallahi, listening to these two speakers I felt like vomiting. Pure misguidance and deviation
The extent that they will defend their Greek philosophical foundation is unreal
You can call it misguidance, but you’re just making a claim you can’t back up. The Sheikh brought proofs and you brought nothing.
@@ReturningRuh'Allah is free from change inside his entity' what is your evidence?
This is the same principle used by greek philosophers like Aristotle.
This is one proof of his misguidance
@@muhammedtrawally1798 because He’s Eternal. It’s not even Greek philosophy at that point. Eternal Attributes and Eternal Dhatt don’t go through changes
@@ReturningRuh the attributes of god are of two types, the attribute of the self(sifat zat) and attribute of actions. For example god's speech, he has the attributes of speak which is eternal and he can also speak any time he wants.
Saying that if god speaks it undergoes changes, and changes necessitate dependency and so in is just a mere claim with no proofs.
@@muhammedtrawally1798 You don’t understand the position being made and how it’s explained hence why your response doesn’t follow. The claim wasn’t “if God speaks it undergoes changes and changes necessitates dependency” Quote verbatim what was said
Was jake brancatella not a student of dr Shadee in the day before..