《Love's Boundless Flight》-「香港校際合唱節HKICF x 目養計劃New Sight」線上合唱團 Virtual Choir Project 2024
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ม.ค. 2025
- 為了讓學生在享受合唱音樂的同時,認識更多社會上有需要的群體,回饋社群,HKICF 自 2023 年起每年均與不同社福機構合作,攜手舉辦線上合唱團活動,盼藉此寶貴機會,以歌聲宣揚愛與關懷。
我們很榮幸與另一慈善機構「目養計劃」(New Sight )合作,突破地域界限,攜手舉辦香港校際合唱節 2024 線上合唱團活動,盼藉此寶貴機會,讓遠在非洲剛果的學生與香港學生共同唱和,支援香港醫生在非洲建立眼科醫院的慈善工作,為恢復和保護非洲人民的視力出一分力。是次活動的參加者費用全免,旨在推廣社會共融,以歌聲宣揚愛與關懷。
活動成功吸引了學界近 50 個合唱團,涵蓋中、小學及社區合唱團,超過 2,000 名學生參加。為了使活動更有意義,大會委聘了著名爵士鋼琴家張貝芝女士創作主題曲《Love’s Boundless Flight》。歌曲特意加入以非洲節奏,並譜上有意義的歌曲,盼藉此以音樂傳遞愛與關懷,超越地域界限,讓同學關心世界各個角落有需要的人。
HKICF is committed to promoting choral music as a means of social engagement and empowerment. Starting in 2023, HKICF has collaborated with different social welfare organisations to organise virtual choir activities, hoping to use this opportunity to spread the message of love and care through singing and to raise awareness of the underprivileged in society.
This year, we are proud to collaborate with the charity New Sight, supporting the remarkable mission of a Hong Kong physician in the Republic of Congo, Africa, to restore and protect sight through operating an eye hospital. The project is a non-profit programme, with no participation fees, aiming to spread love and care through choral singing. Participating choirs will film their choir performance, which will then be edited into a complete music video by the HKVC and broadcast through various channels after the premiere.
The project has attracted nearly 50 school choirs, over 2000 students to join. To make the event more meaningful, the HKICF has commissioned renowned jazz pianist, Ms. Joyce Cheung, to compose the theme song “Love’s Boundless Flight”, symbolising the connection with Africa and delivering love and care despite geographical boundaries. We hope this inspirational project will spread love and care for those in need and serve as a reminder that everyone is born to make a difference.