Ah at last found you! Been looking for you for days, couldn't remember your name. Have you ever done Emilie's Harjedalschottish? I'm gradually making it, slowly, everyday with her special bowing that she does for that piece. You had bowing on her sheet music? For the bowing I have to slow down her video. You said subscribe to her lessons and scores, I tried, but hell! Did you have trouble signing on to her Patreon site for the scores and bowing instructions? Because I did, I only have a mobile and very little network, I tried for 5 days, just would not work. And my bank account was hacked. I nearly paid 40 dollars to some American company, my bank stopped it, luckily. Then 100euros were taken from account in 3 goes! I had to change the account. I'll try again for Patreon maybe in a month, but not in any hurry. How are you getting on? Working on what piece now? See ya!
Bravo!! So when you live in Portugal where do you find a nyckelharpa? Ive only been learning for a month. One day I'll play like you,. I hope!
Outstanding! Bravo!
thank you so much!
Ah at last found you! Been looking for you for days, couldn't remember your name. Have you ever done Emilie's Harjedalschottish? I'm gradually making it, slowly, everyday with her special bowing that she does for that piece. You had bowing on her sheet music? For the bowing I have to slow down her video. You said subscribe to her lessons and scores, I tried, but hell! Did you have trouble signing on to her Patreon site for the scores and bowing instructions? Because I did, I only have a mobile and very little network, I tried for 5 days, just would not work. And my bank account was hacked. I nearly paid 40 dollars to some American company, my bank stopped it, luckily. Then 100euros were taken from account in 3 goes! I had to change the account. I'll try again for Patreon maybe in a month, but not in any hurry.
How are you getting on? Working on what piece now? See ya!