Love it. I had a couple friends listen to it, and they only got through 10 min. each! Afterwards, they complained that they had a massive headache, and they were unable to spell anything. LOL
Okay a lot of people are expecting something magic to happen when listening to this. Bineural beats are designed to make it easier for you to slip into hypnosis or a deep sense of relaxing. Yes your brain might force you to hear strange sounds but that is only if you sorta ignore the sounds and try to empty your head. I personally meditate to this, and it helps in a way. You escape the real world as you stop thinking about the sound that's blasted into your head, and start focusing on nothing. Just drifting away in your mind to bliss. People, this is not magic sorcery that makes you trip, it's a way to achieve a medidataory state. Sorry for bad English, but it's not my main language.
This works best when combined with positive affirmations. Don't let the sound scare you, your body and mind will adjust. It cracks open your subconscious and gets information through quicker. I use it once a week for meditation and visualization
Smoked some pot (just on big joint) and meditated to this and man.. when I entered that deep-meditation state I started breathing really heavy, then my heart began racing fast, like if my body was burning calories (theoreticaly) and I remember I was soo focust but here comes the interesting part. After trying to calm myself, my abdomen section was feeling tingly or kind of like that "gut feeling" you get when nervious and was pretty consistent and finally energy or whatever you call it (chi,etc.) It felt so overwelming, I felt this intense energy as I call it, rushing through the core of my limbs and spine also brain. It felt so unreal, I started to freaked out since I wasn't use to these powerfull and incredible sensations.I gradually came back and was shaking lol
I took them out after 4 or 5 minutes... I hear a high peep in my ears and I heard the radio sort of in the distance... only scary because I'm reading the comments...
This one helped me zone out and slow the racing thoughts down. Not all binaural recordings work for everyone. You have to keep listening until you find one that relaxes you. Like one of the comments below..I developed a complete headache from some I had listened to. So glad for this one to work. Thanks very much for this recording.
this thing works: perception gradually becomes more clear and mind more calm, not immediatelly, of course. also, two different beats really turn into one higher sound thread, then breaking down again into same two beats. maybe, it's my case, but that's how it happens to me now.
TIP FOR EVERYONE NEW TO THIS: 1.At first you hear 2 tones, try make them into one tone in your head.(To me it was a mid "Hum" ) 2.Once you achieved that keep concentrating on this tone as hard as you can closing your eyes and empty all other thoughts. Now you will feel something
Phenomenal advice MKZ. Your incredibly simple tip on focusing on the single tone just gave me the best binaural beat experience I've had to date. Sending positive vibes in your direction!
can't tell if this really works or if it's just a placebo effect from my brain telling me it works, but it's definitely helping me bang out this essay.
A college dormmate told me about these things. i just listened to this for 16 minutes and when i was done i felt like i was more in-tune with the world and my ears caught alot more sounds.
my ears caught every noise in the surrounding....with deep clarity....the birds chirping was distinct....babys crying in houses....all these small noises become so much louder and clearer.!!!
One of the better ones I've heard, many try to make it interesting with lots of transitions and different sounds, that's not what you want. You need this type of sound with gradual transitions to let your mind let go. Good stuff
Wow, I've listened to Binaural Beats before but only with limited success. I don't know if I exactly entered another dimension, but it was damn close at the very least. Additionally, I broke out into a hot flash and began sweating from it. This is ultimately what ended my experience at about 27 minutes in. I kept being told to ignore it and just clear my mind, but eventually, the hot flash and sweating became too distracting and I fell out of whatever level of consciousness I was in. At that point, I ended the meditation and quickly got cold from all the sweat on me. I was on the crest of something. I'll definitely be trying this one again.
just relax, breathe in through the nose out through the mouth, just let the sounds catch the drift of your awareness, and just tell yourself to "let go".
This particular sound sends anxious sensations throughout my whole body. Could only listen for a couple of minutes before it became an overwhelming sensation.
jak sobie wyłonczyłem to po 3 minutach to taki sam dzwiek miałem w uszach i chyba to działa bo się strasznie wyluzowany czułem i żygać mi sie chciało xD
+Trisha Gupta Thats a good sign love. Ever stimulated a gland and not felt severe pleasure or pain? Comes from stimulating the pineal gland, the discomfort is because the gland had atrophied through lack of use, kinda like a man blind for 30 years is suddenly gifted sight, the light would ache his eyes. It goes after a regular stimulation exercise (once a day). You may still get a grissle type crunchy sound from the nape of your neck @ the join between the spine and the base of tue skull. this too is a good sign. Namaste Trisha, I hope this helps. x
no idea what anyone's on about. listened to this for 10 minutes, cannot hear a third tone nor has it caused any sound hallucination. feel a little adjudicated by it. that is all
Nice, mixed beats that can be separated or merged and an undertone melody that comes and goes. Found out who scratched my car up bad over a year ago. Lol nice work.
INaINo Actually we can't hear, theoretically at least, anything under 20hrz, so those frequencies must be higher. And the effect is acheived by hearing two sinusoid frequencies, one in each ear, but with little difference between them. Oh God I could write it hearing them!!!!!!!!!!!!
***** 40 minut, przechodziłem obok płotu pies zaczął szczekać - pierw się wystraszyłem potem zacząłem się brechtać, fajny schiz, jego szczek był fajnie zniekształcony :D
wow, i got high and listened to this for 15 mins and it completely killed my high. i had to go smoke some more weed. thanks a lot for making me waste my weed.
I suppose that's the brain adapting to the volume level. Ever found yourself turning down the volume while watching tv? Or ever joined someone watching who has been watching for a while and wondering why he has the volume so low? There you go.
I have been listening to this frequency on and off for over a year now and when I started it was strange but I continual until it opened by pineal gland. I continual now listening because it gives me clarity and calmness, it keeps me focus. The best time to listen is right before bed time lying down with your eyes close.
When I stop listening to this and take my headphones off I continue to hear a strange noise within my head, its almost like a mechanical white noise. Not only do I hear it but it also distorts anything else that I hear. This lasts for a few minuets. Anyone else had the same happen to them?
bro this the the video i have been searching for that i found when i was like 12 years old. i have never forgotten that hallucinatory effect ever since it happened so long ago. I thought there would of been many to alter my perception like that but no.
I call it the tone. It's like a high frequency noise that's in your head, you can learn to change the pitch/ volume. I hear this tone when I meditate as well. I havent gotten any straight answers myself but I believe it is YOUR bio frequency that you are hearing. It's you, resonating.
does anyone know if this could possibly cause sleep paralysis? I heard this while meditating for the first and last time about 10 months ago and ever since I've had sleep paralysis, is just creeps me out that the same day I meditated, I took a nap right after and I experience my first episode..
+Tania Mireles Don't be scared of sleep paralysis, the fear is all in your head. Sleep paralysis is necessary to lucid dream, astral travel, etc. So if you have sleep paralysis, you're one step away from an out of body experience.
Listened for 25 mins. At 20 i started to hallucinate 0.o! Saw a creapy face with weird teeth laughing at me, and saw a wooden box, that opened and than an eye came out... Dude i tripped like shit
this made me fall asleep really easily. I've been having trouble sleeping for the past week or so and this really helped. It also made me feel good and it wasn't too harsh of a noise were i wanted to stop. It was kind of hypnotic
I found it quite good, the more I relaxed the louder it became and then forever changing. I feel really spaced out but very comfortable. I shall use this often
I couldn't get even 30 seconds into this. Whatever it was doing to my body, it just freaked me out. I can't stand any of that "music for concentration" either. I probably haven't reached some meditation mental-physiological level mumbo-jumbo but...I don't...get this.... What is this supposed to do anyway?
If you feel tingles in your body don't be afraid, it's called ASMR. ASMR is used to calm and relax the body. If you ever feel stressed just put two headphones in and search up ASMR videos. My favorites are ephemeral rift or lillium. (:
laura maxson It still freaks me out... You know, I was born with PDDNOS, meaning that my nervous system is wired a little differently--like, when a lot of people are talking at once I get overwhelmed because it's difficult for me to "tune out" and listen to one voice. I think that has something to do with it.
Bu cok dikkat dagitici bi ses ben faha once denemistim ve ortamda hic ses olmamasi beni daha cok konsantre etmisti ama hayatimda hic bu kadar rahatlamamistim tekrar yapamiyorum simdi . Hazioz
I think we all seem to have the same question? What are WE supposed to do? I saw a scene and an event taking place, but who's to say if it's real or just manipulated by the "beat"?
the only thing the "beat" does is in theory synchronize your brainwaves to have a more focused and efficient process of thought. All these sounds are is 2 different frequencies of pitch or tones that when played into both ears creates a reaction in your brain that simulates a third sound. If you listen to these videos through headphones and only put in one ear, you will only hear a single frequency. So anything you see in your subconscious is only the doing of your imagination.
Well, I know that. But, I've always had trouble deciding whether there is any validity to the visions I've had. I used to attend sessions with a hypnotherapist, who would take me down to a deeply meditative state and then I would have these amazing visions that seemed to reveal much wisdom to me. I always asked her if they were real or imaginary, meaning did I invent them for my own entertainment or were they actually imparting wisdom to my everyday self? She never really answered me. Maybe you can. Since you don't know me, though, probably not. LOL It's just a thought anyway. Thank you for answering.
Thanks for the answer. I guess I could say, the whole point of the exercise she did with me was to gain wisdom, which would make it real enough to believe. Aha!
Lily Crisp Nothing is "supposed" to happen. Just understand that while you are doing this, there is nobody else on the planet that will have the same experience as you. Your experience is just as unique as mine and nobody feels exactly what you feel. Nobody sees exactly what you see. Everything is totally 100% unique to your experience only. Yes, the sounds may play a part in helping you to relax or maintain a meditative state, but that doesn't mean you're having some pre-set experience. That's impossible. Your experience is totally unique and it happens exactly the way it is supposed to for any given time. You can perceive your experience however you wish. If you don't think doing this has any positive effect on you, that's fine. Meditating is not a pre-requisite to being a healthy or spiritual person, so don't feel like you have to meditate for any reason at all. However, if the experience is pleasant for you, just enjoy the sensations, however it might be for you. If it is pleasurable, you are doing it right, no matter what you experience. Just go with it because meditation is like a skill. The more you do it, the easier it gets and the better your experiences will be. Whether your visions or experiences come from your mind or soul is irrelevant, because you are part of the same oversoul. Your mind wouldn't have caused you to have an experience unless your soul sent it. 1. Your soul (higher self) SENDS thoughts, ideas, circumstances, etc. 2. Your physical mind RECEIVES what the higher mind has sent. 3. Your conscious mind PERCEIVES that information. The only real thing you have control over is how you PERCEIVE what you higher self SENT to your physical mind. Generally, you can only perceive things in 1 of 2 ways - good or bad (and any shade in-between). Always focus on shifting your perception of any given situation as a GOOD experience and magic will begin happening in your life. So, when you meditate, is it a GOOD experience or a BAD experience? The choice is ultimately up to you. That's the power of free will. :)
After a few minutes, I just got really uncomfortable and had the sensation of being watched for a few hours after listening to this. Willing to listen again.
Is it just me? but i had my eyes closed in a dark room for the entire duration all i kept seeing was the outline or what seemed to me to be the Aura of a Lion with a thick mane or did this just make me trip out???.
Were you just admitted to a prison where the guards might be beasts? What did the lion tell you? This could be big...
it worked for me. after about ten minutes i felt myself go into a deep state almost sleep like in which i had no thoughts and was at one but before that there were many times that i felt like giving up as it was doing nothing. first i felt my hands like merge into one as they were clasped together it was very weird. my advice is to always revert back to your breathing when you feel your mind thinking
I hear a lot of background shit like faint muffled talking almost like a commercial announcer talking way off in the distance or somethin or maybe it's stereo waves or something it's so weird I can clearly hear it tho
David I heard that small part with the talking ... almost like when this was being recorded someone accidentally let that sound get in. Like someone opening a door or a tv was turned on in the next room.
I don't know how I've gone my whole life without hearing of this. I'm hoping someone can answer my question: Is this recording constant? Does it change at all throughout the 45 minutes? Or is it just my brain playing tricks on me?
This is a constant never changing recording of two tones that do not change in pitch. Its your brain trying to fill the gap between these two tones that makes it sound like that. Sometimes the third tone (made by your brain) can become weaker or stronger throughout the whole recording; thus the sense of the pitch/ speed of the tones playing can sound wavy.
+Brad Murphy (Normybrad) don't be scared...sleep paralysis is nececassry so you don't sleep walk...if you witness is, just think of it as a temporary thing. it will go away. it's not scary, I had it too as a child
After like 6 minutes I turned it off and took if my earplugs and I'm still hearing the beats loud and clear am I the only one hearing this after turnin it off?!
I don't think so, beacuse it works like this: - one frequence in one ear, and another in second, then brain generates third by using both frequences (or something like this).
btw, i'd like to ask you something, is that true, that even when you can't hear on one ear, you can still say what direction sounds come from without any problem?
Every time I come out of this.. I just feel like I breathe clearer. From my breath, my focus is to the sensation of the night air on my skin, and then to everything on my skin. It continues on and on from there, but TL;DR everything is... "crispy".
The way to do this is to start out by just consciously letting out the tension wherever you feel it in your body, then to concentrate on the beeping noise. For those with ADHD concentration might not be as easily defined so basically it's to think about the beeping noise. When you start thinking about other stuff as the brain tends to wander, just bring it back to the beeping noise. After a few days of doing 30 minutes per you'll notice the sequences between concentration and day dreaming are smaller as well as being more clear headed.
Don't listen to this when doing things that require concentration.... yeah right, i just played thru countless numbers of strategy intense computer games... and still won, yeah... right... it's fine to listen to this and do things with concentration.
I thought I'd give bineural beats a try since my recent fisherman's friend addiction had subsided. Needless to say after 30 minutes of "bineural beating off" the effects were immediate and distinct. First I began to hear the two frequencies merge into one tone. Then that one tone began to oscillate and honestly it sort of sounded like a dubstep star spangled banner. Then came the spiders. They were everywhere. Luckily bineural beats gave me such an acute sense of focus that I could crush things with pure thought. In a panicked state I quickly destroyed all the spiders. Binaural beats are relaxing too. so much so that I felt as if I was floating over my body which was also floating over another body which actually turned out to be a pillow, a really convincing throw pillow. Bineural beats also gave me euphoric hallucinations. In one hallucination I had two arms and two legs. In another I was calypso dancing, naked, on a stained futon in the middle of the freeway. Then I noticed if you skip forward in the video the blue wave is different calling attention to the hoax, the sham, the listless lie that is "bineural beats." Nothing is real.
I literally could not meditate until I found this. Now my anxiety has gone waaaaay down! Thank you!
Love it. I had a couple friends listen to it, and they only got through 10 min. each! Afterwards, they complained that they had a massive headache, and they were unable to spell anything. LOL
Okay a lot of people are expecting something magic to happen when listening to this. Bineural beats are designed to make it easier for you to slip into hypnosis or a deep sense of relaxing. Yes your brain might force you to hear strange sounds but that is only if you sorta ignore the sounds and try to empty your head. I personally meditate to this, and it helps in a way. You escape the real world as you stop thinking about the sound that's blasted into your head, and start focusing on nothing. Just drifting away in your mind to bliss. People, this is not magic sorcery that makes you trip, it's a way to achieve a medidataory state.
Sorry for bad English, but it's not my main language.
If that’s not your first language and you haven’t translated it, fair play 👏🏼
After I heard it, I suddendly turned happy, and began humming my own music. It really works! It's so cool!
This works best when combined with positive affirmations. Don't let the sound scare you, your body and mind will adjust. It cracks open your subconscious and gets information through quicker. I use it once a week for meditation and visualization
Smoked some pot (just on big joint) and meditated to this and man.. when I entered that deep-meditation state I started breathing really heavy, then my heart began racing fast, like if my body was burning calories (theoreticaly) and I remember I was soo focust but here comes the interesting part. After trying to calm myself, my abdomen section was feeling tingly or kind of like that "gut feeling" you get when nervious and was pretty consistent and finally energy or whatever you call it (chi,etc.) It felt so overwelming, I felt this intense energy as I call it, rushing through the core of my limbs and spine also brain. It felt so unreal, I started to freaked out since I wasn't use to these powerfull and incredible sensations.I gradually came back and was shaking lol
Lol I'm jealous
Dude I had this same experience. I pussed out, and opened my eyes. I wasn't ready to break through I guess ?
Nope, I'm Gay.
George O just fucking with you man
whatnameshouldichoose? I feel just a little bad when I listen this. But it's crape. I am too stronge mentaly to this.
No idea what my brain was doing but I felt like I was hearing music in the distance, old music like from the 40ies or 50ies...
+Manuela E. I'm not alone then ! As old music through a radio.
Wtf me too !
I took them out after 4 or 5 minutes... I hear a high peep in my ears and I heard the radio sort of in the distance... only scary because I'm reading the comments...
When i took the headphones off I heard a "froglike radio sound"... cant explain it better
This one helped me zone out and slow the racing thoughts down. Not all binaural recordings work for everyone. You have to keep listening until you find one that relaxes you. Like one of the comments below..I developed a complete headache from some I had listened to. So glad for this one to work.
Thanks very much for this recording.
this thing works: perception gradually becomes more clear and mind more calm, not immediatelly, of course. also, two different beats really turn into one higher sound thread, then breaking down again into same two beats. maybe, it's my case, but that's how it happens to me now.
Thanks to this binaural beats I'm 13 years old and when I meditate I get universal energy I see energy colors everywhere I listen to it 20mins a day.
Same, I’m 14 though your comment was a couple years ago
I've been listening for 10 minutes and now I can hear colors
I meditated to this for 30 minutes
And this kids is why you don't smoke crack.
Wait till I can taste color ohh boy
That's ma boy
This is one of the best meditation sounds I've ever heard. Thanks for the posting!
Solid meditation sound. It's weird but noticeably enhancing.
1.At first you hear 2 tones, try make them into one tone in your head.(To me it was a mid "Hum" )
2.Once you achieved that keep concentrating on this tone as hard as you can closing your eyes and empty all other thoughts.
Now you will feel something
Phenomenal advice MKZ. Your incredibly simple tip on focusing on the single tone just gave me the best binaural beat experience I've had to date. Sending positive vibes in your direction!
Amazing, now I can hear that o.O
Light Nova thxs
Thanks! This is really helpful.
Wow, definitely changed my outlook on binaural beats.
can't tell if this really works or if it's just a placebo effect from my brain telling me it works,
but it's definitely helping me bang out this essay.
Lmao TH-cam's trippen I just made that comment yesterday for @timthetatman
A college dormmate told me about these things. i just listened to this for 16 minutes and when i was done i felt like i was more in-tune with the world and my ears caught alot more sounds.
my ears caught every noise in the surrounding....with deep clarity....the birds chirping was distinct....babys crying in houses....all these small noises become so much louder and clearer.!!!
my head hurts
I'm about to finish 30 mins. with this video and I feel my head is aching
maybe it was to loud, or maybe you did it with an empty stomach.
I came here for the beats but all I got was an alien mating call. I want a damn refund! ;)
lol XD
lol me too
Answer it like the dude in District 9
One of the better ones I've heard, many try to make it interesting with lots of transitions and different sounds, that's not what you want. You need this type of sound with gradual transitions to let your mind let go. Good stuff
I'm at about 11 minutes and I feel like its been an hour.
Wow, I've listened to Binaural Beats before but only with limited success. I don't know if I exactly entered another dimension, but it was damn close at the very least.
Additionally, I broke out into a hot flash and began sweating from it. This is ultimately what ended my experience at about 27 minutes in. I kept being told to ignore it and just clear my mind, but eventually, the hot flash and sweating became too distracting and I fell out of whatever level of consciousness I was in. At that point, I ended the meditation and quickly got cold from all the sweat on me.
I was on the crest of something. I'll definitely be trying this one again.
The truth is appearing.
I think it was just time for your meds again...
I think you need to meditate.
just relax, breathe in through the nose out through the mouth, just let the sounds catch the drift of your awareness, and just tell yourself to "let go".
That sounds like a tutorial for suicide in an occult.
This particular sound sends anxious sensations throughout my whole body. Could only listen for a couple of minutes before it became an overwhelming sensation.
The most unconfortable feeling I ever had
that might be because your mind is in a bad state and your brain wont let you meditate on whats bothering you
try a cucumber up the wazzoo
You might be a reptilian
I closed my eyes, breathed deeply, and I started giggling.!
lol I started laughing alot too :D my family may think i'm strange
Maybe it's my natural reaction? Makes sense, I usually laugh when I'm relaxed xD
lol *:D*
I started to feel really happy and giggled a lot as well. Weird...
I started laughing too, and then I saw weird things...
I couldn't sleep or meditate to this, bc I felt like someone was going to come into my room and take me. I felt like I was gon have nightmares
+Lucy Morris its just an idea but maybe you're in a too big confilct with your self that your mid wants to keep you from your self.
***** it kinda like hurt my brain. i found anothere video to meditate to and was fine, i think it was just this
It worked wonders to me. My anxiety went away and suddenly got lot of focus and clarity.. Awesome experience ..
jak sobie wyłonczyłem to po 3 minutach to taki sam dzwiek miałem w uszach i chyba to działa bo się strasznie wyluzowany czułem i żygać mi sie chciało xD
hahah Polska! :D
no ja nic nie czuje jak slucham 45 min. nudy w chuj hhehee
mam sluchawki fatality
karol528 No to pewnie dlatego że słuchawki kijowe
Słaba ta nuta :P
This is so trippy. Always makes me sleepy and I always hear a typewriter.
I hear things like Bombs going to my far left, and a Grenade exploding right infront of me, But I still fall asleep.
Why the hell tears started flowing down my eyes? And the central part of my head was hurting like a bitch!
+Trisha Gupta WTF My eyes started to water too
sometimes i hear two sounds sometimes just one and one time it got really really fucking loud
+Trisha Gupta da fudge, my eyes are leaking
+Trisha Gupta Thats a good sign love. Ever stimulated a gland and not felt severe pleasure or pain? Comes from stimulating the pineal gland, the discomfort is because the gland had atrophied through lack of use, kinda like a man blind for 30 years is suddenly gifted sight, the light would ache his eyes. It goes after a regular stimulation exercise (once a day). You may still get a grissle type crunchy sound from the nape of your neck @ the join between the spine and the base of tue skull. this too is a good sign.
Namaste Trisha, I hope this helps. x
When I sing in a certain key,idk what key I'm singing in lol. I can literally hear the harmonies while I'm singing. It's so beautiful
just amazing!
I hear my neice screaming..
oh yeah she is,
her screams penetrate through these lousy headphones
hahaha , make her sleep first. do this at night when everyone is sleeping
*me exactly*
no idea what anyone's on about. listened to this for 10 minutes, cannot hear a third tone nor has it caused any sound hallucination. feel a little adjudicated by it. that is all
+Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg You and me both, pal.
Same I really don't have a clue what all the fuss is about like damn
+michael whitedodge You can't be doing anything else you have to meditate
tut tut
you feel judged by it? chat that persecution complex, buddy
Nice, mixed beats that can be separated or merged and an undertone melody that comes and goes. Found out who scratched my car up bad over a year ago. Lol nice work.
That's not binaural. The overlap frequency can also be heard when listening to one headphone side.
I can hear different frequencies in each ear.
Yes, but you can hear the induced frequency too in both ears, that should not happen.
You don't supposed to listen to one headphone
Marc Roelofs Could you link me to some real binaural sounds?
Should I listen to this while smoking weed?
I'm doing it now :D
What frequency is this, or type of tone, so many views but doesnt really explain anything, i design my beats to tell the users what it will do
actually you have to make a frequency on the one ear like for example 10hz and on the other ear a frequency close to it like 15hz.
I just subscribed. lol
INaINo Actually we can't hear, theoretically at least, anything under 20hrz, so those frequencies must be higher. And the effect is acheived by hearing two sinusoid frequencies, one in each ear, but with little difference between them. Oh God I could write it hearing them!!!!!!!!!!!!
i don't think it is just one frequency.
no there are different frequencies, at least two, each one directed in each ear. And those frequencies are near, ex: 1000hrz and 1002hrz
The clicking and fumbling during 11 min snaps me right out of astral projection
Dobra.. mam pierwszego haluna.. dopiero 3 minuty a mój telefon sam chodzi
W sensie jakby na nogach
ja mam 5 minut i nic mi nie jest ;-;
15 minut i nic :C
***** 40 minut, przechodziłem obok płotu pies zaczął szczekać - pierw się wystraszyłem potem zacząłem się brechtać, fajny schiz, jego szczek był fajnie zniekształcony :D
po jakim czasie to przechodzi, od kiedy się skończy słuchać? bo trochę się cykam xD
ironmaiden99xp w sumie nie wiem dokładnie nie skupiałem się na tym może 5 min może więcej
Tylko ja to miałem zrzucone i sobie w drodze słuchałem
It starts with 2 noises than it becomes only one noise if you concentrate. Does that happen to you too?
Interesting effect on my cat!
I subscribe
Best video I’ve found
wow, i got high and listened to this for 15 mins and it completely killed my high. i had to go smoke some more weed. thanks a lot for making me waste my weed.
makes my eyes twitch, when open and closed, cool!
yeah dude!!!
idem !
symphonyh same
is it me, or does it get louder the longer you listen to it? i always feel the need to slightly lower the volume as a few minutes go by.
I suppose that's the brain adapting to the volume level. Ever found yourself turning down the volume while watching tv? Or ever joined someone watching who has been watching for a while and wondering why he has the volume so low? There you go.
John Ny
This video is specifically meant for audio hallucinations
I have been listening to this frequency on and off for over a year now and when I started it was strange but I continual until it opened by pineal gland. I continual now listening because it gives me clarity and calmness, it keeps me focus. The best time to listen is right before bed time lying down with your eyes close.
Is it just me or is the blue lightning moving ??
It's moving
just you
i confirmed it. it is moving. I used a piece of paper as a straight edge. It moves very slowly.
thanks lad. proud of you
It scares me. :|
Me yoo
Thank god I'm not the only one
Me too, the noises are pretty scary. And I haven't really noticed any effects. Certain beats sometimes just give me a headache. ._.
Yea.. ._. Let's just blame it on illuminati
Corey Burns again, scary
When I stop listening to this and take my headphones off I continue to hear a strange noise within my head, its almost like a mechanical white noise. Not only do I hear it but it also distorts anything else that I hear. This lasts for a few minuets. Anyone else had the same happen to them?
bro this the the video i have been searching for that i found when i was like 12 years old. i have never forgotten that hallucinatory effect ever since it happened so long ago. I thought there would of been many to alter my perception like that but no.
I call it the tone. It's like a high frequency noise that's in your head, you can learn to change the pitch/ volume. I hear this tone when I meditate as well. I havent gotten any straight answers myself but I believe it is YOUR bio frequency that you are hearing. It's you, resonating.
@@coo1beens776 here to keep the thread updated, also looking for answers before i try.
this knocked me out for like 4 hours and i wasnt even tired
does anyone know if this could possibly cause sleep paralysis? I heard this while meditating for the first and last time about 10 months ago and ever since I've had sleep paralysis, is just creeps me out that the same day I meditated, I took a nap right after and I experience my first episode..
+Tania Mireles Don't be scared of sleep paralysis, the fear is all in your head. Sleep paralysis is necessary to lucid dream, astral travel, etc. So if you have sleep paralysis, you're one step away from an out of body experience.
+Tania Mireles If you're having a sleep paralysis moment, try and move your toes. This will break the "spell".
I think I had sleep paralysis and listening to this gives me goose bumps. this noise is exactly what I heard before shit got real.
sleep paralysis leads to astral projection. you can only do that if your third eye is open. proved that it works.
what does that have to do with sleep paralysis? i had my 2nd one a week ago, but because of lucid dreaming, not binaural beats. what is a third eye?
Listened for 25 mins. At 20 i started to hallucinate 0.o!
Saw a creapy face with weird teeth laughing at me, and saw a wooden box, that opened and than an eye came out... Dude i tripped like shit
If you talk while listening to this, Feels like you're talking in a fan
yeah fay i agree same here...
Crazy Angel
ive always been your fan
this made me fall asleep really easily. I've been having trouble sleeping for the past week or so and this really helped. It also made me feel good and it wasn't too harsh of a noise were i wanted to stop. It was kind of hypnotic
pro tip turn on music at a similar level to this it sounds good
+Alecburn its awesome i've tried it
After I took off my headphones, I head sirens, but not real ones..
Same I think the brain continues creating more sounds afterwards like is 2 sounds make 3 then u take ur headphones off how many sounds is that...
Hatsune Miku how the hell do you comment on every video on youtube? You like everything from tanks to markiplier.
taking the earphones off... felt like hearing space invaders replaced with bubbles, except 10 times the speed.
I found it quite good, the more I relaxed the louder it became and then forever changing. I feel really spaced out but very comfortable. I shall use this often
Okay I turned this off and it's still buzzing in my ears wtf
congratulations you just lost your ears virginity!
I listened to this through headphones while my roommate ran the vacuum cleaner. I could hear the vacuum cleaner speaking to me.
wow, how could anyone relax with such a bit? xD
I couldn't get even 30 seconds into this. Whatever it was doing to my body, it just freaked me out. I can't stand any of that "music for concentration" either. I probably haven't reached some meditation mental-physiological level mumbo-jumbo but...I don't...get this....
What is this supposed to do anyway?
If you feel tingles in your body don't be afraid, it's called ASMR. ASMR is used to calm and relax the body. If you ever feel stressed just put two headphones in and search up ASMR videos. My favorites are ephemeral rift or lillium. (:
laura maxson
It still freaks me out...
You know, I was born with PDDNOS, meaning that my nervous system is wired a little differently--like, when a lot of people are talking at once I get overwhelmed because it's difficult for me to "tune out" and listen to one voice. I think that has something to do with it.
everything is vibration, or frequency, and im guessing this sort of "sound wave" makes you experience an empty mind, which meditation does
My leg started spazzing out while hearing this
now whenever i close my eyes they continuously twitch
I listen to this on max volume while driving.
i tried but did anyone else hear the little trumpets ?
Meditasyon yapiyor musun? Kesik kesik dinledim ama trampet sesi duymadim.
26lacrymosa Yok canım yapmıyorum normalde dün ilk kez denedim :) ama çok alttan tıkır tıkır ses duydum :))
Bu cok dikkat dagitici bi ses ben faha once denemistim ve ortamda hic ses olmamasi beni daha cok konsantre etmisti ama hayatimda hic bu kadar rahatlamamistim tekrar yapamiyorum simdi . Hazioz
26lacrymosa ben işyerinde yaptım evde sessiz bir zamandan tekrar deneyeyim bakalım inanmam böyle şeylere ama bak sende işe yaramış ):
When i breathed in and out, i could hear and feel waves !!
I think we all seem to have the same question? What are WE supposed to do? I saw a scene and an event taking place, but who's to say if it's real or just manipulated by the "beat"?
the only thing the "beat" does is in theory synchronize your brainwaves to have a more focused and efficient process of thought. All these sounds are is 2 different frequencies of pitch or tones that when played into both ears creates a reaction in your brain that simulates a third sound. If you listen to these videos through headphones and only put in one ear, you will only hear a single frequency. So anything you see in your subconscious is only the doing of your imagination.
Well, I know that. But, I've always had trouble deciding whether there is any validity to the visions I've had. I used to attend sessions with a hypnotherapist, who would take me down to a deeply meditative state and then I would have these amazing visions that seemed to reveal much wisdom to me. I always asked her if they were real or imaginary, meaning did I invent them for my own entertainment or were they actually imparting wisdom to my everyday self? She never really answered me. Maybe you can. Since you don't know me, though, probably not. LOL It's just a thought anyway. Thank you for answering.
WE, as a whole, are the ones to say that A, it IS in fact real and B, the whole point of this IS to be "manipulated by the beat".
Thanks for the answer. I guess I could say, the whole point of the exercise she did with me was to gain wisdom, which would make it real enough to believe. Aha!
Lily Crisp Nothing is "supposed" to happen. Just understand that while you are doing this, there is nobody else on the planet that will have the same experience as you. Your experience is just as unique as mine and nobody feels exactly what you feel. Nobody sees exactly what you see. Everything is totally 100% unique to your experience only. Yes, the sounds may play a part in helping you to relax or maintain a meditative state, but that doesn't mean you're having some pre-set experience. That's impossible. Your experience is totally unique and it happens exactly the way it is supposed to for any given time.
You can perceive your experience however you wish. If you don't think doing this has any positive effect on you, that's fine. Meditating is not a pre-requisite to being a healthy or spiritual person, so don't feel like you have to meditate for any reason at all. However, if the experience is pleasant for you, just enjoy the sensations, however it might be for you. If it is pleasurable, you are doing it right, no matter what you experience. Just go with it because meditation is like a skill. The more you do it, the easier it gets and the better your experiences will be.
Whether your visions or experiences come from your mind or soul is irrelevant, because you are part of the same oversoul. Your mind wouldn't have caused you to have an experience unless your soul sent it.
1. Your soul (higher self) SENDS thoughts, ideas, circumstances, etc.
2. Your physical mind RECEIVES what the higher mind has sent.
3. Your conscious mind PERCEIVES that information.
The only real thing you have control over is how you PERCEIVE what you higher self SENT to your physical mind. Generally, you can only perceive things in 1 of 2 ways - good or bad (and any shade in-between). Always focus on shifting your perception of any given situation as a GOOD experience and magic will begin happening in your life.
So, when you meditate, is it a GOOD experience or a BAD experience? The choice is ultimately up to you. That's the power of free will.
Listen to this in a darkened room, kinda tired, headphones on and tell me you can't feel it. The frog sounds dissapted after a few minutes :)
this isn't doing anything but irritating me whats the point
Learn to meditate... it will send you to uniq trip(:
Point is, not to get irritated. Thats meditation :)
It is to give you audio hallucinations
After a few minutes, I just got really uncomfortable and had the sensation of being watched for a few hours after listening to this. Willing to listen again.
does nothing for me at all
Ayyyyyyyy, SPN profile picture, nice.
I convinced my friend we were getting abducted after I played this lmao
loool 😂😂 xd
Is it just me? but i had my eyes closed in a dark room for the entire duration all i kept seeing was the outline or what seemed to me to be the Aura of a Lion with a thick mane or did this just make me trip out???.
im a bloke btw :D
I saw the outlines of most of the stuff in the room as if I was looking at it but my eyes were closed shut
thats It a lucid dream
Were you just admitted to a prison where the guards might be beasts? What did the lion tell you? This could be big...
zack zammit wtf
it worked for me. after about ten minutes i felt myself go into a deep state almost sleep like in which i had no thoughts and was at one but before that there were many times that i felt like giving up as it was doing nothing. first i felt my hands like merge into one as they were clasped together it was very weird. my advice is to always revert back to your breathing when you feel your mind thinking
can't relate to what everyone else is feeling since only one headphone of mine works lmao
I hear a lot of background shit like faint muffled talking almost like a commercial announcer talking way off in the distance or somethin or maybe it's stereo waves or something it's so weird I can clearly hear it tho
David I heard that small part with the talking ... almost like when this was being recorded someone accidentally let that sound get in. Like someone opening a door or a tv was turned on in the next room.
Maybe it's just me, but it just sounds like a bunch of sine waves changing pitches... No perceivable effect.
First binaural beats video I randomly stumbled upon back in early 2012 :) loving it still to this day + many more :)))))))
I don't know how I've gone my whole life without hearing of this. I'm hoping someone can answer my question: Is this recording constant? Does it change at all throughout the 45 minutes? Or is it just my brain playing tricks on me?
I want that answer too :P try looking at Delta binaural beats, they've worked for deep sleeps with me :)
I want the answer too !!!
yes it changes
This is a constant never changing recording of two tones that do not change in pitch. Its your brain trying to fill the gap between these two tones that makes it sound like that. Sometimes the third tone (made by your brain) can become weaker or stronger throughout the whole recording; thus the sense of the pitch/ speed of the tones playing can sound wavy.
BreAnna Stevenson Yes. It changes. I tryed listen just one side and it changes in depth at times. Are not our brains doing it.
It's almost like it's trying to convey some kind of message. "The aliens are coming for you." Or maybe I'm not doing this right...oh well
Is it only me who still hears two sounds? It sounds like a helicopter!
After a few seconds I can distinctly hear my heart beat as if it were beating loudly.
+Karma Lockheart Haha, they're coming for you
+Citizen Blane hahah
Omg the name of the video though ultra *Deep*meditation
Kr33p mcDerpzz lol
I kept hearing a snickering laugh. and what seemed to be like clawing on the window. not sure how I feel about this video
+Brad Murphy (Normybrad) don't be scared...sleep paralysis is nececassry so you don't sleep walk...if you witness is, just think of it as a temporary thing. it will go away. it's not scary, I had it too as a child
I heard the laughing to, and footsteps...
Fading daydreamz I didn't. But a clock. For like 4 seconds.
+Liv Tackett Checking if you didn't die.
where is the drop?
Old ass comment
I love this binaural beat. Soothing to my brain. Feel something on each side of my temple when I listen to it. Relieve my headaches too❤
After like 6 minutes I turned it off and took if my earplugs and I'm still hearing the beats loud and clear am I the only one hearing this after turnin it off?!
That whats suppose to happen :) dont worry
The same thing happen to me
This Is scary as hell to listen to at night
Im completely deaf in one ear, will the frequencies stil work for me?
I don't think so, beacuse it works like this:
- one frequence in one ear, and another in second, then brain generates third by using both frequences (or something like this).
I read something saying if you move the headphone just behind the ear against the skin that the frequency will still effect the pineal gland
Hm... I didn't think about this, but it may work.
btw, i'd like to ask you something, is that true, that even when you can't hear on one ear, you can still say what direction sounds come from without any problem?
Mostly, if its a noticeable sound.
Every time I come out of this.. I just feel like I breathe clearer. From my breath, my focus is to the sensation of the night air on my skin, and then to everything on my skin. It continues on and on from there, but TL;DR everything is... "crispy".
Is this video more than 936hz or less than 936hz Coud someone please let me know. It does not say in the deception.
aw! my head! :O
The way to do this is to start out by just consciously letting out the tension wherever you feel it in your body, then to concentrate on the beeping noise.
For those with ADHD concentration might not be as easily defined so basically it's to think about the beeping noise. When you start thinking about other stuff as the brain tends to wander, just bring it back to the beeping noise.
After a few days of doing 30 minutes per you'll notice the sequences between concentration and day dreaming are smaller as well as being more clear headed.
damn be you lavender town!
Whats this supposed to do?
Give you audio hallucinations
Don't listen to this when doing things that require concentration.... yeah right, i just played thru countless numbers of strategy intense computer games... and still won, yeah... right... it's fine to listen to this and do things with concentration.
He means operating heavy machinery.
PileOPoop1 And it's so you don't die, not so you don't lose a stupid game
congratulations! you beat the system! you managed to ignore an audio track whilst playing a computer game! I wish I could be as cool as you!
I thought I'd give bineural beats a try since my recent fisherman's friend addiction had subsided. Needless to say after 30 minutes of "bineural beating off" the effects were immediate and distinct. First I began to hear the two frequencies merge into one tone. Then that one tone began to oscillate and honestly it sort of sounded like a dubstep star spangled banner. Then came the spiders. They were everywhere. Luckily bineural beats gave me such an acute sense of focus that I could crush things with pure thought. In a panicked state I quickly destroyed all the spiders. Binaural beats are relaxing too. so much so that I felt as if I was floating over my body which was also floating over another body which actually turned out to be a pillow, a really convincing throw pillow. Bineural beats also gave me euphoric hallucinations. In one hallucination I had two arms and two legs. In another I was calypso dancing, naked, on a stained futon in the middle of the freeway. Then I noticed if you skip forward in the video the blue wave is different calling attention to the hoax, the sham, the listless lie that is "bineural beats." Nothing is real.