My motor was around 6 months old. They sent me a new tube and also sent me a prop, mine was blistering. Then I had a problem with the regulator seal on the carb leaking. Eventually the shiftier seized up. When I made a list for the company I had about 10 or twelve issues in the first 12 months. They sent me another motor and after 30 minutes of use, it too wouldn't idle.
Mine's doing the same damn thing. Was using soo much propane and I finally figured out why.
My motor was around 6 months old. They sent me a new tube and also sent me a prop, mine was blistering.
Then I had a problem with the regulator seal on the carb leaking. Eventually the shiftier seized up. When I made a list for the company I had about 10 or twelve issues in the first 12 months.
They sent me another motor and after 30 minutes of use, it too wouldn't idle.
Same thing just happened to me yesterday.
Sorry to hear. They exchanged mine after two different leaks and the shifter seized up and within one hour use the thing wouldn't ilde.
ny1t I'm gonna give them a call tomorrow to see if I can get a replacement. I'm glad I noticed. I was just about to start using it.
How old is it?