It's not fair for the wives to live together. It's really selfish of the husband. Sharing him with another woman is bad enough for the first wife, now he even made her share her marital home with the new wife. How heartless can a man be. Even God commands husbands to put their wives in separate homes, and he is not abiding to it.
Exactly. Very selfish. He can't afford to give them basic needs but yet still proceed to have more than 1 wife. It is very clear that the 1st wife is holding lots of sadness
It's up to both wives also, they know their necissity. If their aim is to balance the task, then it is ok. Some family, they have 1st wife who got cancer and can't do the chores. So they might think that having to live in a same house is necessary. But of course, they have own rooms. Also, they're issue where 1st wife is a profesional worker, having to work late till past midnight, they 2nd wife will take care more of the chores to balance the task. Dont judge!
Masyallah, this is a very strong marriage. May Allah keep them happy and united forever. Life is temporary let's make the best out of it as Muslims. Working together for success is much needed at this heavily influenced society.
I find it weird that they are living under the same roof. Isnt it haram? I had heard from a number of ustaz kalau nak kahwin lebih dari 1 suami kena prepare separate dwellings i.e. different rumah for the different wives and children so as to not cause indecency between them. Like kalau nak intim dgn wife 1 then wife 2 tak nampak vice versa sebab intimasi shld happen only between 2 orang bukan 3, kalau betul2 mengikut secara yg halal. Also so it doesnt cause unnecessary jealousy between them. In other words if the man cannot afford to house them in separate houses and treat them equally then dont get married to more than 1. You can tell the first wife is holding back on alot of feelings, which is telling that this is not a happy situation for her. Kahwin nak lebih dari satu, "ikut sunnah" katakan... tapi cara menjaga isteri pulak tak ikut sunnah. This man has alot to answer for....
Exactly. He said, living together makes things transparent. What he does with hayati, bedah can see and vice versa. Dia ingat isteri dia nk ke tgk segala apa yg dia buat dgn isteri lain? Tak mampu nk beli 2 rumah, mengaku jelah.. hahaha
I also feel that the second wife should have just withdrawn the idea from marrying him given that they had two years to consider prior to the marriage.
Polygamy conditions: 1 man must be wealthy to fulfill the family's needs. 2 women must come from disadvantaged backgrounds such as widows with children. 3 man must be fair to avoid jealousy among wives. but remember that polygamy is forbidden if the conditions are not met.And in Indonesia, polygamy is not a common thing that is justified.
1st wife nye suara... mcm nak breakdwn... eventho she say ok...but i dun tink shes really ok with all this nonsense frm the husband.. she just acept as it is je... tgk muke laki dia pon mcm tokle harap sngt... hahaha..lantak dia ah mayb the 1st wife nye thinking.kuat betol 1st wife nya... semoga terus kuat ya...
Yes and can see she’s trying hard to control herself from ‘exploding’. Her husband looks so typical annoying, useless and sickening. If only she can just leave the marriage.
Masyaallah Subhanaallah Besar pahala isteri² Tuan ni.. n saya sangat terharu dgn pendirian Tuan ni.. dan Masyaallah anak² mereka mengkagumkan... Semoga diperluaskan Rezeki anda sekeluarga.. Amin
Alhamdulillah, although it is hurt and painful i salute Hayati for being strong and Redha of what Allah planned for her. Having both wives to listened and follow what the husband say is a Amazing!! Respect Munir for making his stands firm. (Previously i were not Opened for polygamy, after hearing this, if it happened to me, i know its because Allah loves me and had planned for me)
Nanti ramai yg mencontohi...poligami tapi tinggal sebumbung isteri pertama Dan kedua..ini mmg tak ikut sunnah ye kaum Adam..sedap di dunia di akhirat nanti kena jawab..jika para isteri Dan anak2 tidak redha.
It's best to live in different house..if one have 2 wives . It's human nature.. provided the Husband have The incomes to support both .yo Husband wives n children..etc..
Polygamy is not a practice limited to the religion of Islam; rather, it is something well-known in the history of the People of the Book, the Jews and the Christians, as well. It is only in the later times that their religious men frowned upon it or forbade it outright. However, when one looks into the early history of the religions, they will find that it was at least an acceptable practice, if not encouraged. Also from Surah An-Nisa chapter 4 from verse 3 and verse 129 says And if you fear injustice to the orphan girls (when you marry them), then marry whomever you like of the (other) girls: Two, three or four. Then if you fear that there will not be justice (between your wives) then (marry) only one or (use) the female slaves you have. That is closer (to prevent) so that you do not commit injustice. And you will not be able to act justly between your wives even if you really (want to do it); therefore do not be overly inclined (biased towards the wife you love) so that you leave the other wife as something hanging (in the clouds); and if you improve (the crippled state) and protect yourself (from unjust actions), then verily Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Poligami bukanlah praktik yang terbatas pada agama Islam; sebaliknya, itu adalah sesuatu yang terkenal dalam sejarah Ahli Kitab, orang-orang Yahudi dan Kristen, juga. Hanya di kemudian hari orang-orang beragama mereka tidak menyukainya atau melarangnya secara langsung. Namun, ketika seseorang melihat ke dalam sejarah awal agama-agama, mereka akan menemukan bahwa itu setidaknya merupakan praktik yang dapat diterima, jika tidak didorong. Juga dari Surah An-Nisa bab 4 dari ayat 3 dan ayat 129 mengatakan Dan jika kamu takut akan ketidakadilan terhadap gadis-gadis yatim (ketika kamu menikahi mereka), maka nikahilah siapa saja yang kamu suka dari gadis-gadis (lainnya): Dua, tiga atau empat. Kemudian jika kamu khawatir tidak akan ada keadilan (antara istri-istrimu) maka (nikahilah) seorang saja atau (gunakanlah) budak-budak wanita yang kamu miliki. Itu lebih dekat (mencegah) agar kamu tidak berbuat zalim. Dan kamu tidak akan dapat berlaku adil di antara istri-istrimu sekalipun kamu benar-benar (ingin melakukannya); oleh karena itu jangan terlalu condong (bias terhadap istri yang kamu cintai) sehingga kamu meninggalkan istri yang lain sebagai sesuatu yang menggantung (di awan); dan jika kamu memperbaiki (kondisi lumpuh) dan menjaga dirimu (dari perbuatan zalim), maka sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.
This guy must be rich & living in at least a 5 bedroom apartment. In malaysia, other than service apartment, the government does not allow apartments with less than 3 bedrooms for 1 family - parents, daughters & sons.
Luar kata redha dalam hati Tuhan saja yg tahu..lebih2 lagi terpaksa tinggal satu rumah..Nabi Muhammad juga pun tak letak isteri serumah..ini sahaja dah tidak ikut Dan terkeluar Dari sunnah.
Kebenaran akan tetap terungkai.... Allah bersama orang2 yang sabar.. Niat Puan Bedah dan Tuan Munir hanya Allah yang tahu.... syabas! niat anda terlukis diwajah Anak2...😁 Hanya yang melihat dengan Hati dapat memahami.....
Isteri pertama mmg rasa sakit dan redha je la dengan suami yang kahwin dua.. mesti si isteri tak setuju sebab kan suami ingin kahwin dua.. dalam islam mmg la sang suami boleh kahwin empat..tapi kena ada keizinan dan keberkatan dari isteri pertama.. tapi kalau isteri tak setuju, jangan la gatal nak kahwin..
Walau apa pun bermadu tu manis tetapi pada aku tetap pahit ditelan...Aku rela menjanda daripada bermadu...No for sharing husband 👎👎👎 By the way Isteri pertama look young and beautiful but the second wife look like auntie
Kalau mampu xpe jugak. Boleh support smua bini. Bagi kasih sayang sama rata. Tapi ada ke lelaki kawin lebih sbb nak "ikut amalan nabi"? Ke kau mmg x cukup satu. Rasanya xde kot.. Nak jugak try lain kan😜 Lelaki yg kawin lebih ni mmg dah xde perasaan dkat isteri no 1 prcya ke tdk🤣
Juga dari Surah An-Nisa bab ke 4 dari ayat ke 3 dan ayat ke 129 berkata Dan jika kamu takut tidak berlaku adil terhadap perempuan-perempuan yatim (apabila kamu berkahwin dengan mereka), maka berkahwinlah dengan sesiapa yang kamu berkenan dari perempuan-perempuan (lain): Dua, tiga atau empat. Kemudian jika kamu bimbang tidak akan berlaku adil (di antara isteri-isteri kamu) maka (berkahwinlah dengan) seorang sahaja atau (pakailah) hamba-hamba perempuan yang kamu miliki. Yang demikian itu adalah lebih dekat (untuk mencegah) supaya kamu tidak melakukan kezaliman. Dan kamu tidak akan dapat berlaku adil di antara isteri-isteri kamu sekalipun kamu bersungguh-sungguh (hendak melakukannya); oleh itu janganlah kamu cenderung dengan melampau-lampau (berat sebelah kepada isteri yang kamu sayangi) sehingga kamu biarkan isteri yang lain seperti benda yang tergantung (di awang-awangan); dan jika kamu memperbaiki (keadaan yang pincang itu) dan memelihara diri (daripada perbuatan yang zalim), maka sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani.
women if they see their partner as superior (which is what most woman want ideally) are willing to share putting aside their natural urge to keep their men just for themselves for stability and true happiness.. Thing is most men today are either equal or inferior to their women. of course they will leave you if you go have other women... They settled for you, an inferior far from their ideal Prince Charming and you selfishly act on your natural urge to get as much sex as possible..
@@zulfatris7053 menyesal gak ngeseks dengan 72 bidadari yg dijanjikan Allah SWT di akhirat? Allah SWT itu germo atau tuhan sih koq bagi2 bidadari buat ngesex? Allah SWT itu cocoknya jadi germo aja menurut gw.
Then, do you think by getting a secret mistress that you play carefree is about the same? BUT If you marry her, then you're fully responsible for her. That's much more manly.
Bullshit! MAJORITY of human nature - mostly MALE species are irresponsible creatures. What else, polygamy is against the law except within certain uncivilized religions or cults.
Do not underestimate what a woman can tolerate with, if you actually be the best person for yourself and take care of her all her necessaties.. Only when you are an irresponsible loser, you just one argument away from being divorced
It's not fair for the wives to live together. It's really selfish of the husband. Sharing him with another woman is bad enough for the first wife, now he even made her share her marital home with the new wife. How heartless can a man be. Even God commands husbands to put their wives in separate homes, and he is not abiding to it.
Exactly. Very selfish. He can't afford to give them basic needs but yet still proceed to have more than 1 wife. It is very clear that the 1st wife is holding lots of sadness
It's up to both wives also, they know their necissity. If their aim is to balance the task, then it is ok. Some family, they have 1st wife who got cancer and can't do the chores. So they might think that having to live in a same house is necessary. But of course, they have own rooms. Also, they're issue where 1st wife is a profesional worker, having to work late till past midnight, they 2nd wife will take care more of the chores to balance the task. Dont judge!
It is a matter of choice.. if they feel the decision is the best for them, then let it be.
In the first place I really cannot understand why he needs a second wife. His second wife is so much older
Its not wajib to give separate housing.
Masyallah, this is a very strong marriage. May Allah keep them happy and united forever. Life is temporary let's make the best out of it as Muslims. Working together for success is much needed at this heavily influenced society.
I find it weird that they are living under the same roof. Isnt it haram? I had heard from a number of ustaz kalau nak kahwin lebih dari 1 suami kena prepare separate dwellings i.e. different rumah for the different wives and children so as to not cause indecency between them. Like kalau nak intim dgn wife 1 then wife 2 tak nampak vice versa sebab intimasi shld happen only between 2 orang bukan 3, kalau betul2 mengikut secara yg halal. Also so it doesnt cause unnecessary jealousy between them.
In other words if the man cannot afford to house them in separate houses and treat them equally then dont get married to more than 1. You can tell the first wife is holding back on alot of feelings, which is telling that this is not a happy situation for her.
Kahwin nak lebih dari satu, "ikut sunnah" katakan... tapi cara menjaga isteri pulak tak ikut sunnah. This man has alot to answer for....
Exactly. He said, living together makes things transparent. What he does with hayati, bedah can see and vice versa. Dia ingat isteri dia nk ke tgk segala apa yg dia buat dgn isteri lain? Tak mampu nk beli 2 rumah, mengaku jelah.. hahaha
Ini namanya jantan cabret....
This is only allowed only with the agreement of both wives.
I also feel that the second wife should have just withdrawn the idea from marrying him given that they had two years to consider prior to the marriage.
Polygamy conditions:
1 man must be wealthy to fulfill the family's needs.
2 women must come from disadvantaged backgrounds such as widows with children.
3 man must be fair to avoid jealousy among wives.
but remember that polygamy is forbidden if the conditions are not met.And in Indonesia, polygamy is not a common thing that is justified.
1st wife nye suara... mcm nak breakdwn... eventho she say ok...but i dun tink shes really ok with all this nonsense frm the husband.. she just acept as it is je... tgk muke laki dia pon mcm tokle harap sngt... hahaha..lantak dia ah mayb the 1st wife nye thinking.kuat betol 1st wife nya... semoga terus kuat ya...
Bkn mcm...memang tak boleh harap....penipu haram....
@@bomo8033 hahaha... kesian 1st wife tu..
Yes and can see she’s trying hard to control herself from ‘exploding’. Her husband looks so typical annoying, useless and sickening. If only she can just leave the marriage.
Are you jealous?....
Kesian kat org yg jealous tengok org lain poligamy!....
saya berdoa semoga anda semua diberi kekuatan dan tabah menghadapi segalanya dan ingat apa yg anda lalui akan ada ganjarannya...
The guy is very lucky to have these two women in his life, but am hard pressed to say the other way round.
Masyaallah Subhanaallah Besar pahala isteri² Tuan ni.. n saya sangat terharu dgn pendirian Tuan ni.. dan Masyaallah anak² mereka mengkagumkan... Semoga diperluaskan Rezeki anda sekeluarga.. Amin
Alhamdulillah, although it is hurt and painful i salute Hayati for being strong and Redha of what Allah planned for her. Having both wives to listened and follow what the husband say is a Amazing!! Respect Munir for making his stands firm. (Previously i were not Opened for polygamy, after hearing this, if it happened to me, i know its because Allah loves me and had planned for me)
Encik Munir.. When ur wife cik hayati is talking.. Dun need to interrupt cos it Sounds abit rude. Allow her to voice out her opinion ya.!
Tgk wajah Cik Hayati,mcm terpaksa terima walaupun jauh di sudut hati sgt terluka.Tapi knp Cik Bedah sanggup nk kawin suami org,knp..knp...knp?
Pandai ja hg
Cik Bedah tua tu entah lah… pergi lah carik pakcik2 yang dah duda
Isteri 1st lagi cantik… kesiannnn….
The husband is a very good con artist....that's why
Nanti ramai yg mencontohi...poligami tapi tinggal sebumbung isteri pertama Dan kedua..ini mmg tak ikut sunnah ye kaum Adam..sedap di dunia di akhirat nanti kena jawab..jika para isteri Dan anak2 tidak redha.
It's best to live in different house..if one have 2 wives . It's human nature.. provided the Husband have The incomes to support both .yo Husband wives n children..etc..
First wive berbual pon bole rasa kesedihan Dan redha
Polygamy is not a practice limited to the religion of Islam; rather, it is something well-known in the history of the People of the Book, the Jews and the Christians, as well. It is only in the later times that their religious men frowned upon it or forbade it outright. However, when one looks into the early history of the religions, they will find that it was at least an acceptable practice, if not encouraged.
Also from Surah An-Nisa chapter 4 from verse 3 and verse 129 says
And if you fear injustice to the orphan girls (when you marry them), then marry whomever you like of the (other) girls: Two, three or four. Then if you fear that there will not be justice (between your wives) then (marry) only one or (use) the female slaves you have. That is closer (to prevent) so that you do not commit injustice.
And you will not be able to act justly between your wives even if you really (want to do it); therefore do not be overly inclined (biased towards the wife you love) so that you leave the other wife as something hanging (in the clouds); and if you improve (the crippled state) and protect yourself (from unjust actions), then verily Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Poligami bukanlah praktik yang terbatas pada agama Islam; sebaliknya, itu adalah sesuatu yang terkenal dalam sejarah Ahli Kitab, orang-orang Yahudi dan Kristen, juga. Hanya di kemudian hari orang-orang beragama mereka tidak menyukainya atau melarangnya secara langsung. Namun, ketika seseorang melihat ke dalam sejarah awal agama-agama, mereka akan menemukan bahwa itu setidaknya merupakan praktik yang dapat diterima, jika tidak didorong.
Juga dari Surah An-Nisa bab 4 dari ayat 3 dan ayat 129 mengatakan
Dan jika kamu takut akan ketidakadilan terhadap gadis-gadis yatim (ketika kamu menikahi mereka), maka nikahilah siapa saja yang kamu suka dari gadis-gadis (lainnya): Dua, tiga atau empat. Kemudian jika kamu khawatir tidak akan ada keadilan (antara istri-istrimu) maka (nikahilah) seorang saja atau (gunakanlah) budak-budak wanita yang kamu miliki. Itu lebih dekat (mencegah) agar kamu tidak berbuat zalim.
Dan kamu tidak akan dapat berlaku adil di antara istri-istrimu sekalipun kamu benar-benar (ingin melakukannya); oleh karena itu jangan terlalu condong (bias terhadap istri yang kamu cintai) sehingga kamu meninggalkan istri yang lain sebagai sesuatu yang menggantung (di awan); dan jika kamu memperbaiki (kondisi lumpuh) dan menjaga dirimu (dari perbuatan zalim), maka sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.
Tt is why God came up with thec10 Commandmts,1 of which states thou shall not covet ur neighbourvs spouse. Divorce n polygamy r anti-Christian !
Maaf ckp. Isteri kedua nmpk berumur dr yg pertama 🫢. The beginning video, tunjuk cik bedah tu, ingat dia yg 1st rupanya bukan 😅
Tulah ingatkan mak mertua
They look different in ages,are they the same age?
This guy must be rich & living in at least a 5 bedroom apartment. In malaysia, other than service apartment, the government does not allow apartments with less than 3 bedrooms for 1 family - parents, daughters & sons.
Si nomber 2 think positive offcz lah. dia yg masuk rumah orang macam takder perasaan melukakan hati orang.
Kesian nya isteri pertama. Semoga hayati tabah ….
Luar kata redha dalam hati Tuhan saja yg tahu..lebih2 lagi terpaksa tinggal satu rumah..Nabi Muhammad juga pun tak letak isteri serumah..ini sahaja dah tidak ikut Dan terkeluar Dari sunnah.
Kebenaran akan tetap terungkai....
Allah bersama orang2 yang sabar..
Niat Puan Bedah dan Tuan Munir hanya Allah yang tahu.... syabas!
niat anda terlukis diwajah Anak2...😁
Hanya yang melihat dengan Hati dapat memahami.....
Bagus rancangan ini..kesempatan tonton di youtube..Tq Mediacorp. Suria tv
Kata ustaz tu orng dulu mungkin kerana keadaan perang...tapi sekarang perang apa ? Perang saraf..
Perang syahwat.
Isteri pertama mmg rasa sakit dan redha je la dengan suami yang kahwin dua.. mesti si isteri tak setuju sebab kan suami ingin kahwin dua.. dalam islam mmg la sang suami boleh kahwin empat..tapi kena ada keizinan dan keberkatan dari isteri pertama.. tapi kalau isteri tak setuju, jangan la gatal nak kahwin..
Walau apa pun bermadu tu manis tetapi pada aku tetap pahit ditelan...Aku rela menjanda daripada bermadu...No for sharing husband 👎👎👎 By the way Isteri pertama look young and beautiful but the second wife look like auntie
Macam mak mertua bukan madu
I initially thought the 2nd wifey is her mother inlaw🤓 everything has a choice but sadly certain things left with no choice
Me too. Because the second wife looks so much older
Whatever it is he cheated yonhave another woman irregardless if having more chikdren irs an excuse
Kalau mampu xpe jugak. Boleh support smua bini. Bagi kasih sayang sama rata. Tapi ada ke lelaki kawin lebih sbb nak "ikut amalan nabi"? Ke kau mmg x cukup satu. Rasanya xde kot.. Nak jugak try lain kan😜 Lelaki yg kawin lebih ni mmg dah xde perasaan dkat isteri no 1 prcya ke tdk🤣
Juga dari Surah An-Nisa bab ke 4 dari ayat ke 3 dan ayat ke 129 berkata
Dan jika kamu takut tidak berlaku adil terhadap perempuan-perempuan yatim (apabila kamu berkahwin dengan mereka), maka berkahwinlah dengan sesiapa yang kamu berkenan dari perempuan-perempuan (lain): Dua, tiga atau empat. Kemudian jika kamu bimbang tidak akan berlaku adil (di antara isteri-isteri kamu) maka (berkahwinlah dengan) seorang sahaja atau (pakailah) hamba-hamba perempuan yang kamu miliki. Yang demikian itu adalah lebih dekat (untuk mencegah) supaya kamu tidak melakukan kezaliman.
Dan kamu tidak akan dapat berlaku adil di antara isteri-isteri kamu sekalipun kamu bersungguh-sungguh (hendak melakukannya); oleh itu janganlah kamu cenderung dengan melampau-lampau (berat sebelah kepada isteri yang kamu sayangi) sehingga kamu biarkan isteri yang lain seperti benda yang tergantung (di awang-awangan); dan jika kamu memperbaiki (keadaan yang pincang itu) dan memelihara diri (daripada perbuatan yang zalim), maka sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani.
I want 4 husbands.
Idk why Malay women need to cover up so not to seduce guy while the guy able to have 2 wife
women if they see their partner as superior (which is what most woman want ideally) are willing to share putting aside their natural urge to keep their men just for themselves for stability and true happiness..
Thing is most men today are either equal or inferior to their women. of course they will leave you if you go have other women... They settled for you, an inferior far from their ideal Prince Charming and you selfishly act on your natural urge to get as much sex as possible..
So he wants a second wife because he wants alot of children? 😅 tak faham
He’s horny
Lol… and he already have 5 kids with the first wife…
Kesian 1st wife makan hati berulam jantung terpaksa telan...suka tak suka buat lali jer...
Si bapak kata learning proses..haaha kekek🙊🤣 ....lebih baik masuk long journey learning WSQ...kan.
Isteri pertama dia macam garang dan very verbal. Yg kedua tu more relax jer. Hehe.
Yang second wife mestilah kene sadar diri… and she’s so old
One wife, many girlfriends......more peace & harmony in the home🤭
Chinese style..Dun forget the mistress..
Sian dia
Kenapa tak cakap melayu
Kawen 10 pun boleh ko banyak harta
Ko boleh jaga ka 10 anak ?
Lembu 1k ekor boleh la ko jaga 😝
Can kawin 4
Ini buat sakit kepala 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
Jangan mau dipoligami, itu cuma akal akalan nabi Muhammad untuk punya banyak bini.
@@kerajaancinta6149 Nomor favoritnya yang ganjil, kesukaannya paha kambing, sebelum tidur menggilir bini2nya termasuk aisyah yg masih 9 thn
Astaghfirullah, jangan menyesal nanti di akhirat ye. Allahu yahdik.
@@zulfatris7053 menyesal gak ngeseks dengan 72 bidadari yg dijanjikan Allah SWT di akhirat? Allah SWT itu germo atau tuhan sih koq bagi2 bidadari buat ngesex? Allah SWT itu cocoknya jadi germo aja menurut gw.
Kepala bapak kau
Human greed, desire and lust especially the males is boundless.
Then, do you think by getting a secret mistress that you play carefree is about the same? BUT If you marry her, then you're fully responsible for her. That's much more manly.
Bullshit! MAJORITY of human nature - mostly MALE species are irresponsible creatures. What else, polygamy is against the law except within certain uncivilized religions or cults.
Do not underestimate what a woman can tolerate with, if you actually be the best person for yourself and take care of her all her necessaties.. Only when you are an irresponsible loser, you just one argument away from being divorced