NOAA Beluga Whale Count @ Ship Creek Point Promenade, Anchorage, Alaska

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 เม.ย. 2024
  • This was a recovery activity (volunteer training) with NOAA staff to count Beluga Whales and note environmental impacts from the area.
    Addiction is complex. Addiction is a process.
    Recovery is an individual journey complete with past experiences of using negative coping strategies, trauma and consequences, making choices from the options viewed as available and changes to your brain happened overtime. In a sense the “two wolves” on your shoulders is a true statement. When you begin to make conscience choices that support a recovery lifestyle your activity, motivation and goals
    will reflect these positive choices.In the beginning you are literally in a fight against the strong chemical reaction “pull” felt at the neurotransmitter level for your life; relationships, employment and health. Find a healthy network, it is never too late to reach out.
    Example of how Addiction is a process. A young child lives with parents who provide alcohol in the summer when celebrating with neighbors as they think it is cute. The child begins to retrieve items for the adults who are laid out in lawn chairs, including alcoholic items. As the child grows with the other kids in his neighborhood who experience similar situations, they begin to sneak sips from the items they are bringing to the adults.
    Depending on the environment, we might add trauma from gangs, abuse or neglect as these children grow up. There might be limited resources for the family which then provides limited choices for activities in the summer. The children start to roam around or explore outside their areas together. They have limited or no supervision from positive adult role models. Some might be having trouble in school or parents who dismiss the value of listening to the teacher. Some might value education and reinforce the need to pay attention and complete assignments. Depending on which parents you had the process continues.
    Kids are smart, they can get access to vaps, cigarettes, drugs and alcohol as there are those who want to be "pals" and let them join in on the “fun”. Now these kids are in an environment where anti-social behavior is accepted and praised. You see how addiction becomes a process. Go further in life....10, 20, 30 years and the mind has been changed by the effect on neurotransmitters. You have employment where drinking is valued, part of belonging. Drinking becomes more than just a celebration, it is part of your regular activity and social engagement. Eventually, your brain starts working for the pleasure it feels from the high, not in your best interest. This is when you have to "take back you life", seek help from others to correct the path (break the cycle) you have been experiencing. There is no shame in asking for help, it took a COMPLEX PROCESS to arrive where you are on this journey, but now you can stop & reset then CHOOSE to take the path you really want out of life.
    INFORMATION FROM NOAA about Beluga Whales
    • Toothed whales
    • Family Monodontidae
    • Alongside narwhals
    • Average lifespan 60 - 70 years
    • 11-18 feet in length (adult)
    • Weigh up to 3300 lbs.
    Have a dorsal ridge (no fin)
    Bulbous melon (melonhead)
    Vocalize often to communicate
    • Echolocation to locate prey
    Dive time is 2-15 minutes

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