I am sure that his classes fill quickly each semester and he is interesting. However, he does not present and or instruct from His OWN Experiences. He lives in the University Bubble world which is nice and scholarly.
@@HighSpeedNoDrag Not true at all... He's actually lived a very hard life. He was born in northern Canada in a frontier town and his family has been plagued by chronic sickness for decades. Do a little more research on people before drawing conclusions about the content of their character.
@@HighSpeedNoDrag I'm curious to see how you came to that conclusion considering he's fought depression a significant portion of his life whilst raising a daughter with painful, life threatening arthritis
@@HighSpeedNoDrag I dont see that at all man. The idea that he is just copying knowledge doesnt even go that far in that specific area. I dont think that you can actually teach about Jung or Freud without understanding it in a deep level personaly.
"Don't Make Your Life More Complicated Than What It Is." Best advice Dr Peterson has ever given. My advice would be to "slow down" as a corollary to that. I observe that procrastination makes life complicated. By contrast, scheduling activities prevents stress that results from allowing things to pile up. If you must delay in dealing with some major issue, use the delay to think how to deal with the major issue and to get advice if you cannot solve the issue by yourself. But don't delay dealing with the mini-issues. They will pile up and make life complicated, life will become a mess. Slow down. Deal with each issue step by step. That is how to stay sane in a mad, mad world. When we were kids, we used to make fun of the sailor's navigation rules, "When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." I have done that once or twice. Or "When ahead is seen both red and green, never mind, go between." I have done that once or twice, but have found the navigation rule is better, "When ahead is seen both red and green, port your helm and turn about." (When you see red and green navigation lights, another ship is heading your way and you must change direction to avoid collision.) So if we follow Dr Peterson's advice, we will try to see where we are headed and avoid complications. I am nearly 90 and have lived and worked in 15+ countries. But I have lived a simple life. Married at 48 and never separated or divorced. Never borrowed big sums for any purpose and thus never in debt. I have always lived within my means. Some people have done me harm, not because of me, but because they have different needs and goals. I simply avoid and forget such people. Thus, I have no baggage of old grudges. I have done some things for which I am ashamed, but I have forgiven myself and have tried to do better. No baggage there either. Even in a mad, mad world it is possible to avoid unnecessary complications. These come from within, not from without.
Wow Fred...you have lived to nearly 90 within having to live with the trauma that comes with a " narcissistic discard"...at 54 and married for 18 years with one child(currently poisoned by an unknown narcissist i was married to), i can tell you....toughest thing i have ever faced...can change your mind on loving human beings. I loved your words....and yet it would interest me in what you did and achieved BEFORE 48...and why you decided to marry right then sir??
@@BLITZY261 I met a person who I considered to be the right person and decided that I had become sufficiently mature to trust my judgement. I do not regret the decision.
This reminds me of another Jordan Peterson talk where he says that when people come to his clinic it's not a psychological problem they have, it's a life complexity problem. *Always* address the elephant in the room. If you don't, it will grow bigger until you can't cope anymore.
@Psychonaut Not so commonsense when you became numb (or imobile) to certain aspects of your living. And many aspects of life are not really commonsense, but discovered and rediscovered then embodied as commonsense. But this detail can be forgotten or overlooked and common sense needs to be unveiled again. Reasons for it are many. Personally, I highly suspect a big, hidden aspect which is so easily overlooked: inflamated gut and articulations due to poor and messy food habits. This one really contributes and adds more weight and burden to trivial issues of everyday living. Some other reason is the lack of physical streching. Becoming stiffer and stiffer in joins makes us so much more rigid and filled with pain overrall.
yes, I hate little lies also, like if I cant trust you in a small thing then I cant fully trust you in anything, I always have to second guess and look out for myself
@@ev_green_ yeah you're absolutely right, and even when you're speaking about something and you tell 10 true things and then 1 lie to make it a stronger argument, everyone will doubt all 11 things, you just compromised your whole effort and you decreased your reputation. Lying is a seriously bad thing and people have no idea how good things could be if they just told the truth
I don't know, they put at least some effort in it, and it was a motivated action, personally, I seem to have more of a problem with indifference, which is the one current epedemic nobody cares about, naturally. :P
"Deception twisted in, no fidelity, no clear and genuine communication, no one admits to what they're really up to, there's a lot of false and saccharine love which has nothing to do with love. It's all for appearance. You cannot be healthy in a situation like that." Sounds like modern dating.
and when he talks about why you act the way you do, you don't know now, but you knew when you started acting like that, basically every "special" girl out there that is impossible to deal with.
Overcomplication and obfuscation is a strategy to gain power and authority, but for a rather limited time, as the general but slow tendency is simplification and transparency.
Part of me wishes I could go back to when I first discovered Peterson, just so I can have the experience of receiving all this for the first time again
If I didn't know better, I'd think he was preaching from Ecclesiastes 8:15: "Then I commended mirth, because a man hath no better thing under the sun, than to eat, and to drink, and to be merry...."
Showed me what to do with the time I’m waiting for hip replacement. Use this time to make the experience coming a chance of a better outcome keep as physical as possible, don’t eat to much, and learn how to flex muscles at will/ now I came up with my own list of ideas; but inspired by his lectures. As I wait 🇨🇦 😷 👀
Man was doomed the moment he was born. The fact that no man can be the king of his own soul was his curse. He can't control himself even knowing all of this.
Until Man realizes that when he is split into parts, and away from his timeless and whole being, he is forever submissive to the dominating force that is his true whole self, waiting to be known again. You are also the thing that has dominion over all of your smaller personalities. When one of those parts/personalities mistakes itself to be the whole-self, of course it fails to control himself. Our sub-personalities are our creation! Creation has no dominion over God!
I've had major and very consequential deceptions thrown at me at just about the same time as I've had a medical tragedy of genetic origin. If it weren't for my work I'd have gone out the window.
JP "Don't make your life more complicated than what it is." Me just in 2020 - Gets promoted to hard role at unfamiliar job, develops epilepsy and subsequent panic disorder and suspension of drivers license, gets sudden unwanted divorce, dog dies, starts grad school for architecture, family says I look tired, "Nah I'm fine"
You have my profound respect for surviving with your sense of humour intact. Multiple catastrophes are the hardest to bear, but as Nietsche said, 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.' Best wishes!
Unless they were born from a father that lies, spread his scum life onto his child and he or she will do so. Or a mother. People lie sometimes when you lie. Pretty sure no one is truly honest and it's hard to detect deception and lies since we are 51% likely to detect it otherwise it turns into accusation. Call a person a liar when just about everyone and everything is a lie. It's unproven words that has yet to come true and I admit I was one of those scummy humans until I learned about it. I can kinda see when people are lying when it comes to gambling because Im still a liar no matter what they say or believe. It's like pointing out fake news like Bloomberg or so the sheeps say it's fake we all are shepherds. Lies betray trust. It takes a liar to know liars. Sadly you can tell when a person is lying because you can tell. One pathological liar would be some of the Jews that was successful. A sociopath.
"... three people breaking up your legs..." Sounds like threats. Besides deception and manipulation, people don't respond well to threats. And just when you try to be at peace with them, they get together and assemble one more charade to rob you of your blessings. They should know better by now, that it will cost them more to condone, support, sponsor, and cheer for those doing the real wrongs.
I dig in the trash....😢.... I am a influencer.... I started out of desperation, Then for inspiration..... I dont make a living wage currently, but Im growing still. Wish me luck
Tears never seem to wash away the picture of you the image in my mind flowing light revols around and from you .hair aglow shimmering delicate like a butterfly's painted wings inviting touch causing awe to flood through me your gaze caresses me feeding me the ever nourishing song of love oh to know that it is fleeting bitter comes the lesson hard is the woeful battle to keep from madness mocking every thought jabbed by insistent sharp reflections of the past can the memories survive the rending of ones mind brutality betrayed mortally wounded purposely eviscerated can we be put back together from such a shattering. ,,
I think there's a way of explaining this stuff in a less complicated way. Sometimes he's straight to the point, other times it's ideas and allusions stacked on top of ideas and sentences concluding with 'so'...and trailing off.
If you think JP is difficult, try reading any of the original source material. You wouldn't have a chance. Or compare him to anyone else attempting the same material. As a teacher, I can tell you that JP is incredibly gifted at presenting extremely difficult material in the simplest and clearest possible way. That's why he is so popular. This is a university class, and so...
How can you overcome lies that have caused choices you've made to become corrupt making choices based on information that turns out to be false has ruined my chances at a life with love witch is becoming more and more profound and meaningful as I pass 50 the gross deceit which has stolen 20 years of my life and shattered my beliefs in fairness and love. trust is retuned with cold betrayal,promises broken to the extreme wasted life giving everything it's so obscene. Tragic beginning, near death experience, continued struggle for love and life by midway point what's the point. All dreams offered up as sacrifice for the chance for love bleed out on the altar of broken promises in youth there is the possibility of second chance or starting over, hope ,is the word but when at and age where that future not some intangible vision there is in front of you the end with everything stripped from you from the one's you love the most unspeakable horror and assault on on goodwill creeps in freezing the mind why why why must we face this viscous soul stealing cruel world all alone
Sounds like you have been part of a NARCISSISTIC DISCARD......if it is that...there is a way forward. It is worth a year of anybody's life reading up on it.
Not sure what it's called but being in a relationship for 35 years and then getting hit with the fact I was blind to what was really going on all the words saying just wait going to get better we'll get back together just give me some time they say making you think but there is a chance and when you have never had love and then briefly you have had it and then it leaves you for no reason that leaves you grasping for reality it's like getting hit the head from the right side the left side and then uppercut at the same time and I'm spinning and I don't know which way I'm going to fall it's a mockery to say it's better to have loved then not loved at all that is utter nonsense if you've never experienced it you don't know what you've lost let me tell you from experience I would rather not know the feeling and wonder what it is the experience is mentally obliterating I can tell you that and I thought still creeps into me that life Without Love is loneliness life without kids life without a wife is life without life and I'm facings truths that I never comprehended I would have to face
I believe it happens for the sake of perspective. Imagine you are god, but so are the millions before and after. It's a state of null to exist is to not exist. Only you know what you've experienced, maybe this goes on to a collective consciousness. Only fair way to divvy up souls is to put them all together and experience everything there ever was to experience. Being grass, the birds, and you. How else could the created create a state of being if it also didnt. This state of null is you. Your perspective can collaborate with yet anouther person with a state of null sharing 2 life times of experience. Stories carry this the best across generations and share the infinite before and after.
YEs that is so true. Like the persecution towards religious people, creative people and anyone who was different than most in their community more often because of disability which was taking place everywhere around the globe during the Great Depression most in Germany at the time. Like the following music composers who were persecuted at that time too: hampsongfoundation.org/resource/persecuted-composers-persecuted-music/#:~:text=Among%20those%20driven%20out%2C%20expelled,%2C%20Robert%20Stolz%2C%20Wladimir%20Vogel%2C
So your telling me deception and the fallicies man does is just a part of life is bullshit if that's the case we wouldn't have purgery, and other crimes associated with lies that can ruin ones reputation and one would not be able to sue for defamation. It's not a normal act & there are repercussions for your actions. Just because someone sounds smart doesn't mean they are now that's life.
Don't know who might be reading this but in a low place have to talk what's inside from 3 until I was 15 I experienced near death 3 X and was physically emotionally verbally sexually abused bye everyone close family and Mom worked at a bar she was divorced Young and would at the end of the night bring home guys and after they were done with their business she was passed out they would go roaming the house my sister had a lock on her door I did not and well you know the rest managed to try to come through it all without a bitter look on life but my first memory laying on the front porch of the house and watching my blood run down the steps like a waterfall seeing my guts were hanging out and laying next to me and my leg was hanging by the skin of my knee the only thing holding my leg attached I was three years old I remember the policeman. Put me in his front seat as gently as he could could not wait for the ambulance I was dying right there all my blood was running out after that my memory is laying on a table and watching the surgeons stitching up my body and leg and then a look of surprise as they seen I was looking at them and then my next memory just waking up in a bed in a room with all these tubes sticking me in machines beeping and then I've tried to pull a tube out of my nose and alarm was going off and then a bunch of people started to come around and I'm then going back to sleep I can see it just like yesterday I remember getting beat because I would wet the bed after being in the hospital and having surgery over and over because of the Damage Done To My Leg when I was hurt going through a glass door is what cut me open and cut my leg just about off I'm in surgeries my stomach was messed up from intestines coming out the fact that my mom was always moving different places never stayed in one place I was always in and out of the hospital having operations year after year I just wondered what that might have done to me never have got to talk to nobody about it but that's just a sample of the I hate to say it tragic circumstances that have plagued me four 52 of my 56 years and then after 15 A Whole New World with a whole new different set of problems started for me starting to feel a little upset and tired Maybe if I feel like it I might do some more don't know what this is good or not
Thank you for that honestly means alot what's really the worst is the crushing realization that 35 year relationship spanning her 16 me 20 years old until Christmas this year everything that I thought it was was just in my mind and either I was so stupid I didn't know I was being sucker or I was tricked by the greatest actress ever because I never saw this coming after 35 years I would have never ever guest what happened and the weight of the Los is so bad I don't know what to do I have no children I have no wife and I have no life they were all dreams I had I sacrificed for promises of love to be given to me for my sacrifice but was i fooled and mocked and all my hopes were corrupted I cried so many tears and went over and over what happened but I have not been given any reason it's a cold empty loneliness what do you do when you do not know if you're the cause of your misery or not
I had a dream I was drowning in the ocean I was scared and alone and exhausted I knew that if I went under one more time that would be it thinking these thoughts I looked up and I saw you You my love in a boat frantically paddling toward me My joy at seeing you cannot be expressed It was was like meeting you loving you being with you for the first time my love I wanted to shout my love for you but you in a quiet voice shush me and said save your strength hun I did as I reached up for her to grab me she reached over grabbed my arm clamped a Manacle attached to a heavy weight around my wrist and let go I immediately sank under the water and as the darkness of the deep started to close in I said why why I could see her waving goodbye and her lips forming the last words I would have from my love the last words wer I said I loved you but I lied and my last thought was but you said you loved me
My heart aches for you. My father, God rest his gentle soul, was in hell too. I can only empathize with what you endured. And it pisses me off those that bitch and complain about "oppression." They haven't a fucking clue, and neither do I. 😔
It is sad to hear what you went through. But your life is yours. We all came alone in this life and we all we live and pass way alone. So take care your self. No body in this world is more important than you. Only y r responsible for y wellbeing. Never give up for nothing and no one. No body deserves more than you to look after. Y first then others. Never lose the hope you never know there are still good human been out there. Y may meet someone who deserves y. Everyone in this world has their one problems. Happiness doesn't exist. There are only moments of happiness for everyone. I wish you best Take care. From me from London
Good sound reasoning if I ever heard it. I wish someone would have talked me out of a tat . I didn’t know it had any meaning but it turned out to be gang related.? I didn’t get it for such purpose though.
Dr. P made me realize I am smart, likely smarter than most who I grew up with, because (paraphrasing) he said that IQ has a lot more to do with success than people think. And that academic people like to think they worked to get where they are, which they did, but they had to have had a more superior IQ to even get to that level. Now...I am likely butchering what he said, but it made me feel good after having earned my M.Ed. Good grief...I AM smart! Cool. 😊
@@raymundhofmann7661 I was told and believed for years, I was dumb (as in, learning disabilities), I'd be nothing. I raised myself out of that idea, and out of poverty. It's pride. I worked my MF ass off! I'm proud. Grandiose self praise, really? Wow.
Anybody who doesn't respect this man's understanding of the world has never listened to one of his lectures. He's such a great teacher.
I am sure that his classes fill quickly each semester and he is interesting. However, he does not present and or instruct from His OWN Experiences. He lives in the University Bubble world which is nice and scholarly.
@@HighSpeedNoDrag Not true at all... He's actually lived a very hard life. He was born in northern Canada in a frontier town and his family has been plagued by chronic sickness for decades. Do a little more research on people before drawing conclusions about the content of their character.
@@HighSpeedNoDrag I'm curious to see how you came to that conclusion considering he's fought depression a significant portion of his life whilst raising a daughter with painful, life threatening arthritis
@@HighSpeedNoDrag I dont see that at all man. The idea that he is just copying knowledge doesnt even go that far in that specific area. I dont think that you can actually teach about Jung or Freud without understanding it in a deep level personaly.
@Psychonaut Why do you not respect him?
"Don't Make Your Life More Complicated Than What It Is." Best advice Dr Peterson has ever given. My advice would be to "slow down" as a corollary to that. I observe that procrastination makes life complicated. By contrast, scheduling activities prevents stress that results from allowing things to pile up. If you must delay in dealing with some major issue, use the delay to think how to deal with the major issue and to get advice if you cannot solve the issue by yourself.
But don't delay dealing with the mini-issues. They will pile up and make life complicated, life will become a mess. Slow down. Deal with each issue step by step. That is how to stay sane in a mad, mad world.
When we were kids, we used to make fun of the sailor's navigation rules, "When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." I have done that once or twice.
Or "When ahead is seen both red and green, never mind, go between." I have done that once or twice, but have found the navigation rule is better, "When ahead is seen both red and green, port your helm and turn about."
(When you see red and green navigation lights, another ship is heading your way and you must change direction to avoid collision.)
So if we follow Dr Peterson's advice, we will try to see where we are headed and avoid complications. I am nearly 90 and have lived and worked in 15+ countries. But I have lived a simple life. Married at 48 and never separated or divorced. Never borrowed big sums for any purpose and thus never in debt. I have always lived within my means. Some people have done me harm, not because of me, but because they have different needs and goals. I simply avoid and forget such people. Thus, I have no baggage of old grudges. I have done some things for which I am ashamed, but I have forgiven myself and have tried to do better. No baggage there either.
Even in a mad, mad world it is possible to avoid unnecessary complications. These come from within, not from without.
Wow Fred...you have lived to nearly 90 within having to live with the trauma that comes with a " narcissistic discard"...at 54 and married for 18 years with one child(currently poisoned by an unknown narcissist i was married to), i can tell you....toughest thing i have ever faced...can change your mind on loving human beings.
I loved your words....and yet it would interest me in what you did and achieved BEFORE 48...and why you decided to marry right then sir??
@@BLITZY261 I met a person who I considered to be the right person and decided that I had become sufficiently mature to trust my judgement. I do not regret the decision.
Thanks. It's very relevant for me. Thanks for shining a light on my path x
Thank you for taking your time to share your experience with us. I will hold it close to my heart.
This reminds me of another Jordan Peterson talk where he says that when people come to his clinic it's not a psychological problem they have, it's a life complexity problem.
*Always* address the elephant in the room. If you don't, it will grow bigger until you can't cope anymore.
"When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging".
@Psychonaut Not so commonsense when you became numb (or imobile) to certain aspects of your living. And many aspects of life are not really commonsense, but discovered and rediscovered then embodied as commonsense. But this detail can be forgotten or overlooked and common sense needs to be unveiled again.
Reasons for it are many. Personally, I highly suspect a big, hidden aspect which is so easily overlooked: inflamated gut and articulations due to poor and messy food habits. This one really contributes and adds more weight and burden to trivial issues of everyday living.
Some other reason is the lack of physical streching. Becoming stiffer and stiffer in joins makes us so much more rigid and filled with pain overrall.
@Psychonaut no, it's not. Otherwise, explain yourself
@Psychonaut of course you don't. This is the internet where anyone can say wherever they want without any reason or justification at all
@Psychonaut Oh, so on top on everything you are just another shopist!... no man, I won't cry, you are just laughable...
@Psychonaut how old are you?... 8?
Keep calm and carry on folks.
1:36 there is nothing that hurts people more, than deception.
Spot on
yes, I hate little lies also, like if I cant trust you in a small thing then I cant fully trust you in anything, I always have to second guess and look out for myself
@@ev_green_ yeah you're absolutely right, and even when you're speaking about something and you tell 10 true things and then 1 lie to make it a stronger argument, everyone will doubt all 11 things, you just compromised your whole effort and you decreased your reputation. Lying is a seriously bad thing and people have no idea how good things could be if they just told the truth
I don't know, they put at least some effort in it, and it was a motivated action, personally, I seem to have more of a problem with indifference, which is the one current epedemic nobody cares about, naturally. :P
It's also deception from yourself.
"Deception twisted in, no fidelity, no clear and genuine communication, no one admits to what they're really up to, there's a lot of false and saccharine love which has nothing to do with love. It's all for appearance. You cannot be healthy in a situation like that."
Sounds like modern dating.
and when he talks about why you act the way you do, you don't know now, but you knew when you started acting like that, basically every "special" girl out there that is impossible to deal with.
Sounds like modern life.
And sounds like "social" media.
His daughter is a perfect example.
@@tlz124 only proves that you can do so much and it's still a personal decision
@@tlz124 It is not that i want to defend his daughter, but how did you find out?
Overcomplication and obfuscation is a strategy to gain power and authority, but for a rather limited time, as the general but slow tendency is simplification and transparency.
You are the best speaker on video, you have incredible insights
Thank you for sharing
Life is chaos. Stand Up With Your Shoulders Back. - God I love Dr. Petersen 🙏🏻❤️
Lies will do you in. Deception is lethal. It is absolutely true.Thank you.
Fascinating and frightening at the same time, is the truth or more specifically the struggle towards the truth.
You got it Brother. Every answer that gets closer to the truth opens more questions.
Part of me wishes I could go back to when I first discovered Peterson, just so I can have the experience of receiving all this for the first time again
If I didn't know better, I'd think he was preaching from Ecclesiastes 8:15:
"Then I commended mirth, because a man hath no better thing under the sun, than to eat, and to drink, and to be merry...."
Showed me what to do with the time I’m waiting for hip replacement. Use this time to make the experience coming a chance of a better outcome keep as physical as possible, don’t eat to much, and learn how to flex muscles at will/ now I came up with my own list of ideas; but inspired by his lectures. As I wait 🇨🇦 😷 👀
Dr J, I do hope you are feeling better. Life....can be tough.
Man was doomed the moment he was born. The fact that no man can be the king of his own soul was his curse. He can't control himself even knowing all of this.
The Buddha discovered the key to regaining control. Vipassana meditation.
Until Man realizes that when he is split into parts, and away from his timeless and whole being, he is forever submissive to the dominating force that is his true whole self, waiting to be known again. You are also the thing that has dominion over all of your smaller personalities. When one of those parts/personalities mistakes itself to be the whole-self, of course it fails to control himself. Our sub-personalities are our creation! Creation has no dominion over God!
@Wendell O. Costa None of what we're saying is profound, imo.
that's why God is real and I can surrender to Him and be content , God let's me be CONTENT
I've had major and very consequential deceptions thrown at me at just about the same time as I've had a medical tragedy of genetic origin. If it weren't for my work I'd have gone out the window.
JP "Don't make your life more complicated than what it is."
Me just in 2020 - Gets promoted to hard role at unfamiliar job, develops epilepsy and subsequent panic disorder and suspension of drivers license, gets sudden unwanted divorce, dog dies, starts grad school for architecture, family says I look tired, "Nah I'm fine"
You have my profound respect for surviving with your sense of humour intact. Multiple catastrophes are the hardest to bear, but as Nietsche said, 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.' Best wishes!
I remember at first watching Peterson's videos while not remembering that. Huge mistake...
Also, imagine him being alone when giving this lecture. 😁
I feel sorry for compulsive liars , Surely they want to stop but cannot.
Unless they're sociopaths.
Unless they were born from a father that lies, spread his scum life onto his child and he or she will do so. Or a mother. People lie sometimes when you lie. Pretty sure no one is truly honest and it's hard to detect deception and lies since we are 51% likely to detect it otherwise it turns into accusation. Call a person a liar when just about everyone and everything is a lie. It's unproven words that has yet to come true and I admit I was one of those scummy humans until I learned about it. I can kinda see when people are lying when it comes to gambling because Im still a liar no matter what they say or believe. It's like pointing out fake news like Bloomberg or so the sheeps say it's fake we all are shepherds. Lies betray trust. It takes a liar to know liars. Sadly you can tell when a person is lying because you can tell. One pathological liar would be some of the Jews that was successful. A sociopath.
@@AussieMoneyMan Correction Psychopaths as they are more so without empathy or whatever.
@@HighSpeedNoDrag Wrong.
I have watched more of his lectures and did not know his discipline in Psychology. He is a Genius and perhaps I spoke too soon.
"... three people breaking up your legs..." Sounds like threats. Besides deception and manipulation, people don't respond well to threats. And just when you try to be at peace with them, they get together and assemble one more charade to rob you of your blessings. They should know better by now, that it will cost them more to condone, support, sponsor, and cheer for those doing the real wrongs.
Who is the One able to judge those in this arrangement?
(but the creator)
So true.....
I always tend to make things more difficult then they are. I don't like that. I want to change that too...
Life is a balance.... every thing in balance
This is great.
There is dissatisfaction all about...There is a way out of that dissatisfaction and it is eightfold.
(Zen proverb)
What are the 8?
@@MrStoffzor Is 0 with a twist.
The titles of these vids never have anything to do with the content. Why?
1:39 We're so beyond f*cked..
I wonder how he could help me with my life if he were my therapist 🤔
I dig in the trash....😢.... I am a influencer.... I started out of desperation, Then for inspiration..... I dont make a living wage currently, but Im growing still. Wish me luck
Tears never seem to wash away the picture of you the image in my mind flowing light revols around and from you .hair aglow shimmering delicate like a butterfly's painted wings inviting touch causing awe to flood through me your gaze caresses me feeding me the ever nourishing song of love oh to know that it is fleeting bitter comes the lesson hard is the woeful battle to keep from madness mocking every thought jabbed by insistent sharp reflections of the past can the memories survive the rending of ones mind brutality betrayed mortally wounded purposely eviscerated can we be put back together from such a shattering. ,,
Beautifully touching...
You may have lost one love, but you are on the way to becoming a writer! Never stop writing and you'll find a sort of alternative paradise.
I think there's a way of explaining this stuff in a less complicated way.
Sometimes he's straight to the point, other times it's ideas and allusions stacked on top of ideas and sentences concluding with 'so'...and trailing off.
If you think JP is difficult, try reading any of the original source material. You wouldn't have a chance. Or compare him to anyone else attempting the same material. As a teacher, I can tell you that JP is incredibly gifted at presenting extremely difficult material in the simplest and clearest possible way. That's why he is so popular. This is a university class, and so...
People who are against him, are that way because they’ve never taken the time to listen to him. Poor them
I agree! They made the decision to become a monster.
My coworker drives me crazy, but I need to work
I've got problems, oh yes. Now I realise I've got a ton more that I didn't know about....
I hope his students understand how lucky they are to seat in those seats.
"Seriously and permanently damaged."
If something is apparently arbitrary then I'd say you're missing the data necessary to answer the question.
There is a diffrerence between "life" and people who think they "know life"
Like old fragmented code
The question is who is "you"?
How can you overcome lies that have caused choices you've made to become corrupt making choices based on information that turns out to be false has ruined my chances at a life with love witch is becoming more and more profound and meaningful as I pass 50 the gross deceit which has stolen 20 years of my life and shattered my beliefs in fairness and love. trust is retuned with cold betrayal,promises broken to the extreme wasted life giving everything it's so obscene. Tragic beginning, near death experience, continued struggle for love and life by midway point what's the point. All dreams offered up as sacrifice for the chance for love bleed out on the altar of broken promises in youth there is the possibility of second chance or starting over, hope ,is the word but when at and age where that future not some intangible vision there is in front of you the end with everything stripped from you from the one's you love the most unspeakable horror and assault on on goodwill creeps in freezing the mind why why why must we face this viscous soul stealing cruel world all alone
Sounds like you have been part of a NARCISSISTIC DISCARD......if it is that...there is a way forward.
It is worth a year of anybody's life reading up on it.
Not sure what it's called but being in a relationship for 35 years and then getting hit with the fact I was blind to what was really going on all the words saying just wait going to get better we'll get back together just give me some time they say making you think but there is a chance and when you have never had love and then briefly you have had it and then it leaves you for no reason that leaves you grasping for reality it's like getting hit the head from the right side the left side and then uppercut at the same time and I'm spinning and I don't know which way I'm going to fall it's a mockery to say it's better to have loved then not loved at all that is utter nonsense if you've never experienced it you don't know what you've lost let me tell you from experience I would rather not know the feeling and wonder what it is the experience is mentally obliterating I can tell you that and I thought still creeps into me that life Without Love is loneliness life without kids life without a wife is life without life and I'm facings truths that I never comprehended I would have to face
arbitrary, not self-evidently just/fair
I believe it happens for the sake of perspective. Imagine you are god, but so are the millions before and after. It's a state of null to exist is to not exist. Only you know what you've experienced, maybe this goes on to a collective consciousness. Only fair way to divvy up souls is to put them all together and experience everything there ever was to experience. Being grass, the birds, and you. How else could the created create a state of being if it also didnt. This state of null is you. Your perspective can collaborate with yet anouther person with a state of null sharing 2 life times of experience. Stories carry this the best across generations and share the infinite before and after.
YEs that is so true. Like the persecution towards religious people, creative people and anyone who was different than most in their community more often because of disability which was taking place everywhere around the globe during the Great Depression most in Germany at the time. Like the following music composers who were persecuted at that time too: hampsongfoundation.org/resource/persecuted-composers-persecuted-music/#:~:text=Among%20those%20driven%20out%2C%20expelled,%2C%20Robert%20Stolz%2C%20Wladimir%20Vogel%2C
Is this what he meant by “Don’t be too civilized?”
So your telling me deception and the fallicies man does is just a part of life is bullshit if that's the case we wouldn't have purgery, and other crimes associated with lies that can ruin ones reputation and one would not be able to sue for defamation. It's not a normal act & there are repercussions for your actions. Just because someone sounds smart doesn't mean they are now that's life.
I wonder what his brain was doing so long ago when he had an epiphany
Riley Arnason reading shit. Constantly.
Don't know who might be reading this but in a low place have to talk what's inside from 3 until I was 15 I experienced near death 3 X and was physically emotionally verbally sexually abused bye everyone close family and Mom worked at a bar she was divorced Young and would at the end of the night bring home guys and after they were done with their business she was passed out they would go roaming the house my sister had a lock on her door I did not and well you know the rest managed to try to come through it all without a bitter look on life but my first memory laying on the front porch of the house and watching my blood run down the steps like a waterfall seeing my guts were hanging out and laying next to me and my leg was hanging by the skin of my knee the only thing holding my leg attached I was three years old I remember the policeman. Put me in his front seat as gently as he could could not wait for the ambulance I was dying right there all my blood was running out after that my memory is laying on a table and watching the surgeons stitching up my body and leg and then a look of surprise as they seen I was looking at them and then my next memory just waking up in a bed in a room with all these tubes sticking me in machines beeping and then I've tried to pull a tube out of my nose and alarm was going off and then a bunch of people started to come around and I'm then going back to sleep I can see it just like yesterday I remember getting beat because I would wet the bed after being in the hospital and having surgery over and over because of the Damage Done To My Leg when I was hurt going through a glass door is what cut me open and cut my leg just about off I'm in surgeries my stomach was messed up from intestines coming out the fact that my mom was always moving different places never stayed in one place I was always in and out of the hospital having operations year after year I just wondered what that might have done to me never have got to talk to nobody about it but that's just a sample of the I hate to say it tragic circumstances that have plagued me four 52 of my 56 years and then after 15 A Whole New World with a whole new different set of problems started for me starting to feel a little upset and tired Maybe if I feel like it I might do some more don't know what this is good or not
I'm so sorry for what you've been through and I'm glad you're still around.
Thank you for that honestly means alot what's really the worst is the crushing realization that 35 year relationship spanning her 16 me 20 years old until Christmas this year everything that I thought it was was just in my mind and either I was so stupid I didn't know I was being sucker or I was tricked by the greatest actress ever because I never saw this coming after 35 years I would have never ever guest what happened and the weight of the Los is so bad I don't know what to do I have no children I have no wife and I have no life they were all dreams I had I sacrificed for promises of love to be given to me for my sacrifice but was i fooled and mocked and all my hopes were corrupted I cried so many tears and went over and over what happened but I have not been given any reason it's a cold empty loneliness what do you do when you do not know if you're the cause of your misery or not
I had a dream I was drowning in the ocean I was scared and alone and exhausted I knew that if I went under one more time that would be it thinking these thoughts I looked up and I saw you
You my love in a boat frantically paddling toward me
My joy at seeing you cannot be expressed
It was was like meeting you loving you being with you for the first time my love
I wanted to shout my love for you but you in a quiet voice shush me and said save your strength hun I did as I reached up for her to grab me she reached over grabbed my arm clamped a Manacle attached to a heavy weight around my wrist and let go I immediately sank under the water and as the darkness of the deep started to close in I said why why I could see her waving goodbye and her lips forming the last words I would have from my love the last words wer I said I loved you but I lied and my last thought was but you said you loved me
My heart aches for you. My father, God rest his gentle soul, was in hell too. I can only empathize with what you endured.
And it pisses me off those that bitch and complain about "oppression." They haven't a fucking clue, and neither do I.
It is sad to hear what you went through. But your life is yours. We all came alone in this life and we all we live and pass way alone. So take care your self.
No body in this world is more important than you. Only y r responsible for y wellbeing.
Never give up for nothing and no one.
No body deserves more than you to look after. Y first then others.
Never lose the hope you never know there are still good human been out there.
Y may meet someone who deserves y.
Everyone in this world has their one problems.
Happiness doesn't exist.
There are only moments of happiness for everyone.
I wish you best
Take care.
From me from London
Good sound reasoning if I ever heard it. I wish someone would have talked me out of a tat . I didn’t know it had any meaning but it turned out to be gang related.? I didn’t get it for such purpose though.
Dr. P made me realize I am smart, likely smarter than most who I grew up with, because (paraphrasing) he said that IQ has a lot more to do with success than people think. And that academic people like to think they worked to get where they are, which they did, but they had to have had a more superior IQ to even get to that level. Now...I am likely butchering what he said, but it made me feel good after having earned my M.Ed. Good grief...I AM smart! Cool. 😊
Success is trampeling on every one else.
How is that success.
That is phsycotic .
What a ugly grandiose self praise.
@@raymundhofmann7661 I was told and believed for years, I was dumb (as in, learning disabilities), I'd be nothing.
I raised myself out of that idea, and out of poverty. It's pride. I worked my MF ass off! I'm proud.
Grandiose self praise, really? Wow.
Try telling that to government. 🤔
Try telling it to the eu.
This is pretty scattered.
🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔
Yeah my life is fucked up that's why I don't date or socialize. It's offensive.
Sorry, nothing you said helped make any sense on what was going on in my head.
Completely unnecessary use of the word what. Bye x
They tell me I have white privilege that makes me more fortunate?
You can find that out yourself
@@commonlogic3646 Everybody's talkin at me, I don't hear a word they're sayin, only the echoes of my mind.
@@plinkbottle are you high man?
@@commonlogic3646 No I am nuts
@@plinkbottle you should chill. You probably aren't privileged because you are white. Just think calmly boy. Relax.
So we joke about movie only ok.... or we will make you famous
Oh yeah. There are black people in prison right now. but. Dont make your life too complicated by thinking about it.