2:45 mini theory: what if sardonyx is powerful enough not to just have future vision but see other realities and thus see ours where the show is a show and not real and can pull clips from our reality
I like this idea. Plus we know Pearl has the ability to project holograms of recorded messages and battle strategies from her gem. Maybe this gets powered up like Garnet's future vision, so that Sardonyx (and other fusions with Pearl?) can record and play back memories as well as visions from alternate realities.
What if someone is watching us right now saying, " haha, what a funny fourth wall joke, it's almost like the creator of this comment KNOWs their life is a lie
Ok I don't know who would be interested in watching my life, it's so boring, like, there's the typical drama (illnesses/disorders, loss, identity and sexuality crisis, self esteem issues, etc) you'll see in a show but most of it is just me staying in bed instead of going out, and playing with my cats or watching something on the internet instead of being productive lol. I'd probably be that character that hardly anyone pays attention to and you barely see once every two seasons bc of how uninteresting they're, then they eventually get killed off or something like that.
Spiders have eight eyes most of the time. The number eyes basically match up with the number of legs for spiders. The only reason why a spider would have six eyes is if two eyes were poked out.
I feel like there are tons of nods to the fact that the characters are pretty self aware that they are in a cartoon. Like the line that Amethyst says, "Who wants to watch a cartoon about people crying?" or the line, "Man, It sure would be nice if things worked out the way they do in cartoons." And the camera pans over to Steven in center frame with a frown on his face and says, "Yeah it would." And he turns the TV off which serves as the closer for the episode. Little things like that have really made me fall in love with the writing on this show.
Wait but if sardonic created the audience that means that she created our universe in which the korean animators live. But they created sardonyx who created them to create sardonyx?
Does that mean our world was made just so that Rebecca sugar could create steven universe and that steven universe was created just so that our world could exist
1: That would be such a huge letdown, that I doubt the crewniverse would do that to us. 2: If it could make a whole Earth, why did it bunk up Beach City in the first place? Why didn't it just make it perfect the first time? 3: If that was the case, if the room is that powerful, who's to say that Rose Quartz didn't get trapped in the room, and this is all happening in HER head? 4: All this is painful to consider and there isn't evidence, so let's just enjoy the show. 5: Banana.
I think that I can explain most of these 4th wall breaks. We've seen several real life franchises in the show, so it's possible that Cartoon Network is a channel in their universe, and since at least part of Sardonyx was present in both Opal and Alexandrite, she could have created the footage from memory, and put Cartoon Network in there as a joke for Steven. I think that it was the Pearl side of Sardonyx that made the comment about Sugilite, seeing as they don't have the best relationship. As for the newest episodes, my only guess is that since Steven and Pearl's designs were from 'Mr Greg' Pearl and Steven's songs somehow made it onto the internet as they were in very public places, and could have been filmed, that some tv station decided to use them as a basis for their characters. Connie fell from the sky wearing her training outfit, so that could also have been easily seen by anyone below. Amethyst causes trouble all the time, so she's probably all over the internet, and Greg's outfit could have been a last minute change, as the shirt may have been popular in Korea at the time.
Theory: A fusion has it's own mine but with the memory's of the two gems that make up that fusion. So when they unfuse the gems don't have the memory's of that fusion so maybe only Sardonyx knows that their world isn't real not Garnet, Pearl, Ruby or Sapphire. (Plot Twist)
Mystical Utopia That's canon, I believe, since when Steven tells Pearl that Sardonyx was awesome she says, "We were?" And gems retain their memories when they are in a fusion, I'm saying that the other gem/gems don't remember the other gem's memories such as seen when Pearl was fusing with Garnet unnecessarily and Garnet was none the wiser
Oh also when Sardonyx says was I worth the wait. She is also breaking the fourth wall because rebecca sugar accounted her fusion but never shown any pictures of her
Now I'm imagining a Deadpool style joke like: [Pearl and Garnet fuse] Steven: Hey! Sardonyx! I haven't seen you in awhile. Sardonyx: Yeah, since Season 3, Episode 24.
This is like in the Deadpool comics where he blatantly breaks the 4th wall and everyone else REACTS to it, with the ever constant, 'who are you talking too?' and even questioning what he's talking about when he refers to 'readers'
The gems of fusions don't know everything their fusions know, and vice versa. The main example of this is when Garnet doesn't know that Pearl is tricking her to fuse with her.
"Just because this is all in your head, doesn't mean it's not real" -Dumbledore, Deathly Hallows Part 2 I think this applies to 4th Wall Breakers, they have awareness of what's beyond the boundary but that doesn't mean their world isn't fake; Their reality is separate and/or a fantasy in ours and vise versa...
In the Steven universe universe the stories of gems and the alien events of beach city must be across headlines a lot and there may be a gem based tv show in Korea. Also sardonyx breaking the 4th wall may be in reference to her show as you suggested. The theory is kinds crazy and I feel like ruby, sapphire, and pearl would be really depressed and/or insane if it were true. They may have some gem belief or religion similar to the concept of their reality being a tv show. Maybe when they are sardonyx they have a heightened intelligence and sense that people are watching them but ONLY when they are sardonyx and then immediately forget it when they unfuse.
would be reasonable if sardonyx is aware shes in a cartoon, cause what if sapphires future vision was strengthened by the fusion to the point of knowing shes in a cartoon, however this doesnt deter her or any shes made up of from acting based on what comes their way because this is after all still their life, whether its fictional or not its real enough for them, they still have feeling for it and the people who live with in it
While that kinda thing can be fun I don't think that it'll end up being true for SU, and the fourth wall breaks are purely jokes for the audience and not hinting at any secret. Still fun to think about though!
It may be that this TV concept is an off-shoot of Sapphire's/Garnet's future vision. Sapphire seems to interpret the future as mostly static or at least fairly well defined. Garnet sees a multitude of possibilities and outcomes. Sardonix sees time as something that can be started and stopped like a movie and mutable like a TV set. Flashbacks and outside references are a good metaphor for switching time-lines.
What if only Sardonyx knows that their life is a cartoon. Every fusion has something they can do that their original gems can't. So far we haven't seen anything that really counts as a 'special ability', so that could be it
remember when sardonyx said every fusion has something extra i bet thats whats extra about sardonyx but nether garnet, ruby, sapphire, or pearl know (when i was spelling pearl i almost spelled it like pear)
The show being in a cartoon universe doesn't mean their universe is a lie. It's just an universe with a different set of rules then ours (like minor retcons are possible, minor continuity errors too) Sardonyx maybe aware of it but she doesn't share memories all the time : in her debut episode, she doesn't share the memories of Pearl lying to Garnet.
I think the reason for all the fourth wall breaking on Sardonyx's part is her power. Gems are known to get new powers, traits, and/or abilities when they fuse (as mentioned by Sardonyx herself), and I believe that Sardonyx's power is fourth wall breaking. Her power is literally to see through the fabric of her fictional world, and perhaps only if she's in her special room; she can twist it to her uses as well and escape her world's logic (such as using the screens displaying sections from the show as we see it, possibly mentioning Nikki Manaj). All this explains her stage theme. She understands that the world is staged and she's the actress and/or host in it. This power may in part stem from her Sapphire traits, because Sapphires can see into the fabric of time. Sapphire, when fused with Ruby, can see more specific outcomes to more easily prevent negative events. Ruby changed Sapphire's fate. Garnet can see all the ways fate can be changed. Fusing with Pearl enhances or changes those powers. Now Sardonyx can't just see through the boundaries of time, but through the boundaries of her universe and it's influences on this realm we're all living in. She may also be able to speak to the show's creator's and such directly (who was she talking to when she asked about paying Sugilite/Nikki?). Even if/though Garnet and Pearl know (which they probably must since they make up Sardonyx), they can't break the fourth wall in the same way that Sardonyx can. They, in the very least, don't seem to know which angle the audience is viewing from, but they also simply may not have the privilege of even talking about there being a fourth wall, let alone breaking it, unless they are Sardonyx. They may be literally unable to without her power. They can't see through logic and the fourth wall, they can't talk to the audience or the show's creators, or know at all what's happening in our realm. If this stuff is true, imagine the reality check that Pearl and Garnet had when they first fused, wow! xO
This one might sound a little crazy, but that one episode (I think it was on “catch and release”) Steven was in Rose’s room, and he said something like “I want to go to the real basement. I know there is a way down from here” and it took him to the basement, where he pops Peridot’s bubble and frees her, but every time I see that scene, I think, what if the room made up a fake way to the basement, and a fake basement, and the whole rest of the series is just stuff Rose’s room made up? Obviously, the room most likely wouldn’t be able to handle making something so big, and making all those personalities in the people of Beach City and the gems that accurate, but it’s just something interesting to think about.
Just because the fusion knows doesn't mean the gems that make it know. a fusion is a completely new being with knowledge that may not necessarily have apart.
Sardonyx's room is a room similar to steven's/rose's , they can just build whatever they want to do, that's my theory. And the recordings that were shown to the audience were there because garnet and pearl both lived that moment, so probably they could've shown themselves reliving it through a tv, or it's all canon.
What if "Lonely Blade" foreshadows plot of series, but from perspective of Diamonds. For them it is like they fight evil organization with shady leader that uses forbidden techniques and unusual weapon and is always doing something in scenes and is on cover. And they try to avenge dead family member.
I feel like sardonyx has very extreme awareness with future vision. The reason why she acts the way she does is cause she is trying to appease the maybe other universes she(garnet and saphire) see by breaking the fourth wall.
I think that Sardonyx knows but Pearl,Garnet,Ruby,and Sapphire don't know.Since fusions have their own mind they might be able to keep a few memories from the people who fused to make them.If Garnet,Pearl,Ruby,and Sapphire knew that their world isn't real,I don't think Pearl or Ruby could cope with that.
Or maybe Sardonyx is powerful enough to have more thatn future vision, and can see alternate universe including ours in wich there's a show about them (after all: infinite universes = infinite possibilities)
Even though Deadpool is aware that they are in a comic book universe I believe this is attributed to his Insanity that was actually caused by The Weapon X Program. This was my one biggest gripes with the movie itself was that they made him seem a bit more insane before the program rather than because of it.
In "Lion 3: straight to video" there was a video made by rose and Greg for Steven and rose pushed the button to end Steven universe episodes. I think it's another fourth wall break, I'm not sure though.
Perhaps Sardonyx's powers from sapphire gets increased to levels of self awareness, as a strange result of being fused with pearl. After all, our pearl seems to be different from the other pearls, and could've been WD's Pearl first. Which causes Sardonyx to basically turn into the deadpool of su. Or, it could just be jokes thrown in there. Does it actually matter? Either way, it is still the show we know and love.
My theory: so we know that tv exists in this world, and we know how irl news stations cover EVERYTHING. My theory is that Steven Universe (the show) is a sort of documentary in that universe, and that, in this universe, these events did happen, and are told from a sort of self-aware pov similar to how biopics or, my fave musical Hamilton, refference future events as if they are history (which, in this universe, they sort of are.) evidence/support: when sardonyx uses clips from Cartoon Network, she is using clips from the show they are watching, like I would use a clip from a show I watch to prove a point (ala using a clip from Hamilton to prove a point about irl Alexander Hamilton). And it takes a while to make an episode, so I would imagine Steven and Greg walking past the animator is them walking past an animator for their bio-cartoon (I'm calling it that I guess), and why is this possible? They are making the show as its happening, kind of like an anime being made about a currently running manga. The reason for gregs reaction is because he can't believe they are working so quickly and up to date. idk, just kind of a cool theory I thought up, and as a bonus I like to imagine that Steven would be showing his kid the show as a way to tell them what happened in his life, or watching it with the gems and the gems picking apart every minute error. (Pearl being triggered when they get something wrong about her, Garnet predicting whether they will get something right or not, peridot admiring how "accurate" they depicted her, etc.)
The cartoon network was featured on the keep beach city weird blog. He says in a post that "I’ll have to WATCH the C.A.R.T.O.O.N. NETWORK to get to the bottom of this. You know, the Comet/Asteriod Research Telescope Observing Objects Nationwide Network set up by the government to make sure comets don’t hit commercial airliners." What that could mean for Sardonyx's show? I don't know. I just thought is would be an interesting thing to look into with this theory.
The theory was good 3 years ago but Sunstone can also break the 4th wall. And I think garnet did it once, so do like Sapphire fusions just have that ability
Maybe garnet's future vision is very distorted at probably 25% accuracy in sardonyx, and with that she sees a small possibility of them being watched. Although small, Pearl's ambition to be correct all the time has sardonyx talk to an audience on the off chance that the future vision is correct about them being in a cartoon.
As Garnet can see the future, and pearl is (was) dwelling on the past, a combined ability is to be aware of their reality. Maybe something they forget when they unfuse? Just a thought
Maybe only Sards knows, not Pearl or Garnet (Ruby/Sapphire). We've seen in "Cry for Help" that Garnet didn't realize that Pearl was using her, even when they were fused. She had to be called out for doing so. Maybe this is sort of the same thing, and only when fused is when they're both aware of being in a cartoon.
So Garnet's future vision of all futures combines with Pearl to create knowledge of all realities Since garnet's abilities to view alternate realities only focuses on the SU universe. Sardonyx might only be looking at a parallel universe.
WROOOOOOOOONG. Sardonyx may know but that doesn't mean pearl and Garnet share each others memories otherwise Garnet would have known that Pearl was tricking her to fuse.
When smokey asks "where did you get them" Sardonyx states "I made them myself" I don't really like this theory because, reasons, but fourth wall is suppose to be a fun little glimpse joke, and by making it any more than that, it becomes tired and doesn't leave room for more theory.
i doubt Garnet and Pearl know about it because of how Pearl was able to lie to Garnet in cry for help meaning that they probably don't retain all of the fusion's memory and knowledge.
I forget who but they also did a 4th wall break theory about Sardonics that was based on future vision and Pearl tapping into Peridot's ship. and how if a fusion is their own person then Sardonics might have memories that neither Pearl nor Garnet have. idk maybe we're all wrong but making theories is fun
Maybe just Sardonyx knows about this when she is herself since when the gems fuse they are no longer just themselves but something new. With the attributes of both Pearl and Garnet's insight along with her own this may allow her to see through the universes rather than just the future. but that is assuming that the fourth wall breaks are significant or meaningful at all.
2:45 mini theory: what if sardonyx is powerful enough not to just have future vision but see other realities and thus see ours where the show is a show and not real and can pull clips from our reality
chickenhound that makes mor sense and i think it could be canon
I like this theory more than that one in actual video.
I like this idea. Plus we know Pearl has the ability to project holograms of recorded messages and battle strategies from her gem. Maybe this gets powered up like Garnet's future vision, so that Sardonyx (and other fusions with Pearl?) can record and play back memories as well as visions from alternate realities.
chickenhound like the theories of how when an option is presented the timeline splits and they can see and remember both
that one's good
What if.....Sardonyx MADE US?!
jackson hart * Illuminati music starts* OH MY GAWD
jackson hart *GASP* I CAN SEE IT NOW
jackson hart
my whole life is a lie.....
Sardonyx is now ruling America and Asia
What if someone is watching us right now saying, " haha, what a funny fourth wall joke, it's almost like the creator of this comment KNOWs their life is a lie
Ok I don't know who would be interested in watching my life, it's so boring, like, there's the typical drama (illnesses/disorders, loss, identity and sexuality crisis, self esteem issues, etc) you'll see in a show but most of it is just me staying in bed instead of going out, and playing with my cats or watching something on the internet instead of being productive lol. I'd probably be that character that hardly anyone pays attention to and you barely see once every two seasons bc of how uninteresting they're, then they eventually get killed off or something like that.
the real question is, are we real, or are we cartoons in a different universe.
Don't ask me, I don't want to think about it.
Hourglass Of Time both
Mykal always fucking me up with these theories smh
The Roundtable lol
The Roundtable ikr
Cartoon Universe 💙
Ayeeeeeeee WHATS UP
The Roundtable I'm subscribed to you
"Gods in Korea, creating everything all the time." -seems legit.
does anybody else think sardonyx's eyes look like a spider
gattling glaceon Spiders typically have six eyes.
Spiders have eight eyes most of the time. The number eyes basically match up with the number of legs for spiders. The only reason why a spider would have six eyes is if two eyes were poked out.
I feel like there are tons of nods to the fact that the characters are pretty self aware that they are in a cartoon. Like the line that Amethyst says, "Who wants to watch a cartoon about people crying?" or the line, "Man, It sure would be nice if things worked out the way they do in cartoons." And the camera pans over to Steven in center frame with a frown on his face and says, "Yeah it would." And he turns the TV off which serves as the closer for the episode. Little things like that have really made me fall in love with the writing on this show.
Wait but if sardonic created the audience that means that she created our universe in which the korean animators live. But they created sardonyx who created them to create sardonyx?
Does that mean our world was made just so that Rebecca sugar could create steven universe and that steven universe was created just so that our world could exist
oscar alonso
oscar alonso well that's complicated
oscar alonso You're killing my brain.
whatever you belive in, spirits, gods, god, science (big bang) ect,
So basically Sardonyx is the deadpool of Steven universe.
ThesightofPeace 97 Yup
AJ already said that
she also likes Smash bros Nintendo binds us all
Daniel Rueda F AJ
PLOT TWIST: White Diamond is actually Robin from Teen Titans Go.
What if rose's room is more powerful than what we give it credit for? and Steven is still inside the room!
1: That would be such a huge letdown, that I doubt the crewniverse would do that to us.
2: If it could make a whole Earth, why did it bunk up Beach City in the first place? Why didn't it just make it perfect the first time?
3: If that was the case, if the room is that powerful, who's to say that Rose Quartz didn't get trapped in the room, and this is all happening in HER head?
4: All this is painful to consider and there isn't evidence, so let's just enjoy the show.
5: Banana.
If they are living in a canonically cartoon world, my interest with the show will decrease to 0.
Adam Kay same. this theory just blows, these are just jokes.
Phew, scared me with the title. I thought my life was a lie and that I was gonna have an existential crisis.
I think that I can explain most of these 4th wall breaks. We've seen several real life franchises in the show, so it's possible that Cartoon Network is a channel in their universe, and since at least part of Sardonyx was present in both Opal and Alexandrite, she could have created the footage from memory, and put Cartoon Network in there as a joke for Steven. I think that it was the Pearl side of Sardonyx that made the comment about Sugilite, seeing as they don't have the best relationship. As for the newest episodes, my only guess is that since Steven and Pearl's designs were from 'Mr Greg' Pearl and Steven's songs somehow made it onto the internet as they were in very public places, and could have been filmed, that some tv station decided to use them as a basis for their characters. Connie fell from the sky wearing her training outfit, so that could also have been easily seen by anyone below. Amethyst causes trouble all the time, so she's probably all over the internet, and Greg's outfit could have been a last minute change, as the shirt may have been popular in Korea at the time.
Theory: A fusion has it's own mine but with the memory's of the two gems that make up that fusion. So when they unfuse the gems don't have the memory's of that fusion so maybe only Sardonyx knows that their world isn't real not Garnet, Pearl, Ruby or Sapphire. (Plot Twist)
Mystical Utopia That's canon, I believe, since when Steven tells Pearl that Sardonyx was awesome she says, "We were?" And gems retain their memories when they are in a fusion, I'm saying that the other gem/gems don't remember the other gem's memories such as seen when Pearl was fusing with Garnet unnecessarily and Garnet was none the wiser
So Sardonyx is basically their version of Deadpool
ShadowQuake 29 pretty good way to explain it all
Peachy Bubbles is that sarcasm?
ShadowQuake 29
well more Like She-Hulk than Deadpool
if Sardonyx is Jimmy Kimmel then sugalite is Matt Damien XD.
Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
caught in a landslide, no escape from reality 😉
Open your eyes look up to the sky and seeeee
Your a lie
I'm a lie
He's a lie
The Epic Laser Man 23 Nah im jus a mistake...
The Epic Laser Man 23
The Cake is a lie.
I GOT A STEVEN UNIVERSE AD. Fitting, don'tcha think. XD
pastamagic L ME TOO!!!
Oh also when Sardonyx says was I worth the wait. She is also breaking the fourth wall because rebecca sugar accounted her fusion but never shown any pictures of her
The Corruption Song didn't just corrupt gems, it disrupted existence itself. Reality is warped and time is bendable!
Well if you think about it, due to the 'multiverse' or 'many worlds' theory there could be a universe that exists where our world is fictional too.
SocialButts BRILLIANT!!!
this type of 4 wall breaking happened in lonny toons cartoons, its nothing new
Now I'm imagining a Deadpool style joke like:
[Pearl and Garnet fuse]
Steven: Hey! Sardonyx! I haven't seen you in awhile.
Sardonyx: Yeah, since Season 3, Episode 24.
Paulo Jr.
Steven: um is that in Crying Breakfast Friends time?
Nice vid!
Watch it first?
Calm your nerves! Cartoon universe always makes good content
Agreed. But it's better if you enjoy the video first and then comment your opinions.
Good Point
This is like in the Deadpool comics where he blatantly breaks the 4th wall and everyone else REACTS to it, with the ever constant, 'who are you talking too?' and even questioning what he's talking about when he refers to 'readers'
What the heck, I just rewatched the episode Know Your Fusion...
I'm going to lock my door now
The gems of fusions don't know everything their fusions know, and vice versa. The main example of this is when Garnet doesn't know that Pearl is tricking her to fuse with her.
this is getting on like a supernatural level and i dont think ill be able to handle it
Imagine Sardonyx watching a show about our everyday lives
This sounds like the cartoon "Chowder", where every character is aware that they're in a cartoon. Breaking the 4th wall til non existing.
Not everything is a lie... Except for the cake, the cake is a lie
i think of fourth wall breeks as lapses in the charaters sanity
"Just because this is all in your head, doesn't mean it's not real" -Dumbledore, Deathly Hallows Part 2
I think this applies to 4th Wall Breakers, they have awareness of what's beyond the boundary but that doesn't mean their world isn't fake; Their reality is separate and/or a fantasy in ours and vise versa...
3:34 Are those diamonds on her footies?
In the Steven universe universe the stories of gems and the alien events of beach city must be across headlines a lot and there may be a gem based tv show in Korea. Also sardonyx breaking the 4th wall may be in reference to her show as you suggested. The theory is kinds crazy and I feel like ruby, sapphire, and pearl would be really depressed and/or insane if it were true. They may have some gem belief or religion similar to the concept of their reality being a tv show. Maybe when they are sardonyx they have a heightened intelligence and sense that people are watching them but ONLY when they are sardonyx and then immediately forget it when they unfuse.
when ever somone makes a joke like this "let me make a joke. steven universe" im just like it must be tougher for you at least people like jokes
I get it
Excited Cat i wont except it
but asexuality is not
*CAKE IS A LIE?!?!?!?* so mario didn't get his cake from super mario galaxy! (like Excited Cat's comment if you get it)
Or maybe. They just has this ability to break the Fourth wall.. JUST when they are Fused as Sardonyx.
would be reasonable if sardonyx is aware shes in a cartoon, cause what if sapphires future vision was strengthened by the fusion to the point of knowing shes in a cartoon, however this doesnt deter her or any shes made up of from acting based on what comes their way because this is after all still their life, whether its fictional or not its real enough for them, they still have feeling for it and the people who live with in it
does anyone know the name of the soundtrack that starts playing at 2:49?
It's a remix of Amalgamate, the song that played when Pearl and Amethyst tried to fuse.
While that kinda thing can be fun I don't think that it'll end up being true for SU, and the fourth wall breaks are purely jokes for the audience and not hinting at any secret. Still fun to think about though!
And if we..
Are Cartoon made by one Guy in the Real-Real Life!
there was another fourth wall broken, Sardonyx had said " Don't they make you want to buy those toys? I sure hope so other wise I'd be off air.
It may be that this TV concept is an off-shoot of Sapphire's/Garnet's future vision. Sapphire seems to interpret the future as mostly static or at least fairly well defined. Garnet sees a multitude of possibilities and outcomes. Sardonix sees time as something that can be started and stopped like a movie and mutable like a TV set. Flashbacks and outside references are a good metaphor for switching time-lines.
Pink Diamond after reading the title: I'm interested.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh This Hurts My Head
You forgot when rose looks directly at the camera in buddy's book when she's telling buddy to become an author
She was talking to the person reading the book
*I just noticed that sardonyx's eyes are on her hair or she has a messed up head*
Woah, dafuq?
Oh please, such a thing would break Pearl's psyche big time. If she does know about it, she'd be in pretty damn deep denial about it.
What if only Sardonyx knows that their life is a cartoon. Every fusion has something they can do that their original gems can't. So far we haven't seen anything that really counts as a 'special ability', so that could be it
remember when sardonyx said every fusion has something extra i bet thats whats extra about sardonyx but nether garnet, ruby, sapphire, or pearl know (when i was spelling pearl i almost spelled it like pear)
The show being in a cartoon universe doesn't mean their universe is a lie. It's just an universe with a different set of rules then ours (like minor retcons are possible, minor continuity errors too)
Sardonyx maybe aware of it but she doesn't share memories all the time : in her debut episode, she doesn't share the memories of Pearl lying to Garnet.
I over what AJ Universe covered this theory, he explained that fourth all breaking is part of sardonyx powers
I think the reason for all the fourth wall breaking on Sardonyx's part is her power. Gems are known to get new powers, traits, and/or abilities when they fuse (as mentioned by Sardonyx herself), and I believe that Sardonyx's power is fourth wall breaking. Her power is literally to see through the fabric of her fictional world, and perhaps only if she's in her special room; she can twist it to her uses as well and escape her world's logic (such as using the screens displaying sections from the show as we see it, possibly mentioning Nikki Manaj). All this explains her stage theme. She understands that the world is staged and she's the actress and/or host in it.
This power may in part stem from her Sapphire traits, because Sapphires can see into the fabric of time. Sapphire, when fused with Ruby, can see more specific outcomes to more easily prevent negative events. Ruby changed Sapphire's fate. Garnet can see all the ways fate can be changed.
Fusing with Pearl enhances or changes those powers. Now Sardonyx can't just see through the boundaries of time, but through the boundaries of her universe and it's influences on this realm we're all living in. She may also be able to speak to the show's creator's and such directly (who was she talking to when she asked about paying Sugilite/Nikki?).
Even if/though Garnet and Pearl know (which they probably must since they make up Sardonyx), they can't break the fourth wall in the same way that Sardonyx can. They, in the very least, don't seem to know which angle the audience is viewing from, but they also simply may not have the privilege of even talking about there being a fourth wall, let alone breaking it, unless they are Sardonyx. They may be literally unable to without her power. They can't see through logic and the fourth wall, they can't talk to the audience or the show's creators, or know at all what's happening in our realm.
If this stuff is true, imagine the reality check that Pearl and Garnet had when they first fused, wow! xO
Cartoon Universe: Created a debate in the comments since 2015.
this just came out if nowhwere but how come garnet doesn't have 4 arms when she's a fusion
Knights Animations Because she is incredibly stable. The less arms there are the more stable the fusion is.
I subbed to you just because of your profile picture...
Elizabeth K.
That's a lie. It's just a design choice because of how short Ruby and sapphire are.
Imdabatman 123 Thanks!
This one might sound a little crazy, but that one episode (I think it was on “catch and release”) Steven was in Rose’s room, and he said something like “I want to go to the real basement. I know there is a way down from here” and it took him to the basement, where he pops Peridot’s bubble and frees her, but every time I see that scene, I think, what if the room made up a fake way to the basement, and a fake basement, and the whole rest of the series is just stuff Rose’s room made up? Obviously, the room most likely wouldn’t be able to handle making something so big, and making all those personalities in the people of Beach City and the gems that accurate, but it’s just something interesting to think about.
Just because the fusion knows doesn't mean the gems that make it know. a fusion is a completely new being with knowledge that may not necessarily have apart.
Sardonyx's room is a room similar to steven's/rose's , they can just build whatever they want to do, that's my theory. And the recordings that were shown to the audience were there because garnet and pearl both lived that moment, so probably they could've shown themselves reliving it through a tv, or it's all canon.
What if "Lonely Blade" foreshadows plot of series, but from perspective of Diamonds. For them it is like they fight evil organization with shady leader that uses forbidden techniques and unusual weapon and is always doing something in scenes and is on cover. And they try to avenge dead family member.
when you said that we were the audience that sardonyx created I was sooooo weired out.
I feel like sardonyx has very extreme awareness with future vision. The reason why she acts the way she does is cause she is trying to appease the maybe other universes she(garnet and saphire) see by breaking the fourth wall.
I think that Sardonyx knows but Pearl,Garnet,Ruby,and Sapphire don't know.Since fusions have their own mind they might be able to keep a few memories from the people who fused to make them.If Garnet,Pearl,Ruby,and Sapphire knew that their world isn't real,I don't think Pearl or Ruby could cope with that.
*omg I an so surprised that a animated show is fake*
King Liltb 😱Steven Universe is fake my existence is a lie
King Liltb it's not about that, it's about the characters knowing that the show is fake
Or maybe Sardonyx is powerful enough to have more thatn future vision, and can see alternate universe including ours in wich there's a show about them (after all: infinite universes = infinite possibilities)
Geez. Imagine Sardonyx without her glasses.
it might be what sardonyx future vision sees
Wait are you telling me, Steven Universe is just a...... CARTOON?!
Even though Deadpool is aware that they are in a comic book universe I believe this is attributed to his Insanity that was actually caused by The Weapon X Program. This was my one biggest gripes with the movie itself was that they made him seem a bit more insane before the program rather than because of it.
In "Lion 3: straight to video" there was a video made by rose and Greg for Steven and rose pushed the button to end Steven universe episodes. I think it's another fourth wall break, I'm not sure though.
woah this cartoon takes place in the world of a cartoon?! mind blown
Just means they are actors in a TV show, and they know it.
I love your videos on steven universe
Perhaps Sardonyx's powers from sapphire gets increased to levels of self awareness, as a strange result of being fused with pearl.
After all, our pearl seems to be different from the other pearls, and could've been WD's Pearl first.
Which causes Sardonyx to basically turn into the deadpool of su.
Or, it could just be jokes thrown in there.
Does it actually matter?
Either way, it is still the show we know and love.
My theory: so we know that tv exists in this world, and we know how irl news stations cover EVERYTHING. My theory is that Steven Universe (the show) is a sort of documentary in that universe, and that, in this universe, these events did happen, and are told from a sort of self-aware pov similar to how biopics or, my fave musical Hamilton, refference future events as if they are history (which, in this universe, they sort of are.) evidence/support: when sardonyx uses clips from Cartoon Network, she is using clips from the show they are watching, like I would use a clip from a show I watch to prove a point (ala using a clip from Hamilton to prove a point about irl Alexander Hamilton). And it takes a while to make an episode, so I would imagine Steven and Greg walking past the animator is them walking past an animator for their bio-cartoon (I'm calling it that I guess), and why is this possible? They are making the show as its happening, kind of like an anime being made about a currently running manga. The reason for gregs reaction is because he can't believe they are working so quickly and up to date. idk, just kind of a cool theory I thought up, and as a bonus I like to imagine that Steven would be showing his kid the show as a way to tell them what happened in his life, or watching it with the gems and the gems picking apart every minute error. (Pearl being triggered when they get something wrong about her, Garnet predicting whether they will get something right or not, peridot admiring how "accurate" they depicted her, etc.)
The cartoon network was featured on the keep beach city weird blog. He says in a post that "I’ll have to WATCH the C.A.R.T.O.O.N. NETWORK to get to the bottom of this. You know, the Comet/Asteriod Research Telescope Observing Objects Nationwide Network set up by the government to make sure comets don’t hit commercial airliners." What that could mean for Sardonyx's show? I don't know. I just thought is would be an interesting thing to look into with this theory.
The theory was good 3 years ago but Sunstone can also break the 4th wall. And I think garnet did it once, so do like Sapphire fusions just have that ability
not everyone could know this, when they fuse, they are a different person completely.
Maybe garnet's future vision is very distorted at probably 25% accuracy in sardonyx, and with that she sees a small possibility of them being watched. Although small, Pearl's ambition to be correct all the time has sardonyx talk to an audience on the off chance that the future vision is correct about them being in a cartoon.
It's more of a lie because sardonyx's top eyes aren't even connected to her face
As Garnet can see the future, and pearl is (was) dwelling on the past, a combined ability is to be aware of their reality. Maybe something they forget when they unfuse? Just a thought
Maybe only Sards knows, not Pearl or Garnet (Ruby/Sapphire). We've seen in "Cry for Help" that Garnet didn't realize that Pearl was using her, even when they were fused. She had to be called out for doing so. Maybe this is sort of the same thing, and only when fused is when they're both aware of being in a cartoon.
you forgot that cartoon joke in sardonyx tonight where she said if she didn't like cartoons she wouldn't be there... or something like that
So Garnet's future vision of all futures combines with Pearl to create knowledge of all realities Since garnet's abilities to view alternate realities only focuses on the SU universe. Sardonyx might only be looking at a parallel universe.
Sardonyx may know but that doesn't mean pearl and Garnet share each others memories otherwise Garnet would have known that Pearl was tricking her to fuse.
When smokey asks "where did you get them" Sardonyx states "I made them myself"
I don't really like this theory because, reasons, but fourth wall is suppose to be a fun little glimpse joke, and by making it any more than that, it becomes tired and doesn't leave room for more theory.
didn't aj universe make a video about this forever ago ... a better video on this topic
i doubt Garnet and Pearl know about it because of how Pearl was able to lie to Garnet in cry for help meaning that they probably don't retain all of the fusion's memory and knowledge.
Welp thanks you messed up my cartoon life thanks
I forget who but they also did a 4th wall break theory about Sardonics that was based on future vision and Pearl tapping into Peridot's ship. and how if a fusion is their own person then Sardonics might have memories that neither Pearl nor Garnet have. idk maybe we're all wrong but making theories is fun
Maybe just Sardonyx knows about this when she is herself since when the gems fuse they are no longer just themselves but something new. With the attributes of both Pearl and Garnet's insight along with her own this may allow her to see through the universes rather than just the future. but that is assuming that the fourth wall breaks are significant or meaningful at all.
They also said that there wouldn't be any "fillers" in the show.
Maybe Steven never left Roses room. Maybe he just wants to think hed
Strawberry Fields nothing is real, sorry that's what I had pop in my head when I saw the title of the video XD
i just finished reading the dead pool comic you showed with been Franklin lol
But real talk where is sardonxy's fifth eye
that would explain why we've seen some of SU's writers and even Rebecca Sugar in the show.