The bike is amazing on the highway after the front wheel balance , also I am doing the back wheel as well soon . The only thing I need to change regarding road use is the seat , I need to take care of it so it will be more comfortable
It feels the same weight as the WR (they both feel very light) BUT the Kove is way more powerful and fun . Also the Kove is much better on the road , way better !
How is it on the highway ? Like road #2 or similar?
The bike is amazing on the highway after the front wheel balance , also I am doing the back wheel as well soon .
The only thing I need to change regarding road use is the seat , I need to take care of it so it will be more comfortable
That lift reminded you why you moved to the Kove 450 😂
And by the way its Ducati desert x not Aprilia😅
thanks for noticing , I changed it 😂
@@Itzik_Arazi obviously it feels a million pounds lighter then the Tenere, but how does it feel compared to the WR250R?
It feels the same weight as the WR (they both feel very light) BUT the Kove is way more powerful and fun .
Also the Kove is much better on the road , way better !
Gym rat's far from easy strong and garage saling.12grand bike big Beemer 25 g maby young strong