📙نفسياً .. الشخص الذي يتحدث مع نفسه ليس مجنوناً ! بل العكس ، فقط أثبت علماء أن من يستطيع خلق حوار متكامل مع نفسه يتمتع بمسوتى ذكاء عالي وقدرات عقلية كبيرة 📖نفسياً .. كلما زاد تعلقك بشخص كلما تطبعت بأطباعه واكتسبت صفاته وقد تحب ما يحبه وتكره ما يكرهه وهي أقصى مراحل الحب وتسمى مرحلة "الهيام" 📗نفسياً .. الحزن الذي ينتابك في بعض الليالى دون سبب، يكون عبارة عن دفعة متاخرة من مواقف مؤلمة قديمة تماسكت فيها وكان يفترض أن تبكى حينها ." 📘نفسياً - عندما نسأل الرجل أمرا فيقول " أمهلني لأفكر" فاعلم أنه سيرفض - وعندما نسأل المرأة أمرا فتقول : " أمهلني لأفكر " فاعلم أنها ستوافق 📔نفسياً الشعور بالذنب وعتاب الذات على الأخطاء يعتبر من صفات الشخصيية الحساسة وكذلك دليل على الضمير الحي ولكن كثرته تسبب الإكتئاب 📒تشير الدراسات النفسية بأنه عندما لايمكنك التوقف عن التفكير عن شخص ما فإنه على الأرجح بأن نفس الشخص يفكر فيك.🙄 📗نفسياً عدم تقبل أحد الأشخاص لك لا يعني أنك سئ الطباع .فقط يكون الخلل في تفكيره أو إعتقاداته أو تصرفاته .التي لا تتناسب مع رقى فكرك وعقلك " 📑نفسيا يحتاج الإنسان لواحد وعشرون يوما حتى يتخلص من عادة قديمة ، أو يكتسب عادة جديدة . 📓نفسيا .. هناك أشخاص ، عندما نحاول أن نكون الأقرب لهم ، نصبح الأقل قيمة عندهم ، وإذا إبتعدنا عنهم ، شعروا بقيمتنا … 📕نفسيا!؟ أن ﺗﺪﻭﻳﻦ أﻓﻜﺎﺭﻙ السلبية فى ﻭﺭﻗﺔ ﻭ الرمى ﺑﻬﺎ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﻤﺎﻣﺔ ﻳﻤﻜﻦ ﺍﻥ ﻳﺴﺎﻋﺪﻙ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺗﻌﺪﻳﻞ ﻣﺰﺍﺟﻚ ﺍﻟﺴﻴﺊ . 📰نفسياً هُناك لحظات تشعر فيها أن مُغادرتك للسرير هو أقسى قرار تتخذه في حق نفسك. 📚نفسياً: مصاحبة المبتسمون يرفع قدرتك على تحمل صعوبات الحياه .. ومصاحبة العابسون يملأك همّاً ولو كانت حياتك جميله ... كل الشكر والتقدير لكل من ابدا اعجابه وادعمنا 🙏
this video hits home bc this is exactly how i feel these days.. nothing is exactly "wrong" but i just don't feel motivated enough to live my life consciously ㅠㅠ thank you for being honest, Sophie! I just that realise candour always touches people's hearts ㅠㅠ
Ur voice when you speak Korean it's so relaxing. It's like i'm watching an Asmr video I like how simple this video is and we waiting you for a new one We proud of you. ♥️
I really respect your content so much especially when you share the most important and personal details like feeling down or being depressed , you are inspiring and you put a smile on my face every time I see your videos 💜
Sophie, tbh I did the same thing before yesterday, I started to think that I should clean my room and organize my things And I even changed the decorations and placed my stuff in other things to have a new view, and it really helps 👍 I became more productive and motivated to study and to do new things . You did well, you're always doing great and you inspire me so much. I'm so happy that you're moving step by step and getting out of your depression and bed mood. We will be waiting for the old happy energetic Sophie so take your time ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️. 힘내세요 서피씨🥺😊
Cleaning day for me is tomorrow. So I know this feeling. Been so down this week. Wake up at 6am and still do nothing all day... Hope next week is better
Be strong sophie ,we all pass through boring days and get sadness, but with positive mind we can use this days to learn alot of new amazing things. Love you ❤❤
Don’t feel you are alone in this, the whole world due to what is happening is suffering so it’s normal to feel down, but don’t let this feeling control you and no matters how long this will stay we have to adjust ourselves and looking forward to being best for future. Love you 😘 ❤️
Yes girl you are amazing dont forgrt you have people to motivate your fallowers are here and we love you sooooo[ much now this is the sophi i know were is that beautiful smile show it
Thank you so much for the video. I have to start my research project to get licence, but I am feeling really bad. I feel I can do nothing, and time is running💔
Always with you Sophie 힘내 하은아💜✨ This video is so relaxing 🌿🍃🌱and your voice when talking korean is so beautiful and relaxing 🌹🌿 I really love u , even when you have down times it’s okay :) don’t worry you’ll be just fine and shining again 😍 I’ll be there for you in anytime Stay safe and healthy dear As I’m writing now it’s 21:05 but it’s 03:05 am in Korea and you must be sleeping ^^ Sleep well be happy Love you 💜
This is Sophie Kim ladies and gentlemen :such a strong girl She always faced her problems and moves forward Keep going girl you deserves the best💜💜💜❤️❤️❤️
I was not a big fan of cleaning my whole life but after having a bad time for a while i started to like a special part of doing chores, for example when i find my room all messy and i clean it up i feel like those complicated ideas inside me are getting organized everytime i put something in its right place or when i throw unneeded things ,the final result that i get with good smells feels like "it was all missy and i could deal with it"! i don't know something like that ..i am not a freak though lol
we all going through tough times that we can't even accept ourselves. I recently discovered that it's all about how we deal with it, whether consider it as a period that could improve our lives, attitude, and ourselves in general, or make it worse which may make us face a lot of problems that we never imagine. (The decision is up to us) And I'm pretty sure that a person who has a wonderful personality "just like you" can pass it easily. Missing that beautiful smile already, can't wait until we see it again ♥️♥️♥️
I love you,❤️ Sophie, and I hope that you will come back with Joe Hattab. I got to know you when I watched the videos of Joe Hattab. I follow you from Iraq🇮🇶
I saw in the video of a face mask device LED THERAPY MASK if you can do us a video on this device and what is its benefit for the face thank you sophie A Girl friend loves you from Algeria
صوفي أولا أعتذر لانني اكتب لك بلغتي العربية اقول لك في بعض ة الأحيان أن الوحدة في هذا الزمن جنة لا يدخلها إلا العباقرة وان الإنسان الناضج هو الذي يختلي بنفسة ويحدث نفسة عن نفسة 😘😘😘😘😘🌹🌹🌹👍
*arabic subtitle is ready!* 💛
and Thanks guys for motivating me to start again and again! you are my motivation 🙈
Hello sofi we love we pls
Csn u see some video for this man (Les Brown) thank you
I love you 💕💕💕💕💕🌹🇮🇶
we love you sophie 😍😍😍😍😍
I love u sophi ❤
we had to ❤
📙نفسياً ..
الشخص الذي يتحدث مع نفسه ليس مجنوناً ! بل العكس ، فقط أثبت علماء أن من يستطيع خلق حوار متكامل مع نفسه يتمتع بمسوتى ذكاء عالي وقدرات عقلية كبيرة
📖نفسياً ..
كلما زاد تعلقك بشخص كلما تطبعت بأطباعه واكتسبت صفاته وقد تحب ما يحبه وتكره ما يكرهه وهي أقصى مراحل الحب وتسمى مرحلة "الهيام"
📗نفسياً ..
الحزن الذي ينتابك في بعض الليالى دون سبب، يكون عبارة عن دفعة متاخرة من مواقف مؤلمة قديمة تماسكت فيها وكان يفترض أن تبكى حينها ."
- عندما نسأل الرجل أمرا فيقول " أمهلني لأفكر" فاعلم أنه سيرفض
- وعندما نسأل المرأة أمرا فتقول : " أمهلني لأفكر " فاعلم أنها ستوافق
الشعور بالذنب وعتاب الذات على الأخطاء يعتبر من صفات الشخصيية الحساسة وكذلك دليل على الضمير الحي ولكن كثرته تسبب الإكتئاب
📒تشير الدراسات النفسية بأنه عندما لايمكنك التوقف عن التفكير عن شخص ما فإنه على الأرجح بأن نفس الشخص يفكر فيك.🙄
عدم تقبل أحد الأشخاص لك لا يعني أنك سئ الطباع .فقط يكون الخلل في تفكيره أو إعتقاداته أو تصرفاته .التي لا تتناسب مع رقى فكرك وعقلك "
يحتاج الإنسان لواحد وعشرون يوما حتى يتخلص من عادة قديمة ، أو يكتسب عادة جديدة .
📓نفسيا ..
هناك أشخاص ، عندما نحاول أن نكون الأقرب لهم ، نصبح الأقل قيمة عندهم ، وإذا إبتعدنا عنهم ، شعروا بقيمتنا …
أن ﺗﺪﻭﻳﻦ أﻓﻜﺎﺭﻙ السلبية فى ﻭﺭﻗﺔ ﻭ الرمى ﺑﻬﺎ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﻤﺎﻣﺔ ﻳﻤﻜﻦ ﺍﻥ ﻳﺴﺎﻋﺪﻙ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺗﻌﺪﻳﻞ ﻣﺰﺍﺟﻚ ﺍﻟﺴﻴﺊ .
هُناك لحظات تشعر فيها أن مُغادرتك للسرير هو أقسى قرار تتخذه في حق نفسك.
مصاحبة المبتسمون يرفع قدرتك على تحمل صعوبات الحياه .. ومصاحبة العابسون يملأك همّاً ولو كانت حياتك جميله ...
كل الشكر والتقدير لكل من ابدا اعجابه وادعمنا 🙏
سمعو درويش samoo darwesh وش دخل
ما شاء الله المعلومات هاذي تفيد الكثير ❤️💞💛استمري😂
شكرا من أجل المعلومات ❤
كلام جميل اتمنى ان اجد منشوراتك على احد مواقع التوصل 🥰♥️
حبييييت😊👏👏😙❤❤❤👍👍وكنت احسب اني مجنونة وانا اكلم نفسي😂😂😂💔💔💔
joe hattab .
منو م̷ـــِْن جماعت جو حطاب .لايك
ضياء الدين طول ما انك مشترك بقناتها من حالك وبتحضر فيديوهاتها معناها انت من جماعتها مش من جماعته
ضياء الدين انا
@@tlhy4196 له من زمان من جماعتو ولو
بسألكم ليه ماصارو ينزلو مع بعض
لمى الرويلي يمكن بسبب الكورونا وبسبب الناس اللي حوليهم بسمعوهم حكي انهم بحبو بعص ومدري ايش
this video hits home bc this is exactly how i feel these days.. nothing is exactly "wrong" but i just don't feel motivated enough to live my life consciously ㅠㅠ thank you for being honest, Sophie! I just that realise candour always touches people's hearts ㅠㅠ
واخيرا لقيتك 😍❤️
Ur voice when you speak Korean it's so relaxing. It's like i'm watching an Asmr video
I like how simple this video is and we waiting you for a new one
We proud of you. ♥️
I really respect your content so much especially when you share the most important and personal details like feeling down or being depressed , you are inspiring and you put a smile on my face every time I see your videos 💜
I'm really loving your new style videos, I make sure to watch it every day! keep it going Sophi
I’m proud of you sophie 💕
Wish you the best Sophie 🧡🧡 Fighting 🧡🧡
بعد مشاهدة هذا الفيديو لقد قمت بترتيب الأشياء من حولي و اعتنيت بنفسي و الآن أشعر بمزاج جيد ☺️💗💗
You're not alone sophie we're here for you forever you're such a wonderful person and you deserve a lot of happiness. I love you ❤
Why Joe left her after getting married ? They both married right ?
@@lonesomedovepk nobody left the other they're just friends not a couple
@@kawazakisama in videos i saw he proposed her with ring etc etc
@@lonesomedovepk No it was just a acting for a traditional Korean habit
Sophie, tbh I did the same thing before yesterday, I started to think that I should clean my room and organize my things And I even changed the decorations and placed my stuff in other things to have a new view, and it really helps 👍 I became more productive and motivated to study and to do new things . You did well, you're always doing great and you inspire me so much. I'm so happy that you're moving step by step and getting out of your depression and bed mood. We will be waiting for the old happy energetic Sophie so take your time ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️.
힘내세요 서피씨🥺😊
Cleaning day for me is tomorrow. So I know this feeling. Been so down this week. Wake up at 6am and still do nothing all day... Hope next week is better
@@bellisma1927 i wish you'll feel better after this cleaning day🙏🙏. You can do it, keep it up.
We always with you 💛💛💛
Sophie you are amazing
You look so beautiful without makeup 😭💜💜
انتي عربيه
يب ليش؟
@يونس خميس
باين من الاسم
اك 💜
so pure sophie 친구들 loves you
Change is the key to find yourself and it brings positive vibes. We love you Sophie 😘😘😍😍. NEVER LET YOURSELF DOWN 😊😊. FIGHTING ✊✊✊.
Don't worry Sophie ☺️ we always be with you😄❤️
Love you Sophie I hope you now are feeling good +keep going because you are the best ❤️❤️
Jophie still with you 😍
I 'm proud of you ,you are stronge and every thing will be ok , love you sophie
Be strong sophie ,we all pass through boring days and get sadness, but with positive mind we can use this days to learn alot of new amazing things.
Love you ❤❤
Wow sophie this is really comfortable to see.. Please stay happy💚😊
Don’t feel you are alone in this, the whole world due to what is happening is suffering so it’s normal to feel down, but don’t let this feeling control you and no matters how long this will stay we have to adjust ourselves and looking forward to being best for future. Love you 😘 ❤️
4:03, yeah, that's Jordanian or Palestinian dress Shopie... and it's your unforgettable memory...😭❤❤❤
stand up little girl and active faster don't stop ...the world won't wait you when to stand up✊✊
صباحكم 🌸 وعسل 🍯🍯
I love you sophie Don’t be sad we always be with you ❤️❤️🥺.
Amazing Sophie and we always with you we love you❤️
I love you Sophie , take care 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
الفديوا جميل تحيه من مصر🇪🇬❤️🇰🇷
Sophie congratulations for 700k 😍😍❤
تعلم اللغة الفرنسية من خلال اهم الجمل والعبارات والاغاني👍💕
Yes girl you are amazing dont forgrt you have people to motivate your fallowers are here and we love you sooooo[ much now this is the sophi i know were is that beautiful smile show it
Cleanliness and beauty of the soul is a beautiful thing, and a daily routine is repeated, peace for all.
Sophie, you look like an actress in a K-drama, you are beautiful !!
Sophie don't stop I love you so much 😭🌸🌈💗
Sophie 👑👑👑👑
فيديو جميل جداً
Put the translated video 🤗
🇮🇶from Iraq🇮🇶
I love you 😘
عسسل 💖Love sophie
Ur the best dear Sophie 👏👏
صباحكم ورد وعسللل احلا ذكريات مع جو حطاب😥😘
i love you dear sophie
We always with you ,,, we love you sophie ... keep going ,,, fighting
Keep up Sophie
Really great video especially the voice over.
بيتك حلو ويجنن..☺❤
احبك واحب فيديوهاتك 💋😍😍متابعتك من السعوديه 🇸🇦🇸🇦
Love you I'll always waiting for you videos 😊😊😊😊😊😘
شيء واحد خطر في بالي ( يجب ان اتوقف عن كوني محبطه ) wow
تعبير رائع
لقد عجبني جدا
استمري 😍 sophi kim
this vidio is so simple but it is so beautiful too
We miss you l like you with Joe hattab love from egypt💖💖💖💖💖
A good and kind person like you is able to solve his problems so Be optimistic for life to be better
We love you so much sophie ❤️❤️🍯
You are one of the best TH-camr i love u 😍
Do not feel but frustraion but rather optimistic even if it is abad thing you are important in life is interastig but we do not feel it 😢♥️🌹
Amazing video
I loved the voice over. Very calm
Thank you so much for the video. I have to start my research project to get licence, but I am feeling really bad. I feel I can do nothing, and time is running💔
Always with you Sophie
힘내 하은아💜✨
This video is so relaxing 🌿🍃🌱and your voice when talking korean is so beautiful and relaxing 🌹🌿
I really love u , even when you have down times it’s okay :) don’t worry you’ll be just fine and shining again 😍
I’ll be there for you in anytime
Stay safe and healthy dear
As I’m writing now it’s 21:05 but it’s 03:05 am in Korea and you must be sleeping ^^
Sleep well be happy
Love you 💜
I just can't stop watching your videos ⭐
동영상을 보았지만 일반적인 아랍어 번역이 없기 때문에 아무것도 이해하지 못했습니다. 다음 비디오에 추가 해주세요 .. 그리고 Sophie가 제공하는 것에 감사드립니다. ❤️❤️❤️
Wooow kim good job wish you very well dear 🌹❤️😘
This is Sophie Kim ladies and gentlemen :such a strong girl
She always faced her problems and moves forward
Keep going girl you deserves the best💜💜💜❤️❤️❤️
we love you so much sophie
Oh I love the video so much ..it give me a lot motivation ❤ ...keep going sophie❤❤
I was not a big fan of cleaning my whole life but after having a bad time for a while i started to like a special part of doing chores, for example when i find my room all messy and i clean it up i feel like those complicated ideas inside me are getting organized everytime i put something in its right place or when i throw unneeded things ,the final result that i get with good smells feels like "it was all missy and i could deal with it"! i don't know something like that ..i am not a freak though lol
Kame Lya I absolutely understand you
We looove youuu عسل be strong ❤️❤️🥺😃
So cute sophi
ILove you💙
love you sophie 💜💜💜💜💜💜
보고 싶어요 언니 💜🌸 you are my hope🍯ورد و عسل
احبكك!❤❤lovee youu
ولك دخيلووو مااطيبو 😂 اويلي قلبي ع الكوريات اطيب من صينيت شاروما 😍☻
so cute😍🍓😭
Smart, brave, creative new way of presenting your vlog. Just so you know I was smiling proudly at the end.
잘 했어 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼🥰🥰
we all going through tough times that we can't even accept ourselves. I recently discovered that it's all about how we deal with it, whether consider it as a period that could improve our lives, attitude, and ourselves in general, or make it worse which may make us face a lot of problems that we never imagine.
(The decision is up to us) And I'm pretty sure that a person who has a wonderful personality "just like you" can pass it easily.
Missing that beautiful smile already, can't wait until we see it again ♥️♥️♥️
Keep up the good job girl we believe in you😆😆
Thank you sofe love you ❤🥰🥰🥰🥰
I love you,❤️ Sophie, and I hope that you will come back with Joe Hattab. I got to know you when I watched the videos of Joe Hattab. I follow you from Iraq🇮🇶
Missed you soo much 💜💜
Congratulations 700k 🥰👏🏻🥰👏🏻🥰
Keep going sophie....
I hope you all the best ❤💜❤
sophie the mixture is your right coffee what was her name
We love you Sophie
Editing is 💖
Keep going in your way 🌹🌹easalllll 🌹🤠🤣
Your daily routine is really nice and beautiful
I wish you all the best .be strong 🙂🌻👍
Yesss thats a long time ago
I miss Sophie and Jo too 😢😭
Go on sophie we love you we support you
I saw in the video of a face mask device LED THERAPY MASK if you can do us a video on this device and what is its benefit for the face thank you sophie A Girl friend loves you from Algeria
لطيفة~ لا نزال ندعمك🥺💗
East or West Sophie Kim is the best
I like this type of video, it is fun and simple
انتي عسل انا بحبك😭💋
صوفي أولا أعتذر لانني اكتب لك بلغتي العربية
اقول لك في بعض ة الأحيان أن الوحدة في هذا الزمن جنة لا يدخلها إلا العباقرة
وان الإنسان الناضج هو الذي يختلي بنفسة ويحدث نفسة عن نفسة
my girl 🤪