Each student has each special Talent . So Education has to do which way for fit which one or do much more ways let students Choice what's fit it . 每一个学生有各自的天赋和适应能力 , 因此教育要因人施教或者实施多样性教学法 ,让学生能够自由选择合乎自己的学习方法。 我教学生主要教 1)基础知识 2) 培养自学能力。 一个有接受过基础知识教育,又有自学能力的学生就能自自然然的选择自己乐趣学习了。
I like to Discuss a word : Conquer . I think Conquer Nature way Better then Violence Conquer in the Human World . Conquer Violence all Animals of Wild know it and do it better all know it . But Conquer Nature way all Animals don't know it that only Human know it . So Choice Violence Conquer of the World way for the Human that is back up to Svage Wild World like the Animals . Conquer Nature's good way for the Human in the World . For Example , Teacher with Students in the Classroom that Teacher is a Powerful Side but Students become Weakside . So Teacher easy to Conquer Students that is Logic . And some Teacher like to do it too . Then all Students feel no Fair and they must show up Defence back to Teacher in Classrooms . Ok ! No Winner in this Fighting and no Peace in Classrooms every day .Double Loser just this fighting last Resault all know . How do Students study in Classrooms ? But Problem Continue happen by Teacher who has to sue Students to Principle of School to say What the Students no Policy no Proper Classroom ! OH , My God ! What the Teacher no Shame after her fighting with Students ! This talking just Teacher for Defence Principle of School Check her Works only I think . But that Teacher must very Exiting for her fighting students for lonely and mabe her feel her is Winner ! So that kind of Teacher will Continue Violence Conquer Students one by one year no stop ! So no peace in the school and students no study anything by that Teacher in the School ! I talk this Feature Reason come from News Papers with my son told me the truth about his Classroom happened badthing like that ! I don't agree this wsy for Teach Students and I really Report it to Principle of my Son School in New York when My Son study in Elementary School time ! I incradible to hear Principle told me all the school Teacher Come from good Education at least Master Degree of University in America ! So they fit this job don't worry about that . So I come back home like nothing to do ! I think all this Duty still is in the Teaher but not in Students ! A God Logic : Students just no Knowledge then they have to go to School for Learning , Right ? So what's Students learn must School of Teacher teach them but not Students Teach Teacher , Right ? I just was a Teacher even work in the Village as Lower Level place ! But my Favorite talking is No Stubit Students only have Stubit Teacher and I don't want to make mistake future of Students . 我做老师的座佑铭是: 没有愚蠢的学生只有愚蠢的老师 和我不能误人子弟 。 Students like the White Paper let Teacher bring them Drow the Beautiful Pictures in there so students go to school every day spent their all childhood time . It's so Treasure time for that Students and Teacher feel so pleasure who has to know ! So I put all my Existing with Work Hard for teach my Students in every kind Schools including my Personal Business School all my life ! So I use my Friendly of Heart to do my Job of Teacher to Conquer Nature Students in the Schools all my life and my Students very very like to study with me and I never have to stop teach time for Fix proper of Class in Class time . Because all Students believe me but not me Conquer them by Violence ! And I like to Warnning all Teacher : never want to try use Violence Conquer Students . Because they never believe Teaher only onr can Win them of too much Number there ! I even never hear one Teacher Success to Violence Conquer Students in the history of Human ! And I don't believe Violence Can Conquer any Human that only Grow Hate Seeds in the Human World no Fair with no Peace with making the War Foever ! It's really Stupid Behavio like the Wild Animals only ! God Bless Human ! Thank God !
And then I tell them choice what you like practice on a noteBook at home before you sleep . Then back that notebook to me tomorrow . I have to know what do they like and interesting ? Then I can Fix my Teach way latter . My meaned I let Students Choice what do they like to stady home work at home .
Each student has each special Talent .
So Education has to do which way for fit which one or do much more ways let students Choice what's fit it .
每一个学生有各自的天赋和适应能力 , 因此教育要因人施教或者实施多样性教学法 ,让学生能够自由选择合乎自己的学习方法。
2) 培养自学能力。
在這裡推薦一本他的著作《 發現天賦之旅 》的說書影片給大家
教书育人切忌填鸭式或叫拔苗助长 。要启发式和培养独立思考能力。最好学生能够把学习到的知识自己独立复述出来 几次训练后, 学生自己就能掌握复述的本领 效果惊人, 就像刻在脑子一样 记住一辈子。
其实老师在学生心里是有至高无上的地位的 , 学生天生崇拜老师, 假如你有真才实学去教会学生 。 也就是说当学生看到懂得你真的有实力, 能够教学生懂及明白了新知识的话, 学生就对你崇拜之极 。还非这个老师教他不可 。
我自己在家里也常常把父亲错叫成某某老师 。
我们全班同学都崇拜语文很好的初中和高中老师 。学生一崇拜老师那肯定能够安静听你的课 。所以我认为老师应该以真才实学去征服学生, 让学生相信你一定能教会他们知识才是硬道理。
說的很好啊 可惜多數人是根本不想接觸到他
任何成功大是无法复制的 因为成功不是单一的行为模式,而是一种综宗合素质的体现, 所谓天时地利人和。
我想有一样素质是共同的 , 那就是思想品格必须要单纯,简单的有心人, 即一生怀揣赤子之心 必皇天不负有心人 。
我记得中国文革后, 报纸上有很多人在研究
, 当时的人认为作者不是书中主人公原型,是另有其人,这是5。4 运动后胡适研究红楼梦后的结论并影响到那时!后来就有人发现红楼梦里面描述的建筑可不一般 是宫廷式建筑 连有名的建筑师也无法如此详细说出但又真正的宫廷建筑! 接着陆续有不同行业的专业人士也在红楼梦一书里发现作者所描绘的物件都是一流的! 衣服, 用具等等 甚至书中涉及的中医及饮食都是对的 !
这时候有人总结说 , 一个人一生只能精通一个领域。像红楼梦那样凡涉及的领域都是一流, 说明此人是生长在这种环境中到长大成人 , 而且要非常聪慧,而且是一个。。。有心人 即具有很强的好奇心去关注身边的人和事,才能同时掌握并精通如此众多的生活知识 。 结论是,作者曹雪芹就是书中主人公宝玉的原型, 他是生长在宫殿里对宫殿里的一切摆设的认知是。。。与生俱来的。
这很可能回答了一个问题,为什么成功者那么少? 既要有智慧,又要有好奇心还要是一个有心人 且有机会接触美好事物 就像与生俱来。
成功者大多是没有名利欲望者,即中国道学家说的。。。无为 , 无功利主义者但踏踏实实工作的智者。
I like to Discuss a word : Conquer .
I think Conquer Nature way Better then Violence Conquer in the Human World .
Conquer Violence all Animals of Wild know it and do it better all know it .
But Conquer Nature way all Animals don't know it that only Human know it .
So Choice Violence Conquer of the World way for the Human that is back up to Svage Wild World like the Animals .
Conquer Nature's good way for the Human in the World .
For Example , Teacher with Students in the Classroom that Teacher is a Powerful Side but Students become Weakside .
So Teacher easy to Conquer Students that is Logic . And some Teacher like to do it too . Then all Students feel no Fair and they must show up Defence back to Teacher in Classrooms .
Ok ! No Winner in this Fighting and no Peace in Classrooms every day .Double Loser just this fighting last Resault all know .
How do Students study in Classrooms ?
But Problem Continue happen by Teacher who has to sue Students to Principle of School to say What the Students no Policy no Proper Classroom !
OH , My God ! What the Teacher no Shame after her fighting with Students !
This talking just Teacher for Defence Principle of School Check her Works only I think . But that Teacher must very Exiting for her fighting students for lonely and mabe her feel her is Winner ! So that kind of Teacher will Continue Violence Conquer Students one by one year no stop !
So no peace in the school and students no study anything by that Teacher in the School !
I talk this Feature Reason come from News Papers with my son told me the truth about his Classroom happened badthing like that !
I don't agree this wsy for Teach Students and I really Report it to Principle of my Son School in New York when My Son study in Elementary School time !
I incradible to hear Principle told me all the school Teacher Come from good Education at least Master Degree of University in America ! So they fit this job don't worry about that .
So I come back home like nothing to do !
I think all this Duty still is in the Teaher but not in Students !
A God Logic : Students just no Knowledge then they have to go to School for Learning , Right ? So what's Students learn must School of Teacher teach them but not Students Teach Teacher , Right ?
I just was a Teacher even work in the Village as Lower Level place ! But my Favorite talking is No Stubit Students only have Stubit Teacher and I don't want to make mistake future of Students .
我做老师的座佑铭是: 没有愚蠢的学生只有愚蠢的老师 和我不能误人子弟 。
Students like the White Paper let Teacher bring them Drow the Beautiful Pictures in there so students go to school every day spent their all childhood time . It's so Treasure time for that Students and Teacher feel so pleasure who has to know !
So I put all my Existing with Work Hard for teach my Students in every kind Schools including my Personal Business School all my life !
So I use my Friendly of Heart to do my Job of Teacher to Conquer Nature Students in the Schools all my life and my Students very very like to study with me and I never have to stop teach time for Fix proper of Class in Class time .
Because all Students believe me but not me Conquer them by Violence ! And I like to Warnning all Teacher : never want to try use Violence Conquer Students . Because they never believe Teaher only onr can Win them of too much Number there ! I even never hear one Teacher Success to Violence Conquer Students in the history of Human !
And I don't believe Violence Can Conquer any Human that only Grow Hate Seeds in the Human World no Fair with no Peace with making the War Foever !
It's really Stupid Behavio like the Wild Animals only !
God Bless Human !
Thank God !
And then I tell them choice what you like practice on a noteBook at home before you sleep . Then back that notebook to me tomorrow .
I have to know what do they like and interesting ?
Then I can Fix my Teach way latter .
My meaned I let Students Choice what do they like to stady home work at home .
I have Exlant Brain !
Don't Touch my Brain by the Law with Human Rights of America and International !
God Bless Human !
Thank God !