
  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 พ.ย. 2024
  • Hveitikökur, is a Christmas song I wrote a year ago. Hveitikökur are a traditional type of bread (kind of?) that are baked during Christmas in Iceland, but as I've found out it's more of a tradition in the West fjords. Since I can remember my family has baked these goods every year this time of year and so this song is about the family being together and baking.
    Lyrics (icelandic version):
    Þegar ég var yngri og fékk að vaka lengur
    aðeins lengur en gerist og gengur
    og úti var mikill snjór.
    Öll fjölskyldan kom saman að baka allar sortir,
    dugnaðinn ei skorti
    og í glugga beið lítill skór.
    En það var eitt sem mig langaði í
    og gat varla beðið heila árið eftir því.
    Þar sem allir voru með að baka saman hátíðlegar
    Hveitikökur með hangikjöti og smjöri,
    það minnir mig á fjörið á jólunum.
    Hveitikökur, volgar voru bestar,
    þá borðuðust þær flestar á jólunum.
    Að baka hveitikökur er al-vestfirskur siður
    bara um jól, því miður,
    en þannig er nú það.
    Sumir steikja kökur í massavís
    Og þó að úti frýs
    Hlýnar mér í hjartastað
    Að hugsa um eitt sem mig langar í
    og get varla beðið næstu jólin eftir því.
    Þar sem allir eru með að baka saman hátíðlegar
    Hveitikökur með hangikjöti og smjöri,
    það minnir mig á fjörið á jólunum.
    Hveitikökur, volgar eru bestar
    þá borðast þær allflestar á jólunum.
    Translation of the lyrics:
    When I was younger and got to stay up late,
    a little later than usual
    and there was lots of snow outside
    All the family came together to bake all kinds of sorts
    Everybody worked so hard
    and in the window there waited a little shoe*
    But there was one thing that I really wanted
    and I hardly could wait the whole year for
    where everybody came together
    and baked festive
    Hveitikökur with hangikjöt** and butter
    it reminds me of the fun
    at Christmas
    Hveitikökur warm were best
    then most of them got eaten
    at Christmas
    To bake hveitikökur is a tradition in the West fjords
    only during Christmas
    but that's the way it is
    And some bake a mountain of cakes
    and even though it's freezing outside
    my heart stays warm
    To think about the one thing that I want
    I can barely wait for next Christmas
    where everybody came together
    and baked festive
    Hveitikökur with hangikjöt** and butter
    it reminds me of the fun
    at Christmas
    Hveitikökur warm were best
    then most of them got eaten
    at Christmas
    *The little shoe is also a tradition in Iceland during Christmas, kids put one shoe in their bedroom window so one of the thirteen santas can bring them gifts. Weird, but cute!
    **Hangikjöt is smoked lamb that is quite common as a topping on bread or as a standalone dish with potatoes, green beans and white sauce during Christmas.

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