Our Essential Identity

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 58

  • @jannelauanne
    @jannelauanne หลายเดือนก่อน +20

    I would just ask, who is the one having a problem with identities. There is a state in the process, where you realise that it does not matter. The idea of self-realisation is that you just are. You do not reach some state that you are after, but you just are. You let go. And as you just are, do something that makes you happy. The problem, if any, is that one thinks something needs to be attained. I have gone through all that. Everyone on the ”path” does. But then you understand that YOU are the path. Experiencing you. Not to kill it. Experience it fully. My experience is this: everything goes well until you suddenly ”wake up”. That is when the ”problem” starts. Before that you were just without the awareness of ”presence”, although you always were presence, awareness, the experiencing. It is only natural that when you become aware, your ego starts to move on the ”path” and wants yo know more. It takes on funny clothes, manerisms but it is still the ego. It thinks it progresses, but at one point, you let go, you just are. And all is ok. Then you experience life and you enjoy. So, who is the one who has a problem with identities and witnessing this or that. Just witness, and when you learn a better way in situations, be grateful. Then witness some more. Live and enjoy.

    • @LorenaRadic-sk9il
      @LorenaRadic-sk9il หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I wish someone had told me about this book earlier, hack your mind borlest go find it

    • @oolala53
      @oolala53 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You need to change all the you’s in this to I’s.

    • @jannelauanne
      @jannelauanne หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      It is English: You = One = I.
      We say ”you reach a point”, which is the same as ”one reaches a point” and that means I, or you, or whoever. There is only one awareness, we are told, but have we experienced that.

    • @Marwan-Other-Side
      @Marwan-Other-Side หลายเดือนก่อน

      God is the Most Great, God is the Most Great, La illaha ila Allah, I testify that there is no god but God, La illlaaaaha illaaa ALLAAAAAH, I testify that there is noooo god but GOOOOOD, none has the right to be worshipped or praised except God, God is the King and Protector and Lord and Light and Ruler and Controller and Creator of the heavens and the earth and everything in them!
      You just are is boring. You have a soul, which makes you more fascinating. And there is much to attain, God, the Knowledge and Experience of the soul, the Knowledge and Experience of supernatural spiritual beings, etc.
      I have a soul (which I know), and I have another entity (which I know) fucking with the soul (the ego?) even due the soul is way mightier than it etc, and I have a voice in my head (apparently speaking) (which I know, the mind?), and I have an angel behind my back (which I know and have seen) protecting me etc and I think is the thing which will take my soul at death, and I have a demon (temporarily, which I know) who will suffer destruction for fucking with me and trying himself on me, and lastly, I have God (which I Absolutely Know) Who is my King and Lord and Protector and Light and Ruler and Father.
      You see how that is much more fascinating than an entity which 'just are' ?
      God is Alive.

    • @karenroberts4448
      @karenroberts4448 หลายเดือนก่อน

      This was beautiful! Thank you!

  • @ayeam5822
    @ayeam5822 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    EMPHASISE not the 'I AM' but rather the 'I'. You see, enquiry and abiding as the 'I' is our DIRECT recognition of SOURCE isness. The 'AM ' is our qualification into the realm of object reality, as what follows 'AM' we tend to temporarily color our canvas of experience with. Aum 🙏

  • @bedelemma6113
    @bedelemma6113 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The greatest joy is "i am" in silence without thinking

  • @JaySpear
    @JaySpear หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    Thank you Rupert

  • @scotthiddleston8246
    @scotthiddleston8246 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Love the shirt!

  • @malabuha
    @malabuha หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Can you imagine, as soon as you're done being human, immediately you must assume another role of being a spirit 😅😅 otherwise, what will you be? You must be something, or someone.. Right?

  • @themindfuldj320
    @themindfuldj320 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Ruperts absolutely rocking that funky t shirt ❤

  • @gkeatingyt
    @gkeatingyt หลายเดือนก่อน

    Being is not defined by or limited by what we are doing. Doing the actions that are part of a role or identity is not a problem unless we limit our selves to the identity or role. Knowing who we are as our being has an impact on our experience of ourselves in action and on our effectiveness. Being flows into action and action brings outcomes. This is Being in action. If we think that we have a role that determines our actions which then lead to being something like a a father or doctor, this is not Being in action. In this case we have lost our being as the source of our actions.

  • @sevi4492
    @sevi4492 หลายเดือนก่อน

    BEing & BEcoming the identity 🆔 it's appropriate for you in this dream!! 💞

  • @aksel6902
    @aksel6902 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    where can I buy the Mary t-shirt?

  • @hemamalinirs1002
    @hemamalinirs1002 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Beautiful ❤, thank you Rupert 🙏🙏

  • @innerlight617
    @innerlight617 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Excellent video!
    "Partake in reality as an actor in a theatrical play:
    With attention,dedication and an open heart.
    But never believe yourself to be your character.."
    Bernardo Kastrup:"More than allegory"

  • @gra6649
    @gra6649 หลายเดือนก่อน

    There is a Zen riddle that goes “who were you before your parents were born.? They also talk about the mirror mind. They say that everything one experiences in life, including the sense of self is just as image in the mirror. Then they throw the mirror away. It’s not something, however it’s not nothing. What is it?

  • @plumeria66
    @plumeria66 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I’d look at them as roles, not identities. We are playing various roles but we remain aware of who we really are as we play them. The actor engrossed in his role doesn’t forget his real name.

  • @onebody9598
    @onebody9598 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Shadow work has to be incorporated into the journey of non-duality. Our 'identities' have emotional and psychological baggage that is felt in the body. Rupert has said that advaita vedanta and non-dual teachings are prone to and are accused of 'spiritual bypassing'. He has said that, in summary, whether we are on the progressive path or the direct path at some point, we must look at what we are or have been avoiding or repressing.

  • @michaelseale7268
    @michaelseale7268 หลายเดือนก่อน

    To live our daily lives without identity and just as Being in this dualistic world is nearly impossible. Yet the knowing of our Being brings us perspective even as we exhibit our identity roles. It greatly helps keep us aligned to the Oneness of Life.

  • @marekmarek7
    @marekmarek7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Czech mystic/jogi/writer Eduard Tomas sad something like: There were many trees in the forest that were being cut down, but then storm came and no tree left :)

  • @jeyakumarj5491
    @jeyakumarj5491 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    One of those rare occasions where King Lear and John Smith were put to rest 😅

  • @karaanaya
    @karaanaya หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    2:23 The technique I give myself is Grace. Sometimes I will be pulled back into the illusion and I just Love on Ego and give Us All some Grace. 🧡🌻Ⓜ️

  • @NoRaengs99
    @NoRaengs99 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I know that I am the pure awareness, but I often forget it, especially when I'm physically tired. Does anyone else experience the same thing? This awareness is especially clear after deep sleep. On the contrary, my ego gets stronger when I'm tired.

    • @NoRaengs99
      @NoRaengs99 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Also when I observed when I was falling asleep, More and more strange thoughts than usual hit me,and I kept noticing it, but at some point I fell into it and it was the moment I fell asleep or started dreaming. Does anyone know about this as well? Or Is there any video about this?

  • @haunteddeandollsuk
    @haunteddeandollsuk หลายเดือนก่อน

    i like your t shirt rupert is that betty boop? looks a little like it 😅

  • @db-333
    @db-333 หลายเดือนก่อน

    ❤beautiful ♥️

  • @ela.elaela9076
    @ela.elaela9076 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Czy mogę prosić,o rozszerzenie automatycznego tłumacza,o jezyk polski.... Dziękuję

  • @awakenotwoke7949
    @awakenotwoke7949 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    It boils down to: Life is a mystery. Your identity is a function in society. There is no self.

    • @oolala53
      @oolala53 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      What are you doing here if you have it all figured out (with such a different conclusion)?

    • @awakenotwoke7949
      @awakenotwoke7949 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@oolala53 Commenting

    • @rickardrenstrom6318
      @rickardrenstrom6318 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Personally I think that so called self-inquiry, by which I mean simply the effort to put attention on myself, on the sense of me-ness, if you will, is great, and does do the job of eliminating any sense of dissatisfaction with being alive.

  • @movahedmosavi1596
    @movahedmosavi1596 หลายเดือนก่อน

  • @elisabethk7103
    @elisabethk7103 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @GodHelpMe369
    @GodHelpMe369 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    And then, the most recent:
    the (abusive) man whom I revered
    as my best friend,
    ended up raping my soul.
    All 45 years of my life, so far,
    have just been suffering.
    I can no longer bear the suffering.
    My rage is red-hot-white.
    May all those whom I loathe,
    suffer for all eternity,
    for what they've done to me.
    I ROAR!!

    • @andreasrylander
      @andreasrylander หลายเดือนก่อน

      I hope all the suffering leads you to letting go. ❤

  • @artofunk
    @artofunk หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @jordicostadomenech8270
    @jordicostadomenech8270 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Hola ¡ si han sorgit dificultats que han trastocat la Vida d'una persona sol escapar-se de si mateixa amb altres identitats i queda així desdibuixada la seva pròpia i, té dificultats per tornar-hi ,, cal que recedeix-hi i superi aquella dificultat per adonar-se de la seva identitat de veritat

  • @karaanaya
    @karaanaya หลายเดือนก่อน

    to be that i am

  • @holgerjrgensen2166
    @holgerjrgensen2166 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Your Identity, is the.
    Only Real Steady Point,
    in existence,
    Rainbow is your Signature.
    Rupert still have much to learn.

    • @JustAShadow1919
      @JustAShadow1919 หลายเดือนก่อน

      What existence? What points? Every moment the entire universe is being perpetually recreated in your mind. All of it is illusion, including any sense of continuity which is necessary for the image of the thinker behind the experience. The undefinable stillness of the eternal is all there is, which is still defining it too much. If you are suggesting there is an identity that can be grasped firmly enough to provide meaningful stability, where is this? Where is the one doing the grasping? The entire purpose of these teachings is to realize the illusion of all that you see or seem. It is not the direct opposite - to solidify some singular, stable point of subjectivity. It is not self-actualization. There is nothing to actualize. Nothing is being asserted. Nothing is being denied. All of this is a play of appearances. And, from our confused perspectives, it is an endless spiraling of dichotomies. Claiming stability implies instability. And, where is this instability? In the thoughts which aren’t real? You are still in the trap of trying to scrunch up and define reality. To break it up into parts. Just trying to define it in anyway is placing limitations on something that cannot fundamentally be limited. Any illusion of stability as a personality is completely fleeting and will always inevitably end in annihilation (as a construct). This is why the only “real” stability is awakening to your true nature and realizing none of it was even real. All of the violence. All of the fear. All of the force. All of the suffering. All of that was just an imagination of subjective self that got too tangled up in its own thoughts. It believed in them so much that all of the consequences of its perceived existence, in a very experientially meaningful manner, became true. Also, the intensity of the emotions can amplify this effect. And, because reality is completely and utterly empty, this fireworks display is the only show in town. There is no being, thing, or force that can stop this because all of those words are parts of its own illusory reality. Not actual reality.
      So, in this sense, stability comes from getting lost in this whirlwind and then waking up to find it was all just a dream, and there is nothing but peace. Peace because it is absent from all of that violence. Peace because it is completely still. Not peace because it was defined that way. You are not conscious because you were born into a being. You are aware because awareness is an inevitability of the infinite. You are conscious because the mind is an inevitability of the universe, and the universe is an inevitability of the mind. Which are both inevitabilities of awareness. This is all still metaphor and none of it is linear.
      The point is, stability is never found in the personality. It is found by realizing the ways in which you contained yourself within the personality were false. You adopted all of the limitations of the subjective point of view that you found yourself in, and without any other noticeable cues, believed in them absolutely. Fear, anxiety, and pain kept you caged. And the more you struggled, the more you got caught. Like one of those Chinese finger traps. This only strengthened your belief and attachment to the experiences. As things got worse, you felt the only option was to strengthen the walls around this sense of “I”. But, this only made you more brittle. More attached. More hurt. You were trying to clamp down on something that wasn’t there. Each time you filled up the cup, it broke in your hands. The anxiety of this compounded with your other anxieties, so you approached with more urgency. Or, you tried to escape down a million different roads. Anything to reinforce that feeling of ego and ignore the pain. This includes many activities which otherwise seem healthy. Either way, you are attacking, trying to hold onto, or run from something that isn’t there. Does it sound like the personality is what can save?
      No. Abandoning your attachment to the personality - to the thought construct of yourself - that is instantaneous freedom. And a massive release from suffering. The wildest thing of all - none of this is being hidden from you. No one, no thing, or no force is keeping it from you. Only your own thought barriers which are given life through your attachments to them. This is why it is not about trying to control your situation or thoughts. But, only to sift through the thought patterns that keep you from realizing your complete lack of limitations. So, really.. nothing is binding you, but the habituated adoption of the personality.

  • @michaelbuhlmann6167
    @michaelbuhlmann6167 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @hoykoya3382
    @hoykoya3382 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Rupert Spira has a talent pointing to a hand that points to the ineffable. But unfortunately, that's all a master can do - they won't be able to point at "it" directly. The students need to get it themselves to get it. And you cant get it by boxing an ocean with words. "When you speak, it is silent. When you are silent, it speaks."
    But hey you already are ahead of 99% people if you are now looking at the hand that points!

    • @oolala53
      @oolala53 หลายเดือนก่อน

      There are plenty of people who are silent for years, and they still never get it. But I agree that “it” rarely happens in the middle of satsang.

    • @hoykoya3382
      @hoykoya3382 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@oolala53 don't take the quote too literally my friend. The meaning is richer than words.

    • @plumeria66
      @plumeria66 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Lao Tzu said, “Those who tell don’t know. Those who know don’t tell.”

  • @mindfulkayaker7737
    @mindfulkayaker7737 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As long as the Lady recognizes that there are multiple identities popping up she is in the 95% percentile of the world population that don’t have the least idea that this is happening.

  • @chiptowers1
    @chiptowers1 หลายเดือนก่อน

    WHAT!, quote; "they really don't define who you are". Here we have a lady who's PRESENCE within FORM source is trying/attempting to enlighten her physical brain of the FORM SOURCE PRESENCE and its imprinted knowledge within, your all knowing, but she is confusing the PRESENCE within with external beliefs from a so called teacher or guru's.
    Your Form source within is your I AM/your ID not your BEING. why?, because your lineage inception was initially FORMED not BORN. This is a classic case of a teacher stifling someone's natural ability of knowing and by using comparisons that does not fit with anything concerning her questions.
    You would get more sense from the water beside the so called teacher, the water may be contained but never controlled nor does the water require any teachings for it's path to take because it's imprinted for it's purpose. The water wood be looking at the teacher with DISDAIN.

  • @margaretek5350
    @margaretek5350 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @youssefalaoui4286
    @youssefalaoui4286 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Stop re-inventing suffering with every line of thought that appears in your mind. Let the thoughts pass, think nothing of them, be indifferent and independent.

  • @Kube_Dog
    @Kube_Dog หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    People, you need to wear socks. It doesn't help your "enlightenment journey" to have bare feet. It's just nasty.

  • @johncrowe850
    @johncrowe850 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We are all born with bare feet & no sock or ego 😂 ❤

  • @TheMLMGold
    @TheMLMGold หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is so reductionist and dumbed down.

  • @hadynbarr5716
    @hadynbarr5716 หลายเดือนก่อน

    That foot in the background is disturbing