The one thing I have learned is that people don't mind when you profess Christ, it is when you uphold his standards is when the problem occurs. Kanye will not say anything about sin because it is not the popular thing to do.
Wow this is so true! It's just as the Bible says, having a form of godliness but denying ther power thereof. The world doesn't mind you saying you're a Christian, they mind you living like one. Just as the Word says, they profess God with their lips but their hearts are far from Him. Because if we are known by our fruits, then the devil doesn't want anyone to bear godly fruits
you’ll never catch me at a Kanye west “church service” singing Kanye west songs idolising Kanye west. Too many opinions and too many lines being blurred.
Real repentance is marked with tears and a broken heart. When a person realizes what Christ did for them, and why he had to be crushed, it should flatten you.
That's exactly what Jesus did for me. When you come to your realization of how much of a sinner you are and how God still loves you, you become so regretful of your past actions that you burst to tears.
@@masterstepz9800 exactly. I think about my life for 35 years and how much of a sinner I really was without knowing before I got saved and now it’s been a few months and I still get emotional about it. Just immense gratitude and faith
Ain't no luke warm, it's Hot or Cold. No grey, it's black or white. No middle, it's right or wrong!!!!! We gotta stop straddling the fence!!!!! Let's make the correct choice. Our Heavenly Father allows us to make the choice.
There are the luke warm, they will claim what they've done for Christ only to be spit out because he never knew them. Let's make it easier for everyone, you're either Hot or you're not, makes no difference if you're not Hot.
Well said pastor. I wasn’t convinced of his conversation for a second. True repentance compels you to turn away from sin. Also to CONFESS what you have done wrong. He hasn’t apologized or recanted a single blasphemous thing he’s ever said or done. I cant jump on that band wagon at all.
Yes, indeed. I've witnessed a couple of " You tube prophets" coming out claiming Kanye is saved but they refuse to use the authority of scripture to qualify their statement. People of God need to always use the word when exercising judgement. We should desire for Kanye's true conversion. Let's pray for him and his family to seek after God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Reading the bible daily is important so no one will be deceived. Even no matter what cults say or do u can tell by their fruits. And the bible said do not add to the bible.Some adds to the bible.
Christians are followers of The Lord Jesus Christ. Believers are followers of Jesus Christ. Believers, Christians, are filled with The Holy Spirit of The Lord Jesus Christ. Things of the world no longer intices them. They will look, act, dress, speak and do what The Lord Jesus Christ tells them in the Word of God. You can't go from being worldly and then start preaching. They are known by their fruit.
I pray that God keeps this man safe. He just spoke on some things that the elites won’t like. He’s exposing what they’re doing! Keep walking in truth my brother. Shalom
Hes been speaking truth for years. . . When we chose to live by God and serve him. We cant be concerned about death nor harm. They hate us either way. Knowing where your going and who your serving is all that matters. . . . Hes covered by the Blood of Jesus
Amen. Definitely needed to hear this. I’m nowhere near perfect or anything and Kanye has undeniable talent, but I truly believe pastor is spot on with this. Part of anti-christ movement. I still love the person and will pray he gets sound doctrine. God bless everyone and love you all.
There isn't any confusion!!! If you know God, you'll know that Kanye is going to be in so much trouble if he doesn't seek God instead of trying to be God!!!
Yes. We as true believers know that, but he is in a delusional state and thinks that he is okay. The devil has him fooled and wrapped up so tight. He has gone to these depths with this blasphemy and it will only get worse. Smh...
GodsWordSaves 7 yup it should be too obvious that Christians shouldn’t “accept” or indulge Kanye. But that just makes it easy to see how it’s possible that when all of the events unfold of the last days people will STILL be exchanging the truth for the lie
God doesn’t tempt us. The God of this world (Satan) does though. God itches our spirit through the leading of the Holy Spirit though. If you aren’t listening to the Holy Spirit you will definitely fall prey to false prophets.
Teach Pastor, Amen! The devil comes to steal, kill, and to destroy...Check out the confusion that’s being introduced...Confusion is not of God! “I am the way and the truth and the” Their is only ONE GOD! Awesome teaching, thank you both! Phenomenal segment!
Amen. Years ago this man of God was the very first one I found to be speaking the truth this way - one man out of how many?? The only other fearless MOG like him was Pastor Stephen Darby of Destined Ministries, but his messages are as timely as ever and prophetic. The body took a huge loss when he passed.
Brothers and sisters the Spirit world is real very real we are truly living in the last days discernment is very important in these last days brothers and sisters.
We should always speak the truth regardless of what people feel. Saving lives is the mission and that’s what Pastor is doing! Feeling is never what you should put in this topic only the truth!
Exactly. That's the point. As long as we do not have the holy ghost we are not saved, can't follow Jesus Christ, are not child of God YHWH, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We need to stop listening to this type of music which stimulates the body, we need to totally repent from the old wicked life. Everybody needs Jesus Christ cause he is God.
G. Craig is such a blessing. I don't know anyone who's been so consistent and resilient in the mandate God's given to them. Thank you for being faithful, the niche you occupy in the Kingdom is indispensable.
People have tickling ears. These are the last days where people will not endure sound doctrine. This is why people are deceived by Kaye West. It's sad but I know better. My spirit was disgusted my Kanye West and his false doctrine.
When I saw the first video posted on a gospel artiste’s page I commented stating how I not fooled and I was attacked by so many so called Christians who claimed I was judge mental and didn’t have love.. God bless this man of God for speaking truth ! Not everyone will be deceived by this demonic spirit at work
They are going to pay for blasphemy against our Heavenly Father!!!!!!!! They think them demons ain't nothing to play with, wait till The LORD get a hold of them!!!!!!!
There’s a video on TH-cam you need to watch. Look at the still snapshot of this video before watching it, the video is called, "Kayne West surprises Kimmel in Brooklyn". In the beginning snapshot of this video, Look closely the handshake between Kanye and Kimmel. This is a masonic handshake. Kanye West is putting his thumb over the second knuckle of Jimmy Kimmels right hand. This is right in our face, and every Christian misses it. Kimmel is a high-level luciferian in Hollywood and everyone knows this, including Kanye. Question, why is Kanye West giving a Secret Masonic handshake in plain sight if he is now following Jesus Christ? This handshake is not by accident, this is deliberate to show who Kanye really serves. The handshake is in the center of the picture "above" the words Jesus is King. This hidden in plain sight symbology shows they are putting themselves above Christ. Now, go to 3:41 in that video, and slow down the speed and pay close attention . While the audience is applauding, Kimmel asks Kanye twice, "are you born again"? "Are you born again"? Watch very closely at Kanye's reaction. Watch how quick he looks at Kimmel with surprise. Kanye was not expecting that question. Then Kanye points to Kimmel and says quickly, what’s that ? He responds with a quick nervous smile and laugh and shifts his body back and fourth and immediately crosses his arms. Watch and Listen closely. Kanye's body language shows he is uncomfortable with that question. More importantly, Kanye does not answer it . Kimmel drops the question and changes it quickly to something else. After the initial Masonic handshake, Kimmel was testing Kanye, with this question, to see what camp he was still in. The luciferians Who control the industry we're surely watching this. this is all "staged" people. Hollywood is satanic, and they hate Jesus Christ and his followers . Do You really think the entertainment industry wants us to know about the salvation of Jesus Christ? “Actors” on a “stage” are not for entertainment, they are for control and indoctrination. As followers of Jesus Christ we are to judge "in the spirit." Why? Because the discernment gift of the holy spirit is given to us for a reason .
God said in his word love, not the world neither the things in this world if any man loves this world the love of the father is not in him as the children of God we are not to live like the world look at Solomon's life with all that he had is was vanity to him in the end
Does this church resemble the early church in the book of ACTS...??people getting saved from sin,filled with the Holy Ghost,healed, delivered from bondages of hell???singing cannot set u free,only Jesus can.....Jesus the Christ has to be preached by a God called preacher......
@Kendall Guill all gospel songs are not inspired by God nor do they have the word of God. A prime example is the song with Tasha Cobbs and Nikki Minaj. Remember, Satan knows the word of God and has ministers (servants) everywhere, even in the entertainment industry, that twist God's word just like him. While singing "gospel" songs, these ministers of Satan appear as servants of righteousness (2 Cor 11:13-16).
Young Nippy I know and I had to give up ariana and Billie. I was so blind. I love Ariana I have many many many of her merchandise and it literally makes me go crazy when I see pictures of her. It’s annoying cause I don’t even want to be involved with it.
@@stevie6072 literally I had to give up BTS because I was noticing Illuminati symbolism and satanic references. I was so horrified and disgusted that these clowns had fooled me and their fans. They are lying to their fans and wasting their time. BTS fans are worshipping these clowns. Now I get why they are called kpop idols, hence idolatry. What a mess smh.
@@issavibe_whi same for me. I don’t even know how I got so hooked on them but I quickly went down that rabbit hole and became a fan. Then I got saved and saw it for what it was. Kpop is a whole other level of satanic with the hexes they’re always doing. If anyone is at this level of success they’re involved in the ritual stuff. They’re also mind controlled puppets. It is crazy idolatry. Oh and when I first was reborn I listened to Kanye’s Sunday service because I thought that had to be safe. God showed me that is not the case
Open rebuke is better than secret love faithful are the wounds of a friend but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. Thank you brother G Craige for standing for truth even if it cuts. God bless you. This video nearly brought tears to my eyes.
I listen to the talent from Kanye and the choir and it’s creepy just how the enemy is using something so beautiful for deception. It breaks my heart, yet shows me how far sin has brought us from God’s will. Thank you Pastor Lewis for your sound teaching.
2 Timothy 3:1-5 KJV This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. [2] For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, [3] Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, [4] Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; [5] Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
Excellent spiritual insight from this servant of God whom I first saw 20 years ago. He has not deviated from the truth! Thank God for him through Jesus Christ our Lord!
This stuff is deep out here, the scary part is everyone is so blind. This stuff is real out here, people are being rocked to sleep. Folks stay close to Christ we to close now.
Thank you for saying this!! My daughter has been deceived by Kanye and is so happy that he says he is a Christian. I didn’t feel right when I heard a Kanye. Thank you so much for standing up.
Thanks for having the courage to speak against the devil and exposed the enemies tactics... People must wake up and understand the will of God so they will not be so easily deceived.... I continue to pray God's protection and covering over you to continue to preach without fear and that God continues to pour out his spirit on you. God bless Pastor
Praise and bless The LORD JESUS CHRIST for men and women like Pastor Lewis who are striving to walk upright before The LORD our GOD and are teaching the truth in these last days in the name of JESUS ✝️🛐🛐
Learning a lot and as I lost my relationship with my baby daddy last night, I decided to give God my heart and now to see that people are making a mockery out of God disgusts me
2 Corinthians 11:14-15 14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
His glamorous lifestyle does not reflect our humble Jesus at all. It’s a deception and Kanye performs on a church stage like a star, Centre stage & taking the glory. When he Should be standing in the audience like everyone else, he’s no better than the people in the audience. He’s a billionaire and he’s just released a new line of shoes costing £1,000 dollars, whyyyyyyyy!? GREED
Thank you! Ex ministries keeps me up to date on these things because I don’t follow these worldly folks. It just seems like common sense for me that a Kanye (even if genuinely saved) should never be allowed to do anything but sit and listen at church. His worldly success doesn’t equate to anything in the Kingdom. Jesus didn’t make differences so we shouldn’t.
@@ebonyessence2838 that's pretty much what I was saying. It's blasphemous what he is doing. The problem is no one is using discernment. People will believe anything
Kanye is remixing Genuine’s So Anxious song which talks about fornicating. There is nothing new about his music. Discern the fruits of the spirit. “O sing unto the Lord a new song: sing unto the Lord, all the earth.” Psalms 96:1 KJV
MsMsantrophe And that is why they ALL ARE WRONG! Kanye West produced for Kirk Franklin. It does not matter that it is Kirk or Tye, if they don't repent for embracing the Devils music, they are going to hell. Periodt.
He had his little "choir" remix Shirley Murdock's "As We Lay" and called it "As We Pray," which is about an adulterous relationship. I couldn't believe my ears.
It's Christian Deconstruction at its worse. Saw an interview of this young man and how one of his producers told him that for Jesus Walks, if it's going to be deemed a "gospel" song the Bible should be referenced, using a passage from the book of Luke. Mr. West's response, "F---- naw, what is that!!". And that song was played on gospel radio??? This song is still being rendered during his "Sunday Service"?? It hurts my heart. Please wake up.
"I waz arrogant too & God brought me down!!! I'm now humble, I hate a proud look az well!!!!! Letz pray for him though........" {Fye O AKA Living Servant}
I'm so happy other ppl are seeing through the madness because I do not buy anything Kanye is selling for one minute...his body language even spoke volumes
Revelations 2:20 “Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.” We’ve been warned before. His wife is a queen harlot, the lustful jezebel to his blasphemous jezebel. Resist.
Wow my eyes were open. I knew there was something sketchy going on with this new "Kanye".. Even my non religious friends understand this. Thanks for sharing this info!
Thank you Pastor. TD Jakes been fell off. He will not condemn homosexuality and no surprise he is allowing Anthony Hamilton to perform. He lost his faith and tolerates New Age. Please keep sharing the truth many people think this is a real conversion SMH
My heart dances with joy to see this interview! Holy Spirit, pls speak! This Kanye's issue has basically taken on a life of its own, to the extent that so-called believers have made his salvation more important than the word! I mentioned the fact that his family (the Kardashians) are not in turmoil over his so- called born-againism, including the Forbes report on the rappers who made the most money in 2019- he leads the pack... look further at his fruits if you are not yet convinced. I'm tired of this lackadaisical attitude towards The Word.
Pastor I just saw an article that Kanyevis taking his Sunday service nationwide. It seems like he has received acceptance and validation from the church. I'm really upset and deeply concerned with this. We really need the cover and protection of God.
Pastor Lewis, your single-mindedness bolstered to the Word and rooted in realism is the scarce congruence that I believe will lead unsure seekers to the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you.
Pastor Craig G Lewis, yes God still has a remnant. All Glory to the Lord! Thank you for standing in the Gospel and not selling out, soldier in the Lord.
Kanye West: I sold my soul to the devil.. Audience: cheers NOW that's demonic... Yet some many that claim to "follow" God think it's ok with "church" and LOVE his music...
Praise God! A pastor preaching the TRUTH! I’ve been looking.... I am coming back to Christ (Lord forgive me) after having been sucked in by the New Age occult. After seeing demonic influence destroy my family, I have repented and am fervently seeking the true remnant church. I believe I’ve found members of such now that I’ve found EX ministries. Thank you for posting online. We need access to truth in these dark times.
I watched your series on TBHH years ago and it has changed my life forever. Thank you sir I have stayed away from that type of music for over 10 years now and I realize how demonic and powerful music can be. Much love and respect to you. I also just created a TH-cam channel to spread the truth of the gospel and wake up the Lukewarm Christian. God is doing so many things through out the world and separating the real from the fake. I believe that is one of the reasons why there is such a push for this false teachings in churches today. The devil knows his time is running up.
That was an excellent interview. I love that it was explained that Kanye is trying to fit Jesus into his deal with Satan. We know that can’t work like oil and water do not mix. I’m new to this channel but glad I found it. Happy Sabbath xx ✝️
Keyah Keron .And Believe me if that should be ..Who is of the Lord Jesus Christ is not going to be there..because who He call none would He lose ..When the people Israel had God as their ruler they rejected him and he give them Saul.
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Matthew 24:24 (KJV) Jesus Christ is the true and only savior of this World.
"Obedience is better than sacrifice"
It's true, as a parent, I don't want my children to buy me houses and cars if they don't obey me.
Kanye wouldn't understand this because he was willing to sacrifice his own mother.
We need to support pastors like this and not abandon them to the Wolves they are warning us about.
Yes ma'am , we should.
Amen......He is a breath of fresh air!
Amen 🙏 we need our watchmen!
The one thing I have learned is that people don't mind when you profess Christ, it is when you uphold his standards is when the problem occurs. Kanye will not say anything about sin because it is not the popular thing to do.
Same thing I said hallelujah
And Because he’s a SINNER
Wow this is so true! It's just as the Bible says, having a form of godliness but denying ther power thereof. The world doesn't mind you saying you're a Christian, they mind you living like one. Just as the Word says, they profess God with their lips but their hearts are far from Him. Because if we are known by our fruits, then the devil doesn't want anyone to bear godly fruits
faye lh preach!!! 👏🏽
you’ll never catch me at a Kanye west “church service” singing Kanye west songs idolising Kanye west. Too many opinions and too many lines being blurred.
sounds demonic to me
Thank you so much Pastor Lewis because I’m so sick of these carnal Christians bashing those of us who are not jumping on the Kanye train.
Kreative Holiness yes! He should not be ministering... you should know them by their fruit! People are so easily persuaded...
I cringe at people jumping on the carnal train
Thank you for speaking Truth.
This Pastor is anointed. His consistency to God's word is unflappable..His Ministry is a blessing to us all 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:7
Sandal Russell Men ..Those Words are powerful no one is speared .. for knowing the truth and denying the power thereof.👌
Sandal Russell Amen 💯💯💯
In that order my sister.
So accurate sister.
I’m so glad that Ex Ministers is doing what they’re called to do!
This pastor teaches 100% scripture. You will know them by their fruit.
Yes he's awesome.
To God be the Glory Amen Amen Amen.
Ms. Bella Grace ; now that is what he do , Doo . Haha , he break's it down , and be on point to.
Real repentance is marked with tears and a broken heart. When a person realizes what Christ did for them, and why he had to be crushed, it should flatten you.
That's exactly what Jesus did for me. When you come to your realization of how much of a sinner you are and how God still loves you, you become so regretful of your past actions that you burst to tears.
@@masterstepz9800 exactly. I think about my life for 35 years and how much of a sinner I really was without knowing before I got saved and now it’s been a few months and I still get emotional about it. Just immense gratitude and faith
Ain't no luke warm, it's Hot or Cold. No grey, it's black or white. No middle, it's right or wrong!!!!! We gotta stop straddling the fence!!!!! Let's make the correct choice. Our Heavenly Father allows us to make the choice.
Also the children watching
Amen… the lukewarm get burned up with the cold.
So true 100%
There are the luke warm, they will claim what they've done for Christ only to be spit out because he never knew them. Let's make it easier for everyone, you're either Hot or you're not, makes no difference if you're not Hot.
Well said pastor. I wasn’t convinced of his conversation for a second. True repentance compels you to turn away from sin. Also to CONFESS what you have done wrong. He hasn’t apologized or recanted a single blasphemous thing he’s ever said or done. I cant jump on that band wagon at all.
He said he doesn't have to apologize because he's a billionaire 🤷🏽♀️
@@anjanettemccloud1686 I heard that, too.
Ex Ministries, I’m glad you teach on these subjects. This is what we need to hear and know.
So TRUE.. SAD MANY think he's taking foolishness or talking bad about people..
Yes, indeed. I've witnessed a couple of " You tube prophets" coming out claiming Kanye is saved but they refuse to use the authority of scripture to qualify their statement. People of God need to always use the word when exercising judgement. We should desire for Kanye's true conversion. Let's pray for him and his family to seek after God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
The devil knows he has a little time left so he’s attacking Christianity sending wolves in sheep’s clothing
I agree and there are so many false prophets. Many cults are out there too. Stay strong in our Lord! 🙏
God loves you! 😇😉
Reading the bible daily is important so no one will be deceived. Even no matter what cults say or do u can tell by their fruits. And the bible said do not add to the bible.Some adds to the bible.
Just listen to kanye song wolf
Christians are followers of The Lord Jesus Christ. Believers are followers of Jesus Christ. Believers, Christians, are filled with The Holy Spirit of The Lord Jesus Christ. Things of the world no longer intices them. They will look, act, dress, speak and do what The Lord Jesus Christ tells them in the Word of God. You can't go from being worldly and then start preaching. They are known by their fruit.
I pray that God keeps this man safe. He just spoke on some things that the elites won’t like. He’s exposing what they’re doing! Keep walking in truth my brother. Shalom
dizzy Harris amen
I had the same thought praying for him.
I agree... but whom God keep is well kept 🙌🏽🙏🏽
This man been preaching about these things for decades ☺️
Hes been speaking truth for years. . . When we chose to live by God and serve him. We cant be concerned about death nor harm. They hate us either way. Knowing where your going and who your serving is all that matters. . . . Hes covered by the Blood of Jesus
I needed to see this. Jesus wanted me to see this. Thank you for posting!
Same , I been asking God to show me and well here it is!
Same! I didnt believe it it seemed unreal idk but thank God i was directed here
Amen. Definitely needed to hear this. I’m nowhere near perfect or anything and Kanye has undeniable talent, but I truly believe pastor is spot on with this. Part of anti-christ movement. I still love the person and will pray he gets sound doctrine. God bless everyone and love you all.
This is why I love Pastor G Craig's Lewis, you've been keeping it real for years.
There isn't any confusion!!! If you know God, you'll know that Kanye is going to be in so much trouble if he doesn't seek God instead of trying to be God!!!
Yes. We as true believers know that, but he is in a delusional state and thinks that he is okay. The devil has him fooled and wrapped up so tight. He has gone to these depths with this blasphemy and it will only get worse. Smh...
Blind leading blind. If you have itchy ears, God will even allow false prophets to come and scratch them
GodsWordSaves 7 preach!
GodsWordSaves 7 yup it should be too obvious that Christians shouldn’t “accept” or indulge Kanye. But that just makes it easy to see how it’s possible that when all of the events unfold of the last days people will STILL be exchanging the truth for the lie
God doesn’t tempt us. The God of this world (Satan) does though. God itches our spirit through the leading of the Holy Spirit though. If you aren’t listening to the Holy Spirit you will definitely fall prey to false prophets.
GodsWordSaves 7 thank u
Many are Falling for This, MANY!
Teach Pastor, Amen!
The devil comes to steal, kill, and to destroy...Check out the confusion that’s being introduced...Confusion is not of God!
“I am the way and the truth and the” Their is only ONE GOD!
Awesome teaching, thank you both! Phenomenal segment!
He is playing a dangerous game, but he is a vessel. I'm truly disgusted with the pastor's who are more focused on money and game than saving souls.
That's true,very dangerous and the consequences of what he is doing might even go up to 7 generations. Don't play with God.
It’s only the pastors who’s apart of the secret society!
A vessel filled with complete egomania: Kanye.
Been a while since I’ve heard an unapologetic pastor.
Amen. Years ago this man of God was the very first one I found to be speaking the truth this way - one man out of how many??
The only other fearless MOG like him was Pastor Stephen Darby of Destined Ministries, but his messages are as timely as ever and prophetic. The body took a huge loss when he passed.
Brothers and sisters the Spirit world is real very real we are truly living in the last days discernment is very important in these last days brothers and sisters.
Amen. I literally just said that. No one is using discernment anymore. People believing all types garbage just to feel comfortable.
Yes god bless brother
Erich Pengel Amen
Exactly people stop following false prophets and listen to the spirit that lives Within
Amen, brother.
I can't believe how many churches are giving him their space for this foolishness.
Girl that beast on the roll his time is short; got them demons moving full force.
They themselves are deceived
We should always speak the truth regardless of what people feel. Saving lives is the mission and that’s what Pastor is doing! Feeling is never what you should put in this topic only the truth!
The tares are being separated from the wheat 🤔😲
I know right we are in the last days
That’s right Pastor, there is still a strong remnant not willing to compromise!
Amen!! No compromise!!!! If we do we deny Jesus! If we deny him then he will deny us before the Father! I dont want to be turned away!!
I had never heard this pastor. He has much wisdom and has given me a whole new insight on this whole “Kanye” issue.
self-denial is not possible without the Holy Spirit. we have to be filled with the Holy Spirit to live the way God want us to live.
Exactly. That's the point. As long as we do not have the holy ghost we are not saved, can't follow Jesus Christ, are not child of God YHWH, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We need to stop listening to this type of music which stimulates the body, we need to totally repent from the old wicked life. Everybody needs Jesus Christ cause he is God.
Tell everyone how to get the Holy spirit. Forget it. I'll do it.
Read Acts 2:38 or Google it.
This was a good video and even convicted me as a Christian about my life and my fruit.
Brian Harper Amen me too
I guess they forget that soon the devil will come to collect!!!
It won't last forever
sjay v proverbs 12:19
Jesus Saves Amen!!
Well said!
God always wins you can't mock Him. And the devil a liar and will always hate mankind.
G. Craig is such a blessing. I don't know anyone who's been so consistent and resilient in the mandate God's given to them. Thank you for being faithful, the niche you occupy in the Kingdom is indispensable.
People have tickling ears. These are the last days where people will not endure sound doctrine. This is why people are deceived by Kaye West. It's sad but I know better. My spirit was disgusted my Kanye West and his false doctrine.
U must haven't seen his latest sermon. It was real. Forget him. Listen to the truth.
This Pastor is on point. He knows the truth. This Pastor is deep. God open up our eyes 👀 to see. I want obedience.🙏
Thank you sir for always introducing balance and perspective. You are indeed a blessing to my generation sir.
I love this pastor nd his boldness. U can tell he's spiritfilled. Thanks for doing the Lord's work
There isn't anything better than sound doctrine because it brings forth Jesus in every precept. I praise the Lord for such teachings 🧡💜🧡💜
Amen sister. Never under estimate, or take for granted your local Church and Pastor.
Amen.....we need the word of God rooted in our hearts. Otherwise, we will be lead astray. Many are being deceived. This too, is in the word of God.
G. Craige is my pastor all the way in Michigan. I was happy to meet him. He so down to earth.
45 minutes of straightforward truth. Thank You very much for this.
When I saw the first video posted on a gospel artiste’s page I commented stating how I not fooled and I was attacked by so many so called Christians who claimed I was judge mental and didn’t have love.. God bless this man of God for speaking truth ! Not everyone will be deceived by this demonic spirit at work
Unfortunately there are lot of christians out there who goes by feelings and not spirit filled christians. Very lack of discernment.
Lord have mercy these so call celebrities are so disrespectful to God I pray they turn to Jesus before it's to late.
They are going to pay for blasphemy against our Heavenly Father!!!!!!!! They think them demons ain't nothing to play with, wait till The LORD get a hold of them!!!!!!!
@@tammietaper2166 Amen to that. Our Heavenly Father can destroy both soul and body. They keep forgetting His wrath is coming.
There’s a video on TH-cam you need to watch. Look at the still snapshot of this video before watching it, the video is called, "Kayne West surprises Kimmel in Brooklyn". In the beginning snapshot of this video, Look closely the handshake between Kanye and Kimmel. This is a masonic handshake. Kanye West is putting his thumb over the second knuckle of Jimmy Kimmels right hand. This is right in our face, and every Christian misses it. Kimmel is a high-level luciferian in Hollywood and everyone knows this, including Kanye. Question, why is Kanye West giving a Secret Masonic handshake in plain sight if he is now following Jesus Christ? This handshake is not by accident, this is deliberate to show who Kanye really serves. The handshake is in the center of the picture "above" the words Jesus is King. This hidden in plain sight symbology shows they are putting themselves above Christ. Now, go to 3:41 in that video, and slow down the speed and pay close attention . While the audience is applauding, Kimmel asks Kanye twice, "are you born again"? "Are you born again"? Watch very closely at Kanye's reaction. Watch how quick he looks at Kimmel with surprise. Kanye was not expecting that question. Then Kanye points to Kimmel and says quickly, what’s that ? He responds with a quick nervous smile and laugh and shifts his body back and fourth and immediately crosses his arms. Watch and Listen closely. Kanye's body language shows he is uncomfortable with that question. More importantly, Kanye does not answer it . Kimmel drops the question and changes it quickly to something else. After the initial Masonic handshake, Kimmel was testing Kanye, with this question, to see what camp he was still in. The luciferians Who control the industry we're surely watching this. this is all "staged" people. Hollywood is satanic, and they hate Jesus Christ and his followers . Do You really think the entertainment industry wants us to know about the salvation of Jesus Christ? “Actors” on a “stage” are not for entertainment, they are for control and indoctrination. As followers of Jesus Christ we are to judge "in the spirit." Why? Because the discernment gift of the holy spirit is given to us for a reason .
Trthhdn is that why he has 33 on his Jesus is King record.
Did you see him dress like the “Lord of the flies” the other day in family photos.
God said in his word love, not the world neither the things in this world if any man loves this world the love of the father is not in him as the children of God we are not to live like the world look at Solomon's life with all that he had is was vanity to him in the end
The world would hate him if he was a Christian. They wouldn’t be so receptive.
Does this church resemble the early church in the book of ACTS...??people getting saved from sin,filled with the Holy Ghost,healed, delivered from bondages of hell???singing cannot set u free,only Jesus can.....Jesus the Christ has to be preached by a God called preacher......
Singing in spirit and in truth can help set u free,but yes u also need the word to cleanse your heart
@Kendall Guill all gospel songs are not inspired by God nor do they have the word of God. A prime example is the song with Tasha Cobbs and Nikki Minaj. Remember, Satan knows the word of God and has ministers (servants) everywhere, even in the entertainment industry, that twist God's word just like him. While singing "gospel" songs, these ministers of Satan appear as servants of righteousness
(2 Cor 11:13-16).
This man is too woke.. discernment on a whole other level
King Lucas yes his podcast are wonderful❤️
if you fast and pray He’ll open your spiritual eyes! I came off a 7 day fast and God opened my eyes to so much truth and the deceiving of the devil.
Powerful!!! The Great falling away from the Faith!!
Yes its here, The wicked one will be revealed very shortly I believe.
all of the industry is filled with anti-christ spirit. ALL OF IT.
NORMALIZATION OF IGNORANCE Facts! I even had to give up Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston!!
Young Nippy I know and I had to give up ariana and Billie. I was so blind. I love Ariana I have many many many of her merchandise and it literally makes me go crazy when I see pictures of her. It’s annoying cause I don’t even want to be involved with it.
@@stevie6072 literally I had to give up BTS because I was noticing Illuminati symbolism and satanic references. I was so horrified and disgusted that these clowns had fooled me and their fans. They are lying to their fans and wasting their time. BTS fans are worshipping these clowns. Now I get why they are called kpop idols, hence idolatry. What a mess smh.
@@issavibe_whi same for me. I don’t even know how I got so hooked on them but I quickly went down that rabbit hole and became a fan. Then I got saved and saw it for what it was. Kpop is a whole other level of satanic with the hexes they’re always doing. If anyone is at this level of success they’re involved in the ritual stuff. They’re also mind controlled puppets. It is crazy idolatry. Oh and when I first was reborn I listened to Kanye’s Sunday service because I thought that had to be safe. God showed me that is not the case
Open rebuke is better than secret love faithful are the wounds of a friend but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. Thank you brother G Craige for standing for truth even if it cuts. God bless you. This video nearly brought tears to my eyes.
I listen to the talent from Kanye and the choir and it’s creepy just how the enemy is using something so beautiful for deception. It breaks my heart, yet shows me how far sin has brought us from God’s will. Thank you Pastor Lewis for your sound teaching.
The beautiful music belongs to satan
2 Timothy 3:1-5 KJV
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. [2] For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, [3] Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, [4] Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; [5] Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
I just thank God for allowing my family and I to be a part of that remnant!
Amen to that, sis!
Excellent spiritual insight from this servant of God whom I first saw 20 years ago. He has not deviated from the truth! Thank God for him through Jesus Christ our Lord!
exactly. I don't see none of these Christian artists. famous pastors going against lgbt. cause they all about followers. n money. fame
Some of them DL
This is very true and its heartbreaking
You are so correct!
I'm one of those people who doesn't want to be deceived.. Thank you for speaking truth. God bless you
This stuff is deep out here, the scary part is everyone is so blind. This stuff is real out here, people are being rocked to sleep. Folks stay close to Christ we to close now.
Yup!...The deception is real
@@CS-dn8rd yea it's more evident than ever at this point. Those with eyes can see the deception.
Not everyone.. in the last days even the very elect will be deceived!
Thank you for saying this!! My daughter has been deceived by Kanye and is so happy that he says he is a Christian. I didn’t feel right when I heard a Kanye. Thank you so much for standing up.
Thanks for having the courage to speak against the devil and exposed the enemies tactics... People must wake up and understand the will of God so they will not be so easily deceived.... I continue to pray God's protection and covering over you to continue to preach without fear and that God continues to pour out his spirit on you. God bless Pastor
Amen,I touch and agree for his continued boldness and protection!
Craig is always well spoken...he is 100% on point.
As of now, I don’t see any fruit of repentance, and I’m praying this guy really repented or else MANY are being lead to hell right now.
So true my dear sister so true
Thank God for the few who knows better.
Praise and bless The LORD JESUS CHRIST for men and women like Pastor Lewis who are striving to walk upright before The LORD our GOD and are teaching the truth in these last days in the name of JESUS ✝️🛐🛐
I wonder how long TH-cam will even allow this to stay up.
Jessica M. Jacob, remember, God is still in control!
Idk... Exposing Kanyes church nonsense isnt effecting the elites😌.
U are so right!
In the beginning there was the word.
His not getting paid for his video.
Learning a lot and as I lost my relationship with my baby daddy last night, I decided to give God my heart and now to see that people are making a mockery out of God disgusts me
2 Corinthians 11:14-15
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
Thank You
Please pray for me brothers and sisters I need the conviction of the Word of God to keep me faithful to my calling throughout this messed up world.
His glamorous lifestyle does not reflect our humble Jesus at all. It’s a deception and Kanye performs on a church stage like a star, Centre stage & taking the glory. When he Should be standing in the audience like everyone else, he’s no better than the people in the audience. He’s a billionaire and he’s just released a new line of shoes costing £1,000 dollars, whyyyyyyyy!? GREED
Exactly. He is not born again. I believe the real Kanye is dead and this one is a clone working for the elites.
Amen sister!
This pastor being interviewed is on point 🙏💯
Thank you! Ex ministries keeps me up to date on these things because I don’t follow these worldly folks. It just seems like common sense for me that a Kanye (even if genuinely saved) should never be allowed to do anything but sit and listen at church. His worldly success doesn’t equate to anything in the Kingdom. Jesus didn’t make differences so we shouldn’t.
Pastor Craig is very smart. I love listening to his sermons.
When I saw Kanye at new birth, I automatically thought about what G. craige said on the TBHH! It’s all a show on what Kanye is doing.
Im in Atlanta and was shocked that people stood in line to see him but people don't for Jesus smh
Ebony Essence I live in Atlanta as well and I’m shocked but not shocked people are supporting this.
@@ebonyessence2838 that's pretty much what I was saying. It's blasphemous what he is doing. The problem is no one is using discernment. People will believe anything
@@ebonyessence2838 Im in Atlanta too. I feel u
A true man of God who is not afraid to preach the truth! Praise the Lord! We need this desperately. Thank you Jesus for this Pastor.
Kanye is remixing Genuine’s So Anxious song which talks about fornicating. There is nothing new about his music. Discern the fruits of the spirit.
“O sing unto the Lord a new song: sing unto the Lord, all the earth.”
Psalms 96:1 KJV
I thought that mess sounded familar😒 Blasphemy!
right .
that was a hot mess.
MsMsantrophe And that is why they ALL ARE WRONG! Kanye West produced for Kirk Franklin. It does not matter that it is Kirk or Tye, if they don't repent for embracing the Devils music, they are going to hell. Periodt.
I'm not religious but I really thought it was tacky and distasteful
He had his little "choir" remix Shirley Murdock's "As We Lay" and called it "As We Pray," which is about an adulterous relationship. I couldn't believe my ears.
What did the most high say they will come in my name. And say I'm the Christ. We are living in the last days deceivers.
It's Christian Deconstruction at its worse. Saw an interview of this young man and how one of his producers told him that for Jesus Walks, if it's going to be deemed a "gospel" song the Bible should be referenced, using a passage from the book of Luke. Mr. West's response, "F---- naw, what is that!!". And that song was played on gospel radio??? This song is still being rendered during his "Sunday Service"?? It hurts my heart. Please wake up.
T. I. Will be humbled so low.. I can't stand listening to him. What a proud man.
Wicked folks living two lives
Prayers for him.
He's allowed to. His wife allows it in their home and marriage.
"I waz arrogant too & God brought me down!!! I'm now humble, I hate a proud look az well!!!!! Letz pray for him though........" {Fye O AKA Living Servant}
I know, I hope it's a matter of, " If he knew better, he'd do better"
I'm so happy other ppl are seeing through the madness because I do not buy anything Kanye is selling for one minute...his body language even spoke volumes
Revelations 2:20 “Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.” We’ve been warned before. His wife is a queen harlot, the lustful jezebel to his blasphemous jezebel. Resist.
Wow my eyes were open. I knew there was something sketchy going on with this new "Kanye".. Even my non religious friends understand this. Thanks for sharing this info!
Thank you Pastor.
TD Jakes been fell off. He will not condemn homosexuality and no surprise he is allowing Anthony Hamilton to perform. He lost his faith and tolerates New Age. Please keep sharing the truth many people think this is a real conversion SMH
Heather Rodriguez I glad you mentioned TD Jakes. Me and my mom will turn the tv if he comes on at any point while watching Christian television.
His son is GAY he would be a hippacrite if he did.😕
Nicole Young TD Jakes is not right
My heart dances with joy to see this interview! Holy Spirit, pls speak! This Kanye's issue has basically taken on a life of its own, to the extent that so-called believers have made his salvation more important than the word! I mentioned the fact that his family (the Kardashians) are not in turmoil over his so- called born-againism, including the Forbes report on the rappers who made the most money in 2019- he leads the pack... look further at his fruits if you are not yet convinced. I'm tired of this lackadaisical attitude towards The Word.
Pastor I just saw an article that Kanyevis taking his Sunday service nationwide. It seems like he has received acceptance and validation from the church. I'm really upset and deeply concerned with this. We really need the cover and protection of God.
Shelton Brown -- churches here in Detroit are allegedly giving out tickets to this service here today.
Joel Osteen was accepted too. Then he got exposed...😁😌
@@lanittaw82 tickets for church service?? That's just crazy. Is it about God or Kanye
@@travonlove5532 exactly
Yeah, he did that here in Chicago
The false deceiver has been exposed good work brothers in Christ 🙏
Pastor Lewis, your single-mindedness bolstered to the Word and rooted in realism is the scarce congruence that I believe will lead unsure seekers to the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you.
Pastor Craig G Lewis, yes God still has a remnant. All Glory to the Lord! Thank you for standing in the Gospel and not selling out, soldier in the Lord.
Kanye West: I sold my soul to the devil..
Audience: cheers
NOW that's demonic... Yet some many that claim to "follow" God think it's ok with "church" and LOVE his music...
That “service “ is very disturbing
FRUIT: character, lifestyle, influence, teaching
God is truly speakinv through Pastor Lewis. When God is with you no one can stand against you. My prayers is that he remains a true follower of God.
Let the goats be seen clear, my sheep hear my voice says the Lord... The separation is happening
Praise God! A pastor preaching the TRUTH! I’ve been looking....
I am coming back to Christ (Lord forgive me) after having been sucked in by the New Age occult. After seeing demonic influence destroy my family, I have repented and am fervently seeking the true remnant church. I believe I’ve found members of such now that I’ve found EX ministries. Thank you for posting online. We need access to truth in these dark times.
I watched your series on TBHH years ago and it has changed my life forever. Thank you sir I have stayed away from that type of music for over 10 years now and I realize how demonic and powerful music can be. Much love and respect to you. I also just created a TH-cam channel to spread the truth of the gospel and wake up the Lukewarm Christian. God is doing so many things through out the world and separating the real from the fake. I believe that is one of the reasons why there is such a push for this false teachings in churches today. The devil knows his time is running up.
That was an excellent interview. I love that it was explained that Kanye is trying to fit Jesus into his deal with Satan. We know that can’t work like oil and water do not mix. I’m new to this channel but glad I found it. Happy Sabbath xx ✝️
Kanye is the modern day Jim Jones!!! He bought that ranch in Wyoming and many will relocate there to be with him. Perilous Times we are in.
Keyah Keron 😢😢😢
Hmmmm....that is a GREAT point
I totally agree with you. I keep telling people that he’s starting a cult.
Keyah Keron .And Believe me if that should be ..Who is of the Lord Jesus Christ is not going to be there..because who He call none would He lose ..When the people Israel had God as their ruler they rejected him and he give them Saul.
That's so crazy you said that bc it's confirmation of what the Lord told me he's starting a false religion 🤔😥 Lord help!
This breaks my heart. I truly mourn for these lost deceived people 😢
I love this minister. My Spirit connects with his. This is a true man of God
Amen Donna.
It's easier for a man to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven.
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Matthew 24:24 (KJV)
Jesus Christ is the true and only savior of this World.
Thank you
Amen Hallelujah this is the gospel truth spoken well
Thank you for putting the scripture references on the screen.❤
I really love how all the answers are scriptural. I really thank you for this truth . It has really opened my eyes.
The Remnant thanks you for your work obedience & discernment, Pastor. ❤️
Emily Dykstra Amen!!!