Spring Has Come in the Squamish Language
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.พ. 2025
- A short video on how to say spring has come in the Squamish Language
na mi ta tem ḵw’ey̓ús (Spring has come)
sesemáy̓ (bee) slhánay̓ sts’ekw (ladybug) lhelhenáya (dragonfly)
nu chexw kw’áchnexw ta yíy̓ulh sts’ekw’ (do you see the firebug?)
na mi ta tem ḵw’ey̓ús nekw ḵw’shétsut (Spring has come it is time to play.)
i7x̱w skwáyel ta sesemáy̓ wa sísiḵ eḵ’ (Everyday the bee will fly.)
wex̱és elhḵay̓ mex̱míx̱alh wa úmsem (Frog, snake and bears sleep.)
nekw umsemwit (It is time for them to wake up.)
na mi ta tem ḵw’ey̓ús (Spring has come)
wa achcháwam ta u7ús tl’a wex̱és (Spawning of the frog eggs)
yalh ses wa shéway ta sx̱én̓x̱en ta u7ús (finally the eggs grow the legs)
skw’eḵáḵ sx̱wix̱w techtechnís wa ḵwéy̓ḵwaystway
(The robin, sparrow and the humming bird all chirping together)
na mi ta tem ḵw’ey̓ús (Spring has come)
wa tá7stat ta tsíptspi7lhten eḵ’ (we will build a nest)
skwáyel p’eḵ’ iy tutkwemkwím spápaḵ’em wa pápḵ’am7
(blue, white and pink flowers bloom)
wa sch’iyámutwit ta tl’ḵw’ánan tl’a tem t’iḵw (They take away the darkness of winter)
na mi ta tem ḵw’ey̓ús (Spring has come)
wa shéway ta x̱aw̓s spén̓em (Growth of new plants.)
ta s7eḵwítelcht wa ḵxwúsem iy ip’áchstway (our family gathers and hold hand together.)
na mi ta tem ḵw’ey̓ús it chet wanáxws i7x̱w stam
(Spring has come and we respect everything).
wa slhílhkw’iws (we are all related.)
tem ḵw’ey̓ús (Spring)
tem lhawt’ tem tsá7tsḵay (March, April)
iy tem yetwán (May)
s7ílhen tl’a tem kw’ey̓ús (Spring food)
schí7i (strawberry) iy̓álḵep ("blueberries") yúla ("rhubarb")
Sḵw’shétsut tl’a tem ḵw’ey̓ús (Spring fun)
hopscotch npen̓em̓áy (gardening) skwáyel tl’a tem ḵw’ey̓ús ("earth day)
nilh ta tem ḵw’ey̓ús ta tpánu xwech’shí7 ta tem t’iḵw iy tem kw’eskw’ás
(Spring is the middle season between winter and summer)
na mi úmsem kwi ḵex̱ ḵw’ín̓exw na7 tkwa tem ḵw’ey̓ús
(A lot of animals wake up in the Spring time)
na mi shéway kwi ḵex̱ spén̓em (A lot of plants grow)
wa achcháwam ta u7ús tl’a wex̱és na7 tkwa tem ḵw’ey̓ús
(Spawning of the frog eggs in the Spring time)