So basically Leviticus is right.There are people will crank up the gamma just to make it more visible and gaining some advantages (which doesn't save them from a volley of grenade and a headshot)
@@Salva2073 sometime people can see better than others in night (not me tho,my eyes is kinda bad,i need flashlight or NVG for night raids). But thinking of the amount of people who is so sweatt to crank the sh*t up of the graphic just for tiny advantage is pathetic as f*ck lol
What a difference alright! I only needed to turn up the brightness to 1.75 on my monitor with 55% contrast. Now I won't even need NVGs for night raids on customs! :D
While this is really nice, it’s too much for me to change these settings every time I switch to night/day. Also this messes up the colors for all other applications. So I won’t be doing this unless there is a oneclick solution without needing to readjust the sliders all the time.
There is a one click solution. It's called "Override to reference mode" right above all the sliders. Once you get your Nvidia sliders where you want them for Tarkov, that box will toggle your changes on and off. I've been using it since 2018.
@@MetaMantiss you can also use color management profiles to automatically apply when certain programs (like the tarkov .exe) launch, and then default back to another one when the program closes. and one-click to switch between your day and night raid profiles, or even ones for certain maps like interchange
Welcome to the pro gaming world my good sir. Where people have preset weapons and armor kits, as well as monitor and graphics presets... I honestly knew this was something that could enhance my gameplay before I watched this, but not nearly that much... The example of where increasing the gamma to max making nighttime Interchange look like daytime is just broken af...
there are 1click things out there. but are banable in tarkov. lol you had things like reshade and certain others, but are considered mods to game that is pvp and is supposed to be competitive. i seriously dont know where the issue is - is it bc bsg didn shell out for propper monitors to colour correct the game properly or is it unity being a mess of spaghetti code and just general pain to program in. I dont understand how so many other games dont have such drastic issues - ie. translate better to many monitors in terms of colour. Last time i recall compensating for dark area in game cranking up brightness to unhealthy lvls was like 1996 or something - q1.
Always with the awesome edits and quality information laid out so people can actually grasp it. More people should know about you and i always recommend people to watch you when they're starting out. Keep it up. :>
I have a monitor that has a setting to remove or lower the darkening affect in games and allows me to create profiles to switch back and forth from either watching videos, playing games, editing, or work. It's great, I just wish I could look for the same thing in 1440 rather my 1080
After a lot of playing around I got something I like with negative brightness, before I relied on the differens from rendering by giing high rather than low and using contrast/coulurfullness (basically adding an oily sheen to nighttime.)
That's certainly a very helpful guide, thank you. I still find it weird that with settings alone you can create such an advantage, especially in night-time raids.
I got banned for it like 18 months ago. If someone is handling a report manually and they decide you had an unfair advantage and circumvented game mechanics (the darkness I guess?) you can get banned for this apparently. There is a reason night vision is in the game.
I can't understand one thing in Tarkov, I don't know if it's just me or if it's a general problem, but I can't get the most out of my computer, I mean my fps is 50-60, and the usage CPU and GPU within 50-70%
Simple answer. Tarkov optimization is absolute garbage. It is terrible at using all CPU cores and same goes for your GPU... A machine that should be able to run a game like this maxxed out at 120FPS 4K can barely manage 50 FPS 1440p and if you dont lower settings even more streets drops it to 30-40. Stupidly poor opti in this game.
i just got a new monitor and i was playing around with the settings on night time Interchange... turning on Dark Stabilizer to 3/3 literally gives me night vision its crazy, pretty much removes shadows
In Adrenaline Software: Go to the Gaming Tab with EFT open. (If not you can still change the settings by clicking on the game in this tab) Ensure that your main display is selected if you use more than one monitor. Turn on Custom Color, the third option up from the right. Adjust to your liking. (I disable temperature and just bump the brightness up a bit) Done. This will apply to your monitor every time you open the game, and it will go back to normal when the game is closed (Awesome feature for AMD). Tarkov is the only game I have to do this for because without doing this the game is literally unplayable with how terrible the lighting design is. There are even some weird lighting zones on maps where standing in them makes everything go super dark even though there are windows with lots of light shining through them all around you.
OH MY GOD i hate windows. i didnt know there was a option to increase performance for windowed gaming, why isnt that alwas on. my game runs 10 times better now. thanks alot
Thanks but I'm not changing all of that every time I swap from day to night and back. I just blast the gamma in my control panel to the max when it gets dark in raid and that works fine for me.
I feel like the actually included PostFX is not very offensive and was implemented to prevent people from using other outside/nvidia programs but people are always going to exploit this stuff as much as possible. I guess we can be glad most people aren't switching all PMC textures with bright pink but overall I don't think you can really use visibility as game mechanic without getting people who cheat the system and swear up and down that it's not really cheating anyway.
As i have also been experimenting trying to make Tarkov look less dark, i'll share my thoughts/findings/recommendations (this time in a form of a comment more detailed and after more research than a twitch chat message) : 0)Tarkov's lighting is actually fine. The problem is you are probably sitting in a (somewhat) bright room, which prevents your eyes from adjusting to Takov's dark areas, And Tarkov NOT telling you that OR prompting you with a settings callibration screen to adjust for that. (Seriously, try plaing in a very dark room with NO PostFX or altered driver pannel settings). So, 1)!!!Play in a somewhat dimly lit (or, ideally, dark) room!!! To compensate for your room not being (nearly) completely dark and/or get some advantage: 2)I generally agree with Lew's methods but with a few caveats: 2.1)For setting gamma, contrast and brightness, use a dark area and a very bright area, like a slightly cloudy morning/evening sky (or, probably, screenshots of them); brightness is reduced to minimise clipping of bright areas (them becoming completely white), so to set brightness you'll need a very bright area and a dark area. 2.2)Set smallest good-looking +gamma+contrast-brightness setting combination (set big and go smaller) as to not make high brightnesses exscessively compressed (and thus high brightness areas to loose detail). To help in this use gradient from (3) to easer get the same clipping/brightness level discernability boundaries. 2.1-2.1)Ignore (2.1) and (2.2) if you dont care about Tarkov looking good and want maximum advantage, especially in very dark areas like night-time Factory. 2.3)Probably adjust brightness in NVIDIA control panel and not in-game as to not make bright areas in the rest of your programms have severe clipping issues. 2.4)On AMD GPUs for setting gamma use Windows' built-in image callibration progamm (as Radeon Adrenaline doesnt seem to have one). For experimentation: 3)A balck-to-white gradient to use to see how gamma, brightness and contrast settings affect image brightness and to help in setting them for Tarkov: (IF YOU ARE GOING TO USE IMAGE EDITORS FOR EXPERIMENTATION ENSURE THAT THEIR EFFECTS WORK THE SAME AS ONES IN YOUR GPU DRIVER's CONTROL PANEL (in contrast has a different effect, for example)) 3.1)I may later add a Google Sheets document with graphs one can play around with; either here or in a comment to this comment (need to convert from excel and make it tidier). 4)Also i'd like to note that title and preview of the video are a bit of a lie, as most of the effect is/can be achieved via GPU driver panel (and a default Windows programm if you have AMD GPU), so removing PostFX won't do much. And BSG likely cant do anyting against GPU driver pannel and the default Windows colour callibration tool. But it is a mostly not misleading clickbait, so i guess it's fine.
I disagree with Tarkov's lighting being fine. Having to adapt our driver settings to reduce the darkness of Tarkov proves it. If you take a look at 4:54 there's no reason for it to be that extremely dark in a abandoned shopping mall at daytime.
@@sonar4105 >>> If you take a look at 4:54... Now actually go there in-game (it's Idea side entrance into the mall) (Lew has edited the video to make it look much darker than it actually is, proably for dramatic effect) (Yes, unless you are sitting in a dark room, it's probably still a bit dark, but that's not the problem of the lighting itself, it's the problem of the game not prompting you to adjust for the lighting in you room (or, possibly, the problem of BSG likely using professional monitors with high peak brightness for development and testing))
I need to use PostfX i have medical BULE glasses "zeiss" with special glass called Z1 to protect my eyes from flashing stuff. Becouse i have epilepsy i lost 1% brain thanks to accident. These glasses are very dark and change everything to blue asf. I need to light up a little game and change colors to see ppl in bushes or at least in game.. . So still i prefer to have this postfx. Even with these settings u need skill to survive. Its not a cheat for me. But a option to play.😊😊 Cheers guys be cearfull with health and stay healthy who read it i wish u best.
Hey man I was wondering what software do you use to edit/record videos? I’ve been wanting to get into make tarkov content next wipe and have been asking around for what tarkov content creators use.
Why is that when I set up my settings. My raid are super dark? Like it’s night time but it isn’t. Then when I revert all my settings. My raids go back to day time. Like it’s sunny.
Press CTRL-ALT-A. Enjoy a modern UI that lets you change display settings for Tarkov only. That Nvidia Control Panel is the same since Windows 95, because Nvidia cares so much about gamers. 😂
@@PoneyBirds you can actually change the settings like that for tarkov only as well. and it goes a bit more in-depth with profile-inspector but thats another topic
If using Losseless scaling, you double ti your fps on any game or video + with HDR on it’s automatically increased brightness and you will see everything on dark objects. Bad things about this program, it’s still raw and you can see a little bit artefacts on dark object’s objects and devs trying to to fixing that, also double fps consuming more watts on your card. I playing with this program with 144fps stable, sometimes fps dropping to 120. You have a small latency when have less 40 native fps, but it’s nothing. Just trying on any game to fell difference.
Game needs Global Illumantion that doesnt tabk framerate aswel as even some faked baked in lighting for interiors. The Hdr Doesnt work in this well enough
Hi there! can you plase make a guide with people like my with a ryzen 5 2600, 16gb ram, ssd and gtx 1660? i know that i can make the game looks better (i have all loow and off) but it seems horrible :(. Thanks for this video!
I previously had a PC with a shit CPU and shit ram, the only way i could achieve frames you would consider unplayable, was by turning all textures to lowest possible. I was getting studders and frames in the teens before i did that.
AMD has its own program that you can use to change color settings for every game you play individually that automatically enables when you launch the game and disables when you close.
I use the standard immersive tarkov settings on PvE only and the postFx/NvidiaCP settings for PvP. In PvP there is no room for putting yourself into a disadvantage against other Players for some optical immersion.
Is there a way to create presets for the nvida Brigthness settings ? Because i dont want my monitor to look like shit when i do anything else then playing tarkov
Just check the box for "override to reference mode" and it will go back to normal. uncheck the box when you want to use the sliders, they will save their position.
Lew would it be possible to partner with someone who has an AMD gpu as well? Many of these videos lean heavily on control panel. but as an AMD gpu user we do not have access to thhis software. Some sort of guide on what to do there would be extremely helpful. thank you
If you use AMD just go into the Adrenaline software Home- Top right Cog wheel - Display - Custom color - Enable it, there you can set Brightness, Hue, Contrast, Saturation.
@@myob94 That's true. There is a workaround, but it kinda sucks to do it every time you play night or day raids. If you type in the windows bar "gamma" and click on calibrate display color, you can change the gamma there. But it's kinda stressful to fiddle with the steps every time.
@@myob94 What you could do - but would be super shitty do to every time is to go into your "Calibrate display color in windows" there you have gamma, but it would fucking suck to go in that every time you are playing day or night raid.
5:50 , when you say a value over 10 "changes how the game renders , reducing visibility" , is there a source here? What is logic behind this I'm curious
A video game on computer will never be really fair to another player. A more responsive screen, better light/contrast, better GPU so more FPS allow more accuracy and time reaction. I have a laptop and a computer. With both EFT installed on it, I can tell you it's day and night. I'm actually a pretty good pvp player while playing on my computer but when I'm traveling and play on my laptop I try to avoid pvp as much as I can. The keyboard layout is not good I sometimes press wrong... The fps difference is huge so I feel my gameplay slower and heavier, the lower screen resolution makes the Bush too sharp so harder to see people in it, the size of the screen 15" make also long distance target harder to spot... That's gaming on computer, from a player to another it will never be fair
BSG is too worried about making money grabs instead of fixing their base game that isn’t even complete yet. They haven’t even finished the game yet and they are charging 500$ for it and making whole other game modes. It’s actually a joke…
Thanks for the info but I play other games than just Tarkov and don't fancy fumbling through NCP settings every time. It's dumb this whole thing exists tbh.
Good video. But now that i know ppl are Running around at Night seeing more than me with nightvision makes me not wanting to Play this Game anymore 😅 iam totally for removing this feature and make NVIDIA stuff not work while EfT is up
@@2Leware you serious? Do you know what any of the settings you said to change even do or did you just copy this info from another source that actually knows what they're talking about. Pathetic response to a viewer. @CushyTV, there are several things you can try. One is upscaling from a lower resolution in game to your monitors native resolution (ex, monitor is 2k so in game set resolution to 1080p and in your graphics drivers settings turn on upscaling). I use AMD so I set resolution lower within the in game settings and set the game to full screen/full screen exclusive mode and make sure FSR is on in my driver settings. You can also look at what your bottle neck is, GPU or CPU and make settings adjustments based on what is hitting the wall first. GPUz hardware monitor software may give you an idea as to why you aren't getting the full power. If you're thermal throttling it may be bad thermal paste, dusty PC, etc. ping me if you need more help or have more info for me to work with.
@@user-n6i5m what are you talking about? The TH-camr have a horrible response. I gave op some solid information. And then the TH-camr deleted it and left their crappy answer up. YOU should be mad.
Jump in our Discord:
And catch me Live here:
dude u mad late to he party....
@@2Lew is your Discord full of bad advice for your "followers" like your replies to TH-cam comments?.
So basically Leviticus is right.There are people will crank up the gamma just to make it more visible and gaining some advantages (which doesn't save them from a volley of grenade and a headshot)
i do it too but its dumb i never use night vision cause i can see clearly
@@Salva2073 sometime people can see better than others in night (not me tho,my eyes is kinda bad,i need flashlight or NVG for night raids). But thinking of the amount of people who is so sweatt to crank the sh*t up of the graphic just for tiny advantage is pathetic as f*ck lol
@@TarkovRaider7749 I just use the flashlight simply to make it more difficult for the person. I can see just fine lol.
@@TarkovRaider7749 sure does beat paying rubles for a worse visual condition with nvgs.
Don’t blame the player, blame the game.
4:50 the difference that makes is insane
What a difference alright! I only needed to turn up the brightness to 1.75 on my monitor with 55% contrast. Now I won't even need NVGs for night raids on customs! :D
While this is really nice, it’s too much for me to change these settings every time I switch to night/day. Also this messes up the colors for all other applications. So I won’t be doing this unless there is a oneclick solution without needing to readjust the sliders all the time.
Just increase gamma in NVidea settings. It looks bearable during the daytime and you can see in the night.
There is a one click solution. It's called "Override to reference mode" right above all the sliders. Once you get your Nvidia sliders where you want them for Tarkov, that box will toggle your changes on and off. I've been using it since 2018.
@@MetaMantiss you can also use color management profiles to automatically apply when certain programs (like the tarkov .exe) launch, and then default back to another one when the program closes. and one-click to switch between your day and night raid profiles, or even ones for certain maps like interchange
Welcome to the pro gaming world my good sir.
Where people have preset weapons and armor kits, as well as monitor and graphics presets...
I honestly knew this was something that could enhance my gameplay before I watched this, but not nearly that much...
The example of where increasing the gamma to max making nighttime Interchange look like daytime is just broken af...
there are 1click things out there. but are banable in tarkov. lol you had things like reshade and certain others, but are considered mods to game that is pvp and is supposed to be competitive. i seriously dont know where the issue is - is it bc bsg didn shell out for propper monitors to colour correct the game properly or is it unity being a mess of spaghetti code and just general pain to program in. I dont understand how so many other games dont have such drastic issues - ie. translate better to many monitors in terms of colour.
Last time i recall compensating for dark area in game cranking up brightness to unhealthy lvls was like 1996 or something - q1.
Oh my goodness Lew, I need this for wipe, thank you
Always with the awesome edits and quality information laid out so people can actually grasp it.
More people should know about you and i always recommend people to watch you when they're starting out.
Keep it up. :>
i wish it could automatically set your gamma/contrast everytime you open EFT instead of manually doing it everytime
You can use certain IPS panel monitors with the gamma turned up to negate darkness completely.
I have a monitor that has a setting to remove or lower the darkening affect in games and allows me to create profiles to switch back and forth from either watching videos, playing games, editing, or work. It's great, I just wish I could look for the same thing in 1440 rather my 1080
After a lot of playing around I got something I like with negative brightness, before I relied on the differens from rendering by giing high rather than low and using contrast/coulurfullness (basically adding an oily sheen to nighttime.)
Wow I can actually see on factory now!
That's certainly a very helpful guide, thank you.
I still find it weird that with settings alone you can create such an advantage, especially in night-time raids.
I got banned for it like 18 months ago. If someone is handling a report manually and they decide you had an unfair advantage and circumvented game mechanics (the darkness I guess?) you can get banned for this apparently. There is a reason night vision is in the game.
I can't understand one thing in Tarkov, I don't know if it's just me or if it's a general problem, but I can't get the most out of my computer, I mean my fps is 50-60, and the usage CPU and GPU within 50-70%
its a tarkov issue
cpu bottleneck
это тарков, а вообще это проблема движка, у всех так
Simple answer. Tarkov optimization is absolute garbage.
It is terrible at using all CPU cores and same goes for your GPU...
A machine that should be able to run a game like this maxxed out at 120FPS 4K can barely manage 50 FPS 1440p and if you dont lower settings even more streets drops it to 30-40.
Stupidly poor opti in this game.
There’s ways to fix this. I did on my computer. It’s just involved
i just got a new monitor and i was playing around with the settings on night time Interchange... turning on Dark Stabilizer to 3/3 literally gives me night vision its crazy, pretty much removes shadows
WOWOWOW! Oh my goodness a new 2Lew settings video! My goujons they tingle Lew, Thankyou friendly
AMD Guide?
In Adrenaline Software:
Go to the Gaming Tab with EFT open. (If not you can still change the settings by clicking on the game in this tab)
Ensure that your main display is selected if you use more than one monitor.
Turn on Custom Color, the third option up from the right.
Adjust to your liking. (I disable temperature and just bump the brightness up a bit)
This will apply to your monitor every time you open the game, and it will go back to normal when the game is closed (Awesome feature for AMD). Tarkov is the only game I have to do this for because without doing this the game is literally unplayable with how terrible the lighting design is. There are even some weird lighting zones on maps where standing in them makes everything go super dark even though there are windows with lots of light shining through them all around you.
OH MY GOD i hate windows. i didnt know there was a option to increase performance for windowed gaming, why isnt that alwas on. my game runs 10 times better now. thanks alot
Thanks Lew
Great vid before the b-roll shots
Thanks bro. I keep getting killed by dudes i never see.
great info. im just to lazy to adjust all those settings everytime I load into a raid.
Littersly looking back on your old post fx videos just for you to drop an update
how do you reduce grass?
Thanks but I'm not changing all of that every time I swap from day to night and back. I just blast the gamma in my control panel to the max when it gets dark in raid and that works fine for me.
very good very nice Lew 💜
our favourite bucket hat man strikes again
how do you make the grass less dense like that?
you find out?
Is there a way to only use these settings when i open up the game?
Slowly turning me into a settings Andy
We need the same video about AB:I 😅😅
That factory one is insane, why would they not make something like a postfx wizard so you can calibrate your settings after you download.
will the post fx settings you describe effect fps?
Yes they do.
I feel like the actually included PostFX is not very offensive and was implemented to prevent people from using other outside/nvidia programs but people are always going to exploit this stuff as much as possible.
I guess we can be glad most people aren't switching all PMC textures with bright pink but overall I don't think you can really use visibility as game mechanic without getting people who cheat the system and swear up and down that it's not really cheating anyway.
As i have also been experimenting trying to make Tarkov look less dark, i'll share my thoughts/findings/recommendations (this time in a form of a comment more detailed and after more research than a twitch chat message) :
0)Tarkov's lighting is actually fine. The problem is you are probably sitting in a (somewhat) bright room, which prevents your eyes from adjusting to Takov's dark areas, And Tarkov NOT telling you that OR prompting you with a settings callibration screen to adjust for that. (Seriously, try plaing in a very dark room with NO PostFX or altered driver pannel settings).
1)!!!Play in a somewhat dimly lit (or, ideally, dark) room!!!
To compensate for your room not being (nearly) completely dark and/or get some advantage:
2)I generally agree with Lew's methods but with a few caveats:
2.1)For setting gamma, contrast and brightness, use a dark area and a very bright area, like a slightly cloudy morning/evening sky (or, probably, screenshots of them); brightness is reduced to minimise clipping of bright areas (them becoming completely white), so to set brightness you'll need a very bright area and a dark area.
2.2)Set smallest good-looking +gamma+contrast-brightness setting combination (set big and go smaller) as to not make high brightnesses exscessively compressed (and thus high brightness areas to loose detail). To help in this use gradient from (3) to easer get the same clipping/brightness level discernability boundaries.
2.1-2.1)Ignore (2.1) and (2.2) if you dont care about Tarkov looking good and want maximum advantage, especially in very dark areas like night-time Factory.
2.3)Probably adjust brightness in NVIDIA control panel and not in-game as to not make bright areas in the rest of your programms have severe clipping issues.
2.4)On AMD GPUs for setting gamma use Windows' built-in image callibration progamm (as Radeon Adrenaline doesnt seem to have one).
For experimentation:
3)A balck-to-white gradient to use to see how gamma, brightness and contrast settings affect image brightness and to help in setting them for Tarkov:
3.1)I may later add a Google Sheets document with graphs one can play around with; either here or in a comment to this comment (need to convert from excel and make it tidier).
4)Also i'd like to note that title and preview of the video are a bit of a lie, as most of the effect is/can be achieved via GPU driver panel (and a default Windows programm if you have AMD GPU), so removing PostFX won't do much. And BSG likely cant do anyting against GPU driver pannel and the default Windows colour callibration tool. But it is a mostly not misleading clickbait, so i guess it's fine.
I disagree with Tarkov's lighting being fine. Having to adapt our driver settings to reduce the darkness of Tarkov proves it. If you take a look at 4:54 there's no reason for it to be that extremely dark in a abandoned shopping mall at daytime.
>>> If you take a look at 4:54...
Now actually go there in-game (it's Idea side entrance into the mall) (Lew has edited the video to make it look much darker than it actually is, proably for dramatic effect) (Yes, unless you are sitting in a dark room, it's probably still a bit dark, but that's not the problem of the lighting itself, it's the problem of the game not prompting you to adjust for the lighting in you room (or, possibly, the problem of BSG likely using professional monitors with high peak brightness for development and testing))
Is this gonna screw with the way the rest of the games on my pc look?
I need to use PostfX i have medical BULE glasses "zeiss" with special glass called Z1 to protect my eyes from flashing stuff. Becouse i have epilepsy i lost 1% brain thanks to accident. These glasses are very dark and change everything to blue asf. I need to light up a little game and change colors to see ppl in bushes or at least in game.. . So still i prefer to have this postfx. Even with these settings u need skill to survive. Its not a cheat for me. But a option to play.😊😊 Cheers guys be cearfull with health and stay healthy who read it i wish u best.
damn bro thats sad. hope you are doing well
I wish you the best and hope you are well
Hey man I was wondering what software do you use to edit/record videos? I’ve been wanting to get into make tarkov content next wipe and have been asking around for what tarkov content creators use.
Brightness also affects the sun glare
If you don’t do this on games then you’re a nutcase
Saint Lewis of Tarbob dropping the knowledge bombs all over our eyeballs.
@2Lew Nvidia reflex is known to cause issues with frame dips and other issues.
Very good very nice very poggers
Why is that when I set up my settings. My raid are super dark? Like it’s night time but it isn’t. Then when I revert all my settings. My raids go back to day time. Like it’s sunny.
is there a way to set profiles so to speak? so I can switch back to default when Im off the game.
Great, finally a settings video I can use! Oh wait, I have a AMD graphics card.
if I could afford a separate pc with an AMD gpu I would 100% do a guide on that. sorry!
Enjoy a modern UI that lets you change display settings for Tarkov only.
That Nvidia Control Panel is the same since Windows 95, because Nvidia cares so much about gamers. 😂
@@PoneyBirds you can actually change the settings like that for tarkov only as well. and it goes a bit more in-depth with profile-inspector but thats another topic
blud just blessed the community
that thumbnail is haunting. Good job
Thanks for the tip LU
Пойду сегодня на ваши сервера с этими настройками) очень нужны ваши жетоны мне😁
Bro bro, found a glitch to enable night vision on his monitor
If using Losseless scaling, you double ti your fps on any game or video + with HDR on it’s automatically increased brightness and you will see everything on dark objects. Bad things about this program, it’s still raw and you can see a little bit artefacts on dark object’s objects and devs trying to to fixing that, also double fps consuming more watts on your card. I playing with this program with 144fps stable, sometimes fps dropping to 120. You have a small latency when have less 40 native fps, but it’s nothing. Just trying on any game to fell difference.
Really appreciate your hard work Lew! Such high quality stuff
As someone with a AMD gpu, we do not have Nvidia Control Panel lol
Game needs Global Illumantion that doesnt tabk framerate aswel as even some faked baked in lighting for interiors. The Hdr Doesnt work in this well enough
Hi there! can you plase make a guide with people like my with a ryzen 5 2600, 16gb ram, ssd and gtx 1660? i know that i can make the game looks better (i have all loow and off) but it seems horrible :(. Thanks for this video!
could always tell us your pc specc´s so ppl. so ppl get a grasp if it works for them
gonna watch this later but that thumbnail is so cursed
1500 hours as a factory player. This video just changed my life.
Get a 4k tv or monitor, then you can use fxr or dlss to upscale your 1440p gameplay to 4k and feel super immersed.
This is a big help my eyes don't work like they use too I can't see a damn thing sometimes in this game I avoid areas because I can't see
Thanks for the tutorial, BSG indeed needs to fix this because it's quite broken the way it is lol
How u can record nvidia color settings?
You guys are using post fx? I just changed my display settings in nvidia control panel
This is such a good video but sadly ive got radeon graphics card :/
Can I still do this without Nvidia control panel? I do not have an Nvidia graphics card. I am using a Radeon 6600XT
You guys use the settings only for Tarkov or 24/7.... my game looks good but my Desktop became the sun 😳
If they remove postfx people will just use nvidia game filter or amds filters.
anyone else have the sliders on the control panel greyed out and unable to adjust them?
Hey man if you still need to know all you have to do is make sure that the “override to reference mode” is turned off
@@Mikehunt768-h8m I reinstalled my driver in the end and that worked
How do I make the sky not look so wonky, if its possible?
How do you open the FX window over the game like that? I can only figure out opening it in the settings
Click visualise down the bottom of your postfx in raid
I guess the sun gun is the answer.
If someone has the written version of this so I don’t have to watch pause watch pause that’d b great
I previously had a PC with a shit CPU and shit ram, the only way i could achieve frames you would consider unplayable, was by turning all textures to lowest possible. I was getting studders and frames in the teens before i did that.
what if you use Amd GPU and don't have nividia control panel
amd software adrenaline edition. Go to Gaming - EFT - Custom Color, and change it to your preferance
AMD has its own program that you can use to change color settings for every game you play individually that automatically enables when you launch the game and disables when you close.
If the game looked good on default settings i wouldn't mind removing postfx
you should have problably mentioned that half the settings in postfx kill your fps
NVIDIA's gamma auto correction is very night
I use the standard immersive tarkov settings on PvE only and the postFx/NvidiaCP settings for PvP.
In PvP there is no room for putting yourself into a disadvantage against other Players for some optical immersion.
Quality vid
cheers mate!
What does Overall Visibility do? I'm on the sofa or I'd have a look myself :)
It's like render distance
Is there a way to create presets for the nvida Brigthness settings ? Because i dont want my monitor to look like shit when i do anything else then playing tarkov
Just check the box for "override to reference mode" and it will go back to normal. uncheck the box when you want to use the sliders, they will save their position.
Yo Lew, do you know what the AMD equivalent for this is? I've looked and haven't quite found anything like when I was team green
Adding to this: AMD has brightness, color temperature, hue, contrast and saturation. Unsure if digital vibrance is available to amd
@@sIkLeGAMINGsaturation is digital vibrance
hey just wanna ask how do you tweak the postfx settings without being in the pause menu?
There's an option to do so. Just read everything when you're on the postfx menu
@@mariomarques775 mah got it u just have to be in game , i normally do it in the menu's that's why never saw it but thx tho
hey lew, do you have something for us, AMD users? i feel like everybody forgot AMD exists
I thought control panel tweaking could get you banned
BSG just need to add gamma adjustment to the game. Problem solved.
LEW! Are you a DnB typa lad?
Lew would it be possible to partner with someone who has an AMD gpu as well? Many of these videos lean heavily on control panel. but as an AMD gpu user we do not have access to thhis software. Some sort of guide on what to do there would be extremely helpful. thank you
If you use AMD just go into the Adrenaline software Home- Top right Cog wheel - Display - Custom color - Enable it, there you can set Brightness, Hue, Contrast, Saturation.
@@crazydude6006 totally but gamma is super important in this video and AMD doesn’t have it
@@myob94 That's true. There is a workaround, but it kinda sucks to do it every time you play night or day raids. If you type in the windows bar "gamma" and click on calibrate display color, you can change the gamma there. But it's kinda stressful to fiddle with the steps every time.
@@myob94 What you could do - but would be super shitty do to every time is to go into your "Calibrate display color in windows" there you have gamma, but it would fucking suck to go in that every time you are playing day or night raid.
OIII Where is the monkey head ? 😭😭😭
5:50 , when you say a value over 10 "changes how the game renders , reducing visibility" , is there a source here? What is logic behind this I'm curious
A video game on computer will never be really fair to another player.
A more responsive screen, better light/contrast, better GPU so more FPS allow more accuracy and time reaction. I have a laptop and a computer. With both EFT installed on it, I can tell you it's day and night. I'm actually a pretty good pvp player while playing on my computer but when I'm traveling and play on my laptop I try to avoid pvp as much as I can.
The keyboard layout is not good I sometimes press wrong... The fps difference is huge so I feel my gameplay slower and heavier, the lower screen resolution makes the Bush too sharp so harder to see people in it, the size of the screen 15" make also long distance target harder to spot...
That's gaming on computer, from a player to another it will never be fair
Anon discovers life isn’t fair
LEW!!! .. we're not getting any younger! stop helping these whipper snappers get better.. gezzz "table flip"
P.S - So trying these ;)
BSG is too worried about making money grabs instead of fixing their base game that isn’t even complete yet. They haven’t even finished the game yet and they are charging 500$ for it and making whole other game modes. It’s actually a joke…
Thanks for the info but I play other games than just Tarkov and don't fancy fumbling through NCP settings every time. It's dumb this whole thing exists tbh.
Monitor settings are the only thing that make a real difference, feel free to skip to it
Good video. But now that i know ppl are Running around at Night seeing more than me with nightvision makes me not wanting to Play this Game anymore 😅 iam totally for removing this feature and make NVIDIA stuff not work while EfT is up
by far the creepiest thumbnail ive ever seen for a game
idk what im doing wrong but glass in your game on the monitor im trying to get like this is clear. however in my tarkov its fucking black
thats a change since this wipe
@2Lew i’m struggling with a lack of fps, i run a 5800x 3080 and 32gb 3600 ram and im not pushing what it should be, any tips?
if your main game is tarkov, upgrade cpu and ram imo. not much you can do other than that
@@2Leware you serious? Do you know what any of the settings you said to change even do or did you just copy this info from another source that actually knows what they're talking about. Pathetic response to a viewer.
@CushyTV, there are several things you can try. One is upscaling from a lower resolution in game to your monitors native resolution (ex, monitor is 2k so in game set resolution to 1080p and in your graphics drivers settings turn on upscaling). I use AMD so I set resolution lower within the in game settings and set the game to full screen/full screen exclusive mode and make sure FSR is on in my driver settings. You can also look at what your bottle neck is, GPU or CPU and make settings adjustments based on what is hitting the wall first. GPUz hardware monitor software may give you an idea as to why you aren't getting the full power. If you're thermal throttling it may be bad thermal paste, dusty PC, etc. ping me if you need more help or have more info for me to work with.
@@crispy9175 anger issues much?
@@user-n6i5m what are you talking about? The TH-camr have a horrible response. I gave op some solid information. And then the TH-camr deleted it and left their crappy answer up. YOU should be mad.
@@2Lew smol pp energy