As Pastor Mike started to pray at the end of service, I felt tingling, cold chills right on the lower of my legs. Then, later on, all over my legs. This happened before he mentioned as you take your first step. 😭 After my 41 yrs of age, I start school again this Friday. I've gotten unexplainable favor at work as well, that within less than two years I got promoted twice. I had to humble myself and erase everything I knew and start from a beginners position and now I am above supervisors and managers. That is all God. 🙌 For many years I was robbed from my blessings. had broken promises, been abused in every way. I tell you God, Jesus is the ONLY way.
@ivetteloya8722, Thank you 4 your testimony. A proper followup for this message. I am humbled myself and erase all I knew and start from beginners' position. 8 see success because it's God's methods. Thank you and the Lord Bless. Merry Christmas.
That was powerful thank you for sharing your testimony. I also heard this message live as well and was deeply convicted. I had to re-listen to this message again today to be reminded of how pivotal the message of not looking back is. Only moving forward toward Jesus from here.
I was just watching one of Isiahs videos and I got that exact feeling. From my shoulders all the way down to my toes. Insane I just clicked on this video and you were the first Comment .. I just literally felt the same thing.. I'm speechless
I thought I was doing something wrong because my family doesn't want to be around me. Now I realize the only ones that want to be around me have a hunger for God. I refuse to be ashamed of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I won't listen to the lies of the devil
Same thing has happened to me and my family. They don't want me to talking about Jesus. I have lost friends and i😢had to leave my job because it was witchcraft, dream Catches all around. It was so worldly! I left the job on March 28, 2024. I have a hard time seeing people sick and I can't tell them about Jesus. Who can help them be healed. I left my catholic friend also. Open there hearts, Holy Spirit!!!
The same thing has happened with me and my family. My husbands family abandoned us when we got married. We will be married 2 years this November. Just recently my family has told us we “talk about God too much” it’s been a heart breaking last few years I cannot even lie 😢 we also have a 2 yr old and 1 yr old and they have never even met certain family members! Not on our account either! It seems like people just walked out of our lives. We understand the spiritual warfare behind it and we KNOW that we are doing the right thing keeping Jesus as #1 in our lives. God bless and prayers ❤
Being a drug addict for ten years now I've came to and close to losing faith, ever since I started hearing your sermons pastor Mike I'm drawing closer and closer to christ , thanks man God bless you , ,Anything that's not of christ I rebuke it, all deception, all my pass and future mistakes forgive me father,keep blessing your children,keep blessing pastor Mike to reach more people like me,#In Jesus mighty name, Amen#
Wow Pastor. We need more ministers of the Word that will preach the Word with NO compromise. Too many preachers want to be people pleasers instead of God pleasers. They sending more peole to hell instead of saving them from hell!! I pray that God will continue to use you to be the giant slayer and set the captives free and bring inner healing and deliverance to every soul that is listening to you!! God bless you and your family. Sandra from South Africa
This is for me. (I thought maybe I could fix over and over and over and over again.) I confess, I repent, and I renounce the ideas that I could fix others and myself. I renounce wanting to take on others' negativity as my own, and I only want to take on the assignment God has for me. Lord, forgive me for always trying to 😢 .
This is such confirmation for me... the Lord moved me from a church and kept telling me don't be lots wife... cause it's a hard season cause I had been there soo long
Thank you Pastor Mike for your services May God always show you favor and mercy, Amen... We need to trust The Word of God... Lot's wife was instructed not to look back and she did... Faith and Trust in Jesus ( Yeshua)
This is a timely message pastor Mike! You have no idea… so tired of carrying the crap in my soul, and feel now more than ever the urge to let Jesus clean it up and give me a new perspective, new life! ❤
Pastor if this message finds you I would ask if you would be willing to pray for me I've hit a roadblock and I've had an injury this message hit my soul and my heart I believe this is the Lord telling me to examine myself and it's time to move forward
This video was uploaded 9mo ago but I needed it this morning! I was praying about releasing someone from the past that I am having a hard time doing. I open up TH-cam and this is the first video. Thank you Pastor Mike this is what I needed to hear. I saved it to keep it if and when I begin thinking of looking back.
O my word I finally understand the salt phrase! When you said the salt makes you thirsty it clicked. We are to be so different from others that we are salt to them, making them thirst for the living waters of Jesus Christ so that they may search him to cure their thirst and become followers too!
What a mind blowing sermon ! I had convictions while I was working out and had a break down moments ! You are amazing pastor Mike ! Blessing you and sending lots of love and admiration from India
Common brother Mike - checking on my prior church is equated to Lot's wife looking back at Sadom? Seriously? When I was a young Christian, I attended as many churches as I could and I was not serving 'two masters'. Please don't get influenced by the spirit of control.
Thank you Father God for always sending your love to your children. Praying right now for the world and everyone one of us on this message that comes from you and only you. We are one!! Amen
5 months ago I was praying God spoke to me put your hands to the plow means plant seed plow dnt look back move forward dnt look back at the past plant seeds to souls heal the broken hearted love the poor we have to go to the cross Its not about me it's about Jesus we have to die to our flesh I'm trying to change everyday I'm not perfect but I want my relationship back with Jesus the lover of my soul wow great preaching needed to hear this
Omgeeze!!!! So good. I wish I was there. Too quiet!! Shared on fb. Listening to this again!!! Hallelujah God was/IS moving BIG time. Ty pastor Mike for bringing a NOW word!!! Bringing it to us all the way down here in San Antonio Texas
Connect with V1 Church here :
Love this
Wow!! Just wow! God didn’t miss today.
As Pastor Mike started to pray at the end of service, I felt tingling, cold chills right on the lower of my legs. Then, later on, all over my legs. This happened before he mentioned as you take your first step. 😭 After my 41 yrs of age, I start school again this Friday. I've gotten unexplainable favor at work as well, that within less than two years I got promoted twice. I had to humble myself and erase everything I knew and start from a beginners position and now I am above supervisors and managers. That is all God. 🙌 For many years I was robbed from my blessings. had broken promises, been abused in every way. I tell you God, Jesus is the ONLY way.
@ivetteloya8722, Thank you 4 your testimony. A proper followup for this message. I am humbled myself and erase all I knew and start from beginners' position. 8 see success because it's God's methods. Thank you and the Lord Bless. Merry Christmas.
That was powerful thank you for sharing your testimony. I also heard this message live as well and was deeply convicted. I had to re-listen to this message again today to be reminded of how pivotal the message of not looking back is. Only moving forward toward Jesus from here.
I was just watching one of Isiahs videos and I got that exact feeling. From my shoulders all the way down to my toes. Insane I just clicked on this video and you were the first Comment .. I just literally felt the same thing.. I'm speechless
Your testimony uplifted me 🤍 God is good!! Bless you, sister!
Please pray for my deliverance.. God thank you for making her new❤
I thought I was doing something wrong because my family doesn't want to be around me. Now I realize the only ones that want to be around me have a hunger for God. I refuse to be ashamed of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I won't listen to the lies of the devil
Same thing has happened to me and my family. They don't want me to talking about Jesus. I have lost friends and i😢had to leave my job because it was witchcraft, dream Catches all around. It was so worldly! I left the job on March 28, 2024. I have a hard time seeing people sick and I can't tell them about Jesus. Who can help them be healed. I left my catholic friend also. Open there hearts, Holy Spirit!!!
The same thing has happened with me and my family. My husbands family abandoned us when we got married. We will be married 2 years this November. Just recently my family has told us we “talk about God too much” it’s been a heart breaking last few years I cannot even lie 😢 we also have a 2 yr old and 1 yr old and they have never even met certain family members! Not on our account either! It seems like people just walked out of our lives. We understand the spiritual warfare behind it and we KNOW that we are doing the right thing keeping Jesus as #1 in our lives. God bless and prayers ❤
Pray for your families!🙏🏽🫶
Still such a classic. Not one V1 word/sermon falls to the ground 🙌HalleluYah, and thank You Jesus, from the bottom of my heart 💖🔥🙏🎯
Being a drug addict for ten years now I've came to and close to losing faith, ever since I started hearing your sermons pastor Mike I'm drawing closer and closer to christ , thanks man God bless you ,
,Anything that's not of christ I rebuke it, all deception, all my pass and future mistakes forgive me father,keep blessing your children,keep blessing pastor Mike to reach more people like me,#In Jesus mighty name, Amen#
Salt provokes thirst🔥
Wow Pastor. We need more ministers of the Word that will preach the Word with NO compromise. Too many preachers want to be people pleasers instead of God pleasers. They sending more peole to hell instead of saving them from hell!! I pray that God will continue to use you to be the giant slayer and set the captives free and bring inner healing and deliverance to every soul that is listening to you!! God bless you and your family. Sandra from South Africa
This is for me. (I thought maybe I could fix over and over and over and over again.) I confess, I repent, and I renounce the ideas that I could fix others and myself. I renounce wanting to take on others' negativity as my own, and I only want to take on the assignment God has for me. Lord, forgive me for always trying to 😢 .
May God continua to bless you and keeping you safe
I believe I'm part of the reason u felt the need to preach this message. Praise God.
Thank you for this teaching 🙏
I'm not looking back praise God!!! They got blocked you don't know me !!!hallelujah hallelujah come on papa siggs!!!
Lord guide me show me how to take every step of this new journey with you lord
This is such confirmation for me... the Lord moved me from a church and kept telling me don't be lots wife... cause it's a hard season cause I had been there soo long
Yess God is birthing that thing in you in the body of Christ 🙌🏻
"Don't look back". I have been here before. What a confirmation👏👏👏🙌
Preach 🔥
Lord god if there be anything in me that is not of you any curiosity anything please remove it in Jesus holy holy name Amen 🙏🏻 🙌
One of the most meaningful sermons I've heard in a long time.
Thank you Pastor Mike for your services May God always show you favor and mercy, Amen...
We need to trust The Word of God... Lot's wife was instructed not to look back and she did...
Faith and Trust in Jesus ( Yeshua)
This message is fire!!! WOW so powerful!!🔥🔥🔥 Thank you pastor Mike
Amen ❤😊
Amen I love the truth ❣️
Thank God we can still find a man of God like pastor Mike ❤❤❤I am happy to hear the truth words of God ❤😊
Yes go go go hallelujah thank you jesus be the salt to this broken world they need us ❤❤❤
This is a timely message pastor Mike! You have no idea… so tired of carrying the crap in my soul, and feel now more than ever the urge to let Jesus clean it up and give me a new perspective, new life! ❤
amen 🙏🏻
The Lord will give us new victory,new testimony ,new miracle,new things that ignites our spirit to go forward.thank you Lord🙏❤️
Com on🙏🙏🙏🙏
Great message Thank you it helped me understand
Preach it pastor Mike 🙌
This message ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
Hallelujah Hallelujah!!! Come on !!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🕊👑✝️
I’m not going back, PRAISE YAHWEH!! ❤ his love is mighty.
Amen...awesome sermon pastor.
Very bold sermon.
God bless abundantly...from Fiji Islands 😂
Pastor if this message finds you I would ask if you would be willing to pray for me I've hit a roadblock and I've had an injury this message hit my soul and my heart I believe this is the Lord telling me to examine myself and it's time to move forward
Thank you Pastor Mike great service
Thank you for this sermon!
23:38 amen amen amen 🙏 🙌 👏 ❤️
That’s a sign of the times there is a urgency 😭🙌🏻😭🙌🏻😭
Jesus Jesus🙌🏻😭🙌🏻😭🔥
Amen! Keep speaking truth Pastor Mike! I love it! Truth sets us (me) free! 🙌
God is doing a new thing !
Come on! Yes, confrontational spirit. Thank you for being an example.
Come on somebody this is fire. The blood of Jesus is good
We need to be the salt of the earth hallelujah
So good thank you JESUS 👏🙏❤️
This video was uploaded 9mo ago but I needed it this morning! I was praying about releasing someone from the past that I am having a hard time doing. I open up TH-cam and this is the first video. Thank you Pastor Mike this is what I needed to hear. I saved it to keep it if and when I begin thinking of looking back.
I want to be salty in Jesus Name !!!🔥🕊🙏👑✝️
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah 🙌 soso good!!!amen
Yes i do come on🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🙌🙌🙌🔥
Amen Speak Jesus Christ and i Pray For Youth This year to come to your feet Jesus Christ And Repent From There Ways And Follow You ❤
Love that🔥🔥🔥
O my word I finally understand the salt phrase! When you said the salt makes you thirsty it clicked. We are to be so different from others that we are salt to them, making them thirst for the living waters of Jesus Christ so that they may search him to cure their thirst and become followers too!
Most important 😭😭😭
What a mind blowing sermon ! I had convictions while I was working out and had a break down moments ! You are amazing pastor Mike ! Blessing you and sending lots of love and admiration from India
So good!
I’m one SALTY woman ❤
Come on🔥🔥🔥🔥
Christine Caine preaches a sermon called remember lots life , that incredibly good
Thankyou for preaching truth
You got that right!
And also to remember the woman that anointed his feet, which I believe was Lazarus Sister Mary
Great message wow❤
In jesus holy holy name Amen and Amen ❤️🔥 God bless 🙌 you pastor!!!
WOW PASTOR MIKE,this was EXACTLY what I needed
It is about the literal accuracy of Holy Scripture
I’m listening to this for the 3rd time
Praise God!!!!! Glory to the king!!!! Amen 🙏🏻 ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥🙌🥰💯
Common brother Mike - checking on my prior church is equated to Lot's wife looking back at Sadom? Seriously? When I was a young Christian, I attended as many churches as I could and I was not serving 'two masters'. Please don't get influenced by the spirit of control.
Wow do I need this message! Thank you pastor mike.❤
I needed this message ❤ Praise God
Deliverance is for the desperate!
Christine Caine preached this last year @ Joyce Myers Conference in St Louis MO! Was amazing!!!
Thankyou this is speaking to me
Story of my life in this message. Glory to God
This one is amazing spoke to me
THATS SOOOOO ME ME!!!!!!😢😢😢🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Thank you Lord !
So glad I found this podcast! Keep speaking and preaching truth!
Thank you Father God for always sending your love to your children. Praying right now for the world and everyone one of us on this message that comes from you and only you. We are one!! Amen
5 months ago I was praying God spoke to me put your hands to the plow means plant seed plow dnt look back move forward dnt look back at the past plant seeds to souls heal the broken hearted love the poor we have to go to the cross Its not about me it's about Jesus we have to die to our flesh I'm trying to change everyday I'm not perfect but I want my relationship back with Jesus the lover of my soul wow great preaching needed to hear this
I cant handle this much TRUTH!
Omgeeze!!!! So good. I wish I was there. Too quiet!! Shared on fb. Listening to this again!!!
Hallelujah God was/IS moving BIG time. Ty pastor Mike for bringing a NOW word!!! Bringing it to us all the way down here in San Antonio Texas
Amen. I receive the proper alignment. He will righteously fulfill that desire. Amen ❤
Man I wish we had a V1 church in the Chicago area
Gosh God had given me a vision of salt but never looked at it from this perspective. 🧂 Thanks!! Right on timing!!
• love your ministry 📖
Gretchen ~
Preach Pastor Mike!
Amen. Glory be to God Jesus
I’m lookin at tha Colorado mountains right now don’t settle
Lets go y'all!!! C'mon!!!
Very moving. I want to be Salty as well !