I LOVE BRASS 様 いつも美しい映像の提供、まして全工程をありがとうございます。見物客が多くて ご苦労なさったのではと思います。ユニフォームは着慣れたオレンジですね。今回、DMさんが非常に明るくニコニコしている時が多く最期のドリルを楽しでいらっしゃるのかと思っております。また、途中で観客の中に消えるハプニング?もありました。草津では可愛い部長さん不在でショックでしたが今回は参加されていたのので安心ですね。カラーガード隊が1名いない。ちょっと心配です。 今回が終了したら、115期での公式行事は後数回です。最後まで「京都橘高校吹奏楽部」このメンバーで頑張って乗り切ってください。お身体大切に。
I found this group about 2 month ago and have been watching them on youtube everyday. Wow they are incredible, a marching band that does not look and act like a bunch of mindless robots. Love watching your youtube video daily. Thank you
God, what'd I do to watch Tachibana live. They just so damn entertaining. I love that samba song they played so much! Shame they didn't play sing sing sing this time around, but theyll bring it back eventually :)
As always, Thank you I.L.B. for a great video. Each weekend it appears this group is out entertaining both the community and their fans world wide. Every performance is better than the week before, a result of their practice and hard work. Arigatou Tachibana !!
They do a good job playing Vacation - an old Connie Francis hit song. I wonder why they keep opening with Down by the Riverside? It is an old Negro spiritual first published in 1914. As a teacher I am amazed to find out that the band is an afterschool club! Do you notice that there are no eyeglasses worn by the students and no sheet music. By the way a little research tells me that a tachiban is a citrus fruit, orange in color, native to Japan.
Welcome, to the world of Tachibana. Down by the Riverside is a perfectly arranged song for the instrumentation of the wind club, a great way to start a parade. Yes, it's only a after hours club, no credit, no requirements, but some exceedingly nice "perks" (Trip to 2018 Rose Parade) and they have only the best students to choose from. There are, and have been in the past, a few students that wear glasses, one this year is a new incoming 1st year Tenor Sax player, but as you noted, few have the need, or by their Junior or Senior year they wear contacts. Be sure and don't eat the Tachibana fruit. You're correct on all accounts, even the little white bows in their hair represent the blossom, but it is poisonous to humans, sort of a look but don't touch orange.
さすがにこの長丁場だと給水がされていましたね。Rose Paradeのようなペットボトルのラッパ飲みではなく紙コップというのが慎ましいですね。 京都橘の皆さんお疲れ様でした。そして I LOVE BRASSさんもお疲れ様でした。コースの先読みなどご苦労がうかがえました。安定した画像ありがとうございました。
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ KYOTO TACHIBANA SHS MARCHING BAND ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ✨✨✨✨✨ "WORLDS" BEST BAND ✨✨✨✨✨ No 'If's' ... 'And's' ... or 'But's'... They JUST ARE!!!!!! Thank you for the high quality video!
Mr. K : this is herewith approved and certified. Space, the final frontier, we write the year 2380... warm regards and complements from planet Earth 🥰😎
@@claudioroca1891 さん Lamento responder en inglés. La traducción es precisa, puedes entender bien el significado. Lo traduje en español esta vez. Desde tokio
@@claudioroca1891 さん ありがとうございます。それでは安心して日本語で返事をさせていただきます。日本語は、曖昧な表現があり「google翻訳ソフト」で翻訳すると、意味が通じないこともあります。でも、以前の翻訳結果よりかなり良くなってきています。 変なスペイン語になっていたとしたら、お許しください。 東京より Thank you very much. Then I will reply in Japanese with confidence. There is an ambiguous expression in Japanese, meaning can not be understood if translated by this "google translation software". However, it is considerably better than the previous translation result. If you had become strange Spanish, please forgive me. From Tokyo Muchas gracias Entonces responderé en japonés con confianza. Hay una expresión ambigua en japonés, lo que significa que no se puede entender si está traducido por este "software de traducción de google". Sin embargo, es considerablemente mejor que el resultado de la traducción anterior. Si te hubieras convertido en un extraño español, por favor, perdóname. Desde tokio
So this is the garasya parade which according to KT members more exhausting than Rose Parade. The whole program took 1 hour while Rose Parade more than 2 hours. I wonder what's so big the difference probably the narrow alley? it looks hot n humid here
My Daughter says Her Friend Cheeka( don't know correct spelling) Teaches Music at a University in Japan , By the Look of these students from Kyoto She won't have much to do . (they met at Lancaster University ( UK))
What I hate the most about these parades videos (not just this channel) is the constant need of going to the front. That make us spend like 5sec with the people after the percussions and 1hour with the people in the front. It's like the people after the sousaphone don't exist. Side note: no hate to this channel, in fact it is one of my favorite 😍 this just happen to be the video where I let it all out. And let's be honest: no video ---> no tachibana so I'm really grateful for your videos
This time, the Tachibana SHS marching band is participating in the festival at the place called Nagaokakyo city in Kyoto Prefecture. The name of the festival is called "Nagaokakyo Garasha Festival 2018". She respects the festival and wears the festival uniform "Happy". The origin of the festival is the annual festival held in memorial of the tragedy and character of "Hosokawa Gurasha" who was born as a daughter of a famous warrior called "Akechi Mitsuhide" in Japan's Warring States Period. 『Outline of History』 Her father 'Akechi Mitsuhide' is the owner, defeating 'Oda Nobunaga' A major historical incident occurred in Japan. After that she will be caught up in a big swirl in the history of medieval warfare, lose her brother-in-law, will be separated from children, and will be tormented in the mountain in Tango, will lead a hardship life. However, even in such circumstances, she constantly keeps the heart of love of human being beyond the division of status among poor and weak people, and she asks Christianity for peace of mind, finally being baptized, "Mrs. Hosokawa Garasa It began to be called. Eventually, I refused to become a hostage of 'Ishida Mitsunari' at the Sekigahara battle, and finished a tragic end with a sword of vassal 'Ogasawara Kosai'. 『For your reference』 nagaokakyo-garasha.jp/02_yurai.html rekijin.com/?p=16745 ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%B4%B0%E5%B7%9D%E3%82%AC%E3%83%A9%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A3
14:42 優しい目線で後輩を見守る、あの方はまさしく。素敵な先輩の前で、りりしくフィニッシュを決めるドラムメジャーが最高の瞬間。
23:00 踏切で分断されてた後ろが踏切り開いたとたん全力で走って隊列に戻るとこかっこいい!!
14:41 108th Class DM Horacha
I LOVE BRASS 様 いつも美しい映像の提供、まして全工程をありがとうございます。見物客が多くて
綺麗な動画ありがとうございます お疲れ様でした
先日は、初参加の私を暖かく迎え入れて下さり、本当にありがとうございました 前日の横浜遠征からの連チャン、頭が下がりました。あの人混みの中で、飲み込まれる事なく上手く位置取りをして行く姿に感心しました(≧∇≦)b パレード終了後の皆さんの大汗、凄かったです。中には座り込む人もいて… そして、BRASSさんの片付けの早さ(笑) 次回お会いできる日をとても楽しみにしています。ありがとうございました
I found this group about 2 month ago and have been watching them on youtube everyday. Wow they are incredible, a marching band that does not look and act like a bunch of mindless robots. Love watching your youtube video daily. Thank you
早速のup有り難うございます。今年もガラシャは晴天だったみたいですね、お疲れ様です。 カラーガード2名というのは見た目に やはり寂しいものですねぇ。
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️this program!!!!!!!!
アップありがとうございます !トロンボーンの子があの子供に気づいてハイタッチしている様子は和みます。髪を伸ばしてきて一年生のときに近づいている(^^) これが今年最後のパレードなのかな ? いろいろと複雑な要素がありながらパレードを最後までしてくれた橘の子たちに感謝です。
公開に感謝します。 先々代の顧問もお元気そうで何よりです。 長丁場の行進演奏に敬服します。
3:13 シンバルパートの二人顔を見合わせて楽しそうです😍
傍で観ていましたが、BDの音量音圧に、ビックリ(゚o゚)/ グロッケンのお嬢さんは、いつものショートヘアをポニーテールにしていて、とっても可愛らしかったですよ(^-^) そして演奏が 完璧!左右に大きく揺れながら、絶対にハズサナイ😲
Live long and prosper Tachibana!!!
God, what'd I do to watch Tachibana live. They just so damn entertaining. I love that samba song they played so much! Shame they didn't play sing sing sing this time around, but theyll bring it back eventually :)
They don't usually play SingSingSing in parades, mind.
I noticed that Mr. Hiramatsu went to speak to the DM a couple of times during the parade. I wonder why that was.
As always, Thank you I.L.B. for a great video. Each weekend it appears this group is out entertaining both the community and their fans world wide. Every performance is better than the week before, a result of their practice and hard work. Arigatou Tachibana !!
They do a good job playing Vacation - an old Connie Francis hit song. I wonder why they keep opening with Down by the Riverside? It is an old Negro spiritual first published in 1914.
As a teacher I am amazed to find out that the band is an afterschool club! Do you notice that there are no eyeglasses worn by the students and no sheet music.
By the way a little research tells me that a tachiban is a citrus fruit, orange in color, native to Japan.
Welcome, to the world of Tachibana. Down by the Riverside is a perfectly arranged song for the instrumentation of the wind club, a great way to start a parade. Yes, it's only a after hours club, no credit, no requirements, but some exceedingly nice "perks" (Trip to 2018 Rose Parade) and they have only the best students to choose from. There are, and have been in the past, a few students that wear glasses, one this year is a new incoming 1st year Tenor Sax player, but as you noted, few have the need, or by their Junior or Senior year they wear contacts. Be sure and don't eat the Tachibana fruit. You're correct on all accounts, even the little white bows in their hair represent the blossom, but it is poisonous to humans, sort of a look but don't touch orange.
さすがにこの長丁場だと給水がされていましたね。Rose Paradeのようなペットボトルのラッパ飲みではなく紙コップというのが慎ましいですね。
京都橘の皆さんお疲れ様でした。そして I LOVE BRASSさんもお疲れ様でした。コースの先読みなどご苦労がうかがえました。安定した画像ありがとうございました。
マーチング 県大会金賞:100% 支部大会金賞:100% 全国大会出場:50%
座奏 県大会金賞: 94% 支部大会出場: 12% 全国大会出場:なし
※選抜方法は次の通りです 県大会(京都府)→支部大会(関西)→全国
マーチング 吹奏楽
年度 3年 2年 1年 コンテスト コンクール(A)
2005 102-103-104 関西金 京都金
2006 103-104-105 関西金 関西銅☆
2007 104-105-106 全国銀★ 京都金
2008 105-106-107 全国金★ 関西銅☆
2009 106-107-108 全国金★ 京都銀
2010 107-108-109 不参加 京都金
2011 108-109-110 全国銀★ 京都金
2012 109-110-111 関西金 京都金
2013 110-111-112 関西金 京都金
2014 111-112-113 全国銀★ 京都金
2015 112-113-114 全国金★ 京都金
2016 113-114-115 関西金 京都金
2017 114-115-116 関西金 京都金
2018 115-116-117 関西金 京都金
2019 116-117-118 関西金 京都金
2020 117-118-119 中止 中止
2021 118-119-120 全国金★ 京都金
2022 119-120-121 全国金★ 京都金
✨✨✨✨✨ "WORLDS" BEST BAND ✨✨✨✨✨ No 'If's' ... 'And's' ... or 'But's'... They JUST ARE!!!!!!
Thank you for the high quality video!
Mr. K : this is herewith approved and certified. Space, the final frontier, we write the year 2380... warm regards and complements from planet Earth 🥰😎
It is accurately translated into Japanese. The meaning can be understood well. Thank you Fans of Buenos Aires
From Tokyo's Tachibana fan👍
@@claudioroca1891 さん
Lamento responder en inglés. La traducción es precisa, puedes entender bien el significado. Lo traduje en español esta vez.
Desde tokio
@@claudioroca1891 さん
変なスペイン語になっていたとしたら、お許しください。 東京より
Thank you very much. Then I will reply in Japanese with confidence. There is an ambiguous expression in Japanese, meaning can not be understood if translated by this "google translation software". However, it is considerably better than the previous translation result.
If you had become strange Spanish, please forgive me. From Tokyo
Muchas gracias Entonces responderé en japonés con confianza. Hay una expresión ambigua en japonés, lo que significa que no se puede entender si está traducido por este "software de traducción de google". Sin embargo, es considerablemente mejor que el resultado de la traducción anterior.
Si te hubieras convertido en un extraño español, por favor, perdóname. Desde tokio
So this is the garasya parade which according to KT members more exhausting than Rose Parade. The whole program took 1 hour while Rose Parade more than 2 hours. I wonder what's so big the difference probably the narrow alley? it looks hot n humid here
My Daughter says Her Friend Cheeka( don't know correct spelling) Teaches Music at a University in Japan , By the Look of these students from Kyoto She won't have much to do . (they met at Lancaster University ( UK))
excelente banda
How youthful those guy!! -from China
何故か、演奏後の撤収は見事ですね。主催者側のおじさんが「もっとゆっくり歩いたらいいのに」と、逆に心配していますね。多分、部活の決まりなんでしょうね。終わったら即座に撤収!脇目も振らずに撤収と(笑) 生徒さん達も疲れているのに大変ですね。撮影もご苦労様でした。臨場感たっぷりの映像に感謝します。
What I hate the most about these parades videos (not just this channel) is the constant need of going to the front. That make us spend like 5sec with the people after the percussions and 1hour with the people in the front. It's like the people after the sousaphone don't exist.
Side note: no hate to this channel, in fact it is one of my favorite 😍 this just happen to be the video where I let it all out. And let's be honest: no video ---> no tachibana so I'm really grateful for your videos
ローズパレードでオレンジが200着に増えて ブルーを使用しなくても間に合ってしまうのか。
よく知らなかったのですが、2017年はガラシャ祭りには参加していなかったのでしょうか? 2016年のものしか動画がヒットしませんでした。
most of the Americans recognizes the songs like Vacation and Gangnam style
29:35 - Random guy walks straight through the band.
2:43 右端2列目のトロンボーン、3:53 右側最後尾のフルートの部員さんが笑顔で向いているいる先に誰かがいるのでしょうか😍
Please can you tell me why is the Drum Major wearing a red top and not normal orange uniform?
Something to do with this event (holiday?)
This time, the Tachibana SHS marching band is participating in the festival at the place called Nagaokakyo city in Kyoto Prefecture. The name of the festival is called "Nagaokakyo Garasha Festival 2018". She respects the festival and wears the festival uniform "Happy".
The origin of the festival is the annual festival held in memorial of the tragedy and character of "Hosokawa Gurasha" who was born as a daughter of a famous warrior called "Akechi Mitsuhide" in Japan's Warring States Period.
『Outline of History』
Her father 'Akechi Mitsuhide' is the owner, defeating 'Oda Nobunaga'
A major historical incident occurred in Japan.
After that she will be caught up in a big swirl in the history of medieval warfare, lose her brother-in-law, will be separated from children, and will be tormented in the mountain in Tango, will lead a hardship life. However, even in such circumstances, she constantly keeps the heart of love of human being beyond the division of status among poor and weak people, and she asks Christianity for peace of mind, finally being baptized, "Mrs. Hosokawa Garasa It began to be called. Eventually, I refused to become a hostage of 'Ishida Mitsunari' at the Sekigahara battle, and finished a tragic end with a sword of vassal 'Ogasawara Kosai'.
『For your reference』
nagaokakyo-garasha.jp/02_yurai.html rekijin.com/?p=16745 ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%B4%B0%E5%B7%9D%E3%82%AC%E3%83%A9%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A3
山田耕司 thank you for the story.
@@yamadakoji5388 Thank you for the explanation.
@@simonfung2648 さん
You are welcome
カンナムスタイルよりLady Gaga - Bad Romanceがよかった。
29:37 居然會出現沒禮貌的人,直接穿越過去,不知道對表演者來說是很不尊重以及會受到驚嚇的嗎??
Who is the idiot who had the idea of wearing sweatpants
@@akutadenshi 様