"Especially in the hospital section." - This is where I sadly had to stop playing Alien Isolation at this point, but the alien got a lovely kill on me before I did 😂 I am so excited for fans of the game and those of the franchise, I do own this game, I feel like it's finally time to face my fear and play the game instead of having the comfort of reading the book and watching other people playing lmao - I would love to see another game from these people, the AI of the Alien has always facinated me and 10 years later who knows what they can do!
"Especially in the hospital section." - This is where I sadly had to stop playing Alien Isolation at this point, but the alien got a lovely kill on me before I did 😂
I am so excited for fans of the game and those of the franchise, I do own this game, I feel like it's finally time to face my fear and play the game instead of having the comfort of reading the book and watching other people playing lmao - I would love to see another game from these people, the AI of the Alien has always facinated me and 10 years later who knows what they can do!
The hospital section took me so long for me to get through on NOVICE difficulty! I’m so excited to see where this sequel is gonna go!