Amhara associations should prepare a common text that will be sent to the legislators.They can also build a picture gallery of all the atrocities committed by the regime and put the link in the text that requires action from legislators. Thank you Mr. Mesfin Mekonnen and Meti for this production.❤
Ato Mesfin MEKONNEN, as I observing him is genuine, resorceful, concerned, focused to ethiopia, knoledgeable, clear, and ... I wish your thought be successful ... Others can express thoughts better
ነጻ ቲዩብ- ሕዝባዊ ትግሉን የተቀላቀለች አዲስ ቻነል ነች።በተለይ ስለ ግንባር መረጃዎች ፈጣንና ትክክለኛ መረጃ ማግኘት ከፈለጋችሁ ፤ ይህችን ቻነል ሰብስክራይብ ያድርጉ።
ምን ተፈጠረ ማህቀብ ተጣለ 😮
የኢትዮጵያ አምላክ አይተኛም አያንቀላፋም፤.እናመሰግናለን አቶ መስፍን እግዚአብሔር ይጠብቃችሁ የህጻናት እና የእናቶች ደም እየጮኸ ነውና በርቱልን
መt ... እንዲሁ ለወገንሽ ለምታደርጊው ድካም እግዚአብሔር ይክስቫል
Good jobs 🇪🇹🇪🇹Ethiopian peoples ❤
Thank you Ato Mesfin.
ESAN/METI, I don't have words to mention my feeling in stand for Ethiopian. It is surprising and it is my interst to following wit you!
መቲ እግዜር ይባርክሽ በርቺ
ሰላም ለሀገሬ
Welcome again Our Jegnoch. Thank you Mettye.
Mettye I come back later.Great you bring this show again God bless you both
Excellent conversation and very informative. 👍
ዓከብርሻለሁ ትውልድ ሞቶዓል።
i'm following you with passion, and love with you.
Amhara associations should prepare a common text that will be sent to the legislators.They can also build a picture gallery of all the atrocities committed by the regime and put the link in the text that requires action from legislators.
Thank you Mr. Mesfin Mekonnen and Meti for this production.❤
Ato Mesfin MEKONNEN, as I observing him is genuine, resorceful, concerned, focused to ethiopia, knoledgeable, clear, and ... I wish your thought be successful ... Others can express thoughts better
ይገርማል የአሜሪካ መንግስት ለኢትዬጵያ ህዝብ መድህን ይሆናል ብሎ ማሰብ.!!!
እናቴ አማርኛ ።
ቀን አልተጻፈም
Poor sound system
Stop amahara poepl genosayd in etiopa
ይቅርታ ።
Konjo melekame lebe aeshe .
Wdwa metí berchi
Green Flood, Spain.