Drunk Irys backseating, dropping F-bombs left and right, and bringing up cursed conversation topics both intentional and unintentional was so much fun this stream. LOL
*TIMESTAMPS* *PART* *1* ------- *[FAQRyS* / *FAQronii* *Counter]* 0:49 *FAQRyS* *1:* “You’re in FAQ’ing Tsuyo!” 0:58 *FAQronii* *1:* “I have One Score!! FAQ Me!!” 4:24 *FAQRyS* *2:* “It FAQ’ing S*cks” 4:44 *FAQronii* *1.5:* “AACK! I Hate This map SO much!" 5:23 *FAQRyS* *2:* “Coins don’t FAQ’ing matter!” 5:32 *FAQRyS* *3:* “Coins don’t FAQ’ing matter! 18:29 *FAQRyS* *4* “You’re the FAQ’ing best in the world!” 25:10 *FAQRyS* *5:* “FAQ”ing Mario Kart” 25:12 *FAQronii* *2.5:* “FAQ”ing Mario Kart” 36:40 *FAQRyS* *6:* “The Power Of Alcohol is kinda like the star… dudududu~ The Whole FAQ’ing way!” 37:59 *FAQronii* *3.5:* “In a quiet V0ice I can still FAQ’n swear you know..” 44:04 *FAQRyS* *7:* “And I was like.. FAQ!” 48:48 *FAQRyS* *8:* “Yeah, FAQ’n G Man” 49:04 *FAQronii* *4.5* "I’ve never heard of a swear in my FAQ'n Life!" 49:10 *FAQronii* *5.5* "How COuld you FAQ’n do this to me?!" *[RACE* *TIMESTAMPS]* (Race 1 Not streamed) 1:07 *RACE* *2:* Mario Kart Stadium 3:03 FInish! *(5th)* 4:32 *RACE* *3:* Excite bike Arena 6:30 Finish! *(11th)* 8:01 *RACE* *4:* Piranha Plant Cove 10:25 FInish! *(12th)* 11:48 *RACE* *5:* Sweet Sweet Canyon 14:13 Finish! *(9th)* 15:39 *RACE* *6:* Dragon Driftway 17:51 Finish! *(7th)* *[YABAIRyS]* 9:12 *YabaiRyS:* “Pray for *BL* for Kronii!!” 9:25 *Kronii:* “I guess BL Is Big Luck” *YabaiRyS:* “yes.. It’s _BIG.._ big luck.. “ 15:45 *MasoRyS* Asks, And gets Slapped by Kronii’s *3rd* *Hand..* 26:58 *YabaiRyS:* Do you know about the Skitty and Wailord Meme? 27:37 *YabaiaRyS:* “Skitty.. Just a regular, _tiny_ Little cat, can MATE… With... THE LORD.” 30:34 *YabaiRonii* ”The Sp*rm Whale” *YabaiRyS:* “What did you just say? Hehe..” 31:33 *IRySo12:* “We don’t mature Past 12 Ok?” *Kronii* “Don’t say past 12, That sounds sketchy..” 46:16 *YabairyS* *Kronii* *Impression* *[IRyS’* *STAINED* *MATRyS]* 40:22 *A ***-blood-* *_tomato_* *stain* *On* *MatRyS'* *Thigh…* 41:46 *Kronii:* “What’s Wrong with you!?” *IRyS:*There's so much Wrong with me!" 42:01 *Yabaironii:* “Or you can just stain the blood all across your f@ce.. Lion King Style..” 42:28 COMING FULL CIRCLE: “EHHH!!! *_REDJUICE!”_* *[DRUNKRyS* *Backseating]* 1:30 “Get that item! Get that item!” 2:30 “Use the king Mushroom! Spam that Mother Fuger!” 4:54 “Yes Yes.. Nice nice Double Items! Yeah Yeah.. Trick those jumps!” 5:46 “Spam that mushroom..” 5:57 “Get that double Item..” 6:13 *IRyS:* “Believe in the Overtake!” *Kronii:*”It’s OVER! We’re so-Over!!” *IRyS:* “I’m not sober yet…” 8:52 “Pray for that Bullet Jill..” 9:54 “Get that double… Yes Yes YEs!! . And You Got That THUNDER! Nice Nice Nic! NICE!!” 13:06 “YEah Ye-ye-yeah! ..G-Get in front of Koyori! 13:36 “Concentrate, I’ll do the talking!” 13:52 “Yes double Items! No. No… No, No, No.” 14:08 Yes! Star star star! Yesyesyesyes!” *[KRONII* *SOUNDBOARD* / *RAGE]* 1:40/1:46 (Kronii Grunts) 2:07 Getting Hit 3:04 Kronii N0ises 6:01 “YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!” 6:41 “Come one! COME ON!! COME ONE!! 8:32 “AHH I Drifted the Wrong Way!! OOHH!! It’s so _AMETUER!”_ 12:28 *Kronii:* “OMG That’s SO _Ameture!_ I’M KILLING MYSELF!” *IRyS:* “I’ll be There to watch” 12:46 (Kronii Laugh) 15:03 Kronii’s Dying.. 32:12 Kronii Breaks down Crying…* 38:24 “I Drank.. Water.. HAHAHAHAHA!!” 45:05 Kronii Starts *crying* again ------- ------- *FULL* *TIMESTAMPS* *[Intro]* 0:03“IRyS tweets Kronii’s Stream For Her! 0:31 They’re on stream! “Yaaaay!” 0:38 How does Kronii Feel? “Utter SH*T.” 0:50 *FAQRyS* *1:* “You’re in FAQ’ing Suyo” 0:58 *FAQronii* *1:* ‘I have One Score!! FAQ Me!!” *[RACE* *2:* *Mario* *Kart* *Stadium]* 1:03 “I’m not Streaming” 1:09 *(Start!)* 1:30 BackseatRyS: “Get that item! Get that item!” 1:35 Cut those Corners! 1:40/1:46 *(Kronii* *Grunts)* 1:55 I’m Not streaming though” 2:07 Getting Hit / Hitting *Ina..* 2:21 “WHY!? OMG!!!!” 2:30 BackseatRyS: “use the king Mushroom! Spam that Mother Fuger!” 3:04 FINISH! *(5th)* *(Next* *Course* *Selection)* 3:33 IRyS asks Kronii To get Revenge on the Rubber Duck For her! / *Kronii:* Oh No. Suisei senpai also chose the duck…” 3:55 KouhaiRyS forgot to say “Suisei *_senpai...”_* 4:06 RNGesus… 4:18 *FAQRyS* *2: “It FAQ’ing S*cks” 4:30 *IRyS:* “OMG I’m swearing so much on stream” *Kronii* we’re not streaming!” *[RACE* *3:* *Excite* *Bike* *Arena]* 4:37 *(Start!)* 4:44 *FAQronii* *1.5:* “AACK! I Hate This map SO much With a Dying Passion in my heart!” 4:54 BackseatRyS: “Yes Yes.. Nice nice Double Items, Yeah Yeah.. Trick those jumps!” 5:22/5:32 *FAQRyS* *2-3:* Coins don’t FAQ’ing Matter! 5:34 Kronii: “Coins Do Matter!” 5:46 BackseatRyS: “Spam that mushroom..” 5:57 BackseatRyS: Get That double Item..” 6:01 “YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!” 6:13 *IRyS:* “Believe in the Overtake!” *Kronii:* "We’re so-Over!! *IRyS:* “I’m not sober yet…” 6:41 FINISH! *(11th)* *(Next* *Course* *Selection)* 6:52 Kronii can Use *DistractRyS* as an Excuse… 7:07 The power of HopeRyS 7:41 No *Live* *2D* For Kronii… “I’m Playing this in the dark..” - Kronii *[RACE* *4:* *Piranha* *Plant* *Cove]* 8:02 *(Start!)* 8:06 “Nobody gives a shiitake what kind of expression you’re making!” 8:16 Give Credit to IRyS for Kronii Streaming her POV 8:32 “I Drifted the Wrong Way!! OOHH!! It’s so _AMETUER!”_ 8:52 BackseatRyS: “Pray for that Bullet Jill.. 9:12 *YabaiRyS:* “Pray For *BL* For Kronii!!” (“Big Luck”) 9:25 *Kronii:* “I guess BL Is big luck” YabaiRyS:* yes.. It’s _BIG..._ big luck.." 9:47 Kronii’s L0sing it… 9:54 BackseatRyS: “Get that double… Yes Yes Yes!! ..You Got That THUNDER! Nice Nice! NICE!!” 10:10 *Kronii:* “Why Do I never Get a bullet Bill?” *IRyS:* “Game hates you.” 10:28 FINISH! *(12th)* *(Next* *Course* *Selection)* 10:48 Even If the World hates Kronii, She has One DRUNK person Wwho can make a BANGER THUMBNAIL! 11:25 “My MVP!” / IRyS “I peer pressures her into this” 11:44 Showing people Hw sweaty Tsuyo Is *[RACE* *5:* *Sweet* *Sweet* *Canyon]* 11:58 *(Start!)* 12:04 HANGRY Kronii!! For got what she ate today… 12:28 *Kronii:* “OMG That’s SO _Ameture!_ I’M KILLING MYSELF!” *IRyS:* “I’ll be There to watch” 12:46 *(Kronii* *Laugh)* 12:56 No one in front? 13:06 *BackseatRyS:* “YEah Ye-ye-yeah! …G-Get in front of Koyori!” 13:26 “Get em’! Donut yeah!” 13:36 “Concentrate, I’ll do the talking!” 13:46 "Blame me if anything goes wrong!” 13:52 “Yes double Items! No. No… No, No, No.” 14:08 "Yes! Star star star! Yesyesyesyes!” 14:12 FINISH! *(9th) *(Next* *Course* *Selection)* 14:20 Hating the Game. (Not) Excited for Next year. 14:40 It’s JOEVER 14:52 *BETRAYAL:* “How could Ina choose _Baby_ _Park!?”_ -> (15:03 Kronii’s Dying..) 15:22 *Chokeronii:* “Why am I choking so hard today?” *IRyS:* “It’s because I’m around..” *[RACE* *6:* *Dragon* *Driftway]* 16:39 *(Start!)* 15:45 *Kornii:* I’m Gonna Hit you! *MasoRyS:* “Slap Me! Slap Me!” 15:57 *Kronii:* “Slap Yourself! Don't put the responsibility onto me!” *MasoRyS:* “0W! She’s Slapping me!” 16:15 *Drunk* *TensaiRyS:* Kronii’s been hiding her 3rd (CLOCK) Hand… 16:16 (KRONII’S (Briefly) FIRST!) 17:22 Getting Shell'd -> Banana’d -> Star’d [10th] 17:55 FINISH! *(7th)* *[FINAL* *SCORES]* 18:05 “You’re Above Ina..” - EncourageRyS 18:14 Kronii *11th:* "YO! 11? Two Ones? That means I won Twice!” 18:29 *FAQRyS* *4* “You’re the FAQ’ing best in the world!” ------- *POST* *RACE* *CHATTING* *[RIP* *COMPUTER?* *Spilling* *Water…]* 18:42 Kronii Spills her water Over her Computer! 19:08 “IRyS: As long as her Computer Didn’t disconnect… “ 19:22 Cinderellaronii gets Kicked out at 12…. / LogicRyS Finds Loopholes *[CHATTING]* 20:42 Planning the last minute Grind for Next year 21:08 They’d Throw Up _Organs_ 21:26 Who Won? Who’s next? You Decide! -> (2:22:23 *Towa* And *Suisei* Tied for 1st!) 22:32 *Kronii’s* *Winning:* “Suisei Gave Kronii a (Bu)CHU? 24:01 “She capped me back!” - Kronii 24:32 InspirationalRyS 25:10 *FAQRyS* *5:* “FAQ”ing Mario Kart...” 25:12 *FAQronii* *2.5:* “FAQ”ing Mario Kart…” 25:16 Kronii’s been playing for the past *5hrs* / “If only I studied this hard in school..” 25:30 *Anime:* B@k@ To Test *[WAILORD* *KRONII]* 26:05 “Dude.. I would’ve been the Size of a Humpback Whale!” 26:24 “I’d be showing off my whale..” 26:37 Gigantamax Whale Lord Kronii 26:58 *YabaiRyS:* Do you know about the Skitty and Wailord Meme? 27:37 *YabaiRyS:* “Skitty.. Just a regular, _tiny_ little cat…. can MATE… With... THE LORD.” 27:48 *Kronii:* "What If the Skitty is a Guy Though?" 28:24 *IRySoCANCELLED:* Did IRyS just ASSUME Skitty’s *Gender!?" 28:55 “So the _FANS_ are the problem?”/ 29:30 “The Streamer reflects the chat” 29:56 *IRyS:* “Why Did You call yourself a Wailord? You started it!” *Kronii:* “I called myself a HUMPBACK Whale!” 30:20 The BIGGEST Common Whale? 30:34 *YabaiRonii* ”Sp*rm Whale” *YabaiRyS:* “What did you just say? Hehe..” 31:00 Kronii’s gonna BYE here 31:12 “Someone just left! That’s a sign!” 31:33 *IRySo12:* “We don’t mature Past 12 Ok?” *Kronii* “Don’t say past 12, That sounds sketchy..” 32:12 *Kronii* *Breaks* *down* *Crying…* / 33:25 *CRyS *Joins* *in…* 32:52 “I’m using Tilt Controls…” *(CONTINUED* *IN* *PART* *2* *IN* *THE* *REPLIES)* ------- o7
*TIMESTAMPS* *PART* *2* ------- *[2024* *Is* *already* *Over…]* 33:20 “2024 Wasn't gonna be My Year anyway..” 33:20 *DreamRyS:* She dreamed it was already december in 2024 and she forgot everything 33:40 *Kronii:* “…Bro.. What am I supposed to say to that? Do I say that It’s over?” 34:20 *2025* will be their year! Quarter 34:59 They shared the One Honorary First Place! *[ALCOHOL* *and* *FUDGE]* (WIth BAE in chat) 35:22 *Bae* *in* *chat:* “OTSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU MANNNNNNNNN” 35:20 “Bae! You did so good!” 35:36 “Why are we so Sweaty!? We're just anime girls!!” 36:13 *Drinking* *to* *Solve* *Their* *Problems.* “That’s the Spirit.” - DrunkRyS 36:40 *FAQRyS* *6:* “The Power Of Alcohol is kinda like the star… dudududu~ The Whole FAQ’ing way!” 36:50 *Kronii:* “Stop _SWEARING_ IRyS! I know we're not streaming, But be careful!” 37:00 Fudge’n! 37:06 Brownies aren’t a thing in Japan? / Kronii Doesn't really like Brownies 37:23 Brownies = Wannabe Pastry 37:30 DrunkRyS took another Sip… 37:59 *FAQronii* *3.5:* “In a quiet V0ice I can still FAQ’n swear you know..” 38:18 *Bae* *In* *Chat:* “Did They Both Drink?” /38:24 *Kronii: *“I Drank.. Water… HAHAHAHAHA!!” 38:30 “My Mind is 100% Clear” - Kroniii 38:42 IRyS saw Kronii Drunk During her Diablo Stream / How much did she drink? 39:12 *A* *Holopromise:* “Next Holocup we should all just get Wasted and see who’s gonna pass out first” *[IRyS’* *STAINED* *MATRyS]* 39:29 Kronii’s water spill hasn’t dried up yet… 40:00 Kronii Specifies she spilt the water on her Gamer keyboard Mat 40:22 *IRyS* *got* *a* *huge* *-blood-* *_tomato_* *stain* *On* *MatRyS'* *Thigh…* 40:51 *Kronii:* “Yo It’s like she has Blood!” *YabaIRyS:* “Shut the Fudge up!” 41:20 Kronii didn't mean it like that _“THAT_ _Blood…”_ 41:46 *Kronii:* “What’s Wrong with you!?” *IRyS:*There's so much Wrong with me!" 42:01 *Yabaironii:* “Or you can just stain the blood all across your f@ce.. Like Lion King Style..” 42:28 COMING FULL CIRCLE: “EHHH!!! *_REDJUICE!”_* 42:52 IRyS goes Through “Conversational Remorse” *[KRONII* *IN* *TROUBLE?* / * RIP* *VOD…]* 43:26 *Kronii:* why did you buy another one!? You cam just _ask!”_ 43:39 *Kronii:* “That’s…. _BULLSH*T…”_ 43:44 SurprisedRyS 44:04 *FAQRyS* *7:* “And I was like.. _FAQ!_ But ok…” 44:12 *Kronii:* “Was I Not Supposed to Say this!????” 44:40 Broo… Guys… 45:05 *Kronii* *Starts* *crying* *again:* “I’m Regretting.. Why did I say this on stream? Am I gonna get in trouble?!? It’s all my Fault!!! 45:40 Kronii’s Manager Impression 45:53 Kronii’s Body Pillow was starting to.. “Wear out” 46:07 *IRyS:* “that’s exactly like that april Fools Stream *Kroni:* “I don’t smell it. I don’t smell it. I don’t smell it.” 46:16 *YabairyS* *Kronii* *Impression* 46:26 *Ikemen* *Kronii* “That’s like.. Me With RIZZ” 46:43 *RIZZRonii:* STOP IT!! OMG!” *[ENDING]* 47:02 Kronii’s Got to wake up early Tomorrow 47:12 Kronii’s Got into Tsuyo _Twice!_ / 47:21 There’s still more Time “Upper-heard!” 47:50 An Exchange of Information/ 48:16 “A Mutually beneficial….” 58:36 Kronii’s A *DICTIONARY!*- 48:48 *FAQRyS* *8:* “Yeah, FAQ’n G Man” 48:58 *Kronii:* “AHHH!! MY Seiso Ears!” 49:04 *FAQronii* *4.5* I’ve never heard of A swear in my FDAQ”n Life! 49:10 *FAQronii* *5.5* How Could you FAQ’n do this to me?! 49:16 “ok We should go..” 49:23 “thank You Everyone” 49:36 Kronii’s Gonna dream of being First place now 50:13 Peace out 50:19-50:38 *ABRUPT* *END* ------- Editing Finished! Thanks for your patience everyone! I Hope I managed to do this stream Justice! o7
I love pure, unfiltered Kronii. This is one of my favorite streams of hers ever and it’s less than an hour long. Gigantamax Kronii has me pumped to tackle my day.
Kronii and IRyS perfectly resonate with eachother and could be used as a source of renewable energy if we could find a way to harness all the unhinged energy they bring. Anyway. Congrats on going from Zako to Tsuyo, Kronii. Hope the VOD lives.
Thank you Kronii for streaming your POV. Thank you IRyS for giving her moral support. And thank you to both for the hilarious and unhinged conversations. I still can't catch my breath. Congrats on getting in Tsuyo Cup, Boss. You did great and I'm sure you will do even better next year, but for now, get some well-deserved sleep.
The real tsuyo cup was the unhinged zatzu we had along the way. In any case, I’m glad Irys was able to drop by to relieve (?) the stress Kronii was feeling of being in the top ranks, you still did amazing, boss! I know you’ll do even better next year!
You did awesome Kronii. You made the Tsuyo cup and represented Promise and EN. DOnt feel too bad the competition was fierce. loL With Irys being the devil on her shoulder.
I wasn’t able to watch this live as it was too late but man, this is stream was a GEM from start to finish Unhinged Kronii and Irys is the best combo lmao, thank you Kronii and Irys
The end of the New Year's Cup journey is full of surprises. Your stream and your conversation with IRyS were unexpected. I've been so excited for the last two days watching your play and rooting for you. Yesterday and today, I was so proud of you. You have no idea how pleased I was when you were confirmed to advance to the Tsuyo Cup. I love the people who do their best when they do. From what you told me today about your practice and watching you participate in the Tsuyo Cup, I can't help but love you. Now I only wonder and worry about your 2025 Alcohol Mario Kart arc. Can't wait to see that one. Thank you for starting this year with fun and excitement. I feel sorry that yours didn't start off nicely for you, but it's not over yet. I hope you are going through this year, and at the end of it, I hope you can say this one had a rough start, but it was your year after all. And I hope I can do something for you to make that happen. Good night, Kronii. You did so well. See you later.
First of all, congratulations for making it into Tsuyo Cup and I have to say. You really need mental endurance for that LOL, so props on that Kronii XD I wouldn't be able to hold on that pressure if I was in your place. I'm glad IRyS was there with you, your commentaries together made this so fun and entertaining to watch! (Also I felt confused many times but it was still fun XD!) So thank you as well IRyS for convincing Kronii to show her POW it was definitely an experience I won't forget... XD Way to start 2024 let's go! But really Kronii, you're an amazing gamer, it's just Mario Kart being really rough when it comes to RNG. I wish you a good night and take care, you cool warden! :)
I thought I was going to be sad if no ENs won the tournament, but you two made me laugh so much that now I'm just glad you streamed this. It made my day.
Raw, unfiltered TimeRyS. There's nothing better. My face actually hurts from smiling and laughing so much. Thank you SO much for this sudden stream, Kronii and IRyS. Even though you didn't win, you still got into Tsuyo! The post-game talk was legendary. Thank you!
Good job at making it into Tsuyo Cup this year; could have done without the "making me have to think about a little Skitty fellla trying to rizz up a fine Wailord lass" part but the 4 AM thoughts go where they go I guess.
idk how to describe that other than peak, comedy. Oh my god I havent laughed so hard in a long time. Great work making it to tsuyo and thanks for streaming! Next year you can go all the way!
She may have ended up in a higher position had Irys not been there, but this was by far the most entertaining and funny Tsuyo stream ever! I was laughing so hard all the time. Timerys is just top peak Kromedy! You are a Tsuyo competitor warden and that's what matters! Your duo with Irys never dissapoints! GG, warden I hope you had fun and good luck with your surgery! We will be waiting!
Damn, that was so refreshing after a long, exhausting day of work. It was like venting with friends about everything and letting the steam go. Perfect stream. Love it
This stream is absolutely GOATED for how unfiltered it is, just Kronii and IRyS poppin off! And seriously great driving Kronii, mad props! This whole stream was such a treat, thanks you two! Also 48:47 hell yeah IRyS! Fuckin' G man 🤘
I love this. I'm so glad Irys was there to keep things lighthearted and fun! Every other Tsuyo Cup racer (except for Hajime) was just so dead silent and serious in all the races 😆
Thank for your Tsuyo Cup POV, Kronii. Dang, they're all monster level players, thank god, you survived. 11th is a double first, a double Win I'm kinda afraid what next year's tournament will be like, but Alcohol boost is something, a real good buff for game playing
Congrats on getting into Tsuyo cup Kronii, I knew you could do it! Thank you for such an unhinged and hilarious stream, those late night intrusive thoughts are strong!
Congrats on getting in tsuyo cup and thanks for giving in to Hope and streaming it!! I didn't know what was happening the whole time but it was really fun and I would like more of it!! We got so many fucking swears too lmao! Thank you TimeRyS for the fun stream!
Thank you for the stream, Kronii! Congrats for getting into tsuyo cup, it was not easy and despite the results you still did great. I hope this VOD survives because it was pure gold and peak comedy.
Kronii just focused on the game and having a good time with IRyS! Really nice! Congrats on the making it into Tsuyo Cup, Kronii! Aim higher for next year!
Kronii!! You can drive! You got in TSUYO!!! YOU’RE A TSUYO DRIVER!!! Proud as you wouldn’t believe it! You did it! You gave it your all, you put in the work and you got in!!! You might be a bundle of nerves right now but you had us thousands jumping of joy! You’re a tsuyo driver!!!! I can’t stop screaming it!!! YOU’RE A TSUYO DRIVER!!!! I-I think… I can… breathe again… The race… The post chat… I mean, WHAT WAS THAT POST CHAT!!?? (Can we do it again? With a few beers in the middle?) It’s too much for my poor old heart… You can drive Kronii!!! Proud of you! You are a champion in our hearts!
Thank you for streaming Kronii,I know there is a streamer debuff on you but you still did it for us ! I'm really grateful for that. And this is the one of the funniest stream I have ever watched HAHA
One of the best and funniest streams of all time FR FR. I enjoyed the conversations so much, and how Irys tried to calm Kroni with funny jokes and distractions all the time. You two are so funny! Rest weeell
6:35 that red shell ended up hitting Biboo who's already in 12th place, how unfortunate. I was watching Biboo's PoV and I thought it was you, Kronii. LoL
It was a good effort and we're all proud of you for getting into the tsuyo cup! That conversation went all kinds of places though, cheers IRyS for joining in
Drunk Irys backseating, dropping F-bombs left and right, and bringing up cursed conversation topics both intentional and unintentional was so much fun this stream. LOL
22 minutes in the future reporting in, so far so good
I hope the 69 on your like count survives
@@fo-ef8qo 4 hours in, still here! Love this stream so much
*[FAQRyS* / *FAQronii* *Counter]*
0:49 *FAQRyS* *1:* “You’re in FAQ’ing Tsuyo!”
0:58 *FAQronii* *1:* “I have One Score!! FAQ Me!!”
4:24 *FAQRyS* *2:* “It FAQ’ing S*cks”
4:44 *FAQronii* *1.5:* “AACK! I Hate This map SO much!"
5:23 *FAQRyS* *2:* “Coins don’t FAQ’ing matter!”
5:32 *FAQRyS* *3:* “Coins don’t FAQ’ing matter!
18:29 *FAQRyS* *4* “You’re the FAQ’ing best in the world!”
25:10 *FAQRyS* *5:* “FAQ”ing Mario Kart”
25:12 *FAQronii* *2.5:* “FAQ”ing Mario Kart”
36:40 *FAQRyS* *6:* “The Power Of Alcohol is kinda like the star… dudududu~ The Whole FAQ’ing way!”
37:59 *FAQronii* *3.5:* “In a quiet V0ice I can still FAQ’n swear you know..”
44:04 *FAQRyS* *7:* “And I was like.. FAQ!”
48:48 *FAQRyS* *8:* “Yeah, FAQ’n G Man”
49:04 *FAQronii* *4.5* "I’ve never heard of a swear in my FAQ'n Life!"
49:10 *FAQronii* *5.5* "How COuld you FAQ’n do this to me?!"
(Race 1 Not streamed)
1:07 *RACE* *2:* Mario Kart Stadium
3:03 FInish! *(5th)*
4:32 *RACE* *3:* Excite bike Arena
6:30 Finish! *(11th)*
8:01 *RACE* *4:* Piranha Plant Cove
10:25 FInish! *(12th)*
11:48 *RACE* *5:* Sweet Sweet Canyon
14:13 Finish! *(9th)*
15:39 *RACE* *6:* Dragon Driftway
17:51 Finish! *(7th)*
9:12 *YabaiRyS:* “Pray for *BL* for Kronii!!”
9:25 *Kronii:* “I guess BL Is Big Luck” *YabaiRyS:* “yes.. It’s _BIG.._ big luck.. “
15:45 *MasoRyS* Asks, And gets Slapped by Kronii’s *3rd* *Hand..*
26:58 *YabaiRyS:* Do you know about the Skitty and Wailord Meme?
27:37 *YabaiaRyS:* “Skitty.. Just a regular, _tiny_ Little cat, can MATE… With... THE LORD.”
30:34 *YabaiRonii* ”The Sp*rm Whale” *YabaiRyS:* “What did you just say? Hehe..”
31:33 *IRySo12:* “We don’t mature Past 12 Ok?” *Kronii* “Don’t say past 12, That sounds sketchy..”
46:16 *YabairyS* *Kronii* *Impression*
40:22 *A ***-blood-* *_tomato_* *stain* *On* *MatRyS'* *Thigh…*
41:46 *Kronii:* “What’s Wrong with you!?” *IRyS:*There's so much Wrong with me!"
42:01 *Yabaironii:* “Or you can just stain the blood all across your f@ce.. Lion King Style..”
*[DRUNKRyS* *Backseating]*
1:30 “Get that item! Get that item!”
2:30 “Use the king Mushroom! Spam that Mother Fuger!”
4:54 “Yes Yes.. Nice nice Double Items! Yeah Yeah.. Trick those jumps!”
5:46 “Spam that mushroom..”
5:57 “Get that double Item..”
6:13 *IRyS:* “Believe in the Overtake!” *Kronii:*”It’s OVER! We’re so-Over!!” *IRyS:* “I’m not sober yet…”
8:52 “Pray for that Bullet Jill..”
9:54 “Get that double… Yes Yes YEs!! . And You Got That THUNDER! Nice Nice Nic! NICE!!”
13:06 “YEah Ye-ye-yeah! ..G-Get in front of Koyori!
13:36 “Concentrate, I’ll do the talking!”
13:52 “Yes double Items! No. No… No, No, No.”
14:08 Yes! Star star star! Yesyesyesyes!”
1:40/1:46 (Kronii Grunts)
2:07 Getting Hit
3:04 Kronii N0ises
6:01 “YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!”
6:41 “Come one! COME ON!! COME ONE!!
8:32 “AHH I Drifted the Wrong Way!! OOHH!! It’s so _AMETUER!”_
12:28 *Kronii:* “OMG That’s SO _Ameture!_ I’M KILLING MYSELF!” *IRyS:* “I’ll be There to watch”
12:46 (Kronii Laugh)
15:03 Kronii’s Dying..
32:12 Kronii Breaks down Crying…*
38:24 “I Drank.. Water.. HAHAHAHAHA!!”
45:05 Kronii Starts *crying* again
0:03“IRyS tweets Kronii’s Stream For Her!
0:31 They’re on stream! “Yaaaay!”
0:38 How does Kronii Feel? “Utter SH*T.”
0:50 *FAQRyS* *1:* “You’re in FAQ’ing Suyo”
0:58 *FAQronii* *1:* ‘I have One Score!! FAQ Me!!”
*[RACE* *2:* *Mario* *Kart* *Stadium]*
1:03 “I’m not Streaming”
1:09 *(Start!)*
1:30 BackseatRyS: “Get that item! Get that item!”
1:35 Cut those Corners!
1:40/1:46 *(Kronii* *Grunts)*
1:55 I’m Not streaming though”
2:07 Getting Hit / Hitting *Ina..*
2:21 “WHY!? OMG!!!!”
2:30 BackseatRyS: “use the king Mushroom! Spam that Mother Fuger!”
3:04 FINISH! *(5th)*
*(Next* *Course* *Selection)*
3:33 IRyS asks Kronii To get Revenge on the Rubber Duck For her! / *Kronii:* Oh No. Suisei senpai also chose the duck…”
3:55 KouhaiRyS forgot to say “Suisei *_senpai...”_*
4:06 RNGesus…
4:18 *FAQRyS* *2: “It FAQ’ing S*cks”
4:30 *IRyS:* “OMG I’m swearing so much on stream” *Kronii* we’re not streaming!”
*[RACE* *3:* *Excite* *Bike* *Arena]*
4:37 *(Start!)*
4:44 *FAQronii* *1.5:* “AACK! I Hate This map SO much With a Dying Passion in my heart!”
4:54 BackseatRyS: “Yes Yes.. Nice nice Double Items, Yeah Yeah.. Trick those jumps!”
5:22/5:32 *FAQRyS* *2-3:* Coins don’t FAQ’ing Matter!
5:34 Kronii: “Coins Do Matter!”
5:46 BackseatRyS: “Spam that mushroom..”
5:57 BackseatRyS: Get That double Item..”
6:01 “YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!”
6:13 *IRyS:* “Believe in the Overtake!” *Kronii:* "We’re so-Over!! *IRyS:* “I’m not sober yet…”
6:41 FINISH! *(11th)*
*(Next* *Course* *Selection)*
6:52 Kronii can Use *DistractRyS* as an Excuse…
7:07 The power of HopeRyS
7:41 No *Live* *2D* For Kronii… “I’m Playing this in the dark..” - Kronii
*[RACE* *4:* *Piranha* *Plant* *Cove]*
8:02 *(Start!)*
8:06 “Nobody gives a shiitake what kind of expression you’re making!”
8:16 Give Credit to IRyS for Kronii Streaming her POV
8:32 “I Drifted the Wrong Way!! OOHH!! It’s so _AMETUER!”_
8:52 BackseatRyS: “Pray for that Bullet Jill..
9:12 *YabaiRyS:* “Pray For *BL* For Kronii!!” (“Big Luck”)
9:25 *Kronii:* “I guess BL Is big luck” YabaiRyS:* yes.. It’s _BIG..._ big luck.."
9:47 Kronii’s L0sing it…
9:54 BackseatRyS: “Get that double… Yes Yes Yes!! ..You Got That THUNDER! Nice Nice! NICE!!”
10:10 *Kronii:* “Why Do I never Get a bullet Bill?” *IRyS:* “Game hates you.”
10:28 FINISH! *(12th)*
*(Next* *Course* *Selection)*
10:48 Even If the World hates Kronii, She has One DRUNK person Wwho can make a BANGER THUMBNAIL!
11:25 “My MVP!” / IRyS “I peer pressures her into this”
11:44 Showing people Hw sweaty Tsuyo Is
*[RACE* *5:* *Sweet* *Sweet* *Canyon]*
11:58 *(Start!)*
12:04 HANGRY Kronii!! For got what she ate today…
12:28 *Kronii:* “OMG That’s SO _Ameture!_ I’M KILLING MYSELF!” *IRyS:* “I’ll be There to watch”
12:46 *(Kronii* *Laugh)*
12:56 No one in front?
13:06 *BackseatRyS:* “YEah Ye-ye-yeah! …G-Get in front of Koyori!”
13:26 “Get em’! Donut yeah!”
13:36 “Concentrate, I’ll do the talking!”
13:46 "Blame me if anything goes wrong!”
13:52 “Yes double Items! No. No… No, No, No.”
14:08 "Yes! Star star star! Yesyesyesyes!”
14:12 FINISH! *(9th)
*(Next* *Course* *Selection)*
14:20 Hating the Game. (Not) Excited for Next year.
14:40 It’s JOEVER
14:52 *BETRAYAL:* “How could Ina choose _Baby_ _Park!?”_ -> (15:03 Kronii’s Dying..)
15:22 *Chokeronii:* “Why am I choking so hard today?” *IRyS:* “It’s because I’m around..”
*[RACE* *6:* *Dragon* *Driftway]*
16:39 *(Start!)*
15:45 *Kornii:* I’m Gonna Hit you! *MasoRyS:* “Slap Me! Slap Me!”
15:57 *Kronii:* “Slap Yourself! Don't put the responsibility onto me!” *MasoRyS:* “0W! She’s Slapping me!”
16:15 *Drunk* *TensaiRyS:* Kronii’s been hiding her 3rd (CLOCK) Hand…
16:16 (KRONII’S (Briefly) FIRST!)
17:22 Getting Shell'd -> Banana’d -> Star’d [10th]
17:55 FINISH! *(7th)*
18:05 “You’re Above Ina..” - EncourageRyS
18:14 Kronii *11th:* "YO! 11? Two Ones? That means I won Twice!”
18:29 *FAQRyS* *4* “You’re the FAQ’ing best in the world!”
*[RIP* *COMPUTER?* *Spilling* *Water…]*
18:42 Kronii Spills her water Over her Computer!
19:08 “IRyS: As long as her Computer Didn’t disconnect… “
19:22 Cinderellaronii gets Kicked out at 12…. / LogicRyS Finds Loopholes
20:42 Planning the last minute Grind for Next year
21:08 They’d Throw Up _Organs_
21:26 Who Won? Who’s next? You Decide! -> (2:22:23 *Towa* And *Suisei* Tied for 1st!)
22:32 *Kronii’s* *Winning:* “Suisei Gave Kronii a (Bu)CHU?
24:01 “She capped me back!” - Kronii
24:32 InspirationalRyS
25:10 *FAQRyS* *5:* “FAQ”ing Mario Kart...”
25:12 *FAQronii* *2.5:* “FAQ”ing Mario Kart…”
25:16 Kronii’s been playing for the past *5hrs* / “If only I studied this hard in school..”
25:30 *Anime:* B@k@ To Test
26:05 “Dude.. I would’ve been the Size of a Humpback Whale!”
26:24 “I’d be showing off my whale..”
26:37 Gigantamax Whale Lord Kronii
26:58 *YabaiRyS:* Do you know about the Skitty and Wailord Meme?
27:37 *YabaiRyS:* “Skitty.. Just a regular, _tiny_ little cat…. can MATE… With... THE LORD.”
27:48 *Kronii:* "What If the Skitty is a Guy Though?"
28:24 *IRySoCANCELLED:* Did IRyS just ASSUME Skitty’s *Gender!?"
28:55 “So the _FANS_ are the problem?”/ 29:30 “The Streamer reflects the chat”
29:56 *IRyS:* “Why Did You call yourself a Wailord? You started it!” *Kronii:* “I called myself a HUMPBACK Whale!”
30:20 The BIGGEST Common Whale?
30:34 *YabaiRonii* ”Sp*rm Whale” *YabaiRyS:* “What did you just say? Hehe..”
31:00 Kronii’s gonna BYE here
31:12 “Someone just left! That’s a sign!”
31:33 *IRySo12:* “We don’t mature Past 12 Ok?” *Kronii* “Don’t say past 12, That sounds sketchy..”
32:12 *Kronii* *Breaks* *down* *Crying…* / 33:25 *CRyS *Joins* *in…*
32:52 “I’m using Tilt Controls…”
thank you as always!
Thank you for your efforts
I think most interesting part is after race😂
Lots of IRyS f-bombs here lmao
*[2024* *Is* *already* *Over…]*
33:20 “2024 Wasn't gonna be My Year anyway..”
33:20 *DreamRyS:* She dreamed it was already december in 2024 and she forgot everything
33:40 *Kronii:* “…Bro.. What am I supposed to say to that? Do I say that It’s over?”
34:20 *2025* will be their year! Quarter
34:59 They shared the One Honorary First Place!
*[ALCOHOL* *and* *FUDGE]* (WIth BAE in chat)
35:20 “Bae! You did so good!”
35:36 “Why are we so Sweaty!? We're just anime girls!!”
36:13 *Drinking* *to* *Solve* *Their* *Problems.* “That’s the Spirit.” - DrunkRyS
36:40 *FAQRyS* *6:* “The Power Of Alcohol is kinda like the star… dudududu~ The Whole FAQ’ing way!”
36:50 *Kronii:* “Stop _SWEARING_ IRyS! I know we're not streaming, But be careful!”
37:00 Fudge’n!
37:06 Brownies aren’t a thing in Japan? / Kronii Doesn't really like Brownies
37:23 Brownies = Wannabe Pastry
37:30 DrunkRyS took another Sip…
37:59 *FAQronii* *3.5:* “In a quiet V0ice I can still FAQ’n swear you know..”
38:18 *Bae* *In* *Chat:* “Did They Both Drink?” /38:24 *Kronii: *“I Drank.. Water… HAHAHAHAHA!!”
38:30 “My Mind is 100% Clear” - Kroniii
38:42 IRyS saw Kronii Drunk During her Diablo Stream / How much did she drink?
39:12 *A* *Holopromise:* “Next Holocup we should all just get Wasted and see who’s gonna pass out first”
39:29 Kronii’s water spill hasn’t dried up yet…
40:00 Kronii Specifies she spilt the water on her Gamer keyboard Mat
40:22 *IRyS* *got* *a* *huge* *-blood-* *_tomato_* *stain* *On* *MatRyS'* *Thigh…*
40:51 *Kronii:* “Yo It’s like she has Blood!” *YabaIRyS:* “Shut the Fudge up!”
41:20 Kronii didn't mean it like that _“THAT_ _Blood…”_
41:46 *Kronii:* “What’s Wrong with you!?” *IRyS:*There's so much Wrong with me!"
42:01 *Yabaironii:* “Or you can just stain the blood all across your f@ce.. Like Lion King Style..”
42:52 IRyS goes Through “Conversational Remorse”
*[KRONII* *IN* *TROUBLE?* / * RIP* *VOD…]*
43:26 *Kronii:* why did you buy another one!? You cam just _ask!”_
43:39 *Kronii:* “That’s…. _BULLSH*T…”_
43:44 SurprisedRyS
44:04 *FAQRyS* *7:* “And I was like.. _FAQ!_ But ok…”
44:12 *Kronii:* “Was I Not Supposed to Say this!????”
44:40 Broo… Guys…
45:05 *Kronii* *Starts* *crying* *again:* “I’m Regretting.. Why did I say this on stream? Am I gonna get in trouble?!? It’s all my Fault!!!
45:40 Kronii’s Manager Impression
45:53 Kronii’s Body Pillow was starting to.. “Wear out”
46:07 *IRyS:* “that’s exactly like that april Fools Stream *Kroni:* “I don’t smell it. I don’t smell it. I don’t smell it.”
46:16 *YabairyS* *Kronii* *Impression*
46:26 *Ikemen* *Kronii* “That’s like.. Me With RIZZ”
46:43 *RIZZRonii:* STOP IT!! OMG!”
47:02 Kronii’s Got to wake up early Tomorrow
47:12 Kronii’s Got into Tsuyo _Twice!_ / 47:21 There’s still more Time “Upper-heard!”
47:50 An Exchange of Information/ 48:16 “A Mutually beneficial….”
58:36 Kronii’s A *DICTIONARY!*-
48:48 *FAQRyS* *8:* “Yeah, FAQ’n G Man”
48:58 *Kronii:* “AHHH!! MY Seiso Ears!”
49:04 *FAQronii* *4.5* I’ve never heard of A swear in my FDAQ”n Life!
49:10 *FAQronii* *5.5* How Could you FAQ’n do this to me?!
49:16 “ok We should go..”
49:23 “thank You Everyone”
49:36 Kronii’s Gonna dream of being First place now
50:13 Peace out
50:19-50:38 *ABRUPT* *END*
Editing Finished! Thanks for your patience everyone! I Hope I managed to do this stream Justice! o7
4am unhinged Kronii + Drunkrys is too perfect of a combo
Agreed. And ofc kronii is talking about blacking out drinking again. These girls are gonna have fun next time they hang out lol
I love pure, unfiltered Kronii. This is one of my favorite streams of hers ever and it’s less than an hour long. Gigantamax Kronii has me pumped to tackle my day.
This is dead ass my fav stream so far n it might be for the whole year
Kronii and IRyS perfectly resonate with eachother and could be used as a source of renewable energy if we could find a way to harness all the unhinged energy they bring. Anyway. Congrats on going from Zako to Tsuyo, Kronii. Hope the VOD lives.
Probably one of the funniest streams I've ever watched!! Safe to say Mario Kart definitely brings out the best of Kronii's rage
Kronii didn’t have to come on stream and mald in real time for us, but she did anyways and we absolutely love her for it 😂
Thank you Kronii for streaming your POV. Thank you IRyS for giving her moral support. And thank you to both for the hilarious and unhinged conversations. I still can't catch my breath.
Congrats on getting in Tsuyo Cup, Boss. You did great and I'm sure you will do even better next year, but for now, get some well-deserved sleep.
The real tsuyo cup was the unhinged zatzu we had along the way. In any case, I’m glad Irys was able to drop by to relieve (?) the stress Kronii was feeling of being in the top ranks, you still did amazing, boss! I know you’ll do even better next year!
You did awesome Kronii. You made the Tsuyo cup and represented Promise and EN. DOnt feel too bad the competition was fierce. loL With Irys being the devil on her shoulder.
I wasn’t able to watch this live as it was too late but man, this is stream was a GEM from start to finish Unhinged Kronii and Irys is the best combo lmao, thank you Kronii and Irys
Peak stream! Thank you for accompanying our sleep-deprived time warden, IRyS
Congrats for another strong showing in Tsuyo cup!
Thank you for guerilla Tsuyo cup stream. We must keep this VOD alive
The end of the New Year's Cup journey is full of surprises. Your stream and your conversation with IRyS were unexpected.
I've been so excited for the last two days watching your play and rooting for you.
Yesterday and today, I was so proud of you.
You have no idea how pleased I was when you were confirmed to advance to the Tsuyo Cup.
I love the people who do their best when they do.
From what you told me today about your practice and watching you participate in the Tsuyo Cup, I can't help but love you.
Now I only wonder and worry about your 2025 Alcohol Mario Kart arc. Can't wait to see that one.
Thank you for starting this year with fun and excitement.
I feel sorry that yours didn't start off nicely for you, but it's not over yet.
I hope you are going through this year, and at the end of it, I hope you can say this one had a rough start, but it was your year after all.
And I hope I can do something for you to make that happen.
Good night, Kronii.
You did so well.
See you later.
Kronii and Irys are an amazing comedic duo. I was laughing with a big ass smile this whole stream. Love their energy together
Absolutely one of the funniest streams you two have done. Really glad IRyS talked you into streaming
Thanks for the impromptu stream and congrats on the Tsuyo cup! Zako winner to Tsuyo Not-last. Now you have a whole year to practice to hit #1!
First of all, congratulations for making it into Tsuyo Cup and I have to say. You really need mental endurance for that LOL, so props on that Kronii XD I wouldn't be able to hold on that pressure if I was in your place. I'm glad IRyS was there with you, your commentaries together made this so fun and entertaining to watch! (Also I felt confused many times but it was still fun XD!)
So thank you as well IRyS for convincing Kronii to show her POW it was definitely an experience I won't forget... XD Way to start 2024 let's go! But really Kronii, you're an amazing gamer, it's just Mario Kart being really rough when it comes to RNG. I wish you a good night and take care, you cool warden! :)
Her...POW? Perspective Of Warden?
XD Yeees! @@aphs
I thought I was going to be sad if no ENs won the tournament, but you two made me laugh so much that now I'm just glad you streamed this. It made my day.
Raw, unfiltered TimeRyS. There's nothing better. My face actually hurts from smiling and laughing so much.
Thank you SO much for this sudden stream, Kronii and IRyS. Even though you didn't win, you still got into Tsuyo! The post-game talk was legendary. Thank you!
I couldn't tell who was drunk by the end of the stream, thats why I love these two ww
IRyS working overtime by being Kronii's angel and devil at the same time. This is so good lmfao
Good job at making it into Tsuyo Cup this year; could have done without the "making me have to think about a little Skitty fellla trying to rizz up a fine Wailord lass" part but the 4 AM thoughts go where they go I guess.
idk how to describe that other than peak, comedy. Oh my god I havent laughed so hard in a long time. Great work making it to tsuyo and thanks for streaming! Next year you can go all the way!
IRyS in the background as you race made for such great content XD
Congrats on making it into Tsuyo Cup!
She may have ended up in a higher position had Irys not been there, but this was by far the most entertaining and funny Tsuyo stream ever! I was laughing so hard all the time. Timerys is just top peak Kromedy! You are a Tsuyo competitor warden and that's what matters! Your duo with Irys never dissapoints! GG, warden I hope you had fun and good luck with your surgery! We will be waiting!
Damn, that was so refreshing after a long, exhausting day of work. It was like venting with friends about everything and letting the steam go. Perfect stream. Love it
This stream is absolutely GOATED for how unfiltered it is, just Kronii and IRyS poppin off! And seriously great driving Kronii, mad props! This whole stream was such a treat, thanks you two!
Also 48:47 hell yeah IRyS! Fuckin' G man 🤘
I love this. I'm so glad Irys was there to keep things lighthearted and fun! Every other Tsuyo Cup racer (except for Hajime) was just so dead silent and serious in all the races 😆
Thank for your Tsuyo Cup POV, Kronii. Dang, they're all monster level players, thank god, you survived. 11th is a double first, a double Win
I'm kinda afraid what next year's tournament will be like, but Alcohol boost is something, a real good buff for game playing
30:52 kroni sounds like angry chills with the inflections and I love it
An absolute goldmine of a stream, it was 5am and I couldn't stop laughing.
Thanks for streaming your PoV!
This is the stream of 2024, I love these two so much lol
I've watched this vod once after watching it live and I think I'm gonna watch it more later
This is IRyS living vicariously through Kronii's Tsuyo run
You did an amazing job Kronii. Also that was one of the funniest streams I've ever seen
Balapan Mario Kart 8 🏎️
This stream was actually so funny from the second it started right up until it ended lol
50 mins of Mario Kart 8 with IRyS! Great racing tonight Kronii! have a good evening!
@0:08 @9:32 *Kronii laugh*
@17:59 *Kronii groan*
Congrats on getting into Tsuyo cup Kronii, I knew you could do it! Thank you for such an unhinged and hilarious stream, those late night intrusive thoughts are strong!
conversation with IRyS after the game was sooo hilarious
Peak 3am discord calls moment
Kronii and IRys were hilarious! this has a great re-watch value!
Please let this vod survive
i don't think anything can top this stream. perfectly scuffed and i loved every second of it.
Congrats on getting in tsuyo cup and thanks for giving in to Hope and streaming it!! I didn't know what was happening the whole time but it was really fun and I would like more of it!! We got so many fucking swears too lmao! Thank you TimeRyS for the fun stream!
Thank you for the stream, Kronii! Congrats for getting into tsuyo cup, it was not easy and despite the results you still did great. I hope this VOD survives because it was pure gold and peak comedy.
Great stream Irys and good job to your guest Ouro Kronii
Kronii: "You're so immature"
Also Kronii: bullying Calli with a Whoppee cushion
I love them so much LOL
This is GOLD. Comedy gold.
How many times have I watched this vod?? They’re having such a good time lmao.
DrunkRyS and Maldronii the comedic duo of the century
Loving the unhinged 4am Kronii and Drunkirys moments in this collab. Thanks for the collab, Kronii.
Truly one of the streams of all time
this is one of thr funniest streams ive ever watched
I was dying this whole stream. Y'all were hilarious!
Well this was a fudging fever dream if I've ever seen one.
Kronii just focused on the game and having a good time with IRyS! Really nice! Congrats on the making it into Tsuyo Cup, Kronii! Aim higher for next year!
You two are hilarious
Kronii!! You can drive! You got in TSUYO!!! YOU’RE A TSUYO DRIVER!!!
Proud as you wouldn’t believe it! You did it! You gave it your all, you put in the work and you got in!!! You might be a bundle of nerves right now but you had us thousands jumping of joy! You’re a tsuyo driver!!!! I can’t stop screaming it!!! YOU’RE A TSUYO DRIVER!!!!
I-I think… I can… breathe again… The race… The post chat… I mean, WHAT WAS THAT POST CHAT!!?? (Can we do it again? With a few beers in the middle?) It’s too much for my poor old heart… You can drive Kronii!!!
Proud of you! You are a champion in our hearts!
That was great lol. Bless IRyS for making this stream possible, she deserves that extra 1st place.
I also enjoyed hearing Kronii swear in a low voice
Finally getting a chance to see the vod. Less than 5 minutes in and I NEED MORE OF THIS IRYS 😎😎
Thanks for the definitely not live stream Kronii!
Both so funny and heartbreaking to watch the run. U have done great work, which makes me join membership!
Thank you for streaming Kronii,I know there is a streamer debuff on you but you still did it for us ! I'm really grateful for that.
And this is the one of the funniest stream I have ever watched HAHA
So glad I woke up and decided to click on this stream 😂
just a fraction of kronii's mind
One of the best and funniest streams of all time FR FR. I enjoyed the conversations so much, and how Irys tried to calm Kroni with funny jokes and distractions all the time. You two are so funny! Rest weeell
Thank you for the stream Kronii, IRys
What an amazing stream. Thank you for showing us everything!
This is like a feature length film bluezkaito content videp 😩😩😩😭
that beginning was amazing god damn
I am very impressed with kronis ventriloquism.
This is not a stream, this is a twitter space lmao
Pretty unexpected stream but very welcomed. You and IRyS are so funny when you do silly things together so you should do this more often
Great job making it to the Tsuyo cup this year! Also this stream was golden haha!
Chaos stream!!!
This stream was too funny i got headache from laughing too much :(
Well that was a stream Thanks for streaming mid competition and congrats on making it to tsuyo cup
Hilarious and awesome moments with TimeRyS 😂😂😂
KroniIrys collab is the best way to start the year. ⏰😈
This stream was unhinged, but blessed, if that makes any sense lmaoo
Great job Kronii, and thank you drunk IRyS for this gift.
One of the most unhinged stream this year (we just started)
IRyS is such a good wingman.
6:35 that red shell ended up hitting Biboo who's already in 12th place, how unfortunate. I was watching Biboo's PoV and I thought it was you, Kronii. LoL
Absolute peak content.
I love TimeRyS so much man.
I saved this to favorites
I will pull this out in the future to very quickly make me happy lmao
UNPLANED streama feels authentic
It was a good effort and we're all proud of you for getting into the tsuyo cup!
That conversation went all kinds of places though, cheers IRyS for joining in
This is the best stream ever
Amazing stream to end the Mario Kart cup! Thanks Promise!
This... Is simply amazing talking about whales breeding kitties this is THE stream of all time
Thank you Irys for peer pressuring Kronii to stream.
ThanXD for the Stream Kronii!!!