One whole year later and nearly onto the next and this is helping me so much still. I just want to say I really do appreciate Kronii, my friends, and every other positive aspect in my life. No one may see this but I feel it really does get a huge weight off my chest. I'm happier now because of Kronii and she's the only one I can thank for this. ❤
I don't really follow v tubers honestly but this ASMR video is the one I always return to if I've had a bad day for whatever reason. Maybe projection but by her voice it sounds like she understands what a really really bad day feels like. I really appreciate the empathy in her tone.
Kronii I dont really know how to say this, but thank you. It's really nice to hear stuff like "its going to be ok" and “you’re safe” once in a while. Like genuinely thank you
I’ve been listening to this nearly everyday the past 5 months and it’s safe to say Kronii has saved me. As corny as it sounds, I’m thankful. Every night that I’m in rock bottom and felt the most uneasy, Kroniis words here never fail to calm me. The sense of realism mixed with her positivity fills me with strength.
I always come back to this when I get to that low point. and it helps keep me calm, I tear up sometimes cause I've always wanted to hear "its going to be okay" a hug and headpat would feel so lovely. Thank you Kronii for everything.
I know how everyone jokes about your "narcissism" but this ASMR really shows that you've gone through trials and you know how it feels. Thank you so much Kronii, I hope you have someone to talk to and receive positivity as well.
There’s a handful of ASMR videos I listen to regularly to help me fall asleep. This is one of them, and for obvious reasons. Her soothing voice adds a level of calming compassion to her kind words.
*ASMR* *TIMESTAMPS* (Start: 2:28) --------- *[Kronii* *Humming]* (30:56/31:48/32:45/39:30/48:16/51:05) *[Start]* 2:36 Hey Guys, Sorry for the wait… 3:42 Sound too low? 3:53-4:16 *FAN* *ASMR* 4:36 Kronii’s back 5:13 This is not a Zatsudan, Kronii’s going to… (She forgor) 6:12 "I was having a very painful time today so.." --------- *Positive* *Affirmations* *begin!* --------- 6:28 “You.. are doing enough.” / Kronii’s not gonna base it off herself! *[You* *are* *ok]* 7:00 “You, are ok.” 7:26 “Whatever happens.. Everything will turn out ok.” 7:43 “It’s going to be ok” 7:57 “You’re in control of your life, your actions, and you are safe.” 8:22 "You are safe.” 8:34 "If you’re going through a hard time, just know that things are going to get better" 8:53 "It's going to get better" 9:10 "Everyone that you know and care about are glad that you’re still here.. and sharing experiences together. 9:48 “It's ok to be angry. It’s ok. Don’t criticize yourself too much” 10:05 “Everyone makes mistakes” 10:20 "You’re going to be a better person at the end of it all." 10:46 "If life gets you angry, I know that happens, but you're going to experience more things and have better days" *[You* *Deserve* *happiness* / *Feeling* *negative* *is* *ok]* 11:25 “You deserve to be happy.” 11:49 “You deserve to be Healthy and excited for what’s going to come for you next.” 12:21 “Like I said, It’s ok to have negative emotions.” 12:44 "You’re not a bad person for feeling negative" 13:00 “You’re doing amazing with what you have.” 13:31 “I know things can get stressful and overwhelming, but it’s all going to pass 13:54 “I know you can get through it” 14:13 "Every cloud has a silver lining" *[You* *are* *Good* / *You* *are* *trying]* 14:44 “Be sure to surround yourself with good vibes and good people because… You are good people” 15:21 “That’s right. You are good. That’s right, You.” 15:59 “You can move forward." 16:07 "You can do better.” 16:23 “You're trying. And people who care about you will notice.” 16:57 “Don’t ever be upset that you’re not getting the results that you want, but give yourself a pat on the back... for just trying.” 17:31 “Sometimes it feels like a race, but it’s not.” 17:54 “You’re life has its own pace.” 18:10 “There’s no need to compare.” 18:20 “Even when people around you might do that, just know that you are at a good pace with what you’re capable of.” 18:51 “For that effort alone, I think it’s amazing.” 19:17 “Don’t ever sell yourself short.” *[You* *are* *wanted,* *and* *make* *a* *positive* *impact]* 19:47 “You are wanted, and welcomed amongst your friends and family because they all care about you." 20:32 “It's probably embarrassing to tell you that they care, but the fact that they still want to talk to you, and be in touch with you means that they want you around.” 21:19 “If you can't tell through their words or lack there of, look at their actions and you’ll see how much they care about you.” 21:52 “What’s most important is your well being, nothing else.” 22:11 “Sometimes, you have to take it easy.” 22:32 “Your presence makes a positive impact In your friends and families lives." 23:06 “You all deserve a good head pat, or a hug, just be sure to ask though. It might be awkward, but.. what are friends and family for right?" *[It's* *Ok.]* 24:05 “It’s ok that you don't have certain things in comparison to others because if your happy, that’s all the matters.” 24:41 “Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.” 25:06 “It’s ok to be tired.. It’s ok.” 25:17 “Just find some time for yourself and relax.” 25:47 “It’s ok.. It’s ok to feel down It's ok to be sad.” 26:09 “These feelings are normal.” 26:22 “I know that you guys have the strength to overcome those emotions.” 26:46 “I know you're strong.” 27:08 “It’s ok.” 27:26 “It’s going to be ok.” 27:40 “It’s ok if you feel alone. Because you're not.” 28:02 “You can always rely on your friends and your family.” 28:17 “One day there will be the right people coming into your life.” 28:51 “Appreciate the people around you and the company of yourself.“ *[Kronii* *Talks* *about* *herself]* 29:15 “Sometimes *I* like being alone and listening to some sounds of rain...” 29:48 “I’ve come to appreciate being by myself, but also being with others.” 30:21 “I think that.. _you_ _guys_ _should_ _try_ _it._ _It’s_ _amazing.”_ 30:56 *Humming~* *[Covering* *Your* *Ears]* 31:05 "I'm going to.. _try_ _something"_ 31:44 *Start* 31:47 *Hmming~* 31:56 "You're doing great, and It's going to be ok." 32:10 "Just find some time to relax and know that you are safe and sound." 32:45 *Hmming~* *[Breathing* / *Relaxing]* 33:08 “It's going to be ok.. Just take a deep breath" 33:18 “Breathe in... and breathe out." 33:47 "When you're breathing in.. feel the air going into your lungs.. and then breathe out" 34:31 Kronii* *drinks* *some* *water* 35:41 “You are at peace with yourself, with people.. and with your work." 36:17 “You are relaxing... you're are having time for yourself just forgetting about your problems, your worries.. In this moment." 37:15 *Kronii* *Laugh*
*[You* *are* *enough]* 37:24 "Just be aware that you are enough 37:38 "You are getting better 38:02 "Nobody can say anything bad about yourself because your friends, your family and *I..* are not going to let you do that to yourself. 39:01 "No more bad... _just_ _good."_ 39:29 *“Humming~"* 39:41 “You.. are worthy because you are star." 40:04 “You’re doing great." 40:40 *"I* hope that you guys can just sink into your bed, your couch anything 41:12 “Rest... Be at peace.” *[Compliments* / *Praises!]* 41:38 *“I* think I’ve told you already but, you are amazing 41:56 “Nobody has the skills that you have.” 42:16 “You all excel in other areas that other people just can’t compete with." 43:01 _”Awesome!_ _Amazing!_ _Thats_ _you!”_ *[Regrets* / *Worries* *are* *ok]* 43:46 "Even when you’re looking at me today For example, *I* made mistakes but now it's okay" 44:15 "I’m here with everyone" 44:40 “Everything will turn out ok” 44:51 “It’s ok to feel worried about the future 45:05 “Just know that You’re doing what you can in the present 45:27 “And your efforts, they show.” 45:52 “If there's something that you still get hung up about in the past, maybe you weren't the best person, maybe you were at a low point… But just know that you have improved to become better versions of yourselves." 47:12 “That person that you were in the past is not you anymore” 47:41 “It’s all about one step, at a time.” 48:16 *Hmming~* 48:31 “Just think: Out with the old, and in with the good.” *[More* *Praises!]* 49:40 *Kronii* *Laugh* 49:55 “Hey. Hey” 50:15 “You’re doing... splendid!” 50:26 “Fantastic!” 50:36 “Outstanding!” 51:05 *Hmming~* *[Kronii's* *Mantra:]* 51:16 "I'm going to give you.." 51:44 “You are going to be confident , and just know that you can seize your day, your week, your month. Heck you year, your life." 52:31 “You are in control . and every little thing that you do is going to change your perspective and your life." 53:02/53:13/53:30 "You are in control of your life." 53:37 “You have the skills, and the strength to achieve your dreams and your goals." 54:00 “Believe in yourself because, people that you care about and *I* believe in you." 54:30 “You can do it." 54:52 “No self-doubting.. Just do it." 55:05 “You can do it.” 55:17 “You are in control of your life." *[Breathing]* 55:39 “Let’s take a deep breath." 55:58/56:15 "Breathe in.. and breathe out…" 56:41 "You were able to do that _Just_ _by_ _yourself.”_ 56:54 "It doesn't have to be big things, you are in control of your actions like breathing." *[You* *are* *in* *control* / *You* *can* *do* *it]* 57:20 "You are in control of anything." 57:34 "You can do anything that you put your mind into." 57:49 “You can do it." 58:07 *“I* think you have what it takes." 58:20 “You're not alone because we’re all going through our own personal struggles." 58:39 “We’re all in this together." 59:18 “You know what *I* think? If others can do it, then *I* think you can do it.” *[Potential* *for* *the* *future]* 59:42 *"I* think you have potential." 1:00:05 “You have so many possibilities.. So many opportunities ahead of you.” 1:00:39 "It's never too late to try what you've always wanted to try.” 1:00:56 "If there's a new hobby that you want to take up, go do it! You can do it!” 1:01:16 "Nobody starts out being perfect at what they’re doing.” 1:01:45 "As long as you believe in yourself, you can do anything.” 1:02:01 "Don't let anything or anyone stop you.” 1:02:20 *"I* believe in everyone's potential to improve and put themselves on a path to a good life.” 1:03:00 "Even now, you are constantly changing.” 1:03:18 *"I* hope that you keep trying and be so surprised when you look back on yourself a few years from now” 1:03:55 "Believe in yourself because you are your greatest supporter If you make them your friend.” *["The* *FBI* *Has* *Found* *Kronii!]* 1:04:58 “I think I'm gonna run away now.” 1:05:32 "Remember what I’ve said” 1:05:44 "I hope that you can believe in yourself, because when you do...” 1:06:22 "I know you can be amazing” 1:06:51 "You can be just as good, If not better as long as you have that mindset” 1:07:19 “Ok, Take care” 1:07:39 “Pat Pat” 1:07:51 *Ending* --------- o7
There are a lot of people whose struggling and have no one who actually knows it, be it they kept things to themself or got no one to talk to, and I'm one of those people. Thank you for this Kronii, thank you for the words, sometimes we do need to hear it verbally spoken and be reminded. You, take care too kronii
I have been going through the worst year of my life with losing my cat recently. Feeling an empty hole in my heart. Finding it hard to deal with nasty thoughts if i dont distract myself. Going back to listen to this help me a little. Thank you Kronii
Man, this made me cry. I've been going through a low point again in my life, college is just so stressful and I'm burnt out, so it was really nice hearing this.
I always come back to this video from time to time, whenever I'm having a particularly rough time. It always helps to bring a bit of calm reassurance when I need it the most. ❤️
I decided to go back to this on a whim because I’ve been bummed out recently, and this has definitely helped me out tremendously. Thank you Kronii for doing this.❤
I don't know why, but hearing these kind of affirmations from Kronii feels super genuine. Maybe because we see her get flustered all the time. Feels like an old friend really helping you out when you're stressed. Thank you, Kronii! 😌💤
people really don't understand how much some people need to hear someone tell them things will be okay. Even if the person doesn't know you, your situations, a complete stranger taking the time to just say 'hey, you'll be okay' can be enough to hold someone back from the edge or give them the push or will to keep going or make it to the finish line.
Thanks for making this. I've felt completely alone tonight and so many things in my life feel like theyre falling apart completely. This came up in my recommended and it really made me feel better. Im crying 😭
Really appreciate that you did this asmr, Kronii. Painfull and upset years for me, so much negative thoughts in mind. Your asmr makes me feel peaceful and allow me to at least get some sleep. Wish all the best for everyone. o7
Getting over a toxic relationship at the moment and this was sort of the kind of thing I needed. While I doubt you’ll read this, I hope you have someone who can give you the positive affirmations you deserve.
I've never listened to an ASMR like this before, but I wanted to try this the night before I had my 1st day in court. I wanted to let you know how much this helped, especially being from you. I hope you do another of these soon. Thanks, Kronii. 💜
Hello, I had a major headache rn while trying to sleep, which to no surprise I couldn't. Though due to this headache I felt very stress and emotional. While I don't listen to asmr at all, this one actually calmed me down while I was in such an emotional state. I just wanted to say thank you! Even though the headache is still here, at least I feel more at ease. :)
A bit unorthodox, but I found this video really helps me with 'body doubling' when my ADHD is fighting me tooth and nail to keep me from getting just the simplest of chores done. The reassurances and calm words just help me keep the 'momentum' of getting up and getting things done. Thank you so much for everything Kronii, and not just this video, but just in general being wonderful to watch as a streamer and (not)comedian. You're a total dork and deserve the best.
”You are okay, you are okay, and... you're okay" - Kronii 7:01 🌟Quote of the year🌟 In all seriousness this was very kind of you to do for your audience. Genuinely touching ❤️
This really helped out a lot. I'm currently at the exam period for the end of my third year of uni and this is the most stressful it's ever been, but simply listening to Kronii saying positive things made me feel like everything is going to be okay. Her voice is beautiful, and hearing her speaking softly close to our ears was both super pleasant and calming. I also think it's really cool that she enjoys making these and was looking forward to today's stream like we were. Of course it would still be nice if she was doing it as a bit of fan service, but I guess it feels more special knowing that she likes it as well because happy moments are always best when you share them. Thank you Kronii!
Thank you so much, Kronii. I had a rough weekend, which left me in a depressive funk, but listening to your encouragement gave me a little courage to at least attempt to face the day.
I never knew that I needed this. I was tearing up throughout the stream. I’ve been struggling recently on my uni and along with working, think if all of this is worth it. Thinking if it’ll all work out. Your positive affirmation and your voice, calm and smooth yet powerful has calmed me down. Thank you kronii, thank you
Not gonna lie but I cried myself to sleep listening to this, I just couldn't take it anymore with all the stuff going on in my life. Ever since 2022 started nothing has been going well but I kept it inside until I saw this. After crying for most of the night I fell asleep and actually woke up feeling refreshed and ready, thank you kronii I really needed this without even realizing it.
Thank you for making this. Made my day. I hope whatever hardships you were/are going through Kronii are going okay for you now. We all wish you the best and are here for you
It just supportive whispers, but I felt like really miss something like that in my life. Especially now... And that is why I think this ASMR is special in comparison with others. I usually don't watch your videos, but you're amazing person and I hope everything in your live will be fine! Greetings from Russia!
Thank you very much for this Kronii. I'm currently experiencing a lot of hardships right now and on the verge of giving up. I really needed this, thank you my time warden 🙂🥹
For some reason the slow way she speaks here is really calming I usually am invaded with thoughts that hardly ever stop, so I always listen to fast paced things, but this helped me 💀
Thank you for this video, just broke up with my SO of 7 years and I really don't know what to do know or what to do but this video gave me the strength to keep going even a little bit longer
This is my third time that I’ve listened to this and I can’t help but to cry. I listen to this when I’m going through a tough time and after listening to this I feel better than before. I’m glad that I found this video cause it has helped me out.
If listening to this every time before I sleep is what keeps me going for the time being then so be it. That being said, thank you Kronii. I hope you can get some good rest as well.
@@ajinkyatarodekar9099 Oh, I missed that while surviving a few months in Mariupol. It's a pity it's not on a permanent basis, I dream of listening to Ray Bradbury's "Dandelion Wine" in her performance
Your voice and the affirmation remains my of a friend I hold dear and care about she gave a sense of calm and remind me of her thank you for the comfort
It really feels like Kronii did this from the heart. She had a bad day at this time and decided to give back and make other people's day better. Thats dedication.
Looked for a sleep ASMR and instead I got a life supporting ASMR. Actually woke me up from the sleep I was going to have because of all the events ( especially the painful ones) it makes you remember and feel while she says those affirmations. And at a point you think like... Damn, can't lie that she's right. And kinda gives you that strange courage to keep going, that will to stay strong, persist a-a-and...keep living with the thought that eventually if you live enough, something life-changing will actually happen. Stay strong brothers and sisters out there, the world is a bunch of b*llsh*t, but you all know deep down that by having kept on that little more, y'all actually got to witness something good in your life. That's the kind of support I am getting from this ASMR. Be patient with life. You'll eventually be rewarded. P.s. Please reply If what I said has something wrong with it.
Damn I'm really going through hell right now even unable to sleep properly but after listening to you at least I was able to lie down throughout the night and be as calm as I haven't been in weeks for a few hours tysm
I wanna thank you for this stream Kronii, it had perfect timing. Work was rough last week, so to hear all of this from you just feels so good. Genuinely, thank you for everything you do for us, and I hope we'll be able to pay it back to you with our support 💙
Man, I missed the livestream because I closed my eyes while waiting for it to start and I overslept. But tired as I was, I guess I would still have fallen asleep while whatching it, because this stream is so peaceful and calming. I think this ASMR can be perfect to meditation or autogenic training. For all the encouraging and kind words, I want to say "Thank you, Kronii". That and "No, you". PS: I also want to thank Thee for giving us the kanpai rights back. You are indeed a merficul Sovereign. PPS: 15:24 I know it was supposed to be wholesome, but the way you said "You. Are. Good." reminded me of a scene from Young Frankenstein and I couldn't help but laugh. I'm sorry.
So... Yesterday I laid in bed as I listened to the stream, and apparently it was so relaxing I fell asleep halfway through and woke up midnight with my headset on 😳kinda confused but fully blessed 🛐
Thank you very much, Kronii! I know we all struggle but if we can all help each other the world will be an overall better place! Your words are wise, Kronii… Keep it up, Kronii, you are doing fantastic work!
Thanks for this stream, Kronii Even when you don't know me at all, there's a magic when you say these words because there's a little part of me fighting to be heard that knows there's truth in them. I know for a fact that a lot of people care about you too! Take care, always
So I usually consume an asmr till I get a bit burnt out. Yours has been relaxing in an odd way. Your voice is rather husky, hoarse? And the personal-aspect to the beginning part was just. Hey... Narcicistic time warden :p you're doing enough. Happy April, k?
One whole year later and nearly onto the next and this is helping me so much still. I just want to say I really do appreciate Kronii, my friends, and every other positive aspect in my life. No one may see this but I feel it really does get a huge weight off my chest. I'm happier now because of Kronii and she's the only one I can thank for this. ❤
I'm at such a low point in my life that hearing positive affirmations is enough to make me cry. Thank you Kronii
It's always darkest before dawn, champ
You will find yourself smilling in "Don't do it fam! Look at this! Hard to believe that was almost x years ago" mood
You will be able to overcome whatever is in your way king. Just don't give up and you will succeed. Good luck
that's brutal
We've all been there at some point. As long as you soldier on you will get through. And it will be worth it.
I don't really follow v tubers honestly but this ASMR video is the one I always return to if I've had a bad day for whatever reason.
Maybe projection but by her voice it sounds like she understands what a really really bad day feels like.
I really appreciate the empathy in her tone.
Kronii I dont really know how to say this, but thank you. It's really nice to hear stuff like "its going to be ok" and “you’re safe” once in a while. Like genuinely thank you
I’ve been listening to this nearly everyday the past 5 months and it’s safe to say Kronii has saved me. As corny as it sounds, I’m thankful. Every night that I’m in rock bottom and felt the most uneasy, Kroniis words here never fail to calm me. The sense of realism mixed with her positivity fills me with strength.
I always come back to this when I get to that low point.
and it helps keep me calm, I tear up sometimes cause I've always wanted to hear "its going to be okay" a hug and headpat would feel so lovely.
Thank you Kronii for everything.
I know how everyone jokes about your "narcissism" but this ASMR really shows that you've gone through trials and you know how it feels. Thank you so much Kronii, I hope you have someone to talk to and receive positivity as well.
That's the whole point of the joke, she's playing a character. Kronii isn't really narcissitic, that's part of the shtick
There’s a handful of ASMR videos I listen to regularly to help me fall asleep. This is one of them, and for obvious reasons. Her soothing voice adds a level of calming compassion to her kind words.
*ASMR* *TIMESTAMPS* (Start: 2:28)
*[Kronii* *Humming]*
2:36 Hey Guys, Sorry for the wait…
3:42 Sound too low?
3:53-4:16 *FAN* *ASMR*
4:36 Kronii’s back
5:13 This is not a Zatsudan, Kronii’s going to… (She forgor)
6:12 "I was having a very painful time today so.."
*Positive* *Affirmations* *begin!*
6:28 “You.. are doing enough.” / Kronii’s not gonna base it off herself!
*[You* *are* *ok]*
7:00 “You, are ok.”
7:26 “Whatever happens.. Everything will turn out ok.”
7:43 “It’s going to be ok”
7:57 “You’re in control of your life, your actions, and you are safe.”
8:22 "You are safe.”
8:34 "If you’re going through a hard time, just know that things are going to get better"
8:53 "It's going to get better"
9:10 "Everyone that you know and care about are glad that you’re still here.. and sharing experiences together.
9:48 “It's ok to be angry. It’s ok. Don’t criticize yourself too much”
10:05 “Everyone makes mistakes”
10:20 "You’re going to be a better person at the end of it all."
10:46 "If life gets you angry, I know that happens, but you're going to experience more things and have better days"
*[You* *Deserve* *happiness* / *Feeling* *negative* *is* *ok]*
11:25 “You deserve to be happy.”
11:49 “You deserve to be Healthy and excited for what’s going to come for you next.”
12:21 “Like I said, It’s ok to have negative emotions.”
12:44 "You’re not a bad person for feeling negative"
13:00 “You’re doing amazing with what you have.”
13:31 “I know things can get stressful and overwhelming, but it’s all going to pass
13:54 “I know you can get through it”
14:13 "Every cloud has a silver lining"
*[You* *are* *Good* / *You* *are* *trying]*
14:44 “Be sure to surround yourself with good vibes and good people because… You are good people”
15:21 “That’s right. You are good. That’s right, You.”
15:59 “You can move forward."
16:07 "You can do better.”
16:23 “You're trying. And people who care about you will notice.”
16:57 “Don’t ever be upset that you’re not getting the results that you want, but give yourself a pat on the back... for just trying.”
17:31 “Sometimes it feels like a race, but it’s not.”
17:54 “You’re life has its own pace.”
18:10 “There’s no need to compare.”
18:20 “Even when people around you might do that, just know that you are at a good pace with what you’re capable of.”
18:51 “For that effort alone, I think it’s amazing.”
19:17 “Don’t ever sell yourself short.”
*[You* *are* *wanted,* *and* *make* *a* *positive* *impact]*
19:47 “You are wanted, and welcomed amongst your friends and family because they all care about you."
20:32 “It's probably embarrassing to tell you that they care, but the fact that they still want to talk to you, and be in touch with you means that they want you around.”
21:19 “If you can't tell through their words or lack there of, look at their actions and you’ll see how much they care about you.”
21:52 “What’s most important is your well being, nothing else.”
22:11 “Sometimes, you have to take it easy.”
22:32 “Your presence makes a positive impact In your friends and families lives."
23:06 “You all deserve a good head pat, or a hug, just be sure to ask though. It might be awkward, but.. what are friends and family for right?"
*[It's* *Ok.]*
24:05 “It’s ok that you don't have certain things in comparison to others because if your happy, that’s all the matters.”
24:41 “Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.”
25:06 “It’s ok to be tired.. It’s ok.”
25:17 “Just find some time for yourself and relax.”
25:47 “It’s ok.. It’s ok to feel down It's ok to be sad.”
26:09 “These feelings are normal.”
26:22 “I know that you guys have the strength to overcome those emotions.”
26:46 “I know you're strong.”
27:08 “It’s ok.”
27:26 “It’s going to be ok.”
27:40 “It’s ok if you feel alone. Because you're not.”
28:02 “You can always rely on your friends and your family.”
28:17 “One day there will be the right people coming into your life.”
28:51 “Appreciate the people around you and the company of yourself.“
*[Kronii* *Talks* *about* *herself]*
29:15 “Sometimes *I* like being alone and listening to some sounds of rain...”
29:48 “I’ve come to appreciate being by myself, but also being with others.”
30:21 “I think that.. _you_ _guys_ _should_ _try_ _it._ _It’s_ _amazing.”_
30:56 *Humming~*
*[Covering* *Your* *Ears]*
31:05 "I'm going to.. _try_ _something"_
31:44 *Start*
31:47 *Hmming~*
31:56 "You're doing great, and It's going to be ok."
32:10 "Just find some time to relax and know that you are safe and sound."
32:45 *Hmming~*
*[Breathing* / *Relaxing]*
33:08 “It's going to be ok.. Just take a deep breath"
33:18 “Breathe in... and breathe out."
33:47 "When you're breathing in.. feel the air going into your lungs.. and then breathe out"
34:31 Kronii* *drinks* *some* *water*
35:41 “You are at peace with yourself, with people.. and with your work."
36:17 “You are relaxing... you're are having time for yourself just forgetting about your problems, your worries.. In this moment."
37:15 *Kronii* *Laugh*
*[You* *are* *enough]*
37:24 "Just be aware that you are enough
37:38 "You are getting better
38:02 "Nobody can say anything bad about yourself because your friends, your family and *I..* are not going to let you do that to yourself.
39:01 "No more bad... _just_ _good."_
39:29 *“Humming~"*
39:41 “You.. are worthy because you are star."
40:04 “You’re doing great."
40:40 *"I* hope that you guys can just sink into your bed, your couch anything
41:12 “Rest... Be at peace.”
*[Compliments* / *Praises!]*
41:38 *“I* think I’ve told you already but, you are amazing
41:56 “Nobody has the skills that you have.”
42:16 “You all excel in other areas that other people just can’t compete with."
43:01 _”Awesome!_ _Amazing!_ _Thats_ _you!”_
*[Regrets* / *Worries* *are* *ok]*
43:46 "Even when you’re looking at me today For example, *I* made mistakes but now it's okay"
44:15 "I’m here with everyone"
44:40 “Everything will turn out ok”
44:51 “It’s ok to feel worried about the future
45:05 “Just know that You’re doing what you can in the present
45:27 “And your efforts, they show.”
45:52 “If there's something that you still get hung up about in the past, maybe you weren't the best person, maybe you were at a low point… But just know that you have improved to become better versions of yourselves."
47:12 “That person that you were in the past is not you anymore”
47:41 “It’s all about one step, at a time.”
48:16 *Hmming~*
48:31 “Just think: Out with the old, and in with the good.”
*[More* *Praises!]*
49:40 *Kronii* *Laugh*
49:55 “Hey. Hey”
50:15 “You’re doing... splendid!”
50:26 “Fantastic!”
50:36 “Outstanding!”
51:05 *Hmming~*
*[Kronii's* *Mantra:]*
51:16 "I'm going to give you.."
51:44 “You are going to be confident , and just know that you can seize your day, your week, your month. Heck you year, your life."
52:31 “You are in control . and every little thing that you do is going to change your perspective and your life."
53:02/53:13/53:30 "You are in control of your life."
53:37 “You have the skills, and the strength to achieve your dreams and your goals."
54:00 “Believe in yourself because, people that you care about and *I* believe in you."
54:30 “You can do it."
54:52 “No self-doubting.. Just do it."
55:05 “You can do it.”
55:17 “You are in control of your life."
55:39 “Let’s take a deep breath."
55:58/56:15 "Breathe in.. and breathe out…"
56:41 "You were able to do that _Just_ _by_ _yourself.”_
56:54 "It doesn't have to be big things, you are in control of your actions like breathing."
*[You* *are* *in* *control* / *You* *can* *do* *it]*
57:20 "You are in control of anything."
57:34 "You can do anything that you put your mind into."
57:49 “You can do it."
58:07 *“I* think you have what it takes."
58:20 “You're not alone because we’re all going through our own personal struggles."
58:39 “We’re all in this together."
59:18 “You know what *I* think? If others can do it, then *I* think you can do it.”
*[Potential* *for* *the* *future]*
59:42 *"I* think you have potential."
1:00:05 “You have so many possibilities.. So many opportunities ahead of you.”
1:00:39 "It's never too late to try what you've always wanted to try.”
1:00:56 "If there's a new hobby that you want to take up, go do it! You can do it!”
1:01:16 "Nobody starts out being perfect at what they’re doing.”
1:01:45 "As long as you believe in yourself, you can do anything.”
1:02:01 "Don't let anything or anyone stop you.”
1:02:20 *"I* believe in everyone's potential to improve and put themselves on a path to a good life.”
1:03:00 "Even now, you are constantly changing.”
1:03:18 *"I* hope that you keep trying and be so surprised when you look back on yourself a few years from now”
1:03:55 "Believe in yourself because you are your greatest supporter If you make them your friend.”
*["The* *FBI* *Has* *Found* *Kronii!]*
1:04:58 “I think I'm gonna run away now.”
1:05:32 "Remember what I’ve said”
1:05:44 "I hope that you can believe in yourself, because when you do...”
1:06:22 "I know you can be amazing”
1:06:51 "You can be just as good, If not better as long as you have that mindset”
1:07:19 “Ok, Take care”
1:07:39 “Pat Pat”
1:07:51 *Ending*
Thankyou kind sir o7
GG for the time stamps my boi!
Thank you 💙
1:04:24 Her silence after the airplane/helicopter, her thinking and then laughing at her own joke is one of the cutest things Ive ever seen lmao
wish she did more ASMR, shes really good at it.
There are a lot of people whose struggling and have no one who actually knows it, be it they kept things to themself or got no one to talk to, and I'm one of those people. Thank you for this Kronii, thank you for the words, sometimes we do need to hear it verbally spoken and be reminded. You, take care too kronii
Same, I'm glad kronii did this💙💙💙
You too, mate
선물 같은 asmr이네요
중간중간 크로니가 웃을때 긴장이 풀려요
듣는것 뿐인데 이렇게 간단히 마음이 편해지면 제 걱정이 매우 가볍게 느껴져요
긍정적인 기운 항상 많이 받아가요
건강하게 얼른 돌아와요!!방송이 언제나 기다려져요 크로니라서 고마워요
I have been going through the worst year of my life with losing my cat recently. Feeling an empty hole in my heart. Finding it hard to deal with nasty thoughts if i dont distract myself. Going back to listen to this help me a little. Thank you Kronii
i hope your heart heals from such a devestating loss. rest in peace to your cat
@@supmynameisunknown thank you for your kind words
Starts at 2:29
Thank you Kronii!
Man, this made me cry. I've been going through a low point again in my life, college is just so stressful and I'm burnt out, so it was really nice hearing this.
U got this Bro i believe in you
I always come back to this video from time to time, whenever I'm having a particularly rough time. It always helps to bring a bit of calm reassurance when I need it the most. ❤️
I decided to go back to this on a whim because I’ve been bummed out recently, and this has definitely helped me out tremendously. Thank you Kronii for doing this.❤
Makes me very happy to see how many views this VOD has gotten to.
I don't know why, but hearing these kind of affirmations from Kronii feels super genuine. Maybe because we see her get flustered all the time. Feels like an old friend really helping you out when you're stressed. Thank you, Kronii! 😌💤
I started to cry while listening to this. Thanks for the positive affirmations, Kronii. You are so wonderful with these ASMR streams
people really don't understand how much some people need to hear someone tell them things will be okay. Even if the person doesn't know you, your situations, a complete stranger taking the time to just say 'hey, you'll be okay' can be enough to hold someone back from the edge or give them the push or will to keep going or make it to the finish line.
Thanks for making this. I've felt completely alone tonight and so many things in my life feel like theyre falling apart completely. This came up in my recommended and it really made me feel better. Im crying 😭
Having kronii giving any positive affirmations is so much good, that could probably make my day! Thanks, Kronii!
oh my goodness. her voice is ridiculously calming. when i first heard it i nearly melted, beautiful!
The biggest reason why I watch Kronii is because of her voice. This ASMR from her is a Godsend!
Kronii is ACTUALLY surprisingly good at asmr, she just doesn’t do it enough
You have such a soft and caring voice and it comes through that you know how hard life can be. Thank you for this stream
Really appreciate that you did this asmr, Kronii.
Painfull and upset years for me, so much negative thoughts in mind.
Your asmr makes me feel peaceful and allow me to at least get some sleep.
Wish all the best for everyone.
I am gonna make this comment even though I know no one is going to read this, but I feel better now. Thank you!
At least 15 people did bro, and I'm glad you do
Make that 17
Make that 26
You’ve been seen brother. 29 and counting :)
31 and going up, glad you feel better man
Getting over a toxic relationship at the moment and this was sort of the kind of thing I needed. While I doubt you’ll read this, I hope you have someone who can give you the positive affirmations you deserve.
Ayy good luck bro
Good luck mate
I've never listened to an ASMR like this before, but I wanted to try this the night before I had my 1st day in court. I wanted to let you know how much this helped, especially being from you. I hope you do another of these soon. Thanks, Kronii. 💜
I had a major headache rn while trying to sleep, which to no surprise I couldn't. Though due to this headache I felt very stress and emotional. While I don't listen to asmr at all, this one actually calmed me down while I was in such an emotional state. I just wanted to say thank you! Even though the headache is still here, at least I feel more at ease. :)
A bit unorthodox, but I found this video really helps me with 'body doubling' when my ADHD is fighting me tooth and nail to keep me from getting just the simplest of chores done. The reassurances and calm words just help me keep the 'momentum' of getting up and getting things done.
Thank you so much for everything Kronii, and not just this video, but just in general being wonderful to watch as a streamer and (not)comedian. You're a total dork and deserve the best.
”You are okay, you are okay, and... you're okay" - Kronii 7:01 🌟Quote of the year🌟
In all seriousness this was very kind of you to do for your audience. Genuinely touching ❤️
This really helped out a lot. I'm currently at the exam period for the end of my third year of uni and this is the most stressful it's ever been, but simply listening to Kronii saying positive things made me feel like everything is going to be okay. Her voice is beautiful, and hearing her speaking softly close to our ears was both super pleasant and calming.
I also think it's really cool that she enjoys making these and was looking forward to today's stream like we were. Of course it would still be nice if she was doing it as a bit of fan service, but I guess it feels more special knowing that she likes it as well because happy moments are always best when you share them. Thank you Kronii!
Good luck with exams!
@@isaachester8475 Thank you! I'll do my best
Good luck with exams!
Same. Final are coming soon and I’ve been stressing. Best of luck to you, let’s do our best!
@@sleepyarcheremiya955 Thank you!
I never noticed how pretty Kroni's voice was untill now. Like, seriously. Pretty is the only way I can put it.
This is really something.
Thank you so much, Kronii. I had a rough weekend, which left me in a depressive funk, but listening to your encouragement gave me a little courage to at least attempt to face the day.
Facing the day is what it’s all about man
Kronii's voice is perfect for ASMR. Thank you Kronii
Thank you, Kronii. I hope you also feel good about yourself and I hope the things that made your day bad get better eventually.
I never knew that I needed this. I was tearing up throughout the stream. I’ve been struggling recently on my uni and along with working, think if all of this is worth it. Thinking if it’ll all work out. Your positive affirmation and your voice, calm and smooth yet powerful has calmed me down. Thank you kronii, thank you
Not gonna lie but I cried myself to sleep listening to this, I just couldn't take it anymore with all the stuff going on in my life. Ever since 2022 started nothing has been going well but I kept it inside until I saw this. After crying for most of the night I fell asleep and actually woke up feeling refreshed and ready, thank you kronii I really needed this without even realizing it.
Thank you for making this. Made my day. I hope whatever hardships you were/are going through Kronii are going okay for you now. We all wish you the best and are here for you
It just supportive whispers, but I felt like really miss something like that in my life. Especially now...
And that is why I think this ASMR is special in comparison with others.
I usually don't watch your videos, but you're amazing person and I hope everything in your live will be fine!
Greetings from Russia!
A true feel good about your stream.
A lot of people probably needed to hear this. Thank you Kronii.
The breathing part was really nice and centering. 💙 I think I may come back to this when I feel a bit too spent from work. Thank you.
Thank you very much for this Kronii. I'm currently experiencing a lot of hardships right now and on the verge of giving up. I really needed this, thank you my time warden 🙂🥹
I needed this SO MUCH.
Also it's hard not to fall for this voice.
This unironically helped me cry for the first time in literally 6 or 7 months
I expected sweet nothings but ended almost wanting to cry... it was pretty good.
Kronii needs to be a voice actor for a Makoto Shinkai film. My Lord. Her voice and words are so healing and pierce the heart, for real.
For some reason the slow way she speaks here is really calming
I usually am invaded with thoughts that hardly ever stop, so I always listen to fast paced things, but this helped me 💀
Thank you for this video, just broke up with my SO of 7 years and I really don't know what to do know or what to do but this video gave me the strength to keep going even a little bit longer
Stay strong brother. All you can do Is wake up and work on yourself for your own sake.
Kronii’s ASMR could end wars.
This is my third time that I’ve listened to this and I can’t help but to cry. I listen to this when I’m going through a tough time and after listening to this I feel better than before. I’m glad that I found this video cause it has helped me out.
If listening to this every time before I sleep is what keeps me going for the time being then so be it.
That being said, thank you Kronii. I hope you can get some good rest as well.
Kronii should do another ASMR. Her first two were all time bangers
Thank you for making this Kronii. It is very generous of you to put yourself out there and creating this seriously. Much love 💙
I just found this today, but thank you for cheering me up.
It would be perfect if Kronii could make reading books ASMR streams...
Plot twist: She reads The Road by Cormac Mac Carthy.
@@ajinkyatarodekar9099 Oh, I missed that while surviving a few months in Mariupol. It's a pity it's not on a permanent basis, I dream of listening to Ray Bradbury's "Dandelion Wine" in her performance
inb4 she pulls a Calli and does a "Shrek is love, shrek is life" reading
@エイリアンズ[Aliens] 今、眼鏡と本を持った Kronii の代わりに、金砕棒を手に持った青い鬼を想像しました、ありがとう
Maybe a reading some public domain stories with book flipping sound is one of the possible thing to do for Kronii
Your voice and the affirmation remains my of a friend I hold dear and care about she gave a sense of calm and remind me of her thank you for the comfort
Thank You Kronii~ Just Thank you for your ASMR streams, helps me cope on what's happening with my life right now, thank you~ 😍🙏
It really feels like Kronii did this from the heart. She had a bad day at this time and decided to give back and make other people's day better. Thats dedication.
Looked for a sleep ASMR and instead I got a life supporting ASMR.
Actually woke me up from the sleep I was going to have because of all the events ( especially the painful ones) it makes you remember and feel while she says those affirmations. And at a point you think like... Damn, can't lie that she's right. And kinda gives you that strange courage to keep going, that will to stay strong, persist a-a-and...keep living with the thought that eventually if you live enough, something life-changing will actually happen. Stay strong brothers and sisters out there, the world is a bunch of b*llsh*t, but you all know deep down that by having kept on that little more, y'all actually got to witness something good in your life. That's the kind of support I am getting from this ASMR.
Be patient with life. You'll eventually be rewarded.
P.s. Please reply If what I said has something wrong with it.
There are a few things you've said here that helped tip me over when I need to cry, thank you for that kronii
thank you Kronii, you are my savior
Damn I'm really going through hell right now even unable to sleep properly but after listening to you at least I was able to lie down throughout the night and be as calm as I haven't been in weeks for a few hours tysm
Kronii ASMR’s are the most blessed. 💙 Thank you, Queen!
2:36 start
I feel extremely comforted with this audio....thank you, Time Goddess Kronii 💙
Thank you for this stream, i've been down for a while and this was just perfect to cheer me up
Thank you Kronii, I didn't realize how much I needed this!
Didn’t know I needed this. Kronii, you’re really sweet, thank you so much.
Why must you have such a nice voice
This is now one of my go to vids before I sleep
Thank you Kronii, I needed this.
I still can’t get over how beautiful of a voice kronii has
listening to this while doing homework while being in a very confusing/complicated time of my life. Thank you so much Kronii for this
Martin Scorsese wishes he could make content this good
I- don’t comment on videos often, Kronii affirmation reminds me of someone I love, and the similarities in voice tone my heart just dropped. :c
Muchas gracias Kronii, ojala hicieras más ASMR. Relajas demasiado ☺️
y que no bajara el tono de su voz ya naturalmente es ASMR
hermano del asmr concuerdo con usted
this one hit to close to home can't emotionally cope with it.
I dunno if I've ever felt so calm.
The voice. Why did she hide this deep, rich, honey smooth voice from us. I need to hear this more fucking often
The thumbnail is divine!
Please do this again Kronii I need to hear your beautiful voice like this again 😭
Thank you for the blessed ASMR Kronii 💙💙💙
I wanna thank you for this stream Kronii, it had perfect timing. Work was rough last week, so to hear all of this from you just feels so good. Genuinely, thank you for everything you do for us, and I hope we'll be able to pay it back to you with our support 💙
Man, I missed the livestream because I closed my eyes while waiting for it to start and I overslept. But tired as I was, I guess I would still have fallen asleep while whatching it, because this stream is so peaceful and calming. I think this ASMR can be perfect to meditation or autogenic training.
For all the encouraging and kind words, I want to say "Thank you, Kronii". That and "No, you".
PS: I also want to thank Thee for giving us the kanpai rights back. You are indeed a merficul Sovereign.
PPS: 15:24 I know it was supposed to be wholesome, but the way you said "You. Are. Good." reminded me of a scene from Young Frankenstein and I couldn't help but laugh. I'm sorry.
This came at the perfect time for me, I deeply appreciate this, thank you time lady.
Would love another ear cleaning section in your next asmr, you did very well and I’d love to hear a longer version
So... Yesterday I laid in bed as I listened to the stream, and apparently it was so relaxing I fell asleep halfway through and woke up midnight with my headset on 😳kinda confused but fully blessed 🛐
Thank you very much, Kronii! I know we all struggle but if we can all help each other the world will be an overall better place! Your words are wise, Kronii… Keep it up, Kronii, you are doing fantastic work!
Thanks for this stream, Kronii
Even when you don't know me at all, there's a magic when you say these words because there's a little part of me fighting to be heard that knows there's truth in them.
I know for a fact that a lot of people care about you too! Take care, always
Kronii you are amazing thank you
This gave me the motivation I needed to finally work on improving my life.
Thank you so much for this kronii. This is very very appreciated and much needed.
…somehow I just want to give Kronii a warm hug
So I usually consume an asmr till I get a bit burnt out.
Yours has been relaxing in an odd way. Your voice is rather husky, hoarse? And the personal-aspect to the beginning part was just.
Hey... Narcicistic time warden :p you're doing enough. Happy April, k?
Everyone's going through something let's all try and treat each other a little better