That's why I think QB should have mentioned at 6:25, that if you only have two or three tier 8's, to make sure they don't use the same crew, or you won't be able to play them if your first tank is dead and the battle is still on.
@@FunkyVader In my opinion Lorr40t is a dated tank. It was shining back in the day when it was released. I have enjoyed it for years. But nowadays... well, it is too situational. And depends on a team too much. The flexibility you have with Bourrasque or even Projetto 46. Make Lorr look quite bleak.
Lorr is probably my most favourite premium .. I have full setup for gun handling (experimental tier 3, bond stabilizer and bounty aiming) and it is whole different tank .. great pen, great speed, great clip
I play it with experimental turbo, bounty optics and v stab and it is solid tank. You just need to have solid team who does not melt down and to catch people off guard
I would say the t34-3 is another tank you should get for bonds. It is a very solid premium med with pref MM. But this lorr is def the first choice for anyone IMO.
Last year I got the Lorraine pretty much as soon as it was available in the bond store. I underestimated how painful the gun handling will be (I'm a F2P-player, so I don't use food). I have the same setup as QB, but Lorraine is so situational for me. I've had great games (in the realms of 4k+ dmg), and many sub 1k games. For a slightly above average player, I have to say that Lorraine 40t requires a buck ton of patience and map-knowledge. Other than that, it's a nice support MT in any matchup. One more thing, I see many people trying to spot with Lorraine, I'd say it's not a good idea, because if the sheer size of it - you need an enormous bush to fully hide in.
@philipje1 I have both and would recommend both. The T-34-3 is an exception to the typical pref-mm tank rule wherby they normally get a lower tier gun but the T-34-3 actually has a gun that any regular tier8 premium tank would be proud of in regards alpha and the armor is pretty decent too for those rare vs lower tier battles. The main difference is the STG has a much better handling gun, dispersion and standard pen but it does see tier10 battles the T-34-3 doesn't but the gun handling on the T-34 is poor compared to the more silky gun handling meds though is very workable once you get used to it and fully aim most shots, and still has a very decent 250 pen heat which again, is very good for pref mm. I've a slightly higher win rate with the STG over the T-34-3 by 3% but I'm averaging about the same 2k per battle so like I said they're both really nice and imho pretty good. The Bourasq is top dog obviously but that's just a disgustingly op tank, and the Progetto is a great 2nd best tier8 med subjectively speaking but after that the STG and T-34-3 are as competitive as a the rest more or less.
@@jackalsniper892 122tm does not have pref. mm. Also has way lower dpm. Only thing it has going for it, is more hull armor, but the T-34-3 is significantly faster too.
I remember when it was tier 9, and had 6 shots, 232 pen wasn't great though. Took about 50 seconds to reload with vents, and prem consumable, and good crew skills.
It's a hard tank to play well and I don't think a lot of the playerbase are good enough to make it work well enough to be considered a tank they'd enjoy playing very often. It's very large, no armor, "ok'ish" camo, a leasurely 2.5 intra-clip reload and a painfully slow 32 second mag reload. That being true, on the plus side it's free, it's got decent pen and shell velocity for a T8 med since typically played for grinding credits, it has above average premium ammo pen, it's fast, good view range, it's an autoloader which just always tend to be fun and indeed if played properly it can be fun clipping tanks with 1,200 hp or less.
Tbh, that Char was in a pretty good spot even if the TVP were to use the bushes because he was behind cover and would be able to see the TVP push out of the bushes. Cant see that from behind the rock.
Lorraine 40t is a fossil of a tank from a different age of WoT. It has been far eclipsed by numerous other premium vehicles that better fit the current meta. Absolutely a waste of bonds for a beginner.
I remember when it first came back as a premium. It was so powerful. But even now, when i havent played the game in three years, I know it was a tough tank to master, you had to be patient and calculated, but it was great. Nevertheless I cant imagine playing it in today world of tanks where everything has 300mm of armor, goes 100kph, has an autoloader with 15 sec reload, 62839362920 shells with 0.1 intra clip reload. Lorr must be powercreeped by now
@@Embur12 Idk, when i was playing i was able to do almost consistently 2,5k dmg sessions with it. I know the mark would be 3k but its just not a boras. For me the tank is fun and it's my most played t8.
@@Embur12 Ahahaha, I wouldn't call myself a good player tho. I guess I'm just a special breed who enjoys Mutz :P. (I dont even have 8k battles over 12 years, i rarely play the game)
no way your already going to be releasing daily video's for the rest of the year, that's wild, but awesome! Looking forward to a great start of the morning when up early on the train on my way to college, honestly sounds like a blessing. I'll definitely be picking up a Lorraine after seeing this, quite enjoy the gameplay it provides :D
As someone who has hundreds of matches and 3 marks on my KV5. You 100% do NOT need to spend 10k credits on it for fuel to have fun. I have never used it and have fun. It's rounds also cost almost nothing making it very hard to lose money even if you spend that 10k. I honestly do often wonder if QB plays the same game as the rest of us
@@kingderpington6082 New players get trapped in a bot-only matchmaking/"playpen" until they reach tier 9 or 10, or they pay money for a premium tank. I found this out recently when inviting a friend via referral program - bruv got trapped with the bots until he got himself a tier 9 or 10 tank.
@@kingderpington6082I agree, for the last 4 years since I am playing wot, I had around 200 people on my friend list with whom I was playing the game. At any time of the day/week I always had 20-30 poeple online with whom I was able to play platoons, now it is usually 5-6 same people online. Not to mention that I changed 3 clans in 6 months due to inactivity.
I love his channel it is my favorite. But I would like to see QB in, well every comparison every review. In a game or two with bond equipment etc. But I'd also like to see a game or two with a two or three skill crew. Repair, gas and fire extinguisher. And regular rounds. Cap yourself to two or three premium. Just so people like myself and others can see how a tank performs with what most of us have versus what we could have. I own a ton of tanks as I played and played and didn't understand the crew system many years ago and so I don't have very many high five skilled crewmembers. I like to level up every line so I never am rolling in credits either. And new players absolutely would not understand
I’m three marking it rn. I use turbo, bounty rammer, and the exp device for aim time and dispersion. Combined with field mods, my lowest damage in 50 games is 2k and my highest is 7k. It feels really good to play a tank where a 750 alpha hit is more like a flesh wound.
It skill needs a decent buff to gun handling, but I also enjoy it. People will ignore you bc they think your tank won’t hit them. But the damage stacks up after 4-5 connecting shots. Play support, and poke in between reloads = easy farming
I think defender might be the best of the credit making bond tanks. One of my Quickybaby commanders is in a defender, maybe one day he will get to command one of the tier 10 soviet heavys.
Any auto loader, but especially the Lorraine, probably isn’t the most beginner friendly and not the most meta, but it’s also a tank (with its play style) doesn’t need to spam gold all the time. Besides, you get a cool-looking baby AMX 50 100
It's not for everyone. Many will find it difficult to play, especially if they do not have a good crew with at least 4 full skills and if they are not ready to invest in better than basic equipment. It's my favorite, my crew is 6 full skill and I use a pink vertical stabilizer for equipment, improved rotation of the turret, pink color, improved aiming to be more accurate. It works for me
@@lordbogus1985 yes. And a very nice one at that. It might not be "historical" but it is super plausibe and realistic. A stark contrast to all the clowns camo WG bombards us with for whatever strange reason. I really would like to understand the business decision for the clowns camo phenomenom.
I think the answer to "why am I firing HEAT?" (and/or APCR) should readily spring to mind: the game has been designed to be played with that ammunition.
I have been thinking for some time now to get this tank, and/or the T-103 for bonds. I got it as a rental for some years ago, and I remember I liked it back then. Most likely, I will buy it.
5:55 let's be fair, I would not call the weak point of a Liberté tiny. It is very much considerable size. The Patriot ha much smaller cupola, but of course, it's body armour is trash
Actually sold my AMX CDC because I want to get something better for Frontline. From what I heard is the Lorraine is pretty ok in Tier 8. Way back in like 2015 when it was a Tier 9 I really loved it
A great video and it even put me in the mood for a few games it in.. Not a great player but 2nd game was a 2nd place with 3 kills and made 170k silver. Defo a Tank to get for silver making
Might wanna try playing the "Wank" and get a clue, don't let the tumor scare you the gun handling on the Med is deviously good. Or keep sitting back making false judgements based on what you think rather than Know.
@@animalyze7120 how about you don't try to spread misinformation about a tank that is nothing more than pure garbage I 3 marked it, the gun is horrible, bad accuracy, mediocre DPM, bad movement dispersion values, bad aim time, oh and it only goes at 40, has 380m viewrange for a tier 9 tank with a giant tumor cupola, and the armor isn't good enough to justify the crap mobility so unless I'm unaware of some special drugs that make me see the gun as "deviously good", this tank is worthless, oh and literally, because you can't even sell it properly, you get like 2K credits for selling, and you can't even justify its existence for being a premium, because it's not a premium tank, so no extra credits or bonds, which would be the only saving grace for this shit
@@southsideboyz9463 well no. But i do have pretty much all heavies without camo. There is no point to spend credits or gold on camo for a Maus or Type 5 Heavy. They are the biggest boxes on earth and that extra camo wont do shit
I don't know why i play this game, I'm a weekend player, I'm average - not good, not bad. However today yet again, I've played 14 games, won 4 lost 10 and I'm consistantly in the top half of the team by damage and xp. Why should i continue to play a game where i lose more than win, it's so demoralising, i feel down after playing, this isn't fun!
I think the way they rig the MM to put you in to losing streaks to "balance" your overall WR is pretty clumsy. As you get more and more total battles play, the streaks get longer and longer. I just don't even look at daily WR any more. Your last 1000 battles WR is the first level of it being relevant in my opinion. As long as the defeats aren't all of the 0-15 in under 5min variety I don't even care any more. So long as I'm doing alright for personal stats, I'll keep playing through the losing streaks now.
No, I adore the tank myself but that thing is simply not worth the 8k bonds. Easy to get caught, the downtime is also horrendous compared to newer autoloading or auto-reloading prems. For 8k bonds go for either the Patriot, KV 5 or the Alpine Tiger if you don't mind the gun handling. (Also great for Trade Event where you get gold for the ELC). Even then I'd save up the bonds for the M60 or 121B.
Any auto loader tank exceeding a 30 second reload is a no go for me, although I did do really well when prime gaming had it available for a rental, it was just very frustrating too many times getting rushed with no chance to defend yourself.
I'd say if you have AMX 50 100 and perform relatively well in it, (Played it well enough that you don't make a net loss in silver earning playing it.) then there's no reason to get Lorraine 40t as almost everything is the same between the two, except 50 100 has worse camo and probably agility in exchange for ability to delete a full health Tier 7 and some Tier 8 in a single clip. Granted, if you can make AMX 50 100 perform well, then you'd probably perform even better with the Lorraine 40t as the situation where you get to dump the entire 6-rounds clip of 50 100 is exceedingly rare in an actual fight, and the shorter reload time also less punishing than almost 1 minute of reload that 50 100 has.
Nah it's need to research the line to get the vehicles. Prefer to use the premium version of it (somua sm) since no need to research from start. although it's have weaker burst dmg since have only 5 rounds instead of six
What to do: When you researched all lines, your favorite tanks all jacked with bond equip, but still sitting on 1 million free XP, 38k silver, 5k gold still left from last year Holiday ops, and 38k bonds. Not a great player but playing since beginning. Not crying about it and not a great player, just wish there was one more level of expert.
Join a clan, get the clan wars tanks for ~50k bonds each or free from playing a lot competitively. Save 1 million free exp each 6 months for an assembly shop tank to name a few.
Me as a yellow player i have much less damage on other prems then on lor 40t or skorpion g or ebr 75 fl. I'm choosing the wrong side all the time or my team dies very quickly and i want to have the ability to go somewhere else and do some damage
I've been playing this for so long... back in the day, it was a simple tier 9 tank, before the batchat 25t. And t54e1 used to be a medium. And we could kill idiot team members...what good times were those...😂😂😂
Not all player can reach it though. need to be silver ranks at least in onslaught mode to buy. Which pretty hard unless you have good skill and vehicle.
@@italiancountryball865 foch is a fun run and dump tank with 395 heat and a long reload, everything pens the weakpoint on top. For sure fun but that's about all that's going for it. Going for the 268 V5 as my next bond tank
@@MaJkeL5000 It's the same tier and it offers nothing compared to Lorraine. 2 extra shells that you can't use 8/10 times without getting farmed at the price of 13 s longer reload, intra-clip reload, gun handling, aiming time, mobility, camo and the worst thing - 50 100 gets matched against other heavy tanks while being support medium tank which kinda of sucks.
Did my guy really compare the guard to a t-103? They are basically the opposite of each other. The guard is sneaky, stealthy, quite mobile, slim and no armor. T-103 is a slow armored elephant.
I never understood why WOT tanks are locked if you're still in battle. I highly recommend WOT do as World of Warships does and lets you play your ships/vehicles all the time without delay.
Quickybaby always make a mediocore tank become OP tank. Lorraine 40 ton has been in the game for years and alkready been outshine by bourasque and other autoureloading tank such as Progetto 46.
99% of WoT matches never make it to YT; to anyone wanting to try out this game, please don't - this match is one in a million; normally WoT is like counter-strike with 90% matches ending within 4-4.5 minutes.
0:52 That Batchat bounce was actual plot armour and I hate it
CC RNG works both ways I guess...
Average Batchat accuracy
@@daek2344 screen not hit :D screen is some kind of unpenetrable pixel on a tank 😂 stalins protection
And 1:53
Another bonus about the Lorr 40t, it has the exact same crew as the Char Futur 4 and Bourassque/Miel. 1 crew for 3/4 tanks :D
That's why I think QB should have mentioned at 6:25, that if you only have two or three tier 8's, to make sure they don't use the same crew, or you won't be able to play them if your first tank is dead and the battle is still on.
its great for me as I have an almost maxed out BC 25T crew, so whenever I need to make credits I just switch it to the lorr 40t
I agree. I use same crew on Bc25t, in loraine and char.
Have the Borat and the Char 4, just bought the Lorr 40t.
@@FunkyVader In my opinion Lorr40t is a dated tank.
It was shining back in the day when it was released.
I have enjoyed it for years. But nowadays... well, it is too situational. And depends on a team too much.
The flexibility you have with Bourrasque or even Projetto 46. Make Lorr look quite bleak.
Lorr is probably my most favourite premium .. I have full setup for gun handling (experimental tier 3, bond stabilizer and bounty aiming) and it is whole different tank .. great pen, great speed, great clip
Wow, definitely gonna try that build.
I play it with experimental turbo, bounty optics and v stab and it is solid tank. You just need to have solid team who does not melt down and to catch people off guard
I would say the t34-3 is another tank you should get for bonds. It is a very solid premium med with pref MM. But this lorr is def the first choice for anyone IMO.
T 34 3 is the GOAT for brawling/trading lmao. You also overmatch Vipera.
Last year I got the Lorraine pretty much as soon as it was available in the bond store. I underestimated how painful the gun handling will be (I'm a F2P-player, so I don't use food). I have the same setup as QB, but Lorraine is so situational for me. I've had great games (in the realms of 4k+ dmg), and many sub 1k games. For a slightly above average player, I have to say that Lorraine 40t requires a buck ton of patience and map-knowledge. Other than that, it's a nice support MT in any matchup. One more thing, I see many people trying to spot with Lorraine, I'd say it's not a good idea, because if the sheer size of it - you need an enormous bush to fully hide in.
I enjoy the Lorr, but I wouldn’t recommend it for most players. It requires a very specific play-style that can be hard for players to adjust to.
STG is a really underrated medium tank.
Why pick a stg when you can pick a T-34-3 who ALSO has pref MM for some reason
@philipje1 I have both and would recommend both. The T-34-3 is an exception to the typical pref-mm tank rule wherby they normally get a lower tier gun but the T-34-3 actually has a gun that any regular tier8 premium tank would be proud of in regards alpha and the armor is pretty decent too for those rare vs lower tier battles.
The main difference is the STG has a much better handling gun, dispersion and standard pen but it does see tier10 battles the T-34-3 doesn't but the gun handling on the T-34 is poor compared to the more silky gun handling meds though is very workable once you get used to it and fully aim most shots, and still has a very decent 250 pen heat which again, is very good for pref mm.
I've a slightly higher win rate with the STG over the T-34-3 by 3% but I'm averaging about the same 2k per battle so like I said they're both really nice and imho pretty good. The Bourasq is top dog obviously but that's just a disgustingly op tank, and the Progetto is a great 2nd best tier8 med subjectively speaking but after that the STG and T-34-3 are as competitive as a the rest more or less.
What tank should I get for bonds, already have patriot, I’m considering the defender, or guard, about t34 3, I already have 122tm
@@jackalsniper892 122tm does not have pref. mm. Also has way lower dpm. Only thing it has going for it, is more hull armor, but the T-34-3 is significantly faster too.
@@philipje1 what about heavies? I saw that Chrysler and defender both have armour, which one should I get?
I remember when it was tier 9, and had 6 shots, 232 pen wasn't great though. Took about 50 seconds to reload with vents, and prem consumable, and good crew skills.
I needed this conversation. Thanks QB.
It's a hard tank to play well and I don't think a lot of the playerbase are good enough to make it work well enough to be considered a tank they'd enjoy playing very often.
It's very large, no armor, "ok'ish" camo, a leasurely 2.5 intra-clip reload and a painfully slow 32 second mag reload.
That being true, on the plus side it's free, it's got decent pen and shell velocity for a T8 med since typically played for grinding credits, it has above average premium ammo pen, it's fast, good view range, it's an autoloader which just always tend to be fun and indeed if played properly it can be fun clipping tanks with 1,200 hp or less.
At least its not 45s like the AMX 50 100. But that thing has 6 shots in the mag, one-clipping any tier 8.
Try GSOR 1008 and its suffocating and unbearably long *45 sec* (!!!) of reload time, and THEN cry about the previous pain
Tbh, that Char was in a pretty good spot even if the TVP were to use the bushes because he was behind cover and would be able to see the TVP push out of the bushes. Cant see that from behind the rock.
Lorraine 40t is a fossil of a tank from a different age of WoT. It has been far eclipsed by numerous other premium vehicles that better fit the current meta. Absolutely a waste of bonds for a beginner.
But great if you know how to use it! I love mine!
I remember when it first came back as a premium. It was so powerful. But even now, when i havent played the game in three years, I know it was a tough tank to master, you had to be patient and calculated, but it was great. Nevertheless I cant imagine playing it in today world of tanks where everything has 300mm of armor, goes 100kph, has an autoloader with 15 sec reload, 62839362920 shells with 0.1 intra clip reload. Lorr must be powercreeped by now
From the bond store i really liked the Mutz. It nothing special but the gold ammo feels soo satisfying with that 1400 something velocity
Mutz is absolute trash as it does nothing well...
@@Embur12 Idk, when i was playing i was able to do almost consistently 2,5k dmg sessions with it. I know the mark would be 3k but its just not a boras. For me the tank is fun and it's my most played t8.
@ wow no fun factor for others. Sold that pos in a couple hours. Not easy for a noobie to play. Wouldn’t recommend that to my mortal enemy
@@Embur12 Ahahaha, I wouldn't call myself a good player tho. I guess I'm just a special breed who enjoys Mutz :P. (I dont even have 8k battles over 12 years, i rarely play the game)
no way your already going to be releasing daily video's for the rest of the year, that's wild, but awesome! Looking forward to a great start of the morning when up early on the train on my way to college, honestly sounds like a blessing. I'll definitely be picking up a Lorraine after seeing this, quite enjoy the gameplay it provides :D
As someone who has hundreds of matches and 3 marks on my KV5. You 100% do NOT need to spend 10k credits on it for fuel to have fun. I have never used it and have fun. It's rounds also cost almost nothing making it very hard to lose money even if you spend that 10k. I honestly do often wonder if QB plays the same game as the rest of us
Of course not, currency, gold, bonds, equipment. It doesn't matter to him anymore.
Totally agree,
His play style is way different than the rest of us now and he became like a news anchor 😂
I love wz114. Its a good tank.
T-34-3 & T 103 are great tanks which work for me.
My Lorr 40T is one of my favorite Premium tanks. Full bond equipment and a great win ratio, great credits, fun gameplay, I could go on.
Lorr 44 t is not recommended for newbie. Is good & fun but not good for beginners.
Sure it is, noobs bought the BBQ and every other auto loader why not the Lorraine? Gamed is completely trashed.
idk how many newbies there are in wot, my understanding is that the playerbase is losing players every month, no holding steady or gaining.
@@kingderpington6082 New players get trapped in a bot-only matchmaking/"playpen" until they reach tier 9 or 10, or they pay money for a premium tank. I found this out recently when inviting a friend via referral program - bruv got trapped with the bots until he got himself a tier 9 or 10 tank.
@@kingderpington6082I agree, for the last 4 years since I am playing wot, I had around 200 people on my friend list with whom I was playing the game. At any time of the day/week I always had 20-30 poeple online with whom I was able to play platoons, now it is usually 5-6 same people online. Not to mention that I changed 3 clans in 6 months due to inactivity.
@@kingderpington6082 Lots of players have 40k+ games played and still play noob.
I love his channel it is my favorite. But I would like to see QB in, well every comparison every review. In a game or two with bond equipment etc. But I'd also like to see a game or two with a two or three skill crew. Repair, gas and fire extinguisher. And regular rounds. Cap yourself to two or three premium. Just so people like myself and others can see how a tank performs with what most of us have versus what we could have. I own a ton of tanks as I played and played and didn't understand the crew system many years ago and so I don't have very many high five skilled crewmembers. I like to level up every line so I never am rolling in credits either. And new players absolutely would not understand
actually better if we dont invest in tier VIII anymore,next year will apear the tier XI and slowly games will be around tier IX :)
Lorr 40t is definitely fun. Just so hard to play when your team is playing too passively.
That was a good video QB. Thank you for that.
Excellent video blending info on premium tanks for bonds with game play of one
Great subject matter QB and as always advice to embrace. Fellow tankers remember the Tier VIII premium is wonderful in Frontline!
Excellent thinking at the end!
KV5 still works fine with the 5k fuel
I kind of enjoy the WZ114 after min-maxing the aim time and movement dispersion as much as possible.
Rammer verts bond gld
I’m three marking it rn. I use turbo, bounty rammer, and the exp device for aim time and dispersion. Combined with field mods, my lowest damage in 50 games is 2k and my highest is 7k.
It feels really good to play a tank where a 750 alpha hit is more like a flesh wound.
It skill needs a decent buff to gun handling, but I also enjoy it. People will ignore you bc they think your tank won’t hit them.
But the damage stacks up after 4-5 connecting shots. Play support, and poke in between reloads = easy farming
@@Bagheera2 I use bounty vert stabs, bounty vents and fire control system T3. I get just under 3s aim time and 0.21 dispersion.
@@Tankers4Change A buff, especially to the aim time would be amazing.
I think defender might be the best of the credit making bond tanks. One of my Quickybaby commanders is in a defender, maybe one day he will get to command one of the tier 10 soviet heavys.
Any auto loader, but especially the Lorraine, probably isn’t the most beginner friendly and not the most meta, but it’s also a tank (with its play style) doesn’t need to spam gold all the time. Besides, you get a cool-looking baby AMX 50 100
This tank needs buff in gun handling if not in dpm
What about Chrysler K GF? Is it a decent tank or should I avoid getting it?
It's not for everyone. Many will find it difficult to play, especially if they do not have a good crew with at least 4 full skills and if they are not ready to invest in better than basic equipment. It's my favorite, my crew is 6 full skill and I use a pink vertical stabilizer for equipment, improved rotation of the turret, pink color, improved aiming to be more accurate. It works for me
Is the special camo of the Lorr40t included in the bond version?
It has special camo?
It's not, sadly.
@@lordbogus1985 There is a "cardboard" 2D style exclusive to the lorr 40t
@@lordbogus1985 yes. And a very nice one at that. It might not be "historical" but it is super plausibe and realistic. A stark contrast to all the clowns camo WG bombards us with for whatever strange reason.
I really would like to understand the business decision for the clowns camo phenomenom.
T103 is a really solid option
Great vid. Cant wait for a video each day!
Glad you like them!
i remember that this tank used to be tier 9 in the french tech tree
Love the Lorr.
I think the answer to "why am I firing HEAT?" (and/or APCR) should readily spring to mind: the game has been designed to be played with that ammunition.
I have been thinking for some time now to get this tank, and/or the T-103 for bonds. I got it as a rental for some years ago, and I remember I liked it back then. Most likely, I will buy it.
get the T-103.lorr is really hard to play.
I love my Lorraine 40t. Favorite bond tank. Astron Rex also a solid choice.
5:55 let's be fair, I would not call the weak point of a Liberté tiny. It is very much considerable size. The Patriot ha much smaller cupola, but of course, it's body armour is trash
My favorite tank, not the best, but my favor. Focus on aiming speed and stability will make this tank (or any autoloader) become deadly machine
HI, Im not sure i follow . Are you saying you get bonds with the lorr 40 T.
I would love to see a new review om the foch 155....
Why no one talk about IS-5? I think it’s great after all the buffs.
Ayyy one of my favourite French tanks! It looks so cool
Actually sold my AMX CDC because I want to get something better for Frontline. From what I heard is the Lorraine is pretty ok in Tier 8. Way back in like 2015 when it was a Tier 9 I really loved it
One lucky game and you recomend this cardboard tank?
No, I use it as a platform to discuss all the bond tanks worth thinking about.
Sooo, would he recommend getting the Lorr for bonds? There was no wrap-up or conclusion.
How's the Chrysler K? I want a tank with the best of all 3, gun, mobility, armor. I have a preference of gun and armor, if there's nothing with all 3.
Apart of low standart pen a no gun depression it has all 3.
A great video and it even put me in the mood for a few games it in.. Not a great player but 2nd game was a 2nd place with 3 kills and made 170k silver. Defo a Tank to get for silver making
as long as you are good at playing the ambush/situational plays without armor, this tank is a no-brainer.
2:20 you are correct, it's not bad, it's horrible, the only tank I can think of at tier 9 that is worse is Patton The Wank
Might wanna try playing the "Wank" and get a clue, don't let the tumor scare you the gun handling on the Med is deviously good. Or keep sitting back making false judgements based on what you think rather than Know.
@@animalyze7120 how about you don't try to spread misinformation about a tank that is nothing more than pure garbage
I 3 marked it, the gun is horrible, bad accuracy, mediocre DPM, bad movement dispersion values, bad aim time, oh and it only goes at 40, has 380m viewrange for a tier 9 tank with a giant tumor cupola, and the armor isn't good enough to justify the crap mobility
so unless I'm unaware of some special drugs that make me see the gun as "deviously good", this tank is worthless, oh and literally, because you can't even sell it properly, you get like 2K credits for selling, and you can't even justify its existence for being a premium, because it's not a premium tank, so no extra credits or bonds, which would be the only saving grace for this shit
enemy TVP didnt bother painting his tank...smh
So what? I have plenty of tanks without camo
@@thijsjansen7600 its a mistake. You ALWAYS should have something
@@thijsjansen7600I bet you have light tanks without camo too 😂
@@southsideboyz9463 well no. But i do have pretty much all heavies without camo. There is no point to spend credits or gold on camo for a Maus or Type 5 Heavy. They are the biggest boxes on earth and that extra camo wont do shit
@ You’d be surprised.
Wish WG would make a directive that was only usable on techtree/collector tier 8 tanks that made it make premium tank credits.
Whay about the fosh?
Good use of cap mechanics, wish others would think that way.
I don't know why i play this game, I'm a weekend player, I'm average - not good, not bad. However today yet again, I've played 14 games, won 4 lost 10 and I'm consistantly in the top half of the team by damage and xp.
Why should i continue to play a game where i lose more than win, it's so demoralising, i feel down after playing, this isn't fun!
This game rigs every battle for certain outcome, even WG admited that themselves.
I think the way they rig the MM to put you in to losing streaks to "balance" your overall WR is pretty clumsy. As you get more and more total battles play, the streaks get longer and longer. I just don't even look at daily WR any more. Your last 1000 battles WR is the first level of it being relevant in my opinion. As long as the defeats aren't all of the 0-15 in under 5min variety I don't even care any more. So long as I'm doing alright for personal stats, I'll keep playing through the losing streaks now.
play the tanks you are statistically good at and actually enjoy playing and nothing else, simple as that
Hi, same with me. But if mm annoys me too much, I just quit for the day. Life s too short to get upset for hours all the time
I dont get bonds anymore from playing tier 9 tanks .. is it because free account or what?
T9 Premium give bonds, not tech tree tanks
No, I adore the tank myself but that thing is simply not worth the 8k bonds. Easy to get caught, the downtime is also horrendous compared to newer autoloading or auto-reloading prems. For 8k bonds go for either the Patriot, KV 5 or the Alpine Tiger if you don't mind the gun handling. (Also great for Trade Event where you get gold for the ELC).
Even then I'd save up the bonds for the M60 or 121B.
Any auto loader tank exceeding a 30 second reload is a no go for me, although I did do really well when prime gaming had it available for a rental, it was just very frustrating too many times getting rushed with no chance to defend yourself.
One good thing in wot is bonds premiums i have like 6 of them now and never spend any money on game from 2010 when i started playing
40T is great. Not for bonds, but it's fun
I have 1700 bonds.. which premium tank is best to splurge on?
the more idiot proof the better
I screwed up and spent my bonds just before Onslaught store opened, so not spending on anything yet
I'd say if you have AMX 50 100 and perform relatively well in it, (Played it well enough that you don't make a net loss in silver earning playing it.) then there's no reason to get Lorraine 40t as almost everything is the same between the two, except 50 100 has worse camo and probably agility in exchange for ability to delete a full health Tier 7 and some Tier 8 in a single clip.
Granted, if you can make AMX 50 100 perform well, then you'd probably perform even better with the Lorraine 40t as the situation where you get to dump the entire 6-rounds clip of 50 100 is exceedingly rare in an actual fight, and the shorter reload time also less punishing than almost 1 minute of reload that 50 100 has.
Nah it's need to research the line to get the vehicles. Prefer to use the premium version of it (somua sm) since no need to research from start. although it's have weaker burst dmg since have only 5 rounds instead of six
You get more money with the lorr
Stop flipping us off Quicky! lol
having a couple at least is good for front line too.
Love it , still nice but with full apcr
what about the Guard T8 , someone know if it's easy to play ?
Thanks QB
i will def spend after i get bc 25t to grind bonds
What to do: When you researched all lines, your favorite tanks all jacked with bond equip, but still sitting on 1 million free XP, 38k silver, 5k gold still left from last year Holiday ops, and 38k bonds. Not a great player but playing since beginning. Not crying about it and not a great player, just wish there was one more level of expert.
Join a clan, get the clan wars tanks for ~50k bonds each or free from playing a lot competitively. Save 1 million free exp each 6 months for an assembly shop tank to name a few.
Get a live 😂😂😂😂
Me as a yellow player i have much less damage on other prems then on lor 40t or skorpion g or ebr 75 fl. I'm choosing the wrong side all the time or my team dies very quickly and i want to have the ability to go somewhere else and do some damage
Incoming Lorr. 40 T nerf in next patch.
I got the 40t the defender and more before they became bond tanks i guess iam lucky
Thanks QB!!!
Why did you give up uploading in 4k?
Lorr 40 t is sick
Chrysler k solid tank.
The best thing about the patriot is the dirt cheap ammo. Make that thing go brrrrr.
I've been playing this for so long... back in the day, it was a simple tier 9 tank, before the batchat 25t. And t54e1 used to be a medium. And we could kill idiot team members...what good times were those...😂😂😂
Patriot, KV-5, Alpine Tiger. Great bond tanks.
Alpine Tiger is for suckers
@@derrickstorm6976 wrong. you have a skill issue.
I always buy the Alpine Tiger when a trade in event is happening 😅 best value, 5.500 gold discount
@@MatthiasBouillon it is actually a decent tank. good armor, good mobility, good alpha damage, pref mm
Save them and get a kpz
Not all player can reach it though. need to be silver ranks at least in onslaught mode to buy. Which pretty hard unless you have good skill and vehicle.
I play from a different timezone and onslaught time is right during day time work lol no chance for me
Save up for the 121b
It's great. Only downside is the gun depression.
if it didnt have a 40 second reload
The original commentary was funny 😂
People saying Lorraine 40t and 50t suck are the actual bad players that troll every game and send messages post game insulting you
1:40 oh no, not the highest damage per minute game
I spent my bonds on the Foch 155. Right now after a few weeks of playing I have a 64% win rate in it. With an average damage of 4.5k
Yeah, i'm close to getting it but i couldn't decide if i should get the Foch or the Obj 268 V5
@@italiancountryball865 foch is a fun run and dump tank with 395 heat and a long reload, everything pens the weakpoint on top. For sure fun but that's about all that's going for it. Going for the 268 V5 as my next bond tank
Actually the AMX 50 100 is better than Lorr 40t, so i don´t see reason to spend so that much bonds..
The 50 100 isn't a premium tank.
@Shimejiii it's not but its 1 tier lower and still better 😀
@@MaJkeL5000 It's the same tier and it offers nothing compared to Lorraine. 2 extra shells that you can't use 8/10 times without getting farmed at the price of 13 s longer reload, intra-clip reload, gun handling, aiming time, mobility, camo and the worst thing - 50 100 gets matched against other heavy tanks while being support medium tank which kinda of sucks.
@@MaJkeL5000 lorr 40t and AMX 50 100 are both tier 8
@@MaJkeL5000 no it's same tier, also it's regular tech tree need a research which need a lot of exp to make it better.
Did my guy really compare the guard to a t-103?
They are basically the opposite of each other. The guard is sneaky, stealthy, quite mobile, slim and no armor.
T-103 is a slow armored elephant.
I never understood why WOT tanks are locked if you're still in battle. I highly recommend WOT do as World of Warships does and lets you play your ships/vehicles all the time without delay.
Lore 50t best tank
QB all that zooming and panning at the end in the free camera was downright dizzying... if you're going to do more of this, please be more sedate.
spent my bonds on the t26e5p. Worst mistake I have ever made
252u is strong until you meet xm or contradictorius or bz and its not xD 440 alfa vs 700 alfa
Quickybaby always make a mediocore tank become OP tank. Lorraine 40 ton has been in the game for years and alkready been outshine by bourasque and other autoureloading tank such as Progetto 46.
2:02 for better pronunciation read the first part like "bliss" ... bliss-kavica not buiskavica like you said there
99% of WoT matches never make it to YT; to anyone wanting to try out this game, please don't - this match is one in a million; normally WoT is like counter-strike with 90% matches ending within 4-4.5 minutes.
That started when WG started rigging rng to speed up matches. Before that, games lasted a lot longer and were rarely so lopsided.