Torquemada is on the top of a mountain near an old burned down village and not to far from the US border and there isn't very much there, it is in the Diez Coronas Region of Nuevo Paraiso it is mainly used as a look out for the reserve federales to keep an eye on that area and there is a castle like building on the ground level on the right side is a living quarters for the men to relax in when off duty and a dining room and a kitchen, up above is bedroom with a couple of beds and back on the ground floor on the left side is another bedroom with several beds, a storage and supply room, above it is the Sergeants office and quarters, and on the very top is the sentry tower where the guards keep a watch and look down on the area surrounding them for illegal activities they might spot.... In front of the building on the left is the equipment storage and weapons room and also keep dynamite in there and across from it is another storage room and downstairs yet another storage room.... There are usually seven federales there and are usually in the tower keeping alert over the areas below them and walking the grounds in between the buildings and have a table out front where they play cards and they rarely leave the mountain unless they see illegal activity going on the road below and have to go and apprehend them.... Sometimes they walk around the ruins of the old village making sure that no one is hiding out and down below on the trail leading to the road is an old wooden structure that where a couple of guards occasionally stand during the night making sure nothing gets past them.... From the road looking up at Torquemada it looks abandoned but when you reach the top you will find the federales stationed there the sentries in the tower and the upper grounds on duty and the ones off duty are in bunkrooms asleep or in the kitchen or out playing cards, it is usually very quiet up here and sometimes when you are up here you forget about what is down there unless you are up in the tower, well that's Torquemada in Nuevo Paraiso.
Torquemada is on the top of a mountain near an old burned down village and not to far
from the US border and there isn't very much there, it is in the Diez Coronas Region of
Nuevo Paraiso it is mainly used as a look out for the reserve federales to keep an eye on
that area and there is a castle like building on the ground level on the right side is a living
quarters for the men to relax in when off duty and a dining room and a kitchen, up above
is bedroom with a couple of beds and
back on the ground floor
on the left side is another bedroom with several beds, a storage and supply room,
above it is the Sergeants office and quarters, and on the very top is the sentry tower
where the guards keep a watch and look down on the area surrounding them for illegal
activities they might spot....
In front of the building on the left is the equipment storage and weapons room and also
keep dynamite in there and across from it is another storage room and downstairs yet
another storage room....
There are usually seven federales there and are usually in the tower keeping alert over the areas
below them and walking the grounds in between the buildings and have a table out front where
they play cards and they rarely leave the mountain unless they see illegal activity going on the road
below and have to go and apprehend them....
Sometimes they walk around the ruins of the old village making sure that no one is hiding out and
down below on the trail leading to the road is an old wooden structure that where a couple of guards
occasionally stand during the night making sure nothing gets past them....
From the road looking up at Torquemada it looks abandoned but when you reach the top you will find
the federales stationed there the sentries in the tower and the upper grounds on duty and the ones off
duty are in bunkrooms asleep or in the kitchen or out playing cards, it is usually very quiet up here and
sometimes when you are up here you forget about what is down there unless you are up in the tower,
well that's Torquemada in Nuevo Paraiso.