tell me why I have an untrimmed cooking vape 😭😭😂😂 I came back to the game after like 2-3 years off and had 10m in the bank, soooooooooooo I bought a shit ton of grapes and jugs lmfao
@@OfficialDreamTheater most of the time when I'm using the farming cape, I also need to bank anyway. Running to the bank chest and then immediately to the spirit tree for house is pretty convenient
@@CausticTitan same. I just love how multifaceted the Construction skillcape really is. At first I thought "oh, that's stupid. Just free house teles." When you have virtually every possible teleport you could want with tree/fairy ring combo, necklaces, jewelery, and nexus... it's phenomenal.
Honestly rushing construction when I started has always been the best choice I've made. I turned money from rs3 into 500m in osrs and spent a week straight just spending it all on construction doing tables with a demon butler. Having a rejuv pool, spirit tree fairy ring combo, jewelry box, altar, portal nexus, armor stand, all that with just a right click when I was only at combat level 60ish? That has been a godsend for doing literally everything in the game.
Yeah but becareful who you choose as a gold swap middle man clan some ranked people in swap clans do steal and they are protected seen a friend get scammed with video footage because he was nervous about swapping but nothing happened he never posted the video.
Achievement Diary cape has so many fantastic teleports for clue scrolls, teleports to an easy fairy ring with tzhaar teleport, easy bank on 2, easy spirit tree with elder gnome child, brimhaven teleport, etc. I think putting it anywhere but S tier is a bit silly, the thing is just so versatile and I almost always use it for a number of different things, can't say the same for any other cape on the list. Good list all the same, plenty of things I agree with, some I don't, but yea, love the achievement cape.
The problem is that it’s a jack of all trades but a master of none. A lot of those teles are obsolete by the time all the requirements for the cape are met, besides the bank tele
@@bwfextreme a ton of the teles are BiS for clues and having a singular teleport item for multiple things (while others may do it slightly better) makes it well worth.
NGL, after listening to this while replaying OSRS for the first time since I was a kid, it sounds like except the max cape, all of the skill capes need a rebalance because they mostly sound pretty worthless by the time you get them and that's just depressing.
I always Farm cape tele > spirit tree to GE. It takes just a little bit more time. Spirit trees save lives. No wasted GP. Things to consider with the farming cape is that it puts you right in between a spirit tree and a fairy ring. Sure, there are quicker options, but it’s such a good cape due to the opportunities provided.
My good man, I found your content yesterday while I was looking for stuff to listen to as background noise while working my 9-5... i proceeded to binge all of your 9-5 afk content and have now moved onto everything else! I love your content! thank you to you and all the commentors for the great ideas to afk to help out with my stats!! Keep up the phenomenal stuff my good man! **** also the way you say "FELLAS" give me such a seratonin/dopamine rush it is hilarious.
Not only is farming cape close to the bank, the bank is a couple tiles from a spirit tree, which means farming cape is almost a construction cape aswell. My favourite cape on my ironman rn
UIM's like the attack cape. Sometimes you need a duplicate defender to go in the stash so you can take out the defender without taking the slayer helm.
A better use of the POH spirit tree might be the other way around. If you have one in your house and the one in the farming guild, you can tele to the house, go through the spirit tree to the farming guild and get to a bank really quickly, making the crafting cape obsolete, especially if you want to restore your stats on the way.
@@sttthr You're spot on. It's my go to move. No one ever talks about the 2nd closest bank. Methinks content creators are trying to keep it a closely guarded secret
One thing you forgot about the farm cape is it is an easy bank and POH teleport! IF only it teleported you to the high tier entrance! But it is still a fast run to the bank in the central chamber then sprit tree to house and all the teleports there. I view the game as before I had the farm cape and after I had the farm cape. Bossing is SO much easier with the farm cape. For example Zurah, start at at farm guild bank, sprit tree to POH and fairy ring to Zulandre fight boss, farm cape out of instance and restock. I sell all my teleports for major bank especially with the cost of scales being greatly diminished from what they were pre blow pipe nerf and pre mass bots!
Yeah exactly. He's off his rockers for throwing the prayer cape into a B tier category. But then again he doesn't know what he's talking about so. I won't be watching his videos from here out
@@andrewmathie7295I mean, holy wrench is always worse than just bringing another prayer pot so.. it's hardly a big mistake lol, that makes it go from useless to trash. Not a big upgrade.
Also something you didnt mention about the questcape: an indirect 'bonus' is that it is the hardest requirement for elite lumbridge & draynor diary. Which is the most OP diary of them all; the best quality of life upgrade in osrs (no dramen/lunar staff needed) any more, free 30 high alchs for while bursting, and also unlocks like 3 total slayer blocks in total. It is almost essential for slayer training.
It's a cool idea however most people with maxed atk can make more than whatever it costs to buy a trouver parchment in the time it takes to farm a dragon defender I think. Ironmen could benefit though!
@@selkokieli843 takes like 5 mins. The time issue has always been collecting the tokens. A defender is like a 1/100 drop rate. With max gear you’re blitzing through them. Spend an hour one day, get a full inventory, you’re set for a looong time.
@@selkokieli843 yup, trouver + fee is around 1m, and it can sometimes take multiple hours to get a dragon defender drop. I can make over 6m/hr at Venenatis so you can believe I'd prefer to keep my defender trouvered. (although it's avernic now as well, so until this week's update there was no real way it was going to lose it's locked status at the content I run)
I would definitely argue for the attack cape perk as actually being really nice! I've lost over 10 defenders in my hunt for the vetion pet. It really was nice not having to worry about getting smited for a lot of gp and afking defenders is a lot better than losing 10m. I wouldn't do this without the perk though.
As someone who did Runecraft post 99, I wanna say that the cape perk is a Godsend. Went for the pet and made the entire process super zen, now that I wasn't getting interrupted any more. I admit it's pretty useless in any other scenario, though. Plus the untrimmed RC cape is one of the nicest flexes :p
@@bamf6603 Flexing in game or just IRL to friends. I have a friend who started playing after me (I quit the game) and has since surpassed me in just about everything. He often playfully talks smack about his achievements in OSRS compared to mine and I always hit him back with the ol' "What's your Runecraft-level?" haha.
@@bamf6603 Not a clue. I stopped playing a while back, so I'm not really up to date. Logged in to see what the fuss was about when Guardians of the Rift was introduced, but that's it.
@@bamf6603lava runes are still the fastest xp, but guardians of the rift is a moderately fun mini game that has great rewards and money for about half the xp rate of lavas. There's also zeah runecrafting that is one of the best afk moneymaker in the game for 30k xp an hour. I think mining is currently considered the worst skill by most people just because it has similar xp rates and click intensity of runecraft, minus 90% of the profit.
One more thing for the farming cape. It gives you convenient access to a spirit tree, connecting you efficiently to both the GE and your POH. That's the main reason i prefer the Farming Guild over the Crafting Guild.
Mage Cape should be S+ tier. It offers a function which no other item in game can provide, and is incomprehensibly powerful when used in high degrees of pking. Mage Cape swaps alone have netted me hundreds of millions of gold over the years. I assume you're a PvMer and not a PKer so the value seems lesser to you, but for a pker it is exponentially better than all the rest.
Always love seeing how different play styles add different benefits, I try to go as neutral as possible for videos like this but its actually really helpful to see other perspectives!
@@NoLeather 100% agree with this. Being able to freeze with ice barrage, and then teleblocking them as they will feel safe dropping mage pray for more dangerous stuff e.g. ags. The mage cape does essentially what a cheat client wishes it can do and that is being able to pk on different spellbooks at the same time, although balanced by the limitations
I would confidently put diary cape in S. Tele 2 is basically crafting cape tele, but with 2 clicks instead of 1. The rest of the teleports can be niche, but they can get you all around the map and can remove the need for other teles in your inventory depending on content you're doing. There's even a tele near a spirit tree, which can put you right in your PoH if you are really wanting to maximize inventory. The biggest thing overlooked with this cape, though, is the sheer amount of account progress that comes with it. The perks of the elite diaries and all the gear from them are pretty massive. Quest cape here is mentioned as a quintessential item for account progression, which is true, but QPC is only one of the reqs for diary cape. Plus, it has BIS emote.
Strength cape is great on the super low level pures in pvp worlds (like, below 60-65 combat), since it’s rare for other gamers in that bracket to also have that cape
Haha, thank you for that; that is how I pronounce my username, but I do love hearing non-british people say it xD I know you mentioned ironmen having a slightly different rating on a couple of these capes, but I imagine most of the capes are in a similar spot; not like the "best skills" video. Oh, also I've gotten back into OSRS this year and I realised that I didn't really know very much at all about PvMing. I wonder if you would be interested in giving an intro to PvM? Maybe gear to work towards, bosses to begin with, what kind of skills they require (technical and skilling), stuff like that? Cheers :D
Range cape and magic cape should be s tier. I have an alter in my poh yet 9/10 times i will use the cape at the bank instead of at my poh as i typically am switching my spell book at the bank while gearing up for a certain activity whether thats switchig to normals for vorki or alchs when doing slayer or ancients for tob or inferno or lunars for veng. The ranging cape is only cape that is used insted of the typical assembler/quiver/firecape/inferno cape/MA2 cape as the prayer bonus and defensive bonus from the trimmed version make it a better choice when doing inferno for your first cape. As well as the accumulator function of the cape works with out haveing to do animal magnetism so its a great alternative to neich limited accounts.
Another cool video idea could be an ideal path on what skills you should max/level first for account progression. Similar to the ideal quest plug-in for Runelite
Any cape that can tele you near a bank is great. The crafting cape is obviously the best for this, but even the strength cape and fishing cape are pretty useful.
Only needing 1 vork head for all your range capes and max capes making it a 99k assembler makes it S tier for wildy content and then assembler for pvm. Sad not a single mention of how good the animations are.
Tbh I used to use the fishing cape as my substitute for the crafting cape on my old account. Its kinda sad that both untrimmed capes I've had have legit been useless, my first account was woodcutting, my current account is smithing. I am kinda proud that I've managed to keep my stack of smithing capes untrimmed though.
Farming was my second 99 and I use the farming guild teleport all the time. The fact that it's so close to a spirit tree and a bank means I use it for literally everything. I'm not really ready to sink a ton of money into Construction yet, so the Farming cape is a super affordable and amazing alternative.
Still early on in the video, but some of those capes ranking I also think depend on whether or not you are looking at it through the lens of an Ironman. Some capes become much better when you are an iron. For example you have to cook your own food as an iron and the guaranteed no burn is good for certain foods like anglers and manta ray Edit: I see you addressed the Ironman thing and that makes sense. Think your reasoning was pretty good for all the capes
Maybe some people don't know this but the achievement diary cape actually teleports to a bank as close as the crafting cape (jarr teleport) and also has one close to a fairy ring (canifis teleport) and also the closest teleport to inferno bank (tzaar karamja teleport) and you're going to put that into A tier?
The varock armour give a chance at a second ore, which is fine. It however also grands the full xp with the armour on, making the varock armour better than a prospector top when you mine the triple iron in the guild. I'm wondering if you have the varrock armour 4 on with the celestial ring and a skill cape could you get triple ore sometimes?
When i first started building my main, i got the fletching cape cause it was fast and easy. After that i got the cooking cape for the same reason then i wised up and got the crafting cape to make everything else easier with the bank tele
The mining cape is useful for ridiculous bonus stacking on coal. Varrock armor + Mining gloves + mining cape + coal bag makes for insane coal mining. It should definitely be above the attack cape.
@@eugenesis8188 ahaha exactly my thoughts, also if you need coal and you are an Ironman just chuck some workers on coal at misc and you'll have way too much coal in a week or two
Farming cape is best imo. It combines a teleport to a bank with access to a spirit tree which will allow you to visit the POH. It also has that 5% increased herb gain.
Note for the ranging cape: It has the ammunition gathering affect of Ava's, but it does NOT have the same stats, most notably it is lacking any ranged strength bonus. So it's just a significantly worse version of ava's, which every 99 ranged player is already going to have.
Farming is actually great because it is mostly passive in nature. And if you are in a period of time like I was where you couldn't spend too much time playing, it allows for a clear path to 99, with some really nice cash too.
Some overlooked perk uses, the magic cape perk is used for nearly every single speed run attempt in the high level community to use both thralls and vengeance during a kill. The runecrafting cape perk isn’t amazing for your ability to runecraft, it’s amazing for your ability to run essence and get paid 4-7m an hour as a runner. It’s a requirement to be an actual essence runner. Notable mention, the fletching cape was used to smuggle a crossbow into the duel arena and anti scam the “maple shortbow staking” scammers.
As a player since '07, it still surprises me that so many people in OSRS are strong. I see so many fellow 126's I actually think sub-110 players are an endangered species. Obviously the game is vastly PvM orientated now with the roster of bosses, and raids -- but it's still a bit crazy to see day by day
These skill capes were made back in the day and definitely need some reworks to make them actually beneficial for the amount of work/GP you have to put into them
5:42 Yeah that's part of it, but I think it's also that nightmare zone is by far the most AFK activity in the game while giving excellent combat exp rates. You can literally do it at work, and the only reason I don't is because otherwise my slayer will kind of "lag" behind my combat stats.
Farming is actually best because at like 80 something farming or lower you can have a spirit tree in your house making it practically a house teleport but without the con cape.
I feel like a lot of these need a redesign. I'd give each cape at least one teleport to a thematically relevant area (eg. the skill's guild, PoH for construction, etc), plus a flavourful bonus that's really only useful if you're using the skill after 99 (eg. not burning food with the cooking cape). Then, depending on how difficult/expensive/time consuming the cape is to get, I'd add extra features. Construction is right where it should be, considering its cost. Skills like agility and runecraft should give you a lot more in the way of traversal.
I would put the range cape abit lower into B tier because while it has the ammo saving functions of an avas device, it doesnt have the attack and strength bonuses, a trimmed range cape is really good for Hydra though so I still love it
the magic cape is S tier for a simple reason: it gives you access to ice barrage after you teleblocked someone escaping someone that has just done a cape switch is not easy so if you think about it, the cape is giving you a high chance to PK someone for bank S tier without a doubt
Pickpocketing Vyres and Elves is the single most profitable non-combat money maker in the game and requires the Thieving Cape (and Rogue Outfit) to be optimal. Getting double enhanced teleport seeds or blood shards is a great GP farm, and it’s good for rebuilding if you suck at combat.
Cooking is actually fairly useful for idle moneymaking. The best foods in the game, such as Anglerfish and Dark Crabs (at time of recording) and now moonlight high end hunter meats like moonlight antelope and dashing kebbit, Never stop burning, even with 99 cooking. The only way to get 100% success on the most sought-after PVM/Pking foods is to wear the cooking cape. Cooking these foods is almost always profitable given the demand for them by people who don't want to spend the time getting a 99 and cooking themselves, so it's a nice bankstanding skilling moneymaker, especially for people going for 200m cooking.
At 99 thieving with the ardy medium, you can pickpocket Tzhaar with ice gloves on to get a shitload of gems and tokkul. You have a 94% success rate with the 99 cape+ardy diary. Nothing crazy, but probably one of the best benefits of the 99. Also, if you're an ironman, you can make the argument that 99 thieving is faster than 94+ardy hard diary (which is a requirement to stop failing master farmers).
Attack cape loosens up the stress about bringing the dragon defender deep wildy. I at times afk chill at the cyclopses to collect more dragon defenders.
Achievement cape is my favorite by far. It's like having a max cape before the max cape. Teleporting to the canifis fairy ring to get to the house and the al Khalid teleport is the closest teleport to a bank. Closer than crafting I thiiiink
I have never really used the achievement cape teleports outside of clues mainly because of the max cape, but looking at the teleports now, they are actually kinda nuts, if I remade this video it would go strongly in S tier
@kk-qu1zc agreed but were talking about usefulness and this is definitely the most useful cape in the game for teleports. Close to a house portal (frem) closest teleport to a bank (shanty pass) and one of the closest to a fairy ring (canifis) in one inventory slot.
Just so everyone is aware, teleporting anywhere in runescape is important and while the ability of the agility cape is meh, the number of shortcuts available to you plus the looks of the cape are S tier as far as travel & looks go.
I want to level up construction so bad but I don’t have the gp to get there. I have 39m to my name right now (100m in total account net worth after being hacked). Would it be worth it to dump like 30 mil into con for the pool and the teleports?
probably, but just remember you can boost +8 with a spicy stew and crystal saw, you can also save a bit of the money by doing mahogany homes instead of traditional construction. I would say don't spend too much gp that it impedes on other stuff you want to do, but you should push your construction up if you can
Construction. No contest. Pool for healing, run, special, prayer, portal nexus for teleports every major and minor city in the game on all spellbooks, the cape to teleport to various house portals and the ability to swap prayer books in your house with just the click of a button. I got 99 con in 2020. So glad I spent the cash because I literally never take my con cape off. I love my 99 woodcutting cape, as it was my first 99 back in pre-EOC and I love woodcutting but good lord the cape is awful and the con cape is so good. Not to mention how damn useful all of the free/easy teleports are when you're questing. It makes getting around Runescape without needing a billion different teleports and runes extremely easy. Only teleport scrolls are not usable in your POH, which sucks but they may add a scroll wall in POH eventually, but it would kill the price of some of them. The Woodcutting cape would be worth it if you could punch trees for wood with the same stats as a dragon hatchet haha
Crafting can be profitable even at decent speed with a little extra effort or other skills. Jewellery is always decent but also if you spend the time crafting dragon bodies then alcing is usually profit. Blue bodies was about 300gp profit each after costs and alcing. GE sale price was a loss though.
Crafting dragon leather is a loss of GP because if you bought the bodies directly from GE then alched them you would have made more money. But I agree it isn't terribly expensive
Hot take: the Crafting Cape is overrated. Yes, I know it’s the closest teleport to a bank, but it’s not like banks are hard to get to. Varrock, GE, Seers Village, Ring of Dueling to Castle Wars or Ferox Enclave, Xeric’s Talisman to Cox, Drakan’s Medallion to ToB, Basically any teleport on Games or Skills Necklace, Amulet of Glory to Edgeville, Falador, Ardougne, Morytania Legs to Burgh, and I’m sure there are many others all put you really close to a bank. Sure, it’s probably worth getting 99 crafting, but it saves you, what, 2 ticks every time you want to bank? I get that it adds up over time, but is that really an S tier perk?
As a maxed RS3 player, this was an interesting tier list. Also, I feel jipped as fuck now, RS3 max cape only gets 3 cape perks and you have to feed it the capes you want the perks from.
They both suck but imo fletching is slightly better than herblore because it has the niche of saving you an inventory slot at Arma if you aren’t using a Crossbow already
I remember when I got my first ever 99, cooking, way back in 2006. I was wearing it around so proudly. I felt like I was a bad ass...Then I got made fun of for having a "noob 99" lmao.
Is this a joke? The best cape is obviously without argument the untrimmed cooking cape. The perk it gives you? It advertised your chadness.
tell me why I have an untrimmed cooking vape 😭😭😂😂 I came back to the game after like 2-3 years off and had 10m in the bank, soooooooooooo I bought a shit ton of grapes and jugs lmfao
I feel attacked
Thats some peak male performance right there
It's the only skill cape I have for a reason🗿
Farming cape is my first ever 99 and I literally use it for EVERYTHING now, save on house tabs and it looks awesome!
Construction is supreme for this though if you can manage to create every teleport option. It basically becomes a tele hub.
@@OfficialDreamTheater most of the time when I'm using the farming cape, I also need to bank anyway. Running to the bank chest and then immediately to the spirit tree for house is pretty convenient
@@CausticTitan same. I just love how multifaceted the Construction skillcape really is. At first I thought "oh, that's stupid. Just free house teles." When you have virtually every possible teleport you could want with tree/fairy ring combo, necklaces, jewelery, and nexus... it's phenomenal.
I'm 300k away from 99 farming on my ironman (only have magic 99) and I didn't realize the bank tele.... now I'm so much m ore excited lol.
Honestly rushing construction when I started has always been the best choice I've made. I turned money from rs3 into 500m in osrs and spent a week straight just spending it all on construction doing tables with a demon butler. Having a rejuv pool, spirit tree fairy ring combo, jewelry box, altar, portal nexus, armor stand, all that with just a right click when I was only at combat level 60ish? That has been a godsend for doing literally everything in the game.
@@R0FLC4T5 I didn't know that rs3 money was transferable to osrs
Yeah but becareful who you choose as a gold swap middle man clan some ranked people in swap clans do steal and they are protected seen a friend get scammed with video footage because he was nervous about swapping but nothing happened he never posted the video.
@@NoWannaLol Still waiting on the answer on how you can do this transfer
Achievement Diary cape has so many fantastic teleports for clue scrolls, teleports to an easy fairy ring with tzhaar teleport, easy bank on 2, easy spirit tree with elder gnome child, brimhaven teleport, etc. I think putting it anywhere but S tier is a bit silly, the thing is just so versatile and I almost always use it for a number of different things, can't say the same for any other cape on the list. Good list all the same, plenty of things I agree with, some I don't, but yea, love the achievement cape.
The problem is that it’s a jack of all trades but a master of none. A lot of those teles are obsolete by the time all the requirements for the cape are met, besides the bank tele
@@bwfextreme a ton of the teles are BiS for clues and having a singular teleport item for multiple things (while others may do it slightly better) makes it well worth.
But the achievements capes are rarer than any other cape. Hell the trimmed achievement and music capes are more rare that MAX capes
@@bwfextreme “ Jack of all trades master of none, though oftentimes better than master of one.” the real quote. Jack of All Trade are fkcing awesome
NGL, after listening to this while replaying OSRS for the first time since I was a kid, it sounds like except the max cape, all of the skill capes need a rebalance because they mostly sound pretty worthless by the time you get them and that's just depressing.
The varrock teleport tablet switched to the GE is the best banking teleport imo.
Maybe not the best, but I also agree it is very convenient. Always having rune pouch with house tele, G.E. (bank) tele and high alch is my go to.
Camelot Tele is closer
Best thing i ever did tbh GE is my main bank lol
@@Nebukanezzer Can't buy things in Camelot though, not as versatile. And it's not closer to a degree that matters.
I always Farm cape tele > spirit tree to GE. It takes just a little bit more time. Spirit trees save lives. No wasted GP. Things to consider with the farming cape is that it puts you right in between a spirit tree and a fairy ring. Sure, there are quicker options, but it’s such a good cape due to the opportunities provided.
My good man, I found your content yesterday while I was looking for stuff to listen to as background noise while working my 9-5... i proceeded to binge all of your 9-5 afk content and have now moved onto everything else! I love your content!
thank you to you and all the commentors for the great ideas to afk to help out with my stats!! Keep up the phenomenal stuff my good man! **** also the way you say "FELLAS" give me such a seratonin/dopamine rush it is hilarious.
Not only is farming cape close to the bank, the bank is a couple tiles from a spirit tree, which means farming cape is almost a construction cape aswell.
My favourite cape on my ironman rn
One thing to keep in mind is these perks were created long before we had a lot of the QOL things and minigames we currently have.
UIM's like the attack cape. Sometimes you need a duplicate defender to go in the stash so you can take out the defender without taking the slayer helm.
U do farming in bursts. So u almost never get burnt out. Once u get 85 its just passive xp and ur 99.
Big time, and the actual time spent farming is very minimal!
If you plant a spirit tree in your house and the guild then the farming cape also acts as a substitute for the construction cape to get to your house
or fairy ring and quest cape by that logic, but i'd rather just use a house teleport at that point.
A better use of the POH spirit tree might be the other way around. If you have one in your house and the one in the farming guild, you can tele to the house, go through the spirit tree to the farming guild and get to a bank really quickly, making the crafting cape obsolete, especially if you want to restore your stats on the way.
@@Jaywithoutnumberseh sometimes if I’m on a different spell book the spirit tree Tele is handy
@@Girvo747 tabs
You're spot on. It's my go to move.
No one ever talks about the 2nd closest bank.
Methinks content creators are trying to keep it a closely guarded secret
One thing you forgot about the farm cape is it is an easy bank and POH teleport! IF only it teleported you to the high tier entrance! But it is still a fast run to the bank in the central chamber then sprit tree to house and all the teleports there. I view the game as before I had the farm cape and after I had the farm cape. Bossing is SO much easier with the farm cape. For example Zurah, start at at farm guild bank, sprit tree to POH and fairy ring to Zulandre fight boss, farm cape out of instance and restock. I sell all my teleports for major bank especially with the cost of scales being greatly diminished from what they were pre blow pipe nerf and pre mass bots!
For prayer cape, you dont need to equip it. "When the Prayer cape is equipped or in the inventory, it will act as a holy wrench"
Yeah exactly. He's off his rockers for throwing the prayer cape into a B tier category. But then again he doesn't know what he's talking about so. I won't be watching his videos from here out
@@andrewmathie7295I mean, holy wrench is always worse than just bringing another prayer pot so.. it's hardly a big mistake lol, that makes it go from useless to trash. Not a big upgrade.
Also something you didnt mention about the questcape: an indirect 'bonus' is that it is the hardest requirement for elite lumbridge & draynor diary. Which is the most OP diary of them all; the best quality of life upgrade in osrs (no dramen/lunar staff needed) any more, free 30 high alchs for while bursting, and also unlocks like 3 total slayer blocks in total. It is almost essential for slayer training.
Attack cape good for wildy. Can farm up dragon defenders for the bosses as a “no-risk” really good item
Never thought of that. Coming up on 99 attack so good to know that there's a bit of niche to that.
It's a cool idea however most people with maxed atk can make more than whatever it costs to buy a trouver parchment in the time it takes to farm a dragon defender I think. Ironmen could benefit though!
@@selkokieli843 takes like 5 mins. The time issue has always been collecting the tokens. A defender is like a 1/100 drop rate. With max gear you’re blitzing through them. Spend an hour one day, get a full inventory, you’re set for a looong time.
@@selkokieli843 yup, trouver + fee is around 1m, and it can sometimes take multiple hours to get a dragon defender drop. I can make over 6m/hr at Venenatis so you can believe I'd prefer to keep my defender trouvered. (although it's avernic now as well, so until this week's update there was no real way it was going to lose it's locked status at the content I run)
I would definitely argue for the attack cape perk as actually being really nice! I've lost over 10 defenders in my hunt for the vetion pet. It really was nice not having to worry about getting smited for a lot of gp and afking defenders is a lot better than losing 10m. I wouldn't do this without the perk though.
As someone who did Runecraft post 99, I wanna say that the cape perk is a Godsend. Went for the pet and made the entire process super zen, now that I wasn't getting interrupted any more. I admit it's pretty useless in any other scenario, though. Plus the untrimmed RC cape is one of the nicest flexes :p
Flexing in the game?
@@bamf6603 Flexing in game or just IRL to friends. I have a friend who started playing after me (I quit the game) and has since surpassed me in just about everything. He often playfully talks smack about his achievements in OSRS compared to mine and I always hit him back with the ol' "What's your Runecraft-level?" haha.
@@TehCODKingz is the runescrafting skill still the hardest in the game?
@@bamf6603 Not a clue. I stopped playing a while back, so I'm not really up to date. Logged in to see what the fuss was about when Guardians of the Rift was introduced, but that's it.
@@bamf6603lava runes are still the fastest xp, but guardians of the rift is a moderately fun mini game that has great rewards and money for about half the xp rate of lavas. There's also zeah runecrafting that is one of the best afk moneymaker in the game for 30k xp an hour.
I think mining is currently considered the worst skill by most people just because it has similar xp rates and click intensity of runecraft, minus 90% of the profit.
One more thing for the farming cape. It gives you convenient access to a spirit tree, connecting you efficiently to both the GE and your POH. That's the main reason i prefer the Farming Guild over the Crafting Guild.
For the attack cape, it's very handy for UIMs if you want a defender without your slayer helm, can grab it super quick.
Also for pvpers losing defenders.
Mage Cape should be S+ tier. It offers a function which no other item in game can provide, and is incomprehensibly powerful when used in high degrees of pking. Mage Cape swaps alone have netted me hundreds of millions of gold over the years. I assume you're a PvMer and not a PKer so the value seems lesser to you, but for a pker it is exponentially better than all the rest.
Always love seeing how different play styles add different benefits, I try to go as neutral as possible for videos like this but its actually really helpful to see other perspectives!
@@NoLeather 100% agree with this. Being able to freeze with ice barrage, and then teleblocking them as they will feel safe dropping mage pray for more dangerous stuff e.g. ags. The mage cape does essentially what a cheat client wishes it can do and that is being able to pk on different spellbooks at the same time, although balanced by the limitations
@@Autoswitched wait til you guys hear about the spellbook swap spell, it will blow your mind
@@henlofrens Pking with a 3 tick stall, and having to cast spellbook swap per barrage doesn't seem wise. Let me know how that goes.
@@Autoswitchedand yet I see a lot of pk'ers use it 🤔
Ngl im kinda worried for the mental health of anyone that has 99 ranging without having avas already
"Throw this on your second monitor" Bro has a crystal ball.
S: construction and crafting
A: hitpoints, ranging, achievement diary, farming, thieving and prayer
B: agility, magic, quest, fishing, hunter, music, strength, slayer
C: runecrafting, cooking, smithing, woodcutting, defence
D: herblore, fletching, attack, mining, firemaking
im 99 herblore on 1 defence pure so no diary. Didn't know about the perk until now thought it was just a pestle and mortar. good video cheers :D
I would confidently put diary cape in S. Tele 2 is basically crafting cape tele, but with 2 clicks instead of 1. The rest of the teleports can be niche, but they can get you all around the map and can remove the need for other teles in your inventory depending on content you're doing. There's even a tele near a spirit tree, which can put you right in your PoH if you are really wanting to maximize inventory. The biggest thing overlooked with this cape, though, is the sheer amount of account progress that comes with it. The perks of the elite diaries and all the gear from them are pretty massive. Quest cape here is mentioned as a quintessential item for account progression, which is true, but QPC is only one of the reqs for diary cape. Plus, it has BIS emote.
saw this on receommended and really enjoyed! This was nice for me in helping decide which 99's would be beneficial on the road to maxing. Great vid :)
My biggest accomplishment was having a 15 year cape without a single 99 skill. It raised a lot of questions.
Strength cape is great on the super low level pures in pvp worlds (like, below 60-65 combat), since it’s rare for other gamers in that bracket to also have that cape
did my boi firemaking dirty but at least you acknowledged its great to get first
Haha, thank you for that; that is how I pronounce my username, but I do love hearing non-british people say it xD
I know you mentioned ironmen having a slightly different rating on a couple of these capes, but I imagine most of the capes are in a similar spot; not like the "best skills" video.
Oh, also I've gotten back into OSRS this year and I realised that I didn't really know very much at all about PvMing. I wonder if you would be interested in giving an intro to PvM?
Maybe gear to work towards, bosses to begin with, what kind of skills they require (technical and skilling), stuff like that?
Cheers :D
Range cape and magic cape should be s tier.
I have an alter in my poh yet 9/10 times i will use the cape at the bank instead of at my poh as i typically am switching my spell book at the bank while gearing up for a certain activity whether thats switchig to normals for vorki or alchs when doing slayer or ancients for tob or inferno or lunars for veng.
The ranging cape is only cape that is used insted of the typical assembler/quiver/firecape/inferno cape/MA2 cape as the prayer bonus and defensive bonus from the trimmed version make it a better choice when doing inferno for your first cape. As well as the accumulator function of the cape works with out haveing to do animal magnetism so its a great alternative to neich limited accounts.
Another cool video idea could be an ideal path on what skills you should max/level first for account progression. Similar to the ideal quest plug-in for Runelite
Any cape that can tele you near a bank is great. The crafting cape is obviously the best for this, but even the strength cape and fishing cape are pretty useful.
Only needing 1 vork head for all your range capes and max capes making it a 99k assembler makes it S tier for wildy content and then assembler for pvm. Sad not a single mention of how good the animations are.
Tbh I used to use the fishing cape as my substitute for the crafting cape on my old account. Its kinda sad that both untrimmed capes I've had have legit been useless, my first account was woodcutting, my current account is smithing. I am kinda proud that I've managed to keep my stack of smithing capes untrimmed though.
Quest capes real perk is unlocking the entire game. Farming cape is awesome 2 banks and a spirit tree!
Farming was my second 99 and I use the farming guild teleport all the time. The fact that it's so close to a spirit tree and a bank means I use it for literally everything. I'm not really ready to sink a ton of money into Construction yet, so the Farming cape is a super affordable and amazing alternative.
Still early on in the video, but some of those capes ranking I also think depend on whether or not you are looking at it through the lens of an Ironman. Some capes become much better when you are an iron. For example you have to cook your own food as an iron and the guaranteed no burn is good for certain foods like anglers and manta ray
Edit: I see you addressed the Ironman thing and that makes sense. Think your reasoning was pretty good for all the capes
pray was my first 99. used all my money, but I love how it looks. plus more prayer points is convenient
Great video. Just about to get 99 farming today and my first 99 was of course untrimmed strength at crabs lmao.
The mining cape works for gotr, so I guess there’s that :P Using it right now on the 99 rc grind
Maybe some people don't know this but the achievement diary cape actually teleports to a bank as close as the crafting cape (jarr teleport) and also has one close to a fairy ring (canifis teleport) and also the closest teleport to inferno bank (tzaar karamja teleport) and you're going to put that into A tier?
Without watching the video first I wholeheartedly disagree, unsubbed.
Imagine this topic being so serious to some person.
😂 go outside bruh
@@TrueBluZulu imagine not getting the joke...
@@henriktheepic8690 Imagine
@@TrueBluZulu 🤡
Why would say something so controversial yet so brave?
The varock armour give a chance at a second ore, which is fine. It however also grands the full xp with the armour on, making the varock armour better than a prospector top when you mine the triple iron in the guild.
I'm wondering if you have the varrock armour 4 on with the celestial ring and a skill cape could you get triple ore sometimes?
I like how you already know this is on a second screen. Cant lose xp now can I
When i first started building my main, i got the fletching cape cause it was fast and easy. After that i got the cooking cape for the same reason then i wised up and got the crafting cape to make everything else easier with the bank tele
The mining cape is useful for ridiculous bonus stacking on coal. Varrock armor + Mining gloves + mining cape + coal bag makes for insane coal mining. It should definitely be above the attack cape.
What kind of psycho is mining coal post 99?
@@eugenesis8188 ahaha exactly my thoughts, also if you need coal and you are an Ironman just chuck some workers on coal at misc and you'll have way too much coal in a week or two
@@eugenesis8188 😂😂😂😂
My cape that has all of these combined into one is the best.
13:30 it does stack with regen prayer, just not both regen prayer and regen bracelet.
it doesn't
Farming cape is best imo. It combines a teleport to a bank with access to a spirit tree which will allow you to visit the POH. It also has that 5% increased herb gain.
I mean another significant thing about the magic cape is you need it to switch to the lunar spellbook to get a new slayer assignment
Note for the ranging cape: It has the ammunition gathering affect of Ava's, but it does NOT have the same stats, most notably it is lacking any ranged strength bonus. So it's just a significantly worse version of ava's, which every 99 ranged player is already going to have.
The fairy rings/quests are easily top 10 on my check list when making a new character.
super important for any new character 🤝
Farming is actually great because it is mostly passive in nature. And if you are in a period of time like I was where you couldn't spend too much time playing, it allows for a clear path to 99, with some really nice cash too.
Some overlooked perk uses, the magic cape perk is used for nearly every single speed run attempt in the high level community to use both thralls and vengeance during a kill.
The runecrafting cape perk isn’t amazing for your ability to runecraft, it’s amazing for your ability to run essence and get paid 4-7m an hour as a runner. It’s a requirement to be an actual essence runner.
Notable mention, the fletching cape was used to smuggle a crossbow into the duel arena and anti scam the “maple shortbow staking” scammers.
As a player since '07, it still surprises me that so many people in OSRS are strong. I see so many fellow 126's I actually think sub-110 players are an endangered species.
Obviously the game is vastly PvM orientated now with the roster of bosses, and raids -- but it's still a bit crazy to see day by day
For me the Runecraft cape is S tier, as I love still doing the skill after 99, I make all the runes I use as an Ironman.
These skill capes were made back in the day and definitely need some reworks to make them actually beneficial for the amount of work/GP you have to put into them
Great vid but you forgot to pay attention to how essential the magic cape can be for pking and switching spellbooks mid fight to tb someone
5:42 Yeah that's part of it, but I think it's also that nightmare zone is by far the most AFK activity in the game while giving excellent combat exp rates. You can literally do it at work, and the only reason I don't is because otherwise my slayer will kind of "lag" behind my combat stats.
Mining cape works at gotr to get you extra essences so that will bump it up to c tier.
It’s not on the second monitor, it’s on the TV with 400 watt sound system. NoLeather video and voice in HD. 🎉😅
my man 🤝
Farming is actually best because at like 80 something farming or lower you can have a spirit tree in your house making it practically a house teleport but without the con cape.
per the wiki the woodcutting cape does not boost clue nests only the other nests
Fishing Cape , close to bank also , everybody forgets .. lol
I feel like a lot of these need a redesign.
I'd give each cape at least one teleport to a thematically relevant area (eg. the skill's guild, PoH for construction, etc), plus a flavourful bonus that's really only useful if you're using the skill after 99 (eg. not burning food with the cooking cape).
Then, depending on how difficult/expensive/time consuming the cape is to get, I'd add extra features. Construction is right where it should be, considering its cost. Skills like agility and runecraft should give you a lot more in the way of traversal.
I would put the range cape abit lower into B tier because while it has the ammo saving functions of an avas device, it doesnt have the attack and strength bonuses, a trimmed range cape is really good for Hydra though so I still love it
It's funny to thing there are some sociopats out there with pure accounts that have to get 99 slayer to unlock duradel
the magic cape is S tier for a simple reason: it gives you access to ice barrage after you teleblocked someone
escaping someone that has just done a cape switch is not easy
so if you think about it, the cape is giving you a high chance to PK someone for bank
S tier without a doubt
Pickpocketing Vyres and Elves is the single most profitable non-combat money maker in the game and requires the Thieving Cape (and Rogue Outfit) to be optimal. Getting double enhanced teleport seeds or blood shards is a great GP farm, and it’s good for rebuilding if you suck at combat.
Cooking is actually fairly useful for idle moneymaking. The best foods in the game, such as Anglerfish and Dark Crabs (at time of recording) and now moonlight high end hunter meats like moonlight antelope and dashing kebbit, Never stop burning, even with 99 cooking. The only way to get 100% success on the most sought-after PVM/Pking foods is to wear the cooking cape. Cooking these foods is almost always profitable given the demand for them by people who don't want to spend the time getting a 99 and cooking themselves, so it's a nice bankstanding skilling moneymaker, especially for people going for 200m cooking.
the attack cape uim use for getting defenders back cause if they dont wanna hold onto it they dont need tokkens to get another
At 99 thieving with the ardy medium, you can pickpocket Tzhaar with ice gloves on to get a shitload of gems and tokkul. You have a 94% success rate with the 99 cape+ardy diary. Nothing crazy, but probably one of the best benefits of the 99. Also, if you're an ironman, you can make the argument that 99 thieving is faster than 94+ardy hard diary (which is a requirement to stop failing master farmers).
Farming cape is a budget Construction cape imo - close to a spirit tree tele
farming cape is very good, I think a lot of people focus on con/crafting over it even though its a great substitute
and bank too! I love the farming cape
@@NoLeatherfarming cape takes far longer to achieve than the construction cape
I miss my untrimmed defense cape rest in peace when i bought more of them
I should mention that the ranged cape does not give the same strength bonus as Ava's assembler, Even when you put a vorkath head on it
Attack cape loosens up the stress about bringing the dragon defender deep wildy. I at times afk chill at the cyclopses to collect more dragon defenders.
The amount of higher level people that still don't have quest cape is actually insane
If you did this based on difficulty getting 99 it would be totally different
Achievement cape is my favorite by far. It's like having a max cape before the max cape. Teleporting to the canifis fairy ring to get to the house and the al Khalid teleport is the closest teleport to a bank. Closer than crafting I thiiiink
I have never really used the achievement cape teleports outside of clues mainly because of the max cape, but looking at the teleports now, they are actually kinda nuts, if I remade this video it would go strongly in S tier
But the achievements capes are rarer than any other cape. Hell the trimmed achievement and music capes are more rare that MAX capes
@kk-qu1zc agreed but were talking about usefulness and this is definitely the most useful cape in the game for teleports. Close to a house portal (frem) closest teleport to a bank (shanty pass) and one of the closest to a fairy ring (canifis) in one inventory slot.
if you're someone that wants to risk dragon defender in wildy attack cape may have a use
good use case for it
The fishing guild teleport on the fishing cape is also okay for banking
Talking video legend, can i still watch it if i dont have a second monitor?
Just so everyone is aware, teleporting anywhere in runescape is important and while the ability of the agility cape is meh, the number of shortcuts available to you plus the looks of the cape are S tier as far as travel & looks go.
I want to level up construction so bad but I don’t have the gp to get there. I have 39m to my name right now (100m in total account net worth after being hacked). Would it be worth it to dump like 30 mil into con for the pool and the teleports?
probably, but just remember you can boost +8 with a spicy stew and crystal saw, you can also save a bit of the money by doing mahogany homes instead of traditional construction. I would say don't spend too much gp that it impedes on other stuff you want to do, but you should push your construction up if you can
I practically don't go anywhere without my construction cape lol
This validates my 99 cons grind 😅, also 99 str is a poor man's crafting cape.
Construction. No contest. Pool for healing, run, special, prayer, portal nexus for teleports every major and minor city in the game on all spellbooks, the cape to teleport to various house portals and the ability to swap prayer books in your house with just the click of a button.
I got 99 con in 2020. So glad I spent the cash because I literally never take my con cape off. I love my 99 woodcutting cape, as it was my first 99 back in pre-EOC and I love woodcutting but good lord the cape is awful and the con cape is so good. Not to mention how damn useful all of the free/easy teleports are when you're questing. It makes getting around Runescape without needing a billion different teleports and runes extremely easy. Only teleport scrolls are not usable in your POH, which sucks but they may add a scroll wall in POH eventually, but it would kill the price of some of them.
The Woodcutting cape would be worth it if you could punch trees for wood with the same stats as a dragon hatchet haha
Crafting can be profitable even at decent speed with a little extra effort or other skills. Jewellery is always decent but also if you spend the time crafting dragon bodies then alcing is usually profit. Blue bodies was about 300gp profit each after costs and alcing. GE sale price was a loss though.
Crafting dragon leather is a loss of GP because if you bought the bodies directly from GE then alched them you would have made more money. But I agree it isn't terribly expensive
That's what I thought until I had a stack 70,000 air battlestaffs to alch and decided I'd rather just take the loss, lol.
@eugenesis8188 yeah I try and do it as I go, 1k at a time for example is tolerable. 10k not so much.
Farming was my first cape, and 100% felt s tier. I use it for bank and spirit tree
Hot take: the Crafting Cape is overrated. Yes, I know it’s the closest teleport to a bank, but it’s not like banks are hard to get to. Varrock, GE, Seers Village, Ring of Dueling to Castle Wars or Ferox Enclave, Xeric’s Talisman to Cox, Drakan’s Medallion to ToB, Basically any teleport on Games or Skills Necklace, Amulet of Glory to Edgeville, Falador, Ardougne, Morytania Legs to Burgh, and I’m sure there are many others all put you really close to a bank.
Sure, it’s probably worth getting 99 crafting, but it saves you, what, 2 ticks every time you want to bank? I get that it adds up over time, but is that really an S tier perk?
Don't forget the elite diary lyre to neitiznot
As a maxed RS3 player, this was an interesting tier list. Also, I feel jipped as fuck now, RS3 max cape only gets 3 cape perks and you have to feed it the capes you want the perks from.
Does Max Cape give you all cape perks?
it does indeed, lots of the perks feel much more useful when included in the max cape
@NoLeather wow thats really crazy I thought maybe it made you choose two at once or something like the RS3 Artisan Cape etc
They both suck but imo fletching is slightly better than herblore because it has the niche of saving you an inventory slot at Arma if you aren’t using a Crossbow already
Cooking has the longest skill cape emote making it bis for stall glitching in Barb Assault.
I remember when I got my first ever 99, cooking, way back in 2006. I was wearing it around so proudly. I felt like I was a bad ass...Then I got made fun of for having a "noob 99" lmao.
Attack cape is handy for farming rune defenders to take to/lose in the wildy haha
Trimmed cooking and fire making look the best.
Thanks for the slayer troll task tip