It does (I think Dean Rohaj also said that in one of his interviews) having 4 strands looped around the eye instead of two should make the knot stronger. I have never had an issue with the knot even if I had to pull the fish out from heavy cover. However, that's how I always tied and tie the knot so I have no experience with fighting a fish having only 2 strands around the eye (I think that's called the single palomar knot).
I've never done the loop back through the eye before tying a palomar, does that add strength to the knot somehow?
It does (I think Dean Rohaj also said that in one of his interviews) having 4 strands looped around the eye instead of two should make the knot stronger. I have never had an issue with the knot even if I had to pull the fish out from heavy cover. However, that's how I always tied and tie the knot so I have no experience with fighting a fish having only 2 strands around the eye (I think that's called the single palomar knot).
Palomar knot blows inferior is more like it especially when using fluorocarbon uni knot is far superior and will never let you down