That is not a thing, and non-binary and trans people in general will not berate you for misgendering them on accident, or assuming their gender. It's only a problem when you repeatedly and intentionally do it - triggering for some their gender dysphoria. It's akin to triggering someone with PTSD on purpose.
ijap. my mum told me today that shes ok with that that pope francis sayed that hinduism islam and christianity are all the same and paths to heaven. shes a christian it works out for HER, but that doesnt mean it has to 4 everybody. she also cant wait to NOT go to heaven because there its super boring there, shes only a devout christian because she cant wait to see people burn. and she proudly claims to be a christian too. kinda weird flex but ok.
@@johnbatson8779 2Th 2 : 11 - And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 2Th 2 : 12 - That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
@johnbatson8779 , How did you get to this conclusion? What is your view of reality? What really believe is true is how you will live. How do you answer the big questions of life without turning to the Bible, or another religious text?
@@johnbatson8779, How did you come to this conclusion? How do you answer big questions about life and what's it all about without turning to the Bible or another religious text? What you really believe is how you will live out your life. Example our culture today claim to be atheist and where has that lead us to?
The KING SPEAKS... THE VICTORY IS WON. Never no need to get angry or argue with any non - believer.. May, we go into our areas of life with LOVE, JOY, PEACE, FORGIVENESS... HAPPY 2025🎉🎊🎉to ALL
NOT FOR OURSELVES, BUT FOR THEM. God has ordained for us to play a role in the salvation of others. We are to love people into His Kingdom. Telling them the truth is to love them.
I love everything about this man! He is so sharp, robust teaching on such relevant topics. The Lord has been using him and equipped him with such amazing skills, I am truly blessed by this faithful brother. Humble and charming, I couldn't be more smitten 😊
In "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" there is a line: "Glory glory Hallujah His truth is marching on!" All the wise idiots in the world cannot gainsay the absolute subjective truth of God Almighty! Thank you AiG and Martyn Iles for your commitment to His truth.
Still the whole world except for God's elect will worship Satan, believing that he is God, Christ when he comes peacefully and prosperously claiming to be God.
Absolute Objective Truth Alone! John 14;17 KJV "Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you."
If abortion is not murder of children simply because the mother doesn’t want it, why is it a double murder if someone kills a pregnant woman? It literally makes no sense. Abortion is murder. It is as bad as the sacrifice of children to Molech by the Caananites.
@@longandshort6639 _It is as bad as the sacrifice of children to Molech by the Caananites_ Or the huge numbner of innocent Egyptian children and babies murdered by your "loving" god in Exodus...?
What do you think happened in that beginning, to generate the large variety of animals and plants and creatures and such. Just curious. I have trouble picturing the totality of the maelstrom of various life bursting on the scene. Birds flying and horses galloping for the first time, etc. It must have been annincredible time(period).
@@richardgregory3684 For starters, there are 7 days in the week. Go figure out the math that man did to contribute to that and see just how it fits. Besides that - eyewitness accounts - people who were there - including GOD Himself in the creation. The biblical predictions.
@@kevinrtres _For starters, there are 7 days in the week. Go figure out the math that man did to contribute to that and see just how it fits_ Uhh...gow does a sevem day week act as proof of your "God" ? _Besides that - eyewitness accounts - people who were there - including GOD Himself in the creation_ What "eyewitnesses" ? You are literally claiming that the bible is evidence for and proof of the bible. lol, And that god is real because he saw himself. rofl. _The biblical predictions_ The bible is full of a large number of vaguely worded,ambiguous predictions. Many predict the predictable. Many are so vague they can be interpreted to mean just about anything you want them to. Many are only fulfilled in later stories in the bible. Others would be well known and it would be easy to set about fulfilling them..or appearing to. That's what happened with the alleged "Jesus". All we have are stories by anonymous authors written decades later. If Jesus and his followers even existed, they would certainly have known the prophecies and could easily set about fulfilling them..or spreading stories about how they had.
@@kevinrtres *For starters, there are 7 days in the week. Go figure out the math that man did to contribute to that and see just how it fits.* I _have,_ actually. And the math fits with Babylonian astrology, not Hebrew mythology. 7 days in a week stem from the 7 major celestial objects (the sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) they could see, which they utilized heavily in their culture, even in their own mythology. The Enuma Elish was a creation myth told on seven tablets detailing the efforts of seven divine generations to craft the world, and the ancient Hebrews adopted that in the time they spent underneath the Conga-Line of Middle Eastern Empires. The Hebrews eventually gave rise to the Christians, and the rest is history, as they say. *Besides that - eyewitness accounts - people who were there - including GOD Himself in the creation.* Characters within a story, especially fairy tales, cannot reasonably be counted as eyewitness accounts to the events of these stories. *The biblical predictions.* Biblical prophecy fails in more ways than most Christians even _know._
Nobel prize laureate and evolutionist Francis Crick said quote "biologists must constantly keep in mind that what they see was not designed but rather evolved." What mad pursuit p.138 1988. Design demands a designer. Everything made has a maker. The theory of the big bang violates in the biggest possible way, the 1st law of thermodynamics. Energy can neither be created or destroyed. So who bought the gas that makes this machine go? People that say there is no GOD, and that the universe just created itself, inflation happened for no good reason, and then stopped for the same no good reason, and life came from non life, and evolution is how we got here talking about it, have mountains more faith than religious people. We only invoke the the tooth fairy once, you guys invoke him at every corner. None of this is meant in a sarcastic manner, its showing how believing in a creator is actually magnitudes easier than the atheistic belief.
There is no design, only the appearance of design. That is exactly what evolution through natural selection does. Evolution fully explains the extremely *bad* "design" that is frequently present in living things. The human body alone contains many examples that no competent designer would permit. This is entirely at odds with your hypothesis of a perfect, all-knowing, all-powerful god as designer and creator. If the human body is the highest exampel of his work, he is an incompetent bungler. Books, painting and buildings are inanimate object that cannot reproduce themselves with variation during reproduction. Living things can and do both therefore your analogy is false.
I completely agree with what he's saying. I do believe, however, that man does have inherit worth. He didn't begrudgingly go to the cross because we were just that screwed up and worthless. We don't deserve salvation and redemption but out of his love he died for us. I also find within the human condition two different groups of people-one group loves themselves to much and has little to no love for God or others. But there are some that have no sense of worth in themselves. They are already beaten down, defeated, constantly reminded of their own unworthiness. Everywhere they turn they are reminded-whether in themselves or by others. Maybe they are stuck in a bad marriage or relationship, maybe they faced rejection or trauma. Their problem is not that they think to highly of themselves. The problem is that They need to know how much God loves them, how valuable they are in God, and that they are created with a purpose. Why do you think Jesus said "to the poor the gospel is preached." But his sternest words were to hard hearted prideful pharisees who didn't realize their need for a savior. "God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble." We were created to have a relationship with our creator. We can't love our neighbor as ourselves without first receiving love from God. How does a child learn to love others if they are never shown love? In a way we are as desperate children, in need of the Father's love-which he offers to all. We can not, and we will not be able to love others unless we receive his love into our hearts in the context of communion with God. It is true that we deserve hell. It wasn't that we had anything good within ourselves, or anything in us that was deserving of salvation, anything that was worthy of the cross, but only that his mercy, his love, his very character prompted him to robe himself in flesh, suffer as a man, and die for us. "For God commended his own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us." Romans 5: 8. We must understand this truth in order to be saved. However, us being made in the image of God is not the only positive thing mentioned in the bible concerning man. Memorize Psalms 139. It talks about how we are fearfully and wonderfully made. It says "how precious to me are your thoughts oh God, how vast is the sum of them, were I to count them they would outnumber the grains of sand." He knit us together in our mother's womb. The conotation of this is love, tenderness, carefulness. God could have just spoke us into being like he did everything else in creation, but mankind was knit together. He breathed his breath of life into us, and without his breath in us we would not live. Why would murder be wrong-whether your murdering yourself or others, why is abortion wrong, if we are all worthless nothings, if we didn't have inherit value? The difference between the Christian worldview, and humanistic philosophy is that, as believers, our worth is found in God, our value is found in God not in ourselves. Our identity is in Christ, not in what others say about us. Humanism looks inward to find value. The child of God looks upward.
Summary - we are made in the image of God! That's why we have value - God says it in Genesis 9:6 ESV “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image." Lots of verses with that idea in the bible.
I like your comment. I agree with them. Parts are good what he is saying, other parts confusing. The post modern personal relativism is exposed well. Reference to long comment above.
😅Ephesians 2:4-9 gives us a beautiful description of why we can say we have value ascribed to us, God’s love and Christ’s sacrifice. There is nothing inherently good about us, we did not invent the standard, God did, and all have fallen short of it. And yet God chooses to love us, and that means we are valued by Him. Although we are fallen, yet God’s image still resides in us, even though we have rebelled against it. That image, that moral, intellectual, and spiritual image is the source from which goodness must spring. And that image Christ has come to redeem by virtue of the Cross and our subsequent regeneration. Our responsibility is to surrender to His love and receive him as Lord and Savior. Blessings on you and your faith journey.
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, God created.... In the book of Revelation in 1 vs 8 "I am the Alpha and the Omega" Greek for "the Beginnng and the End". So, one way to read Genesis 1.1 is, "In Jesus, God created." We know that in John 1.1, "In the beginning was the Word..." And of course, He is the Word. I just love how the Bible interprets itself.
@@kathierouse6046 yes, GOD is the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob-Israel: GOD the FATHER, the SON-YESHUA, and the HOLY SPIRIT. HE reveals HIMSELF in three persons, but HE is One. HE is awesome, wonderful and holy! No one is like HIM!
Listening to Jordan Peterson and other non-believers talk about the Bible is so cringe-worthy! They can only make a total mess of it. You’re right, he always excludes God from every part of His word - when God is obviously central to ALL of it. It’s absurd. Going to him for Biblical truth is like going to a butcher for the best vegan recipes; you're in the wrong place, talking to the wrong person for the job.
Agreed, "God is the primordial form of order in this scenario, and Satan is like the agent of the dragon" or some rubbish. He does hit on some points, but there is negative spiritual depth. The only good thing is it makes me want to listen to Chuck Missler or Derek Prince.
@@Nattybumco Derek Prince was/still is a menace to the body of Christ IMO. He was part of the heavy-shepherding movement, which was a very nasty, oppressive and abusive mess. I think he finally repented of that. But he also promoted the false doctrines that believers can be possessed and be under “generational curses”. DPM has never turned away from, or deleted the videos of that. My main Bible teacher is Baruch Korman from LoveIsrael. They are in some way linked a bit to Derek Prince ministries. Not sure how. But they just ignored me when I pointed out that DPM still promotes the idea believers can be possessed and be under “generational curses”.. I know Baruch doesn't agree with that nonsense. Just those three things show Derek was drawn to things that severely oppress Christians. In this video: “Is It Possible To Have The Holy Spirit And A Demon At The Same Time? | Derek Prince” Derek says William Branham was a great man of God. Nothing could be further from the truth!.. William Branham was a lunatic, cult leader, false prophet, fake healer, and an instigator of the “latter rain movement”, which would go on to become the NAR…
@@lepton31415 No he's not. The Biblical definition of a Christian is someone who has accepted the gospel and been born again, whose sin debt has been paid in full by Jesus Christ. Jordan is nowhere near accepting the gospel. He would have to admit that God knows better than him for that happen, and he is not likely to do that any time soon. It's impossible to be a Christian while excluding God out of His own revealed word.
Design does need a designer, excellent explanation and everything needed to be designed to the perfection that it is and that could not be just happenstance, it is by design by the creator God Almighty to do that
There is no design. If everything is designed to be the way it is by "God Almighty" he is an incompetent fool...or a sadistic monster who revels in pain, suffering and destruction.
This world was created to be beautiful and without evil....but man chose to follow evil...thus we have a world of brokenness....that's sad but God made a Way for us to have Hope through Jesus Christ His Son...
How about Fear of the Creator and His Word? Why do you listen this? To mock so you can find comfort in your mockery because deep down you know God and His Word are absolute Truth whether you understand or not.
👍 "...for the Spirit speaketh the truth and lieth not. Wherefore, it speaketh of things as they really are, and of things as they really will be; wherefore, these things are manifested unto us plainly, for the salvation of our souls. But behold, we are not witnesses alone in these things; for God also spake them unto prophets of old." - Jacob 4:14
Ehhh... now switch on your brain, and actually read what you just typed (...or should I say readeth?). None of it makes any sense in the real world we live in. You have been brainwashed, my friend. Free yourself from the nonsense, life is too short to waste it on religion.
@@henno3889We agree that it is a waste to spend time on religion....that's why we Love our Creator and have a relationship with Him through His Son Jesus Christ.
Our worth is found in YESHUA by forgiveness of GOD YHVH THE FATHER through YESHUA'S Sacrifice which allows us to repent and to FOLLOW HIM IN FAITH AND OBEDEINCE IN YHVH WHO IS GOD THE FATHER.
Certainly the creation bears witness of God. Peter also wrote that even though he was an eye witness of Christ’s majesty, prophecy is even more sure than that. Fulfilled prophecy is an element of proof that simply cannot be contested.
I always wonder what truth is. Is it a statement in the Bible or is it a statement conforming with objective reality? If there is a disagreement between objective reality and the Bible, what truth should be discarded?
@@paularrowsmith9980 Tough question eh? I see it is hard for theist to answer. I have had one admitting to deny objective reality for whatever the person interpret the Bible to say.
@friisteching3433 It does matter . Darkness does not understand the light ... The baby understands little and therefore can not eat the meat so is fed milk = proverb = kjv Bible = God's word
I truly hope you guys are getting the money for the ads during these videos. Literally one to two ads every 5 to 6 minutes. That’s a lot. If you’re getting the money, semi okay, if not, that’s bad. It’s only been this way for a couple months. Only utube and on any video.
aaaahhhh, please just stop pushing the GET PREMIUM scam.... just get an adblocker for your browser! Or else invest in a hardware/software solution and implement a pi-hole to block the ads.
Absolutely right! Except that Jesus doesn't ASSUME that we are already capable of loving ourselves. Jesus doesn't ASSUME anything! Jesus KNOWS! JESUS KNOWS EVERYTHING!!! I know this was a slip of the tongue and Martyn knows full well that Jesus KNOWS everything. I admire this man so much, because he is putting this in exactly the right way. I have no doubt that he's been inspired by the Holy Spirit in his sermon. None. As I was listening to him talk about truth and the ultimate source of truth, I remembered a conversation I had about 30 years ago, with a friend in the church we were both attending back then. My friend set me a proposition that disturbed me deeply, but I couldn't say precisely why it disturbed me. It was:- 'Not all truth is God's truth.' He went to on to say that there are things that are true that are not necessarily form God. It was quite a knot of philosophical twists and turns, but I've always had a sense of this discussion in the back of my mind, so to speak. As I listen to Martyn's exposition of truth, it strikes me that what bothered me about my friends' statement was that it strikes at the very nature of both God and Truth. When Jesus said to the disciples; "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father but by me." (John 14:6) He was stating that HE IS TRUTH. We know that Jesus IS God (see; Isaiah 9:6) and that in Him the fulness of the godhead is in Him (Colossians 2:9), which means therefore that GOD IS TRUTH. It follows from that understanding, that the statement my friend made, is ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE. In fact, it is the OPPOSITE is true; There is NO truth BUT God's truth. The saddest question Pilate asked of Jesus was; "What is truth?", because THE TRUTH was standing in front of him at that very moment! No matter how you slice and dice it, the simple fact is that Truth is found in God and NOWHERE else, because God IS The Truth. Anything and everything else is therefore NOT The Truth and never can be.
If Jesus knows everything then free will doesn;t exist, everything is predetermined - Jesus already knows who is destined for heaven and hell, and he can;t change it, because if he could, that would mean he wouldn't know anything. Omciscience and omnipotence can't co-exist.
At 1:05:05, Mr. Iles says, “You can be placed in Christ so that the Spirit of Christ is dwelling in you.” But unfortunately, he never tells you how one gets placed in Christ. Paul uses the phrase “in Christ” over 110 times in his writings. This was his preferred term to describe a saved individual, rather than the word “disciple.” The only concept or action in the New Testament associated with the phrase into Christ is baptism. In Romans 6:3-5 Paul says, “3 Do you not know that all of us who have been BAPTIZED INTO CHRIST JESUS were baptized into his death? 4 We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. 5 For if we have been united with him in a death like His, we shall certainly be united with Him in a resurrection like His.” And in Galatians 3:27 he says, “For as many of you as were BAPTIZED INTO CHRIST have put on Christ.” Instead of a blatant lie, we are given a blatant omission.
@KenJackson_US I'm being a bit mean. I think most pastors and ministers know that Genesis is a myth but they still sell it as "it really happened", which is of course not true. Are they "lying", maybe not.
@leedavis3704 Unfortunately it's supported by mountains of evidence whereas there is not a single piece of evidence for any event in Genesis, not a single shred.
2 Cor 12:2 refers to the "third heaven." Who do you think created that, then? Also, the Hebrew for heavens in Gen 1:1 is indeed plural -- ends in -im. Translations can be misleading.
Love your neighbor as yourself, means to me, that you have no right to judge others, you may not like what they do ... and may it be done unto you as you do unto others, I am reminded of Matthew 25:1-13. Every day is judgement day, because we will be judged when we die, and there is no guarantee you will live to see tomorrow. If you truly take Jesus into your heart and follow his example you will welcome judgement day, because you are ready/prepared you plan for it (do what your being called or pulled to do). If you are scared, well, there's your sign. It is very joyous to have been given the gift of Jesus because not one of us could stand before God he will not allow any sin or blemish come into him, not even to look at Him.
I wrote you in my letter not to associate with immoral people; I did not at all mean with the immoral people of this world, or with the covetous and swindlers, or with idolaters, for then you would have to go out of the world. But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler-not even to eat with such a one. For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? But those who are outside, God judges. Remove the wicked man from among yourselves. -1 Corinthians 5:9-13
When we witness we do from the inside out. When we express anything human from us, it is inside out. Objective truths make their claim upon us inside out. God writes His laws upon out hearts inside out. We do have intrinsic value to God and each other. That's what postmodern culture sacrifices by making truth totally personal, tribal, or cultural. And he is right on this, and neo marxist critical theory, deconstructionism and the like. Christianity is definitely seen as oppressive. The family structure Itself is seen as oppressive . Etc. Very capricious feelings, thoughts, choices seen only as authentic. There s been good cultural exposure on this for a number of years..and Christians coming out of the world can show this, as with the experience, feeling orientated popular media , consumerism:; and many churches seem to emulate this, and higher experiences in a service. He is, however, confusing.
You can have preachers and teachers but nobody is more important then God. You can read a fiction book or a non-fiction book but no other book does what the Bible does. And that book says, His narrow way is the only way to live a life. Jesus paid the ultimate price for sinners as He said, 'It is finished.' Seek and we shall find Him and let the Holy Sprit convict us that we are sinners and our conscience will bear witness. If it doesn't...then your trying to get to Heaven on your own terms. Saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and not by works least man should boast.
wish we lived in a world where people actually cared about each other and help each other overcome problems then rely on some imaginary friend but that just me.
Well unless you actually believe In God instead of mocking him, maybe you would actually see the good in people, But you obviously refuse to to do that thus creating your own vile reality, sad for you, God is love you should try it
Well unless you actually believe In God instead of mocking him, maybe you would actually see the good in people, But you obviously refuse to to do that thus creating your own vile reality, sad for you, God is love you should try it
@@leedavis3704 yes all that happens people are thier own fault even if they been mistreated, how much of denial can one be in an many of us tried that assume things, my reply explain what been through got either deleted or hidden so yeah, bye
Father God is offering us such a place,That place is Heaven,Where people all get along and there is No bad stuff, Only love,joy, peace, patience,I'm looking forward to living there forever with the Lord Jesus, All things Positive in Heaven, All the bad stuff will be in hell, Hate,diseases, murders,explatives, pain,suffering, selfishness,and the like All comes from satan,None of that is in Heaven,Praise God,The Bible says, "Eye has not seen or ear heard the things that are laid up for them that love God," Only Jesus can get us from Earth to Heaven, Choose Jesus,If you ask Jesus sincerely He will make Himself real to you, Blessings always ❤️
Brilliant presentation of GENESIS 1 .... I WOULD LIKE TO HIGHLIGHT A VERY IMPORTANT VERSE OF THE BIBLE You are talking about misunderstanding of specific words !!!! In the beginning of chapter 2 in CONTEXT of man CREATION everything what is is written about GOD , IT CHANGED IN ............LORD GOD ! In the understanding THAT FROM NOW ONE man has a higher BEING that him ,and IS THE LORD GOD ....NOT ONLY GOD CREATOR . I am saying this because Muslims have a god , Buddhism have many gods Hinduism has many gods So TO DON'T BE CONFUSED WHICH GOD WE ARE TALKING ABOUT ....IN SPECIAL IN SOCIETY IT MUCH CORRECT AND SAFE TO USE ENTIRE NAME OF GOD ...LORD GOD ! With all respect for TRUTH AND KNOWLEDGE
When the host talks about a chair being evidence of a designer and extrapolating from that that the universe must be designed, I really feel like showing him the Badlands Guardian in Alberta, Canada (which looks like a native American head with a feather headdress). If he saw that, would he conclude it was designed even though it's all natural? If not, then why not accept that things can look designed without being so?
@@aalphaandomega3746 _Because everything glorifies our Lord God the Creator_ What particular aspect of cancer glorifies "Lord God"? _So you can look at LIFE itself and conclude that it was NOT designed? How would you get to such a conclusion_ "God" (which one?" is not a necessary hypothesis and moreover explains nothing. One could equally say "how can you look at Stonehenge and not conclude it was made by invisible leprechauins using magic?" - answer, because there is no evidence that it was, and the natural solution fits the evidence and makes more sense.
@@jonasmlgaard-asmussen9844 I checked the image of the badlands guardian and it is obviously just a natural formation that resembles a head or profile, like seeing images in clouds or the “face” on mars. There is a huge difference in things like that which are obviously natural formations and what is obviously designed like Mt Rushmore.
Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. 55 For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. 56 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them. 57 Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. 58 This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your ancestors ate manna and died, but whoever feeds on this bread will live forever.
If you miss quote the Bible in the first sentence, you will lose many Christians. The word Heaven is singular in verse 1. If not the verse 8 “Heaven” is duplicated.
Yes , Jesus is a son of God is a lie because the angel who visited Mary had never said such a thing, oh Mary, your baby from your womb will one day become a prophet of God.Only a liar will change this.
I think he overstated a lot. Even his take on Jordan Peterson is overstated. He interviews and discusses the Christian gospel with true Christians in Christ. Also some good insights. I take this as from learning from natural revelation, in the way he studies it. He learns towards Jung, and phenomenology. But not completely. He is changing, we hope he will receive Christ alone. He is a good cultural critic, and has exposed our narcissistic culture much.
Thank God for giving us the standard of Biblical TRUTH!!!
@@EvilXtianityyet he occupies a place in your head. He lives there rent free, too.
Why do you say that? What is your evidence.
@@rebeccachambers419 check out The Case For Christ by Lee Strobel. Please accept Christ.
Why do you ask that?
Did you not listen thoughtfully to the video?
Anyone teaching that abortion is murder either doesn't understand Genesis 2:7 and 19 or they're lying. Either way, they're false teachers.
Martyn Iles has been raised up in this generation. May God protect this important teacher.
What generation the end times generation
It is wild to think that you could end up being sued or prosecuted for calling someone by the “wrong”pronouns, accidentally or otherwise.
That's because you can't be. Fundamentalists are so terrified of anything different that they just make stuff up.
That is not a thing, and non-binary and trans people in general will not berate you for misgendering them on accident, or assuming their gender. It's only a problem when you repeatedly and intentionally do it - triggering for some their gender dysphoria. It's akin to triggering someone with PTSD on purpose.
If by wild you mean evil.
These people demand perfection from you.
That’s what you get when you live in a world controlled by evil, pray to the Lord God Almighty to deliver us from this evil
Better than most sermons. Narcissistic thinking has infected the church.
ijap. my mum told me today that shes ok with that that pope francis sayed that hinduism islam and christianity are all the same and paths to heaven. shes a christian it works out for HER, but that doesnt mean it has to 4 everybody. she also cant wait to NOT go to heaven because there its super boring there, shes only a devout christian because she cant wait to see people burn. and she proudly claims to be a christian too. kinda weird flex but ok.
Traditions of men have infected the Christian church.
I love these apologetic ministries. Especially the creation themed ones. One can learn so much delving into them.
The creation delusion lives on
2Th 2 : 11 - And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
2Th 2 : 12 - That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
@johnbatson8779 , How did you get to this conclusion? What is your view of reality? What really believe is true is how you will live. How do you answer the big questions of life without turning to the Bible, or another religious text?
@@johnbatson8779, How did you come to this conclusion? How do you answer big questions about life and what's it all about without turning to the Bible or another religious text? What you really believe is how you will live out your life. Example our culture today claim to be atheist and where has that lead us to?
Never no need to get angry or argue with any non - believer..
May, we go into our areas of life with LOVE, JOY, PEACE, FORGIVENESS...
HAPPY 2025🎉🎊🎉to ALL
NOT FOR OURSELVES, BUT FOR THEM. God has ordained for us to play a role in the salvation of others. We are to love people into His Kingdom. Telling them the truth is to love them.
Is your faith so shaky that you Are you afraid of conversation?
I love everything about this man! He is so sharp, robust teaching on such relevant topics. The Lord has been using him and equipped him with such amazing skills, I am truly blessed by this faithful brother. Humble and charming, I couldn't be more smitten 😊
Great teaching. So very important. Thank you!
In "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" there is a line: "Glory glory Hallujah His truth is marching on!" All the wise idiots in the world cannot gainsay the absolute subjective truth of God Almighty! Thank you AiG and Martyn Iles for your commitment to His truth.
Still the whole world except for God's elect will worship Satan, believing that he is God, Christ when he comes peacefully and prosperously claiming to be God.
Absolute Objective Truth Alone!
John 14;17 KJV "Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you."
Governor Newsom forgot "loving your neighbor" includes unborn children murdered in CA
If abortion is not murder of children simply because the mother doesn’t want it, why is it a double murder if someone kills a pregnant woman? It literally makes no sense. Abortion is murder. It is as bad as the sacrifice of children to Molech by the Caananites.
...and the very first command is to LOVE GOD with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul and strength.
@@longandshort6639 _It is as bad as the sacrifice of children to Molech by the Caananites_
Or the huge numbner of innocent Egyptian children and babies murdered by your "loving" god in Exodus...?
That issue keeps heavy on my heart. If anyone has ever seen one they would be mortified for life
Abortion is not murder and anyone claiming it is either doesn't understand Genesis 27 and 19 and their implications, or they are lying to you.
Bravo!!! Thank you for speaking TRUTH.👋👋
All answers in Genesis 1:1... and explained in the rest of the 66 books. Praise Him!
What do you think happened in that beginning, to generate the large variety of animals and plants and creatures and such. Just curious. I have trouble picturing the totality of the maelstrom of various life bursting on the scene. Birds flying and horses galloping for the first time, etc. It must have been annincredible time(period).
@@Butchman2000blessed are they who have not seen yet believe
@@judithmainer9622 _blessed are they who have not seen yet believe_
Said the con-man to his mark.
@@richardgregory3684 What does the lying hopeless atheist say?
@@Butchman2000praise the glory of God almighty
Quite refreshing to here the truth according to the WORD OF GOD.
How d you know its thwe "word of god"?
@@richardgregory3684 For starters, there are 7 days in the week. Go figure out the math that man did to contribute to that and see just how it fits.
Besides that - eyewitness accounts - people who were there - including GOD Himself in the creation. The biblical predictions.
@@kevinrtres _For starters, there are 7 days in the week. Go figure out the math that man did to contribute to that and see just how it fits_
Uhh...gow does a sevem day week act as proof of your "God" ?
_Besides that - eyewitness accounts - people who were there - including GOD Himself in the creation_
What "eyewitnesses" ? You are literally claiming that the bible is evidence for and proof of the bible. lol, And that god is real because he saw himself. rofl.
_The biblical predictions_
The bible is full of a large number of vaguely worded,ambiguous predictions. Many predict the predictable. Many are so vague they can be interpreted to mean just about anything you want them to. Many are only fulfilled in later stories in the bible. Others would be well known and it would be easy to set about fulfilling them..or appearing to. That's what happened with the alleged "Jesus". All we have are stories by anonymous authors written decades later. If Jesus and his followers even existed, they would certainly have known the prophecies and could easily set about fulfilling them..or spreading stories about how they had.
@@kevinrtres *For starters, there are 7 days in the week. Go figure out the math that man did to contribute to that and see just how it fits.*
I _have,_ actually. And the math fits with Babylonian astrology, not Hebrew mythology. 7 days in a week stem from the 7 major celestial objects (the sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) they could see, which they utilized heavily in their culture, even in their own mythology. The Enuma Elish was a creation myth told on seven tablets detailing the efforts of seven divine generations to craft the world, and the ancient Hebrews adopted that in the time they spent underneath the Conga-Line of Middle Eastern Empires. The Hebrews eventually gave rise to the Christians, and the rest is history, as they say.
*Besides that - eyewitness accounts - people who were there - including GOD Himself in the creation.*
Characters within a story, especially fairy tales, cannot reasonably be counted as eyewitness accounts to the events of these stories.
*The biblical predictions.*
Biblical prophecy fails in more ways than most Christians even _know._
This is HUGE! Thank you for sharing. ❤
The people of God need to get back to diligent study of God's Word AKA The Holy Bible!!
Which version?, many have been written removed or changed by committees
@andrew30m Which one?? KJV, NKJ, NASB, ESV, ETC.
Stay away from the new world translation which is the jehovas witness book. That's heresy
Design demands a designer.
Books, paintings, buildings, etc
Nobel prize laureate and evolutionist Francis Crick said quote "biologists must constantly keep in mind that what they see was not designed but rather evolved."
What mad pursuit p.138 1988.
Design demands a designer. Everything made has a maker. The theory of the big bang violates in the biggest possible way, the 1st law of thermodynamics. Energy can neither be created or destroyed. So who bought the gas that makes this machine go? People that say there is no GOD, and that the universe just created itself, inflation happened for no good reason, and then stopped for the same no good reason, and life came from non life, and evolution is how we got here talking about it, have mountains more faith than religious people. We only invoke the the tooth fairy once, you guys invoke him at every corner. None of this is meant in a sarcastic manner, its showing how believing in a creator is actually magnitudes easier than the atheistic belief.
There is no design, only the appearance of design. That is exactly what evolution through natural selection does. Evolution fully explains the extremely *bad* "design" that is frequently present in living things. The human body alone contains many examples that no competent designer would permit. This is entirely at odds with your hypothesis of a perfect, all-knowing, all-powerful god as designer and creator. If the human body is the highest exampel of his work, he is an incompetent bungler. Books, painting and buildings are inanimate object that cannot reproduce themselves with variation during reproduction. Living things can and do both therefore your analogy is false.
Evil X tinnitus. Logic.
@@robertramsey653easy but lazy.
Thanks for posting
Very well done!
This talk was amazing. Thank you all so much for all the work you do.
Thank you for your work AiG
Magnificent presentation, my dear brother in Christ 🎉😊🎉
I completely agree with what he's saying. I do believe, however, that man does have inherit worth. He didn't begrudgingly go to the cross because we were just that screwed up and worthless. We don't deserve salvation and redemption but out of his love he died for us. I also find within the human condition two different groups of people-one group loves themselves to much and has little to no love for God or others. But there are some that have no sense of worth in themselves. They are already beaten down, defeated, constantly reminded of their own unworthiness. Everywhere they turn they are reminded-whether in themselves or by others. Maybe they are stuck in a bad marriage or relationship, maybe they faced rejection or trauma. Their problem is not that they think to highly of themselves. The problem is that They need to know how much God loves them, how valuable they are in God, and that they are created with a purpose. Why do you think Jesus said "to the poor the gospel is preached." But his sternest words were to hard hearted prideful pharisees who didn't realize their need for a savior. "God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble." We were created to have a relationship with our creator. We can't love our neighbor as ourselves without first receiving love from God. How does a child learn to love others if they are never shown love? In a way we are as desperate children, in need of the Father's love-which he offers to all. We can not, and we will not be able to love others unless we receive his love into our hearts in the context of communion with God. It is true that we deserve hell. It wasn't that we had anything good within ourselves, or anything in us that was deserving of salvation, anything that was worthy of the cross, but only that his mercy, his love, his very character prompted him to robe himself in flesh, suffer as a man, and die for us. "For God commended his own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us." Romans 5: 8. We must understand this truth in order to be saved. However, us being made in the image of God is not the only positive thing mentioned in the bible concerning man. Memorize Psalms 139. It talks about how we are fearfully and wonderfully made. It says "how precious to me are your thoughts oh God, how vast is the sum of them, were I to count them they would outnumber the grains of sand." He knit us together in our mother's womb. The conotation of this is love, tenderness, carefulness. God could have just spoke us into being like he did everything else in creation, but mankind was knit together. He breathed his breath of life into us, and without his breath in us we would not live. Why would murder be wrong-whether your murdering yourself or others, why is abortion wrong, if we are all worthless nothings, if we didn't have inherit value? The difference between the Christian worldview, and humanistic philosophy is that, as believers, our worth is found in God, our value is found in God not in ourselves. Our identity is in Christ, not in what others say about us. Humanism looks inward to find value. The child of God looks upward.
That was beautiful 🤩
Summary - we are made in the image of God! That's why we have value - God says it in Genesis 9:6 ESV
“Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image."
Lots of verses with that idea in the bible.
I like your comment. I agree with them. Parts are good what he is saying, other parts confusing. The post modern personal relativism is exposed well. Reference to long comment above.
😅Ephesians 2:4-9 gives us a beautiful description of why we can say we have value ascribed to us, God’s love and Christ’s sacrifice. There is nothing inherently good about us, we did not invent the standard, God did, and all have fallen short of it. And yet God chooses to love us, and that means we are valued by Him. Although we are fallen, yet God’s image still resides in us, even though we have rebelled against it. That image, that moral, intellectual, and spiritual image is the source from which goodness must spring. And that image Christ has come to redeem by virtue of the Cross and our subsequent regeneration. Our responsibility is to surrender to His love and receive him as Lord and Savior. Blessings on you and your faith journey.
Brilliant teaching about biblical truth. Jordan B Pedersen talking about the visdom sprung from human intellect separated from God.
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, God created....
In the book of Revelation in 1 vs 8 "I am the Alpha and the Omega" Greek for "the Beginnng and the End". So, one way to read Genesis 1.1 is, "In Jesus, God created."
We know that in John 1.1, "In the beginning was the Word..." And of course, He is the Word.
I just love how the Bible interprets itself.
Me too it gives you goosebumps when you realize it 😮
Love is God , God is Love , Jesus is Christ Lord God our Saviour
Amen! WHO IS GOD? is the only valid question that transforms lives! GOD is WHO we trust, not ourselves because we have nothing good in us without GOD.
Yes, God is the source of everything good.
Don't overlook the Truth that Jesus is God. Remember that He said, "I AM."
Don't overlook the Truth that Jesus is God. He said, "I AM."
@@kathierouse6046 yes, GOD is the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob-Israel: GOD the FATHER, the SON-YESHUA, and the HOLY SPIRIT. HE reveals HIMSELF in three persons, but HE is One. HE is awesome, wonderful and holy! No one is like HIM!
Speak for yourself, I don’t follow god and am a perfectly decent person raising a nice family
I went to the ARK encounter yesterday! It was so beautiful
I went to Disneyland. It was beautiful too but then I came back to reality.
@@davidgardner863Clever. Pat yourself on the back and keep your nose in the air.
@@davidgardner863 so you live on the evil side of life huh ! 🤔
@@davidgardner863 OK, so now go to the ARK encounter and STAY with reality!!!
The same one that, unsuccessful, sued their insurance company for flood damage?
Perfect timing, I needed to hear this, 🙏🏼
God bless the preacher.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
What an amazing presentation!! Thank you for this!! 🙏🏻
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. -Genesis 1:1
Why not create light first so he could see what he was doing?
So well said! Thank you!
Brilliant speech! Well said!
Very good.
Listening to Jordan Peterson and other non-believers talk about the Bible is so cringe-worthy! They can only make a total mess of it. You’re right, he always excludes God from every part of His word - when God is obviously central to ALL of it. It’s absurd. Going to him for Biblical truth is like going to a butcher for the best vegan recipes; you're in the wrong place, talking to the wrong person for the job.
Agreed, "God is the primordial form of order in this scenario, and Satan is like the agent of the dragon" or some rubbish. He does hit on some points, but there is negative spiritual depth. The only good thing is it makes me want to listen to Chuck Missler or Derek Prince.
Derek Prince was/still is a menace to the body of Christ IMO. He was part of the heavy-shepherding movement, which was a very nasty, oppressive and abusive mess. I think he finally repented of that. But he also promoted the false doctrines that believers can be possessed and be under “generational curses”. DPM has never turned away from, or deleted the videos of that. My main Bible teacher is Baruch Korman from LoveIsrael. They are in some way linked a bit to Derek Prince ministries. Not sure how. But they just ignored me when I pointed out that DPM still promotes the idea believers can be possessed and be under “generational curses”.. I know Baruch doesn't agree with that nonsense. Just those three things show Derek was drawn to things that severely oppress Christians.
In this video:
“Is It Possible To Have The Holy Spirit And A Demon At The Same Time? | Derek Prince”
Derek says William Branham was a great man of God. Nothing could be further from the truth!.. William Branham was a lunatic, cult leader, false prophet, fake healer, and an instigator of the “latter rain movement”, which would go on to become the NAR…
Jordan is a Christian
@@lepton31415 No he's not. The Biblical definition of a Christian is someone who has accepted the gospel and been born again, whose sin debt has been paid in full by Jesus Christ. Jordan is nowhere near accepting the gospel. He would have to admit that God knows better than him for that happen, and he is not likely to do that any time soon. It's impossible to be a Christian while excluding God out of His own revealed word.
Such an Ignorant statement lol
Is anybody who reads and understands the Bible actually surprised?
Design does need a designer, excellent explanation and everything needed to be designed to the perfection that it is and that could not be just happenstance,
it is by design by the creator God Almighty to do that
There is no design.
If everything is designed to be the way it is by "God Almighty" he is an incompetent fool...or a sadistic monster who revels in pain, suffering and destruction.
This world was created to be beautiful and without evil....but man chose to follow evil...thus we have a world of brokenness....that's sad but God made a Way for us to have Hope through Jesus Christ His Son...
@@tammyhall8628 Doesn;t say much for your "God" if gumans deciding to be naughty can ruin everything!
Why does god give young innocent children blood cancer?
In Jesus name AMEN😇
How about Fear of the Creator and His Word? Why do you listen this? To mock so you can find comfort in your mockery because deep down you know God and His Word are absolute Truth whether you understand or not.
Thank you
I heard "love yourself at a Christian high school graduation 24 years ago😢
Yes, truly sad. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul/strength and then love your neighbour as yourself.
"...for the Spirit speaketh the truth and lieth not. Wherefore, it speaketh of things as they really are, and of things as they really will be; wherefore, these things are manifested unto us plainly, for the salvation of our souls. But behold, we are not witnesses alone in these things; for God also spake them unto prophets of old."
- Jacob 4:14
Ehhh... now switch on your brain, and actually read what you just typed (...or should I say readeth?). None of it makes any sense in the real world we live in. You have been brainwashed, my friend. Free yourself from the nonsense, life is too short to waste it on religion.
@@henno3889We agree that it is a waste to spend time on religion....that's why we Love our Creator and have a relationship with Him through His Son Jesus Christ.
Great speech, really like it.
Glory to God, Who Created Earth not a globe, not the big bang and we are not the result of evolution. ❤
Pray to Charles Darwin and you will have a chance to be redeemed.
You're not on trial, for the record. We're here to heal.
Our worth is found in YESHUA by forgiveness of GOD YHVH THE FATHER through YESHUA'S Sacrifice which allows us to repent and to FOLLOW HIM IN FAITH AND OBEDEINCE IN YHVH WHO IS GOD THE FATHER.
I JUST visited your website and I have a problem with your articles: PLEASE post your sources IN your article, not a link to another website.
Certainly the creation bears witness of God. Peter also wrote that even though he was an eye witness of Christ’s majesty, prophecy is even more sure than that. Fulfilled prophecy is an element of proof that simply cannot be contested.
I thought Palo Dora Canyon was in Amarillo?
I been there once. I was a kid.
Or was my stepsister lying about where we were?
1:03:34 listened all the way through exercise and breakfast.
I just don't know what to say or think about it. It's just nuts!!
please clarify what is nuts ? about what?
This concept of immunization against the Gospel is spot on.
JOY= Jesus, Others, you
For all have sinned Rom 3:23.The gospel of our salvation 1Cor.15:1-4.Just believe Rom.10:8-10.God bless us all amen.
I always wonder what truth is. Is it a statement in the Bible or is it a statement conforming with objective reality?
If there is a disagreement between objective reality and the Bible, what truth should be discarded?
Such as?
@NateWilliams190 its a hypothetical. Does it matter what it is?
A misleading hypothetical, being based on a false assumption.
@@paularrowsmith9980 Tough question eh? I see it is hard for theist to answer.
I have had one admitting to deny objective reality for whatever the person interpret the Bible to say.
It does matter .
Darkness does not understand the light ...
The baby understands little and therefore can not eat the meat so is fed milk = proverb = kjv Bible = God's word
I truly hope you guys are getting the money for the ads during these videos. Literally one to two ads every 5 to 6 minutes. That’s a lot. If you’re getting the money, semi okay, if not, that’s bad. It’s only been this way for a couple months. Only utube and on any video.
get a utube ad blocker they are free
aaaahhhh, please just stop pushing the GET PREMIUM scam.... just get an adblocker for your browser! Or else invest in a hardware/software solution and implement a pi-hole to block the ads.
Thank God for the Bible and Yesheu for giving us freedom from sin and death if we simply choose Yesheu over sin and deny desires of the flesh 🙏 🙏🙏
Absolutely right! Except that Jesus doesn't ASSUME that we are already capable of loving ourselves. Jesus doesn't ASSUME anything! Jesus KNOWS! JESUS KNOWS EVERYTHING!!!
I know this was a slip of the tongue and Martyn knows full well that Jesus KNOWS everything. I admire this man so much, because he is putting this in exactly the right way. I have no doubt that he's been inspired by the Holy Spirit in his sermon. None. As I was listening to him talk about truth and the ultimate source of truth, I remembered a conversation I had about 30 years ago, with a friend in the church we were both attending back then. My friend set me a proposition that disturbed me deeply, but I couldn't say precisely why it disturbed me. It was:- 'Not all truth is God's truth.' He went to on to say that there are things that are true that are not necessarily form God. It was quite a knot of philosophical twists and turns, but I've always had a sense of this discussion in the back of my mind, so to speak. As I listen to Martyn's exposition of truth, it strikes me that what bothered me about my friends' statement was that it strikes at the very nature of both God and Truth. When Jesus said to the disciples; "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father but by me." (John 14:6) He was stating that HE IS TRUTH. We know that Jesus IS God (see; Isaiah 9:6) and that in Him the fulness of the godhead is in Him (Colossians 2:9), which means therefore that GOD IS TRUTH. It follows from that understanding, that the statement my friend made, is ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE.
In fact, it is the OPPOSITE is true; There is NO truth BUT God's truth.
The saddest question Pilate asked of Jesus was; "What is truth?", because THE TRUTH was standing in front of him at that very moment!
No matter how you slice and dice it, the simple fact is that Truth is found in God and NOWHERE else, because God IS The Truth. Anything and everything else is therefore NOT The Truth and never can be.
If Jesus knows everything then free will doesn;t exist, everything is predetermined - Jesus already knows who is destined for heaven and hell, and he can;t change it, because if he could, that would mean he wouldn't know anything. Omciscience and omnipotence can't co-exist.
Professional yapper
Ive been studying the bible since 2020 with ministers like john macarthur and answers in Genesis. I am convinced every word is true.
I don't think just because people like nature, they worship it. To me it expresses the glory of God.
At 1:05:05, Mr. Iles says, “You can be placed in Christ so that the Spirit of Christ is dwelling in you.” But unfortunately, he never tells you how one gets placed in Christ.
Paul uses the phrase “in Christ” over 110 times in his writings. This was his preferred term to describe a saved individual, rather than the word “disciple.” The only concept or action in the New Testament associated with the phrase into Christ is baptism.
In Romans 6:3-5 Paul says, “3 Do you not know that all of us who have been BAPTIZED INTO CHRIST JESUS were baptized into his death? 4 We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. 5 For if we have been united with him in a death like His, we shall certainly be united with Him in a resurrection like His.”
And in Galatians 3:27 he says, “For as many of you as were BAPTIZED INTO CHRIST have put on Christ.”
Instead of a blatant lie, we are given a blatant omission.
I can think of a few: Genesis is true and Evolution is false is a massive lie.
what is evolution?
That's an ambiguous statement, Dad. It's not clear exactly what you're calling a _"massive lie"._
Ya believing in evolution is a massive lie you nailed it !
@KenJackson_US I'm being a bit mean. I think most pastors and ministers know that Genesis is a myth but they still sell it as "it really happened", which is of course not true. Are they "lying", maybe not.
@leedavis3704 Unfortunately it's supported by mountains of evidence whereas there is not a single piece of evidence for any event in Genesis, not a single shred.
What's the speakers name?
I am not with the ESV version. KJV
Genesis 1:1.In the begining God created the heaven,and the earth. Not heavens
2 Cor 12:2 refers to the "third heaven." Who do you think created that, then? Also, the Hebrew for heavens in Gen 1:1 is indeed plural -- ends in -im. Translations can be misleading.
Read Dante's Paradiso
@@globalcoupledances Nah. Just read God's word. It explains itself.
I guess you are here to learn! HEAVENS - plural!
46 35 Immunity against the gospel - Martyn Eles
Wow! Lots of interrupting commercials. Hard then to follow sermon.😢
Love your neighbor as yourself, means to me, that you have no right to judge others, you may not like what they do ... and may it be done unto you as you do unto others, I am reminded of Matthew 25:1-13. Every day is judgement day, because we will be judged when we die, and there is no guarantee you will live to see tomorrow. If you truly take Jesus into your heart and follow his example you will welcome judgement day, because you are ready/prepared you plan for it (do what your being called or pulled to do). If you are scared, well, there's your sign. It is very joyous to have been given the gift of Jesus because not one of us could stand before God he will not allow any sin or blemish come into him, not even to look at Him.
I wrote you in my letter not to associate with immoral people; I did not at all mean with the immoral people of this world, or with the covetous and swindlers, or with idolaters, for then you would have to go out of the world. But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler-not even to eat with such a one. For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? But those who are outside, God judges. Remove the wicked man from among yourselves. -1 Corinthians 5:9-13
King David was well Loved by God for his righteous judgement ...
Judge righteously by God's will and be rewarded by his Devine Love ...
Sounds great but we are supposed to help others when the are off track. It is to be done with love not condemnation though
Several points, well missed.
Can man create soul and spirit ?
Can’t even make a single cell come alive
With all respect for TRUTH AND KNOWLEDGE
When we witness we do from the inside out. When we express anything human from us, it is inside out. Objective truths make their claim upon us inside out. God writes His laws upon out hearts inside out. We do have intrinsic value to God and each other. That's what postmodern culture sacrifices by making truth totally personal, tribal, or cultural. And he is right on this, and neo marxist critical theory, deconstructionism and the like. Christianity is definitely seen as oppressive. The family structure Itself is seen as oppressive . Etc. Very capricious feelings, thoughts, choices seen only as authentic. There s been good cultural exposure on this for a number of years..and Christians coming out of the world can show this, as with the experience, feeling orientated popular media , consumerism:; and many churches seem to emulate this, and higher experiences in a service. He is, however, confusing.
Evil is abounding!
Can't tell people you are a sinner
You can have preachers and teachers but nobody is more important then God. You can read a fiction book or a non-fiction book but no other book does what the Bible does. And that book says, His narrow way is the only way to live a life. Jesus paid the ultimate price for sinners as He said, 'It is finished.' Seek and we shall find Him and let the Holy Sprit convict us that we are sinners and our conscience will bear witness. If it doesn't...then your trying to get to Heaven on your own terms.
Saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and not by works least man should boast.
Religion is power and control !
wish we lived in a world where people actually cared about each other and help each other overcome problems then rely on some imaginary friend but that just me.
Well unless you actually believe In God instead of mocking him, maybe you would actually see the good in people, But you obviously refuse to to do that thus creating your own vile reality, sad for you,
God is love you should try it
Well unless you actually believe In God instead of mocking him, maybe you would actually see the good in people, But you obviously refuse to to do that thus creating your own vile reality, sad for you,
God is love you should try it
@@leedavis3704 yes all that happens people are thier own fault even if they been mistreated, how much of denial can one be in an many of us tried that assume things, my reply explain what been through got either deleted or hidden so yeah, bye
Father God is offering us such a place,That place is Heaven,Where people all get along and there is No bad stuff, Only love,joy, peace, patience,I'm looking forward to living there forever with the Lord Jesus, All things Positive in Heaven, All the bad stuff will be in hell, Hate,diseases, murders,explatives, pain,suffering, selfishness,and the like All comes from satan,None of that is in Heaven,Praise God,The Bible says, "Eye has not seen or ear heard the things that are laid up for them that love God,"
Only Jesus can get us from Earth to Heaven, Choose Jesus,If you ask Jesus sincerely He will make Himself real to you, Blessings always ❤️
Yikes you will be forever sad with out Him. I used to think like you till I was outside my physical body
Brilliant presentation of GENESIS 1 ....
You are talking about misunderstanding of specific words !!!!
In the beginning of chapter 2 in CONTEXT of man CREATION everything what is is written about GOD , IT CHANGED IN ............LORD GOD !
In the understanding THAT FROM NOW ONE man has a higher BEING that him ,and IS THE LORD GOD ....NOT ONLY GOD CREATOR .
I am saying this because Muslims have a god , Buddhism have many gods Hinduism has many gods
With all respect for TRUTH AND KNOWLEDGE
All the grandstanding is suspicious.
Abraham believed YHWH. GOD.
❤❤❤😂😂😂REAL-TALK 😂😂😂❤❤❤
DEVIL 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬
When the host talks about a chair being evidence of a designer and extrapolating from that that the universe must be designed, I really feel like showing him the Badlands Guardian in Alberta, Canada (which looks like a native American head with a feather headdress). If he saw that, would he conclude it was designed even though it's all natural? If not, then why not accept that things can look designed without being so?
Some of us also see a man in the moon.
Because everything glorifies our Lord God the Creator .
So you can look at LIFE itself and conclude that it was NOT designed? How would you get to such a conclusion?
@@aalphaandomega3746 _Because everything glorifies our Lord God the Creator_
What particular aspect of cancer glorifies "Lord God"?
_So you can look at LIFE itself and conclude that it was NOT designed? How would you get to such a conclusion_
"God" (which one?" is not a necessary hypothesis and moreover explains nothing. One could equally say "how can you look at Stonehenge and not conclude it was made by invisible leprechauins using magic?" - answer, because there is no evidence that it was, and the natural solution fits the evidence and makes more sense.
@@jonasmlgaard-asmussen9844 I checked the image of the badlands guardian and it is obviously just a natural formation that resembles a head or profile, like seeing images in clouds or the “face” on mars. There is a huge difference in things like that which are obviously natural formations and what is obviously designed like Mt Rushmore.
I am that I am
2 Peter 1:20 and 1 timothy 3:15 - we need church pilar of true..., therefore I higly recommend read pre-Niceen bischops such as Ignacius of Antiochia
His photo should have a facemask or it is not genuine
Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. 55 For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. 56 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them. 57 Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. 58 This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your ancestors ate manna and died, but whoever feeds on this bread will live forever.
Transubstantiation is witchcraft.
Remains in who? Us, personally. Exactly what I mean.
Is he talking to University students because he's talking over the working class heads .
Genesis chapter 2:4 !!!
42:58 you didn’t mis-pronoun anybody. The person mis-pronouned him/herself.
Enlil is Satan,Yahweh, Jehova, and Allah , mistaken Jesus in KJV bible Mathew 1:21,1:25. Satan in Isaiah 45:7, Jehova In Exodus 6:3.
If you miss quote the Bible in the first sentence, you will lose many Christians.
The word Heaven is singular in verse 1. If not the verse 8 “Heaven” is duplicated.
Are you really talking about the god that condone's genocide
And the god who commits it...multiple times.
Yes , Jesus is a son of God is a lie because the angel who visited Mary had never said such a thing, oh Mary, your baby from your womb will one day become a prophet of God.Only a liar will change this.
What is he implying when he said some truth was in kuran?
He was saying things some people say.
There is SOME truth in many fictions, Qur'an included.
same as in 1 + 1 = 2;
I think he overstated a lot. Even his take on Jordan Peterson is overstated. He interviews and discusses the Christian gospel with true Christians in Christ. Also some good insights. I take this as from learning from natural revelation, in the way he studies it.
He learns towards Jung, and phenomenology. But not completely. He is changing, we hope he will receive Christ alone. He is a good cultural critic, and has exposed our narcissistic culture much.