Sunday School To Go: The Great Commission
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ธ.ค. 2024
- The Great Commission: Go everywhere, tell everyone!
1) Song: Gonna Dance!
2) In today’s story, Jesus tells the disciples to go into all the world to tell people the message about God’s love and telling them about Jesus’ way of living.
Who has told you about Jesus? Can you name three people?
3) Talk to your family!
a. Where’s your favorite place to go?
b. Where’s the furthest place you’ve traveled to?
c. Where in the world would you like to go?
4) Faith in Jesus moves all around the world. Pause the video and go walk around the block with a grownup. Look for three things that you’ve never noticed before!
5) Listen to the Story
6) Make something beautiful! Our church has partners around the world who tell people about Jesus.
a. One is named Worke. She lives in Ethiopia. Pause the video and find Ethiopia on a map or a globe.
b. Our other partners are in Guatemala. Go find Guatemala on a map.
c. Now, take some time to write a letter or a card to our friends in Guatemala, telling them we are praying for them! You can mail the letter into the church office.
7) Song: Psalm 25
To you O Lord I lift up my soul
In you I trust O Lord (x2)
Higher than the mountains, deeper than the sea
Wider than the ocean is your love for me
You’re with me on the mountain, the valley below
You are right here beside me everywhere that I go
8) Song: Be Bold!
End with prayer.
Dear Jesus, you are everywhere, and you invite us to tell others all about you. Help us to spread your love to everyone we meet! Amen.