"The World is Not Worth It (人间不值得)" Xiuxiuman (Cover Huang Shifu)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 ก.ย. 2024
  • #咻咻满 #戏腔 #古风 #翻唱 #xiuxiuman #opera #ancientstyle #cover
    咻咻满斗鱼直播间 www.douyu.com/...
    咻咻满 《人间不值得》(Cover 黄诗扶)
    "The World is Not Worth It" Xiuxiuman (Cover Huang Shifu)
    Lyricist: Chi Yi
    Composer: Huang Shifu
    Arranger: Mzf Xiaomu
    Original singer: Huang Shifu
    渡口爱上深山 薄雪中意晚莲
    The ferry falls in love with the deep mountain, and the thin snow likes the late lotus.
    The setting sun boils red eyes,
    Wanting to wait for the morning bell to chat.
    心上人在梅边柳边 偏不在身边
    The sweetheart is by the plum trees and willows, but not by the side.
    小白蛇浇透临安 许仙却没带伞
    The little white snake drenches Lin'an, but Xu Xian doesn't bring an umbrella.
    少女压坏秋千 书生十年落选
    The maiden breaks the swing, and the scholar fails the selection for ten years.
    命运总是挑挑拣拣 诸事不成全
    Fate always picks and chooses, and everything is not perfect.
    小和尚没化到缘 又路过烧鸭店
    The little monk didn't get the fate, and passed by the roast duck shop again.
    拈杯酒眯着眼 说专心看人间
    Holding a cup of wine and squinting his eyes, saying to focus on watching the world.
    看长安建安与潘安 都想沾一沾
    See Chang'an, Jian'an, and Pan An, all want to touch it.
    神仙掐指算 此去少圆满
    The immortals pinch their fingers and calculate that there will be less perfection on this trip.
    得来失 聚了散 千万莫求全
    Gain and loss, gather and disperse, never ask for perfection.
    借泥炉烧碗饭 在檐上种炊烟
    Borrow an earthen oven to cook a bowl of rice and plant smoke on the eave.
    Regardless of minor cold, major cold, and heart cold,
    All come to warm up.
    好提胆闯人海 再叩风月关
    Have the courage to venture into the crowd, and then knock on the wind and moon pass.
    Going around and around eighty-one difficulties,
    let's see as we go.
    竹马去寻竹马 青梅意兴阑珊
    The bamboo horse goes to look for the bamboo horse, and the green plum is not in the mood.
    Bo Ya breaks his strings.
    Shu Ye just broke off friendship with Shan Juyuan.
    知己半路就散 结发总另结新欢
    A bosom friend breaks up halfway, and the married couple always makes a new love.
    小情侣恰好遇见 喜鹊没来上班
    The little couple happen to meet, but the magpie doesn't come to work.
    长生岂能如愿 古稀尚靠垂怜
    How can one live forever? Even in old age, one still relies on pity.
    老病倒比莺莺燕燕 多陪二十年
    The old man is ill more than the coquettish and charming ladies, and is accompanied for twenty more years.
    小嫦娥偷吃灵药 却反而羡人间
    The little Chang'e steals the elixir, but instead envies the world.
    拈杯酒眯着眼 说专心看人间
    Holding a cup of wine and squinting his eyes, saying to focus on watching the world.
    看长安建安与潘安 都想沾一沾
    See Chang'an, Jian'an, and Pan An, all want to touch it.
    神仙掐指算 此去少圆满
    The immortals pinch their fingers and calculate that there will be less perfection on this trip.
    得来失 聚了散 千万莫求全
    Gain and loss, gather and disperse, never ask for perfection.
    借泥炉烧碗饭 在檐上种炊烟
    Borrow an earthen oven to cook a bowl of rice and plant smoke on the eave.
    Regardless of minor cold, major cold, and heart cold,
    All come to warm up.
    好提胆闯人海 再叩风月关
    Have the courage to venture into the crowd, and then knock on the wind and moon pass.
    兜兜转转八十一难 我们走着看
    Going around and around eighty-one difficulties, let's see as we go.
    人生在世不称意呀 失眠或失恋
    In this life, if you are not satisfied, whether it is insomnia or lovelorn.
    只劝你来把个盏 侃呀么侃大山
    I just advise you to take a cup and chat about whatever.
    喝完大酒撑条船 说今生不靠岸
    After drinking a lot of wine, hold a boat and say that you don't rely on the shore in this life.
    去天涯海角浪个遍 失意当尝鲜
    Go to the ends of the earth and roam around, and take failure as a taste.
    这一路手握剑 身侧有千帆
    Along the way, hold a sword and there are thousands of sails beside you.
    时不时 回头看看 百味是人间
    From time to time, look back, and all kinds of flavors are in the world.
    时不时 也睡个懒觉
    From time to time, also take a lazy nap.
    Wake up and add more meals.

ความคิดเห็น • 12

  • @craigrumbal6811
    @craigrumbal6811 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I confess, I've been listening to this song nearly every day since you released it.
    Love you Miss Xiuxiuman ❤

  • @kwtmyng9044
    @kwtmyng9044 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    ❤👍👏 plus you have a pair of beautiful eyes too !😊

  • @kwtmyng9044
    @kwtmyng9044 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Of course you also have a beautiful singing voice as well !

  • @craigrumbal6811
    @craigrumbal6811 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Mesmerising ❤

  • @elmattjuantfmv1057
    @elmattjuantfmv1057 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    1:33 PURE LOVE

  • @sergiomusmeci8106
    @sergiomusmeci8106 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I listen to you every day! ❤

  • @angelalvarez4307
    @angelalvarez4307 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Un discípulo preguntó a su maestro, el filósofo griego Sócrates, si era bueno casarse. Sócrates respondió que el matrimonio era intrínsecamente bueno. Porque si sale bien, serás feliz. Y si sale mal, te convertirás en filósofo :)

  • @OtomoTenzi
    @OtomoTenzi 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    小慧敏, can you please cover '思念是一種病' by 齊秦?

  • @何磊-t9z
    @何磊-t9z 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3


  • @awinchingzieng
    @awinchingzieng 9 หลายเดือนก่อน
