I really value Dr. Sludge and Mr. Pipe's insight on their experience in the game industry. Also Sparedevil looks sick as hell. I love the design of the pin enemies they perfectly captured their sort of smarmy, condescending smiles that would pop up if you bowled poorly in the alley. Today's episode is rated five out of five ditches: VVVVV/VVVVV
I really value Dr. Sludge and Mr. Pipe's insight on their experience in the game industry. Also Sparedevil looks sick as hell. I love the design of the pin enemies they perfectly captured their sort of smarmy, condescending smiles that would pop up if you bowled poorly in the alley. Today's episode is rated five out of five ditches: VVVVV/VVVVV
yeah... this one's getting a "pin"
Glad to see that this game has controller support and ultra-wide support. ^_^
it's the most fun you can possibly have in any bowling related environment
take the sparepill