11 13 17 19 are prime numbers close together 191 193 197 199 are also prime numbers close together I wonder about the 4 numbers below 41446211 41446213 41446217 41446219 These 4 numbers numbers are also close together and probably are also prime numbers
I fully agree after I watched the astrophysicist guy there terror Terrence Howard right apart lol that sort of gave me the impression Terrence Howard didn't really know what he was talking about but it made sense at the same time now that I watch this video I fully see what Terrence I was saying That's the thing about the universe it comes in massive quantities or combinations that we don't have the capabilities of understanding it's beyond our realm but we can learn from each other
So excited to watch after the ad
Art nouveau is my favorite art style, it uses spirals and organic lines, it’s perfect sense it represents nature
The repetition is good.
It's how things stick and get past the noise that shortens the attention span. And it's very soothing and calming.
Our whole universe is one big Fibonacci spiral that is constantly pushing outwards
I have been seeing a spiral alot since the beginning of this year
This is why Terrance Howard said 1+1=2 talking about the balance in the universe.
Wow… love this.
Swing on the spiral.
Tool reference love tou
@@Santiego789🌀 ❤️
@@Ninjabob568 whats your fav tool song dude?🌸🌯
@@Santiego789 most definitely lateralus. However right in two, vicarious and pneuma are amazing. Can't really go wrong lol. 😅
11 13 17 19 are prime numbers close together
191 193 197 199 are also prime numbers close together
I wonder about the 4 numbers below
These 4 numbers numbers are also close together and probably are also prime numbers
there is a repetitive pattern in the Fibonacci sequence it's very similar to the 124875 sequence
I fully agree after I watched the astrophysicist guy there terror Terrence Howard right apart lol that sort of gave me the impression Terrence Howard didn't really know what he was talking about but it made sense at the same time now that I watch this video I fully see what Terrence I was saying That's the thing about the universe it comes in massive quantities or combinations that we don't have the capabilities of understanding it's beyond our realm but we can learn from each other
Basically repeats the same stuff after the first two minutes.
And it was as many things really discovered by hindus or sanatanis in india 🇮🇳 👈 .the truth will set you free😂
Absolutely! It was first mentioned by Pingala