Hearthstone: Kolento is back to control paladin
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
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Also make sure to like the video and spread the word about it, it really does help a lot!
Kolento's deck list:
Video editor: "Heartless"
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I enjoy you talking through your thought process. Always helps to see another persons perspective. Keep at it. GJ
R.I.P Érico - TheOneGames.
"When you kill murlocs with pyro equality, they die." -Kolento
Great man quotes
I love watching HS when you are playing
#Érigod forever-TheOneGames
He's back, the man, behind the mask
Control + Kolento = Good times.
20:20 doomsayer steed LUL
#Riptheonegames. :(
Salt in the end, never dying trend.
D: no Arthas!
Is Corpsetaker not worth in this deck?
?? Can't see the deck list or code link please
when you played the piromancer why you dont play firts equality and then coin ?
Divid shield
ghostdragondhd because pyro would have died if you equality first lul
No black guard ?
Make that control priest.
скучаю по этому добряку
Replacement for lightlord??
Goldshire footman
I hope people get the reference :)
Out of my jungleeeeeeee
I have no times for (WILD) GAMES
Herbert Lucas do you like to play with basic cards? I like it
Utheerrrrr utttherrrrrr your opponent left : D
Kolento youtube ver 1992
Last 3 video uploads have ended with defeat to priest...
"I just outheal priest"
Nope :D xD lul
A careca ta em estagio avançado kk
No gheist?
gheist is a bad tech card......
Gui maybe, but u need to win the druid matchup
No LK? :(
This deck dont beat jade do it?
it probably has 0% winrate against jade without geist...
With Geist it's favoured, except, if your geist is at the bottom your deck, but without Geist probably not.
D plus P is pretty bad - Kolento 2k17
Please play then the new bubble pala
Aquele br q vc respeita
Rodrigo Martins ahshahshahsh br em todo lugar
That deck tracker is cancer
Are you here to watch him play, or watch a decktracker/list ?
It's not really a deck tracker, it's a jpg that kolento added to the stream layout so we can see the deck list
I wonder how he plays against jades. But guess what he doesn't meet deck which is 80%ladder.
Probaly next tier 1 with hunter face after the nerfs
D plus P is really bad. KappaPride
I almost fell asleep watching this video. Holy shit control sucks.
Por qué Kolento se enfada tanto cuando pierde? Me parece que es un muy mal perdedor.
Benjamín López H. Se enoja por lo ambicioso que era ese jugador... Tenia muchisimo greed en el mazo = muy poco win rate contra todos los mazos excepto control. Tenes que ser muy novato para no darte cuenta de eso...
nerf prist !
This deck tracker is not very good Kolento, it's unclear.
I dislike when you post loses Kolento. I know you are just showing the real ups and downs of certain decks but I like to watch your youtube videos to watch you WIN.
- I like the suspense of "will he win, will he lose?" So occasionally he has to post loses, or there's no suspense.
Jon Harwood I'm the opposite. Just wins is boring. Not knowing if it's a win or lose keeps me on my toes.
Bad deck simple